:ABlon-3.s show more plainly than a brunettes," ?tut these discolored spots neatly mar , the beauty of either, , HAGAN'S - BALM will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, unduejRedness, Sallownes and all other blem ishes to beauty. ' IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Othere cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75 cts. t, m u .11 udf After iQosrflns 5 IraproTe. Tbo Mini whlak eunl si tjitt KK j day. I havasai hastesraea.& hasmaiVunsbott - k grvBrj thepissss sf Wins health, bataty asd fretdoai tnm the drag, gins pains which nasi tKdr Rva m sthirash. Was tacts, htscard eyes atcatacbatd lorau are thsrawHial islriiste) What arfterlna caa com psrawHhtha tartar af lrrcritr atnatraatioa, awesnheta and Uiliiw of the wombl BtMty llece quickly belort the rtvtgti ot rach dljem. The ' aherp palat sf falling si ths wcaak Hmhii.l UMnU.SU. Mk U ! troupertmy. Xessoirhota SViaK the body of It strength, but Win of GnJuJ reetoru th ktturd beauty, krhihtea h y, dun th compkxloa, rounds out th flfur end arkts kk In rlf W health. CWrytsttisk la ihl dry htadlu fj.00 bottk af Wla 4 CarcU. yw u HMtm, MnavtMM "Mo man is bom Into the world whose work is not born with him. There is always work and tools to work withal for those who will." We have Tools for the Carpenter, Implements for the Fanner Bel lup's, White's and Avery's Plows and Castings, both steel and cast; Guano Sowers $1.75, 14.00, $6.00 and $12.50 (see our new gaano sower); Planters, Cultivators, Har rows, Ac Shovels, Hoes. Spades, Pitch Forks, Rates and everything (or the farm. Pain ts,'Oils, Varnish and Brushes for the Painter. Cooking utensils for the kitchen, Agents for the oldest and most reliable Stoves and Ranges manu- factared, and keep castings in stock to fit. . Builders Supplies of all kinds 8ah, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Hair Cement Plaster, &c. L II. Cote Bdw. Co. Directary of the Mails at toe ';New Bern Post Ofllce. ; Mall foia0 points Norlh 0onlh and West via A. A N. C B , It' sad A. 0 Ltb slots at f-10 a. m. " ' ' Mall for all poiats East via A. A N. 0 R. B. clot at 8:90 p. ssj- c : ' " Mall for all point Norlh and "Wet Ta A. 'A K. 0. U. B. cloaa at 6.-00 p: sa.' nan for Oriental, Mis too, Bllsabsth City ana Norfolk via Btr. Keott) cft , at 6; p, sa. r h r. y S v '. . i I f at.it n.f..i.i u.-i.- imii ik v- City asd Norfolk via Str.Oeraeok close f ' .'Ml a sast "i - ,t i ' j,'- 3-' ; . si" rot uiympiv urantaboro, ; ny "' , bom. 8topll, Vaadetner and Ortea . lal cioae at 8:Sva. la, , t '''.: , .1 ' siaii tor Douair, tiima, UMdy, uaip 1 anil DobtM eloa at Or BO a. at. J - ; Mall lot Atkla, Braul, forah, Wap and vaaotboro close at :00 p. so. t : ! Mall for WhiUord eloas u 1.-00 p. ra. t- m . of TT . - . B u m j j . ... ..':' - ..