hie jcj. I'uli.labed every day in the year, exec; Monday, at Kiddle ttreet. ; . PnoaaNo.8. CHARLESL. 5TEVENS. i BDITOmUlB HOMUWO: ', ? .; SUBSCRIPTS! SATES. -,Ooe year, t advance....; ,.;..'.V.S On year, not la savsnoe.. ....... Unntlilv. h nan-la In tha eltv.... . -', M "AdvertllngRate tarnished oOndl V cation. " ' a , 4 . o i era L 1 and i -ii t lonely I, jured, auJ a n ubcr of r ilu ;i!fcd In frciRLt wreck l CnJeii on tuS Allekany Valley dl Viaioe of the Pennsylvania nil road this morning.-."" , J Entered at tha Port Offioa, New Bern, R.Caowa4lnamtteB. j ' Oftelal rater f New Ben Mi New Bera. N. C April ft. 1WS. v MORAL ' EFFECT OP LOCAL BENEFACTIONS. The citizen of ennUAuofl ? wno Je taWUheraa lestHattoa torlhe WI Be,be & heaplWaV eWoV' irtwrnayisat bonding or park, becomes ahsasfaotor of the commnnlty. -; j;;;!;;; One of two motto, or a combination of the two, may be, aald toJjDantoanch, pubUe tenefaotlon. -?: rlffjr-jfl The ret for tU pUasoMelfcAaVwaJ acclaim, the second, throagb tte'piie-f love of assisting others, It maybe that the wlh of be "prafce and doing to others may service set. The commnnlty which can exhibit to the visitor, here . hospital, there a school, or further sleetf public jfHj, all gift lot te foe m t ibe peortj"l a commnnlty which -mm: anow that- people are mutually concerned In f$. other, and are one when the public Inter ests aw at stake..' " "" Theselflth commoaitty will be foond Without any local dtrtingtrishlng land mark in the shape of public lottttntlons glyen for the freease fee peeptJ..A- In the oauiuaJtx lthont these lie beneraetipn, tha , wllVbef tout) local spirit of intense selfish neta. Tbaze may be" tavftloprnent i pre greet, bat it war be of Ua sordid Had, the striving of the Indrvtdoal against the Individual, wUhaaaUer absence of charity to far as helping the community interest. .These cnbM metal Skis) In the comniunltj that sjJhnped- Dy lnavtanai aeinanness. The effect at poWte. benefactions upon the people where such are bestowed, Is twofold. ''UK Great fcismit Swamp i Of Virginia Is a breeding gtonnd of Valaila.gnUBIlow, wet or marshy nmmnt th. B wnw i . ve tit : U I WCltBtete.Chs); til bones -. -1 "i -t .!; These benefaction ImproT local phyal cal coadldoasi and. elaeyror! upon tha auwat state of tha co In the moral bMaafit of iMal condition Is where Uaa.fTea test good Is 'aecalredi which enriches the community, more than the betterment of physical condi tions, although the physical may be greatly (ncseaaedbf ibAbeneiacilofc , J It b the spirit sham an tbnvltnes- lie benefaction, thatJseoTalnahlc moraU ly. It U ol mow eMle , worth, than. tha base! action UteU, la taefc Itaxhlblu a philanthropy which la certain - to And Imitation, and thus promote a lias of benefactors wh will prove flmense moral wetta In rtheU ecalniBwItlat thtough their practical pnblle benefao UoMiandaeelasebt the spirit which Deafness .Cannot be Cored by local appllcatione as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that It by conttltotional remedies. Deataeta Is caosed by an teflamed con dition, ot the muoos llniag et the Eat- tactltnTube. ; When this lube. In In flamed yon have n rumbling SoMml or Imperfect Jiearlog, and when ft U en tirely closed, Deafnett Is the reiiult, 'and unless the Inflsmmatloacaa be taken onl and thla tobe restored to lis normal con dition keartag' wilt be dstroyed -fort stct; nine eases out of ten an cane4 by Catarrh, which Is nothing hot an lo- llamed condition : of the mueos -tat- We Will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (ceustdV by ca tbatr, eaoaol be cured bjr. Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for clrculaw, tree. r.'.VHJWJtx ceuu., rowao, li Wby aMDroggUti. . , AV nMl'"PsPWsare.tliebert 7 r oid t. rota - ,t r t ' ( of Sana: , -! i t-queer tK i li lot w... a mall carrier ti-otiier day. They seem to haves- 'e that they are doing brilliant things when they drop any old thing Into a mailbox to annoy the collectors. I have found a little of everything In my boxee, in cluding jnoney Xea, money: but. you eee, there are some of these newspaper men on; my route-whe know me, and eometlmes they, nave batch ot letters to mall and no stamps en hand. They drop the letters In and. along with them the necessary amount of money to pay -postage. Of course they: know I will do the rest - This is the only way I have sves teaatd money In a mallboT. ' , "I barer bsen uatlng two years or more for the dock who put abont three feet of eaasage in one ef the boxes one night V t wne ttnmplna; along on tny last found about 11 o'clock and epeneit the box. When I ran my nana lnr I grabbed the string ofJdog,! and I was abont the worst frightened fellow in the District, for I was sure I bad bold of a snake, and I didn't knotf whether I had bead or tan hold either. I tnrsed loose, and,, striking a match, I soon saw that I bad bad a Joke played on me. Before that night I was a great Jover ot saasage, but I bare -not been able to tackle any alnce.--vaahlngton Oeta Mkr Deaeat. - 'Ue wfaft wo nuys erbont ft Ulstah Jackson." mid Charcoal Epte e ha twaseel the sirup, -we'n er wotnan mabrlee er man to bettab or (0 worse sue meoty soon JUr oat abe geuitf ae 'oenfe eb do alternaUvo.H-Bammoro it'U 1 1 and mtraiclesj and may Induce dangeroM maladlet. Bat Electrte Bitters never fail to destroy. jLbem sad core malarial trou bles. They" will sorely prevam typhold. u VatrMaisaj rssasdlaa for Malaria aaf Stomach a.i4LUTer sroables," writes JlwsrisatooflfceevlIto, O, fbut never found anything as good u Electric Bitters." Try them. : Only 60c a D. Brsdeess gaerertses stUsfsotton. New Tork, April 4,-lt Is reported fis dnencWdfalastodty that the oil mag. nato, John D. Rockefeller, Is seriootly Ittwidhe home of his joldett daughter, Maj.?fltroDgt at Lakewood, NewJer- TJWBestBlOvdPwIfkr. The blood la eonstsatlt being paatflsd by the lungs, liver and kldneyt. Keep these ergaaa to a healthy condition and the bowels regular and yon will hare no need of a, blood pnrifier. For this ur Dose there is aothlng eoual to Chamber- t Iain's Stoasach and "Liver Tablets, .one dose of them wBl do yon mora- good than a dollar botlte ef tne Jest blood purifier. Price, W cents. Pan pies free Si JT. B DoffJ Go's, drag atote. -TTaJBeM up. Jk. Jotepa, Ifo, Apetl 4.-Pssaeager train No, U on 4Sev urilngtoa. Road watch left. St. Joseph,,or Denver last algtnVwas held up three miles north of the city limits by. four masks Railroad vuthorHtet assert that ihe roV bera did. ajBtaeaftMag. k, " .. , Appolnled Cwpmlssloner, of Imi&i prompted U pubne jrifts, wlQlieMsjer f f sah'&utM' April itrau Bargaat, President of the, JBroiherhood bfLeee " "i.mw.r General rjf Jmmlgloa.