L 4 4 " vol; xx-no. 6. KIW till, N. C, SUNDAY M0RXIK8, APE1L C, 1902. TWENTY FIRST YE4R mdiimilid. On Seaboard Air Line Railroad Near Ralelfh. XJaeatleaal Ceafereaee a Saeeesi at ' Qreeasbere. Frest, Hall aa4 v Bala. Nortk Carollaa "i Base Ball Schedule. ... : Bauigh, April 6. Governor Ajoock returned from Greensboro this mornlnf He is delighted at the success of tat educational conference held there Thurs--; day and jesterdey and particularly with the work done last night la railing ,' V nosey for the rail pablle aehoola of Gatlford county, Cltlsena of the eoanty m : raised $4000 for this purpose and for every dollar they give Kr. Robert 0. Oden, the president Of the Southern Education society gives a dollar. This ... he will do In any and every eoanty In the Stale. Thus If 1100,000 Is raised he will give, en behalf of that soclety,100 . 000. It Is a great opportunity for the people of the State. ",' - Early this morning there Wat a head end collision of freight trains on the Seaboard Air-Line railway 4 mllea west of here. Ho persons were seriously in jured, though all got a sb.sk.e-up and a lot of bruises. The engines were badly wrecked. The track parallels that ' of the Southern railway, being about eight feet from it, and the Bouthera track was blocked. A double force of wreckers was put at work to make way for pas senger trains, east bound on both roads. There was considerable frost here this morning. Yesterday afternoon there was in a few minutes a remarkable fall in the temperature. East of ' here there was hall. Here there was rain. . Secretary of State Qrlmes, who has been for some days la the northeastern part of the State, says that owing to the cold and rainy weather farm work Is much behlnd-haad. The North Carolina base ball league today issued Its schedule for the coming season, which begins Hay 8, and ends August SO. The negro leaders hare issued an ad dress to their race In this Stale regard ing the convention they wil1 hold here April 18. They evidently want to see what position they shall take, now that the frsnchite amendment has been rati fied. All the while' Bepabllcan leaden here were at Greensboro today to attend the meeting of that party's tale commit tee. The schedule of the Bute Base Ball League games are as follows: ' May 5, 4 7 Raleigh at Wilmington, Charlotte at Durham, Greensboro at New B rn. Hay 8, 9 ft 10 Charlotte at New Bern Greensboro at Wilmington, Durham at Raleigh. " May 13, IS & 14 New Bern at Dur ham, Charlotte at Wilmington, Greens boro at Raleigh. ' : May IS, 1 A 17 Wilmington at Dar ham, Raleigh at Charlotte, New Bern at Ureeasboro. May 19, SO & SI Durham at New Ben Raleigh at Greensboro, Wilmington at Charlotte. May S9, S3 S 24 Durham at Wtlmlng - ton, New Bern at Raleigh, Greensboro at Charlotte. . ,.v May SO, 17 A S&-Wflm!ngtoa at New Bern, Greensboro at Durham, Charlotte v at Raleigh. ' May 89, SO 81-New Bern at WO- , mlngtoa, Raleigh at Durham. Charlotte at Greensboro. - ; ' r Jae S, S, 4 4 Durham at Greensboro Wilmington at Raleigh, New Bern at ": 'Charlotte. . June 5, 8, fc 7 Raleigh at New Ben, '- '-WllinlBglon at Greensboro, Durham at :' berlotle. ' . June 9, 10 4 11-Ralelgh at Wllmlng A ion, Charlotte at Durham, Greensboro at New Bara. i :- '".W June 13, IS 14-Oharloite at Mtrw t's Ibm, Greensboro at Wllmlagtosy Lr. .''"taiajal Raleigh. , .VVft ".l.p-y I Jane 16. 17 A 18-New Ben atDur- . ; v lam, Charlotte at Wilmington, Greena 'v bofo at RaMgh,4':' 't'f V June 19, 30 SI Wllmlngtoa at Dar ham, Raleigh at Charlotte, New Ben at Greensboro., -i''-.. : ' ' ' .. . JanetS,' M A S5 Durham' all New ' -. Bern. Raleigh at Greensboro, Wllmlng- r U at Charlotte: v fi t ': ' ' ';. . 