Weather v- ... v . - JOURNAL. i, N. C., April 18, 1908. I . 3 New Afrerttsements. t r?wsi)U Frulta. - - ' " ' r J, L. MtDanW-PlckteK -i , -1 &G.D.&D. D. Line Notice. J. J. Tolson, Jr Appetising things, r ., J Street Fruit Cc Oranges, eU. t . iiiuong & Hollowell Go SoltUngs. Bnslaess Locals. FIXE lot ui Fruit at James B. Dawson's today, f )ple 70 cents per peck. 101 Middle street.. Phone 208. - ORANG .15 10 eenM a doien at Broad Street Frlat Store today. Phone 88. FRESH Shipment of Nannallv's fine candles received last night by express. James B. Dawson, 108 Middle Bt., Phone 309. ' - FOB BALE The entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Eats, Shoes, Clothing. . etc.,! J. B, Jones' store No. 77 Middle Street, to the highest bidder. Inventory i iol stock lai out 15000,00, For further s particulars appiy 10 r. o. ivu x. . DON'T' Worry any more about those shoes leaking, I'll mend them. If you need a new sole see the Bully Boy, he'll fix them on, sewed or nailed at the cheapest possible prices. Bully Boy and lady helper, always on hand. B. A. Ed- , wards, Middle street, next to Scott's 'stables. I NOW have 20,000 brick on hand for sale. J. B. Parker, Jr. : NOTICE If you want . your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. : Begister. - He can do it all, 178 Pollock street, New Bern, N. C. ALL KINDS of fresh taffy,' Peanut, Cocoanut and Fruit Candy made dally, A nloe lot of Pineapples, Oranges, Ba " nan as, Grapes, Lemons and Apples at the Broad Street Fruit Store. Phone 88. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the best. Middle street. MRS. J. C. WILLIAMS, at No. IS Griffith street, who is an experienced dyer :.nd cleaner of clothing, respect fully solicits work of that kind. Press ing li! repairing done. , v ' FROM A NEW BERNIAN. V' v r Trip to Charleston. . I can only say that I was delighted at what I sw. 'Twas grand, 'twas glorious "so much so that I stopped over a day longer tlan I intended, but In losing one day' time, I caught on the new ' route and got safeh home at a small ex pense, and upon arrival I found a nice hot fire awaiting me. The fuel It seems, . was furnished by Moore's Wood Yard. ' , ' P. 8. Full particulars will be given later of my trip. New Bkjutiib. : Walnut Taffy and Walnut Buttercups McSorley . f a i I'm t 4 fln.',r.t nt ..- Crania . (ha H.t. , Market t' day. i. ,;' ;t?V ' . , Specla' Sale Flne Embroidery. . We piomale Wednesday morning about 600 vards find Nansook and Swiss edging and insertions at Bo, do, lie, 19o and 22o yard, 'all t about 'half prtoe some dainty patterns for infants and children dressee.? . Barfoot Bros. Cola Headache Powder - . Contain no Antlpyrlne, Morphine or other Injurious drugs. They do not deprr-.s but stimulate the stomach and increase its secretions. Guaranteed In re for Headache and Sour Btomach. Price 10c'.; Made end1 sold by Bradham's Phar macy, corner Pollock and X4dto Bt. For fine Venison call at the Oaks Market.,' '- Prescriptions atDaYbV . Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty , of prescriptions.-.' Prompt and careful attention 1 riven them. duly t lie best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Bend yours there to be tilled. ' Fine Western Bee Beef and Mutton et.tbs 0;As Market'"". ' special Sale 'Window Snides.; "We j ut on jsal to-morrow morning ne com of beat Quality Window shades in T.l.Ito,nl1o,oHve canary 4 etcat " e f; .1 bargain prices, 180, 93c, c pi. I each with an fixtures, the 1 ' ;-. r .iile have fringe and appls t 4 ; uarrooi uroa. f- 't 7UBINE :s Colds, LaGrippe i '4loJtiike.T(l Your money liao lf Hlftils. ' , i;y all mu: cists. GOOD PRACTlCB WOIX , Enjoyed 'Hew lent Mayers. Cfctin ' - Coupon Book Per Grand SUUii. j .. Although a chilly wind wept across the field