At t v ' ' t VOL. IX-NO. 6. r r p q iTTTTvni v f"1" v1 I Itmt e. .oat. k I a. .... TWISH FIRST YtAB -- i V ROYAL sable to 3 the caKe, not-breaas, rolls and murnns. ;.. ' rtrmrAfra bri a tew pennies; 4 ' The "Royal Baker and Pastry NOW D PEN. cooking receipts free to evenr" patron. cheaper powder. But alum is corros- ,- . y Send postal card with your full address. " ive poison which, taken in food, acts injuri- fK 4' , ously upoo the stomach. Uver and kidneys. 1 , ' ;r kovaL BAKMa oweca ea, no wiuiam it., new vork. . - Early Bscaaes LyBcblnr. and Shootlnr ; . ' Does Hot Hart mm. tipecM to JoornaL v :, ; lUuion, April 4. Thomas Karly the -nejro ho so narrowly ascaped lyiich log at Kdenton, and death M th train Awhile helnf uken to Norfolk, Vs., was " brought hare this aftsoov it in o'clock, and was Inunodiately taksn to the penitentiary.'' v v Enrly was able to walk, and did not : appear to suffer much from the ballet wound la the beck v J He does not seem to be over S3 years, and is repnlsire la appearance. He had , - very little to say on his way here. ; H ,,; Ponds fbt Fortifications. WABauOTOH, April 8. The House - Comaitltee on ApproprlatloBS today re ported tbe FortlBcatlons Appropriation . bill. It appropriates 9,MS,45S, which Via $801 m less than the last act. ', 1 " . " With the appropriations la the bU -.$58,888,860 of the $W,S9SU fncloded j la the Kndlootf Board scheiae of aeafj : coast aetenses will have been sppropnst : ad. . , :. ;v. . u . The more Important Items tit the bDl : are for (an and mortar hatteries, $V - OOO.COn, and for armament and fortlfica- Uons, $8U,7C5t . for . the board of -ordnance and fortifications, $100,000. DAILT BLOWS Brracltt m Appendlcltli : , II a person will continue to pat a little - poison In. the body each day,, lor In nunca Ilk a cap of coffee each morning :; when coffee acta as a poison. - and It fre 4 quenlly does, the result will be an at tack some day la some of tho organs of the body. The little disturbances each day pile np and Inally become Wg dla ' turbance. v '''t-1, fr--?. ., Many cases of appendlcltla haa ben .: brought oa by ooffee drinking. It first affects the nerves of tho stomach, and -. the disorder travels on down through the bowels and "results In some kind of bowel troublo, frequently sppendl cltls. v.r ;. ..- . A lady In Fredonia, 5. y. saya, "Dur ing my school life, both as a student and leecber I drank coffee reaularly. Most of the Una I knew the ooffee was Injur ing me hut did not feel Ilka giving It up. . First my nerves felt the effect and later on constipation developed, and after ' that, the last year I had severs attack or appeedUUe. , My doctor and friends - all acreed lhl these troubles wsrs large ly caused by coffee drinking. ' '"" -; ' 'While I was 111 soma Postern wss sent mo by friends. -1 supposed H Was cof fee and hesitated at the Scat cup, but when the difference was eiplslaed, aad . ! drank as mach as I cared for, with such gooa reiau. i .conoiuoea rostum was just what I wanted aad have used It ever since. It greatly aids digestion, Is nour ishing and tefrnhtng. ;. 5 My food sod nourltbmnt while geu ting well from sppendlcltls were Postum and Orspe Nuts. . ' . ' ' If 1 hit Wnowa or l'os urn I rti't'il ) s been ae ! a tretj eedons s aaount of suffering brought oa by coffee drlukir-. ... . U one of coBferU lu I r torn. 11 u turrsulni irKsuy from r sprs!. but has entlr .'y rf 1 ' fe be quit - . -? ft' i :''Ut Baking Powderis preparation of i the v finest Housekeepers hould 6top and thinks mt7M - rrifA Sr tint' lrtfirirr f Z' ' J. ' " J 1 -i i"' is u cconumjr iw euu y wur uigcsuuu 1 , "Alum Is tued In seme batting ponrden Coolc" -con- ;" and in moat oi the BLAZE AT ATLANTIC OTT. Beach Front Swept For Two Blocks. ; Lou i may Exceed $rw,00a , t- Atlantlo City. N. J, April S.