-. Beauty is Health.; ". t thank 70 for thrjbenefit I resolved from year adrlos and th wis of Csrdui I took In T 1 I J ion. wanwMwpnwm wft. of no dm to anvbodr. - . yonr adrlos and medloine I ' left m and thojpenseo. suns, oonunuea in hie nod strength and my weight if buibana ssth the medloln looking than ever before. rro. BLL. Mrs. UZZLH i WewMty hcatth bum W(M eyts, my thstb. clear wsnpUaaon andauitklty Utarm Thb b th youth mud fey ytan-tha bsautyof perfect wsnholi Beautiful wo.,, f MaaMkapnlaraalgtiMaN ant af Bftthaa y ' IhtlfT staters- jlts faces lauWatS SBnrlssT V ' Wnt af CwMmdt Hra, KawaU latter loot Md InAnHily lupltf btctoM K cored her mlhmitrikkpilM. BolirMltMcxccptto. aMa) th crow track la th rata. St. IU. A k u.Jl.. I u. enttMH, The Farmers & Merchants BANK. Capital, Snrplas and Fronts $88,850.00 Arm 3oth, i9oi.' What We; Have Done, Do, and Will Continue t Do. This Bank conduct Its business noon "up-to-now" methods. . It It our pnrpoee to deal Justly and Uberallr with all. W carefully safegaard ths tntsrtsts of our eustomers, Moreover, wa .fre quently do it unknown to . them; a tp portuniiias oiien coma uoi in oonnaen ttal way, and you caanotover-appeoUte such conalderalloa. , . Ws are not disposed to overlook ths faot that ths InteresU of the Bank and those of the people are closely bound to gether, and cannot by any meaarbe separated.'" ;,.'v'v.--. v .. ' ii, This Bank' sots u eVeposltorv for Wills, and safely keeps them till the propel tUaeof surrender. WUl also act as the cnstodlaa of. money ox papers left with as In escrow. No charge for these services.' '. - .' .t-' We procure Cslters of Credit- for -in tending travellers. 1 ' y We aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal, -. , .. i In the matter of accommodations, this Bank meets every requirement within the limits of prudent banking. ' - '-. .If voe eavesevar bees Identlfled with as as a patron, we ak yon to oonslder the advisability of becoming one. - .uiu early rutare, wepropoae adding a aoveL nf .. substantial Havtnn Btnk featurato out already progressive In- BO YtTAUfT EXPERIENCK i;";K(i r ; ,irc Marks DCBIONt VRsOHTsI AO ,,,1'. C W J aMrh v lri. -mint 1 t n f, ' Avtrrmej ew- " Umuial rrrl 1 dXHit fretes. Itnti dsf wtrKlon ajssr rrM vliH r q (fa, ('tmitiMintna. i-itKtnfc (mt'ntouU 'iirlnsr psUewit "in A Co, KOaf , w usei f 4fluts,A4. i, -1 t.Vv.,d 'in. Teirius). sk . . sJa 4il nerwsxl. Hir. JiSHNsr-r.f'-yK" Iftrsurull O'frU. M W mm WtsavlliUtllUII. II. U . 'BeHe, Farnlaa; Baoded. , Aericultnrw li tbo occffDatlon'bf Ih'a majority of tba people of this country) hence it seems when agrlcaltura i flonriBhini! all thef busbseaa should ba pToeperoBe.' TlMWfora tt' follows ttteX anrthlnir WrtcBTiimrttii aertcultttrol cause beneflta tha rhole country and the whole peopK for all 1U Inhabitants tritMt be led and clotted' r ; f , , -r The Improvement If pa ibll ihoold. then, ba the alnl W all (ras farmaM and especially all fann Mmera, M m role, howerar, we haT two distinct classes of fanners, the first and larger class being those who (atu for dollar! and cents that can be got out M the farm flurlns tba CTrren seasonittne second class ar thoss wb. farm-for permanei jmprbrenienl "MCT'ths dol lan they expect nc bnlji itf the pres ent but In ths tattu. IlSieltropi fla iot pay the flrsteaaon Zo th,ax trafiaboE, they, know, twmertjJnl payibe second, seasontha total crops being benefited tMnby.'