yesterday, at the Athletic Bate Ball Pak, the NeBern players who have arrived, pat In nearly two hours of pracUoe Some two hundred spectators were out, to ' witness the work of the new men, and greatly enjoyed the sighi. ' The dlamoad, while a Uttle soft from several days rain, stUI ahowed epfatt, while the outfield eosttnuee to; Im prove. .;";. i':Viw:S-:'.: Each of the pitchers took a few Una, and served up e few for tke batters to try at Gettlg was tn good form, end picked up hot. grounders, at U he had been pUytog for r weeks. Pitcher Bast did a little work, and served up a few times his own "fleeter," which to going to bother opposing batsmen this yeer.r. Applegate showed op to advantages fielding and bmtttng, asdld Crawley, who promisee to be a terror to visiting pitchers. -Seed attended to all kinds of fly and ground balls sent to the out field. There seems to bee Uttle "ghoulish glee" among the other clubs over Davy Crocket's failing to appear here. In this connection tt may be stated that Jack Frost, named in the first line up, will not be here this year. But the other vUlairea lathe circuit need not think that these men not com ing here meant e weakening of New Bern's team, for Manager Bryan has some fast men In reserve, end the line up on May 5th to going to he all ' that local base ball cranks eoold wish, and will prove more sensational to outside teams, than the first Use up was, A few coupon books with, reserved seats for the grand stand remain at the low price of one dollar each. When these go, It means higher price for the r. served seats. Subscribers to the Athletic Associa tion are requested to be prepared to pay their assessment when called upon by the collector. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the New Bern Fire Department for Its "prompt end ef ficient work tn putting out the fire which threatened our property, Friday night. Bladbs Lumsbb Oo. Cauliflower at the Oaks Market to day. Daughters 0f Confederacy. There will be e meeting this after noon at 1.802 at the home of Mrs. Nash, on Broad street, of the Daughters of the Confederacy. A full attendance Is desired, as mat ters concerning the observation of May 10th are to be discussed. A Little Saw Dust Fire. The fire last night at 8.88 p. m. was In the saw dust vault of the Blades Lumber Go's, mill, formerly the Congdon mill. The time of the alarm found many people on the street, who at once started lor the scene, as the alarm came from the lumber mill district. The department pnt out the threat ened fire, there being only a nominal loss to the mill people. Saved Many a Time. Don't neglect coughs and colds even If it Is spring. Such cases often result seriously at this seeeoa just because peo pie are careless. A dose of One Minute Cough Cure will remove all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts et once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, broa chills, and other throat ead lung trou bles. "I have used One Minute Cough Cure several years,'' says Postmaster C. O. Dawson, Berr, uL "It Is the very best cough medicine on the market. .It has saved me many e severe spell of sickness and I warmly recommend It.1 The children's favorite. F. B. Duffy. PERSONAL PARAGRAPES. Mr. 0. L. Ives returned home last night from Charlotte, W. O. Mr. J. X. Latham returned yesterday from New York City where he has been for some time. Mrs. & A. Richardson end daughter, Barah, left for Blohaond yesterday; to visit .relatives. , Mlsa Stella Roberts. Mr Harry Roberta OtpL Life Lnpten, aad his sister, i Mrs. David Styroa, left yesterday for Dallas, Texas, to attend the Confederate Re union. AROUND AlO ABOUT. The schooner Carrie fetaoa, eras hauled up on'the ways yesterday aad will be thoroughly, overhauled, and . A beautiful spaa