f k 5 Freclde? show more plainly than a brunettes, but these discolored spots rsiy nr . the beauty of eitherlv "V ' HAGAIfS will effectually remove Freckles, 'Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Salloximess and all other blem ishes to beauty.: IT IS A LIQUID for the face,' neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect Its' use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75 cts. FOB Horses, Mules, Baggies, Farm Wagons, Carts Wheels and Harness dJlVEfjlME A TRIAX THOS. J. MITCHELL. MlRBtfrntiOHANITE, r Administrators Notice Baring duly qualified a Administra tor of the eetate of Mrs. A. 0. Hyman, deceased, all persons Indebted to said es tate am reqnested to make Immediate payment. And any and all persons to whom said estate is indebted are request od to present their claims to me duly verified on or before April 96th, 1903, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. This April 96th, 1903. F. B, HYMAN, Administrator. Dlvltdoa Salt) of Land N JRTH CAROLINA, In the Cbavin CotJRTY. Superior Court Below W. M. Watson, Clerk. Alex P. Davis. Laura Jackson and her husband Fred Jackson, VB. liucv Henderson ana unarlea Henderson her husband, and Ella X. Lewis, The defendants above named wlU take 1 ,i. w .i. ..tuii .1 i uwiw ewaa avnvM vaaaiaaisw mm BSLrVT-' hss been commenced la the Superior uourt 01 craven uounty, to sell the lot - or oarcel of land situate in the Cltv of New Bern on the West side of Bern St . I (being the same lot conveyed by deed of Isaac V. Kubanks and Luclnda Stanley i to Lncretia Galon, recorded In the offl4 of the Register of Deeds to Craven , county, in book 81, folios Ml and 90S), ana aevisea oy tna saui liucratM union deceased, to the plaintiffs and defen dants share and share alike, and tot a division of the proceeds of said sale be tween the said plaintiffs aad defendants, and the said defendants will further take notice that tbey are naniied to appear at the tens of th Superior eourt lor toe County ol Craven to be be Id on the 8rd Monday of June, 1903, being the 16th day of the said month, at the conrt house ol said eonnty at New Ben, N.C, and answer or demur to the petition m said action on file la said conrt or the - plaintiffs wiU apply tor . the relief de manded in said petition. v( . t -; Thla 8rd day of May, 190?. T r i..; Vy'.,- . W. M. WATrJON, f; oar RJ asatavar, sw. g Doing OantraJ Banklof Baslsosa ' March 1, 1901, Barplos aad Cadrvt-' ; . i ded Profit 18,00U, - i ; TIT Sl -y; Prompt and careful attention given to all basinees entrnnted to OS. Aecounta i frerttnuS TTImk ' . H. WMuVnrs.." ' . W. Bonaii WOOC. " : C. . "V. uo. a.iTM. w.r.uootttt. ' ' BarkDisosa ay. - -,11m' niwwil'"'',','ViL iiwiiwitiuininti TUCKER BROS. 810 North Front Streot, WILMINGTON, - - N. C. The placet buy jour Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICES. I .Foreign and Domestic Grnhite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best Send for latest designs. All work delivered. Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. C. The Farmers 41 Merchants BANK. Capital, Surplus and Profits 988f8So.0o APRIL 30th, 19014 What We; Have Done, Do, and Will Continue to Do. I This Bank conducts its business upon 1 "up-to-now" methods. It Is our purpose to deal Justly and liberally with all. ; We carefully safeguard the Interest of our customers. Moreover.' w f re- qnently do lt unknown to them; as op port unities often come tons la oonfldea tial ways, and yoa cannot over-eppeciaie nu oonsio anon.: . i Ws are aot disposed to overlook the ft tests of the Baak and thoM of th people are closely bound to- Is. . '' d eanaot by any means he. tr. . i , ' ? "Posltory for wills,, ana safely keeps them UU PP" tle of surrender. Will also act ,todln ssoney or papers left wUh sscrow. No charge for these erJ!f" , ... j ",1 , We procure ittore of Credit fof la --" Ws aim to be Dromnt. Drocresstvs and la lbs Siatter of aocomaxxUUons, this Baak meets every 'requirement within the limits of prudent banking. -If you have aever been Identified with as m a patron, ws ask yoa to ooaslder us aavuamiity of beooming one. . 