"CM A L- w ?shwinore plainly than a brunettes, ; but these discolored spots "greatly mar v the beauty of either. '' l ; , ; . 4 will effectually remove Freckles; Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness Sallowness and all other bkm bhes to beauty. itisaliqu:d for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price' 75 cts. II riiiiriiinnniiiinnmmninnnnnmim A CUCEllUFE m . to invest on the ground floor with owners. In developed free milling , gold mine that has produced, and has expended on It Fifty Thousand Dollars jT - - In development on the ledge and a complete five stamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready to ma. The Ozark is not a prospect, but a mine that has produced. We are : placing 100,000 shares of development stock at 25c per share, capita) stock 1,000,000 shares (par value f 1.00 each), fully paid end non-assessable, to further develop and pot the property on s paying basis. '.. : .' A. property lying near the Ozark, with nowhere as good n showing and very little development, seld last week to a New York syndicate for 300,000. The snrk will pay dividends and be worth par Inside ol: six months. 1 his is the best Investment for the money that has ever been offered to the Investing pnblle. Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. For further particulars, prospectus, report on mine, references, etc, -ADDRESS, c , : . , - Ozark Gold Mirdr Q MiBig Co., iwwnnasiBiBiBiBinBnBi enrmrrrrwwrw Limmimaiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -tare i Merchiiots Agfultarall BANK. Capital, Ssrplu and Profits $88,850.e :, APRIL 30th jieei.j What We Hv Done, Do; and Will ConUnoetobo. : '"s 7011 Bank Bnct hnslness spoa "no-to-now methods. . it is our purpose to deal justly -aad liberally ly wua all. . ' jiW onrf customers, Moreover,we fre B 4aentll 00 "nknown to them; as op ' POftunltlee often noma to ns In eonfiden- i . tll ways, and yen cannot over-eppeoUte , . '"X " such consideration.' ' T "l We are not disposed to overlook : the , . tsot thst the interests of the Bank and lhoe of Lh peopl art oloaelf bound to . 5 ,' gather, and cannot by -. -separated. ? V,.- : This, Bank adU an-i mar Beaut or . .TkU Ra-iV fcrttm enral nautM. lu . asni anse aweea) enn en tvyvw HUI J AVI : Wills, and safely keeps them till the y wiiii, no saieiy aeepe I i proper time of sorrender. V as the custodian of money c ; V. -Hk ns In escrow.-: Ho chi wiu aiso set or papers left charge for these '.::;fr''-''servlces.; tv- : .':.rs 7---.- t'j..;:.- . vWe p rocurs Letters of Credit Cor in- ' - tending travellera. . ' .i-: i "' .. ' ,;. We aim to be prompt, progreeelve and --,".JlheTsl.: ; . . - : ? W v 'C-' ' In the matter of accommodatloaa, this ',.." Bank meets every lequlrsment within , "i -W WW limits of prodent banking. " r ' t : , V ,.lf yon have never been Identified With jr lie as a patron, we ask yon to eonslder -fTlbeadvliabilltyef beeomtng one. In the early future, w propose adding i-i' novel, y-t substantial Havings Bssk feature to oar already progressive la ;" etltutlon.,' ' w im ! I have on hand: ; .' , ( 8ereral 8ooond-band r nggiee irhloh ; j : are Bargains, j . S Log Carriage and Tackle. '' ; Dray and Ilarneaa. , -: ; - ' ,. ' I will nill yery low for cash or ;'.''on time. " i :' -. - '. ' . ITre S7il7AR7 i " r1 1 1 If,ef(' "il stop s wwwwwwwmwwemwwwwwn- Impl Bpangler Uaano Bowers. 1 Band Guane Sowers. One and Two Horse Team Plows. :; , OoDars, Eamesa, Single Trees. ; ; Cwv ises, Baek Bands, Plow Lines. x And everything yon need in the Im plement Line. : vWjViiX- 'Tenri truly, V j, J. C. Whitty 11 t Oor.flo rionl 4 Craven St. ArtidpdedEnjoymerd always realised when yon ride In. Water's carrlaKe,whether surrey, buppy, trap or runabout Their style is fault- leu, their construction perfect They are roomy and comfortable, give ease in running and are alike grateful to horse and rider. Remember we are showing the best buggy ever seen for the l't possible money, also the largest stock of au kinus ol parte to select from. . . . Phone' 133, ., - 78 Broad Et, Ktw Bcbi, N. 0, Every C. -J tueie Is mom y lo.ntby t!io,o who go eltiewliors for wliiittliy n-qmie. Tt-y l-.e t'-'ie and - tlcuce to, f-r I (ill H bf Cora Lnr Don't li-l Olt, After all that has been said and m'.t ten about the corn not filling well on the cob the past season I have not sees ithe real cause given even by our ablest writers.:. The; have given as the cause that the tassels were burned and killed 'by the great heat before the pollen 'ripened. , By careful examination we found plenty; of pollen even In the worst tassel killed fields. 