' r ' ';.." , ill TV, THE : JOURNAL, Haw Ban. X. Ch ArU 84. IMS. index t Hew'AdrejlteemeBft. . ; f. B. Watsoa Oysters, te,r. N. A, rpen Shoe repairing.-.;' f WB.T.Hiu-BMiNaigTiidM. ; American Stock Co Spring goods. Blmmpiii A JBoJlowdl CaShoe . for women. ; , . .r , . . ' ' .) Bssiseu Ucals.-'-i 11NS8T eytters In the city . itl.B. Watson's. Send In your order. . ? FINEST line of fancy cake for tea to be foand In the cltj at J. B. Wat sotfs, ' - 1 WX are how aerrlagUte finest ham, sliced la any quantity desired. S J.B. Wataon. , v .... - j - WHEN yon feel like iaklnf a coot drink don't 'fan to visit Watson's fountain, yon will And everything ap-to-dete la every particular. J. B. Watson. WX are bow ready to earn onrold patron and the public generally with tee.- Leave your order. J. B. Wataon. I RAVI not gone to XUsabeth City ae waa reported, bat am at Ho, 74 Kiddle treat, where I am prepared to do all klndi of flrtt elais ihoe work. N. Ar pen. SEAL of North Carolina Plug Oat and Jolly TarBweet Tobacco atJameeB. Dawcon', IT RESIDENCE now ready for rent Apply, 98 Broad St. V. B. Mace. WANTED A poeltlon a night watch man. Ezperieneed, with good refer- Apply to thto office. REMXMBXB Madam La Boas the great dentine palmist I permanently located at 88 Hancock Bt Bualnee and Ioto af faire atrietly confidential. If In trouble consult her at once. FOB SALE Honae and lot, corner Graven and New Bt. Apply at toroi lock Street DO NT Worry any more about thoae tnoee leaking, 111 mend them. If yon need a new aole seethe Bully Boy, he'll fix them on, eewed or nailed at the cheapest possible price. Bally Boy and lady helper, always on hand. 8. A. Ed wards, Middle street, next to Boott'i tables. I NOW hare 80,000 brick on hand for sale. J. R. Parker, Jr. NOTICE If yoa want your hoots SANA, ralaad or malrad. call OB I. M. Register. He oan do It all, 178 Pollock street, New Bern, N. a JACOBS' Bslelgi Rye Whhkey Is p Middle ttreet FROM A NEW HERMAN. My Trip te Charleston. I eaa only say that I wa delighted at what I aaw. Twas grand, twa glorious so Bach so that I Mopped ovora day longer than I Intended, but la lodng one day's time, I eaoght on the new roal aad got safely hocae at a small ex peMe, and apoa arrtral I found a nice hoi Bra a waiting me. The foal II sees waa furnlahed by Moore's Wood Yard, P. & Fall particulars wIH be glrea later of try trip, - NrwBaannAB. Wabiat Taffy aad Walnut Butteroupe a McSorley. . -i una vmiT.'-vv (JhIldiewfflpUyaigetovwr-aeatd get their feet wet, expose tiawsarres aoaanaef ways, not yo eaa't It . AByooaadolto keep them ) fro tram expoeara aa possible aad , aV wayi haTe ta the hooee a Cough Remedy that en be oepended apoa. Aa way's Oroap Byrap will AS erery requirement It la gaaraateed toeare Opugha, Cold aad Croup or the price 80 etata wM be refunded by aay dealer asDIag It Add by .DavU, Beary'ft, . Bradham' jaaay .-v w U l'- DnHiwiai m nun lit ( yxv are Mely vegetable aad not by , , 1 ttlaltlngheBteV battling lacreaeed t i - -i Bow of bile aad producing natural Bore ' .