SreeMes show more plainly than a brunettes, but these discolored spots greatly mar the beauty of either. HAGANS MAGNOLIA BALM ' will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect Its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75 cts. w : Mr EeeUeaaailda unnmiw eke WW SaetW aha act akoet, her three i meaev. Now, aftar work with waanaa'i CarM a womaa caa aay rtaeaeiaUt health that Wine ol Cardul erags mauaawaaaaa vigorous msoey ana mina. rrctd from thoM ttrribl Sevaitattne; aalai a wawaagrawt well and strong naturally. Wo of Cardul retuletes tht dbetdtrtd mciutruation and ami Itucorrhota, a, telling at tne warns ana . era mred aulcklv. AO aru(tt , aad 25 cant peckajee of TheeWs Black "No man Is born Into the world whose work Is not born with him. "There is always work and tools to work withal for those who will." I We liave Tools for the Carpenter, Implements for the Farmer Bel lup's, White's and Avery's Plows art A Poof irifTtr K-iiJi of atxt anA atoof .iauviuajP4 asvsvu oivvi cataava, Guano Sowers $1.75, 14.00, (6.00 and $12.50 (see our new guano sower); Planters, Cultivators, Har rows, ko.; Shovels, Hoes. Spades, Pitch Forks, Rakes and everything for the farm. Paints, Oils, Varnish and Brashes for the Painter. Cooking ntensils for the kitchen. Agents for the oldest and most reliable 8toves and Ranges manu factured, and keep castings in stock to fit. Builders Supplies of all klnds Saali, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Hair Cement Plaster, fco. L B. Cutler Hdw. Co. Directary of the Malls at the New Bern Post Office. Mall for all points North, Sooth and! West yla A. & N. 0. K. R aad A. 0 LI ue cloao at QrtQ a. m. Mall for all points East via A. A ft. 0, R. Reloatat tOOy. m. Mall for all polnu Horlh and Weat Tla'A. A N. C. R. H. oIom at 0.-00 p. in. . Mall for Oriental, Manteo, Elizabeth City and Norfolk rla 9tf. Nn oloaa at 8:80 p, m. , ,. v. u :,. ktatlfor Oriental, Manteo KHaaboth City and Norfolk la Btr, Oeraookc eloaa at 2:80 p.' m,y, y " ' .,' . : 'c . , Biut Hovm,' f J !,., , v Mall for Olympiad Graotaboro, , Bsy- , wiMnvHi, j MnueiTlunrv ewi vnon ! tal eloaa at 8 80 a. as, ' ' r, Mall for Ballalr, Lima,, CMdf, Chip ,' and Doom oioea at MO a. as. ; n MaH for Aakln, Imul, Zoraky1 Wasp ana y aootooro uoas at iw p. in. j ; MaO for Whltford eloaa at 1.-00 p. m. . txou W. HiMooca, p. M. Celerr Beadacno Powdera ; ' . : Tbara Is lot ' say better remedy for -k adaobe tbaa these powders. They , never fall to raltmre. Va 1 1 Id only at USTlr r fwrlpUoq l -(.acy. A. Strong Woman j?t&Ierears!V?l 'tried nun ma epeni nraou 1 win of Cardul and tone mr. aha took two mora bottle. woeM have to work hard daring at, iae attended to all her honse and loaded and unloaded all the was weak aad tired and oould hardly bat aUoe eke haa been taking Wine - of oaraai .ae leeie setter ana nronnr mm wheOO reare olee-e. JOS. A. KlflmlLlLgKH. ak Ebaakahf had Med avcrvthlM durlM years tkkncu and had spent could- 5ns vru weak and could hardly get afcost lor three yean btfar ah took YflNEaCARDlI faUng thaWaa af Cardul. the on her huiaead hi tha hay Held. Thai h hard we, but It b not at In urlous to a health aa labaf in stores. afflcwlMrthaaandiaftirUardoKlycoft. Haul veer after veer. WUh the ah) e Win of wart and aatoy loed health. Tht aerKxacai fn m m man ana sen aing a long tune as ma asms pewiwn. imwora tewels, etaWK IrYaf, kidneys aid Wed la proper I itreMth and endurance la the natural remit Moat sell SLM bettkt al Wine of Cardul - Draught The Farmers & Merchants BANK. Capital, Surplus and Profits $88,850.00 APRIL 30th, 1901 WshM W:ve Done, Do, and WUIfJontlnuetoDo. .This Sank condaota ita business upon "op-to-now" tnethods.' It Is our purpose