7 V Jui e SS, A S-Durhem at Wllmlng u.n.Ntw Bera at Raleigh, Greensboro . at Charlotte.' i .rw - Jui.e t A Jul'l A S-WDmlngton at New Iters, Ureeasboro at Durham, Char , Mleat Ralelgh. - , Julyr,4A6-Nw Ben at Wllmlng SHORT AND FOOTED. . . The Pood Was Crape-Rata.. It helps one to know the kind of food to select if they eaa learn the eiperiea cea others have had. ; ,; I consider It my duty to let yon know what Grape-Nuts food has done for me. I as sn Bering from dyspepsia and dally stomach trouble.. After, taking many kind of mtdlctnee without Boding relief I saw a dctcrlptloa of Grape-Nute Break fast Food and begaa swing It regularly, and In lrm than two weeks my Indigna tion was entirely gone. Whtn 1 brgaa Ualng the food I weighed 133 pounds, I now wplh 13 founds an J f, el ilrnnjTr Ibao 1 Le i t ft It brf.ire. Thanks end pia'i ' t' i muk-- cf Ci.".; c-Nttts." T t 1 al f' g?Tn r-y To" Mm Co., I iC--k toa, Raleigh at Durham, Charlotte at Greensboro. (Durham at Raleigh af ternoon of July 4th, Raleigh at Durham morning.) Double Headers. '.-.'- July 1, 8 A S Durham at Greensboro, Wilmington , at Raleigh, New Bern, at Charlotte. t" ' .'' July 10, 11 A 13-Ralelgh at New Bera Wilmington at Greensboro, Durham at Charlotte. " i, t " ' t- July 14. IB A IB-Raleigh atj Wflmlng ton, Charlotte at Durham, Greensboro at New Ben. July 17, 18 A 19-Chariotte at New Bera, Greensboro at Wilmington, Dur ham at Ralegh. ' , " Jnly 31, S3 A 88-New Bern at Dur ham, Charlotte at Wilmington, . Greens boro at Raleigh. i Jnly 34, 30 A SO Wilmington at Dur ham, Raleigh at Charlotte, New Bera at Greensboro. Jnly 88, 39 A 80 Durham at New Bern Raleigh at Greensboro, Wilmington at Charlotte. " , , ' Jnly 81 A Aug. 1 A 3 Durham at WU mlngton, New Bern at Raleigh, Greens boro at Charlotte. : Aug. 4, 5 A 6-Wilmington at New Ben, Greensboro at Durham, Charlotte at Raleigh. ? Aug. 7,8 A 9-New Bern at Wilming ton, Raleigh at Durham, Charlotte at Greensboro, v Aog. 11, 13 A IS Durham at Greens boro, Wilmington at Raleigh, New Bern at Charlotte. Aug. 14, IS A 10-Ralelgh at New Bern Wilmington at Greensboro, Durham at Charlotte. Aug. 18, 19 A 20-RaleIgh at Wilming ton, Charlotte at Durham, Greensboro at New Bern. Aug. 81, 83 A 38 Charlotte at New Bern, Greensboro at Wilmington, Dur ham at Raleigh; Aug. 85, 86 A 37-New Bern at Dur ham, Charlotte at Wilmington, Greens boro at Raleigh. Aug. 88,19 A 80-Wllmlneton at Dur ham, Raleigh at Charlotte, New Bera at Greensboro. . Republican State Convention. Special to Journal. Rilbiqb, April 8. The Republican State convention Is called to meet at Greensboro, August 81. A Testimonial From Old England. '1 eonslder Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy the beet In the world for bronchitis" says Mr. William Savory, of Warring ton, England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having been a martyr to bron chitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to ber bed. She is now quite welL" Sold by F. & Duffy A Co. Globe Tarn Mills Strike Settled, Fall Rrvaa, Mass., April 4 The strike In the Globe Tare Mills of the New England Cotton Tan Company, here, was practically settled, tonight by the action of the carders, when after a long dlacaaalonSthey unanimously voted they should remain at work. Plant System Absorbed by Atlan tic Coast Line. Naw York, April 4. Warren G. El liott, president of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, and R. G. Er wln, president of the Savannah, Florida A Westeaa Railway Company, author ise! the following statement; "Negotiations hare .been completed under which it is arranged that the Ba- vaanab, Florida A Western Railway Company will, on or before July 1, 1903, be consolidated aad ' win become the properties of the '.Atlentlo Coast Line Railroad Company. . The negotiations also eoatemplate that the .other railway properties of the Plant System will pass aader the control of the Atlantic Coast Line at .the same time. ' "It baa also been agreed that when the consolidation takes place the Southern Railway Company will hare trackage rights through thereafter for all Its trains both passenger aad freight, over the line between