2 ; The real cause Of damage waaihe scorching Of the silks. It should be un derstood that every grain has a el(k) et each silk la a hollow, tube catch the pollen and carrying It up to the cob, forming a grain. The outer, silks on the end extend back and form ithe grains at the butt of the ear and, being on the outer side, were more exposed to heat than the Inner and shorter ones which form grains at the small endf the ear and hence were more damaged, causing in a great degree more damage to the butt than the nib of the ear. It has been, proved by experiment, that-a greater yield can be obtained If the tas sel Is removed from every Other row before the ripening of the pollen. - It Is known that nature le very generous In her ways and that one tassel will pol lenlae every stalk'tor many yards. Jacob laving la Breeder's Qasette. h StarHne Fluta TJmde ainsnj It may seem expensive to start plants under glass, yet many seasons it la the cheapest method. By this plan .we are better ablo to fight the Insects; also we can protect the plants during an unex pected cold wave. Perhaps pieces of inverted Sod are as good material, as any for the beginner. Cut it in blocks from three to" four Inches square. Whether to use any manure in the bed depends upon the season, ...The more manure is used thegreater caution most be exercised in ventilation. - Last 'year we started a few lima beans In sod. -.i They did very well. We never started tomatoes In sod. They, can be readily transplanted 'without receiving much check. Tears ago some of our gardeners used to-start their real early tomatoes in sod. Transplant ing a few1 times from one bed to an other Is perhaps as advantageous as a piece of sod. Whatever plants we start under gian the final result will be a failure unless we perfectly harden the plaqts before setting them out In the open field. A. Bhlrer in National Stock man and Farmer. . "V , , ' , M ul Bat Stock. As we read In the stock market re ports of sales of high grade steers sell ing at almost $T per hundredweight we wonder how those poor fellows feel who sell at S&Q0 or less. We know how we should feet if we had an orchard that , bore only cider apples-worth. 25 cents a barrel, while our neighbor was selling his fruit at 13 and 4. We should .want to grub out those worth less trees and set on orchard of better varieties if we could not do better by top grafting the old trees. If we had a lot of scrub stock that, we had to ao cept half prices for, we would either sell the lot and buy better or we should select the best of them and grade np by putting a pure bred male and keep grading up until we bad lost the count of the percentage of impurity in the blood. We think we should lose sight of it in the herd before we got beyond our knowledge of. fractions American CnItivator.:,i-....,;,vc Disposal 61 Caves Anlsaali Unnecessary loss is often caused by the method s which farmers dispose of carcasses of animals dying from un known causes. Where death occurs in the winter the common practice Is to draw the carcass to a back lot or to the woods, at a distance from the house, and leave it onburled.' Crows, hawks, skunks, foxes and dogs have a feast and leave nothing but the bones. In case the animal died of a contagious disease this may be the cause of later widespread trouble through the neigh borhood, the germs being carried by the dogs and animals which ate the carcass. . When It cannot be burled deeply, the body should be burned by -placing