-Be aesratad "I had stomach troubles all my life,' says Idw. Mehler,' proprietor of he tnloa Bottling Works, JEjrJe, s "end : veral doctors and spent cootldsrabls , money trying to get a moaaetrMsee rtnaUy I read or Kedo J7$tfep Qure aad barabeea,4aJdnf i(Wy .iaat ' satltf action. I never found lie, equal for MMat: Uooale aai adry mend U la hope that I may help other J sufferer.1! Kodel Dyipepsla-Cars ears .y all stomach" troubles. Ton don't have in diet. Kodot DvtiMnala Car dlMU gr. v what yea v r. uffsv'vv-- v : y Hlsa Stone Stilt For America. London,' April l-Mlas Stone tailed P for America oa the sjabeg-Anmrlcsn Uaer Eeuttchlasd which left BotitUuip. . vest vf, T..-i Uf ,,-Z.'t v r M mions'marvel at fhe multftede of maUaies eatof by Dr. King's New Idfe PUhv-the moat dittrssslag too. Stomach Liver and Bowel trochlea Dyapepalet. Loss of Appetite, aundloe, CUlMtaesa, Fever. Malarlai a fall before- tkoae wonder workers, SSo at 0 D Bradhni dnghure. .. A ' -as ; v:- ;- aTM EU ft lime.";".: u -rta aagleatWightMd colds even tried all kinds of renjedhav sisilts at lit ttH snibtJaokases often reaU seriootly at this season )ust because pee pie are eareletf . M abas' of One Minute Cftisk Carg aryLfemOTS all danger, AteoiateltveeaV Aaia-at oaee. Sure curs for coughs, aolds, croup, grip, broa abHh) sadrtbar Uroatanayiung trour n have as40a.Miate .Conga OmteveMl years as Postmaster & 0. Dswton, . Barr, UL , ' It I the very best eotrgb medlclae oa the marked Is: saved' as saaay lever spell of slcksew ead.1 warmly rerommcad It' TaebHdyea' tarodle. F. ft, Duffy. Post. -13 If troubled by a weak! - digestion - loss ot appetlt,;or constlpatatlon, try a few doaes of Cbaraketlalii' fltomaoh- and Irfver Tablets.' iXrety boa warranted. Tax BtoJtattymP0; '"r- "1 --'V 1 - , ' sifffftepo y Bkhmoad, Va, April tr-the conven tion today adopted the tuttiaga report of tb confrrnce'. committee by a tote of 7 to 17. Twelve Democrat voted with the Ave Republicans. The conven- Una adopted t resolution providing for adjonrament today until May 13, TOUUIOW WHAT TOO ARB TAKING When yea -take OrovV Tavele Chill Tonic, ecaae the., forma'. Is ; plainly prnied.oa every bottle tbowlng tint It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 58c. Tfc Hl iie ( CnM Tmw . hl for suiNkKfen, ' . "Ton woc' -i't thick that rteople would bother to exchange a little thing like a lamp wick," said a clerk in a general supply store, "but the fact I that we are asked to take back Tarda of the stuff. ' . ;:fV- ..' -indeed, of aS the commodltte we handle none give oa mora trouble than lamp wick. There are at present ahnnt a thotuand mfferent una or lamps and oil stove on tha market, each with different aiseo earners, which naturally require as many differ ent kinds of wick. . We carry an end less variety; still we cannot anpply the want, of our customer.. Til at pretty mnph rv-lr own fanlL hovrever. for aa tend of examining the old wtck aod finding out nst wnac tney neea aeaxm they leave home they merely guesa at it neasnreBieirts.' and-: wthem I : ask what size they want they aay? : 1 y Ob,aboat M bigr jj . - Tha lenvo meto BO tb SeStof the way bUndly."-Aa a consequence I often make mistake; and the next day they hrititf fh wick, back and want to e. ehaag It toe eomethtng that will lit th burner.- If they rbava taken the precaution to learn what they want, we accommodate them, even, though the returned wick, doe smelL to heaven with oil ' Throngh pursuing fbl pol icy w now have hnndreda ot yards of wkk on oar hand that we can never diaimaa. ot- but thla anestlon oft bunn wick 1 so complex that there seem no, remedy ror toe aimcuity.--ew lork Time.'''