1 la the early future, we propose adding novel, yet substantial Havings Bank feature to' our already progressive la- suiuuom . . . . kSSS4 ISO YEARS' ! .' ' EXPCRICNCI I . 1 4 Trx Mami O DcON 1 .?i7 s sjkttr sand Ammvrm mm v 1 onr nrrtitloii frsw wdet hr an i In s jtipsttiy nstlmilstttlsB. rmitonriloev h i 1 '""I nil f if lit. 1 1 ajin fKaftst on l a' uil awiiifTT for invrurliif pattnta. is Ttan iMroiiBn bh u im A Co. rosJttj i4, wMh'iukohsiPsjt saa tnsj , r A ham1oTntf HtnatnMaxl tjrHi1f. .ir wat cf. OtitsiUon of ttnr rsriAiaiufl irxirnaj, t ttn.a. B trt four rm.ntUa, tl auMsuiati! twiwav)-. .fr. . ... Hranak Ol lbs r SU Wuklunua. D. U, - fjeetl .tHL4V e.V v U we wteu. Ut attain" success aa.farnti era, we must first become acqnsinted with the soil and be particular aa toths kind and qualify of seed are Intend to sow, saya P J. McGIyna la Fntfrle Farmer. . A large juunber of farmers spend much ft their time and money buying and planting poor seed., Many, plant poor teed because" they are cheap, but which ofttlmeav prove moat expen sive Experience has taught me that the better the seed the better th crop. Great care.sxmld be atvea t the soil as well as to the seed. ,One variety, of seed might do "extremely Well In a solf, while another tllXfarent natnre would be a complete failure under aim flat condlttona. Thf cnltlTatlon .of a crop Is only of aecondary lmportaBce tat ccHnparlflon t either soli, or seed. Thewfore It should beHotrrtooa ta every, one that these two particular 1 point are of paramount Importance end r Worthy of much thought from those in terested In agricultural pursuits. . It Is essential that ever farmer bo thorough ly acquainted .with the SOIL for upon thla knowledge hh erieceas largelyne- penda, and cast trathfoU say that U thla particular point la carefully con sidered a crop could be easily, expected -that la. If the season be a favorable oneand not regarded as merely a mat ter of chance. . ... , . j. .. ' . Aaareaeailaa ta IJasta. It la often sjanmedihat the'Ppjs ittes Of the expaiiBlBnKjtheAhoen dustry on the ranges are.sJniiJstlWlund- lesa. This Is hot truekorhtllrnliha4 almost been reached thoutaertaus interference with other lnaijameaAaa sheep are sot going u suppiantxatoe' and horses to a -very largo exfintiSCl long as prices for the. latter are 0f fa vorable to the producer. Another1 fea ture of the business Is worth noting and that is 'the exhaustion ol. range pastures. She .range svlll not support vastly increased herds or flocks. The land Is pretty well occupied now; In some localities lt Is overstocked, and In others range grasses have so dete riorated under hard usage that they will not keep many animals, .It seems that the Unlit of range shtep produc tion Is being approached. Th. sheep Industry will settle down, and finally, we trust, after-a. few years. It has been disturbed so frequently by new developments that people expect ah upheaval every decade,,, but. a more constant production is likely to prevail before long. National Stockman and Farmer. . . Cera Ptaattasv Many of the tests at experiment sta tions have, shown better yields from planting moderately early rather than very early; from planting a larger num ber of kernels per acre, than moat good farmers think advisable; from planting small growing varieties in rows closer together toon is lest for large varieties; from' giving -shallow .and I vol cultlva' Uon rather than deep and ridged culti vation; from planting rather shallow early and deeper In late planting. Oth er trials have seemed to show that very frequent cultivation does not re pay its cost; that lt Is Important to cultivate as soon as may be after rams; that deep cultivation while the stalks are small may be helpful If followed by shallow culture, says the agricultural column of the Hartford Times. It also adds that the