3 1 -a A, show more plainly than a brunettes, " but these discolored pots greatIy mar . . the beauty of either.l5 i V,C.:,-V V , 'fvYill effectually Sunburn, Tan, - t "4 , jSallowness and ishes to beauty. ITjS'A" LIQUID- - for the facei' neck; arms and hands. Cain be easily and iquickly applied. Others cannot detect Its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless asweV At all druggists. Price 75 cfs. to invest od tlie ground floor "with owners, in a developed free milling . gold mine that has produced, and hai expended on it Fifty Thousand Dollars in development on the ledge and a complete five stamp mill, with all other necessary machinery ready to run. : j TheOzarlt is nof a prospect, hut a' mine that lias produced. Wears placing 100,000 shares of development stock at S5c per share, capital stock 1,000,000 shares (par value $1.?0 eack),fulljr paid and non-assessj able, to further develop and put the property on a pay ing basis. , A property lying near the Ozark, with nowhere as good a showing and very little development, sold last week to a New York syndicate for f-'OAWO. t Tlie rark will (ay dividends and be worth par inside of . six months, this is the best investment for the money that has ever been offerod to the investing public Do not lose this opportunity. It will never appear again. J 1- or further particulars, prospectus, report on mine, references, etc,? ADDRrTS5, Czark Gold Mining Q Milling Co, noscow, IDAHO. uniiixi IIIIIHIIHTIITIIHIIIIIITTTITmYTTTTl ConimissiODer's Sd,le.v NOItTII CAROLINA, (Superior Conn. Ckvy kn County ( Before the Clk. MALE FOB DIVISION. 1 IIknry Williams vs. ClIAItl.liS VViu.iamj, Dki.ia Norfi.kbt, KT AL9 By virtue of su order sad decree In the above entitled, Special Proceeding j before the Clerk of the 8uperlor Court of Craven Connty, N. C, made .en the! flth day of March, 1003, In which the un dersigned was appointed Commissioner for the sale of the property . hereinafter described.' ' J I I will offer for sale, and sell al public vendue, to the highest blldcf for cash, at the court bouse door, la the elty of Mew Bern, Craven county, N. O., on Monday,' the 7th day of Aprilf 1003; at the hoar of -18 o'clock, M.,. the jfpllow Ing real ctitste, to-wlh - ''-' ,. A certain tract or lot of land situate In the city of New Bern, on r the west side of George street, between Pine and Cedar streets, being tlu southeast cor ner of the lot sold to Edward Blddle by : A. D. Moore and M. E. Moore, running thence southwardly a'.oog George street forty (40) feet, thence westwardly and parallel with Piae street ope handled and seven (107) feet, three (8) Inches; thence northwardly and' parallel with . George street, forty-five (43) feet; thence Mil.irflltf atM fi.f..llnl with PIh to the beginning, being part of 4be lot In the plan of Dryboro known as lot - Woi SO, as described In the deed from A. 1 1 Moore tod M. B. Moore, bis wue, to ' John Williams bearing date -of fieptem-,boroih;".87,-and recorded la thecsb . llo rronrdt In the office of the'' BegUter of Deed for-' said Cirm county,- ia -. Boot o o4l(f 4011 IA which nfas This Bib (tav of March: 109. sua. .!:;;; - -...-- ...jrf'a.. 4 " Hnnnv trt"- noni iiiviiwi ayj kiUUllt When, you. desire a Joaa . call. "Oho , who has Idle moaoy can get'1' golden ln . formation frost ma.. No. 18 Middle St . , . i ciAAu n una, sAr,oriEv . Forni' Llpman & Toffle. " in now at . uijjuuri DiKEttT, near Market Do. k, lev I'errt, where he will be glad to tve his friends fall and see , hi , - .