to deal justly and liberally with au. We carefully, safegnatd the Interests oi onr oastomera. Moreover, we ire- anentlv do ft Unknown to them: as od Dortunities onen eome to us in conuaen- tlal ways, and you cannot over-appeclate such eonideratton. Wa are not disposed to overlook tha fact that the Interests of the Bank and those of the people are closely bound to gether, and ..cannot. J) snjL means br seoarated. ' ' This Bank acts as .a repository tor Vills, and safely I keeps tbem till the proper time of surrender Will also eat as the custodies of money or papers left with us In escrow, .No charge for these servloea. .- ." " Wa procure Letters of Credit for lo landlntT trarellers. K.L. Wa aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal. : . v ' ;- .: In the matter of aeeommodatlons, this nana meets every requirement wttnin the Umlte of prudent .banking. . ' If you havajiever been Identified with us as a patron,, we aak. you to consider the advisabllltr of becoming one. "' - ute eaij luiure, weprupoes auuma novel, vet sohetantlal Savlnw Bank nature to onr aireaar nroirressive in- sutuiion. - t . . ' - : VU4j,; BO YEARS' V CXPERIENOK 1 1 r uriQN HKJHT 40 f C' 'fffl1ptlr1 aalHf Jvtlnk t faaWW t " ntt rHnt. ttons fM rlol I SHlt frMa, i t'tlnl4 t paVieti VWXb r afiwekrtl.lri v (x)rfiniuntrav nielli I'atsMUC ,1. ) f tw unrig iHaunitsj. .. unL T..rril,H vjeatl MWeHl'iVTII, r KtWMBiueiua. v- u O j, S3 T r I x x y. . eVenfte- all I a 1 H-i'i FAC a 3 112 M LI.. 123 Honolulu consumes ,half . a tott of candy each day.' , S ' J - " The first farmers1' Institute baa lust been held fa Hawaii.' Cast iron blocks are to be used Hn paving Huddenfleld (Bnglaod)' tran FUlan Islanders are protesting against the proposed establishment of ; leper cotouyifawv: v' '- " The landa reclaimed by irrigation In CaUfornla, Colorado and other ,westero states aggregate QOO,O0O acres. -- The mew stone viaduct is Luxemburg will be thelargest stone arch In the world. It win bare Span Of 278.(1 feet L JtVr a' rnnd haa been onened for the erec tion of 4 statue at Coventry, England, to ( the late John Stanley, -Inventor of the safety bicycle. An international exhibition of motor boats and motor equipments for Bailing vessels is to lot held oh Lake Wannsee, near Berlin, in June. ' Tahiti advices tell of a case of lep rosy reported to have been cured by J the Juice of tua-tua, a shrub prepared at the experiment station, i" - Thirty-one Italians have been refused permission to land at Perth, Western Australia,': on the ground that jthey came under contract to labor. :t The British vrar office has Issued a "manual of chiropody" for the soldlens, the importance of care of the feet flm lng nuuehes being the tncentlve. - Twenty -persons have taken out in surance glides, on the life of a pauper inmate of Wolverhampton (England) workhouse, who charges half a crown for the privilege." ' Decent explorations in Egypt have unearthed the consecutive order of seventeen kings, thus establishing a firm foundation for the investigation of Egyptian history. "1 Owlne to their Door condition It Is proponed to transfer the care of the trees on Boston Common from the charge of the city gardener to that of the department Of parks. On the invitation of the ciar Emper or William. It is reported, will next July attend the gunnery trials of the ltusslan naval artillery at ueval and afterword proceed to St Petersburg. At Moscow a savings bank has been opened for the purpose of assisting prospective brides to obtain tho necesi sary dowry for catching husbands. Dowries are expected to range from $100 to $1,500. The promoters of tho American sky Bern pit. In the Strand, Loudon, having been refused a 090 year lease