tear JS " " . Yourma it 1.1 ' 4 ii. "4-. '-4 3.-l4afa:.i...-J' ' act Pyspeps There is a quality in Royal Bak ing Powder, coming" from the purity " , and wholesomeness of its ingre dients, which promotes digestion. Food raised by it will not distress. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by hygienists and physicians, and they accordingly recommend it m , the preparation of food, espe cially for those of delicate digestion. ROYAL BAKING POWDCS 00., 10 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. School Closing atWUdwood. The closing exercises of. Miss Bessie Willis' school at Wildwood took place Frldsp night, the S8tb Inat. Miss Bessie , had arranged e. very beautiful and enter taining program fer the occasion, as well as a beautifully decorated home. It was trimmed with flowers and ever green i, everything was fixed with great taste. The girls were all dressed In white, with lone sashes of suitable colors for their drills. Some of the boys had yel low suits trimmed in white, to act In. Their motto was, "Education the hope of oar Country." ' They opened the exercises by singing the Bed, White and Blue. Miss Bessie Tolaon sing a solo, Hiss Osnia Collins and Miss May McUabe acted well In a dialogue. Miss Uamle Howell ' acted well in several pieces. Mr. George Pel letler acted well as old year a dialogue Mr. Johnnie McCabe and Albert Tolaon acted ss a negro preacher In a congregv tlun of negroee; the former preached a sermon from tho book of Lnko, and the latter preached a funeral of a chicken thief. ' 1 These all deserve special monttoa as well as the fair drill. Eight beautifully dressed young ladles came out on the stage with their fans, and facing the au dience, and went, tbrongh.au. exercise wjih their' ' f aus.' ;lTej turned J and marchqd with the accompaniment of the organ around and cross the etsge sev eral nines and ihen off the stage to their seata- '..$;- -jS-: t v- Mr. J. B. Bell famished Basle with his harp, seconded by lis guitar. Mr. . Bell played we.lL ".. f hen cams the clos ing song by the school. "We'll never say good ftye." .. : ' . Then Miss Bessie, made some striking r marks on education and morality, after she had finished her talk, she called on some of the school patrons to speak, . Messrs. T. J. Tolaos) and T. T. Me Cabe both spoke very eoeonrsging about education end the necessity of an ' education. . " r -J Then Mr. T. J. Tolson dismissed the audience with prayer. We had several visitors from Newport, Morehead t hy - and Bogue. ' We hope - they were pot sorry they ctme. We were glad to have them with ns. Miss Bessie has made many friends In . our place while with as,- although She ' hss gone and -left us, she has our best wisher. Bo ends one of the most suc cessful schools ever taught at . old Bel mont school house. One Who Was there. Tke Kli The heaviest precious atone Is the sir- com, which la four and one-halt times heavier than water. ; The lightest la the opoi, only twice as heavy as water, Van Sir AanuSa. . The fly agaric, a sort of fungus, it to . tailed because steeped la milk It la used to kill flies. . ' , ; ; FOOD AND NEURALGIA. The Right Pood wni Drive It Awiy. - ' - ''; Good ford cures neuralgia ' and asany - other diseases if It is tha right kind of V'-: food and taken regularly, for the proper fond will Sarely ;ebulld the cellular; tla ' .sues sad build the right kind of eells In ". tsl of diseased cells.' When tha re ;.' building Is under way tha' disease ,) ..leaves.: i Vf?it:;ii ' ' That If the fad and tha ,b Of the ' ;.; food cure.. There are : hundreds of thouiands ot casts to prove.ths trdth f .ti'Jtfcttaattlo4i.iv?t1-.fV A vta in Delaware, Is. ,Mi. Thomas , jUraveo.says: '.'My wlfo baa been