SIW BISK, R. C, THUESDAT M0RNIH6, JtfAECB 27,! 1902. VOLX1X.-NO.J05 TWENTIETH TEAR Signs of Another Senatorial Prl- -v mary. Title to a Towa. Serea Asplraats For Seaatorlal Hoaers. Ac- quitted of Assaalt Safe Cracker Nearly Cat Oat of Jail. Raleigh, N. C, March 2T-The Su preme Court decides a ease of peculiar Interest, Involving the title to the land on which the town of Star, Montgomery county stands. The title of the case is Bcott vs. Ingram. A married woman now living In South Carolina, told the property at a very small figure. The town was later built on it, and It Is said the sum involved Is about $70,000. The Supreme Conrt decides in her favor and the property-owners lose. To day Johnson Caswell lodge of Ma sons, at Warrenton, chartered In 1773, and dormant for more than 50 years, was revived. There is little doubt, it seems, that there will be a senatorial primary this year to settle the question, as to who shall be the Democratic nominee for IT. S. Senator. The people have had a taste of the pilmary system, which pats them so close to the choosing, of a sena tor, and they will hardly desire to re turn to the old method of election by the legislature. The primary plan arouses Interest, to a vast degree. It brings out the vote. Every candidate spurs on the voters to tnrn oat. It Is therefore, declared to be the the best possible plan for the Democratic party, by people of very sound Judgment. The Democrats will of coarse work! very hard this year not only to get their voters registered end poll-tax-paid, but also to get them on the permanent rolls, under the new constitutional amend ment. It is to be a very heavy year. There Is hard work ahead and plenty of it. The senatorial ctnpalgn maybe said to have already begun. The are about seven aspirants and it Is asserted that some of these, at least, bsve for weeks been doing ' missionary work.'' The warrants for the State aid to pub lic schools were today sent to the coun ties which called for them. With each warrant was sent s letter from the State superintendent saying, "You are earnest ly r quo8tcil"by the State treasurer not to present It nnlll it is absolutely needed by the school. This money Is legally usable only to maintain the public schools 4 months in each year. Ton are urged to use every endeavor to have the intention of the legislators and the plixlge to our people scrupulously carried ui by so using this money as to secure h f ur-montbs school in every district rpti-inud as needing aid in the applica tion from your county on Die in this of fice When this has been dona the county superintendent and chairman of education board are requested to certify that fact to the Bute Superintendent." in the Superior Court here, Robert L. Gray, a young lawyer, indicleil for as saulting Mayor A. W. Towel), was ac quitted, the Jury being out only three minutes. The are-bug Bauser, convicted at Wll mlngton and sentenced to the penitent! ary for ten )cars, will be brought here iu a day or two. He appealed to the Bu pieme Court but has withdrawn his ap peal. The Supreme Court says the Su perior Court can now send him on to the penitentiary , without any farther delay. . - i r ' It Is Intimated that the BepuhUcaas will, hold their State " Convention at Greensboro also. ; George Ellsworth and J. H. Tiavers, two professional safe-crackers, blew the express company's safe here a years ago then went to Wadesboro, blew a safe and got $800.: They were eonvioted and sentenced there, bat appealed. Their appeal was argued yesterday, bat at the very time they were trying to oat oat of Jail. They had sawed through two steel bars when the sheriff detected their work. On their persons he found ten burglars saws. In the cover of a book which they had were found twelve more of these saws. Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, other throat and lung troubles are quick ly cured by One Minute Cough Care. One Minute Cough Cure Is not a mere expectorant, which jives only temporary relief. It softens and liquifies the mu cous, draws oat the Inflammation and re moves the cause of the disease. Abso lutely safe. Acts at once. "One Min ute Cough Care will do all that is claimed for It," says Justice of the Peace Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been" a benefit to all my family." F. 8. Duffy. TBB NEW WOMAN. Made Over by Qaltdng Coffee. Uoffee probably wrecks a greater per centage of Southerners than 'North en people, for Southerners one It more freely. The work It does Is distressing enough la some Instances; as aa illustration, Miss Sue W. Falrall, 017 H. 4th St, Rich moa I, Vs., writes, "1 was coffee drink er for years and for about six yeass my health was completely shatter!. I suf- . fered fearfully with headaches and ner vousness, also palpitation of the heart ;: anil loss of appetite; " ';,,,. '.--' g My sight gradually began l fall aad finally I lost the sight of one eye alto gather The ere was operated npoa and the sight partially restored, then I U- , earee totally Uind In the other eye. S My doctor used to urge sne to give up -- eollee but I was wilful and continued to ' drink it Bnttl finally a last case of ee- vers lllnsse the doctor Insisted that I v mast give np the eoffee, id I began using lie t'oslUB rood Conee, aad la a month . ' I felt like a new e restore. '""' 1 Steadily gained la health aad strength u About a month ago I began aalng Grape v.Huts Breakfast Fml id the effort ';,hss been wonderful, ; 1 really feel like a ; new woman and have gained about SO pounds. . ",i Tarn quite an elderly lady and before sing J O turn sad Qrai.-NaU I could THB MARKETS. The (Oilowlng quotations were receir ed by i. K. Latham & Co, New Bern- N.p. . Niw Tom, March 80. Cotton; : Open. High. Low. Close March.... - May July , Aug...... Bep ; Oct...... . 8.TO 8.07 88 0.00 , 8.68 8.07 8.01- 8 07 ;.&09 8.01 8.58 v 8.01 8.40' 8.41 Ml 8.43 - 8J0 8.1 8.07 8JI . 7.98 7.98 7.99 MfswasaaMs ' FAVORABLE FOR THOMAS. - Committee on Elections Unanimous In Its , Findings, Special to Journal. . Wabhikgtoh, March S6 The Commit tee on Elections In the contested case of C. R. Thomas vs. J. E. Fowler from the Third North Carolina Congressional District, report unanimously in favor of Thomas. ' Whbj MftjT e July.... Cohh: May Blba-May Stocks; Sugar So Ry U.8.L.... U.S. 8.... n.s.s..Pi Mo. P..... Atchison. . Ys,C. C. A.C. O... ' - Chlcago,.March 98.. Open. High. Low. Close .72 . 78 ' . 78 Open. High. Low. Close , 88, v ' .' ; . 59, Open.' High. Low. Close .875 882 New fork, March 96. Open, High. Low. Close May.. A fine lot of hog brains at the Oaks Market today. POLLOCKSVILLE. Tobacco Crop Outlook Fine. Ifo Shad. Personals. ' Important Court Case. March 26 The weather is very fine, though very cool, bat the farmers are forging ahead plowing and planting. ' It seems there will never be any end to the Increased demand for fertilizers. Home-nude manure is ath'ng of the past. The tobacco farmers report -the out look In this section very good as they are fully up and well prepared to set and cultivate as soon as plants are large enoogh, Some are op and doing nicely, some now three and four leaves. Everything is very backward this year. All nature seems very mucn suo- dued by the long cold winter. Those who look 'forward to the shad season wltn brtgnt Hopes ana antici pated pleasures of the Jolly night's sport on the Trent are gradually growing des pondent as there seems to be no shad this season and the lime is about half gone In which to catch them. The following partlea left heie last Tuesday, the 20th, to attend the Charles ton Exposition. Dr. George R. Hughes snd wife, Mr. Daniel W. Whitford and wife and also Miss Laura Whitford who Is hodie from Greensboro on a visit. Mr. John Pearce left on the 25tb, Inst, for Atlanta, where he goes to take his little