farmer will be better sat isfied if he tries some experiments of this kind himself and tries them nx than one season that he may be sure that the change in method and net the season has changed results. . Row t Use FealtST Mas. Poultry manure la of such variable richness, owing to feed of poultry and the amount of dirt coueeted iwith it. that lt is impossible to make a very definite prescription for use, bat 600 to 1,000 pounds could be safely, used per acre if care is taken not to mass the manure in close contact srlth seed. says Professor E. J. .Wlckson of the California experiment station,. Tbs best way to apply where ns showers cast be depended upon after corn is planted Is to broadcast before the spring plow ing: The corn will grow roots to reach it Aa for using the poultry manure in a ami, it will be very troublesome and expensive td dry and grind tt to stffl- dent fineness to work jr ell In a drill, aa commercial tertillsera do,; f - v - 'aa sussl 'Osva. Census figures reveal that of the 62r 87&000 bogs In ths country in 1900, SO, 47(000 were in ths north central di- vtston,: represented- try the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, .Wis cosMdn, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri the Dakotaa, Nebraska and Kansas. The sooth central division.' composed of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisi ana, "Texts, Oklahoma and Arkansas, had 18,047,000 of the remainder aTbsm two divisions eontats 88 per aent.ot alt the boas In the coaotrTi and thet ooa- tala all the states that can be classed In ths corn belt Cora and hoga stiU go together la this country. I '- f ;;;'. : . '.Tales f raswt IsaaeVVv") -. TThe question is raised (whether, ana that sells for $100 per acre can be farmed at a prqoV says the Kansas Farmssx Tastauca sand is farmed at a Droit is the preper answer.' The fm ther fad t hot good land is often fam ed: at 1 a J osa, regardless of the selling price is not a faulL the land, but of the farsjsjv ny af the most profita ble faraa.ln Teissycanoot be bongnt fof leas than- f 10 par acre, and the land IS capsM of 'Corning a profit be- cans t ts wertU tbst prlce-JaIhui Farm aad Pnck.v J"; 1$..?,$ Potatoes most be well covered. A po tato greened from the sun may be Just ts good for seed, but it U not fit fof the table.; - v ;. Bllloasaess Is a eondlilott eharaoter- foedby e disturbance of the digestive organs, The stomach Is 9ebllltated, the Uvsr torpid, the bowels consHpated, There It t loathing Of food, pains In the bowels, d!z I'-'ircis, coal' 1 t"- tnd voml'Jng, flint r f t' e t: ' i or ly glgtsAsd food an J t; u of bUe. C'bats- berlaln't Btonach and Liver Tablets slUy ths disturbances of the stomn and crests a honlthy o:, ' i. 1 Ley a: lore op t' e H"-T to s 1 ' ' r f " t 1 rrru'.u.e I 1 b'vtv. 'I y 1. i r I y Poreont the ereat LafJnlflt Was the son of a weavers His teste for lean ing was kindled hy the accidental dis covery of a book of Latia provertev - 'WM: A Utrmi ataaateiis Modern Athens la a dty of marble. Many of the dwellings and business houses and nearly all the public edi fices are of that material, and even the sidewalks on some of the streets are paved, with It - At Dundenong) Anstralia; ther is a blue cum tree which has an estimated height of 450 feet It Is believed to be the tallest tree in the world.; ; ; . . Attn ( Itsses.. , ',' One can make attar of roses very simply. . Take the flowers of rh hun dred leaved rose, put In a large Jar or cask and just "enough water to cover them and stand In the sun. in about a (week-there will form a' scum which can be removed with a piece of cotton. ;'- "-'-Atl Baos.