To-Day's Weather THE , JOURNAL. f New Ben, N. (X, Marck. 8, 1M. Index to New AdtertisemeBts. . Wm.T.Hlll-Blcvclea. Hackburn Chios Bilks. Bctrfoot Bros. Millinery. A; J. Flowers Petato slips. Q. K. Ennett Enter cards. J. 3. Baxter Spring shirts. E. W. Armstrong That new suit Simmons & Hollowell Co. New ar rivals. Business Locals. NOTICE Bahsmsn Blips for sale by A. J. Flowers, at $1.80 per Bbl. F. O. B. Marital, S. C. PARTICULARLY Fine Oysters and Frail at James B. Dawson's, 108 Middle treat. Phone 300. 4. MT HOUSE, corner Broad and Metcalf streets, will be for rent about the first of May. 19 rooms, bath and toilet, sew er connections, electric bells, and all Other modern improvements. U. 8. Mies REMEMBER Madam La Rose the great scientific palmist Is permanently located at 28 Hancock St. Business and lore af fairs strictly confidential If in trouble consult her at once. " WANTED Typewriting, book keeping etc to do at night. P. 0. Box No. 399. ALL KINDS of fresh taffy, Peanut, Cocoanut and Fruit Candy made dally, A nice lot of Pineapples, Oranges, Ba nanas, Grape j, Lemons and Apples at the Broad Street Fruit Store. Phone 88. CALL on 8. A. Edwards the shoemaker he is prepared to do first clsss work In any desired style on boots and shoes. For the next 80 days 111 put on rubber heels for 40 cents per pair, Til half sole shoes with the test white oak, direct from tannery at the same old prioeiafled 40, sewed 65 cents, ladies half sole 80 cents per pair. JACOB3 Balelgh Rye Whiskey is the best. Middle street. JUST "RECEIVED Seed Corn and Onioa Sets, F. B. Duffy, Marriage At Geddy. On last Friday night, March 81, at Geddy, Mr. Geo. Flllingame and Mrs. Baran McCafity were Joined In holy wed lock by Magistrate Freeman H. Gas kins. TUf u a MItMI fr oiu, For all the fish glues Tlnegar la good solvent When gluing a piece of woodwork, if any particles of glue get on places where It la sot desired wet a bit of doth with Tlnegar and rub It off. If the glue In the bottle becomes too thick, thin It with Tlnegar rather than rater. Bradham's Antl- BMosu Uvr PUIa, are purely vegetable and act by stimulating the liter, causing increased flow of bile and producing natural more menta of the bowels. They do aot pro duce griping or sick stomach. Sure euro for Constipation, Flatulency, Heart tmra etc. Price Met. Manufactured by C D. Bradham, Wholesale and retail drug tf ' ' .. ' . MM CATAMtH SRUFF loosens up the teaadoaa viscid mucus in nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches do. eold con gestion In the front of heed. The cost la only 10 cents and the benefit arising from lis ase Is worth dollar health too Mfg. by Bradhsm's Pharmacy.- . . From i Stnncer.- ' ; While I was looking yesterday at dif ferent places o business of this growing little city I was much Impressed with the Trent rlTor warehouse. They were a busy as bees. Numbers aad aumbers of earls, busy bringing and carrying freight but ob anyway up the wharf, I raa agaiaet aaotber enterprise, It was s saw mill catling cord wood la store lengths and there I found four carts taking" It way, It eras indeed surprise to see how quickly It was oat and how may loads was carried . la a day, ; An aow thinking of locating here, excuse me for writing you as I am only a stranger la your elty. I forgot to eay 4hst poa in. - qulry I found the wood was at .Moore's Wood Tard. ' - ' Jae. W. Weltoa, Tlttstmrg, Pa. capudeie: Cures Colds,LaGrippe and All Hezdztkts. take, Your money ... 1. ' . bao It it fulls, EOLD IT ALL IHUCSISTS, AROUKD AND ABOUT. . The Journal had a phone communi cation, yesterday, from Henderson, which was as clear as If it had come from the Central office In this city. The Hen derson Telephone Co. has a splendid longdistance telephone system, as all who ase It, bear Witness. - The Opera house management owing to the great demand for seats for the opera 1 Capltaa, on next Wednesday, hare thoroughly renovated the gallery, and hare fitted up some good seats, which will be reserved. Any one desir ing these teats can get them at .Waters tomorrow morning, priee75 cents. ' PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. A. D. Ward, has returned to the city. . Mr. O. W. Ward of Morehead City, wu In the city, yesterday. Mlss'Jessle M. Stevens, 6f Bouthport, Is In die city, Tlsltlng her brother, Mr. O. L. Stevens. Mrs. H, C. Crabtree and children re turned yesterday from Pensacola, Fla, where they hare been visiting her son lr, Edward Crabtree. Mr. L..P. Pelletler and family of Pel letlers, N. 0., who have been spending a few day in the city visiting relatives, hkve left