grandson, Carl Cfaadwlck, to the National Surgical Institute and Banlt'a- rlum, for treatment for spinal trouble. Little Carl is a lovely, bright little boy, but has been a sufferer for the last four years with spinal affection caused by a severe fever. We hope he will be fully eared by the proposed treatment. Hisses LensJarmon of Jacksonville and Iaora Jones ef Cedar. Point are visit ifag friends and relatives near here this week. Miss Katie Klnsey of New Bern Is the guest of Mrs. Carrle;Pearce of this place this week. Miss Ltllie Koonce of Trenton, was visiting her brother, Dr. 8. E. Koonoe of this place last week as wss also Hiss Bailie Cot this week. We are sorry to. have to report Mr. William Koonoe of this place very low and not expected to live long, he is grad aally sinking daily, to we are told. A I ones County Superior Court convene next Monday the 81st with, a full docket the most Important case la that of Mr. Cyras DIxoa for ' the murder of on Mr. Webber, this is a case simlllar to the Wilcox case,' ad far as the facte of the killing goes, tt is all circumstantial and some times circumstances are very mis leading and people at executed unjust ly on such evidence. :r ' - ; Spots 4.f. Sales 7,000 bales. Futa-es, Apr-May 4.40. May-June Ml. NKW BBRN COTTON MARKET. Sales in local market yesterday w f.85. Last week 94,000 This week. Bat. 16000 Mon. 14000 Tnes. 14000 Wed. 12000 Thurs. Frl. . March 95 The weather hss teen so bad that far user are badly behind with ihe?r work. , Bat they arc bustling, and If the good weather continues will soon be ready for pleating. C r .. Some oets are up aod' looking nice. while others are J oat planted. Mr. Monnle Whitford look trip u Birmingham, Ala., about two weeks ago, leaving on Monday and returning on Saturday. ' ;y-. , , Mr. 0. 0. O'Neal was visiting Natives at Zorah Bonday, bnt has returned again to bis work in Jones County. A number of oar people attended preaching at llacedonla Saturday and Sunday. - ; .j-. t- Mr. G. A; Whitford is logglhg 10 acius 131, 189 .83, 82f ..12f 12 ..411 41 I.. 94 94 .,100 99 .. 77, 77i .69 68f .. 40, 46 CofltM 030 550 UTvrpool The Best Prescrtptlon for Halarla, Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Gaovi's Tastblbss Chill Tosio. It Is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c DIME CATARRH SNUFF loosens np the tenacious viscid mucus in nose, clears out the head and stops oatarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of head. The cost Is only 10. cents and the benefit arising from Its use Is worth dollars health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. Bradham's Antl- Billoua Liver Pills, are purely vegetable and act by stimulating therllver, causing Increased flow of bile and producing natural move ments of the bowels. They do not pro duoe griping or sick stomach. Sure cure for Constipation, Flatulency, Heartburn etc. Price 25 cts. Manufactured byC. D. Bradham, wholesale and retail drug' gist i OUT KBCKIPT8. Same week laat year. 130,000 14000 15000 22000 23000 17000 18000 109,000 Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup for Teething Babies. Price, ;10 cts. Cures Wlnd-Co'.lc, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gri ping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Chol era Infantum. Dr. Bull's Baby Hyrup promoux the digestion and (soothes the baby. LESS WORRY. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves in dozens of wsys, and you can't prevent it All yon can do is to keep tbem as free from exposure as possible and al ways have In the house a Cough Remedy that can l-e depended upon. Aoway's Croup Hyiup fill every requirement. It is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or (he price 25 cents will b refunded by any dealer selling It. Bold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham's Phannacv.. From a Stranger. Whllo I was looking yesterday at dif ferent places of business of this growing little elty I was much impressed with the Trent river warehouse. They were as busy as bees. Numbers and numbers of carts, busy bringing and carrying freight bat on my way. up the wharf, Iran against another enterprise, it was saw mill cutting cord wood In stove lengths and there I found four carts taking tt away. It was indeed a surprise loses how quickly it we cat and how many loads was carried la a day. ' Am bow thinking of locating her, excuse m for writing yon as I am only a stranger la your city. . I forgot to say that npoa In quiry I found the wood wss at Moore's Wood Vard. . '- . ,- ' - T Jao. W. Welson, , . Pittsburg, Pa. ' Cola Headache Powders r ' Contain no Aatlpyrlne, Morphias or other Injurious drags. They do not depress but stimulate the stomach and rnoreaoe Its secretions Guaranteed care for Headache and Boar Stomach. Price 10V Made and sold by Bradham's Phar- maty, corner Pollock aad Mlidl Sis. k FOR SALE.' ; Two hundred aad forty-Bio (249) acre of- w-11 timbered land for sale. Said land Is a part of the land known as the Pettlpher lend," situated on th North east aide of Neuse river.- Lead aa well as timber lll be Sold; Apply If : :' . .. ' CAROLINB DUNN, -:.VMftSf t No. 9J Metcair 8b Or to : "; L. J. M -OKU, Ailorney. To All Agents A. t N. C. R. R., And . Tie Public. North Carolina Week, April 7th.l4ih, 1903, South Carolina . Inter-State and Weat Indian Exposition, Charleston, South Carolina. For North Carolina Week, April 7th- 14th, Scuta Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition, the following Special excursion ratea will apply to Charleston, S. C, and Return-Tickets to be sold April Oth, 7th and 8th. Final limit for return passage ten (10) days from date of sale from Coupon citations named: Morehead City Newport New Bern EInston LaGrange $7.75 $7.45 $6.80 . $6.09 $5.65 B. L. DILL, General Passenger Agent. ni.m from the Northern Wood re In Pyny-Boi&am, the certain core for coughs. No Passengers on A. & N. C. Freight Trains. After bunday, March 30tb, passengers will not be permitted to ride on any Freight trains of this Company, as they will no longer be provided with passen ger coaches, only carrying a caboose for the train crew, and Agents are Instruct ed not to sell tickets for freight trains, nor will Conductors allow any passen gers to ride on thorn. B. A. NEWLAND, Master of Transportation. 9? IH liLall HAGKBURN'S 't & We have Just Received a New Line in nil colors. New Taffetas, all shades at 65c. See them. Black Taffetas at 55c to $1.25 per yard. We have received today more of that Silk and Linen I?a tiste lhat all the ladies admire and we also have the trimmings to match. New Waist Goods and Obliques to match at 10c to 25c per ynrd. Don't Forget f that our Lining Department is complete. Fancy Linings in Mercerized and Cameos. j if z it mi m m f oo are thinking about getting if it's on the. Fashion Plate is here, ready to wear the moment you put it oB, T YotiH admire yourself and feel aa though oth ers admired' you and they will, too. It don't take inch an awful lot of money to dress well, when you know where to trada. Tou may have , a corps, of tailors dancing at your attendance, but none of thenr can design for you prettier gar ment, than these Spring Salts which we are now ahowtng at 6.60, 18.00, $10.00 and 12JS0. . .Your suit desire can be easily satisfied here. r Come, Bee.- J - f -. EkWSAISTRONG, 07 Middle Street. 1 lot I Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, New lot Pancake Flour. Cream of Whean, Oatflakes, Carolina Rice, Grits and Big Hominy. Fancy Elgin Butter and Clover Hill Print Butter received fresh every week. Rock Candy Drips, the Nicest Syrnp you ever tasted, only 10c qt. EFYou can save money ay buying your groceries from J. L. McDANIEl. 2?" 'Phone 91. 