Savannah and JacksoBTille,thos making Jacksonville the southern termk ana of the Bouthera Rail .vay for Its Flor Ids service to aad from the east Tne Fffilplnos Celebrated V- Manila, April 4 The chamber of com merce tonight celebrated the arrival of the steamer Fa from Maa Francisco, the first direct Amertoaa mall steamer to reach Manila. The celebratloa was aa der the auspices of the chamber of com. mere. Gen. Luke Wright, acting gov ernor of the Philippines, and Prof. Deae 0. Worcester of the Philippine Com mission, Were the principal speakers, May Oppose FltzbaTH Let , Washington, April 4 Brlg.-Oen 'Flit- hugh Lee, retired, has been mentioned la connection with the appointment of Ooniut-Oeoeral to Cuba. It Is under stood that Benslor PUtt, of Connecticut, has Informed the Pretldeot 'that he will oppose General Lee's appointment, on the ground that he Is a retired officer of the army, and will there represent the military rather than the civil arm of the Goverment. Botha Adtanclnz Toward Tronficr. London, April 8 From Brnnwla a cor retpondent of the Morning Pot wlri that Dr. l-yit, ilie I'urfipraa vpro-' ri U.'.Ive of ilio Tran y 1, ). .., r '. ') tnr.n I t ' t' I t f V ' - FOR EARLY RISERS. , ' Xara, Jnplter, Ten us, Satan and Others , Are la Plala Tier These Hon. " . togs. ' Early risen may bow aee ta the south eastern sky a rare and exceedingly beau tiful combination of the, planets, Man, Mercury, Yeaua, Jupiter, - Satun and Uranus all bow stand west of the aun, In the order given here, end! according ly, rising before the nut, they are all morning stars; and right la their midst stands the moon, now In Its last quarter Man U, however, too close to the ana to be visible, m conjunction" j with that luminary, when It changed its Status from, aa evening , to a morning star, having - occurred;, March 3S. . The relative poeltlona, of, the remaining six of these celestial travelers and their situation in the heavens an hour before sunrise on Wednesday, April 3, Is illus trated by government diagrams. Mer cury la at a low altitude a little south of east Jupiter, .flanked nyoYontuf and Saturn, . at equal dlstanoes, la In the southeast. Uranus haa Just crossed the meridian, .Thla planet, however, being only of the sixth magnitude, can be seen with the naked eye only under the most favorable atmospheric conditions, and unfortunately, it Is not aear enough to any bright star to be readily, pointed out : The moon will be in conjunction with Saturn passing about fire degrees north of It at 11 a. m., AprU 3. and with' Jupiter at 4 p. m., iprQ 8.; Ac cordingly on Thursday morning ' It will be seen about midnight between Saturn and Jupiter.. . , , if-yp": Mercury Is drawing In toward the sun, and will be visible but a few days longer Its conjunction with the ann occurs Anrll 28. after which data it will he an evening star.' Venus waa at her (greatest brilliancy March 8J. ,,8he- to', to be a morning star until-; November, 38. Her distance from the ran ia now Increasing so that she rises earlier each successive morning. Her distance from the remain ing planets of this combination la also Increasing, and still more rapidly. At the end of thla month she will be more than twice as far from Jupiter as now, while the relative positions .of Jupiter, Saturn and Ursnus Will have undergone but little change., - ' The Best PrctcrlpUon tar Ralarla. . Chills and Fever is a bottle of Geotb's TASTBLaaa Canx Toaia It is simply Iron and quinine la a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 606. Bslwm fram tlta Wartfcan Wm4 ai ai fyr-rlaasmi . the wslsla wis ; THB HARIETS. The following qu'otatlois were receiv ed by J. K. Latham A Co, New Ben, N. O. - " " '- : NawToaa, AprUS. ' Oottok; Open; High. Low. Close May -.i 8.9T . 9M 9X1 : M July 8,90,' BM t tX Aug. :. .Vb-.tb ,? j-ia Sep.......... 8.88 '8.SS 8JM ' 8Jt9 Oct . 8.18 8.18 8.18 K 8.U ;.Chloago,"Aprll0. Whbatt - Open.' High. Low.' Close May 704 . '71 ' July..,. ... 