greatly amirca wtm aeursigta ,ao . baa never ) ) fonad sny.' otfdlclns fibat -would cure : ' 1 was told thst If the could bj 'fed on , . Orapa Nuts Break fsat Food for a time .'she wonld probably get .well, We ' surfed on Grsps-Nuis. Within a very short time Wife bccsmeeollrely free from psla and Is now, to all sppraraiu Sr ea 4 tlrely cured of her trouble. - . i ' z r We csnnot find words to sipreas oar t appreciation of the beneficial reaults from Ibis greatest food In eilatence, drape Nats. i - y - ers CMBIASSTATIPT. I ffb.es. Oaalels, Treas., In Account trio with the City of New Bern. GKXKKAX rilNB. March 1. To Bal. 89 92 March 4. To J. H. Hargett 88 10 March 81. To J. J. Tolson 1,840 70 March 81. To J M. Hargett 85 10 8,007 82 By Hyman Supply Co. 418 F. B. Duffy 8 40 Tho. Daniels 16 67 do 16 67 O. H. Guion, bond ' 25000 R. P. Williams 177 67 Street By. & Electric Co 164 61 Thos. Daniels 193 01) O.N. Ives & Son 102 20 J. M. Harget 50 00 H. B. St. By. & Electric Oo 65 24 C. Lupton 85 00 Blades Lumber Co. 10 61 P.T.Patterson 25 00' Naval Reserves 15 00 Willis ft Mcintosh 10 29 H. O. Whltehnrst 25 00 Willis 4 Mcintosh - . 39 74 Naval Reserves . 15 00 I do - 15 00 , M. HahnABon ' 18 00 - do 23 25 Cutler Hdwr Co. 15 80 H. O. Whltehnrst 25 00 H. H. Tooker 25 00 ' A.J.Gasklns 20 00 ' . Nathan Brooks 20 00 J. C Collins 30 00 J. T. Lewis 85 00 ' Lon Bryan 35 00 ' ' J. B Dixon 85 00 R P Montague 85 00 New Bern Gas Co. 19 70 TT McCarthy 2 25 Willis & Mcintosh 4 85 Henderson Telephone Co 8 75 Blades Lumber Co 6 25 HMOroves 2 00 ' John B. Msnlx 2 00 T A Henry 2 50 .' HI Davenport 2 00 WPM Bryan 1 18 J M Harget 8 80 . J J Tolson 5 83 . Allan tic Fire Co., help er ... . 5 00 ! , MHahnACo 8 00 : i;Wllietalllngs ' 800 JHHussell 8 70 Joslah Daniels 150 Everett Waddey ft Co. 20 00 Burns AGray 4419 do 45 08. do 4508 RP Williams .10 00 . MHahnACo 87 60 j TBLand - 80 00 To BaL 121 it I ,,, 8,007 88 WATER WOKS. ' -:'t V March L To Bal 8tt 88 March 19. To J J Tolson - 7000 March 81. To 6(8 08 1,613 88 , By Hymsa Supply Co . sjcius wi warns ';j 80 08 V 85 00 ' J O Jackaoa JO WhlttyAOo : J OThornu -, Edwards A Brougbton ; . J O Thomas - . r woo v 88 - I 50 00 J J Tolson -'85 00 9 ; JoeParsonr v. 85 00, jOJscksea 85 00 Jrf TolsoB do ''J',85 00 -. : 25 00 ? :f-.. 8 00 od. , soo ;!..:' an . Joe Parsons . JohnB Manlx -, Jt C Davenport , 11 M Groves i I Tolaon Kim City Lumber Co " 85 00 1,189 88 ,m 8q ';Bal.-' .... ... , . , ,.-.-ir.....v.,., ,:r Clr Oravt Ceif . '. 'i-Z IjtarchSL'To BaC fttiKt t.lfall Or wop CMitrrr.Y r J '. March 1 To Bai:; ' '-'- 1(15 0) - i ,J. . 1 ' IU)VJ By Blades Lumber Ca. do . ' T. F. MoCrthy Oo ' ., To Bal. ; . 1 "9 91 l Bir V 1 SH 151 47. 16JO0 . RlMirlo l ight ronit. Msrc 81. To r L 11.' i OO i .Hi Z T ' !Tw''lf'i Educational -' Ooject" Lesson tJJrecnsborori; j Music Teachers Assoelatlea Meeting Cold Weather Tor Creps. Im-" portant SeKeoI Bullng . t Lumber i&fapMT,, I -DissolTes. Ar- x i ! riyali. s-- . i3 Baleioh-, April 1. Tha second annul convention of the North Carolina Music Teachers Association': began here! this mornlpg in the Academy 'ofMjisIc, about 150 membera beinr present.' jThe first meeting was held at Durham ! last yosr, when 44 were present, Gov.) Ay- cock this morning made an . address of welcome, to which GUmore- Ward Bry ant ot the Durham Conservatory of Mu slo respondeajrejarence Brown read a paper on "Music In the Publlo Bchoojs,' and John A. ' Simpson of the school for the blind, and who lVls also Wind,! one on "Mind Id Technique and Eipreealon ' This afteinoon there was an Illustrated lecture by A. K. Virgil and Miss Flor ence Dodd, and tbla evening a :plano re cital by Kichard Burmeister. t Mrs. H. 8. Robinson, daughter ofcdl tor Robert