by the city, hnve decided to build n structure upon English plans Inslend on n nine ty-nine year lease. Ilnrry R. Fisher of St. Louis owns a chnlr supposed to bare been made In 1809 by Abraham Lincoln s mother and used by the president when he was a boy. The clmlr Is about thirty Inches high and entirely of hickory. The. Western. Algiers Railway com pany lins'dt'Ciiled to offer d premium of $20 on the birth of every child belong ing to Its employees. The employee with more than three children Is to re ceive an extra allowance of $10 per child per annum. ' The Mexican government has order ed that all railway employees coming In coutnet with the public must be able to apeak the Spanish language well enough to deal directly with the passengers. Pullman car employees will be principally affected. - Last Reason saw more visitors at Ni agara falls .than ever before. The su perintendent of the state reservation In a recent report complains of the laxity shown In the enforcement of law dur ing the season. Thieves did a good business all last summer, -he says. Professor Seybold of Stuttgart has discovered In the Tubingen university library an Arabic manuscript 600 years old which is probably the origi nal of the "Arabian Nights.' He has also found .manuscripts describing .the whole religions system of the Prases. The Deuuntui Bevies fountain wruco was so much admired at the Paris ex hibition and which has been practical ly destroyed by vandals since the close of the show will shortly be replaced with one of more elegant and substan tlal design, also the work of the fa' mous porters of the Seine. It has come to pass that advertising is recognized as a science. Its Impor tance as a modern commereia! factor is such that the University of Chicago Includes advertising In the list of eco nomic subjects for its lecture courses, along with banking and tne" manage ment of railroads and other ireat In- An .Englishman1 has J invented, a writer's or artist's ring. The ring car ries a small steel ball so placed as to revolve freely in any direction, ,,:Witb the ring In one little finger, so that the ball Is at a Doint of contact with the paper almost every bit ot friction. In the movement or tne, nana upon, ue wnnngor urawiny , mawnai im wv moveov v . .-'' i ; A writer In. a Catholic, periodical note the striking effect on religious statistics ol the acquisition of Porto Rica and the Philippines by the United States.- By Including the population of the Islands as given by the bureau of statistics he Cods .that ot the church going people under .the American flag 17,000,000, or mere, than 00 per cent, are Catholic -."K.t 'X 'i:.- The western iway! ot iWneV ls about to try a device by Which paseen gers mny retain tholr teats to t rau ay carriage without resort to the ex pedlent of placing luggage on tne place claimed. Over each seat In a compart ment Is placed a disk, and as each Is occupied a 'number Is placed on the disk and k counterfoil Is banded to the passenger by the guard. By a recent Judicial decision no passenger can cuum a seat ny placing oujecta upon h. ;"Two years ago, as aVesuIt of a' se vere cold, I lost my voloe," writes Dr. M L Scarborough, of Hetifon, Ohio, "then began n obellnkteconc,!!. Kvey mnedy known to y.e as j U ' '''lafl for M years, f Jiuii, ud t uly n.e wore imugargojto try Lr. K.lng's New ' Discovery ' for' Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, I fonnd qnlnk relief, aad lor tea flvs liave fult tj-m-i than for two yers." r- 'Mtc'v f'irn tifil for 1 .jiimt and I ! . 