-Twelre hotels and more than a score ol small bolldtngs adjoining . the . board ; walk which Is bnllt along the ocean edge, were destroyed to-day by a fire which Swept the beach front for two long blocks from Illinois arenas to Kew York avenue. ThS loss, It Is said, will eiceed $750,000. In this ret pact the conflagration la most disastrous that has ever visited this city The lots will be only partly ; covered by Insurance, as the rate of I per cent charged by Insurance companies on property hero is regarded u almost pro hlbitlTe. Fortunately no lives were sacrl floed, though probably doien persons were slightly Injured and burned dns lag tho flro It was reported early , in the afternoon that six men had perished In tho flames, but tho rumor was with out foundation. . Tbi origin of tho Are Is unknown, bat Is said to have started in either Brady's baths or the Tarletoa Hotel, which adjoins tho baths at Illi nois avonoo and tho board walk. - am m TjvjWm. ms eertata ens tor coock. .t .ijnericaB Coal tor Swiss. . Condon, April S.Th Daily Mall to day records the arrival at -49oathamptoa of a largo party of American ahlp-rivert-rs, Imported by an English firm for the purpose of "showing the Sootch work ssea how to do it." The 1 labor-saTlng pneumatlo rivorter ' with ; which, the Americans are equipped creates aneasl nass in tho minds of lha British unionist workmen. ''iiVTsifi;Vf lt. 'f Another Lohdon paper reprints from a Swiss review details of a plan by which American coal ll supplanting ths Ger man article la Bwltserlaad. Aocordlhg to this authority large warehouses will bo boat at northern French ports for the purpose of storing and sorting American coal, and also for the purpose of manu facturing "briquets (compressed coal bricks) from tho wsstaga of French and 8wlss railroads. XiV. 5 i i, V Kore Money For Cotton Operstires. Wonommn. MassJ Anrtl tA ra. suit of an agreement between Owners of all cotton mills along the valley of the Blackstoa river nearly SOO operatives will be given an Increase of about 10 per cent, in wages, beginning nszt Mondsy. Tn increase Is voluntary on the part of the mill owners. : .,: -. ' . . '. . ' A Victory For Lalor. . WiiniKO tow, April A The Douss Committee on Lbortody ordered a fa vorable report on the eight-hour bill, sc ealled, providing that In every contract for wrrk for the Government it shall be specified that the work Is to be done on ss eight-hour twals. Tills measure has Wn stroofrlT porttKl by ltior orgsn!.at!us and op posed by tbe large armor, !!!!'.. ordnance and other conwrns lmvli contrtota with the Ooveroment. Tie f(tTorble report isi ordurcd wliliout dSrUioa. . T:;ro La' r 11:; t"C ' CiiATTfi-K.nA, 'IVnn . Ai ,11 8.-1 rnnUli-r' Hr! In i!,;t ct.T ,, ; r , Viilyr-, B!.ul : i, . i - , , 1 f r -"";? V -. f sV - - 't . ' r-i t:.,V'-.i. indispen - t 3 it 4 '.- If $ach j"r3' " iu save .i so-called phosphate pow v THBIARXETS. Tho following quotations were recelv edby J. X. Latham Co, Few Bern, Niw Tonx, April I. Oorron--: Ope, High, Low, Close May. :. ; . 'M8-.JS7fJI A4 Jaly:;.......V8.S 8.S ; M f S6 i; 8ep.. &S5 - 8J5- 68$ 6V3S l:Oct..V,.vJ t,ati4. 8.18 tk :.Chlcngd, April 1 ; WniAt: ipen. Hlghv Low; Close Jul,..,, ... tii "2 w 1 M7 m Pas.!i;i''Opaa, HlghLow. (Jloss May;;..to0t ,f?? & Rlb: -,, ; Open; High, Low. Close v May?. .Vl -TCtZit 887 Wow - Tork,- April 4, arooKSi-r. Opon High. Low Close Bo By-i--.V.i ?:?z-zm rj.aL..-..;;;r-.i8i ;v , m tt a B. f reftL. tU S l Mo. , P,i lOOt ixfifi ,WU AtchIsoair?bi);ft?;;j:;';:: 78 M 880 TBpots if. 8als 10,000 balaa.;.'. .: : I Futures, Msy-Juno AS4, ane-July S-.'rwssw Last waek'S-r laat year Thla week.,- 'j-J.-?1 Bat. 18000 yM''M WXO Mon."'13000 wooo Tom-14000 17080 Wed. - roootf 4s: .