71 Bread Hi. . H 3 9 New Spring Shirts The Latest Patterns of 1902 Just Received, Figures EntirelyNew at Prices .that will surprise and delight, as well as thejbeauty of the patterns and Elegance of the fabrics. These Shirts are made expressly for us. Prices 60c, 75c, $1,00, $1.25, $1.50, J. j. BAXTER, Phone 160. 89 middle Street. An Inspection of the canning factory would show you why these canned goods are so puro and delicious, and why the; can't be sold at a cheaper rate. They are as cheap as good goods can be. Our people are well paid. They work in pleasant, clean ly environs, and the fruit use! is the best grown. That's why you enjoy Tolson's can ned goods. V ill 'FRWTO I j i 1 I FIl'""' R Respectfully. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., D 1 Cl - i i oroaa ou urocer. 1 rnone to, Iwf" W . , Hrte a house and lot - i"" wiinoos exceeding .reaay eta tnree "frolics" sad is not fatlgoe, bow I walk tea cr twelre with- do; a yet. T ':' out feeling t. rrerty a reading 1 Mr. J. B. HarHngton Is building two eonld reme til er but Hula tut imni utiMukruiiJ r i.nn.. .... .Zr-:irta;l . : : :1 , )tor sale, or want to """"--" iu- mno roa "rincr iinii t 'gni' reported. SBarkableiffretsef rottumand Grape- atxut a year ago, there has not been any Af -i Unir " .Nnuoaan bsrs urK, J that 1 f-'rt the sanci'Sied pre hiug In our section until, J "-u' l"h acis to me pobiio tor the t veof aurfer" recently. I C 7 ' Riding a Road Roller J . Ing bnminlty, sr, a'.ih . 11c! ty, y . can pi b li h 1 1. aai e If ou lite." i r't, J 8 1-r!. h t r r lnyj K' r.f f- 1 I r bro: 1 . would be about, as pleawint as rid ing some bicycle,' The construction Is so iMxir tlmt every move "Jars". In Hi Columbia Hicyclos we have tlievi'ry best, mailn, ln(;h rpinlily stml ii lined throiiith oot. Tlie nlckle )atini( anil enameling In tlm IliiesU f iLU-l w ith, llr.t nmjil) Ibrtfon) tlr. I c Imve a number of other l)li,'li prnrlo wlieti lurliMliiif t'ie I'niubliT, t iuve ImimI, I niul liartford. Other good w In- -s t "o t 5 n p. The Coming of Easter . should remind yon that yon engirt to got everything on wheels In splok and imn shape. Don't want anything "out of whack" this time of year, do yon? Well, let us show yon how thoroughly, prompt ly, cheaply wn can put In iirst- ln. n p:iir iivililus;yoii have requiring our atn iiticin in ti.e line ot carrldgea, W!'-;'i'lis, surn-; i, rurliouU, etc. i ... i i Z Fresh Country Smoked Hams and Side Bacon, Fancy New Orleans, WestIndia and Porto Kico Molasses," Vanilla Drips and Maple Syrup Just Received. We also have full and and fresh supply of Fancy Cakes and Crackers, suoh as Ukeeda Biscuits, Uneeda Milk Biscuits, Oysterettes, Cheese Sandwiches, Forentine Vanila Creams. Orange Wafers, Chocolate, Ice Creams, Ac. Don't fall to girt s a oall and fget your groceries fresh and delivered promptly.. . v . ; .vTosutoPleae, C :;;lumi awl rtall Oneer, j muss mi - wwi Arasma mm mm tuxwc M. nus, sr S ixvisViyviyvisis -WK KEEfTHK- Leading of Cigars; Aaberoso, Capadnra,20wl, Ctaoo,v I Roig, Xlmereto, Portuondo, Onbaoela Ilenry George. Benaissance made In tlis West Indies, II Principe De Calos 10c. AUJJoQIgarsa for 85c , J v i' Rebate ticket with each purchase- tj saved to yon. . ; V " , ' i F. f3. DuH.; Mna. 3. 0. WILLIAMS, tt No,. 15, Orl.Tth street, who Is an experlcnoed dyer and cleaner of r' " 'nr, repeet fully so!!' 'l work f.f t- t l.'nd. 1'r' ns- HARVEY HOUSE And Newly Furnished. Board , with rooms, by week or montlu Terms reas assakle. Apply toXBg. JANII BERBT, Booth Front BStee, - .-, i,.(-..,....J-,''. ' ' v.-'.-ir1 Watches.':. vr,;si-, - We saw. purchased a large stock ot 14 karat watches, small ladles, and mediant genu sites, brary gold eases, snd made by oar best mannfsoturer, handsomely stigraTcd aad plain, the design I are the. rery latest. We ssll them as cheap as a good filled ease eost yoa. Ton art In vited to call and see them. ' - ' , . J. O. BAXTER, Ja,, Leading Jeweler. r ...-' ' '. ' ' t- , c.