't..M., l0 I). BraULam. fi le and l.vJ. TrUl boUle tree."" . ' " ; .' One raw February 'morning an. in. i tructor in the University of Michigan was 'calling the, roll of an 8 .o'clock class in tengusn. . , "Mr. Bobbins?' sold he. s - -; T - There as no answer,- " - : t " T Tir. Bobbins," in a sUghtlf londer .voice, t-j l , Stilt no reply, j ... t f "Ah." said the' Instructor, with a .quiet mlle',."come to think of it, " J rather early for robins.". ' , ' Thls Is Current Literature's anecaote of che late Moses Colt Tyler, Tho later became- professor ot history at 'Cor nell, 4and it shows him 1ft the pleasing lignt of a man wno. coma oe ooyiaaiy gay at a gray and cheerless hour no small feat, if one Stops to uonslder an instructor's provocations to morning dullness. . - - . Abont Prlnten'. Maurlca. . ., The Interrogation mark or "point' (1) as originally a "q" and an "o," Jhe latter placed under the former.. They were simply the tart and last letters of the Latin word "questlo' So, too, with the sign of exclamation or interjection (!). In its original purity it Was a com bination "of "i't and "o," the latter un: derneath, as In the question mark. The two stood for "Io,' the Latin exclama tion of "Joy. The paragraph mark is a Greek "p," the initial of the word P agrapBY. The early printers employed a dagger to show that a "word or sen tence was objectionable and should be cut out Daat Devtla" of the Deaert. Travelers in the Celebrated Death valley of California have described the wonderful contortions of theejartd pil lars that small whirlwinds sometimes send spinning across the hot ' plain. Even more remarkable are the "dust devils" seen by Mr. H. F. Wltherby, the English explorer, In. the valley of the White Nile." Sometimes two of these' whirling columns, gyrating In op posite directions, meet, 'tend if they be well matched tne collision stops tnem and a struggle ensues as to Which way they shall twist Gradually one gains the mastery, and the two combined be gin to gyrate alike and then rush on to gether." Some of these whirls will Strip the clothes from an Arab's back or twist a goat round and round like a top. Graceful omcn A tart for perfect Dim hi Ineeva. abl from a lave of the betlfnl i The mate of the heliotrope, violet or me art ee precious ee the lor el 7 Dowers whoee breeth thOT ere, and while the Birei of Bowere ere brief and we con only enjor them for a day, the beautiful woman (lee the pleeenre of her fre BTiiiuetoaeeeapermaMatDleMlnB;. Theeweet, pure breath of thebaba U auffirouve of Innocence and beeUh the eon freeruce of a beauUfa) women eemnece to the temee parity, health er.d elecencei the U the rflAnamaat ot dTUleetloni ehe le IndicetWe of a deelre to pleeee. aa Index of aood teete, and aa eeerrlne bade-e of eeUHr. Pradffotd'o Female Regulator in ngnUtina thow hiB4tf p tnift sal no wruiklana. Isfalal CJ1 and hapalM jBcvni. It u smfsv It U NataiVanoMdv. lytlfiotMlMnr aim) c2ult ''mitoS PVniaBMlat THC BRADFItLD F.KQMUTOR 6o. ATLANTA, OA. fland In hand , we keep pace with the newest and most novel stvles of out and fabric Gar ments made by us have a dash snd swing that can only be obtained by the skilled touch of the artlsttic tailor Our Spring etyies are now resay tor your selection ' w' SI. f vhfulwlfk. ' 'J .v ..., .. ' - v , .0. Lew Rates to Otarleston Via it The Atlentio Uoaev Line Railroad Company announces the following rates to Oharlestoa S. O. on aooount of the Bouth Carolina Inter-state and West In dian Erposltlon, Charleston, 8.O. Deo, 1st 1901 to June 1st, 18W. The following rates apply1 from Hew Bera, H. O. v' . .v:..- $7.68 tickets to be sold Tuesdays and Thursdays of each Week until and inclu ding Ma 9th, ISO, ooutlnuons nassagei nnal limit seven (7) dsys In. addition to date of ssle.. ;. 