show more plainly than a brunettes, but these discolored spots greaUy mar ? the beauty of ltheiv is'.- . - HAGAM'S mm mm am mm will effectually remove Freckles; Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty, r" ITJS A; LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. ( Others cannot detect Its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. ' Harmless s water. y At all druggists. Price 73 cts. to invest on the ground floor with owner,, in a developed free milling gold mine that has produced, tad has expended on it ; - . Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the ledge and a complete five stamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready to ran. the Ozark hi not a prospect, bot a mine that has produced. We are placing 100,000 shares ol development stock at 25c per share, capital stock 1,000,000 shares (par value $1.00 each), fully paid and non-assess-. able, to further develop and put the property on a paying basis. A property lying near the Ozark, with nowhere as good a showing and very little development, sold bst week to a New Tork syndicate for $200,000. The zark will pay dividends and be worth par inside of six months. 1 his is the best investment for the money that has ever been offered to the investing public. Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. i'or further jiarliculars, prospectus, report on mine, references, etc., ADDRESS, Ozark Gold Mining & Milling Co,, noscow, IDAHO. 7i TTTTTTTTTfy uaAAlAAAAAAJ Kale of Laind. NORTH CAROLINA ) .h The Citizens Bank of New Bern vs. J. O. Dushnoll, Aurora- M. Biisbnell, bis wife, and Henry C. Whltehurst, Trustee. NOTICE Pursuant to a Judgment la the above entitled, action, rendered at said term, I will sell at the court bona door In the city of New Bern, N. (i. oa Monday the 84th day of March, 1003, at the Lour of IS o'clock, M., all the follow In t described property, to witt All that certain tract or parcel of land lying In the County of Craven, and Bute of North Carolina, lying on tke sooth side of Neuse river ana being a part of the old Fort Barnwell plantation as coivey ed to John Blddle by Rota B. Smith and others by deed dated March 188S,' and fully described In a Commissioner's Deed of tbe said Hear O. Whltehurst, Trustee, dated December 19th, 1896, to which reference la made for a- full des cription. Terms of sal cash. This, 18th day of February, 1801. Romvlcs A. Nora, : . Comalssioasrf Commissioner's Sale. NQRTH CAROLINA, V Superior Court. Cbavm Coumtt ; f Before the Ok. BALE FOB DIVISION. , HlKBT Wlt-UAStS .. TS. ChARISS WlLUAKS, DaTJA NORfLIET, By virtue of erf ordef "aad decree la tlte above entitled, H pedal Proceeding before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven Coastta, N. C, made oa tbe Slh day of March, U0J, In which teean- dsrslgasawes pp0latedUmailesloaer for the Rata ofhe Property hereinafter described ' . Z . . . I win offer for Mvaad sell at pnbllc vennae, 10 ine sigseay n nor tor ease, at tbe court house dojor, tn rib city of ' New Bern, Craven' eouatn N. O., oa tbe hour of 18 'dot, M ,. the follow ing real estate, ao-wtu ' , - A eartaia treat m left of. land altnata la the city of New . Hera; on the west Id of George onset, feelweaa Pin and '. Cedar atresia, twins' th .aanthaaat unr. . nr of the lot (old to Ed ward Blddle by '; A, D. Moot sa4 M , Mo'fe, running tbenoe southwardly a'.otiK iaorte street forty (U) leetr lhrtuss wewanlly and . parallel with Pine- street on hundred . ...I IflTl . . I im- I I thence nnrthwvrdly and 'parallel with : George to (4o) ft-!) thenor aeiwaruiy auu paraiNg wna r loe street to the beglnnlnc. helm