to-Day's Weather ' faffed3! A sever gale from the southwest pit Tailed all day yesterday, with . a heavy storm, and thunder and lightning la the morning. The temperature extremes were 5481 degrees, rainfall M Inches. THE JOURNAL; New Bern, N. C, March. 1, 1908. Index to New Advertisements. J. B. Dawson Candles. Thos. F. McCarthy Administrator's Notice. v Simmons & Hollowell Oo Patterns. Business Locals. FANCY FRUIT Oranges, Apples, Ba nanas and Lemons. Fresh Candies Peannt Brittle, Cream and Chocolate Cocoanut, Molasses Kisses. Chocolate Candy. 20c and 85c. per pound. Give me a call. James B. Dawson, 108 Mid dle St. Phone 209. OFFICE For Rent Famished or anfar nlshed. Address P. 0. Box 464. HOUSE forirent, seven rooms with all modcn conveniences. Call "on H. B. Holland 83 Craven street. CALL on S. A. Edwards the shoemaker he Is prepared to do first class work In any desired style on boots and shoes. For the next 30 days I'll pnt on rubber heels for 40 cents per pair, I'll half sole shoes with the best white oak, direct from tannery at the same old price.nalled 40, sewed 65 cents, ladies half sole 80 cents per pair. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whltkey lsfthe best. Middle street. Guilford Lewis, 1902. Samples of the CELEBRATED ALFRED PEATS WALL PAPER sent to your house or may be seen at Daw son's Confectionery. It will cost you nothing to see these samples and have estimates on one room or your whole house. PHONE 809. See R. . Blalock For all kinds of PAINTING, DEC ORATING and VARNISHING. Fine work a specialty. Picture Frame Establishment, 39 Craven Street. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention Is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be filled. The finest Western Beer and lamb ever seen in New Bern will be on sale at Oaks Market today. i Cigars at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy has ex clusive agency in this city for the popu lar "Theo" cigars, Besides this brand there are other well known brands. Buy your cigars at Davis'. Watches. We have purchased a large stock of 14 karat watches, small ladles, and medium gents sizes, heavy gold cases, and made by our best manufacturer, handsomely engraved and plain, the deelgni are the very latest. We sell them M cheap as a good filled case cost you. Ton are in vited to call and see them. J. O. BAXTER, Jb., Leading Jeweler. ' DIME CATARRH SNUFF loosens up the tenacious viscid mucus in nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headache due to cold con gestion in the front of head. The cost Is only 10 cents and the benefit arising from Its use is worth dollar health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. DR. SHOOfS FREVBHTICS. The great cold cure, are sold and guar anteed by Bradham's Pharmacy. . If yon bring the empty box back; and you are not satisfied with Prerentlos we will re turn your 86 cent. . Ton must have them on hand if you expect to prevent colds; and prevention I better than cor Preventlo cure colds, u well a prevent them. , nil m '".'' Hot Chocolate, and Hot Coffee aod Sandwiches at McSorley1. V .;, t ; mj-ra..! uaaiiu ,i h Does not effect . the w ItJdIfferciit ifrotnJotheJf,' Headache RmecUefc flf SOLD BY ALL DUL'COISTS. AROUND AND ABOUT. , Mrs. Brlok, who was Injured Thurs day while out driving, was reported as getting along very well, yesterday.. . Mullets and "cats" were the largest Ash arrivals to the local maiket, yester day. More shad are coming In each day.-: ' The Masquerade Skating Carnival at the Planters last sight, was greatly en Joyed, and some very good costumes were presented. -' , Cspt. T. Q. Dixon has) launched his new tug and freight steamer, which has been built in this city. The machinery will be at oace put In and the boat -put into terviee. The law office of Messrs. Simmons & Ward, and R. A. Nairn, are being mov ed Into their new and commodious quar ters over the Western Union Telegraph Company on South Front street. The wedding of Miss Ella Foster and Henry G. Wunsch took place this even ing at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster, In Henrico county. Mr. Wunsch is engaged in bus Inesa in New Bern, N. C, where the ouple will make their future home Virginian-Pilot, 27th. The whole State will rejoice that Judge Bryan's health has Improved. He held Vance court this week, and, while not yet strong, his strength Increases daily. He Is an old fashioned North Carolina judge honest, dignified, Impar tlal, learned in the law. May he long grace the bench of his native Btate I News-Observer, 88th. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr E W. Rosenthal returned home last nlcht. Mr, J. P. Brogden, of Trenton was In the city yesterday. Mr. O. H. Oulon returned last night from a business trip to Raleigh. 1 Miss Mamie Hay returned last night from a few days visit at Klnston. Mr. C. E. Taylor, the Journal's cor respondent at Bachelor, Is a visitor In the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. A Smith have r tnrned from a visit at the Charleston Exposition. Mrs. Edward Hall Plammer, of Te tersburg, Vs., is In the city, visiting at Mr. Joseph Green's. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough and Measles Congh without fall. Best for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia, Con sumption and Lung Affections. Quick, sure results. Price, 25c Two Fires, Yesterday. There were two fires, yesterday; fortu nately both of them small ones, so that they were extinguished before they could get well started, which would have proven a serious matter, a a gale of wind was blowing. The first lire was on Cedar street, and Is said to be of suspicious origin. -The second fire, or alarm, was caused by a fire on Middle street in the frame building next to Scott's stables. The cause of It is attributed to a lamp explo sion or defective floe. It had been put out before the department reached the house. The Best Prescription for Halarla. Chill and Fever is a bottle of G nova's Tasteless Chill Tohio. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c Tuesday Night at Opera House. Alden Benedict's "Pablo Roman!" will be presented at the Masonic Opera House March 4th. That which hat pleased long, and pleased many, must posses some merit. Alden Benedict's play of "Fabio Roman!-' has been oontln nally travelling for the past eleven years uninterrupted and Mutinously. - With the exception of "Uncle Tod' Cabin," it ha played to more money and more people than any other play ever written, and "Unole Tom' Cabin" ha never con tinned on the road tor eleven year un der one management There is only one explanation and that is, that it pos esses merit of a very high order. The lover of the grand, the terrible, the pas donate, the weird and uncanny are fully gratified in witnessing this production of Marie Corelll' novel "The Ven detta." ' ; Headache often result from a dlso r dared condition of the stomach and con stipation of the bowels. A dot or two of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablet will correct these disorder and cure the headache. Sold by F. H. Duffy A Co. . EOT SODA. All the popular flavor Beef Tea Beef Bouillon, Clam Bouillon, Tomato Bouillon (made from beef, tomatoes and celery). . Chocolate and all the toda fla vor Lemon, Orange, Cfierry, Grape and Coca-Cola your choice for 6 cent and a hot a you can drink It ! At Bradham's Fountain. " , ; Tenney'a Candy at Darls'. The tola agency for Tenney't candy ha been ' scoured here by Davie Pre scription Pharmacy. K fresh assortment oftb candy ha Just been received. Chocolate and . Bon Bon 80 cent per pound, Fruit Tablet and Peanut FriMe each 10 cents per box, Muffed Date 6c per box. Assorted Mints 25c. per box, Buy Tenney's at D ivis'. . . j ; .. A; 1 r!;J,;'.AtDaW.-;,;;v',: ( Jordan's Cough Balsam, made accord ing to formula of late Col. Jordan, I on ale at Davis. Prescription Pharmacy. Thl Cough Balsam has always been found very efflcaclous, and it doe not contain any harmful drug?. It is espeo iUy good for children. Price 80 cent BIG FIRE AT TRENTON,,, j S. Barker's Gin, Grist and Saw Mill, and - ; Warehouse Destroyed, jotal " Loss, , Mr. J. P. Brogden, of Trenton, Jones eounty, who was In the city, yesterday, aid that the Are at Trenton was discov ered about 4 a. m. Wednesday, but it hsd gotten under suoh headway, that it oould not be extinguished. The fire Is supposed to have started from the furnace In the saw mill. " :, The property destroyed all belonged to Mr. 8. Barker, and consisted of three cotton gins, a grist mill, saw mill, and warehouse containing cotton and guano. The property burned is a total loss, there being no insurance npon it. For lie Complexion. The complexion always suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the Impurities from the body appear in the form of un sightly eruptions. De Witl'e Little Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and remove the cause of such troubles. O. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga., says, ' I took DeWItt's Lit tle Early Risers for biliousness. They were just what I needed. I am feeling better now than lo years." Never gripe or distress. Safe thorough aod gentle. The very best pills. F. S. Duffy. Walnut Taffy and Walnut Buttercups at McSorley's. THE MARKETS. The following quotations wore receiv ed by J. E. Latham & Co, New Bern N. O. New V'okk, Feb. 88. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close March 8.58 8.7J 8X8 8.78 May 844 8 54 8 44 8 54 July 8.44 8.54 8.44 8.54 Aug 8 30 8.81) 8.30 8 80 Oct 7.91 8 00 7 91 8.00 Uhlcago, Feb. 23 Wheat: Open Ulgu. Low. (.Hose May 76 76 7Ct 76 t July 74 77 Conn: Open. High. Low. Close May 81 02 614 01J Ribs: Open. High. Low. Close May 810 840 t.lTrMl Bpots 4.81-33 Sales 7,000 bales. Futures, Feb-Mch 4.30. Apr-May 4.SG May-June 187. os May 653 R;i) New York. Feb. 88 Stocks; Opon. High. Low. Close Btfgar 129) 12? Con. T So Ry 82J 8?t u.aL. U. 8. 8 43 491 Tex Pec A. O.F Mo. P. 100 " 99 J Va.C.0 AtcbUon 75 75 1 Copper U. 8. 8., PrefM. 95 95 PORT RECEIPT. Same week last year. 131,000 18000 87000 82000 19000 7 14000 81000 Last week 157,000 This week. 8at 80000 Mon. 84000 Toe. 85000 Weil. 85000 Inurs. 16000 88000 156,000- 181,000 Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis. other throat and lung trouble are quick ly cured by One Minute Cough Cu.e. One Minute Cough Cure i not a mere xpevtorant, which give only temporary relief. It soften and liquid the mu cous, draw out the inflammation and r move the cause of the disease. Abso lutely safe. Aots at once. "One Min ute Cough Cur will do air that 1 oUlmed for. it," says Justice of the Peace J. Q. Hood, (Crosby, Mis. "My wlft oould not get her breath and was relieved by the tint dose. It bu been a benefit to all my family." F.S.Duffy. Administrators Not ice Having this davuuallfled a the Ad ministrator of the estate of Mary Bank, deceased. "This I to notify all f tenons indebted to said estate to make mmedlat payment and all person hav ing claim against said estate to present the same to the undersigned duly veri fied on or before the 88th day of Febru ary 10 I, or thl notice will be plead In bar of recovery, r... w ,. ,. 'i niS SHtn aay OI Feb. ltws. . THOS. F. MoCARTH TV . - Administrator. ; ffotiol Dyspepsia Cure uifjMta wbat you wb.v. '.' ' That Ught Cough, v 4 and as far as that It concerned an v T Z eoughoreold, could be relieved X ana eurea wttn uueuky Ol.Yt Kill MS. it is an entirely reliable congh syrup which baa had an e normous sale during the but few f years.' It seems to give better sat Isfaetlou tliaa nv other like Dron armtlon that we oould get hold of. x One thing we know we had mth I or recommend It to our customers T titan any other we have In out store. It t safe to give to rlilld rn. ' Fold onlv at HARflhCT rt PHARMACY, Cor. Broad ft Fleot I Streets.. - vtvvHmvMtUIII)t; '.'V- Resolutions. , , Whereas. It has pleased Almighty Cod in HI infinite wisdom to remove front our' midst our beloved brother, Thomas O. Battle,1 who departed this V fe February tst 1908. ' Whereas. He was a worthy member of Acme Lodge Ho. J. K.. of P. of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, and filled all the duties assigned him faith fully and conscientiously and being highly esteemed by all who knew him, and . . -: -? . Whereas. He was looked upon as one of the .oldest and best citizens of New Bern, N. O. Be It Resolved. That he leaves a vacancy in our heart that can not be filled. x We moan'with the bereaved funlly their loss, but hia and Heaven's eternal gain. Resolved further. That a copy of these resolutions be recorded in the books of this Lodge, a copy sent to the bereaved family, also the same to be published In the New Bern Dally Journal and In the organ of the order. "Pythias and Calanthe." R. R, Green, A. P. David, W. Qno. Avakt. Committee. Salvation Oil the Best Liniment Price,. 