-1;" ' Ajiaatieitjrs Fire Losses. Atlaatle City, April nvlsed es timate plaoea the lost ot yertetdtyt fire at $073,000, with Inturance of $168,000, The woho4 seboUdlng ,w begua to day when a' fence T workmen nwae pat to work repslrtng the boardwalk. Plan re under way for the erection of two magnificent fireproof faoteki.1. the ban, ed section. - ,y'- : VvsS ' Shot In His Left Lee. For nil kinds of sores, burns, bruise, or other wound Do WiU's Witch Basel Salve Is sure enre. Skin dlresses yield to It at once. . Never 1 falls In ease Of piles. Cooling and healing. None gen ome but DsWltl't. Bewar of counter- felt. . "I suffered for many year from a sore caused by a gunshot wound la my left leg," say A. S. Fuller, English, IndV would not htalaad gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of rem edles to no purpose antU I. tried De- Witt'! Witch Hsxel Salve. A few boxes completely eared me." ; F. . Duffy: la PataemrfaV ' In northern Patagonia a reward a offered for the extermination of .the dog that overran' that part of the world. The ancestors of these wild doge were yai of tame col lie which take over Dy a Bcotstnanatraigfet from hi native hoath... The animal bv retained their natural Instinct In connection, with abeen bat instead of guaraing meat - tney prerer kuiing tbemj heno the farmers have al way to be prepared for the ludden advance at any time ot a-atrong herd of the wild creatures hungering after mutton. t" ' TknUm Cimn la Mttle. "ITijulcal courniw In battle," said n d' vetL'rao, Is simply this: Your sense of duty or your cense of shame le so strong that you cant run away. All Uils talk, about men Uldnt the mar of battle la nlne-tenthe rulibtsb. NoUxlj I!? to- be killed er wounded, and Dotuii.g Is- more natural than for a man to get out of the way of a b"" If be can do so without too sotis a n of Ms own eefl respect cr ef t'. ' t"n sbt-?, ''A 1 ver korw- ti-tt eua B'i.a v'a eetmd It be riily rellfiiipil f ' t- : end f t w "it L . f(M-l. i fa; - t!i i (.) ... tiioi'Mtn Cured 11 . 1 j. .a (it , f an J ni'vr ' t 1 1 1 ns Oenwal Itoyn ' . rp '; the battle of C ' I ' 1 I ' In so 6 !!! t. i , t I': a L.in to bring on tn J .,-., -j irRiahrxra k ? t 1 it . ',., l,i W' : t 1 ' r. r . X t a ! . n lil 1 ? i i . .Iff u -. ( 1 : ' ) . : The Best Remedy For Rheumatism. qoiok atxiKv bok riut.'. AH who.nted Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pale which It afford When tpetklng ef this '.He 9. V. Blnkt, of Troy, Ohlorsay: -f Some' tim kgo I had eves attack of rheumatism in my am and shoulder. I tried nuraeron remedies- tot got no relief -eatll f was recommended by Meeer, Geot F,.Pron Co drugglitt of this .place,, to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recom mended It so highly that 1 bought a bot tle. X was soon relieved of all pain. have; sfnee recommended this liniment to many of aty friends,, ho agree with me that It Is the best remedy for muscu lar rkM.ttifMr..f1u'Sutf' Ttm alalx r.JvPffy fto.1 ' C- A I J ici-rt-3 --'.-t Why Bailee XHmtmt Praea IDaailv. Water vMob ia hot of course 'cannot freeeeanttl rt hi parted with rtt beat) but water that has been boiled will. sr thlnfrs being equal, freese sooner jib water whkSi tins f been boiled. t disturb' r. dispose freero r '-. 1 ei-a thi t s cnuBe , t iht trees- of b ;:. .1 v, . i v cvr that t bn lx)!!cd 1 .s lnvt t air nato- y cor.t.i!ncd In It, wLMi oa exporar t a';iopiihcr it oeg.;) sgaln to t alorh. During Mils proo 'oa Is neroe- Its rnrtlclos, i'olo, yci , TDt 1! l.w,;-r t!.s i,t; liiiW iy stiil enn le bi!ow t l'S becon,' J ). JIB T t to f -1 a f .. la t k. ....... II IlLli fll"S H ynt.