Dart 6f the lot In tbe plan of Dryhora know . as lot - D. Moore sod M. B Moore, bis wife, to John Williams bearing date of faptenv her SOtb, W1, and recorded In the pub ' lie records In tbe olllce of the Krlster .. of Deeds for l! Craven county. Id Book No. 7 Folio 4 to which refer 1 V , ' He Farmers Merchants BANK. Capital, Surplus and Profits $88,850.00 AFRO. Mth, 1901. What Ws) Have Done, Do, and Will Continue to Do. This Bank conducts its builness upon "oD-to-now'' methods. It It out purpose to deal Justly and lrbsraUywfth all , We carefully safeguard the Interests of our customers, Moreover, we fre Queotly do tt unknown to them: as op. port unities often com to us la confiden tial ways, ana yoa cannot over-appeclale such conskUratloa, - . - : W are aot disposed to overlook the fact that th interests of the Bank and those of the poopk ar oloeely bound to gether, and canaot by. any means U apareMOV . -- . This Bank act a tepoaltory for Will, and safely keeot tbera till the proper tin of aurraader. Will also act as im eustoataa M money or papers ten with us la escrow. No charg for these We nrocur Letters of Credit for in- lending travellers. ; - We alas to b prompt, progreeslv and llUraL - ; - - : . . la th matter of aooommodatioua. this Bank aaeoU rery requireauut wlthia the HmiU of prudent banking. u yoa nav never been Mentlflad with s as a patron, waask you to consider the advisability of becoming on. ' . la th early future, we propose adding novel, vet substantial ttavinn Bank feature to oar already progressive In Utnuoa. - .. : j - Administrators Notice . Hat log this day qualified as the Ad ministrator or tn - ostate of , Starr Banks, deceased. This la to aotlfr all persons Indebted to said estate to make ImmedlaM payment and all persons hav ing claims against laid estate to present the same to the undersigned duly verl Bed on or before th 28th day of Febru ary l08,or this notion will be oar or recovery. - . - Thl I8lh day of Feb.-1903. . THoa. F. MoOARTHT, ' ; r ' Administrator. IOQJ OR O0XK USE Clean, pure wholesome, guarantwd ai be ci'niir-u y made from QtHtiHcd waur ad i "a fiora Impuriltce. fj'wmlly 10 U'H... 1 and prepared for kunian on l ac . eed d.J'y (oxonpt'Uindaya) 0 I n to J p m. t inn ( ' '1 c 'r) 7 a m'to 13 noun. 1 jr j 1 c . ii ... i..n, FCC PLC CP Tlw.DalY Founder ot Ctealat Movaaieat. Dr. Theodore IleirJ of Vienna, found er of the Zionist movement and presi dent of the recent Zionist congress held At Basel Bwltzerland, was re cently summoned to Constantinople by tbe sultan to discuss the question of sb. inaoDOSB bxbzl. conceseions in Palestine permitting the unimpeded Immigration and settlement of Jews there, The demands of Dr. Hersl, which It Is satdr wlU finally all be granted, , Include .homo rule and opening of the sultan's crown lands to Jewish colonization. It Is believed that the trustees of the Baron will concentrate their resources upon Palestine and .thoroughly co-operate with the Zionist movement ; Howard's Mratle BUaav ' . Bronson Howard, the American play wright, who Is visiting the Riviera, suf fering from neuritis, was an exchange reader on the New Tork Tribune' when he wrote "The - Henrietta," which brought him fame and fortune. He married a sister of Charles Wyndham, tbe London actor. . , , When Bronson Howard superintend ed the production of one of his plays on tbe other side, be made a speech, In which he said be had been warned that to tamper with the social question In England was like "monkeying with a buzzsaw." A few -Americans in the audience laughed at this bit ot native slang, and the Britishers looked at them in won