. : o ... : I nuw. uiuui uviwr, ytr'Smv vvuuu;, auaige woiua oe ui ariewi yeaura u.our farmers would till the soil tot perma nent improvement It Is said tbaVhs ,wid"makes two blades of glass ttQ grow where but one grew, before" is a ptmiu benef actors'? Our farmers tJ.!arge flo not generally sea thU or not see it and so keep on with the old sUnnma process, their farms going down and producing - less each season-A Bl. Faughtln AmeacanCuiUTator. . IPettiliaeMi rol' Potato, Fertilisers f or DotaWes recetved the best and widest of tests all ore tho country In the American Agriculturist crop contests of 1889 and again in 1884 The ten largest crops- averaged kxj bushels per acre the first year and 638 bushels the nest year. Moat ef them were grown by the use of high grade special potato fartllUera, . Tho-aroount ftt ferUlijer osed ran all.tha way from COO to o.OOO pounds per acre, but the largest yields over the greatest variBty of soils and climates were obtained from 1,800 to 2,500 pounds of fertiliser per acre, l'lnnt food In excess ot Z.0W pounds per acre did not materially in crease the yield, and that is probably the utmost fertilizer that can be prof itably used per acre, by expert grow ers. All these large crops or potatoes paid handsome proflts. Some put half the fertilizer In the fnrrotf. running througli with n brush harrow to lightly mis it with soil before planting, the rest of tin' fertilizer being sown be tween tlie rowa.jtist before the first cultivation. Others- broadcasted half the fertlliKer nnd harrowed it In be fore furrowing out for the seed nnd cultlTnted or hoed in the balnncv. Sta ble uiuuure does not produce us large crops of potatoes or as good quality as tbo best grades ot fertilizers. Vnloe of Good Seed Corn. As nn HluRtrotlon of the importance which some corn growers place upon bavins (,-ootl seed Tho Live Stock World tells of n Missouri man, who usually grows several thousand acres of corn, who applied to an Illinois man to furnish him the seed to use this spring. Tue'llllnols man also raises several thousand acres of corn and has a reputation as s grower of one of the best varieties, but be bad to decline the liberal offer made for what the other wanted, as be thought be had not enough" to 1111 it after fltirna other orders taken and taking whatbe would need for, his own use. Ha-had lots of corn to sell, but not such na be would send out as-well bred n carefully i lected seed.' The Would be buyer also bad corn to sell, and be was asked why he did not save seed from his own crop. He replied, "Because I have net the time and cannot hire men to do It properly." Breeding good seed corn is a special business-, in that section, as much as breeding; the stock to feed it to. --- " potash la the OraautrdU . Fotasb is the fertilising element of- tenest needed la sn orchard; &he roots of fruit trees tn meet oases find all the nltrofftn Beetled foe growth and enough of phosphoric add to perfect the seed. With the exception of nubs, the aeed la not an object to be fertilised for, but the Savor and . color of the pulp, and there Is where potash gets in its work. Kalnlt of muriate Of potato 400 to 