10.40 tickets to be sold deny until and Including May 81st, 1009, eontln uous uauaie. flaal limit ten (10) davsln addition to date of sale. , t' . , v 14.20 tickets to be sold dally until ana including may siet,, iuuj, oontin nooi) pasnage, final limit . ( June Srd, 1 !."' '''. V, -it - ' For any farther .particular! write or can on .,, H. M. EMER80N, " Oenl. rae'gr, Agt, YYilmlsgton N. 0. 3. B. MAN IX, . , Agent, New Bern, N. O. . : J.B.:iiAnTSLL, -. . Trv. Tas'gr. Agt.Ts.Uro, M.O. iMU oecM Yin un purenuori out ira ornn will not bi teoatrri bf tt. ft Trr ovrrRanfjuUtar.'1 Of all draffflatft, Oiar Timttoa ott WooMtj MOLadlM. .... '.-M- Horses Mmes FEED AND EXCHANE STABLES. 42' AND 44 CEAVIN STREET, NEW BERN, N. C. FOB Horses, Mules, Buggies, Farm Wagons, Carts Wheels and Harness GITS ICE A TBIAId THOS. 1. fBuiAuVatTrct'ti rMAitau U. Always rvllinia, l.atllfN, ask UnifMlfA CH1C1IKS1 KK.S KNOjLISH Un KBD aud 6ltl metallic bom. sestted Jwllb bio ribbon. Take net other. ReAiM iaiMreroa Hauautouoa ana imitev tlrae). Amy of your Uruftgist, or send 4o IB Ubiw for Partlvsilam. Tet.MBnlaU ana "Rfcllf tor Lttdlem in letfev, by ra laira HkU. 10.04)0 1 oatlmonlala. Boldbj all Drtuk-lsts. ChlabeatorChoisiIeaJ Cow. MtaUwi Uiii paper. Ma41aoa Btire, UllaA !. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE AND Old Dofflinion Steamship Co DAILY JalWJG. For All PoluLt IVorth. Commencinc Monday, February 17tli the steamers of this line are sched uled to sail from New Hern as fol lows: The Steamer NETJSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island, Uizalicth Cltv and the North on Mondays, Wed nesdays and r ridays at 6 p. m. The Str. Ocracoke On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Paiur days at 8 p. m. Idt?" Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For further information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. hi, K. KiNrt, Gen. Mgr., H.0. Hrnux8.G8n.Frt.& Paas.Agt Norfolk, Va. New.Bem, C, Feb. 14, 1002. sum ! Having secured the services of ex perienced parties, I am prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Streets snd Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting in all Its branches. Blue and black prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topographical surveying and plotting. Drawings and wokrlng plans executed promptly. Sew erage and drainage planned, laid out and construction superintended. J. J. VVolfenden, New Bern, ST. . Notice ot Sale. By virtus of a power of sale contained In an order made and entered In the Bu parlor Court on the 17th day of March. 1803, In that certain proceeding entitled, Isaac Mitchell, and Ada, hls-wife, John Rowe and Mary, his wife, Will Pate Lens Pate, Cleveland Pate, by Guardian ao idiem, n in rate, r,a. rate, uneries Pate and Toledo Pate, bv Guardian Ad Litem, F; H. Pate, Laura Wynne and yarrow Wynne, John ' Pate and Atlas Pate, ex parte; same being a petition to sell real estate for division and an- pointing ' the '"undersigned Commis sioner, 1. Will sell for casn to tie Man est bidder at the Court House door, in New Bern, Craven County, North Oaro lint, at the hour of 19, M, on Mouday the 81st day of April, 1902, the following raai estate, ivinc ana oeina in ueiuoun- ty ot Craven -State Of North Carolina mora particularly bounded as follows, to-witi On the north side of Beaver Dam Branch, beginning on the run of said Branch where the division line be tween the late Neiser, Richardson and Richard Richardson's crosses the same about 80 poles from the place where the said Beaver Dam emptiest into Bachelor Creek and runs north 80, - weat 861 poles to the mala road then along the same north 48, wast 10 poles to a small branch eta, tt being tne lower corner of a tract of the heirs of Moses Butler 'deceased. thence up said branch ' to a stake in the