- ; "v .... ; ' : ' NelD Spring Stock 0FPHV GOOb, (?; ! B XH8, i If ' ' ' .. VT. CAD remove Freckles, undue Redness, all other blem The Farmers & MerchaDts BANK. ! Capital, Surplus and Profits $88,850.0 AP&a 30th, 1901.; 1 What We Have Done, Do, and Will Continue to Do. i This Batik conducts Its business unoa "nr-to-Briw method. ' . It is our purpose to deal juBtly and liberally with U. , I iWeoarefuUy, safeguard the interest of oar. customers, Moreover," we fre quently do It unknown to them: as' o portunltles often come to as ln conflden. tlal way, and yoa cans otevu-ep pedal aueh eonaiderstion. , . m j We are not disposed to overlook iht faot that the interests of the-Bank and thee of the people are closely bonndtoi Itether, end .canaot by any means bf aaparateoV - ','"''.".. w :;"; "-j-J'';:.-; t This Bsnk-aoU M a . repository fof Wlls, and safely keeps tbem till the proper time of surrender. "Will also sot as the custodian of money or papers left with as i escrow No charge (or those services.- ? ; 't: -. , ' - '- .( We proeare letters of Credit ' or Inf : lending traveller. : -i , , & ( " We aim to be prompt, progressive and ttberal..v.4 4--:'7. f ' la the matter of aosommodatloas, this Bank meet every requirement- wlthla the limits of prudent banking. , J If yoa have never been Identified with us a a patron, we ask 'you' to consider the advisability of becoming one. -. '- in we early rntare, wo propose adding a aoral, yet. substantial Havings Bank feature to. oar already progreislve In- ACirainlstrator Noiice IlSvIntr this" dav ohalifliid ' aa' thn Ad. miDiivratoT- oi ine estate .or ,mary Banka. ittcMMil -Thla Lt In nnllfv all neraona IndehtMt tA aht AAittf tnm.b. Immediate payment and all person hay ing ciauns against sam estate to present we same 10 mo nmiersurnra amy Vcrj (led on or before th 9Hih riav nf ITahra ryl038,or this notice; will b plead In oar oi recovery ' ' IBU ISlll day or Fob. TK13. . ;t -... ' THUS, F. lii:CA ItTHT, . ' 1 , Administrator. Clean, pure wholesome, gnarnntocd to baclixmttttlly mulo from Uislilled watti ana tree from Impurities, f tt:t litlly ia UmtiiKt and prepared lor human -n sumption. l' d iiverod dnlly (exccp'JIjHtuidnyri) g k m to 0 p m. y-m-.'i , a (r, ',.11 only) In rn'to 1? uoi . roru f :m1 fitfn lil'Mluvl.m. , ' ! 1. I r j Ott HOME USE TESY IN tTX:CO. How a TV a man Writer Wu Eeeorted - Tliroa-gh tae Country x - i TTospltality In Mexico ia humorously yet : praicfully described- by - Mrs. Twecdle, who relates her. experiences in "Mexico, ns . I Saw It" .For hours the train had been pounding along be twecn huge Texan ranches, s. dusty And uninteresting Journey since leaving J5an Antonio. Suddenly a man In unU ;form appeared before -the traveler. "Are yon Mrs.. Alee Tweedler' be asked. . . '"''" i aui, i uuswureu, wuo an ouiwaru snow or courage, aitnougn inwardly Wondering" what offense I had commit- tod. - .-A i. - - w'lfib I have com to belp you at the fron tier withyour luggage,"-, i . I sighed with relief, thanked him and, after, his departure tfled to go on With j my work of manuscript reading. . ' We passed 'another .junction and an other man stood fcefore me. 0. , "Are. you Mrs. Alec .Tweedler be asked. , "I urarTMirt'efl. ttembBngr again. come" said he. "from the Interna tional KillWayDlaueTtkmie't Mexico;' . -: ' -r -' f J osi blnxt sltdowa;'ojQdchnt. fed, although Dot for long, because In a? few minutes,;, .VAreryoW: Mr; Alei Xwcedle?" mea if third- faran. At tha I. laughed outright, t , - ' come from Mr. Cloete's ranch," h expiamea, ' to iook aircr ana welcome. vnn In litn nnmp." ' v We begun cliattin5 about my tecenf gdventures, when a : fourth man pref ented himself. rr , i "Are'foa klr4A3eo;eearefi.bj Convulsed With laughter, I could onll nod assent.)