15 cts; large bottle 85 cts. Great est cure on earth for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Soreness, Sprains, Backache Stiffness, Cuts, Bruises, Wounds, Swell ings, Burns and Frost.Bltoa. 8a' vat Ion Oil kills all pain. Western Pork Loin at Oaks Mar ket. Tuesday, March 4, 14th YEAR Of AIDEN BENEDICT'S Fabio Romania A Romantic Melodrama of Surpassing Excellence. Greatest of Stage and Hcenic KITects, as originally presontcd in New York City. EXTRA ATTRACTION! MISS OLLIE COOK IN HER FAMOUS BURPENTINE, FIRE and 8TEREOPTICON DANCES. General Admission 75 cents. Seats can be reserved Tuesday morning with out extra cliarge. Gallery 85 cents. o)npnnnnj Having secured the agency for the Banner Patterns, to introduce them in this community we 'will furnish FREE a pattern tor any garment the material to be pur chased at our store and to cost 15c or more per yard. This is a great opportunity I and no doubt will be appreciated I ;,by our patrons. The Banner Patterns are strict- ly flri class in every respect and : : guaranteed to be as good as the : i r best and at half regular price. BANNER PATTERNS IOc AND 15c EACH. 67 Pollock; Strfct. -; 1 LESS WORRY. - ; Children will play and get ova-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In dowm of ways, and you can't prevent It. All you can do is to keep them as free from exposure a possible and al ways have in the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended , npon. Anway'i Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It is guaranteed to cure Cough, . Cold and Croup or the price 88 cent will b refunded by any dealer selling It. Bold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham's Pharmacy. NOTICE ! E.C.D.8 O.D.Line. We will not have any steamer sailing from New Born on Saturday March 1st GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. HARVEY HOUSE REOPENED And Newly Furnished. Board with rooms, by week or month. Terms reas onable. Apply to MRS. JANIE BERRY, 8outh Front 'Street We have a number oi Umbrellas left over from the holidays which we will'sell at a reduction. Ivory, Pearl, and Silver Handles. Fine En graving tree oi charge on all articles sold. EATON, The Leading JeYveler. Got that Chicago Typewriter Yet ? t IF NOT, WHY NOT? Tlie Machine is All Right. The Price is All Right. The Guarantee is All Kiglit. 6. H. Ennett. - .... Unas tbrtj i yiMow o Our Entire Line of $1.00 Stiff Bos om Shirts now MARKED DOWN to 75 c Only a tew on hand, so call at once, ! I. G. DDI & CO, ; Men's & Boy's Wear, q 57 olloclr Street- IcMineral and Table II Waters I 1 11 ll 1 n DUFFY'S PHARMACY, Cor. Middle jT'.t vui, wiuuir The Dressy Men Know the Intrinsic Value of a Suit of Clothes. Some learn the (ruth hy experience, some by hensav, but, they all catch on. We are catering to the Popular Sentiment this spring. We have added to our Clothing Department a line of fcnmpli' frmn one of the largest tailoring houses in the coui try. You make your selection, we lake your mcnsinc mid g.innintiv win Price, lit and Quality. We have on display this week in our Pollock street store I Lis up-to-date line of samples. ItcoU you nothing lo Un: at tin i-e hample and but little to buy. We invite your inspection and will be pleasod to show von. SMITH'S -i L. G. DANIELS, -DEALER IK- Horses Mules. FEED AND EXCHANGE STABLES. 42 AND 11 I HAVSN STIIBf.T, 0PP0SITC HTUAN SUPPLY CO NEW llEKIV, N. C Winter Goods . At Summer Trices. We have a good line of Coal and TTckxI Heat ing Stove that you will find cheaper than elsewhere. We don't want to carry tlieui over! If yours is not all right now is the time to Imy. Our Stock of General Hardware 1 ( ouiplet Sash, Doora and Blinds, Paiiita, Oil and Yaniifh, (Jul, I and Silv. r En amel, Lime, Piaster, Cement, and Building ilaUi ial for u inislml job. - Lowest Trices. Goods Guaranteed. PHONE J UI. von Horses, Mules. : ; Buggies, . Farm Wheels 'HarnessWxiMM WVE ME A TIIIAI THOSJ. Nevei.iS t a, and Malts, Harris' Li this, Buffalo Lithia, l?euufort Lithia in Siphons, Carbonated, Appollinaris, Vade Mecnni, lied RavfU Split, Oarabanna, Hunyada Janos, Hoff's Malt, Hoff Malt with Iron, Malt Nutriae, Crown Malt, Olimpian Malt. Pahst'i "Best Tonic," Beaufort Ginger Ala. A . Vront Ui. u jna-uaia i.n. tUlU' St. Gaskill Hardware Co. 78 Hitsu Bt NEW BXKN. N. O c EIITGHELt.

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