700 pounds of the former or HO pounds of tne.Mtter per acrewin nearry aiways- prove benefldal even when repeated every year Wood aah easy always be. used to good advantage In large quantities. We bare never known too much wood ashes applied to an or chard. ' , , , .,;,&., 1 - , Who Bo the 'tatt Tree Prefessor It H. Bailey makes the statement; that of i&OjOOaooo 'fruit trees sold by nurserymen last 'spring only 150,000,000 are aUre now. Includ ing all planted In former years. Only tone tree la sixteen Jives ot ah, only one In five of these Uvea to beas frmnV and only one tree In a hondred that fives Elves anything Ute nodTresiirtt. The above statement- is) resoarkabhv and, If correct, It Indicate great cara- lessnesa snd . lack of koowTedge' to plantiati and earing iot th tseeav-Pse. feasor Bailey saya fartber that "the Ices of seeds to equally great"V rW r-if.v'. ' Mtt VUvt A soil cao be. (emed TefTJls" only when-. It eontalne all the materlala requls'te for the nuuitlonf plants In the renolreta uonntitj and la the peeper firm. With every crop a past erthesri Ingttdlei.ts is removed, and It remains for nature and tnin to make good this hoes, rractieal exoerleoce has nreved tbatjiitroKCtujibospUorlc acid and pot ash are the substaocea moot needed to be applied to 'soils' to make or keep them fertile. - No crop can be grewa on uny.one of these elements If the other two ere lacking. . -, ' - - - li ',' TheJreat Dismal Swamp ' Of Virginia li a breeding ground of Kalaiis germ. So is low, wet or Marshy ground everywhere. Those rTni cause wakncs. '." tWor, a ' ! " ihos tid mtiUHcu r, s 'j-1; Cangetot. maladies. But Lkctrio i-..tr cevor full to destroy them end cure milsrlsl Iron ble. .They will urcly prevent t"rh"!il "We tiled many ren.i ::i-s fur MaVr snrl p,.., i, . j ... , juiia I !. i, i i i , i , ' i ' -. Calv HoBasaaat. Mme. t3lve few years ago had her tomb designed. explaining, that she Shuddered to thiol of th possibility of being buried amid inartistic surround ings; also that she did not wish to give her mother the trouble , of having, a headstone made for her. Bhe had the tomb designed by Denys Puech, and Its principal features are the two statues of the prima donna herself, which flank It one as Ophelia .and the Other a Carmen. The Ophelia shows the. hap less heroine being drawn toward the e-old by phantom voices, : It is intended to ehoWi the ethereal side Of M , jOtlve's art whUetJarmen shows the natetolrA W-' A - f "Both are tragle rolea," she Says in speaking of her tornbt "but, then, death Is not amusing except, posaibly, to tone's heirs. I shall have It erected ei ther In Fere-Ia-Ohaise or on the ground fcnxOundlng my chateau In the south w France, c Either place, I suppose, kroold be peaceful enough, though I take it for granted I would net near any noise If there were any, not even If a full orchestra played a Wagner overture, although If they struck up the 'Habanera' I am not so sure that I Should not come out and sing It for themV1 -- i World' Oroatoit riowe BUrkot. i Tht greatest flower mart in th world Is the famous Oovent Garden market lnXQdonrand.tbatca,a petp