M". Fur man of the Morning Post, la extremely ill here. Only tho high wind which continued all last night, prevented frost this morn ing. The temperature was 87 degrees. The air was very free from moisture; the percentage of humidity being only 46, This was also the case during the, severe cold snap In March, when the very dry atmosphere prevented much damage, The cold wind is unfavorable to the truck crops. Since Sundsy at noon the wind has blown at a velocity of from 20 to 82 miles an hour. . ,.;.. The Secretary of State today allowed the Enfield Lumber Company to dis solve. Its capital was $100,000. Up to this time the graded schools In this State have never reported to the State Superintendent, and' officially he does not know they exist. Under sec tion CO of the new school law all schools which receive public funds are required to make, report. lie is now preparing report blanks which will solicit all the desired Information' as to these suliools, and be will require direct reports. ' The Slate Superintendent makes important ruling as to these schools Which through private receive public funds snd charge for - education in the higher branches:' He rules that under section 64 of the school law no school which receives any Stale funds In any way can make any Charge, The particu lar ruling la as to a school st WaxUaw, Union county,' bnt It applies to a num ber of counties. ' - Arrival. J. II. Moorf, Wilsoqi W. P Bynum, Jr Qreesborp; Plait D. Walker Charlotte; C. B. Wstson,1 Winston-Salem R. K. King, Greensboro. t -K G.iv. Aycock Will go to Greensboro Thursday evening, and will directly after his arrival attend a meeting" of tha ' so ciety formed among the students of , the Slate Normal and Industrial College for the purpose .of ImprOviSghS (Jjal pub lic schools la the State. Twenty codnty superintendents' wilt bi present bnd these will Ult the joeieiy ortheaondt- tloq Sb'irthe'.Vceas 61 "ihe schooBi In their resm ctlve1 cbintfes,-' Friday (the tate'&ueerlhtendeiit wni hold a tonfer ence with the 20 county kuperlntendtnts Governot Ayyo,Dr."))harea p. Re iver anil oineri vtui speaa aaa iaxs pari In the conference.' In the evening tiete wUl he:a Wly,fi4'' 'speeches ' f jtaa Governor 'and the State SuperintendVnt. Alter IMS . d aksre.wtll Wrme an assoclatjk Ir tha improvement of raral pnblloicliool hduies In Guilford county, and to present lo the. people atf ailvncs along' three Mars-Coasolldstlon ( of sdiool distrlo'ti, the lefylng of Ipcal taxes for raral schools and the Improve ment of bulkllngs and gtoands. )Gullfod proposes to set the pace In this Stale la this' matter and to give an invaluable object lesson' -' ,.' Abtll l.-Maroh left us with weather"ypsterday was jpreliy'ooo'ljbut rsdue tf tbearmerr blsnted some eorn m tiasame i'-'i '. .,1 We were pleased ,fdbsrs Such a fine ! day for our 'tyr tntortalnment given bj the Sabbath School at this place. We hvla good ruaoy vlslwrsfrom the knr- ronndipg.schcols tbich were gladly ' It Is reported thst Mr. 8, A. Xvetjng- tot,f tH to mwe siioyiy. l 1 Mr. T. M. Osyon hay as beenryer 111, TOfyi,)!;, ;; Ml is lmirvvlr)gv J 'ti Mr. T. A. Siapleford Is now making I preparations for bis new home On New port river! nA.k?.-4 f.s.i I "Mr. l. W Eretlngton's flog mot, his iiaie -one ay rasi wees, uy aairasger paaalug Ibrouitb the neighborhood, wbi - lodged phrtol bsll in ibe dog's brain." . lrt -J tt,JB, naauu thrnnoh v - , -. ' "ri- Ilk It r.l Cola Tle.idaihe rcwdcr - . . ;.' onlaln no Anlliiyrlnp, or ollitr Injurloiii Thi drprcva Iml tliriilm H o ' nnrrae lis aiiellina V - y d not !'! " h SIhI : I run . r ' 1 I r- I fur I;i !(!' and f- n r ! : 1 r r - : - r- Trade of $2,000,000 a Day. i Washington, ApL l.