"''i.: '. '"C "' If rir-" ' 1 1. . .-J .. - V 1(1 'A There was conaldorable chsnge Moa ,W V day from Sunday, In temperature, there being about W degrees drop. ,. t ; THE JOURNAL. ""T- Mew Bern, N. tVAsrll 1, 1908. , Index to New AArertlsemeBts. f. Pale of valuable property. T . , -F. & uftyAati-blHoos plus. ? 8. A. Edwrd Jnrt teceired. i r Breed Bt FraltCo Chocolate, etc Slmmont ' ft Hottowell - Co After Easier ssle. : - 2' ' Buslaesi Locals. JUST Received, foil (apply of African aad White Shoe Wx. Heel-ball for Black aad Tan shoe. Full supply Bridgeport Goring. B. A. Edward, Mid dle 81 Rest to Scott's table, i - JTJ8T Received by express, olce line of Lowneyt Chocolate fend Boa Boa Can dle. Broad Street Trait Co, Phone SB, MILK COW For - Bale. Apply Sim Grove Farm or. W.F. Crockett, New Bern.N.O. s . ' . CLBVILAHD-S Improved Sxtre Early Bad Valentine Beans. Chat B. Hill, 8S Middle 8t - ': ' . KOTICB If yon want your hoase moved, raited or repaired, call on J. M. Register, r Hegcaa do.it all, 178 Pollock ' street, Hew Bert, X. 0. ., -1 . JUST Received 900 lbs ..be hemlock sole leather. - A fall supply of O. Sulll Taln'i rubber heels tor ladles and gentle men. ; Star heel plate of all shea, , Heel ttiffeners fend braces for 10 cent a pair. 8. A. Edwards, Shoe maker. Next to goon's ttrtiai Mlddls 8t.y?. jj NOTICE-Babamea 81lps for sal by A. J. Flowers, at 1.80 per Bbi F. O. B. Maribel, H. 0.-;, v ', ?Cvsfer WANTED Typewriting, book keeping etc. to do at sight F. O. Boi No. 999. ALL KINDS of tresa taffy, Peanut, Coooanut and Fruit Candy mad dally, A nice lot of Pineapples, Oranges, Ba nana. GrspeH Lemons and Apples si the Broad 8treet Fruit Store, phone 88. - ' "--i:" JACOBS' Raleigh By Whiskey Is tbs best.' Middle street. - MRS. i. O. WILLIAMS, at No, 15 Grlfflth street, who" is an sxperlenced dyer and cleaner of. clothing, respect felly aollclu work of tbs) kind. Press ing and repairing don.' : .. " r AROUND AND ABOUT. There was no "baptising" on Sunday, John Johsson belsg kept too bwy with his chnreh terries. Hest Snaday there is a promts of a Urge baptismal par The residence of Mr. H. B. Duffy: on '. Pollock street, ha received s number of repairs, besides . being . aUnetively painted. V',; t. j -. Mr. O. X. SloTsr, has Joined the rakki of the "flag raisers- and has ersoted a . tall pole on the Union atreet eld of bit lot, from which a flag wave. ; . r TheA.mN.Ci, mall was about two boars late last night, owing to a broken . spring e the engte,tbe accident oo ewrring near.! Grang.'.;'! , our TOREidrr cousTns,' Undoubtedly the kaiser w the boldest euttor Mis Colambin has ever baA : Hew Jot World. v.v.-.."..; f England should not become Jealous. This country will be Just st polite to ' any British prloet who feels Ilk run ' i alng over her for visit. Washington Stir. .' i.Onr other Mendi In Borope should . not be disturbed or welted. Tb fact " that we respond entbomastlcally and i A: generously to the advance of Genua ay does not at an mean that she I to ":'X "" tT a monopoly ef oar good will. W '-.anutt'DO friendship with any power : fV1"" sbJ Mind the possibility of :- ; vf friendship with aU the other power . . fadiajmpoUa Mewa, , : t s Special CSUiery RotlceV ' Mbs Alice Fries formally with for three (8) seasons will again have eharse . of our Millinery Department. She Is : Showing by far the Urt' selected stock ; - w have ever carried, a look through oar ' eforewIU prove this. . . i BABFOOT BROS. Fin Western Beef ao4 Muiton at tl .Oaks Market ' Hot Chocolate, andIIoti Coffee and .Sandwiches at HcBorlcj'e. ' " v at mmmm aawf tfe, - m .raff ' . rkaiiant to tale. Your i - j lit. w. j. i . .. ., f : .i i - was bute on LiWi-os yt- -lerdy. Mr. W. Q. Fotloog, of tl.e A. C. L , vu a visitor In the city, yeeterdy. Mis Susan "tlaina.n, arrived bore Sunday, for a week's vi&U wlih rela tives. ' . . . - . . . x Mr W. 8 Bell of Newport spent yes'ter day In the city,- returning to hi home last night. ' v. . : -: "J - ' Mr. A. M. Edwards now of Edwards, N. C. but who once resided here, was In town yesterday.". Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Newberry came op from Newport yesterday morning and are visiting lathe city. - 'n t " Mr, D. L. Ward kft.on the A. V N 0. morning train yesterday to attend the Jones County Court which Bits at Tren ton this week. "Fire at nines' WlL; " Shortly after one .. o'clock yesterday, fire was discovered In one of tb dry kilns of the Hlne Bros. Lumber Co'. BUI st Klnston. - ' , V v - -. " Prompt work by In Or department of Klnston and the mill force oonflned the Are to one kiln, which , was kept closed until the flames had been moth ered by tfis Injection of Jive steam. " Ths loe will be largely doe to lb water soaked timber in the kilns,'' ; Easter Dtnce.7" Tonight at Lowlbrop Hall, the young men give complimentary dsnoe . to their young lady friends Thl la to be the last dance of the season, and It promlsrs to be a -most sajoyabl affair." " 6 - Dancing begins promptly at 9 o'clock. Masle will be famished by the ' Colam- blaa Orehestra, . , . , - f. . Easter Snndayr. . JX t ner "weather could have been asked for than that of. last 8unday. , It wu sn ideal Easter Day, and the at tendance at all the churches were large, rooming and at night. . Although the report of a flowers available was heard, tb churches wu beautifully ,,- deoorated. wlthflowersr Easter lilies being prominent among the shrubs and Tine. KS-Ji-J.vii iT-m. -anem Pt srstv-;;. t fCb maa eatinx fir of Central Amev. ca inhabits the low lying coast re klont and is moch dreaded by the) a bm jot tb fearful results whlctt tot WWvJta atlnm - Matorallst call It Lo jtUihomlnlTara. The 'average speci men to about a third of aa iadr Jong, tt has a big Bead, with the eyes on Hi Its cheeks an a golden yellow, ha abdomen dark blue with purple tnda, it leg black. Its wings unoso allyng;arjdtheyprodocacoDtlnaoas and load taaalng .when in motJoa. - tTna'penon bitten by this fly gen a disease called mymsta, - It generally begin with an itching of the nose; thettthat organ swells and bleeds, next iUbeoomee ulcerated, and la these ul cers may be found the larrm of tb fly. Xteswhoi fact become swollen; ery atpela aeta in, followed by maoroitls and death. On mas I knew, said a traveler in that country, shot himself attach bad beta bitten rather than face lb torture be knew were cer tain. Can Is difficult Subcutaneous injection of chloroform sometimes do foooVVbut a often faU. Our man I beard tsf sras cured by issnos Jnle in aet4 intt bis Mood. - . . -:v, ' ni Taaaa 'abaw amC 9kaW $ &i : 90mn is no better antldot for da ardency, than to take a measure ox Fouriiwn eonununtty ss It was ten Mm ma J. H Mi mm im mJk.mi w.v mhi mm mh M. WMW jor Br la an tmrepreasntatlv and arsgnsnt mmmmitty. - Ton will be Uxely t find the roads or the streets batter than they wen, the railroad service, the postal service, possibly rvwtrtb telegraph and the telephone itarvlca better. Ton win obterv better bouses, mor attraetlv grounds. Tbe peopl are bettor dad or more are well pad. Inside their boose you win flo4 Boor book or, better, more bathrooms, better Bghts and better fornttar. A larger proportion of children and youth, arercelvln( good training at better School. - All this mean mor than prosperon years. It mean a higher Imi M Uf and a stronger ambition. The area being of the people of tb United Btate I rising higher and es pecially a it diffusing itself wider, lit to constantly becoming more com fortable and mor cheerful a well as longer and aster, leading to better con ttlttooa for Intellectual growth and so cial derelopmeut World's Work,. ' t - -'. ..; OswMVt Be BTMakaa. PA TMrbyshlr so, air recently invited aom London friend down for a little shooting. One of tb sportsmen, after Shooting for three bear without suc cess, wts considerably annoyed by the keeper in attendance