for Wilson, wheie they expect to make their future home. Easter Specials. We are showing this week an unusual attractive collection of ladies and chlld rens Headwear, , our liae of ready-to-wear and walking hats can't be sur passed, hats, from i!5c to t2?.m. BARFOO I' BROM. Attention, Confederate Veteraas ! Headquarters Camp New Bern, Con federate Veterans, March 22d, 1908, Comrades: You are requested to meet at the office of 8. R. Btreet on the 89th day of March at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing delegates, attendants, and a sponsor to represent our camp at the reunion to be held at Dallas, Texss, on April 93, 38, 24, and 35, 1908. Comrades: -There is other business of Importance to come before the meeting, and It Is hoped that as many as can will be present In the meantime, your commander would like for every comrade who thinks of attending the reunion to noti fy him at once of the fact, he will be glad to render you any Information con cerning the trip that he may have. The railroad fare from New Bern and return Is (28.80, tickets on sale April 18, 19, 80, time limit, Msy 3, 1903, with privilege to extend to Msy 15th at an additional cost of 60c, with stop-over privileges on the route. By order of K. R. Joms, Com. J. F. Clabk, Adjutant . Dellg-htful Musical By Pupils. Miss Ola Ferebee'e piano pupils gave a most dellghf ol musical Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. W. D. Barring ton on South Front street. The recital was given to the parents of Miss Fere-, bee's clsss. . The program which consisted of solos, duets and trios'proved most interesting, and the work of the class showed great proficiency. ' Library Association Notice. There will be a meeting of the Library Association,' members, at the Library rooms, tomorrow, Monday morning, at It o'clock. Fall attendance la requested Subscribers of the Library, who may have sosae choice of books, are request ed to send la the names of such books, so that the Book Committee may be ad vised, and If possible add these names to the list of books to be purchased for the Library In April, n tj aamaaaafaggBmoBii Salvation on tne Best Liniment. Price, 15 etsj large bottle 85 eta. Great est cure oa earth for Rheumatism, New ralgia, Boreasse, Sprains, Backache Stiffness, Cats, Braises, Wounds, Bwell lags, Burnt and Frost Bite. Sa'vatloa OH kftu all pain. Bot Chocolate, and Hot Coffee aad Sandwiches at MoSorley's. ; Notice For Road Trustees. About a year ago, Orevea county adopted the road law, "as passed bj the last Legislature, which virtually pule the toad uader the supervision of three road trustees of each township, elected by the Magistrates of said township. ' Now gentlemen, from what I have ism,' and from what I bear almost dally oar road are belag very much neglected,, lmoet im passable la some places, la fact Ml worked at all la cer tain localities. , , . . v. Tour attention Is called to chapter SO of the laws of W.O. session of 1901, which will explain to you y oar dalles as road trustees) aad after carefully read ing the same, If you desire further In for mailoe, I refer you to the Board of Com mlssloaars, which yea are' aware meets the first stun day in each and every month. '. ' ' ';''',',.:-.' r -; Gentlemen There Is trouble brewing, you had better look out . . . ..." ., : ' . "A word to the wise Is sufficient" " " K. B. JONBi, . Chm'a. Dosrd of County Comm'silon. " er. ' ' '.' .'' ' . YOU PAY N MORE FOR Huyler's Candy than for the "Just at good" kind n1 Veorti oaM StA HmftA , : . .. eoe. PKi I'OL'ND. i I ylve Agency, I EHADIIAM'3 PHiftM VI. Y, - Cor.rnll(Mk4!,l,!!f-n!i. CONTINUAL IXPROVEKENTS On Railroad Property and Road bed of ; x Atlantic and north Carolina -Railroad. Noting the smount of business done at the Trent river warehouse of the A. & N. & railroad company, and the con venience It affords the merchants Of the section of the city in which It Is located, It is a surprise, that the mercantile In terests could hsve 'done without this warehouse so long. V i 1 r" . 0a the opposite side of the railroad track to the warehouse property, the property also belonging to the A. ds N. C. R R. eompany,, the lot ; which was largely low and a good deal uader water, is being filled up, and will soon be ready to be occupied for railroad pur pose. .'. 