der. The critics were unable to under stand it Mr. Howard was finally oblig ed to write a letter to The Times ex plaining what he meant , Fame aa4 the Aaaavtewr Wheelman. Just before his election as mayor of New lork Seth Low took to bicycle riding. Every day at noon be mounted his wheel at his house on Madison ave nue and spent an hour "keeping In trim," as be put It to his friends. Since his election he bos stopped this, and the other dny when some one asked him If it was because of the weather he answered: "Not wholly. One doesn't mind at tracting u little attention, but when every police officer one passes as well as seven out of. every ten citizens feel It necessary to salute or bow and one has to acknowledge It all, though at the risk of falling off two or three times a block, then It conies to be really too much of a good thing. I shall have to get my exercise some other way or ride tn some school till I can get along a littlo better." ' Mrs. Cart HeelMtcd, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt has been re-elected president of the National American Woman Suffrage association. Previous to her first election as preai- .i . v, , caanra oaanua oait i dent of tbe association Mrs. Catt waa Chairman of jibe national committee on organise Hon, ..with'' headquarters in New Tork.; She held this position for five yean. Previous to that she waa state, lecturer la Iowa and later a na tional lecturer. She la about forty-four Fear of age. Her husband, who Is a business men, ,1a thoroughly in accord rltb bis wife's views and labors on wo man suffrage tinea. t'j -f '-"'ftsaV'si 'iea.J.; v According to popular tradition, Bus ell Sage sustains lire wnon dowa town With a cracker, a red apple and a glass of water. This Is as wide of fact as re many. sock stodea llput prominent men... Mr. Sage Is not only "nice" In re gard to what be eats, but. a hearty trencherman and. an excellent authori ty on all that goes to make-up a satis factory meal He la always punctual la going to the Western Union building at 1 o'clock In tbe afternoon. Here on the fourth floor d a refectory; and Mr. Rage often finds' himself ,'af the' Some- mess table with the Ooulds, General Thomas T. Bckort and other high fa cials of the Gould railroad systems and corporation. The. menu Is always an elaborate one and take In all the mar ket luxnrleej , . f' Li-',) For The Complexion. Ths complexion always suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowuig.erc kept open . lle Impurll! from tho bi 'y nocr In t' ' foi-n of u s'..' J erupt:.-., i. - I '. 1 Erly l isers J':i-cp t'.e ii -p- l ,Wt In healthy condition and t move Ibo Cause ot such troubles. C. E. I'orj cr, Albany, Ca., snjs, ' I (v k P- " Ill's I t'o I ..-'y V us f r 1 ., 1 ' v ; if t! I i f I r pw i 1 t 1 ' " , r : A Photoo;rapliia liancheoa. A novelty in the way of luncheons .was that given by a New York photog rapher a few days ago. The' room was dimly lighted by ruby darkroom lan terns. The menus were printed on dry plates, and the - guests found placed before them what were apparently a box of dry plates, a Jar of paste, a tin can ot platinum paper and a small glass tube labeled with skull and cross- bones. The box-contained a plate of oysters; the paste Jar, crackers; the tin cans, celery, and the glass robes, salt. Other courses were served In much the same manner, and the wine was drunk from, graduates. Welsh rabbit was served in porcelain developing trays and coffee in porcelain Jars. !':'V Marble For- Tomk Gives Out. ,' Tbe government of Italy is erecting a magnificent monument in honor of the late King Victor Emmanuel, "the liber