- . la some parts of South Africa, mncb damage Is done by baboons, which, go in large marauding parties to rob gar W. .' ' J' Blsistlelty -t Vmmi ' ' 1 Glass la the most perfectly elastic substance in existence, A glass plate kept under press ore in a beat condition for twenty-five years will return to lta exact -original form. Steel comes next In elasticity. ("TsVlitiMtAenUli. f ilh blinreat aerolite ever found Was discovered la Greenland In 1870. ' It Weighed twenty-three tons. " 014 Fcnrvlaa Ptstee. Somt curious pipes have been found in the vast guano deposits of Peru, the data of which tt fixed by scientists to whom they have been submitted as co equal with the famous Peruvian pot tery, the eleventh and twelfth century. Mad Ia Water. It is claimed that mud in drinking water may be more of benefit than det riment The mud overcomes offensive odors and destroys many of the impuri ties of bad water. PaHslaa Oakkles. In Paris the cab driver la prohibited by the authorities from smoking when driving through the streets, Haam WMaat ffafl. Most of the Japanese bouses are of one general shspe and two stories high. They ore put together by a curious method of mortising, at which these people are adepts, not one nail being used throughout the construction of the whole building. SMratM Wife. Socrates once said of bis wife, Xan- tlppe, who, if history Is to be believed, was a person by no means easyslo live with, that he married and Ured with her for self discipline. SECRETS n, At the Mm f S Stria Womtfi oa Kir mf to Mmt-lnvmndlmi awaaS by prafaaacf suBara much paia and lam r jaaat iicaptt)BpUhartoauffcrkiaaMiaawca) aad lamala la taa dark aa to Iha Una rtutm ""UMhAiimi takas tha doctor', alacaatkar. Ma, and aha haa ao cauaa for an IntarvlaW. Sha b har ova doctor,) bar modaar protoctad. uaur aapucauoa .ovsa im raaiaa v itkia-nvaa taa rWaa tH ua va U .1 I nam, tkaaaaaaat ara. abto Jim Ut aadaiao taa aaifad o 1 fhiaWna-awaa aad fa aadla. Bta.l and .bov. In aaacr, UI aaabto aacauoa al a taraad. MothciFnend U a Udraaat, sad ft artanal aaa anlr. It Is iHr''1 -isti sa ITS5 aacrMeaodaudu . wa a limy totaawra-; caarial Uaaa of kenrlhr,cblaaa. AH OuTback MoWood- Oa aVMbtAd WmaaahoaldkaTart. . t , THE BBADF1ELD RE0ULAT0K COJ j ' FUULUC1TII :i 4 ' Tbe8tatodBaJItr;sf Wis(SOfrt A am awao ust WL an-romai . j. ; :."-.s.';.-.f-..'. : nrvw a rt Ur,-.-: t . f . Strictly First-class Equipment oil all TbronRa or Liooal irsinaj i'tiiimaa fal ace Biuplng Oar on all Nlj.ht Trains, I it and fuJe Bohediilcr - Travel bj the Boulha? and jnn areaa- ir"1 a F'bffl, Oomfnttanle aud Lipcx 'y to T" ' "tap-"' for Time Ta b , l .t and Um"l Informution, ot t " . JT. K. UAi . K, K u ve:::on, . a p. a t. a. I. r. a., lAshevllIe, N. C ? . e ' ''fl,ir.a 8. 1!. HjihwK'k - I. 0. ataml to Bmnia nxKhns aaaa.aaM tmy w a r-HCS-KONE' BOVEYi ' No. ai Perry Street, A coacfi of wmtefSaM I lipped ea a fro sidewalk tad icll flat oaarrbacfcv Oa bring romtned I fotaod that J had smtilwrl Internal inhat rks which laid nv op for snots than two months. After that Irudotd tlutlhad pains In the hack and groia which I -asvsr had i)ctora. Idoctossd sad; doctored tosmral aneaxhs bat ts as pains hv creased instcsd of aruwlur tetter I decided that rwasoot having tha rrght tramtment. Reading ta ths papers of the wonderful casts pcrf orrned by win of Cardttll Wtots to 00 si ths parties sad ftverved a very ttHafsrtory reply sad I trrnnrdhirrrr scat far some. .In a very short thne I felt Mnsfa0yttttr tad altar seven weeks faithful ass I was eaes mote wsll sad stssegv Ihavs mn had a sick how since and I daily bless yftw. rjyfllj mffdiflPTi 1-J.J"""' '-' TINE OP CABDTJI is one medi cine that should always be kept on band in every home for im mediate use when female Weak ness first makes its appearance.