M him repeating after every miss, "I can't b mistaken, aur!y." j- - Tor goodness sake, b qulctl" be at last shouted. "What do you mean (with your everlasting 1 can't be mis takoo1" ' . "WeH sir," was the reply. "If you tdnt put a few shots t'irough my 'at peppered both my If r f r me and pop ped a full charge into n j ritlit f"t I'm blowed If I shouldn't t '.Ink as 'out you iwas a-fidar wl'.h blatsk cartr! '!' London &amr. j Fin lot of young'clilclensand drw 1 fowl at lb Oil Market this morn Ing. . "lii i f iae, pirjmre fur r." . ' ' f f. f " ; ' 1 fW' t 1H V ill' l ft a : r Arii 1 to i 1- . j. I . .a 1 . ii put. i I .it'' , i ,1 E. I Vo.,y It gtrt t. i n.a.i'. .1 1 r for Lis, .. ... - U. LI. 1. ..i.ji.B moved Into hia new dwt' 'nr li t nv k. t"r. H. L. t.u..h lioj 'S tohiive hi du...i;2 rm'y to le occinjltdloon. Step are bulug taken to build aa academy here on the stock plan. It it d ol red to raise 1 1,000, of which about $750 ha been subaorlbed. We pre sume the balance will be raised soon." - Capt. M. E. Bloodgood and son, Clar ence, who bars been In the oyster trade down east are spending a few day home,. " ' ' ; ' - ' t Miss Katie Plttman closed her school Isst Fridsy, The speeches by the little ones were very good. ' A children parly wu given them by Miss Kate at her home that evening, where they enjoyed themselves playing,' eating confection tries and listening to some good mosle by Miss Daisy Plttman. - Mia Katie will probably resume her school after a few month vacation. ' s ' Easter day - was celebrated here last Suadsy. Rev. F.,8, BeCtoa preached a very, good aermon, and one that was very appropriate on the. occasion.: Ia the afternoon, he gave a itw" minutes talk to the children, after which there was a grand egf hunt out on. the'oam- pusTs-l f 1 "ifC- -s Rev. Jf. G. Dukes, a Unitarian minister will preach at Whit Oak sear Mr. Mor ris la Carteret oounty oa Srd .8und .' la April and at Swaasbora oa Srd Sunday sight. fij v.f ' k f - Capt E. A, Bewefi msde Quite a quick trip to New Bern "last week He left here In Sharpie oa Monday and got back on Tuesday, is now loaded and ready 10 start again.' j-.'f . s c Mr. Van : WlUla, oar boat builder, is patting ap a nlot sharpie for Capti W, ELHUlmBro. '- - yi : Rev. J. P. Olive preached- th funeral tervlcet of little Florence Odum, daugh ter of Orpha Odum and wife tost Sun. ay '"t"'vr "?v. b- . -rf -', Mr. W. E. Mattocks has aeospled a po sitloa as Superintendent of a shipyard at Camden, if. J. -We with you. mock access, Pete. " - Mr. J. M. Jones, the battling laperln tendent of the Bwantboro Lumber Co. here, mad a buiiness trip over in Car. tent isst Saturday looking after th timber buslji.wii'::g"r Mr. y, B. Ollvo on of our bjss me chtnlcs, hat taken th contract to re model Mr, W. 8. Wyna's ttor:1;"!: ; &' F. LIUleton, who wu racestly pardoaed by the Governor, arrived horns last Saturday. ! JS -ft - Oar publlo school ander the exoellent management of Mist Mamie Franck, is pmgresslog finely and the attendance it very good. ; $:fey. . Mr,, W. M. Bolloway bu the flaesi Cabbage vz bav aeea this soason, H treated himself a few days . ago to a ale garde Vo-y. $'fiy,- -Mr. Zyra Moore Is the happy posse, tori of a vary pretty. Utile marsh pony which h tecently bought of Mr. Cbw. Smith of Ctrteret.3 i&it it PuIItlos are being talked a little now. We beer the Same of Msyor D. G. Wnl poktn of for eonnly treasurer) Mr, 0 8 PP.tmaa'for register of deeds and oar old friend E. M. Koones for th lfgbls tare. These are all. good men, and Ms believe they would BU th different of fices with saiefsclloe to their eoasiL Th many frend of Bevt C. B." Psul win regret to toara that a will resign hit work oa this circuit soda, and move to Wilmington. ; Bro. Paul tsasealocs worker , both , for tb eaute of rellgloa aadtducatlosi, and th ehsrchls WU mlagtoa, to which he hat beta aallerl, may eongratulaie tbemselres la secur feag the Mrvle of such