ator of Italy," as they called him. They have been working upon it for twenty years already and nave spent 0,000,000 francs, but when it can be finished is doubtful, . because the quarry , from -which -the marble has been taken has given out, and thus far the engineers nave not been able to find any other marble which ' matches it closely enough to be used. This predicament still exists, and work has been sus pended -until further notice. Chicago Record-Herald. A Revolutionary Ace. Soulless corporations, heartless co quettes and conscienceless rascals of various sorts we have had with us now these many years, and it looks very much as if a kind of providence was about to even things up a little by pro viding us with such useful contriv ances as wireless telegraphy, beatless light smokeless powder, boneless shad and seedless oranges. If some genius will rise up now and give us a' breed of blteless dogs and stinglcss mosqui toes, together with some loseless um brellas and spendless cash, we shall ail be happy and content Leslie's Weekly. The Human Lottery "Ah, lfonlr I wan bowtirul how happr Uft would be." Many a forlorn maid haa said tbla as sh looked Into tho mirror. Pot beamy women have sacrificed home, toveand friends. It Is the one possession in the lottery of human lite which women wonld not refuse . . BRADFIELD S Female Regulator 'or vannsr e-lrla on the threshold of ,nnfl. haa bean Invaluable. When thav be come palo and languid, the eves dull, aching head, feet ana hands cold, appetite gone or abnormal, obstructed peril ioas ua fMMIHUl menses, uu ifieirvjraiviua S" ' ' f run down, they need building up, and their blood needs cleansing. Bradfield'a Female Regulator for women Is particularly valuable and useful owing to Its tonic properties to build up the aye ten, and aa a veeTuiator of the maostrual Sows. Pelnful.obetruotsd and suppressed menstruation permanently relieved and all dleeasea peoultar to her genital organs are cured by It. Regulator clears tbe complexion, bright ens the era, sharpens the appetite, removes muddy esq blotched oondiMone of the akin and cereeslci headache to a oertaiaty by removing the eeuse. Of druggist SI.M per bottle. Perfect Health for Women " Is tree and will be mailed on receipt of address. THE BRAOnCLD RtQULATOS) CO. , Atlanta, Oa. after wsr have fitted a ,snas to' a new Bprtng suit or overcoat aad you Will find neither fleck or flaw on style, fit, finish or fabric Our styles are all the swellest and most correct, our fabrics are novel and exclusive, our-flt perfect, and th style of our clothing exquisite, i When we fit you to a suit of worsted or senrS H i above reproach, ft Urn now for war Xaater anrtf .ui v F. H. Chadwlck, -:: Notice of, Qummonr. North Caroliia, 1 Superior Cosrt, Craven County. J April Term, 1808, -j 1 Charlotu Williams, - r ' .. -,- - TS. !; , ' - Nathaniel WUllams. '- '. Tbs defendant ahov named will take notice, that an action as above entitled has been dommenced la the Baperlor Court of Craven county for dlverc t. a vinculo matrimonii, and said defendant Is required to appear at tbe next term of tn Baperlor tjourt lor Uraven connty to be held on tbe Oth Monday after th 1st Monday in March, 1W02, It being the 7th day of April, 1903, at tbe court bouse of said county, in the oltv of flaw Dorn and answer to demur to .th complaint In laid action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to tu court for toe relief acmannta la said complaint. This 2nd day of January. 