-The manufac turers of the country are now Importing more than $1,000,000 worth of materials for their workshops every ; day f in ! the year, and are exporting more than tl( 000,000 worth of their flhishe product esxJt day The ImporU In the eight months 'ending -with February,,! 1908, were, according to a statement us i sued by the Treasury Bureau, $17008, 774, and exports of finished manufse tvret flaring the same period were $257,- 907,480.. The Importation.: of manufac turers' materials hu been greater in the eight months just ended than in the corresponding period of any preceding year. : . . Within less than a decade the Impor tation of .manufacturers; materlala has more than doubled, and the exportation of manufactures hu also more than doubled.". '-. : . , ) ! ' Stops thaUcklinft and quickly allays la the throat. . Pretty Slow.' ' When a girl pins a flower on a inan'i coat, she always tilts her cbln up and looks at It sideways, and the man who doesn't tumble Is slow enougb to gei1. Tan over by a hearse. v Nothing worries a person so much as ta r tell him that he talks In his sleep land then not tell him what he says. 'Atchison Globe. No ,woman will ever reproach her husband tor flattering her even If it Is badly, idone. Shirt Silks K 40 Pieces Fancy Taffeta Shirt Waist m Silks at 60c and 80c. Foulard Silk, best quality, 24 inch, at X 75c and $1.00. f Black Feau de Soie at 75c, $1.00 and ft $1.25. jjj Fancy Armure at $1,00. 2? New Kid Gloves In all shades and size. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. Mew Ties New Laces. HAGKBURN c!$!$!$!$!$$$!$-.$--$- Mens xtn.s i It'll I the:oorfeot Hattw tlijlitw.: S'i Tift. thA labss't anrl 'smartest-') sr.'v liisjiui in min.nl hiih. niiiriH I writ t. S W . 11. of GloVes, and eterj-little j detail that goea .tP complete j tho , II "wafdrpbeof a STnart dresser, we havJtut the OorreotThings I r-the snappy things, the late us for nil tha new kinka and twa never; disappoint them. If oome irom nerp. von i iook sweu on jasrer puuuwv. , , , ,. . , i v.i f07- 'Middle Street. i4r Li "LV Vi-u ; r rr k i i . r i j ... Spalding's Base R$ Goods. - v';- ' ' We lisve sofDred the sponry for tbfl Cfl.'bratml A. O. Fpnlilinff A lire., Alblijl io tldinU. IiornenlKPil the U. B 1 ov'r t tli at.'tmUrd. ; ,lir I. riM fiivcd tliM hu:" (, Ilun of PhsO j P'iII I'noiiii I'vcr lrini ht to tliia oity. mm, ac jvw"l is tufl ix'st. praiwo a r"n p ' mp run l'stow en HpUhinit;'B pmW. ! 'f's fa'l( initi k ik Ll io lulu k .fi v. - T F'7 r , . . A J, Jf -SapremeCort Opinions, . 8peclai:tb Jottrnal. ' ' RitBidK, ' April J.--The? Supreme Court filed 'the following ppljplona to days , .('(rf t ! , Thompson -TS Railroad from Pender affirmed, r..' '.. ! "Tucker vs Winders, from Duplin,' no Sallenger vs Perry from 'Bertie, er ror. " ' e ' The tollowlfag eases were disposed of by per curiam order: Barnes ys Railroad -from New Han over, affirmed. , , Mean vs Whitehead from New -Hanover affirmed. The Best prescription ror jiaiana. Chills and Fever is a bottle of Gbotc's Tastbuss Qbxll Topic. It Is simply Irott and aulnlne uva tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 60c 1 y ' XtaM'S OSUMSmiM A wit. ' V "The average man's conscience,'' said the Tobacconist to the Wooden Indian, !n that atlll email voice within his breast jwhlch telle him he wouldn't be aa mean as his wife's relatives are even lrhe knew, bow." Syracuse Herald. I ' Beavrs; BoaSbswdaaeBt. ' f Bam To sat dat do bride en groom hadtatbe sent to de hospital soon after toe marriam ceremony. How was dat? I Bemna Why. some ob deb. frien's thought it would be luckier to throw eld horseshoes. rfhen fortune turns a man down. people toru tip their noses. New Xork Herald. Waist S PLACE. j I i M