It on a pile of wood or brush and saturating welt with coal oil be fore applying a matcn. ,- - Alfalfa succeeds as far north as Can ada. ; It grows well some years in Da kota, though occasional winters kill it out there, . Occasionally a very dense and heavy snow may kill It Occasion ally an open winter may kill it in the far north, yet it Is more hardy than red clover.' Beed Is saved from the sec ond or third cutting usually and thrashed with an ordinary thrasher, (The hnv ta a Httla more easily cured -than red clover, but must be raked be fore It has lost Its toughness or the leaves will shatter and be lost.v V( 1 It Is estimated that from 80 to 40 per cent of the winter wheat crop of 1001 Is stni In, the bands of the men who 'raised It In the Kansas wheat belt These men are now talking "dollar wheat" and aeera determined to bold their grain for that or at least a high er figure than la at present being offer ed them, though that figure Is higher jthan It has been for years In tbat re gion. Many of the mills are running on short tluie owing to tbetr Inability to get wheat enough to put In full time on. V-' ' . - . '. " Hill eitrSl-4 TM. , Sometimes rabbits make bad work girdling trees In young orchards. Many ;treos thus injured can be saved by opening a six Inch tile k-nptliwlHC, plac ing It around the trunk of tbe tree. Se cure It with a wire at the top and bot tom and fill It with molHt earth. The following autumn the dnmaged bnrk will usually be healed. F. O. Blbley In American Agriculturist A Cool Ccc;!i I': :nc for ct: rca 'I b- no Hunry : " (- ' - 'Vs C t . 't I . . . , a is ; -;ir ; 1 3 l I l It t ) , r t, ., " I v ' 'i 1 1 r ! ' ' , ' lil ! i f ' ' . H In recomnif n i I: '? tktt V as 1ei.t. ' t II marrtege gen'lce perfoimcd a -ays ago in a little country church agiand, iwhen the minister said in solemn tone, "Wilt thou have this &an-to.'be thy wedded husband?" ln Bteatl jt,the .woman answering for her self trgruff man's voice answered: :; ; Oi -cwlH.' . . (The; minister looked up, very much perplexed, and paused. He repeated the sentence, and again the same gruff . yolce answered: -:.y'fy:y' OI'irtlL' -.?;.!; V-yiSy 'Again the minister looked up, siir- prlaed, not knowing what to make of it, when one of the groomsmen at the sad. of the row saldiiii-sPifesSri "Er be deaf. Oi be answerln for VnVPearson's W,eekly,:i;;L 'vVS;! O 01n Xtmf'StW There are a number of societies in the world that bear strange namest but probably one of the most curious ims a club founded In 1735 by an Eng lish actor. It was called the Sublime Society of Beef steaks and had among its members the Prince of Wales and Mher royal rrsonagat'They met in the painting room of the Covent Gar den theater and dined upon beefsteaks. The' club' 'was in existence for.- more than': hundred ; years and' became quite noted because . of Its odd cus toms. Another strange name was that Df the Bcrlblerus. dob, which Swift founded in 17U and to which Pope, Gay and other literary men belonged.'. - AS She WnU' Bm . ; ; ; A gentleman to Paris paid a visit to a lady. In whose parlor be saw -a por trait of a lovely woman of, say, five and twenty. Upon the entrance of the lady her visitor naturally asked her IX the picture was a family portrait and Was told. that it repreeented her de ceased daughter. "Is itiong since you lost herT' asked the gentleman.' !'Ali sir," replied the lady, "she died Just after her birth, and I had a portrait palnted'to represent her. as she would have appeared if she had uvea until nowf - Deauty Triumphs, ;' .1 fWoeeea Tt -.No woman oblccte to bring bMintlful, Saautr is woman's charm, Jor, prld and trenuth. The world baa always pattad and Idorad baautlfnt women. A pretty woraaa reads raatertritv for rear of losing this pow ar and tnflaencs OTr men. What can be done to parpetuata the race and keep women baautltnll Thera la a balm unlvanally nd oy cultured ana uncultured women eriala. HDabaada will do wall In lava the thla remedy in order to naaaura their on the point of eiue With which children can