head of the same one of Butlers oonv- ers, then along Butlers line . toata tut, west so poies to a .state in a smell pond Butlers third corner, then Bouth 4 East 61 polos to the East road, etc, then along said road Bouth 63, West 18 poles to a small branch, then down said branch to Uilstrlp branch snd down the same to where the division' line be tween Richardson and John Lv Durant and wife crosses the same, then Bouth 4 East 18 poles to. Beaver Dam Branch, then down the same to the beginning, Containing 8.1S sores more or Um, being the sme which was convoyed to the laldA ary White by Edward II. Grant and (Julia Grant by dend dated the eigh teenth of October A. 1). 1H44 In which said trefit is more particularly diwcrllicd with all snd empufnr tle spiMirtftmnccs. ' I). L. A -J . " Coniuitssioner, . lrch 17, V- 'A' F .... - . .--i.rt OPPOFITE HYMAN SUPPLY (0. MITCHELL. Lf.W HEADgCABTERSFOB HARDWARE And all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Heating and Gooitinjr Stoves and Ranges, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Putty, Sash, Doore, Blinds, ('ut.lory and all tho useful articles usually found in m Up-tu-date Hani ware Store, B?-f tiooJa aLvifmt Prices. Under Hotel Cbattawka, Sale of Valuable Property Pursuant to the Judgment In the ac tlon now pending In the Superior Court of Craven county, wherein The National Hank or New Berne, is plaintiff, and J. M. Spencer, et als defendants. The un dersigned will sell at public auction for caBb, at tne Uourt House or said Craven county In the City of New Bern, on Monday, the 5th day of May A.D. 1908 at 18 o'clock mid-day, the following property to wit: All luat body of land sltnated;ln said Craven county" near the Ulty of Hew Horn, west of End street and between Neuse Road and Lawson's Creek, known as the "Rhem Farm" em bracing among other tracts of land, the original "Rhem Place," the "Hart" land, the "Carter" track and the "Jerkins Field" snd all the machinery and' Im provements on said ianus;sata isnds,con veyed to Kate E. Johnson, by FM. Sim mons, Commissioner by deed dated Feb. 1890, and described In the complaint in obi. .n..nn m i.n . .... tttmmm mm scu null, ouv .u v uwna, Blum bmiu farming Implements directed to be sold Dy said judgment. M. DeW. 8TEVENBON, Commissioner. April 1st, 1908. "' T. A. Oreen, Prae. B. H. If eadoara, V. Prae H. at. OmecOaaaMr. ' 1 CITIZENS' BJJfK, Doing Qeneral BauiaUofBiulaesa March 1, 1801, Surplus stadUndivl ded Profits. $16,000.00. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to us. AMonnts received on favorable terms. Board t Dtrietees. rerdmaad UlnoS . A. Headewa, Bamaal W. Ipook Cbae. Ja.rowiea, I. W. Oralngat', B. W.Baallwood, M. B.MaaArwe, Chae.0BffT,Jr. Jaaaeje aWamond, TliomaaAfiraaa, O.I.Fvtw 'int , ueo. n.tTae, w.r.uroecan. Hark Dtsoeway: F. M. BlaiBtOBS, A, J). Ward . 5IMT10NS et WARD, ATTOBNIk aa COUNSELORS at LAW. . ' mum , m. c. Office Removed serosa Street to Second Story of No. SB (above Telegraph Of flee) Booth Front Street, next to : Bote! CnatUwka, Practloe In the counties of Graven. DnplinJones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, In the Supreme and fed eral Courts, and wherever seTvtoes are UeSireu. ' V-- .y-y ..-.r t'j : : P.IIjeyetler;; A"" ATTOBmitUtr. Will praotloe la the Oouttee of Onyes CaMeres, Jottaa, Onelaw ana revaallosv O, yoonMaiew jiene ana anpreene, usnri i . .is..WAnx,v - AttornevatLaw; 74.8o, Front Bt, Opp. Hotel Ohattawka, vCraven County Attorney.'' Olroulk, Craven, Jones, Oaslovr, Oart eret, Pamlloo, Oreene, Lsnolr, ad; the) Supreme and Federal Coares. irv - : latod ge Elreftory. CRAVEN " LODGtf ' KO." 1 KKiGHTS ur UAKJttUPt I. - nests Snd and Wednesday nights la each soonth 4th tJ t.80 n'nWk 1 I Wnirr,Hn Pn.M.l, nln u. un, Davy, n.. nut, financial 'Becrelarv. 