!:,. ;, 'n-i.io : . ' V'Mr. Barrett of Sonora asked me to meet you at the' frontier and see you. safely to Sabinas," was his explana tion.. . , ,,.4;,.... J So, duly escorted, I went on. - 2 1 lie tlot HlB Tip. - He was n tiny little fellow, surely not (iioro tbau lire years .old, . and as he called for his afternoon papers at the Corner of Twelfth and Market streets many people gassed at htm with mingled Amusement nnd pity.. He. bad long brown curls, wet with the drenching fain, nnd his shrill- little voice had a baby lisp. A very stout.velderly worn in, apparently weihliigictoso to 206 poundav paused at tlie south side of Market 'stn'Ot and looked askaiioe 'at the mtnlatflre rtver of water and at the passing procession of wagous. nnd trol ley cars. , . - . The little newsboy was c-ulck to size up the situation. Running up to her, lie exclaitncd: "Don t be afraid, lndy. . 1 11 help you across.'' ltoachlug up his tiny little band, he clutclied hnr.by the arm. and together the ridiculous pair thread ed thelf way te the opposite curb. Then the stoutf woman ..opened her purse. grnttiiy hartdod t fie little fellow a coin and disapfirured into the Reading ter- nilnl.r-j'uijutlelpulu Record. Con-vlcta of Abyaslnlo. In Abjrslnln political offenders and obstructionlstR are arrested, chained and phrcrd en the small tableland of Abba Salui'iii. a high, rocky nnd pre cipitous mountain about thirty miles from Adowa. Sq sheer nnd steep ore Its sides that tihe;prlsoners ro drawn up by, ropes. Their chance of escap ing is Impossible, unless they run-the risk of d.ishlufc themselves .into eter nity on the rocks below.0n this Jonet ly height there Is soil on which they niny grow trmln, and there are wells with roo;1 v.-.iter. There is no spenket to keep c;-..i'i', and they may, lf ljiey choose. nb::i;(lhe prime minister and crowned brads to their onrts' contentt' but they return no more to the ways of the world. . ftomnn Caaidlvs. In making Reman candles a cylln- drlrfil rnso Is tali en and nacked With lot of stars, it the bottom of the case Uy pt- aomf of the composltloB they putiiw-oolieti nnd on p.or ncn star la sornr m H-e of lb - By" mlltng certain chemicals croon nnd red lights are pro duced. Green lights Jlkahosa nsed, J Li utuill n cum uh iwir . . -"w theater ore made by mMrtntf i great quantity of nitrate of barytes with siMlJ .traantltlts ,of sulphutv chlorate of potuuu, charcoal pulteriiea ana ar senic. ; ' ; ... Aa Aaeleat Freaek Caatoaa. Anciently In many jsiks'ot.Frn when a Kile of land too place: rt' the custom to have twelvo adult wit- neaaea acromnnnlod by 1 twelve .little iiysronet when rte ptfce'of tbe"nnd was paid and Its surrender took place the ears the boys were puTled; Hr they wore beriteu severely, so that to paid ihoa laflicted should make an Im pression upon thelf memory, and, if required afrvrward, they might bear Witness to. the sale, j , y What Is heredity, piammar . asked the Jlttlesglrl, spdllnn ' the . word out tbroach her -falling tears oad waiting tcwnteoown tnameeninav . 'f fit 4-'ni, iW aboil I explain, ltt )V rold the mother, "somethrng yon getTroio your rather or at. ' j And the small child wrota 4own on bor pnpar of home lea; aus. "Heredity-"- DanklnB."-JTlt-BIts.t-- k Twa Views. I t "It- most be bard to be working on literary stuff JIM the time," fmnrked the Ylsltor.t i;". -1 . -i i t No,", rejoined Scribbler; "It'sesy. It's working oft the stuff that's bsrd. f-Pblladelpbla Jtecord, , ; , f i,; !; Tie nnt ! lit Worl." . Customer Is this good country but ler T Grocer Yes, ma'am, thnt was binde In Aroerlcn, the best conn try In all the world. Indianapolis News. y j A Doctor's Bad PHcht. "Two years go, as a rKult''fif k Vfo cohl, I lout my vo!r," writes Pr. M L, Bcarboioi.bb, of lielnon, Ohio, "lijc began an obstinate coURh. Every rcmcily hnn to rre as a practl Ihyiir' for: failed, snd ... j, f r 1 COL" fiufirp;'NXMES."