do norn ana su and SU beauty of form and Sgnni retaiaed. Mother s Friend le the ebirpte name brwhlchthlstnnlnabla remedy la known. It will diminish all pain allied to irKSjMrnood. . Uied throughout pretnaner It wiU dispel mornlna aicknaaa, cure eoro breasta, make elastic all tendons and Sbraaealled upon to hold in position the ex pan dine burden. Muscles soften under its soothing tn'uenoeand the patient anticipates fajorabbji faa saws, ts the comfort that Mothtur"s rilead It a liniment lor ex tsraal application. Women's own pretty angers rub It gently on tbe parta so severely axad, sod It Is Instantly absorbed sad sa ubrlcatea the pert. : Your arug K fnr SI per bottla. Yots assy haya oar book "Mothethood" THE BRADFIELD RE0ULAT0R CO. - ATLANTA, OA.i v -V. , '-7-. Hotlcc of Sclznre.- - Collsotob's Ornci . r . 1 Fotjuth Dwr, lUuaen) N.O. f Notice It hereby gives of the ssisnrs by a M Babbitt, Deputy Collector of In- terse! Revenue, of the following prop erty snderBeotlon M50 at New Bern, K. 0 on the 4th day of March, Ons tall boat about 85 feet long, V fee wiae, wnn ons sail ana oars. -..v. , ; .Parties claiming above property mast file their claim In this office within the next SO days or it : win be . forfeited, to the United Stales. -?M-,vav-V ,r.i. This March 7th, 1003, .'V- ' '-Y.'y' ;' ' 6. Dusosb,: ; Collector fotirth Diet, H, 0. By C M, Babbitt, Deputy Collector, tta Division, FoarthOUt SiMil! Having seeored the services of ex perienced parties, I. am prepared on short notice to eiecrjte Vsrm, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Street and Roads laid oat and leveled. Draughting In all Its branches. - Blue and black prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topographical surveying and plotting. Drawings and wokrlng plsns executed promptly. Be ersge snd drains? e planned, laid Out and construction gupei in tended. J Js a - 1 I I . e w al ITeiT irrrn, II. C. If M. roii, t Mtthifir, Of J? J -iN.ir. c. i r 1 tmlivl- - 'V fi . - -... -J -. aJ -J Waa mmrrmm rmmm f. w mm '. y M Km t,' ' Wt'aiiltU "s- Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood Poison and Consumption.- The parent who is tainted by cither wQl see in the . ; i , i, . ' cima uiesuDB oisesse manifesting itself in the form of swollen glands of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak eyes, offensive sores ana aoecesses ana of tentimes white swell ing sure signs of Scrofula, ..There mav benoexternalsiamsfor , a tons; time, for the disease deveh in some cases, but the tntmn blood and will break out at the first favor able opportunity. 8. 8. 8. cures this wast. g, aescrucuve atsease by first purifying id building' no the blood and stimtilatina na uvigoraang me wnoie system. . J. M. Basis, itj Public Squire, Nsaltne.Teira- ITfll Tnttl,maibn1ilA.f.ll.iiilMil bcr forehead. Prom this wound tbe glands on the sidcol hsr fa benmsswollcn and bunted. Borne of lh bnt doctors hcra snd etaewhera tUndcd her without any benefit. We decided to try 8. S. a, sod a few bottle) cared her en- makes new and- pure mooa to nounsn ana strengthen tlie body, end is a positive and safe cure for Scrofula. It overcomes all forma of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, -and no remedy '' so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. - If vou have anv blood trouble, or your child has inherited some blood taint, take S. 8. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent we disease aoing runner aatnage - Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. ' We make no charge whatever for medical advice. THI SWIFT SPECIFI0 CO ATUSTt, 0. 