'tMj-'-':kL , It Is expected that a passenger station will be built at no distant day on the Booth Front street end of this lot, next to and along the railroad track. At the Trent warehouse dock there Is the almost dally arrival of several schooners with new railroad eross ttes. These erosstle are being laid as fsst as possible, and the road bed graveled, between this city and Goldsboro, or as It is called, the upper end of the road. . This section is being worked upon until the truck season opens, when the Morehead City end will be taken in charge and the track newly tied and graveled. The entire road Is receiving the per sonal attention of President James A. Bryan, who la ever Intent on Improving Its rondiilonn. Surgeon's Knife Not Needed. Burger, la no longer necessary to care plies. De Will's Witch Bazul Salve cures uch caea a once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and ex pensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases H is unequalled. Beware of counterfeits. F. S. Duffy. Special Millinery Notice. Miss Alice Fries foimslly with us for three (8) seasons will again have charge of our Millinery Department. She Is showing by far the best selected stock we have ever carried, a look through our store will prove this. BARFOOT BROS. Marriage A La Base BaiL Unusual humor, states a Baltimore dispatch, wu displayed by the Rev. C. F. Thomas in his remarks before the marriage ceremony of the well known bite bell player, John J. McGraw, and Miss Blsnche Sindall at St. Ann's Catho lic church. He said In part: "Let seldsbness be no barrier to your hspplness, but understand that each must often give up much, renounce him self, thst both may enjoy It For you know sacrifice hits add to the number of runs and wins the game. Don't try to Jump this contract. The reserve clsuse is binding. "Fear not the adversaries thst are many and strong, that they seek to rob you of this result of your union. The gsose will not be lost as long as you work together. Bunch your hits and victory is yours. She will cheer you, aid you, support you, and share your triumphs and participate In your defeats You will keep In spirit and letter the terms of this holy contract Coach her around the herd bases of life. Moke her steal her way under the watchful ee of the enemy until the reaches the home of happiness. "Make her score many bright aad Joy ous days, that the pennant of prosperity may continuously wave over your heads." Could Not Breathe. Coughs, eolda, croup, grip, bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quick ly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, One Minute Cough Cure Is not mere expectorant whloh gives only temporary relief. It softens aad liquifies the mu cous, draws out the Inflammation aad re moves the cause of the . disease. Abso lutely safe. Acts atone. "One Mia etc Cough Cure will do all that Is claimed tor-It," says Justice of the Pesos t. Q. Ilood, Crosby, Miss. -My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. If baa been a benefit to all my family." F. B. Dully. Fine Western Beet and Mutton at the Oaks Market LESS W0HY. , Children will play and get ever-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves la dosras of way,and yea ean'f prevent It All you can dels to keep them as tree from exposure as possible end aU wsy hsve la the house a Cough Remedy thsl can he depended upon. . Anwyss Croup Syrup wilt fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the prlre 88 erute will r refla ted by any dealer selling It.' Mil by Davi', Ueary'a, aad Bradham' Pharmacy. , : '';.' . . Walnut Taftj and Walnut Buttcrrui at Mforley' . That Light Cough, ; and ai far as that It concerned any cough or cold, could be relieved and mired with ClIEHltY GLYi -EUINU. It ln t ntir.ily reliable cmigh nynip which linil an e normoiia anle durlnfr tit A Inst few yrarH. It iwmi to Rive b"t tor wit ihiai-tion Dian any ol hnr like r 8 ration tlmt we could R-t holii of. One tiling we know-we bad mill er riToinnionil it to our culoiiicr than any oilier we liaro In our tore, ,t ! ;:fo to rji.e to , hi!. r o. ' nl'l only lit li ' I i' f- J ' 1 ; ATM ACT, Cor. X r i- t Services Today. " Services at Christian 'church this morning at 11 a. m. and this evening at 7:80 p. m. by the'paator, M. 8 Spear. All Invited to attend. . , Service at St. Marys Free Will Ban- tlst Church at 11 a. m. aad 7:80 p. m. by Kev. W. L Frost Sunday School at 8:80 p. m. publlo Is Invited to attend these services. , Presbyterian Church Preaching at 11 o'clock a m aad 7.80 p m by the pastor, Rev. H, B. Bradshaw. ? Sabbath School at 8.80 p, m, fVUltors find strangers arecordlaly invited. Serrlcee today at Centenary M. E. Church, Rev. R. f. Bumpas, Pastor, preaching at 11 a. m , and 7:80 p. m. Sunday Schoolat 8 p. m. Everybody la vlted. . 'f Tabernacle Baptist Church Services. Sunday School at 0. 