-' " meaU of the bewehv They do wot pro- .: ' I daoa griping or awk ttomaoh. Pure cure -; . -: fof CootVipsUoa, Flatulency, UarUora eta. Price 88 cu. Manutaotared by a . ' D. Bmdhem, wholesale and retail drug- iCcrci CcUs,LcXjrlpp: T iTa.t; .ij tu .i. rie8Jit toaka.. Your tno If It f.."a. - monej A. k H. COLLLC2 Vs. KwW EIRM. LWd Teaa rr xa at E.. BaU by I , W Sf0re to ' ; The bene ball aeuoa opened in a very suspicion manner yesterday afternoon when the New Bern team crowed beta with the boya f the Agricultural aad Mechanical. College of Raleigh. The weather waa favorable !in every reepect and the assembly wu large. bout 500 people, witnessed the pm&Jigfe The game waa hotly contested at every point, nd yet-i all waa -. done- in iplendld iplrit and the interest in the game never waned from start to finish. The enthuslaam began with the game and . waa kept ap till the end. The pitcher, Gettlg and Applegate for the New Bern' and Shaford, for the Bel elgh'i were In line form. -'.'. ,- Applegata went Into tneboi.fa the sixth Inning. Gettlg (track oat four men and Applegate one, Bhnford, of the Raleigh', attack out faur men,v - . The drat inning resulted In a "goose egg"for, the Iitor while' the home team, by maana of : good batting, and alto by the aid of noma error by the College boy ecored two ran. It wu plain ; to ) be Men at thto jnnotnre the gamt vroold b loitlng. For. three inning the A. udl'i. (offered In like maftnerTbnt in the fourth they found" the baU aad aoored, three tbnemi After the Oral lanlng the Haw Bern'a did not core but once until the eighth, when they : croesed the homo plate three at .i-'. -'! 3$. , i . ' --' Following ta the game by Inning. ,! I M I 1 1 t A.AH.; 0 0 0 8 8 Q 1 0 -8 New Bern 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 1-7 The tummary of the ganw Left on bate, A. 4 ht. 9; New Bern 11; Sacrifice hit, Miller, Bryan, Derm; Bate hlta off Gettlg 7; Applegate 5; Shuford 8; Hit by ball, New Bam 8; A. A M. 1; Error A. ds K. 9; New Bern 7. Base Ball Game, 3:30 p. m. The A. ft M. College team will play New Bern again today, the game will be called promptly at 8.80 p. m. In order to give thevlaltora time to catch their train, as they return home tonight. The game promises to be an Interest ing one. Ai Old Paper. Editor Whlteley, of the Wayne Coun ty Advertiser, has a copy of theBtate Gaxette, published in New Bern In 1787, one hundred aad fifteen years ago.whlca contains a eopy of the Gonstltattoa of the United States. Goldsboro Argus, 22nd. The Journal hu also a eopy on exhib ition of the same, dated Deo, 6th, 1784, end It Is cheerful to note the subscrip tion price wa 83 (hilling. For fine Yenleon call at the Oaks Market SHIPPING NEWS. The schooner Madora, Oapt Chad- wlck, from Mwrahallborg, waa Pa port yesterday, loading with finished building material, aad will sell this morning. ' At Atlantic Coast Lin dock, barge Larmla, Capt Windsor. Lumber aad hlngleetoPbnadelphla. Bchoohor Freddie L. Hamliae, Oapt Qaskett, eora from Baltimore. At Pine Lumber Co1 dock, barge Sallle P. Beswlck, lumber to Philadel phia.. "At Broaddna and Ires' doek.'schooeer Edwin and Mend, Capt RIggin, lumber and shingle to Washington, D. O. Neglect MeaBS Dancer. Dent neglect biliousness end oonstlpa- tlon. Your health will suffer permaa- entlrUyoudo. DeWiU' Little Early Risers ear suck ease. - K. a. vmnm. Bntterant. Mlch-aars -DeWUt's LUUe Early Risers are the most satisfactory ptUalorertook. Nerer gripe or cause F. 8. Daffy. A Compllmeatary Baace. A eompllmeaitary aaaos waa girew at Lovthron hall laat alratto the A ht College boya who are visitor her. About tvoaty aouplea beside U rial ling young men took part,: aad the affair w a moat enjoyable one. . ; H 1 1 --nil - , Cfcrlstlu EadaTaY CoaTeatlom. 