pf this eenter of actlvltiat JEaster time la a revelation.; Xhl flowe headquarters (or the world's greatest dty was estab-. II shed about three-quarters of a cento, ry, ago In a most tnodest manner. How S Occupies a vast glass roofed brick building. This Immense structure is di vided into hundreds of separata little stalls, each presided over by a man or woman, but viewed from one of the en trances the hall appears to be heaped ap ten feet high with one vast mass of b loo ul Woman's Heme Companion. J- "i - A fllawatle Taanel. ' ) ' The subject of a tunnel connecting Ireland and Scotland baa been brought before the British government, and tho project will be pushed if the requisite financial support can be obtained. The estimated cost Is $30,000,000. The route provisionally selected is from Stran raer, in Scotland, to Belfast, in Ireland. The total distance is M'j miles, of which 344 miles would be tunnel snd 25 miles of the tunnel would be under the sea. along a line where the maxi mum depth ia 480 feet Electric mo-' tors would be used to drive the trains at an average speed of sixty to seventy miles per hour. xorar ximea. ComsUmeat Worthily Woa. Angry Guest I've been waiting three quarters of an hour for that steak I or dered! Waiter Yon have an uncommon amount of patience, sir. Boston Post The choicest spple is always Just be yond your reach. Beautiful Thoughts Tlw iwtMt, pvr breath of tha bah la Tuir- CUv of uincrcTC0 awd sMaUtik, ftoaachfl a imh llfht ana) dallcata aa th mwlast ttowar, -aonie araatixma and bvidrht. aocoa awa ImII auid skRly. A v)thrls yaawtea; for citram ta 1-riae-o-arabU from a low of tha be-aiiUful, and It behsyo-rsks vary woaman to btimM tba wt' ast toflusjaw u Wa caa U7tltja-ct oaf bar asute-araltfo To naka aa that pjro4 wm UH ia boraiaia, .-i-sasMasssessaa Mother's Friend la ualiH, It It a Id dmlMrtarM im for .toroal um oolfv No sUk. ao Triojosiit vo sr ssrmsnr anstil to trr tlUf niuar, tt iMlna naMUMr a trlaa to bar lulus' Mturrit tsnsol (as- VX"K?-r'riri nirar ftHxJbr pi.iU-o OWM tmi tan nlostM. All Hanoi, mssclM ai4 Mooons stsn'M with ths karfea wlU sofiSB. islss, bM shionoa ta sUstie ifssss oills Wr-!"ijM. hOsttos so leirSss srOlk toot htm, It roo writs s. - ThT ISUirraD Bt6IJUT0C ctt,. t.'v aaists, o- -.. . sfN y , "rSSSBSw k ! T outhernf : Nasal yiH-r; U'-'l'J-NT"" A ass VTCrj TtelBtas-daicntUUwvla the,8O0Tb . -v... - i- -.i : . Tl Direct UoUaUPolnta s..;. risOuiDAV :iy ' Strictly First-Clsji Equipment on' all ThronirU or Local Trains; Vullman Pal ace Bleonlng Oar on all Night TralDS) tat sua Date rieneoiiiot . . - . Trsvol by the Honthai and you are j 1 af- 'c, GouHuttaoia and ExpediJ t. .it juutni.y, . i - i ' . Ar'-'y to Ticket airent for Tims Ta b1, liateaand Oennral Information, ot li. It. VE"0JT, o,r. ar. A, . . ' -DEAlERIN SBtsasssss - HTorsesisi mEEDWNDEXCHANE STABLES. 