127 Middle St. Columbian Insecticide, Feterman Roaeh Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bogs, etc. Also Bromo Goradme The '.disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. We keep on hand a complete stock c riedtclnes, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth" Brushes, &c. rbvsioians' Prescriptions a specuvlt South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, S. C, Dec ist, 1901 June 1st, 19OZ On account of the above occasion the Southern Railway will sell ronnd trip tickets to Charleston, B. C. sod return at greatly reduced rates from all stations. Fsres from principal points as shown below and comparatively low rates from sH otherstatlons: en S3 , 81" $18 60 18 60 10 06 1105 1110 13 50 10 40 1813 18 00: 1816 1800 14 86 19 90 14 10 1360 14 86 .13 80 '13 80 18 46 .1345 en sa si? a, o a ai Burlington, Chapef Hill Onarlotte, Concord, Davidson, Durham, Gastonla, ' Greensboro, $9 90 990 $7 00 700 4;oo 10 01 815 580 990 7160 985 -9JB0 9 65 950 10 75 9M5 1035 - 990 1005 ' 895 8 95 18169 700 620 700 885 Hickory, High Point, Lexington, Madison, Mooksville, Morganton, Raleigh, Rsidsvllle, Ballsbarv, , 670 685 760 6'95 709 700 765 6 75, BUtesviiie, . n7iii i 5 75 tt luawnj, Winston-Salem, 69 IS For farther Information please call on say agent of the Southern Jltal.way or write. -::' ..-- W.UT01UT,XT.T.ll.';-'::,- , Washington, D. 0. '''V'i''."'J M Culp, T. M. 8. H.Chuwicx,G.P, TA.t . -;WashtogtoB, D. 0. . t ti--:'-S".t1 t.V R. Li VrasoK.' sb;Ji'i'?j'Ji''f-;', Charlotte, TXtO, Sal of Land. Sl2-aJ- aTl--a NORTH CAROLINA CZ! vaHkraa vwwass, t . .-. . 1001 - .. . n.irmw t -' - ' - The Oltlteni Bank of New Bern J. O.Bushnell, Aurora M. Bushnell, his wife, and Henry u Wbiienurst, . vi"-r: '-'Trustee.' .---v ; " NOTICE Pursuant to a judgment In the above entitled action, rendered at said term, I will sell at the court house door la the city of New Bern. N. O.. on Mondav the &4lh day of March. 1909, at the hoar of 19 o'clock, M., all the follow ing described property, to wit: . All tbat eertal a tractor Darcel of land lying In the Countr of Craven, and State of North Carolina, lying on the south side of Neuse river and being a part of the old Fort Barnwell plantation as convey ed to John Bldille bv Rosa B. Smith and others bv dd dated 11 iron 8 1886, and fully dmnrlbfd In a Commissioner's Iwd of the said Henry C. Whltehurst, Trtile, datfd lwtnbr 19lh, 1898, to wliii ti refBrcnce is made for a full des- cri'lon. Terms of sale cash. ' 'Ihis, 18th day of Icbrusry, 1904. " liOMUMIS A. NOHI, 1 . . Commissioner. r h The nni'- ' :,( J having duly qualiflod r ill'. "lust will and tosta- t f ' . n A Eullpr, UT-sa d, is Isvlng claims ri v t ''i.inrto rre- I, to )S810WlV b in tha ..'-..' . -" In Effect Wednesday, ug. 1898, Daily .Except Sunday. - Uoing South BOHBDULS: Going North No, 6t, Pafleenger Trains Mo. SO, Iiv.'a m, -, . STArioits'c''' Ar. pm.i fOO.a.Kew Berne 88, . a. , .PoIlocksville r, 51..,........MaTSville. ... ft 40 504 448 10 OS. Jaxsksonville. .V. 08. , J 41 88 HI5 .... Wilmington; Lv. X No. 8, Fassknokb A FnzioBT, - Ho. 4. Leave Wilmlnirton Monday. Wednes day and Friday. Lea New Boras Tues day, Thnrsday ana csaturaay. liV. AM .' ' " - Ar. r 7 80. ... .Lv. Wilmmgton, Ar 8 40.. ........ Scott's Hill.... ... 146 ...18 66 ...1816 .1140 9 80 . .. Woodaide. 1005... HoUyrldge... 10 61.,.. ....... .Dixon.,...,. 11 90. .... . Verona. ..... 18 OS .Jacksonville.. . . ...1061 ...1080 ... 846 ... 866 18 80 Northeast. . . 9165..... Whiteoake . ... 880 180 ...MaysvUle ... 915 FoUocksville.... ... 806 780 9 55 .Debruhl' 8 80 840 Ar. New Berne, Lv 600 "uauy jtzoepv svnaay. J. R. KENLY, General Manager Administrators Notice Having this day qualified as the Ad ministrator of the estate of Mary Banks, deceased. This Is to notify all persona Indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment and all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned duly veri- ned on or before the ittftn day of Febru ary 1908, or this notice! will be pleadlfn bar of recovery,-;-" E3 1 nis norn uav oi f eo. irvi. TH03. F. MCCARTHY, Administrator. Executor's Jfotlce. Having qualified as executor of the last wiH and testament of the late Thomas 0. Battle deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against" the estate of the said de ceased to present them to the under signed for settlement, on or before the 8th day of February, 1908 or this notice wu oe pieaa in oar oi recovery. &ii persons Indebted