show more plainly than a brunettes but these discolored spots greatly mar, the beauty of either. HAGAN'S MSiSUA "-. 'A 4 ?.Ss sf vs - will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn Tan, undue Redness, 1 Sallowness and II other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists, ft-ice 75 cts. for Tim cuiLDrxn Cead Seearitr. f "Mister, da you lead money Kefs.1 asked an earnest young voice atlas office door. , ' t The lawyer turned away fronr, his dealt, confronted a vclearjeyedrfjp&rty) dressed lad of twelve'yesjrfjjQjtild, led Mm keenly for s mlnute.'c"'8ome- times we do on good security," he'sald gravely. The Uttle fellowi eJrriUmed that 1 he had a chance "to buyprat (TJwyliat oryln papers." lie had'halfiUiEirflfcneJl required, but he needed tovborrowtha Other 13 cents. ; " .-:-''" "What security can you btterr hem tbe lawyer. The boy's brown hand .Bdtuthlilil pocket and drew, put jrpeatarefull J folded In a bltot(W5icoitflwMil cheaply prmtea pieagegsjBwrauMri o Intoxicating nqnorjnli As respectfuiliiriWMaybcnSthe deed to a farm thew accepted It and handed1 quired sum. ' ' . friend who had .watched the trans action with silent ejnosement.laughed as the young "You think that.I . knoicfoothlng about hlml,.'smlledthalairyB5'''I know that be meVanfully,Mn!wfia.t UV BUpiKRWU IV UQ C POBUHSnf WJi ; tried to negotiate glng tbe money. I know that been under good Influences be, fci nolbave signeav be does not hold not have cared for Ji a (rree with him itha keeps himself from aatiithuigsTbaa ft cnaracter to offer as a security." Christian Observer. KJ i . Seek Relief! ImmbI ptsMftloa f womta who suffer mm m.e. k mirnm, .HaU t. kMfM Mum. The Most of then go mi ntytn J no at Ik - MM J' saving they rll eventually weir ofl. They aw mm and mm amtv dm. At the - psaYnf f naatrattioa a wemaa I peculiarly all $1.00 batik of Van) Of CsssaV Tom Win ota I hare started to iiseil, MmAh 4a ami aflmnililMl - Hi ft h am Mia awmt tnmmMa Mm. In. tha aswbaoMat f hUdta dtMM gems which aity sehs-Unf, la the ryrftra. Any phytldin bmwifnatmiaratred SMiutnuiion. felling of 0i waa sad kutetihee ar blighting lives la lint (very awn. Na wenaa thoaM neg IscilMitaVtBwatBtsfttrtK sees Indications (Mtul bWiul Ahaost hut-art Nlkf caa BteBn4yttiaf - A BmtmM JLmtCl mmM ammJufi ! mmM Amtl BBaASm. vtfM iritv nsnv m vvw vwn nonna V.macotnfth tutlmony of Mrs. Bdgkr wa and rssDy seek iHf today T All droggisai cml!aoSjl wgrttocyiSm!? Vhvra wwd'av id oa aaokM of ThadtoM'a Blaok-Omutbt. And line 1 1 , I'TataitMtoBwlIUaaMwUhoa't ft in tha houM. It halpad my if .iber in ivtmin. woo aia no, liraHra m wb oayow biv wm UXC m ''" 1? 0j " PalSl BmOtemOmUf "9m mkT X P1 'ml Stftt'tJ 1 before I niti voar latjtlioina, but I fouad llle ia tbJrM dftym. And ad1 I feel lika ft n WMMa uitl Aa -11 m Iiiiiimbmih - aUktl vmahinar. mrhlnh I -ran f MTdP. BISOLSB "No man Ig bonl Into the world whose work -is not born with him. There is always work and tools to work withal for those who wilt" We have Tools for tho Carpenter, Implements tor the Farmer Bel lup's, White's and Avery'i Plows and Castings, Lath steel and cast; Guano 8owers $1.75, $4.00, $6.00 