-r when kr: t r''r- r..!i! f - .. 1 a. 1 r u v iM : Bow to Inn 4 Matt. Lung power . and capacity; -may be wonderfully Increased and atrengtben ed by a constant repetition of theeyl table "ah" on the three or four note In tbe middle register of the vdlccw that Is, the three or four notes which one sings most naturally and with the least effort Let tbe pupil get one note , dear cur, round, full and musical;; then from that note ae a starting poult let bin) go up and down, gradually work ing out the busklness from the sdja cent note and sounding them ontH they become pure and resonant and can be delivered -without (train or ef fort Let him work systematically and, above all. avoid the pernicious trick of learning "pieces" by rote' or by ear. HI first effort should be to Increase the purity and: range of his voice and to-thai end be ebould. as anggested above, use tbe broad syllable fan only for a time, and on no account should be try to fling an nlr untli he can do so understanding!?, wltb a full knowledge of musical notation and a perfect command of his vocal; re source. . ;.; v 4 . . 1, , 1 11 1 , . PoatoaleM ul lliram, One of tbe rules of tbe postofflc de partment which often provokes dteaat mfnetlon Is that which prohibit a post master or any member of his family from. gKing out tbe eddresaca of pa tron of the office. A person may be looking for some one wboee address ba been lost or misplaced. Watt t more natural than to go to tbe poet- office end ask for tbe Information! But the postmaster. If be obeys the regula tions, will not give it Tbe government acts on theiheory that It to not It busi ness to disclose the whereabout ef tbe patrons of the' postofllce. Debtor may be pursued, by Importunate creditors; young women may be subjected to un bloaaant attentions; hundreds of people for various -reasons, good and bad, may desire to conceal from somebody their place of residence. It to not tbe busi ness of the government to expo them to annoyance. iouiu uompemon, ' - 1 yji, 1 ' ., Gardiner, mm frvaAaw't ' Speaking of .tbe kite Dr. Satnnel ttow- on Gardiner, a student, of Toynbee Ilall says:' "HI patience and hi tot erauce ere lnexlmustible, bis temper tt the tDtlilest Ho bad, however, Dleasant rein of satire. For Instance, be would ,.sny of Fronde, wboee brtl llabej be iareatly ndoih-ed, bat whose tmsooadnes he cbaracterlsed as, de plonblo: 'Wncnerer 1 And myself ticulnrly perplesod on ouy point 1 look hveor whnt notrde ba tosay about ft t always Oitd hi balft Invaluable, for 1 aa trust Implicitly bis unfailing to atlnct for arriving at fntoe conclustona, and b. mora positive be become tbe safer I feet In adopting dlaraetridelly opiKMlte view" I j,-A nearly rstiai; KUuawt t j: Btartad horrible nicer oa . the le of I. B. Omer.Franklitt, Grove, 11) which deded doctors sad all remedies tot font year Then Buckten's Arnloa' Balte eared -him Xutt a cdbd tor - Bells, Burn. Bruhet, CutSi Corns, fccsldsi Skid Bruptlons and File.; ooa, a D. Bradham' drag store,'" , r- mmm 11 ' " .,-".t ; 4 wm to worry. Yon tave the most convincintr evidence of this fart every day.f Otherwise Tjeautiful faces marred with Mack heads, blotches and pimples, muddy or sallow com- piexjons ana rea, roucrn. or ouy sians are some ot the most oomraon and coaspicaous symptoms of bad blood. - i ." YOtt can aide tnese ugly and humiliating