-T-T itr Hv Their Oriel Eiplml4 , kr FjuteUal Learea, y ' Many Filipino names have bad their origin explained, by . fanciful legends and traditions. .. Every , name roeanlng. - ? " ''. baa a jaro is caiiea Dy nneaucatea visa- yans Salog, which means cup. The leg end which' purports to give the deriva tion of this name dates back to the time when the monkeys and. parrots ruled the Islands. ; Once there was a- great drought, and there was no place where water was to be found In all the mountains. ; . So scouts were sent out to look for water, and they trav eled many jnlles until they came to a spot; 'where the rlrer flowedr all the year and where food .was always plen ty.' They took a cup of water to prove their find and -went back to their cora- pauloDSr who Journeyed to thfr water and: called too place Balog, or, cup. When the babes adopted by the mon keys after the slaughter at Hollo gre,w up and possessed the , laod,; they re tained the name.: ' . ' -? JLyncod inVlsayan means "sit down.9 The town of Lyncod, thirty miles from' Hollo, Is said to have received Its name because the first settlers were climbing the mountain when thg became tired and said, "Let us sit down." They sat down-where the -town -now stands and tpaad tba plaoe so agreeable that they remained and built the town. i -la Baj-a at Oldi ' j "It must have been kind of nice. plough, beln'.-nn old Roman's boys aid little Gcorgle as he gazed at the picture of Cajsar nnd Cicero and Cato.1 "Why?" his mother asked. T ttThpv mnMn'i ent down nn'a nnntfi lor Willie in them days,'' Chicago Her- id. A slander starts in a whisper and ends through a megaphone. New Tork Herald. , a It struck the Poet. "The first writing was done on stone, remarked the wise man at ainner. Great gracious! Think of the post age!" Involuntarily exclaimed the ris ing) poet, with a shudder that rattled the dishes. ; , , Are You A Coming iiiA motnenr Are You Expectant? MOTHER'S FRIEND .noke childbirth aay nd almort paJnleu, by ptuiiigr Utt syrtrtn for parturttloa, thus sucist- T..r Xfutum- itt hrvtnfnfr, lnhnr. Thm n sinful rdenl ofchUdblrthUrobbeif o Its terror, nd th inntcor tliem.f irnatly Imtmed. to both mother ftnd chl'd. The period -of confinement Is rim grentty shortened, the mother rested, ftnd tha child lully tjjveloptd, stroBA nd healthy. . Momlnjr licUnefM, or nmne arising from pretr Doncy U prevented by reliavlng the stomach from th prrsure brouRht to bear on It by the ex pan d Inff orrnn, and by which it Is Influenced U trough ympeiliy. A a nMTiiflr dvoiicea. the breasts enlsnre, .. become woUen, hard and tifiht. Long before th .pilUI 1 lo m, wtcy are preparing iwr i w.wniuwu of milk. . Jt la Iniportant to successful child rear i,.r thua tfUiwlu wnlva tmrlv cnnal deration. v Mother l'rlid soften the skin, relieves Jh Eura, and facilitates the secretion of I4ro rJL Vadeveloped and occluded ducts, and tM hard-caked shortly after dollvery, are baa ksuU o fiQn-trcatmeni anu iiKeiy tocuuninxaia liinMMM A KarM tV.tm whU-h the natlent suf left encntciatlnff P&n "d Is left with these functional organs pennanenuy lmpaireo. and rubbed Into the flesh over the region of pain. MoUlfr vneiiu is aiwoysappiieaeareniiuiy SofLnea. piUlHUty ana expanMon are h. mnu-iM tiaatw- AlrrM flsid alnewa. the elasticity necessary to bring comfort Wle with h heavy burden, and cause easy Issue of the Child. lYy k." Of all drucgUU W. . Ouibooii ' Mothorhrxxl " lYe. THK BRADrtELO REGULATOR CO Hand In hand') ' 'f:; we keep pact with the newest mmj most norel styles ot ent and fabric. ' Gar ment made by us have a dash and swinfc that can only be obtained by the skilled touch of the ftrttettlo tailor. Our Spring ttjlee are now ready for your selection I. ; h ,'-'';:':::.: v- ,r.