1009. ' . i W. M. WatboK, ,,f ' - Clerk Buperlor Court i -S r Winter Goods Summ 7fii'iaAi-s.lii Heatinir ? Stovea that to. Will fin cheaper than elsewhere. ." If yonrs Is not all.right now is the f"DTir:g Sash, Doors and jJlinde, Pain ts, Oil amel,; JJme, Plaster, Cement, and Lowest Prices. Goods Guaranteed. pJoi, Gaskill Hardware Co. 147.. , ts Motdlk At SEW BERN. N. C "No tuts Is born into the world Whose work is not born with him. There is always work and tools to -work withal for those who will." We have Tools for the Carpenter, Implements for the Farmer Cel- lup's, White's and Avery's Plows! ana castings, doui sitwi miu vast. Guano Sowers $1.75, $4.00, $6.00 and $12.50 (see oar new guano sower); Planters, Cultivators, Har rows, &c; Shovels, Hoes. Spades, Pitch Forks, Hakes and everything for the farm. J . . .1 A' Paints, Oils, Varnish and Brushes for the Painter. Cooking utensils for the kitchen. Agents for the oldest and most reliable Stoves and Ranges manu factured, and keep castings in stock to fit Builders Supplies of all kinds- Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Hair Cement Plaster, &c. . 1. M Ik I EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE -AND- DAILY LIKE. FREIGHT & PASSKNGER For All Point North. Commencing Monday, February 17th the steamers of this line are sched uled to sail from New Bern as fol lows: The Steamer NEUSE lor Oriental. Roanoke Island, Elizabeth Citf and the North on Mondays, Wed- 1 . J J . -a. i? . TheStr. Ocracoke On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Faiur days at 8 p. m. Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For farther, information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. Kiirtf, Gen. Mgr., H.G. HuDur8,Gen.Frt.& Paso. At Norfolk, Va. NewJBern, N. Feb. 14, 1902. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a power of sale contained la an order made and entered in the 8a perlor Court on the 17th day of March, ltoa, la that certain proceeding entitled, Isaac Mltcnell. ana Ada, nts vrire, John Rows and Mary, his wife, Will Pate, Lena Pate, Cleveland Pate, by Guardian Ad litem. Will Pate, P. H. Pate, Charlos Pats and Toledo Pale, by Guardian Ad Litem, r. H. Pats, Laura Wynne and Yarrow Wynne, John Pate and Atlas Pate, ex parte, same being a petition to sell real estate for division and ap pointing tbe - undersigned Commis sioner, i will sen tor casn to tee nign- Ml Mitl1 .t SK fllMlrt llimia lIlM l vmm v.uwv Maw wu., uwwav law., u New Bent, Craven County, North Caro Una, at ths hoar of 13, M, on Monday ths xistaayoi Apru, iw, tne following real estate, lvlns aad beini In thelConn- ty of Craven. Bute of North Carolina mors particularly eoanoea as roiiows, to-wll: Oa the. north side of Beaver Dam Branca beginning oa the rua of said Branch where tbe division line be tween tbs latsNelser Richardson and Richard Richardson's crosses the same about 80 poles from ths place where the said Beaver Dam. empties Into Bachelor creek ana runs aorta au, west stw poles to ths mala road thea along the same north s, west 10 poles to a small kraach etc.. it being the lower corner of a tract ot the heirs of Moses Batlar deceased. thence ap said branch to a stake la the nsad of the same one ol Dutlers corn era. thea alone Butlers line south 83, west. 80 poles to a '. stake In a small pond Butlers third corner, then Boutn oast at poles to tns isast roaa. etc, thea along said road Bouth 08) West l poles to a small oranca, men oown said branch to Gllstrlp branch and down ths same to where the division line be tween Richardson and John L. Do rant and wife crosses the same, thea Bouth 4 East 11 poles to Beaver Dam Branch, then dowa tbs same to the beginning, contalnlnc STO acres mora or less, Deing the same which was conveyed to the said Mary Whits by Xdward B. Grant and Cells Grant by deed dated ths eigh teenth of October A. D. 1H44 In wuloh said tract Is mors particularly described with all and singular the appurtenances. , i; u. u. rv&uu r" t ; Commtssloser. March 17, 190a, a. a noiXiMD. . oc t. wnue, HOLLAND k WILLIS, ( - . BceMit.i(04lllhop, t . . T'nnnfoT 5T!