4Zttt9i a a WJ- ;.,-..ai res; Farm . Wagons;-Carts Wheels and Harness GIVE i-BM A TIIIAjL. THOS. J. " eMiCHfertsca CHSAiaH : , KnrF'IHL-lf ia aw ijnsjaaBssM-) wuxuntton u van m. cwia win wwnww. nnmuw. sas RMM IM FuSmMH. Tl Im MU. IO.SOSTwWllllli BtUtar 1 BnttMt CblibnwIJSlfl Of. E.W.Smallwood, HEADyUAKTERSJFOR HARDWARE And tdl Kind of mm MATHUAL Heating and Cooking Stoves and Ranges, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Putty, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, Best CUMMk Ioweat Priecs. Under Hotel CbatUwkn, BTEW nERJf, M. . Lodge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights tn each month In Bountree' Hall, Pollock street, st 7.80 o'clock. J. J.Wolfenden, President; Qeo. 0- Jones, Bec'y; R.R. Hill, Financial cMNSiciftry NEW BERN CONCLAVE 488, Improved Order Heptaaophs, meat Snd and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Boun tree Hall. Or. E. r. Early, Archon; John G. Scales, Ftasacler; Geo.. D. Oordner, Heeretsry. EASTJ3T5JT CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE AND Old DomMon Steamship Co DAJDLT LINE FRIIGHT k FASStKSIBs Far All Palmta Worth. 0ommeaein Monday, 4'ebmary 17th the steamer of thia line are sched uled to sail from New Bern as fol low i. Te.Bteamer NEtTSB for Orlenlat'Koanoke'Iiland. Elisabeth City and the North on Xandsvs, Wed- nedaysnamaavtstep.m. ". On .Taeadays,'Thursdays and Baans dyssn,in,.;.,K, rT Freight -Twoalred 3flo later Bu-mima nouTpmwns w sauing. . For further fnfonnatlou-apply to KL-KjJfV tatvJnj.,f J -B.a HursOes.yrt A fast Ajrt .;KorfsBvvV''ii-'- KwJMVtO,FelNUlXMt 3 Bile o( ValQAbla lwrty;.(- rrsuaatlo 'taa 'Tudgmeat tntbait tloo sow pending ra the Bonerlor Court of Craves eeuaty, wherein The National Bssk ol Nee Bora, ta plalaUfL aad J. at. Bponoer, t al defetiants. The daralgsed will sell at publlo auction for eaaa, at the Court Hon ef said Craves eonnty la lb City of New Bsra. a Monday, th Bth day of Msy A. Vj 1802 at 12 o'clock said-day, lbs following property to wit: All that body ol land HnuH la laid Craves county Boar th Cltvofisw Bora, wast of End street and betwa Ne"e Road and Lawson's Creek, kn ' n ai "Ehem Farm" eaa bracInK ' or tract of land, th original "lu.uut 1 iuoe," the "Hart" land, th "Cart-r". truck and th ''Jerkins Field" and U tl.n machinery snd lm provemen i on A land;ald lan1s,00B vryed to Kate K Johnson, by F. W.HIra Saons, Cor-" !e: -nor by doea dated Fob. 1; jO,,i i lirf la the eomrliilnt In sld actii.n. A..j tli borsra. mules and farming Implemenl directed to b Bold by Slid Jui 'tnnnt. 1 . Al.D ,V.BTEVEMr)N, ' .. Commissioner. Ar-'i i i, it laUto. 7 " MW...II Miiles. saaaasrwsTvssasaBWaj" WBsBBBBBSBBBBoin-SB Sr-SSBBSW BTMiN SBrf IT Ctv MITCHELL. A. &N. C.R. R. TIXl TABU sTO. 25 To Take Effect Sunday, IFebrukry S3 1808 at 12:01 A.M., Kb T. Doing Eact BcsranuLs. Going West Bo. 8 Passenger Trains No. I DAILY. Lv. p m 8TATZOHS: Ar. a m 40 Goldsboro 11 OS 4 00 LaGrange 1089 4 82 Klnston ....1018 0 4U......AT. Hew Bern. Lv. 0 5 60 Lv. " Ar. 8 7 IB. ... Ar. Morehead Oity Lv 7 OS No. B. No. a, Passenger Train. Psaeenger statioh: Train. DAIbT. Lv. a. AT, P.M. 800.. 823.. 8 81.. 842.. 8 51. . 8 02.. 818.. 8 80.. 44.. 848.. Goldsboro. . . ..Best's.... LaGrange.., Palling Creek Klnston... Gaswell... Dover... .... 880 .... 808 ... 757 .... 747 .... 787 .... 738 717 Core Creek 7 00 Tuaearora 8 SO Clark. 