blemishes by glazing them over with face ponders and rouge,, and the rough aqd discolored skin is made white and smooth by a lavisli use of osmetics, but these artificial complexions and false skins only last for a day, when the eruptions and sots stand out as bare and brazen as ever. The natural beauty and smoothness of the slon cannot be permanently restored by the use of external applications for the reason that these skin diseases are due to some poison or humor in the blood thai itttttst be antidoted and eliminated before the skin can or will return to a healthy state. Under the purifvincr and tonic effects of S. S. S. all fmfturities are expelled from the blood, the general nealtn is invigorated, and all disfiguring and annoying eruptions promptly and perma nently disappear from the skin, and it becomes as soft and smooth as ever. - Bad blood tells in many other wavs. Itch- inof andTiurninir eruptions, rashes and sores, boils and carbuncles show the presence of some irrita- ting'poison or unhealthy matter in the blood, and these aeavatin troubles will continue until the weak and slow circulation has been quickened ana tne deteriorated blood made rich and strono- again. Some are born with bad blood, and it begins to tell in infancy; scrofulous affections sore eyes, scalp diseases, nasal catarrh, stunted growth, brittle bones and soft, flabby muscles are some of tne early manifestations of bad blood by inheritance. These symptoms if neglected, may develop into some deep-seated and serious blood trouble later on in life, but the timely use of S. S. S. will check the disease in its incipiency, remove all taint from the circulation, and the little sufferers grow into healthy manhood and womanhood. . When the blood is healthv and oure it tells different story, a smooth and flawless skin glowing with health, a sound body and active brain, well nourished system, good appetite and digestion, and restful and refreshing sleep. S. S. S., combining both purifying aiul tonic properties, contains all that you need in the way of a blood builder and skin beautifier. S. S. S. is Nature's T?pmpdv Tt mtitoinc nn lrCm,; Potash, or other mineral, but is strictly a vegetable blood purifier and tonic that can be taken wiUiout fear of any hurtful effects, and with perfect assurance of a speedy and lasting pure. Our illustrated book on the Skin and its Diseases contains much plain and practical information about eruptive diseases, their cause and cure, how to take care of the skin stc., that will be of inestimable value to all sufferers. We will mail vou a codv f-ee ' , . Write us about your case and our physicians will gladly furnish any information or advice desired without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA. GA. ' I i t .fro feasor Cnor Is very abeentmlnd. ed. ' Hi ton rushed Into bis study one norhtna and exclaimed: : "Just think, fnthert I've awallowed a plnl What shall I doT v , ' ", Ah, 'well," replied tbe Wg- man, "don't worry about It Ilere'e another pin." Chum. ; . . ; 1 Carit a breadTol Cell, i ir!oa Books, manager for 'TV K. T.iiu ; son. largs 'mporler of fin roll 1'nery at ,1659 Milwaukee Avenue, CMessjo. ri . "Durlog the late severs weather I caug it ad eadful cold which kept me awtk at nigh and mad me unfit to etlnnd my work dndng tha day, One of my D.niinort wat taking Chamber Iain's Cou;;h IUmtdy for s severe cold at that time, wblcU aecmcd to rcl! " her so qnli kv hut I I ought sme f. 11 ;-.?. It