-JC4l""t.::i- tsooo Thorn. M;.AS; v; - 140C0 Ft!.'" 10000 JJ t'r' 15000 70,000: '115.0CO Bif Increase in Gerxin Exports. Bsu.iv, April 8. The lasi quarter's exports to tbs United Stales from the Sooth German consulates, except Co- borg, amounted to $9,717,108, an in crease of $l08,fC3. ... ... ,'('.' :.' KarconlSc"s Anerlcan K!fftts.' LoiDoa, April 8. The Maroonl Wlre leee Tkgrsph Compaay has , sold It American rights snd patents to sn Amor loan company with a citpUal of (1,100, 000. - . Child reu will j-!:-y and f t ovet-hcatrd r-t t'mlr fe'st st, ptrs thmsolvwi In ilw of 4, 1 ; i can't pecv-nt 't. All yoo n do Is t- 1'- ;h'-ti t fn-e from xp - e as ws have in tl:e boe tt. ,tl.-t cn he it.r M i . , Oonp !-;yrup wi!l i; ! i : i It I p'mrnntcetl loi-ur.i ; r 1 Crfiip or tl'ft fr-r e W J' ' ' ' y ft" v : ' f .' . ', I'.n-yX s.! 11 tl K. ! 1 May . V; 'Hrtv. -1SS WAsf '( & ' OBHM A. Governor Goes to Greerisboro. Industrial - Building For, Oxford Orphanage. ' ' Many Districts Without : School Houses. - Rattraa, April 4. Governor Aycock left this morning for Greensboro, to at tend the educational conference there In which .10 counties .participated, The Governor spoke this evening, as did also State Superintendent Joyner, v Secretary of State Grimes retained to day from Grlmealand, where he attended the marriage of his sister, Miss Theo dora Grimes, to Mr. Wiley Rodman of Washington, N.C. , - " The executive committee of the trus tees of ths Oxford Orphan asylum Is called to meet there the middle of this month to provide for an Industrial build Ing. Tho latter- will be spacious and well equipped and will bo In the grounds of tbe asylum, k A . small : building now utefl lor this purpose is . without too grounds. , vv -'--f Orand Secretary Woodell of the Odd Fellows went to Lexlnirton last night and formed a lodge of that order. Tho Odd Fellows have collected some money for the homo for aged members and wid ows of members, which It Is . their place to establUh., " " - ,1 " : ' , .4. Interest in the.titate fair wm' never greater, and it come the largest of all tbe fairs held in the south. Letters are oven now pouring tn about Ik-Its great popularity makes It a reunion-time for North CsrollnlauS.'- Gentlemen from Richmond and Norfolk who attended It last October expressed their admiration and their surprise.' Thla was particular ly the ease With Col John W,. Cordon of Richm md an&ludgo Garnet! of Nor folk. It is proposed to make the fair thla year even greater than before and V a sufficiency of cars b provided by the railways It Is said the attendance will bo .The poatmutor here, who pays all the rural free delivery maU carriers in tho State has paid 74 for-March.- This It the present number. Ho is advlaed that by Jane 1 there will be 26 more. ": -f ... ' The fact that there are 080 school dis tricts In this Stat which have no school houses will cause a sensation in educa tional circles. ' Of these 884 art whiu dUtrlcts, Then 'are $50 jog school bouses and of these 807 are occupied by whiles.;' That day of tho log' school houses Is evidently ' fat from gone In North Carolina.-?; r-.'-t "' r Every individual in thla (world Infto ences some one person, and the greater .we make ourselves the- greater '1 maka some oo elaOr-Ladles , Homo Journal '"xZVl'ii ia asm n' :!"- " km .-..if w-:ka. : wasxk wwu taaxu O uiacK reau ae japie 7oc3ivA.uu aaa; ) New JUd -Glove's! la all shaded and stee.,'o cSHOESSIWES-SM as a., w-s- t IS THE 'w jm. m. j00, sn. i. 4. .. X' W W',n'asjfsa-'"a " . , . JUST RECEIVED ; . , J m t'wl,' J Ti j t' .'ir , l;, :it f 'H " 1 r-rrm. ImtaiiJ I Prove That A Medicine That Will '- Cure Caseabf Catarrb ? of Long Standing De ; Berves a Very High i Place in the Annals of -Medical Discovery. V" Such a a Peruria. Medicine J is THOUSANDS of , tesMmonlals , are ponzlnc is every day ol old casee C ot ohronle oatank. that have re- aisted aU traatineot lot years, being promptly and permanently cored by ?ernna, . , . - , ft These reports do not all come from obseora vlaeea, atinud by obeenre neo- ple. t A large proportion of these letters ore- written,, by men and women promi nent in business aad professional cir cle and many of ttiem well known from oeean tooeeaa. ... 