842 1000.. A. H. . ..Ar. New Bern, Lv 8 r. u. No. 1. i I No. a Hx'd Ft and stations: Mx't It. and rase. in. Pass, Tn. Daily Exesn Stjsbat. Lv. am Ar, pm ... 888 8 00 6 83 7 00 715 8 80 8 40 8 42 ..Goldsboro..... Beat' .... LaGrange ..Falling creek Kiaatoa ouwell Dover .... core creek .... Tusearora Clark's .... 468 .... 428 .... 868 .. . 888 ... 228 .... 218 .... 110 ....12 48 ....12 40 ....1210 1007 10 82 10 62 1115 .... Ar, New Bern, Lv. No. 8. f 1 80 2 12 20 805 884... . 8 47 No, IS Lv. Ar... .1047 .1010 Biverdale crroatan Havekwk 1800-1 Newport, Lv ....... Wildwood Atlantic . Ar. Morehead Oily, Lv .Ar. at oity Depot, Lv See 8 47 8 62 408 428 888 810 760 r. at A. H. Monday. Wednesday and Mttay; rTuesday, Tburadsy and BtimfiMf, 8. L. DILL, G.P.A. F. aTSlamens, A. D. Ward 51MT10NS WARD, ATTOBlflk ui C0UXI4B 4 LAW. aw aMuenav n. . Office Removed acre Btreet to Second Btory of No. 68 (above Telegraph Of- nee; sou in r ront mreer, next to Hotel Ohattawkai Practice tn the eoonttes ef Oraveaf uaplla. Jones, Oaslow, Uaxteret; raiaja eo snd Wake, UtkoBaoYssMl Fed- and Ooirts, and waemer seevtees are; oesuea. P. XaL IUetltBT. ATIOaUXI AT LAW, HUila Street, Lawyers Irtol Bandlag. (artsroyjoaoa, OaalowaaS fymklim. 0. UosstKow Bora aad Saprasse bsvt 74.SO, FroatBi, ryTHoM01lMawkai - NEW BXBN, H. Oi " Orsten CcontAteetiwyt Olrealt, Omvan Jot OaaWWt' Oa ere, remits uteeae, usoott, ;aao; sue ODprama sMxeaenw vomns, ; if -. A Good: Telephone j, bebvicb tt Aotuwaai. HECES8rrr, " A Boiai . WBTUICNCS. ' A . 00X4 rri.BWs-V;-,--..v;- i.-;.,.,". Ccarcalci!?, OrrrYewt1 a Ost t .1 JO BOKl 82 O 0- ) Clean, pure vholmome, gaarantrjaA I till i-" wim stw'"p .Amita. WHIII.ll,l.l.llll.lll.ll..,lWUW.Sa.lr b ehemlriUly snad fro durlliied Wbmi ad fm f rout ImrmrUlee.- ffootslly ta tonilod and pri.ired fox human' C"es -i. ' I, v . vnrtj dl!y (txotpt eaaday) I n t o I p ut, I 'Ml P-'- 7a l.ooa . If nr l I . iriuaUvn ' . ' l' .; Caadease kaedafa TBAIN8 GOING BOOTH. a? li I Is DATXD JsavlO.NOal d- (Corrected) A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M few Wetdonfll 58 88 Ar.B. Mt.. 1 00 10 82 Lv. Tarboro 12 22 7 22 1. B. Ut 1 00 1 68 2 65 10 02 7 6 46 12 52 U. Wllsonl 11 10 8 81 6 28 2 40 Lv, Belma.. 11 58 fev-fwy'vUlej 4 80 1 20 8 20 Ar.riorenoe 7 85 P.M. A.M. Ar. Golds.. 8 20 Lv. Gold.. 7 81 8 15 4 25 6 00 P.M Lv. Max-Hal 8 37 AxWiba'tonl 10 10 P.M A.M TRAINS GOING NORTH. T II Sh 88 3V 9 k m ill ill A.M. P M. Lv Florence 10 05 8 06 Lv.FByville 12 40... . 10 08 Lv. Belma.. 2 10 ...... 11 26 Ak Wilson. 2 87 12 07 A.M. P. M.A.M. LvWllm'ton 7 00 8 05 Lv, MagUa 8 80 10 68 Lv. Gold 785 8871226 P.M. A.M.P.M.P.M Lv. Wilson 2 86 8 20 11 84 10 46 1 18 Ar. R. Mt.. 8 80 9 0012 1011 28 1 53 Ar. Tarboro 9 84 Lv, Tarboro 2 81 Ly. R. Mt.. 8 60 12 48 .... Ar. Weldon 4 58 1 87 P.M. A.M. Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 8 10 a m, ar rives Fayetteville 12 20 p m, leaves Fay elteville 12 42 p m. arrives Sanford 1 6 ; p m. Returning leave Sanford 8 05 p m arrive Fayetteville 4 20 p m, leave Fay etteville 4 80 p m, arrives Wilmington 7 15 pm. rjennettevuie Branch Train leaves BermettsVUle 8 10 a m, Maxton 8 06 a m, Red Springs 82 a m, Hope Mill 10 66 m, arrive Fayetteville 11 10. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 45 p m, Hope Mills 5 00 p m, Red Springs 6 48 p m, Maxton 6 16 p m, arrives BennettavlUe 7 15 p m. uonnectlons at V ayettevule with train No. 78. at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Bed Springs with toe Bed Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboud Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the jjurnam ana -jnariotte uauroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 15 p m, Halifax 8 28 p m. arrive Scotland Neck at 4 10 n m flMunll. K At n 1 1 . Q A K . m., u . uvu . ll.u v Vfl t 111, JUIUWU U W p m. Returning leaves Klnston 7 30 a m Greenville 8 80 a m, arriving Halifax at iiwin, weiaon lnm m, daily ex cept Sunatry. lTaina on Washington Branch lear Washington 8 00 a m and 1 45 p m, ar rive Parmele 8 65 a m, and 8 10 n m. re turning leave Parmele 816 amA5 23 p m arrive wasnmgion id ito a m ana o 10 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N O, daily except Sunday 4 85 pm, Sunday, 486 p m, ar rives Plymouth 8 86 p m, 6 80 p m. Be- (UsaiBg, ieavos Plymouth daily except t a-rrBunday, 7 Warn, ana Sunday 8 00 a m, ksavrces larooro on a m, li w a m Train on aUdiandi a V ilranch leave Qoldsboro daily, except Sunday, 5 00 a, m, arriving Smithfield 6 10 a m, Return ing leaves Smithfleld 7 00 a m; arrive at Goldsboro 8 25 am. Train an Nashville Breach leave Kooky Mount at 8 80 a m, fc00pm,arrivo Nashville 10 80 a m, 4 28 pm, Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 45 pm.Beturaing leave Spring Hope 11 20 a m, 5 15 p m, Nash ville 11 4B a m, 5 45 p m, arrive at Rooky Mount 12 10 p m, 6 80 p m, daily except Sunday, , Train on Clinton Branch leave War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 15 p m,Re tinning leave OOntbn st 6 45 a m and 2 60 p m. - Train no 70 makes oioee connection at Weldon fm all points North dally all rail via Richmond. H -M EMSB80N, Gen'l Fas Agent, B KBNLY, Gen'l Manager, ' EMXBSON, Trafflo Mameger Attaatki Coaml lAne. r Wtuamnom 4 Niw Bun ft. It. TUta TABU XOt 6, bElfect WodtteSday, Aug. 7, 1898DaUy Exbept, Sunday. Going leoa aosnDou: Going North .No, 61, PaaSMger Trains No.OO, Lev a at, staiom: Ar. pm. Iw0i4( Hiw BVsaw) ... 640 W PcJlooksville . 804 til 411 61,.... MaysvUls. 1009... .,. . Jackson villa in 1B ...Ar. WBmm-rtonj Lv, ... Ike ''' ru Ntet, rASBasrowsft-i-BTOBT, No. A 1nWBnSagton Monday, Wsdaes dsry sad Friday Leave New Bene Tues day, Thursday and Batntda-f,-Lv. a m Ar. r st 7 M Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 48 140... ..BcottVHUl 1156 ......., Woodeide II 15 MM ....HoUyrldg..... .1140 10SI,v,.,,,MtIHxon. ...10 61 11 10.,,.., .... Verona. 1020 12fJ6.,,..,,aoaaonvllla. 1 4s liax-,.,.,,,,Nottbeast.M-t ISS MM..... Whlboak IM I-1 Ml, tMaysrlBe 8M ia...rt.v-Tneoivtiia.... ,so 164 ...JDebruhr M 8 40.,,...Ar, NwBrae,Lv M Daily Ejecept 0ad7. - AjlMhtf4H6rtqtl .. can be prevented if a4 (si tune aad"cidred alu. , ,t mltiutlvTiV ustaa- " CcJ fi t yi T-yv. 'it ,.. v.r, ., Cli. IiiUo, li, b. r. v V.' AkWI'Io, r. O, - - n. o. a t ' !;-, i . - In C:.