-' VI Notice of. Snmmoliff, Noimt Carolina, I Superior Court,' lYCraven ounty. April Term ,,1W3.! Charlotts WUlitsji, . -2 t V.lV.nUl Willi. ' .'- I ' The defendant sbove named will take notice, -that an action as sbove colllled has been commenced In the Hoperlor Onnrtof Craven county for divorce, a vinculo' matrimonii, and said defendant Is required to appi-nr at the next term of the Superior Court for (Jrnvim novnty to be held on the Blh sTnnciiiy afi inr the Ul Monday In March,. 1U"J, it I; h the 7th day of April, l0a, at theconrt boiiae of aald county, In the elty of Nuw i'orn and answer to demur to the comolnint In laid action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to tha court for Ihe relli-f demanded In iulil comiiii.lul. ' This ?Jnd day of Jnnary, 1S0J. ' W, M. Wa-iroN, Clerk Rupcri - ConrUi 'i 1J - - - - '; , -DEALER JN j-torses FEED And exchange stables. 2 ASD 44 COAYIN 8TEIIT,MPP0SITK HYMAN SI PPI.V U HEW BEBIV BT; J FOB r.'.T tes, rarm ns, Carts Wheels and Harness GIVE 113 A. TBI Al THOS. J. EASTERN CAROLINA BISPATCH LINE , AND PAIL.Y LISE. FREIGHT & PASSENGER For All Points North. Commencing Monday. February 17th the steamers ot this line are sched uled to sail from New Bern as iol lows: The Steamer NEUSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island, Elizabeth City snathe North on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 6 p. m. The Str. Ocracoke On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saqur days at 8 p. m. ST Freight received not later than one hoar previous to sailing. For further information upplj t GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. KiKti, Qen. Mgr., H.O. HtTDOiKB,Gen.Frt.& I'asa. Attt Norfolk, Va. Newborn, N. C, Feb. 14, 1S02. mm ! Having secured the services of ex perienced parties, I am prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Streets and Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting In all Its branches. Blue and black prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topographical surveying and plotting. Drawings and wokriag plans executed promptly. Sew erage and drainage planned, laid out aad ooutruoltoa superintended. . J. Wolfertden, . fliewl'Beriv KTC. ; Jlotlce of Sale. By virtue of a power of sale contained la aa Order made and entered in the Su perlor Courvon tha 17th day of Maroh, 1902, la that certain prooeeding entitled, Isaac MllchelL and Ada. Ills wife. , John Rowe and Mary, his wife, Will Pate, Lena Pale, Cleveland Pate, by Guardian Ad Litem. Will Pate. F. H. Pate. Charles Pate and Toledo Pate, by Guardlaa Ad Litem, F. it. rate, Laura "Wynne- ana Yarrow Wyaae; iohn Pate 'and Atlas Pate, ex parte, easaa being a petition to teu real eatate for .division and ap polntlof , the , undersigned Commis sioner,!, wlU sell for caah to tiie high est bidders! the Court House door, la Mew Bern,' Craven County, North Ctro Una, at the hoar of IS, M, on Monday the list day of April, 1903, the following real estate, lvlnc aad being rn thetOonD- ty of Craves, State of North Carolina more Dartlcnlarlv bounded W follows. to-wlti On the north side ot Beaver Dam Branob beginning oa the ran of said Branch where the division Una be tween the lateNelser Richardson and Richard Rlchardioa's oroeses the same aboat 80 poles front the place where the said Beaver Para empties Into Bachelor Creek and runs north SO, west t09 poles to the mala road then along the-sams aonb 4s, west IS poles to a small arancn etc., it being me lower oorner 01 a vsct ot the heirs of Moses Bntler deceased. thence up said branch to a stake la the bead ot the same one of Butlers oorn er. then aloes Butlers line ' south B2. west 80 poles to a - stake In a small pond Butlers third oorner, thea isooth East 01 poles to- the East