aa able aad earn est worker. : He and alt good wife both, have been identlf ul Wiethe educational tnterett of oar town, ever slnos tbei hsvahcea here, and It wiUbs with re luctance that w part with them, T; ri.Vi -t' A'vrr. Ft. O. B..,..c ' :': U raw the Stomw Some delver Into tb musty old rec ords of Harvard baa brought to light so amusing provision with which On of th college's eighteenth century friend coupled what was for his time a very geoerou bequest to the Cam bridge university. - - ; -Mr. Thomas Brattle was tbe testa, tor name, and bis Interest la Harvard evidently extended to th individual member of It undergraduate body, for after leaving 200, then th equiv alent of about tAOOQ, to tb college for it general ose bis will give half a crown to every student belonging to It who should attend hi funeral. Unfortunately no account of Mr. Brattle obsoquie I extant but there can be little doubt that the occasion WSJ mad solemn by the presence of a targe number of "clilof mourners" nd that good wliihcs for the deceased were generally and feelingly expressed. ' -- ' ' Save Pulm, .''I". , One acre of mno palm yields as much nourishment ss ICi ecros of wheat; ' Th FoiMUH LillMb The ll'y of tbe Ti 'y contains a poi son of t rtif.at i y kltiil. Not only t E' t!ie stern as the flow-r 1" t. 1 Well, co'-i.iln an of pwuio ac! i .. tl ! - I' "I El r. Lcre t., : 3 to c i 9 to,... oa srouad : h ts r, as t a farmers c . l I', s i eoii a of us dun't know ViLi. ;..vf e are up or not. , .- Te frc , e d.d not damage crop In ourmldut. except peat, which in some c&sei are seriously hurt and others not attlL . - - The fruit trees, peach and plum have on their Spring drees Inflne bloom, but apple tree hsvs hardly begun to bloom, only a few pink tints showing oa them at all, and it will be well 'on in April before they will be la full bloom. , Corn, planting hu began aad- it prog resting rspldly, - u many of u farmer see from th small pile of cera in our bam that w will need it u poos' st n can grow. Already we hear tandcipa- tlont of lean twin and poor stock, oa scoount of short crop of oora Isst 'year, and there will probably be more oora planted this yr. Th Irish potatoes ar In some few places beginning to come up. j- -'i '. Tomato plants seem behind the bat may bt ready aa tooa at they caa bt mfely set oat. w Tb pretty Spring like weather U ttlr ring farmer to their but effort, aad work If progressing rapidly. Csbbtg ar looking well and if continued Spring prevails It wilt not bt long before some wui start to heading. ' Ths cold epidemic hat about 'subsided la oar midst, though a few Still euagh aaaneessv W ar all too bury to get new one from another, so we can only tee each other oa Bandar, t Bunday School 1 Pcttj ThleriBfs of Flowera, ' , Severs! yards la Ihrt city . were de spoiled of flower tail week, by boys whom It Is wld an known. . Nothing Is So conUmptlbl than thl tneUy way of entering premises after dark, -..picking flowers , and breaking1 aown punt. It It said that the cemetery it not free from (bis pilfering of flowers, to that lot owaera ar afraid to set out bulb and flowers; ' It ft possible to break up this petty robbery of flowers, and the city author Met should take the matter In hand. Certainly property owner are entitled tr protection, aot to mention tbscem- tery.:. ..," -.'.:;","-.' '. ... -v;. ') Ilcdol Dyspepsia Cm Otas.latail wafc".t Country Ikrcfiimts : - will lo well to See F. P. Dulfy befors. pladng; 1 their orders for Drugg, Patent Medicines and 8nn- ill's i II -t?-5 ! ', ":f:T H- mm AFTER ira a-v. ii ii rl'hit will be an opportunity for the ladies to supply - "thefr.ir'ftnts In 8 PlilNO DO I ERT sach splendid Tahie' v at will be found on onr iab!es In Ihe lTewett Styles of ImU KtrlriM in full lpnoilm unii miwtm '.k -.C- vs-:- Li ; r , 5.7fvBjt-.:.'