- Miss Bower's painful and dangerous accident would not' have resulted' so seriously had she taken Wine of Cardui promptly. v 1 -1 Him Mm Bam WlNEofCARLDVI flUtftMfaTH'B VMALtaU r I'll IIJM KNUUBH la SKI hut 4imU 1 Hill. wl th Mm ftMm. Taa. aa ataar. awa ad larita- aai-aaTb ?aHhaalal (a- a. farttaalan, TaMhaaaUH 0 raa "BdUT An- Laala,,a im, r C If tara MaU, . tjlamha, MUr taraMaaV JO,aMI UauraakaMm. Mallaia Saaara, MIlLa, f. Ileal Ustate Sale I Br virtue of a Judgment made and entered in the Superior court of Craven county before W M Watson, clerk in that special proceeding entitled "The estate and guardianship of Lewis Lee, minor, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door in New Bern, Craven county, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M. oa ths 8th day of June, 1903. the following- real estate: Two certain tracts. or lota of land In the cltv of New Bern more particular bounded and described as follows, to wit: Oae house and lot being No. S Gaston street in the city of New Bern adjoining the lands of E W Smallwood, James Dudley and Lelnster Duffy; also ona other cer tain lot of land bounded and described ss follows, to wit: A certain tract or lot of land situated In the city of New Bern on the west side of George street being fiart of the lot number twenty-seven (27) n Dryboro. beginning at the southeast ern corner of said lot and runs about fifty-three and three fourths feet to Ben derson Merrltt's line, then westwardly alone said Henderson Merritt's line and parallel with Pine street about one hun dred and seven and a halt feet of land heretofore sold by ssid Holllster snd wife, thence southwardly and parallel with George street to the southern line 01 eaia 101 no. vi, tnen to tne Mgining on George street. D. L. WARD. Commissioner. May Snd 1903. lsodge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets Snd snd 4th Wedneadav nlirhta In each month In Rountree's Halt Pollock street, at 7.80 wciocB. j. j jvoirenaen, rresident; ueo. a Jones. Beo'yj R.R. Hill, Financial secretary. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 486. Improved Order Heptasophs, meets Ind and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock st Koun tree Half. Dr. E. F. Early, Archoa; John U Scales, Financier, Geo.. D. Gordner, eecretary. HASTJQIIJy CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE AND-r Old Dominiop Steamship Co DAIIdY lINE. FEIIOHT & : PASSlHflltt. For All Potato North. '.. i 1 ... ' Commencing Monday, February 17th tne steamers 01 tnta use are scnea a led to sail from New Beta as fol lows: The Steamer' NETJSB for OrlenhtVRoanoke Island. Elisabeth Ulty ana tne nona en stonaays, vvea aesdays and Fridays atd p. m. - . ; The Str. Ocracoke - Oa Tuesdays, Thursdays sad Batur iCkm . ' ' BT Freight ived not later than on hour prerkrut to wiling, t For farther information apply to ;; ;GK0.HINpIBS()ir, Agt, It, K. Knr, 'deCifgr.:V"-H Q.a HTJ08imi,Qen.Frt.4 Pass. Agt HolaV'T.' met to Creditors, la tha. Dlstriot Court of the Ualted States for ths Xsstera DUtrlct of ;. ' North Carollaa, at Nsw Bern, j Vv-.,;, In the - Matter . of '-; v i ;'. P, Oc ER8KINE and M. ERSXTNE, . 1Tradlng U "The Backet Co,"';, . - ' i.. - KInston, a. C -.. . f The petition of P. O. Eraklne and M. Rrsklne, trari as The Backet Co, of KInston, N. C, fur t full dlncharge In bankmplny, furin been filed In sold Court, It Is or red t 7 the Conrt, tlit a hearing be hhj t.,e 6(h day off iy 1' i tx-fore li. J. Ji iKire, Iiuforee St 1-nw Iprn, N. C, s 13 o'( !ock noon, and that all known ci loin and otber nermina IntoreHifd may r -ur at said time and El are anil show jimt canso, If any tfmy ne, wt'-y the prayer of said petitioner Should nt bs gia'.iid. . , ... IklsJbuy of April WX ..' ' n.L,(JUANT, - , Clerk,: r r". c"" "', '.. P DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Wine of Cardui makes wo men more womanly by cur ing their weakness and mak ing them stronger. Wins of Cardui cured Miss Bower. As a medicine for all women in every trying period of their Urea canyon think of a better medicine for yourself, your sister, your daughter or your mother f Can you think of more acceptable Dresent to oive vonr friend than a bottle of thiY medicine which will bring her hearth and happiness? Ton are suffering i Your duty is to rid yourself of this pain; If your daughter, mother, sister or friend is sick and In need of relief, your duty is equally gnat to them. Many women, now well, owe their lives to friends who brought them Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui is adapted to wo men at say age. in any walk of lifet For the working woman it gives her strength for her tasks and. better treatment than a doctor for vary small' cost. Your druggist will sell yon a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Secure the medicine today. Take it in the privacy of your home. Belief will come to you as surelyjis yoa take it A million suffering women have found relief ia Wine of Cardui. A. & N. C. ft. R. nm TABLl so. 25 To Take Effect Sunday, February 28 1903 at 13:01 A. M., E. b T. Going East Sohedulbi Going Wes No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m statioiis: Ar. a m 8 40 Goldsboro 11 06 409 LaGrange 10 83 483 Kington. 1018 S 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 9 On 8 60 Lv. " Ar 8 87 715.. ..Ar. Moreheadoity Lv 706 No. 5, Passenger Train. No. , Passenger Train. sTAnoas: DAILY. Lv. A. H. Ar. p. m. 8 00 Goldsboro 8 80 8 38 Best's 8 08 0 81 LaGrange 7 67 8 43 Falling Greek 7 47 8 61 KInston 908.. Caswell 787 739 717 18 Dover 80 Gore Greek.... 844.... Tusoarora 9 48 Olarka . 700 . 660 . 648 . 680 1000 Ar. Now Bern. Lv. a. at. r. h, No. 1. I I Nn. 9 Mx'd Ft and Statiobs: Mz't Ft. and Pass.Tn. Pass. Tn. Dailt Sxaarr Sotdav, Lv. am Ar, p m 6 00 Goldsboro Best's 4 68 I uu LaGrange 4 7 10 Falling oreek 8 68 B 8U .....Kinston 8 8 40 oasweU 3 Dover 9in 10 07 oore oreek 1 10 10 83 Tuecarora 12 4R 1UMJ Clark's 13 40 11 10 Ar. New Bern. Lv 12 10 No. 9. f No. 10. 1 80 Lv. " Ar 10 47 8 13 Rlverdale' 10 10 9 80 oroatan.' 10 00 8 06 Havelock 9 40 8 84 Newport, Lv 9 08 8 47 WUdwood 8 47 8 63 Atlantic 8 88 4 08 . .Ar. Morehead city, Lv 8 20 498 ...Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 760 r. at a at. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. tTuesday, Thursday aad Saturday. a L. DILL, O. P. A. F. . SlatBieaa, A. D. Ward 5IMT10NS & WARD, ATTORNS, aad COUNSELORS at LAW. 'BBW MEMS, BJ. C Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 89 (above Telegraph Of flee) South Front Street, next to Hotel Chattawke, Practice in the counties of Craven, uupllo, Jones, Onslow, Oarteret, fsmll co and Wake. In the Bunnine and Fed' era! Courts, and wherever services are aeairea. P. H. Pelletler, ATT0BNIT AT LAW, Middle Street, Lawyers Brisk Binding. WUl araotla ta the Ooaatias el CrayeB Oartarat, Joaaa, Oaalow aal PamUoo. D. S OoartsSMewBssBS sail bibs Ooart . . . Attoraey at Law, , 74.SO, front Si, Opp. Hotel Obattawka, . . KSW BESN, N. a - Craven Ctxwty Attorney. - Circuit, Craveoi, Jones, Oaslow,' Oart eret, PaaiUoo, Graan, Lenoir, ;aad; the Supreme sad Federal Courts,, A Qood , Telephone ! BIB VICE IS A BUSINESS NECESSITY, . A HOME. .; COltTENIXNCX. ... A O0U- ; . - llii 'fm. ; ' . i .- , m v5 Orper Your PIhmm at Once f ;;. V4ajaar aii mmum J" dean, pure wholesome, ruaranteed to be oimniiraiiy made from amuuea wanr anil fre from Impurities. rJnecially la Uiiiiioi and prepared for humaa eoav swpl'fa, '" I. e u ivered daily (except Sundays) 8 intolpm. i .mi (n' llon'y)7amol8n0O8. I nr p. a ; and oiii.i information, - - " ' I" . ICO C ' AMIc luasMioi! liaM Co j,;' t -laseawid jtchpa'nlr. TKA.INM IMIUiQ SOUTH. r tT. HATKlr 05 . sea . , May 5, lMfc) Co o a o j o'3 o'S .Oorrecteu) '"-Q A.M. P M. P.M. A mT pTm Lv. Weliloii 41 50 9 38 Ar. R. Mt. 1 till 10 33 '. Lv. Tarboro 13 23 7 22 Lv. R. Ml. 1 Of. 10 02 7 53 B 45 13 63 Lv. WUboo 1 59 11 10 8 31 0 26 3 40 L. Belma.. 2 55 11 69 Lv.Fay'vilic 4 3u 1 id Ar.Finrence 7 85 8 20 . P.M. A.M. A 1. Oi.liln... , . 9 30 Lv. GoIiIb 7 31 '815 Lv, Mag'lia ... 8 37 4 25 ArWilm'ton 10 10 fl 00 P.M. . M. P.M TRAINS GOING NORTH. . . 21 - K 2") mj. , 6 '3 6 j 6 "3 o '3 0 '3 7, 2 Q KO A.M. P.M. Lv.FIorence 10 05 8 05 r.v.Fsyville 13 40... .10 09 Lv. Belma.. 2 10 11 25 Ar. Wilson. 2 57 12 07 A.M. P. M.A.M. LvWilm'ton 7 00 9 05 Lv. Mag'lia 8 80 10 58 Lv. Golds 7 35 9 37 13 26 P. M. A.M. P. M. P. M Lv. Wilson 3 85 8 20 11 84 10 45 1 18 Ar. R. Mt.. 8 80 9 00 12 10 11 23 1 53 Ar. Tarboro 9 84 Lv. Tarboro 3 81 Ly. R. Mt. . 