toad. etc, then along said road Booth 63, West 18 pole to a small rxaacn, men oown said branch to tlllstrlp branch and down the same to where tne division' line os tween Klchardsoa and John L. Parent and wife crosses the same, then South 4 Kast 18 poles to Beaver Dam Branch, then down the same to the beginning, containing 2S0 acres more or leas, being the aim which wes- sonveyed to the said Mary White by Edward H. Grant and Cella Grant by deed dated the eigh teenth of October A. I). l44in which aid tract ia more particularly described with all and singular the appurtenances. ,, . ,1 ,;, , , f V. L. WAKD j .' ' .Contmlsslooeti 1 Marcb 17, lOoa...,-! . . 1 i '1 f i .. - . - . - H : iniiiiiiiiiiiu;ili)ii)i.iirt'Mffi MITCHELL. HEADQUARTEESIFOR HARDWARE And all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Heating and Cooking Stoves and Ranges, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Putty, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, Best Goods Ijowest Prices. Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW BEBIf, N. . Sale of Valuable Property. Pursuant to the judgment In the ac tion now pending In the Superior Court of Craven county, wherein The National bans of .New juerne. is piaintm. and J, M. bpencer, et als defendants. The un dersigned will sell at public auction for cssb. st tbe (Jourt Uouse of said U raven county In the City of New Bern, on Mondav the fith dav of Mav A I. inn at 12 o'clock mid-day, the following property to wit: All that body of land sltuated-ln said Uraven county near the City of New Bern, west of End street and between Neuse Road and Lawson' urceE, known as tbe "Kuem Farm" em bracing among- other tracts of land, tbe original "Kbem Jf lace," tbe "Hart" land tbe "Carter" track and the "Jerkins Field" and all the machinery aad Im provements on ssld landsisaid lands.oon veyed to Kate E. Johnson, bv F. M. Sim mons, Commissioner by deed dated Feb. 1800,and described In the complaint In said action. Also toe horses, mules and farming Implements directed to be sold by ssld judgment. M. DeW. 8TEVENSON, Commissioner. April 1st, 1002. r. A. Green, Pre. R. H. Meadows, T. Pre H. M. Groves, Caahler, CITIZENS' BADTK Doing; Qeneral Banking Business March 1, 1901, Surplus and Undivi ded Profits, $l,000.0a Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to us. Accounts received on favorable terms. Board ot Directors. rerdtsand Ulnon J. a. Meadows, Samuel W. I pock . Chaa. fl.ro wier, J. W. Grainger, 1 , K. B. Meadows, Chaa. DqSt. Jr. Jamea Bedmond, W T. . . a. w . BmauvDOOi v.a.rov. eo. X.Ives. w.r.Crookett. Mark Disosway. P.M. Simmons,, A, D. Wari iSUHTlONS k WARD, ATTORNEi b1 CvCNSKLOBS at r -. r'"c:.tAW. HW 4UUUB, C Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 89 (above Telegraph Of . ace) Sooth Front Btraet, next to , ,:i m Ut, Hotel Chattawka, Practice In the counties- of . Craven DapllnJoaes, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake. In tbe Supremo and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are aosireo. , . -x- - P.II.lPelletler, J:; ATTOBNEI Al fjATfs j ...f ldUStroetv JUwim.,i., Brldi :i1.'f-t li:.fls'l'BsT:!w!t'i ' I WiU practice la tha Coop ties of Oraves) Oarteret, Joma, Onaknr and raalieo.' 0. Ooan at Meal Betas aad. Seipi aai s. Csart j . 1 1 i 1 " I " ' f IK TjX TVATll: .'5 Attorney at 74.So, Front St , Opp. Hotel Ohattawkai , Craven County Attorney, ji. .v.. Clroult, Craven, Jones.lOnslow, CarU eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, ''and Rnnmme and Federal Court, "c IxKlge Directory. CRAVEN LODGB NO. f KNIGHT OF HARMONT. Meets 9nd aad 4t Wednesday nights In eeoa snonth la Rotintree's Mall, Pollock street, at 7.8 o'clock. J.i.Woifonden, rrmhientl Ce 0. Jones, Sao-yi itK. Uul, JlnanclaJ Secretary. : . -. . ; j NEW Pf UN CONCLAVE 4fii, Improved Orilor liuptaoplia, moo la tnd and It Thuraday nlpfit", at 8 o'clock at ltn' -t-tree Hall. fr. E. F. Parly, A rchon; J.,. a ti. t. nn-a, Ftnanclor; Cen. P. Cordneiv r unary. - . 