(1 IV'Ttotrporf u..o.ul LuUUluiU blid XuaSiUlilitJlO- riioirs 810, , .'' . OSca 22 Crayeu Street. "or tl?At 1 1 Old Doqudioq Steamship Co 1 (' Me i 111 1 ! 1). i:t Trices er We dori't want to carry them over. time to buy. and Tarnish, Gold and Silver En Building Material for a inished job. ! I have on hand: Several Second-hand Buggies which are Bargains. 2 Log Carriages and Tackle. 1 Dray and Harness. I will sell very low for cash or on time. J. W. STEWART. Dlrectary of the Hails at the New Bern Post Oftice. Mall for all points North, South and West via A. & N. C. R. R. and A. C. Line close at 8-30 a. m. Mall for all points East via A. & N. C R. R. close at 5:20 p. m. Mail for all points North and West via A. & N. C. R. R. close at 0:00 p. m. Mail for Oriental, Manteo, Elizabeth City ana Norfolk via 8tr. Neuse close at 5:30 n, m. Mail for Oriental, Manteo, Elizabeth City and Norfolk via Str. Ocracoke close at 2:30 p. m. Stab Routes. Mall for Olympla, Grantsboro, Bay boro. Stonewall, Vaodermere and Orlen tal close at 5:30 a. m, Mall for Bcllair, Lima, Geddy, Chip and Dobbs close at 9:30 a. m. Mall for Askin, Emu, Zorah, Wasp and Vanceboro close at 1:00 p. m. Mail for Whitford close at 1:00 p. m. Skymoob W. Hahcock, P. M. Notice First Meeting of Creditors. In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of N. C. In the matter of SMITH PAUL, Wash ington, N. C, Bankrupt In Bank ruptcy. To the Creditors of Petitioner, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt; Take notice that a meeting of credit ors will be held at the office of L. J, Moore, Referee, In New Bern, N, C, at 12 M. on the 29th day of March, 1902, at which time the creditors may be pres ent, examine the bankrupt, prove their claims, appoint a trustee and transact such business as shall come before the meeting. L, J. MOORE, Referee in Bankruptcy, March 19th, 1902. r. A. Qreen, Free. E. H. Meeews, T. Pre. H. St. Ororee, Oaahler. CITIZENS' BAJTK, or jijiw n aw tn, aar. c. Doing General Banking Business March 1, 1901, Surplus and Undivi ded Proats, $16,000.00. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to ns. Accounts received on favorable terms. Board ot Directors. Ferdinand drum J. A. Meadows, Samuel W.Ippek, Chaa. B.Fowier. I. B. H eadowa, Chas. Duffy, Jr. James I is SsrtlswS,. Mayer Haas, J. W. Grainger, Tbomu A. braaat, E. W.Smallwood. O.l.fov. dao. X. I vee. W.r. OrookaU. Mark Disosway. F. X. Slamoas, A. D. WaH 5IMT10NS WARD, ATTOBNEi ant COCNSKLOBS at LAW. " w iuii, u. . Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of fice) South front Street, next to . Hotel Cbattawka, - Practice in the counties of Graven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, in the Bnprems aad Fed eral Courts, aad wherever serrioss ara desired. - ' . f r. IT. PeUetler, ' ATTOBNK! AT Uf, ' Xlddle Street, Lawyers Brick - - . - BaililHf. i-4 ' WUI praettee la tbe OomrHas ef Onrrea rarteret, Jonea, Onslow a.0 PasaUao. O. Ooun as Sew Banie aad Supresse Oeao "'?.:H'?- '--Attorney at Imw,:'::-K 74 Bo, Front St, Opp. Eotsl Ohattawka, ry. v NEW BEBN,3.,qv; r, ; ' Craven Ceanty Attorney. iiiV y. '-' ' Circuit, Oraven, Janes, Oaslow, OattV sret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenelr, aad aba Supreme and Federal Oeaita, : ' liOtlge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 MIGHTS OK HARMONY. Meets nd and 4th Wednesday nights In each month la Roontree's Uall, Pollock street, at O'clock. 