and $1150 (see our new guano sower); Planters, Cultivators, Har rows, 4j Shovels, Hoes. Spades, Pitch Forks, Rakes and everything for the farm. . PainbVOil Vanish and Brushes for the Painttf.) ' ! Cooking ntepsils lor the kitchen. Agents for the oldest and most reliable Stoves and Ranges manu factured, and keep eastings in stock to fit. Builders Supplies of all kinds Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Hair Cement Plaster, Ac. L B. Culler Bk Co. Tbe Farmers I Merchants BANK. Capital, Surplus and Fronts $88,840.00 APRIL 30th, 1901.' What We! Have Directarj of the Malls at tbe New Bern Post Oftlce. m MUl rof'ftll nMnti North. Knolh ma J.1-uk AlAs-ft aft flJM oa an. V Mall for aU oolsts XaaT tla A. AN. A ' R H nlnml mk B.aa M B.) ' 1 V - y. If all for all nofnti Nnrlh anil Wart ' i l l n n D .Iau m Vail for Orlwital,; Maotso, Xllubetk ' Oil anil Norfolk via' Rtr. NnM dm ' at 5:80 j, 'V.H'v . -. v v ' Mall for Oriental. Mantao, XUsabeih ; . City aad Norfolk via Str.Ocraooks elose at tM v. at. . r i.srtts At . . . J a a... 4na ivi vijiuriM IIKUUUUIU - .' Wtm Rlneattaal1 Va (.anaa 44 sflwIaM. " tal elose at 6 SO a. m. " t ; ; and Dobbs olosa at h80 a. ; t JltW tot Aikla, Kraal, Zorah, Wasp rr' Mil VtRMMM MfkM ! 1 4lfl A. M ' - " 1 Mall for Whltford elos at 140 d. ai. ; ; ,' . Baranua Vf. Haacoot, P. M. Done. Do, and Will Continue to Do. This Bank conducts Its business npon nn-to-aow" methods. It Is onr narDosa to deal luatlr and liberally with alL We carefully safeguard tbe Interests of our customers, Moreover, we fre quently do It unkaown to them; aa op Dortunltlss oftea eoma to us la oonflden- Usl wars, and yea cannot OTer-appeclate such ooBsld ratios. Wa are aot disposed to overlook the fact that the Interests of the Bank and those of th people are olosely bound to gether, aad cannot by any means be separated, This Bsal sets as a repository for Wills,- aad safer keeps them till tha prooeC lIm of eurreader. Will also act as tha eostoalan of money or papers left with as la escrow. No charge for these services. We procure letters of Credit for In tending- travellers. Wa aia to be prompt, progressiva ani liberal.' - la the matter -of accommodations, this nana nests every requirement within the limits of nrodent banktnr. If you have never been identified with us a a patron, we ask you to consider the advisability of becoming one. . is tna eariy future, we pro pot adding nOTst, ret sabstaatlal Bavlnn Bank featoreto oar already progressive ln- Celery Headache Powders, v Then Is aot My .better r1y for hrsdache than these powders. Tbcy never fall to relieve. Hade and sold only at Davis' rrencrlpllon I'liarmary. ' 80 YCAItr EXPERIENCS Inwarritl'wi UntUBlrt' fMnt f r. WW it t 4 Thaoc Marks 9 l ' DcStONB . m AO nrofi tAlnj gifctth nn4 ilasarirlnvkrn oimf ti nur n " Hon irtM sui iTTRt if fiiy.. ishia' romrniirtirtv v. 'if 11, ImiHltwifconPsiiurt t t .-in.: i Miuin Ck. J ft lw.J : ift tnitrtiftl, l'trtii. L tM4 brail nwi tjraw :oitN-,.(::worJ U. VM W Wlm WMHlDKIUft. U. U t" i fABTOTttA. sWt tmi A 1. Hind Yu H . : iiwa' , ,r,rr ,fNGLE8 AN0 J8T8.