of horses were tee aboard the Heuse yesterday evening, billed for Norfolk. They "were from the stablet of M. Hahn Boa. t .i ,1 Theeteamet Neeetoafried ontvetter day, 100 packages ef lettaoe aad' 84 crates of cabbage. This to the largest shipment of oabbage made . from here this spring, v ; r:. tsitfl'- ", A tick bores on' Booth Front street. yesterday, created a little ' diversion among the colored draymen for e while, end a oompeUoa of veterinary skill re sulted In the poor aorse beiag drenched ead dosed almost to distraction. At last ecooeala, the horse wet better.;' ; :. Wort oa the steamer Blanche, Is pre- gresslng finely end Cept Bmith expect to be eble to steam to Bayboro oa Jane 1st, at the latest. ' The Blanche, when computed, will be three feet wider, twenty Inches deeper, aad will have a burthen capacity of 100 tons, and eaa carry 1,000 barrela of potatoes et " R0TAL ARCANUM. Royal - Areaatm .Conclave at Ronroc. Favorable Reports. Hew Bent ' ' , ; Umbers. , - " - ' ., The thirteenth regular annual session of the grand council of the Boyal Ar eanum of.North Carolina was -held at Monroe, on Wednesdsy, April H. The attendance of the delegates: was large. The reports of the retiring grand regent, W. r. Bountree, of New Bern, end the other offioere of the grand council, showed the year Just closed to have been the moat prosperous in the history of the order. The net gain - during the year was more than double of any previous year.- The reports showed the payment during the year to the widows and or phan! of deceased members In this State la round numbers of f 100,000. the next session of the grand council will be held in WttaeivAprn 8th 1908.. The Grand Council wet Invited to the Opera House t night, where a delight ful entertainment was given for their pleasure, end at which teverel Royal Arcanum speeches were made. -At the meeting Of the Grand Lodge Royal Arcanum, at Monroe, N. C, Mr. W. F, Bountree, of this city was selected as Supreme Representative, to the Su preme Lodge, which meets at Atlantto City, W. J., sometime In May. Mr. Bountree was last year Grand Re gent of the North Carolina Grand Lodge end upon bit retirement wet presented With the Regent's Jewel, which is very handsome, ' The Jewel la of sixteen karat gold and on the obverse side appears the mono gram of the order and oa the reverse, is the name of Mr. Ronntree and the date of presentation. Cepi. K. R. Jones, of tbis city was elected a member of the grand finance committee. This to one among the bait fraternal benefit societies; having a mi m'lershlp in the United States sn.l Canada of more thee 118,000 numbers. The Council here In New Bern list a membership of one hundred and elglny- ontt, and constantly Increasing. Deputy Marshal Resigns. Mr. John Thompson, Deputy Marshal, tor the Eastern District of North Caro lina, has handed United Mates Marshal, Dockery his resignation Mr. Thompson to said to have made a very good and efllolent officer, and re signs to engage In business. The office of deputy marshal pays something like one hundred dollars a month and there will .doubtless be a big rush of the faithful for the posi tion. Neglect Means Danger. Don'tfneglect biliousness and constipa tion. Tour health will suffer perman ently If you do. De Witt's Little Early Risen cure such cases. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., ssys "DeWItt's Little Early Risers are the most satlsfsctory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea." F.8. Duffy, COVE. April, 17. Miss Annie Avery is spend lag this week at Clerks. Rev. W. H. Townsend filled his regu lar appointment here Sunday and preach ed an eble sermon to e large and atten tlve oongregatlon. Mies Fannie McCoy spent Saturday ead Sunday with Miss Battle White. Mr. John Charlton of New Bern paid Cove a visit Sunday. We Judge by the absence of Mr. Walter Ipook that somebody had oompsny for dinner at Clarke 8unday. Mr. W.F. Jones paid New Bern a visit Wednesday. Shad Season About Orer. WO, Dispatoh 17th. ' The shed season in the lower Cape Fear river between the mouth of the Brunswick river and the bar, dosed last Tuesday, April 10th, by en act of the legislature. The few shad that are com ing !a are caught above Brunswick rlvsr. The Catch this spring, ss stated previous ly, wiH not exceed half the amount of shad that were caught last year. Not enough shed are coming on tke market now to supply the borne consumption. TRIED TO GET TIRED. la Order te Bring en Sleep. Whan people ere kept awake by coffee drinking aad get Into a nervous oondl tloa from it, they try all sorts of ways to overcome the trouble but generally ; en deavor to stlok to coffee.' A lady eayt la part, of a long lettert 'The only way I could get any sleep et all, tt that Um wee by walking at eight la the yard antn I got so tired I would fall asleep as soon u I touched the bed, but after a Uttle I would commence roll ing around and could not lie still or ttt ta one place for any length of ttme. " p ' " I beoama, dsspoadtnt aad unhappy My atomaok Wat all out of order and my nervec absolutely broken down. One day a lady friend! when' celling said, .'My dear, I believe it to coffee that makes you to slok aad nervous'. I replied, 'I doat believe coffee burtt anyone. My physician kaowt that I use coffee and he has aever said anything about Its being hurtful.' Bhe replied, 'I can't h1p that they did not tell me either but I found out myself wbea I dolt Coffee and began to use Postum the! I got well.'-., v,".' h I Will aever forget that October even lag three year ego when I had my first cup of Potto m. ' It waa made right, and tasted, Oh, eo good. In less tbsu e week I eoold a contlderable Improvement and the second month I was well and happy end peaceful again.. I have kept to ever slaoe end em now the picture of health and do Iota ef hard work When I want to." Name given by Postum Co , Battle Creak, Mich. . . . ,' TEE MARKETS. The following quotations were reoeiv ed by JI. E, Latham A Co, New Bern N. O. -i ' - ' ' 4 - Naw Torm, April 18. CoTTOXi ; Open, High. Low, Close May,V..,.. 8J80 9M .8.17 : 8.81 July t e 9 f e 8.18 8.17 8.18 8.17 Aug. ......... Mi 8.96 8.93 V 8.84 Sep.;, 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.49 Oct;.,.....,. 8.18 847 8.15 8.17 Chloago, April 18. Wu.t-. Open. High. Low. Close May... 74 1 July. 76 74 Comb Open. High. Lew. Close May .881 89 Bibs: Open. High. Low. Close May 929 - 999 New YOrk, April 18. Brooaa; Open. High. Low. Close Sugar 182 131 Bo Ry 87 87t cau 18 18 C. as 49i 42t V. 8B , Prefff., 93t Ex D. 92 Mo. P 10U 102 Atcbkon 841 881 Va.CC: 71t 701 A. O. O 49i 49t Am. Ice... 191 11 bpoti 5.1-83 Salea 8,000 bales. Futures, May-June. 4.89. June-July Siy .. .. 495 410 HHtt IUCIIN COTTON MARKiCT. " tMts la local mitrkot yesterday at Hi l.i 9. POKT ItKilKlfTs. Last week 71,000 This week. Bat. 12000 Mon. 12000 Tuea. 11000 Wed. 18000 Thurs. 8000 Fri. 12000 68,000 Innt yiai 91 (WO 16000 9000 18000 18000 8000 84000 98,000 DIME CATARRH S1TOFF loosens up the tenacious viscid mucus in nose, clean out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestlon In the front of head. Tho cost is only 10 cents and the benefit arising from Its nse Is worth dollars health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. Bradham'a Anti Blllotu Liver Pill, are purely vegetable and act by stimulating the liver, causing increased flow of bile and producing natural move ments of the bowels. They do not pro duce griping or sick stomach. Sure cure for Constipation, Flatulency, Heartburn etc. Price 28 eta. Manufactured by C. D. Bradhsm, wholesale end retail drug gist, , LESS W0RRT. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In dozens of ways, and you can't prevent It. All you can do to to keep them as free from exposure as possible end al ways hsve In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It to guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 15 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It. Sold by Davis', Henry's, and Bradham's Pharmacy. faeartant CeaatOeratleaa, Csaimrtnt) saodera Utaratnre. - Hbas ewe aadlf kteMC That turn Caoanda aa what la Ht - ... nlum kaatlfa hoaad mn& arfntad. WeaUBt10 atao ) Nice fresh Asparagus, also corned Mullet et the Oaks Market today. M8e)9R8e)tte?tt8)sVBe)8Mnt8ll -"In time of peace, prepare for Serins! Cleanlne? Weanon. .. Destroys the army of Insects. . -. . Exterminate Insect eggs. -BBADHAM'8 PHARMACY, 88898e8998 Got ' ae)M8MBa ' A ,Ctight. T j! Curej, ; Cure that case with B. O.O. she- X safe, sure and painless OTJBB. 1 to 8 days. Prloe 81-00. Bold only by HARGKT8 PHARMACT, ' . , ' Cor. Breed A Fleet 8trsets. Z e4999999988J9989e8898 . LAXATIVE TASTELESS hill to;:ic. x ( 'tmhlnlnaj the) lie.wtiUir sroaerty i (rnettHm, bnellaUsl 8 fantr 1 fr"'i. .,.- O'-o, Ontl twiei 8bw If ttAailAK at r UAUAmiVgs Hz ' ir;rr --!a C: rD uuiaiaaaiakw BBtJtDBwWPi ml j v -Vv - mmmm bhhbi8M . t.i sa tmVr NOTICE TO THE PUfeUt ' v That I am not responsible for jtny debts contracted by fOscar' Draney la any manner or form. No bills to be paid to him as he Is no longer In my employ. . P.M. DRANEYJ Watch Barraln. A solid gold (0 size) (small todies size) 14 karat Waltham or Elgin, latest en graving end design, all hand engraved and fully guaranteed for 818.50, Thl 1 very near factory cost, and will not be for sale at;thl price "pater then May 15 tb. J. O. BAXTER, Jb. OnO. A. NICOLL. THOS. O. BVMAB. loll k Hyman, Fire Insurance. SolicittradeandJask the patronage of those desiring fire insurance. Only First-class Companies represent ed. Tftmnorarv Office over Hvimtn Runnlv CW:, Craven Street THAT OLD BUGGY OF YOURS will look like a new one after we have repaired it, and will be every bit as good as new, ana gooa lor many a yean wear. Better let us have it than buv i new one. We do any kind of repairing required by carrages. We have every requisite for turning out the very beat work at most reasonable prices. We are prepared to pnt on rubber tires on your same wheels' Why not put on rubber trea and make riding a luxury tnese aays. O. IT. Waters eft Hon Phone 185, 78 Broad 8t, New Bxkn, N. C. ill Real I Linen Suitings. Spring Prettiness X You will find here plenty of light X fabrics for Spring Gowns, Pretty, Fluffy A ' Q1..A 1 I Jt l I i : A F- tiuii, uia sou cuwrw gwui vu auie ui j X , Idea of eleganae and laahioo. Many f Rnpo.iftl Valnfis to temnt'von. tH May we how yoij through P latest Books-Just in. J I I : v- Sir Richard Calwodj", ev ' W Jtws " ahv w"vjut;s f X X Thoma Dixon1, Jr; and "The Orimtou Wing" by Chat.' : Z , X X , I fiehVTaylor, ' -'J f . ' , .4 t X ; SSJL.OSJ , j - N it r"4'i.i. 67 Pollock Street. vHrvHvHtHvvmtvHtm Musical Goods and cMusical Instruments, ta. N. Ennctt. i ers If you went a; Chamber Bet, Dinner Set, Tea8et,or other useful articles At Greatly Reflocefl Prices attend the Special Sale At Whitehurst s BEGINNING WEDNESDAY AND CONTINUES THROUGH THE WEEK. E. HAVENS, The Old Reliable Plioe Maer on Middle 8treet has pleased the people for years with his work. Can excell all others in the business in this city. The repairing of Ladies shoes a specialty, 130i MIDDDE STREET. Chainless 'Bicycles at chain prices. A strictly high grade Clipper Chainless Bicycle at 835.00 fitted with the Leland and Falcoaer bevel gear exactly the same gear used in the celebrated Col umbia Chainless Bicycles. This is the Greatest Bicycle Bargain ever offered for the money. Only a few left WM T. HILL, SPORTING GOODS, Phoae ne. 91-93 Middle Stret Housetop The sort of Material that tends the strain of hard wear and repeated washing. Faatcolors. The kind for the very serviceable wear. In pink, bine, oxblood. 