- For 6bo per pair we offer, n Beautiful AMortment : of Ccntiinf lace Lj'bIcs that cannot The duplicated for , )css than 78o.;''.'vi , Fojnlie very ttnall girls we have the Laos stripe st; ' 10c, and for the larger girls at J5a iVi'c'1'') $ z la Men's Gnnliio "Imported only 25c I'avo only nizo 0 ill tliii rc i t.i:T-!.it Society. TLemontli'y mettltg of the Female Eenevoltnt Bw 'ty will be held at Ui home of i:iu l.Mm, on Tuesday April lat, at 3.30 o'clock p. m. N. O. 8imiovn, Secretary, LESS WORRY. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves in dosens of wsys, and you can't prevent it. All you can do Is to keep them u free from exposure u possible and at ways hare la the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended apoa. Aaway't Croup Syrup will All every requirement. It is guaranteed to care Coughs, Cold and Croup or the price SB cent will b refunded by any dealer selling it" Bold by Davis, Henry's, and Bradham'S Pharmacy. rtsrsisti wM,, Ibis "W No thing Succeeds Like Success, ; As is evidenced by the t . ., many imitations of . VuDuffy's tAfd(-BitiausPills.t ' There is", nothing their equal where a good strong purgative is needed, they v act on the liver," canting - a ooplooi secretion of bile. ; See that ths Diamond - . Shape Trade Mark in red in on each package. For Sale by F. 8. Duffy in . New Bern, and by Country - .Merchants. 5c Packages, 25c Boxes. FTTTf TFf f f Tf f f TVVTTf T VFe A LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF' TnissesV Sapporter8f Suspensories, Air ianlon8, Bulpbcr iSibliig, Orutohes, Bandages and other goods in this line, at F. & DTJFFW PHARMACY. -'f'sr-? :----r'.Vr?i f'V.'iv'i'-:. 'SSx-.:?';-"- rf t t v-rz '--'- ' j SS.v-4v'irir J . ;-.t- iv!. ' 1 fox, 60o value for this , Int. ' - ' EASTER WE HAVE: Hew Neckwear, Collars,; Calls,- Shirts, Hats, Shoes, Extra, Trousers, and Clothing. .ZXost oi the roods have ar- rhred thlslweek . we will take pleasure in showing you the New Styles. r I.:i:ElB:&ir' , . Sen's A JUj'm TTcar, Q , - 57 IFbllock: Stxeot. 8 OUR Handsome Line of Dress Goods at prices that bring high prices 61 Pollock St SMTH'S Winter Goods At Summer Trices. We have a good line of Coal and Wood Heating Stoves that you will find cheaicr than elsewhere. We don't want to carry them" over. If yours is not all right now is the time to buy. Our Stock of General Hardware is Complete. $ Sash, Doors and !lindf, rail its. Oil and Yarnish, Gold and Silver En amel, Lime, Platter, ( en i,t, ond Building Material for a finished job. Lowest, rricea. Goods Guaranteed. PUONK 147. n Middu Bt ii til a- I " m r : E3. SSSSSMSSSSSS tf OFFICEfmES itiOFFICE KSUTIpNEW w "i I C4 ePsfiefa within the reach of everyone. 90 Middle Ht. Gaskil! Hardware Co. NEW BEKN. N. C TUCKER BROS. aiAtf si. a a oi a. WILMISaTJF, - - N'C. The place to buy jour Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRrK-. Ir Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. . Lettering and Finish the Beat Send for latest detlgns. All work delivered. .." Branch yard, Goldaboro, N. C. From a Stranger. Wall I wu looking vasterdsy st dli- terent place f baslas of Ibis crowing Hills city I we mock impressed with ta Trent rlvsr warehouse. Tbey were aa baty as bee. Humbert aad Bombers of eatta, busy bringing ad carrying freight bat en mywsy p the wharf, Iran against another enterprise, It was a saw 111 eatllag eord wood la slots lengths aad there I foaad foar cart taking It away, tt wu indeed a tarprlse loses bow qolclly It wat eat aad bow many loads was carried In a day. , Am bow thinking ef locating here, tioas bm for writlag yos at I am nly a stranger la year city, I forgot la say that poa In qoiry I foaad the wood was at Moore's Wood Yard. V.";--"'- ' ' ' .'.'-'; JaeL W. WalaoB. fl."- 3 la Imnd e kix-p i with thm nowMtsnd . movt m.vH sii ot eiit and fabric (Jr rti ' ii 1 v u I'urna dwtli md swing I 1 , 'f hin.,-' I j t.i .klllnd ' -t 1 1 ! 1 c t -.,f. i.-.,t fpring I i I .1 r- I r r , , Uim - - - pit - i i J

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