- -' . sTha SU4mk Snaaaa. -' ' IMatn. ewMt sprlnr Is with at, and tha bH upon the bongh , - ; w7oaM t himself aa overeoat ft he knew . when and how, And we look In vain for blossoms and the signs of vernal mirth, ' Sma the' QnnMattn imcroDe xaam noa aassloa ec the eartn. -wasUngfon Btar. aa Haaaaa'a -cwaaBMas. i "It isn't much f a sapper," aba a&ld, ot too didn't leave tna any: money; this morning, and I cant make bricks' kvlthont straw." "Aw. I don't know. Ton did pretty rl,n Bold the ruffian, as he lifted one of the biscuits from tbe plate-InOlan- apolis News. He Heia Her. SVith flirting and foolishness now she was Gone, 4 For aha maant to be wed to this chap. "Mr race for a husband," she said, "la near won; i I believe I am on my last lap." ' Detroit Free trees. Politeness Always Pars. This anecdote teaches in mhrthfol guise a lesson our boys and girl can not afford to leave unlearned, jrhlcb'-l that true politeness always paya,: Tbe story states that, an Irish officer in tbe midst of a hot battle happening to in dulge In the courtesy of a bow to some one on tho field, a cannon ball passed directly over his head and took off that of the soldier Immediately behind him. Tho bow alone saved bis life, which be had tbe wit to see, apparently, for. turnlnc to a soldier near him, be ob served, "You see, my man, a fellow never Iosob imytlilng by politeness." Harper' Young People. What the Bee Does. Great Indeed is the amount of work which a lmy bee will do In a day. Every bond of clover conelslH of about sixty dower tubcH, ench of which con- tnliifl n very buiiiII. quantity of sugar. Iters will often visit a hundred differ ent beads cf clover before retiring to tbe hive unci lu order to obtain the sugar necessury for a load must there fore thrust their tongues Into about 0,000 different flowers. A bee will make twenty trips a day when the clover patch Is convenient to tho hive and thus will draw tho sugar from 120, 000 different flowers in the course of a single day's work. The Stromas Club. Now thut tbe warm days are near at hand, "strolling clubs" will again become popular. Last fall this pastime WB3 much enjoyed, particularly by tbe girls of Ilnltlinore and Boston. And this whs tho plan: A party of girls, in number from four to ten, agreed apon souio place, generally the borne of a friend, as the objective point for tbetr stroll and In the early afternoon Walk ed several miles out Into the country, A light luncheon, prepared by the host ess or carried out by the girls, was served, and tbe party walked back again to tbe city In time for dinner Ladles' Home Journal. Faltafal Han. When the Dnke of Wellington waa flghttng In Spain, there wero two horses which had always drawn the same gun, side by side, in many battles. At last one was killed, and tbe other, on hav ing his food brought as usual, refused to cat, but turned his bead round to look for bis old friend and neighed many times as if to call blm. All care was In vain. There were other horses ir blm, but be would not nodes them, and be soon fterward died, not having tasted food since bis former companion waa killed. A Basalt Satis AarRu Uj brother Fred's the nicest man, so