80 innhes wide, at 25 c. J X. 11. M Qerirnde Atherton! Kew Z bv lAvwiwt twvvm em Mi - oc a ' vitw") 9 1fe ."Drixton.' r &ck Suit- 61 Pollock Hi. e SMITH'S I have just returned from New York where I purchased a lull line ot Ladies Goods. Showing in window Venire Foulard 12c Lawns, Dimities, Ginghams, and all hot weather goods are now in slock and being offered under the market price. GIVE ME A CALL and I will save you money. My goods were all bought lor Spot Cash and no long time prices on them, SMITHS. praig. If jou will lei us show you our line ef MtiiV Styles, lYrfwt 1 itting Clothes, we will convince you that it pays to buy good I!ealy-to-vtar Clothes. We refer particularly to our magnificent range of m3!II GRADE HUITN From $7.50 to $15.00. Young Men's Suits for Spring from .r to 812.00 PoyeKnec Tunis Suil8,,Norfolk Blouse und Sailor ttylep, 82 tof. floys Knee Pants 50c, 75c and $1. 4 per cent, rebate checks given with every caeli s:ile. Ask for llicni. J. J. BAXTER, Phone 160. 89 middle Street AT DAVIS' PHABMACT, Up-To-Date Oxfords - '- k ' Just tUoelved, . ; :,-i't V;F.JARVIS'; -,::; rottoci v(.-;ir .v .. , ... ... . i s. The Stout Man's Suit. 0 That's our hobby. To fit the'gtout man with short neck andjshort arms. We have made a stady of flting him, as well as his tall, lanky brother. It used to be a "hard job" for both these extremes to sbt a Wr proper fit, it's. easy qow, if you will only come to tl.c right place. Suits $18.00, 112 50, a f 13.50 and $15.00. Have you seen our 50 cent Neckwear. Negligee Shirts &0c to $1.50 G. Dunn & Co., MEN'S:WEAR. 57 Pollock N4. 9 99 Middle Ht. Viy 8riiiuiiiM. Be il onlnlu'l--Tli'i nn persou. or corporation Hball own. or iiitdiiittin any pole, upon any of the street of Ilia City, which may he rotten, uvuafe, inse cure or cUngfrous, Mill any' pcrFOn or corporation owdiiik. uhi or nmlutaln Ing said pole, anil sIihII a'lnw tho Bamo to rcmiln npou ul sImib, shall he guilty of a mhulrmciinor nml fln.illlve dollars for csch olTensc. Ami cvtiy ilny that such pole shall lie allnwi'il to ru msin upon salil nlroets xliall cnnsillule a oparato often le. -nc). That In ilillllon In llic penally prescribed Inser.ili.n 1 of II.Ib onllntncf, If such person or rorponainn flitU fail snd refnw to remove any ancil of such poles within i iUjh aMvr nnll.-n to owner, tlie Mayor ami Chiuf of I'olico sbsll cause all such polna to h removed at the exponas of Ibe owner or own ers. That this ordinance shall lk; effect S days from Its dato April IS, 1003. Adopted all present, voting yes. .1. J. TOLSON, City . lork. Ill Elect He IJi;ht VLhUh. Tb. following rales for ICh ctile Lights furnished by City Elect ile l.lglrt System was adopieil. ommsrolal lighting, 16 candle power out at 18 o'olock night, 60 eta per month per light, t candl. power all night, 78 ots, 8 asnpher kre light out at 13 o'clock Bight 8 Oft par month; meter rat. 10 ots per K. W. hour. Ilesldcna. lighting, Oat rate 85c. per light monthly, nut at II oV.lo. k night, all night B eta, Meter rat. 10 cU per K. W. hoar. All meter rates subect to dlouU a follow - Mils 8 00 to 810.00 10 prr orm tliM. uni. 10 00 and over 18 per .' dl-e nm If mld within 10 days froai ir. -rrtlns; o m ii All lnniM i soxpl vlio iiiiplLliFr area Willi lufl hi-H frw lra anil ConDSO tloas from main IIihi til Inalde lloi of ekle walk wtH.te don by Olijr, ' , ..A,.i:;.-iT;,Srv I I TOL80S, j.f Vr'- ''c1: V'11; a,y 0l,rk 1 '. ii'. i