80 a. m. Preaching at It a. m. and 7.80 p. m. by the pastor. All erejnvlied to attend. Christ Episcopal Church Palm Sun day, services today, 7.45 a. m. Holy Communion, and services at 11 a m. and 7.80 p. m. Special services dally during this, Holy Week. - Christian Science Church Services Sunday 10.45 a m. Bible lesson sermon today, Subject: "Reality." Roman 11:88 Testimony service Wednesday 7:80 p. m. Resdlng room open dally. All are cordially invited to attend. Cheap Fare toJCharleston. For North Carolina Week, April 7 to 14, at the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition the Atlantic Coast Line will make the eperial excur sion rate from Now Bern, 10.80, tickets on sale April 0. 7 anil 8, nm.l limit ten days from date of salr. Cola Headache Powder Contain no Antlpyrine, Morphine or other injurious drugs. They do not deprers but stimulate tlio stomach and increase Its secretions.' Guaranteed care for Headache and Sour Btomach. Price 10c. Made and sold by Bradhsm's Phar macy, corner Pollock and Middle Sts. Easter Cards and "Booklets, I Prayer "Books and Hymnals 6. N. Ennett. ? New Arrivals . Nefti Spring line of dfinnnnnn LOW These are the in footwear. tvo 'V. - . i'r Audrey,-Crimson Wing, The C'ri- eia. The Right of and I, at $1 08, 67 Polled:' Strccr. . - '-'' t t toooao4e No Passengers on A. fc N. C Freight , Trains. , - After bunday, March 80th, passenger! will not be permitted to ride oa any Freight trains of this Company, as they will no longer be provided with passen ger coaches, only carrying a caboose for the train crew, and Agents are instruct ed not to sell tickets for freight trains, nor will Conductor allow any passen gers to ride oa them. - B. A. NKWLAND, '" Master of Transportation. mm.mmini. ,1,1,1 NOW IS THE TIME to 3 get rid of the bugs. "Rough on Bugs" 2 kills them every time. Large bottle 25c, Insect Powder, best grade from unopened flow era, 40c lb while it lasts. Moth Ball lOclb, 8 lbs. for 25c. Spec ial price in quantities. Cor. So. Kront ii Middle &t. 1 ; March 26 O rand est Treat Ever Known in New Bern Graus Opera Co Presenting the greatest success on record SOUSA'S EL CAPITAN. Greater'than Florodora. A Star Cast of Singers. Large and Powerful Chorus. IVNothing like it over seen in New Bern. SHOES. highest conceptions I House Cleaning I F. S. Duffy, The Famous "Duplex" ' Skirts. I The Skirts that fit X. - over the hips, ': $1.50 to $2 50 way, Sylvia, D'ri -4 p r y j jjjj wt'i iSra wishes lo announce that lie has the exclusive lV 1 ' XtoS&i P TMi ALFRED PEATS fe CO. W &m WAhh PAPERS lTT,Hi l I an tample, of over 600 pattern jfyl&Mb 1 1 !ve Ccs to Fifty Cents per M ' jhSrAX The Best Value Ever Offered f sjjL rjiCr(A nQf m These pnltenn nrcthefirvett product tons o ty.- j&Hk uzJhtf' ' n' 'a Awc11" ci-d .rci;;n artists, ftud are hand- ! L"?a f' M P if jt wtaSi 3 H you wlk!i paj'r tor but one room or a 'xSGira H 1 l&Sr ItV "Jll-B, bnsinws, tinl win pa ;.iarf to furnish estimates a fit I ft bB for any kind of t'.tcoratin(f you niny require, m f I rn an,3 ifuaraiitcc the be:it attention and rcrlect BpiM. & -J SS(ArtisTic Wall fapers are the most effective, and (g)neast expensive deeoratlons that can be usedK LEADS iuo i ict i. vniuu lur fia.ov Spring styles in Patent 1 . . i t n A received. Give the Line a Look. n.G. Men' & Dun , 57 LFollods: Street. YOUR EASTER DRESS. Tlie W( ok )rocccding Kiuter every woman who ran afford it dis cardx her old costume and buys :i now one, mid now, this Kiwtcr we are offering a Handsome Line of Dress Goods at prices that biing high nrictK within the resell of everyone. Mih Lane will not disappoint jou in your EASTER HAT SMITH'S Pollock Ht EMBLEMS. A beautitui assort ment of ; Elk Buttons and Fobs at Batons, : .Fine Engraving free ol charge on all goods sold. : . . EATON, The Leading Jeltoeler. HARVEY HOUSE i2i:iEre,Ei And hewly Furnished. Board with" rnomi lit nk or mnntli. Tumi hu. onulile. Am't toMRB. JeKIS BKPRY, ' ...... ... t-imiri rront Mroei, , i j THEM ALL on lilt) mttraet KKidy. a Colt Skin, Vici and Velour just X i I . i i .j & CO., i Boy's ITear, 9f Nt. TUCKER BROS. 110 North Front Rtreet, WIIMINJT1N, - - f.i The place to buy jour Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICE-t. Ir Foreign and Domes tic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best. Send for latest designs. All work delivered. Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. C. I AT DAVIS' IHVIK10V,- , Celery Hcadadie Powder. . . There Is ant on letter tamed for hfS'lwbe Ihsn thw'riowJnrs.' They h . f . '1 ,M 1 . m 1 1 .....,...... Vm. r t Lvu j-recr!j-ua iurn-.rjr.