Ma) an straight an' tail. Why, he can do all kinds of thlncs that I can t do at all! An' yon always hear htm whlatlln' while He's a-workur round. sometimes b doubles up his arm an says to me, "Now, poundr when I pound him (awful hard) he only la us ha at me. When I am bl. thaf s Just the kind at man I'm go'Ji! to be. Sometimes when I've been hammerhf as tbe nana won't so la straight Hy brother Fred he comes along as says. wny, wars nrat ratar An' then be takea my hammer, an' he tap lust one or tww. An' all those crooked, bent ap nails ( la aa straight ear men, .a then be laughs an Dicks me up tin am taltaVab. Aa1 when rm tug thaf s Just the triad man raa gotar M Ml Sometimes when tm plsyta round X break things aar reel bad. But Fred he eomes whnrtlta' along an says. "Don't look so sad." Then off he goes, an pretty soon I hear blm eomlif bae. Aa what I broka'a all maaded ap aa asa - can't ana tna eracai t don't cry then, but laugh,' an okas laughs, an1 so doe be. Aa when I'm big thsfs Just tha kind f .' man rm gout' to bel ; Ono t was stak a-vtstthfi I guess t waa most dead, . But my ma aha knew what t do she seat for brother Fred. 1 An Fred be picked me right straight aa - an' carried me off home to easy In his big, strong arms, aa wa'a't I glad to some I . An X wa thlnkln' all along as he was btngln' me. "When I am big. Fred's lust tha kfad of i , t man I'm gout" to bel" .; -Emini F. Bnlloy hi St Wohslaa. "' TliejGreat Dismal Swamp Of Virgin! Is a breeding ground of Malaria germs. Bo Is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere; These germs cans weakness, chills fever, aches In tb hones and mautcles, and mey Induce dangormis msladlea, Dot Elcotrto Bitters never full to destroy tbem and cure malarial troa bles. They will turoly prevent typhoid. "We tried many remedlds for Malnrla and Biomin:h end Llvr troubles." wrlins John Charleston, of 1 'yTlile, ()., "bnt nnvnr fonnH anything m r -.. I s tleetrio I :ier." 1 ry t ,. ( f n. IJ. JJ, lifi!hm gimii!i 'jt ' :-m. Tm Genius. "I tell yon that poet is a genius." "A genius? Why. bis stuff is tbe worst I ever read." 'I know." "But why do you call him a genius 7' "Because he succeeds in selling it - Philadelphia Record. How. The larka a-wing; the robin sways Upon the highest budding bough. Who earea to atng of other days Or give the burled ages praise? The greatest time of all la now. Chicago Record-Herald. 1L G UELSi -'lTij jjiAhfl,CMt tine," . . r ( ) 'tin- m ii , "- !.,- DEALER IN FEED AND EXCHANE STABLES. 42 AND 44 CRAVEN STRUT, OPPOSITE HTMAN SUPPLY CO. NEW PttBlf, JT. . FOB Horses, Mules, Baggies, Farm Wagons, Carts Wheels and Harness GIVE ME A TltlAE THOS. J. MITCHELL. Wii.aiKtlTon 4 ITr? Bxnti R. K. mt i tAbli voii s, faKSeot Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1896,;DaJI j KiDept Buaday, Going Bouth sooasota: Ooihg North NojM, Passenger Tralng "No. 50, LV. a at, SUtlomj: Ar. d m AO.. ....... New Berne 640 88 PoUocksvUla ...... 