'Th afghrkannaal Chrlatlaa Xadearor Ooarention for North Oarouaa wiu- be held la Ashertlle, Juae t7 88 aad, 89, This win ba a practical eoaveatlcav aad the way of working Chrlatlaa Eadearor la country aad tew a win be fully dis cussed, The ' -Quiet Hour" aad Family Rellgtoa win be amoag the prominent topics before the eoareattoa, -- ; Rev. Egbert WBmllh of Greeaeboro will be one of the speaktrs; others wQl WuamiuJ later. ',- ' ' " - Ben U M. One, peator af the Chrto- Uaa eharoh la AaherUle, isehalrmaa of the eelerUlameat eomalttae. . Let all Interested la Christina Xa dearor work attend the eoareotloa. i-.'. .;: .Mama Bat, Chma.Praa Dept, jead" Traa . Maagr, State Valoa. .-.. -. - Baltsbary, N. C. April la, 1808. : ' Nice fresh Aspsracna, also coned Mallets at the Oaks Market today. "la time of jeace, prrpar for ' ' ; wax.''- . I ' I Ktl-a-bug Pprlsg Clenlng W "' , Iiitro tlie army of lncta . ' r iteni)lniits Insect ecrs. r 73. rAr'."'3 rnAf -.TACY,' JNAL PARAGRAPHS. Ex -Sheriff W. B, Lane was here yes- Mr. W, TCaho, of.Bayboao wa a rfs- itor here yesterday. - - Mr, Samuel Hudson of Pollocktrtlle, pent last night in the dty. v ;Mr W B Herref of the Hotel Ohatta w; ka, retnmod last night from Raleigh. : Dr. W.Q. A. Graham, of ' Morehead (Sty, waf la town yesterday on business. j adge Purnell attired on .steamer Neuse yesterday morning from BUxabeth City. r . , , f- MrvW. B." Pearce, ' representatlre of Craven la the legislature, waa la the city yesterday, Skr-id ' t'Z'-'y v Mr. 0. L. Aberaethy of Beaufort, N. 0. cam ap on the A. AN. 0.4raln yester day morning i' i'J'i Congressman Charles R. Thomas is in the city foreshort risft on personal business, and also to visit his family. Mesm. R,.D..Woek and L. T. Gillette merchant of MaytvilleN. C. were in town yesterday on business and return ed home last night. ' . Mr. Freeman Hawk, Viae president of the Pine Lumber Company and his two daughter Louisa and Clara, who hare been visiting sir. J. E. Hawk or this ctty for tereral day left fof their home at Altentowoi Pa4 yesterday erenlng on steamer Neuse. la this dty yesterday afternoon, Mr. C. Heber Holtoa, at the age of 89 years. The funeral will take : place from his father, Mr W. B. Holton's residence No. iSOrlOIh street this afternoon at 8 o'clock. Rer. M. B. Spear will conduct the err Ices. . Meetisr of County Democratic Com- U" , , nUttee. " Meetlnc of the Democratic Executive Committee of Craren county was held at City Hall , Wednesday April 3rd at 19 m. pursuant to call of the Chairman Mr. O. T. Watson- There was a full attendance of the Committee and quite a number of in terested Democrats present, meeting wss held with open doors. The Chairman wu Instructed to Issue his call for a bounty conrentlon for the purpose of sending delegates to the State ooarention; Congressional conven tion of the 8rd district, Judicial conven tlonoftbeSrd district and Senatorial convention of the 8th district. " The convention date waa fixed fot May 94th 1908. The county precinct meeting to be held Saturday May 17th and the city precincts on Monday May 10 1908. This was done by unanimous rote There was a suggestion "made that the convention be called to nominate a conn ty ticket, but after some discussion It wu decided to be better to leave this for a second convention and a new com mltter. - A Pleasant Gainering. A delightful affair wu held at the home of Mr. J. Adolph Nunn, on Pol lock street, lut erenlng from T:30 until 9:80. The A. aad M. boys were the guests of honor. The house wu beautl fully and appropriately decorated lu red aad white, the colors of the college they attead, and