3, J.Woifenden, Presldxnti Geo. O. Jones, Bec'yt B.R, Hill, Flnaaolal Secretary, .. 1 . "f f NEW BERN CONCLA VE 4R6, Improved Onlur Ileptaaophs, meets Ind and 4th Thursday nl'its, at 8 o'clock at Iloon trre Hull, Or. K. F. Early, t rrn; John (J. rlcalcs, Flnanclur; Oeo. I), "tiordner, rjecrotary. . . FOR SAL Atlantic) .Coast IJne. WlLVIXOTOS & NlW BlBKB L E TIUK TABLX SO. 5, la Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Dally t Ezoebt Hundav. (ioing South sonBSDUt: Going North 'No. 51, PaaWsoraTnuns "No. 50. Lv. am, ctahobb: Ar. pm. 00. New Berne B40 86 Pollocks ville...... 504 51.. ..Mavsville aa 10 02 .Jacksonville 4 IS is io WUmineton: Lv ... 9M I pi No. 8, PAflaKNaBa & Fbeiobt, No. 1 Leave Wllmlnjrton Mondar. Winb day and Friday, Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. A M Ar. p ar 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 45 840 Scott's HiU 12 55 9 80 Woodaide 19 ik 10 05 Hollyridge 11 40 J? .Din .....10 61 11 Verona 10 20 12 06 Jacksonville. 9 45 12 80 Northeast.. ft rr 8165 Whiteoak 8 80 iw Maysvllle 8 05 815 Pollooksville 7 20 8 55 Debruhl's 8 85 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv 6 00 Daily Ezoept Sunday, j J. R. KENLY, General Manarer A. & N. C. R. R. TUB TABLE NO. 25 To Take Effect Sunday, February 23 1902 at 12:01 A. M., E. b T. Going Eat t Schedule: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m btationb: Ar, a m 840 Goldsboro 1105 4 09 LaGrange 19 82 4 32 Kinston 1012 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 9 On 5 60 Lv. " Ar. 8 87 7 15. . . . Ar. Morehead oity Lv 7 05 No. 6, I No. 6, Passenger ;tati ks.- Pastengtr Train. Traiu. DAluY. Lv. A. M. Ar, p, m, 8 00 Goldsboro 8 80 8 23 Best' 8 08 8 31 LaGrange 757 8 42 Falling Oreek 7 47 8 53 Kinston 7 87 9 02 Oaswell 7 25 9 18 Dover 7 17 80 Core Creek 7 00 44 Tuscarora 6 50 48 Clarks 6 43 1000 Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 30 L- a. p. a. No. 1, I I No. 2, Mx'd Ft. and Stations: Mx't Ft. and Pass.Tn. Pass. Tn. Daily Excspt Sunday. Ar. pm 6 00 Goldsboro 5 83 683 ....Best's 458 7 00 LaGrange 4 28 7 15 Failing creek 8 58 8 80 Kinston 8 83 r.840 oaswell 2 28 42 .Dover 2 10 10 07 core oreek 1 10 10 82 Tuscarora 12 48 10 62 Clark's 12 40 11 15 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 9. f No. 10. 1 80 Lv. Ar 10 47 2)18 Riverdalo; 10 10 2 80 oroatan 10 00 8 05 Havelock 9 40 8 84 Newport, Lv 9 06 ;8 47 Wlldwood 8 47 8 52 Atlantic 8 88 4 08 . . Ar. Morehead oity, Lv. .... 6 20 488 ...Ar. M. oltv Depot. Lv 750 r. sr. a.m. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. tTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. a L. DILL, G.P.A. 127 Middle St. Columbian Insecticlde, Peterman Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, etc Also Bromo Qoradine The disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. We keep on hand a complete stock o iledlclnes, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, a Tootlf Brushes, &c v Physicians' Prescriptions a specialt Implements SUCH AH ; Spanglsr Uuano Sowers. ' Band Guano Bowsra. ., One and Two Horse Team Clows. Collars, Harness, Single Trees. Clevises, Back Bands, Plow Lines. ., Aad every thing you aeed in the; Im. nUuest Lin. . ;- Cor. So. Fronr Craven St, C'4'.l?':'-A-. '' ': - MOood Telephone v Binvics is, A Bcsraass . . --. HK0E38ITT. A- EOMI v CONTEuZNC. A,. COM- . VJ Henry's Pharmacy, Agricultural 'r-'y Ccarcaleace,' ence te made. Tola 6ta day of March. T'r ?t of gO'vA Tr;f Vouf Ftvtf at One I j. y S