504 0 51 Mwsviile 4 4S N9 Jacksonville 4 11 mm """mmmmw 1308. MIS hr-ar NoCSi I ' WUmlngton, ( Union Depot ( .Ar. Wilmington; Lv. i 8S IH r m No. 4. Xot the Canal Way. "Tea, he's going to marry the girl who used to work for blm. Think of ltl" "WelL what of ltl Most men marry, a girl and let her work for them after ward." Philadelphia Bulletin. V The View. Little maid Marian's home waa near The edits of a DreclDlce wild and sheer. "But I don't like It" she said, "would yout I'm bo afraid I'U fall Into the view!" Judge. Couldn't Fill the BUI. "Yon know, Johnnie," said the moth. er, " the child Is father of tbe man.' " Then said Johnnie, surveying his fa ther from head to foot: "But he ain't big enough to .whip him t" Atlanta Constitution. mm mil tm CHIOBKSTKirSKNOUSa U HE I4 il.lSi IW bM UkUaatttM. Tfc. tSp. Slftw llUlilM SmBiM ImUs H 4 Ir DnKiM. i 4. I. hr ysrSWelwTl.lln.UU meBdmf Ibr Lm1mi Umr. kj m. tanSrfL 1S.e TMmi.Hli. Dnom nMmaCbmWCs ll III! Urn mi Lfkllwooi HEAIXjCARTERBiFOn HARDWARE And all Kinds of wml Heating and Cooking Stoves and Ranges, Li mo, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Putty, Bash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, Best Good Irowest Prlees. Under Hotel batUwka, NEW BESlf, Iff. . O 'MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW en tnsnv Sftlled birth medicines, snd ssost miedlee for women in the treatment ejf her delleste orgsne, contain more or tose aoiam. morDaine ana nrrcnniDe r Be Yes Knew that opium and morphine re ffuperrln g na rootle polaom I D vea Knew thst In most countries drng- niat are aot permitted to sell narcotics witfc- m( lahallnv tbam VMlaona Be Vea Knew that on should not take easei nsiiy any smqicum isr tne paw aceum- hi H mw arnii r tm 2J Kamv ttmt Mather's Pi Use Is a nwrely vestsManreparstlon, and that It Is "K- Vea Ksewlhat iietber'e Prlead is a etebrsted Braeoriptlon aad that It has been In use orer lorry years, sad that eseh bottle EASTERN CAROUNA DISPATCH A.&N. C.R. R. FaSSIHalB ft Fhkioht, Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day; Thursday aad Saturday. Lv. au Ar. pis 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 840.. Scott's Hill 18 BA 980. Woodside ...1816 1S HoUyridge 11 40 H81 Dixon 10 61 1180 Verona 10 80 18 96 Jacksonville. 0 4ft 18 80 Northeast.. 8 6S 81 65 Whiteoak 8 80 1 80 Maysville 8 05 815 Pollooksville 7 20 885 Debrnhl's 6 88 40... '...Ar. New Berne, Lv 600 Daily Bzeept Sunday. J. B, KENLY, General atanayer I AUaElic Coast Line BaW Coi Coadevsed Schedule. Tim TABLK HO. 25 To Take Effect Sunday, February 23 1902 at 12:01 A.M., K.b T. doing Eaet BoBKDUut: Going West No. 8 Passenger Train No. 4 DAILY. Liv. p m BTATioirs: Ar. a at 840 Goldsboro U 06 1 4 09 LaOraage 10881 lUDstoa 10121 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 6 40... 6 60... 715... ,..Ar. New Bern, Lv, 8 ( ,..Lv. " Ar. 81 Ar. Morebead City Lv 7 06 1 stations: No. 6, Passenger Train. No. 5, Passenger Train. DAILY. Lv. A. M. Ar, p. h. 8 00 Goldsboro 8 80 1 8 23 Best's 8 08 I LINE -AND- Old Domiiiion Steamship Co PAIIdY ElttE. fRIIOHT k PAS8KH61B. For All PInt North. I the name of The Brad- of the aenemabaars I Da M mime that whan TOM BH this OM- teot temedT tfarms childbirth orthronjhoot M eattre period 0( reststion thst yoa will W (res ofpela and bear hsalthy, elaver