the Italian orchestra fur nished fine music. Upon the departure of tte boya' from the house they were presented with souvenirs o-nsisting of- red and white carnations. Th New Bern boy present were: O, Gordon Tunttead, L. J. Moore, Jr., J. 0. Clay- pople, H. Lon HIU, J. O. Fulford, Albert Patterson aad Jo Patterson, A fia lot of hog branle at the Oaks Market today. Meeting: County Magistrates. There will be a meeting of the Magis trates of Crarea eouaty at , th Court bone oa next Moaday, at 1 noon, for the parpoee of electing road trustees. AROUND AND ABOUT. 'A small boat cam la yesterday with dams, which ware of good flavor aad old readily at 90 cent a peck. Fish were more plentiful oa ths msr-J hot yesterday thaa at any other time this seeor consisting mostly of croaksrs ad other small pan fish, i At oaa -time ta the afternoon, the hacks ten 'were re- talllag thaa at oral the bunch. ' All persons taking part la. th muslo tot Memorial exercise oa th Tenth of Msy, are requested to meet at th Pres byterian ' Lecture Boo this Thursday avoalng at aloe o'clock. ,7 h first class eoapeteet 'factory plaao taaer will be ta New Bera all next wesk la ooaaectlon with the great Factory Bala aow going on at No. 41 Pollock at opposite Government Building. If your plaaO need tuning or repairing of aay deeerlplloa this Ha good opportunity to have it done properly.', Leer your order early. . ; r. ;, i ; .,. f Caudal. V Cure tliat i;io v. 1th II. O. O tfie ' ', sure snd iaii!Ms OCEIS. 1 to 8 days. Trlie f-C0. BoM only "i IjUMZTH I'JIAT -"ACY, cr. r iir;..i:!rii To the Democratic Voters of CraVenr I desire to state" that . while1 I hare erery admiration for the present encum bent of the office of Register of Deeds, I would strongly recommend as hi suc cessor another sterling young Democrat of equal ability and character,. Mr. Geo. B. Waters. He ha had ample practical experience in the ; office to, make him perfectly able to discharge lu duties With thoroughnesi, 1. well known In th city, no leu than In the country, and Is young man of , worth and character and I believe, would be most acceptable to the entire Democratic constituency of Craven county. ...... A DEMOCRAT. DIME CATARRH SNUFF loosens up the tenacious ' viscid mucus In nose, clears out the head and stops catarrhal headaches due to cold con gestion In the front of head. The cost is only 10 cents and the benefit arising from Its use Is worth dollars health too Mfg. by Bradham's Pharmacy. Extra fine Veal at the Oaks Market to day. Hot Chocolate, and Hot Coffee and Sandwiches at McSorley's. City Electric Light Bates. The following rates for Electric Lights furnished by-City Electric Light System wat adopted. Commercial lighting, 16 candle power out at 13 o'clock night, 60 cts per montlfj per light, 16 candle power all night, 75 cts., 0 ampher arc light out at 12 o'clock night $4.00; per month; meter rate 10 cts per K. W. hour. Residence llghtlug, flat rate 85c. per light monthly, out at 12 o'clock night all night 75 cts. Meter rato 10 cts per K. W. hoar. All meter rates subject to discounts as follows bills 5.00 to 810.00 10 per cent discount, $10.00 and over 15 per cent discount If paid within 10 days from preceding month. All lamps except the 6 amnhober arcs win do rarnisned tree wire and connec ....... . tions from mala line to Inside line of side walk will be done by City. J. J. TOLSON, City Clerk - LAXATIVE TASTELESS HILL TONIC. ComblanliaBj the laxative property of CitMstra. beneficial a a srener- al tonto. Guaranteed. ffOo. Only aold ut BOADUAH'8 FHAKMACY. 