1- -- - .- C 1 ,1 T'l 1 1 . . .... NEW BFRN CONCLAVS'ri,!- :'o Order Uepfaannhs. weMs lie! t.h Ihura.lpy nij iii at 8 o'c' it at . "n. trre 1 ml. Ir, IS. jr. J 'a-,' J O. hi u e, 1 .uaui ' CjU. I Secretary. 1 " " - 3 pr:m OFFHy J ( TE ETM I N(T POVU II . . VtCTHINQ EASY. Curaa JEruptlone and mneiiia nma leunim wountanotn and Uvarcomaa t( V I-t?" upn .T,..tJ5iiil!)drn' nl ooata only 24 eanta t na CS oenta toft J, MOFFCVT. M. D St Ueula, Mo. ... vi At the Of ALL Tobacco Fertilize. u sn Specially prepared for the lands good cure. Makes wrappers andjfills By its merit alone one farmer in ly on his sixty acres of tobacco. As onr goods are manufactured claim Freshness and Good Mechanical Condition; u' - -v - ' lnli -Grale kilm, Potato, Allcrop and Cotton GDaoo, Our Motto: "Not How Cheap, But How Good." ' "j1 - iIf you use Fertilizers Call and See us. ' IE. II. A J. A. MEADOWS CO., , High Urade Fertilizers, - " . Factory Neuse River, MEW BERN, N. C. - AT M. HAHN & SON'S 40 hpnrl nfTTnrsfis the farm, draught and seasoned and ready lor Full line of Buggies, Harness, Wagons, Carts, Ute. ; -.&.-See uslbefore'bnying and SAVH MONEY. , . m. iiAmr at i ),;: MaRBLEdPRANiTE, J V imfM BBfa. Phone Gasktll Hdw. Co, We have the Uttle things you need for the hotise -Gold and BUvei Enamel, Polish, Paint, Brushes and Varnish, Water CooleirsJca .Cream Freezers, Ioe 8havers and Planes, Wash Tubs, WaalaJ'BosjdsClotllc Pins, Tinware, Agateware, Sprinklers, Dust Pans, Galvanized- ToilefB Fly Traps, Bat Traps, Mouse Traps, Family Scales, Call Bells,. Dili; Bells, and Door Bells, Stove Polish, Lamp Wicks and. Chimneys. . Feather Duster for 30c, ' . . A full stock of Sash, Doors and Blinds, Paints, Oils, and Builder Supplies. Lime at Retail 20o pk. ' 1? J, . Prompt Delivery. Prices Lowest. , -' ''' " FH0NE 17. mjffiddle St. Oolumbian,Insecticide, Peterman Boacn Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Burs Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Qoradine The '.disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. ' We keep on hand a complete stock 0 . fUdlcines, Toilet Articles, Ptrfuinery, : Tooth;Brushes, Ac Ffavslctens' Prescriptions a speclalt outh Cetrolliu; lotr-5Ute and V i Wast Indian Exposition, i;"Chtrlston;S.CDec V st.iooi; tona fHj. t V ' ':T ..... . The Atlantic Coast lias, offers Cheap Excursion Bates and Kxoellent Berries. Shortest and Quickest Bouts. ; Pullman Buffet Bleeping Cart to Charleston gn all Through Trains.' "f"'", '.'" f . '. Cell on or address any Agent, Atlantl Coast Use for rates; schedules, sleeping car accommodations", etcH' or the' under signed, ' ', " H.M. Embrsow,, Oeneral Passenger Agent,:' T. M. EbTbhsoh, Trafflo Hanager. ; ., Wilmington, K. 0, ,. Henrys Pharmacy Soraa, Collo,riivea and t K6c mm. of Eastern Carolina. Insured e your purse. - ; ' Jones Countrwill U8e it cxclueiye- , $41 near you and not re-sUppedjj" wo and Mules adatited tor road work, thoroughly work. ;;;; TUCKER BRO; 810 North Front Street"' WILMINGTON, - H.tCV The place to buy your Cemetoi Work at BOTTOM ?BICES.. I Foreign and Domes tio Granite; an Marble. Lettering and FiniBh t Best. Send for, latest designs. ! Al work delivered. - w v . Branch yard, Goidsboro N". C, Gaskill Hardware C 78 Miblb Br . ' NEW BKBN, N. C IF Hate a hdtise ar j for sate, or buy a house i cr.. See J.:W,.STE Notice to Civ. In the District Court States' for t!o 1 North Caro" i , at '"Is fi l . E - r ot Wash!. c . Tha petltl , 1 lngton. H. C , ' bankruptcy, I Court, tt fs c hearing be b 1 , 1809 before U J. ' Bern, IT. C, all all known c interested it Slaosands are, why 1 should not I ThU 1HU " By 0E3.