ehlldreal . Well, these Oring are worth knowtar. TWr are (acts. OTdrtiiirtrU, 1.00. A"!" awsabstrrats, Ow book" Motherhood " rr TUB MADFIELD RE0ULAT0R CO, ATLANTA, OA. Notice to Creditors. i tbe DnHrtot Court of tbe United States for tha Eastern District of North Oarollaa, at Naw Barn. In tha Matter of SMITH PAUL of Washington, N. O, Bankrupt. Tha petition of Smith Paul, of Wash ington, N. a, for a full dlseharga la baokrapicy, ksving been filed la said Coart, It is ordered by tka Coart, that a bearing be had oa thstSdday of April ltOS befor L. J. Moore, Befers at flaw Ban, K. C, at IS o'clock boob, aad that all knows creditors and other persoat laterealed stay appear at said trass aad Laos ana show just cause, u aay way are. why the Drayar of aald petitiosev anoaia aot n graniea. ThU 10th dayjof April 1901 , .B. h. ORANT. " ,OIrk, By G IQ. GREEK,. . Dapoty. Commencing Monday, February 17th the steamers of this line are sched uled to sail from New Bern as fol lows: The Steamer NEUSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island. Elizabeth City and tbe North on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 6 p. m. The Str. Ocracoke On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Baaur days at 8 p. m. "M" Fraight reoeived not later than on hour pravioas to sailin;. For xnruer lnlomtlon apply to GEO. HKNDKKSON, Aft kC, K. Knro, Osn. Mgr., LLO. HtTDi,GreD..Frt.4 Paas.Axt Norfolk, Vs. HewIBern, N. C, Feb. 14, 1908. 8.61 Klnston 7 87 1 902 Oaswell 7 26 18 Dover 7 17 9 80 Core Creek 7 00 9 44 Tuscarora 660 9 48... Olarks 8 42 1000 Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 80 a- r.M. No. 1, I No. 8. Ui'd Ft. and statiohs; Mz't Ft. and rass.Tn. Pass. Tat Daily Bxasn SnrOAT. uv. a m AT, p m 6 00 Goldsboro 6 88 6 83 Best's 4 68 7 00 LaGrange 4 88 715 Falling creek 8 58 880 .....Kinston ... . 81 8 40 oaswell 9 88 9 42 Dover 810 10 07 core Greek 1 10 10 82 Tuscarora 1848 10 62 Clark's 12 40 I U 15 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 9. f No. 10. 180 Lv. " Ar 1047 9 12 Riverdale; 10 10 S20 oroatan 1000 8 06 Haveloek 940 884... Newport, Lv 906 8 47 WUdwood 8 47 8 59 Atlantic 8 88 1 408 .. Ar. Morebead City, Lv 880 488 ..Ar.M. city Depot, Lv 760 r. a. a.m. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fluesday, Thursday and Saturday, S.L. DILL, G. P. A. IGE Ot HOME USE gmarsnteed so Im cheaalcally mada from distilled wattr a-.d free from Imparities- Specially la leaded and preiiarad for basaaa eon. miaiiilltfiai - - . .. . . .. . . a . a soa aeutmeu aauy mxxp oj; s asatotpak - Hsnadaya (rataii oniy v a ai.vo is wow 'ForiwkamotheroTmalloa, i; .CAAirasa, Kew Berne Ice Ltw Kates to Charlestoa Vh. At lantic Coist Un6 ; Tha Atlantle Coast tins Ballroad I Oompsny saaoaaeas tha following rata Charlestoa B.O. oa aoooant of tb Bouth Carolina lnter-state aad West In dian Eiposllloa, Charleston, S. 0. Dao. 1st. 1901 to Jnna 1st. 1908. Tb following rate apply from Now Barn. N O. 7.55 tickets to b sold Toesdsys and Thursdays of each week an 111 and Inclu ding May 19th, 1909, oonUauous passage; Anal limit seven (7) days la addition to tlatn of aala. - tl0.40 tickets to be sold dally until and Including May 81st, 1909, eontla none passage, final limit, tea (10) days la addition to date or isle. 114.20 tickets to be sold dally until end Including May 8it, 1001, eontla nnns passage, final limit , Juna ltd. For any further partloolar writ or call on ' , " 1TI. M. EMEHSON. Oen1. Tas'irT, Act, Wllmlneton N. 0. J. 8. WAKIX, , Agent, Kow Bora, N. 0, J.'