7ii Coaat' Open. High. Low. Close May.,,. 69t. .. . 188t BTbm-', ' Open; High. Low. Close May... New Tork, April 8. , 8rooaai-4 Open., nigh. Low. Close 8ugar.tWi.-lSl';:'itf.;si;SlJ so By m ,ji ssi v.&L.,'...;...i.i8- ...; ; wi O. & 8,U;.iw 43i1" l. -i V - ;.; 4Si 0. a Prord., a4- 'aa Mo. p.,4;joif-jait Afcaisoa. v ; - V VNi.IWI a. a. a mm av-- 47 May V..? mt7l$&(.wl 630 'Vf ; -thwrwl - i,'.;-. ;.;V. '' , Bpoti 4.39-Sl Adee 10.000 bales.- Futures, May-June. 4.M. Jane-July . . V, .1 .. . , : . 'J XNW JIBRM OOTTOH BfARKKT. i ' Bale la looal market ' yeaterdsy at S60 .; - , 1-ukt naBirT9. kiui week Last wk '' 70.0UI) ,'. . laet ya V..U9.WI0 " This week. j.- , . U Sat - 10000 !."';(' . . Mon . . i. . Tues. :'.ry. ;''-.; ', Wou.-v - rr :, ? Tkor. ' :' ' ,( .-. V 10000 J.. 18000 , 10000' v." 14000 '. ' ir,ro . '.12G0O 91,000 rr m'a Antl i:;:iu Liver r;-,, arc pnirty v !nl atlnm'aling the livor, on flow (if M e and pioiln- ! ni( nla of ilro low , i. ' tint fl p f !!.(: m -f r ( ' .. : 1 r t 1 . , . Services Today.' Centenary Methodist Church Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. By Rev. F. D, Swindell, P.E . Services at - Christian church' this morning at 11 a. m. and thla evening at 8:00 p. m.Ty the pastor, M, 8 Spear. All Invited to attend. ' :- j ; Services at St Mary's Free Will Bap- tlst Church at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. by Rev, W. H. Frost. Sunday School at 8:80 p,m. Publlo Is Invlted.to attend these Presbyterian Church Preaching at 11 o'clock am aad 600pm by the pastor Rev. H. 8. Bradsbaw. The Sacrament and the Lord's 8upper will he celebrated at the morning service, i Sabbath School at 4 p. m. - A cordial. Invitation la ex tended.to all. . '&.!'''' i Tabernacle Baptist Church Sunday School at 9:80 a m. Revival aerviceat 11 a. in, and 8:00 p. m. Service for young people and Sunday School chliarea at 4 p. m. AH the aervloea will be con ducted by Rev. 0. W. Blanchard. : The publlo cordially Invited. , , Christ' Church 1st Sunday after RasUr. ; Morning service with com munion it a. m. ; Evening service 8:00 p. in.- Sunday School 8:80. At the mora ing service the Rt Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D.,.the Bishop of the DIooese, will offlcato and administer the rite of con firmation. All are cordially invited to attend, ; Christian Science Church Services Will Show NEW SHOES AND OXFORDS THIS WEEK. Aiegiera iHUOJUtu iitt MniieuuDg Auun-iy now, uau iv a XI A D AA W . ana see mom, rnue Ziegler's Patent Kid Oxfords...... TTk , ..... iv junpire - . - - Thomas G. Plant's Shoes and See Our Display in Window of Ladies Patent Oxfords and Lace Shoes. The "Best on Earth" for the price 1.S0 : Hisses' Patent Sandals, 12s to Ubildren's 8 f " y ; u 6s Baby's Is GoWa$ Back arid ; That's the thing to aayfto the ping bats,' derbies and fe doras; Let; them? co bow. "A Sit Down Straw llats have the "right of way."- ' Straw fedoras, "straw ;i sailors straw telescopes, Maekinaw steawi, ' ifoarse" bralda tUid ; fine braids, Panamas and Porto Blob's, curled brima nd still : brims, double brims, clean' and. well made. The., new. atylea ; await your attention here.' , Yont Bummers pleasure, will dei j pend much on your hat, If you buy It here it wilbe right-r ! you can bank on it. Straw. Hats 25o to WJ . ;;. ?4v,l E.; V, ARTaSTRONG, : ' G7 ZUddle Street. i 'JillWIMlllftWWIIWlft''WV' , We have on Exhibition the Greatest liarrains - In Blcyclos ever offered. A. good $35 wheel for $15. II ij;li grade ClialiiloHs wheels reduced to .V. A glance at our windows will convince you that this Is the place to buy your Sporting Goods, r v - T ' T r .. . , I, I. !.L, Sunday 1U5 a m. Bible lessonaermon today, Bubjeotr - "Are Bin, Disease and Death Realt Isaiah, 83; 5. 