'Colonel John Franklin Waters occu pies a prominent position among the leading trial lawyers of Chtoago He has probably obtained more verdicts against oorporatlons in suits for personal injuries than any maa of his age la the united states, ana aartng us praoaoe of over fifteen years he has not lost a single- ease In the Supreme Courts of Illinois and Iflssoorl. -Ho is a bard worker aad has the energy of four men. - Po rrnmber of years he had been afflicted with, chroaie catarrh and hav ing recently been thorooghly oared pf bis old affeetioa, an Interview was ob tained with him by one of oar reporters In which be gave tho following state ment to ths pabltai Omxoaso, fiul' Ang. 6, U0A. .Tbs Fernna Medlelna Oo, Oolumbos, O. i a mctr o fso aasrfte ot nsasft at wwrtlor swmwsJbr ammvrv as yowr JrWMi l Ask awflatws? fcr awats of ywors froe vasyiatfa. sifresshss dfnssa s? WfrfW asaoy so-osRee? rwsBoaTfs M smtff f taeltbatlmm ptrttctlr can4a4en cbrtulty TOfflninnsnd AsrwsM ro any oew uOttrlmg from eatm. :;$ t JOHN Bt 1MB. aado4pA5t, Chicago, 111. Another case equally wU-known In Chicago, Is reported through a letter from a veteran Railroad man. ' . - j ,bvk wkhi u:?nn:i ,w &S ls Vaj .. s'jV PLACE. -v -;' v - "j A - v,r j t ..I fr t". o In ' " Co's I . i v i, 1 i J ' i, r f ( ' t ti v, si wo nr prej-:.:;.! Ij VI XI. W W -. m mm DEUABLE TJITMESSES Old VCaseslbf tarrh can be Curedr COLONEL JOHH FRATTHIK WATERS, OF CHICAGO. Captain John H. Lyons, of Chicago, passenger agent for various rail road com panies for the psst twenty tour years, eonneoted with the Postoff tee Department for six years, the Polios Department tor six years, sad at pree- ent connected with the Grand Trunk railroad, had a similar oase. Be lit ; l.B. Lyons. -wi, Pancake Flow, 'Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, Fancy Elgin Butter. Fox River Print Butter. New Orleans and Porto Rico Molasses. - n.Ai flaiii. Tlwt-na at f ia ITCnAat. Hvmn . Ton Oil 11 get and its only lo qt. a. . a vpvi v; a rresn supply ot tnat enuine javn ttoaswu vi ! ,; teo wMon I for a dollar. i n t rjjry nd Yds wiU be jee lot w pnoe you - I J. L HiH, ;:-wT1iobio'01-.,, , If it s i iVthl a iifirVfiY aaesaMMMHMen HWBHSMsanSlaMI , , ' I. The natural food for maintaining taorrj, i -.T Tb Fc:d -that isi All Food. The whole ol the wheat, pc ;ntI3cjJly combined with bar ley malt, furnishing the ' maxUnuin oi nourishment without burdonlng the digestion, j Full directionaon every paoltage; : ; ' For sale by o J - '- i v. -J tj f 14 V, :: J. J. TOLSON, Jr., ' 1 j EiUi.,, Chronic Ca veteran soldier and a prominent mem ber of O. A. R. Camp No. 102. Captain John H. Lyons, 1G12 Prairie Ave., Ohioago, 111., writes: "For twenty years I suffered with chronlo catarrh bnt thanks to Poruua I am now entirely cored. " It affords me mnch pleasure to make a statement in behalf of your meritorious remedy, Pemna. I have used same for catarrh and Jiave found it to be all you claim for it. I bad Buffered for tweuty years. I cheerfully recommend Parana to anyone suffering from catarrh, as I believe that, as in my case, it will prove a sore curq." Captain John H. Lyons.' Address The Peruna MedleinCo., of Columbus, Ohio, for instructive free literature on catarrh. . . I W ti i J convinced that its the best Cof- ever aranx. ' 5c. Wholesale A Betall Grocer : .. t .71 Bread 84. I .Vltil i, ,lj, U, 1.V l creating" power, repairing waste,! LAXAIIVD TASTLIXSS G1" i 5 'l' coffee snd t i Dr. , Lo i nsrrotis Um.' :.. l!ia otit r ' t la . ' ''r ! It ci- i 7 ::c.

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