.?..!!ATITC-!'LL, Trv. tss'cr. At. 1---"-"'S K. 0. ' Pale ( TtUtWe Property. ParsaaaA to tha lodimaat In the no tion now nendlas la tha Superior Coart of Craven county, wherein tb National Bank of Mr Btm. ta piaiauir, ana . M. Hoenoer. et J defeadants. Tha ua- dsrslgasd will sU at- pablia aaetloa for eaaa, at tna uourt ttous oi sua uravea eotul v In - tb City . of New. .Bern, oa Monday, th 5th day of May A, D. 1808 at 18 o'clock mid-day, th rbllowlni aropertv to w'ti All that body of Ian. J. 15,1908 oa 6g (Corrected) aQ A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P. H Lv. Weldon 11 50 9 88 Ar. B. Mt. . 1 00 10 82 Lv. Tarboro 12 22 7 22 Lv. R Mt. . 1 05 10 02 7 52 5 45 12 62 Lv. Wilson 1 59 11 10 8 81 6 26 2 40 Lv. Selma.. 2 55 11 50 Lv.Fay'ville 4 80 1 20 Ar.Florence 7 85 8 20 P.M. A.M. Ar. Golds 9 20 Lv. Golds 7 31 8 15 Lv, Mag'lla 8 37 4 85 ArWilm'ton 10 10 6 00 P. M. A.M. P.M TKA1NS GOING NORTH. ?U 1 f i; i .a 1 .3 .a .a op o j o3op oji !c(5 S ZQ K5 A.M. P.M. Lv.Florenoe 10 05 8 05 Lv.Fay'ville 12 40 . . . . 10 09 Lv. Selma.. 2 10 11 85 Ar. Wilson. 9 57 18 07 A.M. P. M.A.M. LvWilm'ton 700 905 Lv. Maglia 8 80 10 58 Lv. Golds 785 9871226 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M Lv. Wilson 8 85 8 2011 8410 45 1 18 Ar. R. Mt.. 8 80 9 00 12 10 11 23 1 58 Ar. Tarboro 9 84 Lv. Tarboro 8 81 Ly. R Mt. . 8 50 12 43 Ar. Weldon 4 58 1 87 ' P.M. A.M. F. M.'.SI-aaas, A. D. Ward 5IMT10NS A WARD, AtTOBHKi aai C0UNSELOBS at LAW. IW BIKBSIB, . C Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of fice) South Front Street, next to Hotel Chattawka, Practice la the coon ties of O raves. Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co aad Waks, la ta Supreme aad Fed sral Courts, and wherever serriees ar aesireo. P. H. FeUetlen ATTOKHIf AT U. MIdllo Stmt, Lawfarl Brisk . BalKlmt. nriii mum M tna IVmSuea aS tornrsn OartereC Jones. Unsknr sad raaUloa. D.H Uoutaiaew ttmt aad San erne Mart Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 10 a m, ar rives Fayetteville 18 80 p m, leaves Fay eMeville 18 48pm, arrives Sanford 15; p m. Returning leave Banford 8 05 p m. arrive Fayette vifle 4 20 p m, leave Fay etteville 4 80 p m, arrives Wilmington 1 16 pm. Bennettsville Branch Train leaves BesaettsvUle 8 10 a m, Mai ton 9 06 a m, Red Springs 9 83 a m, Hope Mills 10 55 am, arrive Fayetteville 11 10. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 45 p m, Hope Mills 5 00 pm, Red Springs 6 43 p m. Max too 0 10 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 15 p m. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Max ton with tbe Carolina Central Baflroad, at Bed Springs with the Bed Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with tha steabovd Air Line and Boathara Railway, at Gulf with the itarbam and Unarioue uauroao. ' Train on tbe Scotland Neck Branch Bead leaves WaMoai SIS pat, Halifax 1 29 p m. arrrras BootiAsd Neck at 410 p so, Greenville 5 47 p m. Klnston 6 45 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 80 a m OrasrrvtHaSt am, arriving Halifax at 1106 am. Weldon 1120 a m, duly ex cept Sunday. Trains oa Washington Branch leave Wsshlna-toa 8 00 a m and 1 45 p m, ar rive rarmele 8 60 a m, and S 10 p m, re turalaa leave Paraaele 915 am AS 22 p m arrfv Wasnltfjfton 10 85 a m and 0 15 mmttmlm svaaBasjaetpt Bandar. Traialea tarboro) M G, daily except 8anday4S8pm, Sunday, 4 8S p m, ar rives Ply moo th 6 86 p m, 80 p m, Re turnftfg, leave Plytncmth daily except Atwrary mi i-mw, iBaadsnr, 7 Maac nid rJtmdmT9 00 74JSO, Front Bt, Opp. Motel unAKAWxa, t1tsb xataoro WW NEW BEEN, K. 0. Craren County Attorney. Circuit, Craven, Jonas, Onslow,' Cart eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, ;aadj th Snpram and Federal Oowrta. OF HARMONY. West rass) awd 4U Wedaasdav alrhU ta aeh aaoatb fa Boaatree's Hall, Fotksak alrssl,'at ISO am.UvOai Train oat aUdlaad: N 0 Branch leave Goldsboro dally, except Sunday, 5 00 a, BB,artrVin-rmitrnTMSlm, Return larMaWav faadthMd 700a a; arrive sAGoidsbataSSSa-sa. . . Trains oa Nashville Branch leaves Rooky Mount stS SO am, 4:00 p m .arrive Naahvffle 1080 a m, 4 8 pas, Spring Hops 11 00 a m, 4 45 paaJMoraing leave Bsriag Mop 11 SO a m, S 15 p aa, Naah- arT, 1 4Snm, arrive at Rooky Satin Mopal vUMliarxS4Snirj MoaaS 18 10 p m, 20 p m, dally except Bandar. - ' ' TraiaoaCUnton Branch leaves War- o'clock. J. j.Wolfaadea, PvasaJetAi Geo. saw foe OTirtoa daMy axospt Bonday, m m n ark wv ' rwna' eaaa. a. a I ll aUI m -Snm ,! A net aw. an UawHttl la S ImBWkA 4 SB) aaaa-M m avw SF swiiwwwaHsm -,-- a Jones, Betyj pecmary. , RB, Hfli, t aa I Cravaa eoaaty a sltaal Cltyotew born, west ot End street and between) Neusa Road aad Lawson's Creek, known tha "iUem Farm" ana bracing "'ng other tract of land) th original 'Kia Plaoe," th "Hart" land. the "tmnw track ana we jeTxme Field' provem. veyea HI" 1 ... .),nd dwltjd In tlcon pinlnt In aid notion. Alno tbs horses, amies and farm'" li-n!. nls tiirectod to b Sold by SH..1 ju I. ' ,' hit JUe yv.olfiv n.r4 ; u tM , , , . .Oomrn'tiluBW. . .i.'i.A 5 .' NEW BrmTOrt(JUV 4 Improved Order HaptaaonaSL ' SaSMs Sad and ltl Tsvrsday night, a-Moak at Boas tree Halt- fH. tt,F. Early, Aroaoat Jon I u eoaiea, rutaacMri .uOs kh uoraaar, Saorctarx. :.- .,, ;. ...... , 1 .,!.,. A Qccd - Telcplioiii: -t t -.. : anwrrBi MYTnimtris jWsi.dall th mschlaery and inv jzCXTSiTt.Y A HOM' rETjonxvr n, Commlmloner by deed doted Feb. , BWaW, e, - ' j , Orpcf Yoaf tl...4 U t-co I Clinton at 1 45 d m aad 8 50 D m. Trkl No 78 atskaa Olos connection at Weldon for "an points North dally aU isATtaBtchwaMC'' i M EMERSON, Seal Pass Ageat lfi KENliGeal Manager, fit XMXBdOlX, Trafflo Maaager. - Tna-Sumai farm bsgiai Jon Stilt Ib'ooasutiiB lbiW,aoflaJTioiontli Instruction ta coarse admitting to thd raUklra)dtlotaKOlW kf yers, '. For catalogu addrets JAMES 0 aUrJBAB, DoinCaapel Hill,' N. 0. I llli 1 111 III! II f I I I II HI H