ai-.K:.l like n-.;!o and I b- t) 1 . prove at on e. 1 a rnw cnlli" ".i If il vs 1 lifiM'J to R ' nov. Its wnrllt For tnlo If F. 8, : j & Co. HER BEAUTY RESTORED. When my daughter wat three month old Eczemi. broke out on har head and continued to spread until her head waa entirely covered. She was treated by several good d 00 tori, but Brew worn, and the dread ful dlteaae apread to her faoe. She waa taken to two celebrated health spring, but received no benefit. Many patent medlolnes were taken, but without result, until we decided to try 8. S. B., and by the time tho first bottle waa flniehed, her head began to heal. A dozen bottles oured her completely and left hor skin perfectly smooth. She Is now twenty years old, and has a magnlfioent growth of hair. Not a sign of tho dreadful disease has ever returned. H. T. SHOBE. 2814 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. JJr b5 Plrat DAHDBDPP. 8econa-ITCHINO SCALP. Ihlrt FALLING HAIR. Th nut tge ia BALDNESS. Yoo nttd never rtacn it however, for CkeD&ndnifXCare ill aBiololely save your hair, thouatnda testify. Bold at very droit store. Be sure you get thi gnttlae-ioitatioD8 are ineffectual. Coke Shampoo and Toilet Soap 1 dellahtfol article for the hair and cosplexion. It haa no rival as a baauUfer. satisfy ing reaulta are guaranteed. 'A. B. BBEHEB CO.. CHICAGO. FOR BALE BY Kaa druggists AT Me HAHN 8c SON'S "Mo man is born Into the world whose work is not ;'' - bora with bun. There is - alwavs work and tools to :: - work withal for thos who .V.WUL": ... . We have Tools tot the Carpenter; Implements for tha Farmer---Ber- Inp'a, Vhite'i and Avery Plow and fasting, both steel and caflt; Guano Sowen $1.75, W.00, $6.00 and "$12JiO; (see ' our new, giano sower); Planters, CulUvatorg, Bar. row8,Ac4 Shorels,' Hoes. .Spades, Pitch Forks, Bakes and everything for the tma.: -r-: Paints, Oila,Vamlflh and Brushes for the Painter.; ; " '. ... ooking utenstis for .the kitchen. Agents, for; the oldea and . most reliable Stoves and Ranges m'ann factnred, land keep castings in stock . Builders Supplies of all kinds Sash, Doors, blinda, Lime, Ualr Cement Plaster, Jko. " I I II. W!:r Cfe Co. 3 II -2 a f.cusc end lot fcr or wzr.t to I i r. l...2zzz crJ tot, if i -wl in t jxv Stables 40 head.of Horses and Mules adapted lor the farm, draught and road work, thoroughly seasoned and ready ior work. Full line of Buggies, Haroes?, Wsgone, Carta, Ktc. See ub before buying and SAVE MONEY. Respectfully, M. II A UN V SOy. ttheHead Of ALL Tcbacco Fertilizers. iPiiilil. 's Spebially prepared for thd lands erisstem Ckroli.na; Insures a goodcdre. Males wrappers sndfllls your pursed"'' ; 1 By Its merit albae one farmer In Jones County will use It cxcluake ly on hia Ixty'aorea of tobacco,'- " ' ; . -V:.-, . ... : As our goottq jre m&nuf actured near yW' alid not shipped, a e claim FreshDfns ai d iGood Mechanical Condition; ;' : 'r" j';": ; ' ' m . mm . ' a. a 1 a -. . I n T J nJl.' fl-a. .at - v fi (Th ci-aufi a am:m o. a j cron ana id oa mm. . frn Mntfn: N,t how Cheap. lot How Gool :j .-': ,'; v.. V; - 'maIt vou use Ft-rtilizer Call and See us.-"'-1 v'i v1,. 'Y e. xi. 55. j. .a.' racAco w . w. - . .. Ulik sjrtde Fertllliers, '' '.' ." factorr Nease Itlvrr. KEW BIB!, W. C. i Trc-criy SVrNjtl". I htve n-Tctal dtvlisllr Ii f-IO. ii e mir n'l'f. t'lutiod In lh I'Cft n i'IiIi ik t !if t' 1 (":' 7- A!l0 IIM!-' r I f f v LAXATTVB TASTELESS .ill! H..!!C.' . i..- ..-rty - t- - nmr r S. I. J i 4 t )