8 60 13 43 Ar. Weldon 4 53 1 87 P.M. A.M. Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 10 am, ar rives Fayetteville 12 20 p m, leaves Fav- etteville 12 43 p m, arrives Sanford 1 5 1 p m. Returning leave Banfdrd 8 05 pra arrive Fayetteville 4 20 p m, leave Fay etteville 4 80 p m, arrives Wilmington 7 16 pm. Bennettavule Hrancli Tram leaves Bennettsville 8 10 a m, Maxton 9 05 a m, Red Springs 9 82 a m, Hope Mills 10 65 a m, arrive Fayetteville 11 10. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 4 45 pra, Hope amis 0 uu p m. Ilea springs 0 43 p m, Maxton 6 16 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 16 p m. Connections at r ayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Soaboird Air Line and southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 815 p m, Halifax 8 29 p m, arrives Scotland Neck st 4 10 p m. Greenville 5 47 p m, KInston 6 46 p m. Returning leaves KInston 7 30 a m Greenville 8 80 a m, arriving; Halifax at 11 05 a m, Weldon 11 20 a m, daily ex cept Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leaye Washington 8 00 a m and 1 45 p m, ar rive Parmele 8 65 a m, and 3 10 p m, re turning leave Parmele 916 a m & 5 22 p m arrive Washington 10 85 a m and 6 15 p m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N O, daily except Sunday 4 86 p m, Bunday, 4 35 p m, ar rives Plymouth 6 85 p m, 6 30 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except Bunaay, 7 au a m, ana Bunday V OU a m, arrives Tarboro 9 50 a m. 11 00 a m Train on Midland; N C Branch leave Uoldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6 00 a, m, arriving Bmithfield 610 am. Return ing loaves Smith Held 7 00 m; arrives at Uoldsboro 8 25 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9 80 a m, 4:00 p m.arrive Nashville 10 20 a m, 4 23 p m. Sprint- Hope 11 00 a m, 4 46 p m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11 20 a m, 5 15 p m, Nash ville 11 45 a m, 5 45 p m, arrive at Rocky Mount 12 10 p m, 6 20 p m, daily except Sunday. Tram on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 8 30 a m and 4 15 p m. Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 am and 10 00 pm, Train No 78 makes close counection at Weldon foi all points North daily, all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Gen'l Pass Agent. J K KKNLY, Uen'l Manager, T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. Atlantic Coast Islne. WlLHlHGTOK A NSW BltRNK K. It TIM B TABLS MO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1896lrDally Except Sunday. Going South j scnKDCLB: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains No. 60, Lt. a m, stations: 900 New Berne .... 9 88 Pollooksvllle... 981 MaysvUle. ... 10 097. Jacksonville Ar. p m, ... 840 .... 804 .... 449 .... 418 189 1908, I Wilmington, ( Union Depot I Ar. WOmingtonj Lv, 19 IB ...Ar. WOmingtonj Lv. ... IM r at r a Nat, PASSTBqBB A Fbbwht, No. 4. Leave WlimlagUn Mooday, Wednes day and Friday. Leare New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. t. a Ar. r 11 7 80 Lv. WOrnlnrto, Ar 1 48 8 40. .Scott's Hill .19 66 990 Woadsid. 1916 1006., a.HoUyridf..... .1140 1061.. .......i.-DUon....... ....1061 1190...... ....Veroaa. 1090 1908,H Jackson vllle, , 948 19 80. ....... ,,Northsest,, 8M MBS.., Whlteoak-. ,,.. 880 '190.. ...MaysvUle... ,4... 998 919. Potlookavine......... 790 188) Debruhl's. ..Ma. 4. . (99 40 Ar.NswBataewL,,,,,. 