34. Testimony servioe, Wednesday 7:80 p. m. Reading room open daily. .' AU are cordially Invited to attend. ; , Heflect Means Danger. - Don't neglect biliousness and ooaatlpa tion. Tour health will suffer perman- enUy If you do. DeWltt's Lfttte Early Risen care such case. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says "DeWltt's Little Early Rlseri are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause w R TJnffw LESS WORRY. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In dozens of ways, and yon can't prevent it All you can do la to keep them as free from exposure as possible and al ways hare In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. An way's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement, It is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup pr the price 25 cents win be refunded by any dealer selling it. Bold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham's Pharmacy, MRS. J. C. WILLIAMS, at No. 16 Griffith street who la an experienced dyer and cleaner of clothing, respect fully solicits work ot mat una. rress- lng and repairing done. e 3.00 O A A a,vu Oxfords, Prices Right 2s only, 1.00 lis, only bo 8s, only...... .75 6s, only........ A9 can bust be enjoyod by mnans afforded by a nicfl mn a when drives thronph tin in ill anl country furnish Indesorib )' (' ' '-.but such rides can be s ... . c if your Vfh' ! Is not of lot t i ...lu-rs Sc riu'a a scloct t f - s in .. "re 1, in-.-- v one of it is t 'i f:t rf.n of !.;, vmr I, I' ' 'l n I r '. .-. ( t . ' .rn r ,.i.r lire i , v I l rut on i .: a '. rw " ' ' l: 5 mm : - :j:;:ir-. I m Bob Pancake Flowis Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, Fancy Elgin Butter. Fox River Print Butter. New Orleans and Rock Candy Drips is the Finest Syrup you can get and its only 10c qt. A fresh supply of that Genuine Java Roasted Cof fee which I am selling for 20c lb or.6 lbs for a dollar. Try it and you will be convinced that its the best Cof fee for the price you ever drank. 5 kegs of Carpet Tacks for 5c. 'Phone 91. If you will let us show you our Clothes, we will convince you that Clothes. We refer particularly to HIGH GB1DE SUITS From $7.50 to $15.00. Young Men's Suits for Spring from $5 to $12.00 Boys Knee Panto Suits, Norfolk Blouse and Sailor Styles, $2 k6. Boys Knee Pants 50c, 75o and II. 4 per cent, rebate checks given with every cash sale. Ask for them. J. J. BAXTER, Phone 160, mimiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiimiiiiffiif v mm i SW F The natural food for creating power, repairing waste, maintaining energy. The Food that is All Food. The whole of the wheat, ley malt, furnishing the maximum of nourishment without burdening the digestion. Full directions on every package. For sale by JL J. TOLSON, Jr., Bwad SU Grocer. Phone t37. liii JUVXW ' .j'ttiir ,it'l &".i4Trx. vfl 'ws U.. . xrr tnem o oooaing wnaiever preparea ter tne tauie in . i AJgo 4 fall linji)f;Hein .orauoraeraareiio, , , , UK r.., Don't fail to fend you orders to ua. as we arepreparechto meet all competition, and give f est delivery of any houswiaj the i .,! wl ,!-!'; lours sJeii.'tW-i.Wtole! sws) "1 ,-fU IT i ( -; winter A bmntner ' 1 c i We bavfl a'goc line of Cq4 aad'TTood Ilcttting Stovea tha you will find cheaper than elsewhere. We don't want to oarry them over. If yours 1j not all Tizt how Is the time to buy. ' , ' " , - 'Our ."Stockfcf C'td H.f. raw ia Complotev " 1 1 ' V.mh, Doi'i-a ami I'Jiiu.i, rainls, Oil and Yarnliih, Gold and Silver En mi 1, Lime, 11; tor, C( mciif,, and Building Mfttcriul for a finished Job. Lc'..!,Io ). ' Ch 'jC Porto Rico Molasses. Wholesale Iletall pocer, 71 Ilroad Hi. line of Men's Styles, Perfect Fitting it pays to buy good Ready-to-wear our magnificent range of 89 middle Street. c3) scientifically combined with bar- llewV twViwVjfl)Vt ED a .'. iiri'i ."f 'ft Co'b Rreserves, Pickles, Evap- yon fresh goothutnd the qulck- dty. , to ruase, . Retail Oroccr, . : -.! ,r . I. S -ill y s Co Makes i&rices

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