ideas, uooa dressers aepena on wrinkles In Haberdasnerr, ana your Furnishings and. JHidij's j J7.X. -ill Antidpdcd Pleasure a1wva rmllr,Bd when voa rlile In a J Water's rarriRrOjWhrtlinranrrey, biiftry, , trap or runabout. Tliolralyle is f.'iult ' , less, tlil'ir construction pnrfnrt. Tbev nrfl rooniTan'l romforUibio. pive easo In mnnit'T awl sre nl-ke rnU'!nl to borae irn-i r; -t. 1 , !'MioT1i s.or we are nhdwlnp ili.nl i .. i - r m fur Hid Ji H' l. I p... " m. , b; i s ,i i. -'-.tHi'M k if H.I I I of i I to : t s ill. H . , p- i , ,.y . , - JM' t " " fv W Sssaw B ob ll .! V ,' ' M k Pancake Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, Fancy Elgin Butter. Fox River Print Butter. New Orleans and Porto Rico MolasSea. Rock Candy Drips is the Finest Syrup yon can get and its only 10c qt. fresh supply of that Genuine Java Roasted Cof fee which I am selling fof 20c lb or6 lbs for a dollar. Try it arid yon will be convinced that ita the best Cof fee for the price you ever drank. 5 kegs of Carpet Tacks for 6c. XL J" ' nssawBSFsaassBS 'Phone 01. MtDAM Neckwear There is nothing that adds more tone to a man's apparel than a Beautiful Tie. Our magnificent showing of Men's Imported Silk and Satin Neck wear is by far the most tempting array we have ever shown. For our 25c Neckwear other stores ask 50c. For our 50c Jfeckwear other stores ask 75c. Notice the window. J. J. BAXTER, Phone 460. 89 Middle Street. An Inspection of the canning factory would show you why these canned goods are so pure and delicious, and why they can't be sold at a cheaper rate. They are as cheap as good goods can be. bur people are well paid. They work in pleasant, clean ly environs, and the fruit ' use! is the best grown. That's ' why you enjoy Tolson's can ned goods. Respectfully. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Groceri Phone t 37. mmmmmmmmmmmnmmmn ' " ' " i fteVlalenal'le4VveVtewVVSI' tSlttt4VliwV,t4V Fresh Country and Side Bacon, :: '"A:! -A ,A FancylNew Qrleana,! WesCIndia 5an4 Porto Rico Molasses. . Vanilla Drips and Maple Syrup Jut Received. We also have a full anfl and fresh' supply of Fancy Cakes ; ' and Crackers, such as TTmeeda Biscuits, Uneeda Milk Biscuits, f 'Oysterettesi Cheese' Sandtiohes, Forentirie 'Vanila Creams, Ortoige Wafers, Ctooolato,'lee Qtjam, dkc. . ,")itoBTf uVeeJl antt'gdxoqr groceries fresh ; Ttti&Az ? V:; PHOSaf B9.' u Car. Ti'&TTntIr Htm Bradham's ? Antl-1 i ? Bilious, Uyer I V are purely vegetable aaa .aet by stifflnlatlng Ibe liver, oanslag Jnereaaed flow of bile and producing natural an ve tnsntsof th bowels. . They do not pro duce griping or sick stomach. !8nre core for Conatlpatlon.nalalenoy, Heartbam etci Trice S3 cts.' Manufactured b 0. I). Bradham, wholesale and retail ding- The lndulireniia flma: to tkaaa who have not paid their city taxes, eaenotfbe extended lonnir. If not paid bjrl Arjrll lt, ynu will hi J waited upon, and please do nut tut res c.7. The -tat Is put diOa.iJrji'i-ttsc,"" icl without daisy. ,5 . I ;. .-. J.J. 7- ; r, 1 2 1 ii Flour Wholesale A Retail Grocer, avaaai ' jj 71 r6l Ht. i i i Smoked Hams jr.,; . LAATIYH TASTELESS lllkU IUI.1U. C)mbhttnaj tike) InVamtlv ptupmwif of (iHmrm, bneftoil mm m atoaar I feMlte 0sariiseMl. AO. Oulf IA t BRa.laIa.il j rMAHMACYa i''.i' N v,h,,;rt ,,(,,..., , . ., i Cdenr Headache Powders. - Tbere' IS not '"any "tetter 'remedy' fof keadaibS Qiaii ' IhMiS TtnWdATa. ' Thev never fall 10 relieve. Made and sold enly at Davis Prescription Phannsof. .'- : : Prescriptions tt DavbV : T Ravla rreaorlptlon' Pharmacy makes a specialty- of prnacrlptlons. Prompt sad careful attentloa Is given them. Only the beat dm js are ased. The prices are rcaiopable. Send yours there to be t'.Ui. HI! 'I U 1 "1