6, -A i A Woman's Shoe. ; Beautiful line select from , 4 67 Pollock St rtei. ; ; We'p'ut on'sale tills week a special lot new shape corsets In short, medium and long, both summer and regular weight, worth from 69c to 75c,' our' price Jthla week, all sizes, 48c. ' ' ; -: BARFOOT BROS. QBO. A. NICOLL. THOS. a. HTKAH. fficoll & HymaD, Fire Insurance. Bolicit.tradoandask the patronage of those desiring fire insurance. Only First-class Companies represent ed. Temporary Office over Uyman Supply Co., Craven Street. Ton m 1 Come and see what we are offering in Box and Pound Paper.- Prices cut in two this week. h Wast? If you do you should get a supply of our Soap while it is going Cheap- WHITEHURST'S s 127 Jfliddle St. Columbian 'Insecticide, Peterman Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and 3uro Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Cloradine Tho disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. Wo keep on liand a complete stock o fledicines. Toilet Articles, Perlumery, Tooth Brushes, &c. riiysicians' Prescriptions a specialt I 3 v-wiK- mforfable. 1 aiTTc.. " - " a shoe ; ,l urt forfvomcn; Spring Styles to i Henry Pharmacy For New Summer Goods. Low Quarter Shoes, all styles, fa both Crawford's and Hanan's: Straw Hats, all the New Shapes, in all straws. Our store is full of New Things for Warm Weather. Call now and make joxu selections. J. 6. DD I CO., O Men's & Bey's Wear, o a 57 IFolloclr Street- g 61 SMITH'S Pollock Ht. OUR STOCK OF Mens & Boys Straw Hats Just opened and are being shown in our Mid dle street store. Stock comprising all the Shapes. Prices are right bought for cash and margin lor Spot Cash. Call and examine. SMITH'S. pPBSg If you will let us show yon onr Clothes, we will convince you that Clothes. We refer particularly to our magnificent range of II IOII GRADE KUITN From $7.50 to $15.00. Young Men's Suils for Spring from .r io lU'.OO I n). Knee I'ants Suils, .Norfolk Mouse and Sailoi Hylep, t'J lo.r. Toys Knee Piinls .".ur, 75c and 81. 4 per cent, nbate (heels given with everj ciwh sale. Ask for ilu m. ' J. J. BAXTER, Phone 160. A.T DAVIS' PHARMACT, Vp-To-Date Oxfords PI I. jy Just Received, , 1 -V V. RJARVIS, es POLLOCK HT. : 99 middle 81. is large and varied. Nobbiest and Latest on these goods, were will be sold on a close BmtB line of Men's Styles, IVrfect I illing it pays to buy good Keady-lo-wiur 89 Middle Street. Fitted and Suited. Fit that's the tiling. Wo rIv It. Onr suit lit aid our lit suit every time. Hanie with nrlces. It's a way we have that never fail. Make you the smartest, most ttylMi, iwrfect HUIni; suit in handsome and durable material Variety of ttrni to nelect from. Kv ery garment warranted as to workman ship and fabric. F. M. 'lill. li. AvKiev. ,, " rv ( . 1 BAT OLD BUGGT OP TOURS will look Ilk l 't one after we bare , r fwlml It. aad will hstevere bit as food a arw. A (fol for saaey a real' -weai. BeMrr (H an have It Ibaa bar a -arwMM ' Win any kind nf repairing 4 ' rvqnlrrd li-re. He have r-vrrf requisite for mniiruf mil 1 11 rr best work at Btst ttwoonsh'e W are prrrd tnjiut on rubber tire oa yoar same wheels' Why not put oa . ' rubber res aad Bialis riding a lusnry ' these days. , . . : ' G. XX. Waters Hon, ;:;; :r - phoae IVi, - ti Broad 6t, Kiw Bixw, IT. C ' , i - :T3. f ? ; 1 1 1 f , t ! ! Tm nr. f a

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