to said estate are no- tiuea to settle tne same promptly. Win. D. BATTLE, Executor. Feb. 8lb, 1903. Notice of First Meeting: of Creditors. In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of N.O. In the matter of Lnbmao & Frleden, Wilson, N. 0., Bankrupts, In Bank ruptcy. To the Creditors of Petitioner, who has been adjudicated a Bankrupt: Take notice that a meeting of credi tors will beheld at the office of L.J. Moore, Referee, in New Bern, N. C, at 13 o'clock on the 12 day of March 1903, at which time the creditors may attend prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the Bankrupt, and transact such business ss may properly come be fore the meeting. L. J. MOORE, Referee In Bankruptcy. New Bern, N. C. March 1, 1903. Low Rates to Charleston via. At lantic Coast Line. The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company announces the following rates to Charleston 8. C. on account of the South Carolina Inter-state and West In dlan Exposition. Charleston, B.C. Dec 1st, 1001 to June 1st, 1903. The following rates apply from New Bern, N. 0. $7.66 tickets to be sold Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week until and inclu ding May 89th, 1903, continuous passage; final limit seven (7) days in- addition to date of sale. $10.40 tickets to be sold daily until andlnoludlug May 81st, 1903, conttn nous passage, final limit, ten (10) days In addition to date of sale. $14JW tickets to be sold dally until and including May 81st, 1901, contin uous passage, final limit June 3rd, 1903.- For any farther particulars write or call on . H. M. XXSRSON, -Qen'I. Pas'gr. Agt, Wilmington N. O, J. 8, MANIX, Agent, New Bern, N. 0. I:;..'- ;- . , f. J. 8, HARTS ELL, ; .Trf. Pas'gr. AgfeTarboro, N. 0. , Lodge Directory. " CRAVEN LODGE NO. I OI0HT8 OF HARMONY. Meets tnd and. 4th Wadnssdav nlirhts In each - month in Ron-tree's Halt Pollock street, at 740 o'clock. J. J. Wolfenflen, iresiaent ueo, a Jones. Betfyi & It Hill, FlnanclaJ Secretary. , -L .,.;;.','.?..; NEW BERN CONCLA VTt 488, Improved Order Hentaaonha. meets ina snails Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Bonn- tree Hsu. Dr. K. r. cany, nrononi nonn a Scales, Flnancien Geo, D. Gordner, Secretary. iisiJ'& ': "s JSoilee of.GnmmonrV' NorA Cabolis, I Superior Court, : - Craven County. ) Apru isrm, ivus. . v - Charlotte WlUiams. ..' :).- . vs. , Wathanlel Williams. - The defendant above named Will take nntlr.a. that an action as above entitled Las been commenced In the Superior Court of Crsven county for divorce, a vinculo matrimonii, and said defendant Is rr-'iuirpd to appear st the next terra of the t uncrlor Court for Crsven county to lm h id on the 6lh Monday after the 1t Mon-ly In Marrh, hs -J, It belnn the Till rl-y of Airil, 1 J, SI th e on nrt house of s ..a roiimv. In the city of few ilern ami ib'iw to ! --ir to the eorn'lnl .- SIstB TABLE KO. 25 TO Take BtTact Sunday, February 3 r t!903 at 12:01 A.M., E b T. Going Bait I Bchbdule: I Going We. No. 8 Psssenger Trains No. 4 Ar, a m ...41 06 ....10 8i DAILY. Lv. p m STATIONS: 840... Qoldflboro... 409 LaGrange... 4 88 Kington.... ...1018 J" fr. new Bern, Lv 8 Oq ;""" nj 8 B7 7 1B . . Ar. Morehead oitv Lv 7 ok No. 6. No. 6, Passenger Train. Passenger .stations: DAILY. train. Lv, A. U. i l m .Goldshoro g 30 8 00 8 28 8 81,..., LaGrangi 8(W 842. 7 67 -..7 47 ...Falling Crock KJuaton. . . Oaawell . . . Dover . . . Core Greek. TuBC&rora.. Clarke.... 9 03.. 7 37 7 25 7 17 7 00 0 50 042 J-v 6 30 P. M. 9 18.. 9 80. . 944.. 948.. 1000... Ar. New Bern. a.. M. No. 1. Mz'd Ft, and No. 2, Mx't Ft. and STATIONS: Pass.Tn. I fass. Tn. Sdndat. DAII.T DlrnDim Lv. a m 8 00. Goldsboro. . 6 83 Best's... 7 00 LaGran. . or, p m ... 033 ... 4 63 ... 4 23 ... 3 63 . . 333 .. 2 28 ... 210 ... 1 10 7 15 Falling creek. 8 80 , T.8 40 caBWell '. '. 9 42 Dovr !0 07 core creek.. 19 " Tuscarora. . 12 48 clark'" 12 40 11 15. Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No- . t No. 10. 180 Lv. " Ar m 9 13 Riverdale; io 10 j croatan ." 