1 -- ... : ' . ".':-".'j"-'....-'-'.' ."" - ' 1 E.W.Smallwood tllatitle'Coiiat Jiiim f PtLIBGTjfK & N IVKkKK It. H f '). tij XIICB TABLI WO. 8, InJEffect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1WW, Diiy' Except Sunday. Wing South sonaDULE: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains No. 60. Lr. a m, statiohb: Ar, p m 00... New Berne 9 86 Pollocksville.... 540 504 449 419 9 88 961.. .Maysville. 10 02,. 18 08. Jacksonville Wilmington, I Union Depot Wilmington; Lv. 13 is .Ar. 2S6 P M No. 8, Passeboek & Fbeioht, No. 4. Leave Wilmintrton Monday. Wednes day and Friday. Leafs New Berne Tuea. day, Thursday and Saturday. AM Ar. p M 7 80.. 8 40.. 9 30.. I.V. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 Scott's Hill 18 56 .... Woodside 1215 Hollyridge 11 40 Dixon lOfil 10 05. . 10 61. )1 20 Verona ; ... 10 20 12 05. .......Jacksonville. 9 45 12 80. Northeast. 8 RS 2165 Whitcoak 8 30 1 a) Maysvllle 8 06 316 Pollocksville 7 20 2 56 . . Debrubl's 6 86 40 Ar. New Brne, Lv 6 00 Daily Except Sunday, j J. R. KENLY, General Manager A. & N. C.R. R. TIMB TABLE NO. 25 To Take Effect Sundav. IFebruarv 23 1902 at 12:01 A. M., E. b T. Going Eat t Bohedclk: Going We No. 3 Passenger Trains No. 4 Ar. a m ....11 06 PAILY. STATIONS: , . . , . Goldsboro, LaGrange. Lv. p m 840..., 4 09..., 4 32..., 5 40..., 5 50..., 715... .10 82 .1012 . nMnston. .Ar. .Lv. New Bern, Lv, 9 ft Ar.. 8 Ar. Morehead oity Lv 7 06 No. 5. No. 6, Passenger Traiu. Passenger 8TATI0N8: Train. DAILY. Lv. A. M. Ar P. sr. 8 00 Goldsboro 8 30 8 23 BesfB 8 08 8 81 LaGrange 7 67 8 42 Falling Oreek 7 47 8 61 Klnston 7 37 9 02 OasweU 7 25 9 13 Dover 7 17 9 80 Core Creek 7 00 9 44 Tusoarora 8 60 9 48 Clarks 6 42 1000.. ....Ar. New Bern. Lv 8 30 A. M. p. u. No. 1, No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Ux'd Ft. and Pa88.Tn. Daily Exoipt Sunday, Ar. d m Lv. a m 6 00.... 6 33.... . Goldsboro 6 83 , . Best's . . 4 63 . 428 . 368 . 833 2 28 . 210 . 1 10 .12 48 .12 40 1210 7 00.... LaGrange ...Falling oreek Kinston 1 10.... 8 80.. "8 40 caswell H42 Dover 10 07 core Greek 10 82 Tuscarora 10 62 Clark's 1115 Ar. New Bern, Lv. No. 9. f No. 10. 180 Lv. " Ar 10 47 ,2 12 Kiverdale; 10 10 8 20 croatan 10 00 8 05 Havclock 9 40 8 84 Newport. Lv 9 06 f8 47 Wildwood 8 47 8 62 Atlantic 8 88 4 08 . . Ar. Morehead city, Lv 8 '10 4 23 . . Ar. M. City Depot, Lv 7 50 P. . A.M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, G. P. A. 127 Middle St. Colombian Insecticide,J Petcrnian Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Cloradine The disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. We keep on hand a complete stock 0 riediclnes, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, ToothBnubes, &c Physicians' Prescriptions a specialt Tha dc Manna fWatmajsS Mf1 COWRMHT AO AnfOM Mtidlnf ikfltnh and daMrtptkm mmj jateklr rta m opinion fro whothor an biTonttoti M probkblf ptntabi. Oowrjiuniftsv Uom ptrtotl ootiOtlontl mi rroa. uiaox Patonti tAaton frtrnor for tocurtnc psatmu. tbroofh Muim kCo. rmotXn homL faaw. In thm t AetAsaAtlfft A 1 i AAA A 4VaX AA1A nwimiu A MfltimlT IHuitwUxl vwilr, ranmtmr. M)Uon ot anjr eolentulQ tonroaL . Terms, SS a ' iw , fner nanus, at. Sou brail hewKleelem. A Good one. : ii flKEVIOK. 18 A B.PBnBS - v-jNIOEnSlTt. t ii - EOMB COimSlKIlCBA 00M. .BOiJtD, l1v Orptr Your Pboosj at Ones I Sf " V t: ::3 Henry s Pharmacy 4. BO YEARS vy "V EXPERIENCE 3 i '.M'. 4 ..it rou est -

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