100 I Dally Except Ssmday. - ai. A lldher's Horror I x , '' V' t CrcCrgu-l 1 ;' can be prevsated If used fat tbm aadcund slaattjlnstaatty by aslag ' AT I r-AEtlAil'!. t5o. wiaIIIiiL. Marvelous liixtfflife I covered bf Fimonitlioctcr scfcalfst Tatt Cures I very Knowkl AHmeBt-Js V Wonderful Cores ire Effected TLat fieems Like VMIraeleslfet- -lor medThe Secret of Long Life of.piden Times Revived. Tha Kamady Is Im to AU Wka Bead, NamaaadBaaaady. j r; i After years of Datlent study. nd del-" vlng Into the dusty record of the put, ss well as following modern experiments In the realms of- sfedical science. Dr. James W. Kidd, 3861 Baltes Build ing, t'ort w syne, Indiana, makes the startling announcement! that he has DR. JAMES WILLIAM KTDD. surely discovered the elixir of life; That he is able with the aid of a mysterious ?' compound, known only to himself, pro-?' duced as a result of the years he- hss -spenl in searching: for .this precious life-V giving boon, to cure any and every die: ease that is known to tne unman oocy,. There Is no doubt of the doctor's earnest V ness in making his claim and the re-," markable cures that he la daily effecting seems to bear him out very strongly. His - meory wnicb ne advances is ons or reason and based on sound experience mC a medical practice of man vearahlt - costs nothing to try his remerka ley "Elixir of Life," as he calls it, tor . he sends It free, to anyone who is a sufferer'. in sumcient quantities to convince 01 lis ability to cure, so there Is absolutely no risk to run. Some of the cures eited sro very remarkable, and but for reliable witnesses would hardly be credited. The lame have thrown away crutches and walked about after two or three trials of the remedy. The sick, given up by home v doctors, have been restored to their faml lies and friends In perfect health. Kheu-'. matlsm, neuralgia, stomacn, neart, liver,7; kidney, blood and skin diseases and:: bladder troubles disappear as by magic; Headaches, backaches, nervousness--fevers, consumption, coughs, colds, asth ma, catarrh, bronchitis snd all affections of the throat, lungs or sny vital organs are easily overcome In a space of tlmev . that Is simply marvelous. , ' Partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia dropsy, gout, scrofula and plies are: quickly ana permanently ramovea. it purifies the entire system, blood snd lls-i' sues, restores normal nerve power, cir culation and a state of perfect health Is produced st once. To the doctor all sysv terns are alike and equally affected by this great "Elixir of Life." Send for the remedy today. It Is free to every suf ferer. Stalo what you want to be cured' of and the sure remedy for lt will be sent free by return maiL . IB ! Having secured the services of Slv j perlenced parties, I am prepared OB short notice to execute Farm, Oltjv Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Streets and Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting in all Its branches. Blue snd black prints made. Old maps re paired and moan ted. Topographical surveying ana plotting. . Lirawinr ana wokrlng plans executed promptly. Sew erage and drainage planned, laid out and construction superintended. V J. J. Volfendeii, Ifew Bern, TS. Low Rates to Chartestott Via. At lantic Coast Line, . A' The Atlantic Coast Lin'1 Railroad Company announces ths following rates to Charleston 8.0. on account ot the South Carolina Inter-state and West In dian Exposition, Charleston, 8.Ci Dec. 1st, 1901 to Jans 1st, 1909. .A i V The following rates apply frost New Bern, N. 0. . - ' r - - $75 tickets to be told Taesdsys sn Thursdays of each week aatil aad lnclu ding May 99th, 1903, continuous passag r final limit seven (7) days, lav addition t date of sale. . . ' "- v 010.40 tlckeu tdDesold dally ant: and Including Msr' list, 1908, eon tin nous pasaaga, flaal Urol t, tea (10) dayt U addition to dat of sahv. " . , 814JW tickets to be sold dally unt i and including May list,' 1901, eon', nous passage, final . limit Juno 1 1909, j-. . For any farther particulars write c call on ' ' IE. M. EMERSON, v Gen'l Pst'gr, Agt. WUmlagtoa N. J. S. MAJSLX, . . r Agent, Nsw Bern, N. 0. v j.b.:hartsell, Trv. IWgr. Agt Tsrboro, I . 2otrUi CAnIliui. InUr-5: Wast tndiati IIxp - Cbaxicstod, 8, C, t .;;l8t,I9oi,toJ i .Ta4 AflaaUs C6at LI r. Ixoaisloa Bates and E BkortsstaadQulckeft I Buffet Bleeping Cars to ' ill Throngs. In', t. Call oa er addr Coast Line (or rat n, oar aorjonunoduUe , ilgned, i - - f -': C T.M.E-

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