10 00 8 05 Havelock u in 8 84 Newnort. T.v o n 18 47 Wildwood 47 1 5 Atlantic R 4 08 . .Ar. Morehead city, Lv, . , , . 8 0 4 23 . .Ar. M. city Depot., L7 7 50 P. W. . u Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuosday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, - O. P. A. Administrator's Sale, Pursuant to an order of the Hnnerlnr Court of Jones county made In a Bpecia proceeding wherein Calvin I. DcBruhl, Administrator d. b. n. et c. t. a of Pur. nifold Mercer, deceased is plaintiff and Jane Koonce and Frank Koohce aro de fendants, I will sell at public auction at the Court house door In the city; of New Bern, . at me nour ot 12 o'clock m., on Monday, the 17th day of March, 191)2, the following described lands with tho valuable timber standing thereon: A tract of land containing one hundred acres, lying and being In tho County of Jones,beginnlng at a small gum In Need ham Simmons' line 44 poles from a stake at John Mercer's Br. and II. O. Newton's corner on the East side of Batchclor's Creek and running South GO, West 100 poles to a stake In the pocosln, then North 48, West 180 poles to a stake, then North 60 East 100 poles to Need- ham Simmons' line, then the reverse of his lino South 48 East 1G0 poles to the beginning; also a tract of land contain ing one hundred and uity acres, Bituatc in Jones County and lying between Hea ver Dam and Long Branch, it be Inn the land conveyed by Wm. Mercer to Bryan mercer oy oeeo Deanng date April l.i, 1829, and' since conveyed by tho said Bryan Mercer to Sidney Jarman by deed dated Nov. 2, 1832. and in 1843 conveyed Dy Thoa. Li. r oy, J . Mercer and F. Mer cer, to Nathaniel Waples, who bequeath ed tt to his wife, Susan, w ho by deed dated Feb. 17, 1853, conveyed It to Fur- nlfold Mercer, deceased. liefer to said deeds for metes and bounds. Terms of ale cash. CALVIN I. DkBUUHL. Administrator d. b. n. et c. t. a. of Fur- nlfold Mercer, deceased. By Romulus A. Nunn, Attorney. Feb. 12, 1902. CommissioDer's Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior Court. Craven County ) Before the cik. SALE FOR DIVISION. Hbnbt Williams vs. Chabj.es Williams, Delia Noiiki.ret, ET AL8. By virtue of an order and decree In the above entitled, Special Proceeding before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven County, N. C, made on tho 6th day of March, 1902, in which the un dersigned wu appointed Commissioner lor tne sale 01 the property nereinatter described. I will offer for sale, and sell at nubile vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, at the conn house door, in the city of New Bern, Craven county, N. 0., on Monday,; the 7th day of April, 1002, at tne nonr or is o'clock, M.. the follow ing real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or lot of land situate In the elty ot New Bern, on the west side of George street, between Pine snd Cedar streets, being the southeast cor- aer or ue lot sold to Jtdwara uiaaie oy A D. Moore and M. B. Moore, running thence southwardly along George street forty (40) 'feet, thence westwsrdly and parallel wjth Pine street one hundred and seven (107) feet, three (8)- Inches; thence northwardly and parallel with George street, forty-flse (45) feet; thence eaatwardly and parallel with Pine street to the Beginning, oeing part 01 tne lot in tbe plan of Dryboro known as lot No. 88, as described la the deed from A. D. Moore and M. B. Moore, his wife, to John Williams bearing date of Septem ber sutn, 1 ova, ana recorded in toe puu Ue records in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Craven- county, In Book No. 78 Folio 469, to which refer enne le made, - i ' - - ' : This th day of March, 1903. U ItAPHASL U'UAKA, - 2 Commissioner ;; nvty.: C3 Ilroad (Street' n. n, noi-LAHD, .. wilus,,' . WL"sIi To r" tlr -sv'u x:u: j . A home .avcnuif ' andhontlni Bi"" ' 1 -y or c; C i r , - . ' HOLLAND L WILLIS, j , . ' taoeaaaoTatoiaa4.RlaaiaB, y , ; . Fina T'nnfllfma nnrl I',r'',9"'T riinne 810, - . s Homd, sure s',1 sot : of oi J i . M. P.,'t l.y tr"' t X. ! ! i 1 r in l It :1 il':ll, ClT t: fl l' ' t 1 Will ! '