v. V him I .IBitL 'II T niwniinf.,inni II ii i,winni m f fnr it i mt f'l " "MlFni" '--Yrrf Tur1-1'"; t 'iL r Ylrf.-1 TV "".. if ,'. V ' ' M r ,' , " " ' i i m I i ' ' r ' J ! : : - l . -i -. , - .1:1 J; ElWmS, 1. Cn" FRIDAY II0MlM,AT;!tify.O YOL. XXH0.e1. lev j f '? - f TWINTYIIRST IIAB I" IN" t run THE Craves I WEEK iHacfefew OFFERS YOU 9 iRRRiRfiri "il x?rt to iie ts sufficient cM Goods Gatanteed I The American Stock Co., 2t HAVE JUST RECEIVED TIIEIR i Enormous Spring Stock . . ., 1.1".. ona invites tne inspeouou oi me puuuu.. J The latest makes and styles in Spring Suits for everybody t At Prices that Knock Oat Competition 3f Mens Furnishing Goods of every description. Cheap too. Shoes, np-to-date styles and of the best makes. Dry Goods of 3j all kinds. We carry a choice line of MILLINERY that is pret- ty enough to suit any lady. Ladies Dress Goods Of every qual- ity from ginghams to the most select weaves, at right prices. 3 Give us call and well do the rest f AMERICAN STOCK CO., r P. HOWARD, Proprietor, 59-61 Middle Street. County Democratic 'Cob- 'FoMhepurpose of namtag olegetes to the State Convention, to the 8r4 Judi cial District Convention, to the Bid Con rregtlonal . District Convention and to the 8th Senatorial District Convention by" order of the county executive com mittee hat ben called, to meet at New Bent on Hay 84th 1903, at Mm.' Precinct meetings to aama delegates to this convention arc called In preolncti outside the city of TJewBern oil Bator- day May 17th 1003, ' At the various voting places at the following hour, by order of the dlitrlot committee, . , . Mapel Cypress 8 p. m Vanceboro 8 p. m. Trultts 1 m. Ft. Barnwell 8 p.m. Dover 8 p. m. Core Creek 8 p. m. Taylors Store 18 m. Lees Farm 8 p. m. Tharnualp.au ' Tisdale 18 m. Pleasant Bill 8 p. m. Jaspers p.m. And In the city of Hew Ben at the various polling plaoes at 8:30 p. Monday Hay 19tb 1908. . . . ; , C. T. Watsos, " Cham. F. T. Pattbbsoh. Secty. 4., r; i 1 1 ii f - Trouble la Store lor Tnctloa reopw, ' Banurlnr nre.' Hae Hew QnB .' J . wonie. Larra ftnalncsi for a 1 Grand jh-c HorfoUt FlrBU " ' ' kay Sr-AppeannoM indicate that there more trouble in stere for our Street raltway Company and 1U employees, ins 8tlT new men an attempting to organuw a branch of the Union and the company have opinions of their own regarding the utility of nek aawcUUons when ap plied to the working ot street rauwayi. Tha eomnanv Is evidently aetemunea that no union shall exist , amongst war motormen and conductors. There hu been abont twenty men dismissed from the service daring the put week, tome for ateallnc some for , drnnkenesa Fin? Spring Lamb first of the at Oaks Market, Today. At Davis'. Go to Davis' for moth balls, fly paper. Insect powder,chIorlde of lime In cant for disinfecting, etc. ML ComcU of Rei - ' Session. ' Ken LESS W0MY. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In doznni of ways, and yon can't prevent it All yon can do Is to leep them at free from exposure as possible and al ways have In the house a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. Anway's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It It guaranteed to cure Coughs, Coldt and Croup or the price 85 cents will be refundeeVby any dealer selling It. Bold by Davit', Henry's, and Bradham't Pharmacy. efEleetrle Power or Menso : : IBver. . Matter of Masonle , Temple. Special Terms of Ceirt. Balelgk Hosiery Worts to sell .to Conhi- nation. Baluoh, May 8. The clau In elec trical engineering at the Agricnltural and I and Mechanical college here spent the others for advocating the merits of the I at jiUbermle, on the Heute river, 6 onion. Tnunagersoftheroad lfj,,- (Samlntng audswdy- to have got the knocking down system . weninkanaanaaroaewnninea - iBnnar 1881 189 .. . . i. . .v.. v.. v... I ni ..la nnmf ham. The class In I "I" " UlS oilgraoeiui DannsH him r-" . .. carried on so long and so openly. ! 1 turwiing is maktag a survey for rail- Norfolk was again rutted Wn g 1 oranon or mum " a fire on Wednesday last, consuming loUI Wake Forest to the Falls ot Heuse, iot of valuable property Including the print- the Seaboard Ato-Lino. This worn win ng presses and the whoto outfit of. tne require peraaps a to. Norfolk Dispatoh, although It did not The Oranaauouncu or ea stop single tosue of said newspaper. 1 in annual! session hero -today, Great TheHamDtonooTaehtuiUDnouseiBacnemiiiu a. auHi f mktok will b' nnlaoe In its architecture. I dug. All the councils are well repre- Tfce interior wttl be fitted out to retem-l tented. There were special exercises at I Advices to J. B.. Latham. & Co., yet- Uejeold time batUe ship. Between Ooooneechea ball, josepn. rogue eiteraay: docks It wtU have all the massive tlm- ling the attembUge to oroer at mr i new xorx, stay b. bars, frfi" and knees incidental to such of ceremonies; prayer was onereu oj turn Liverpool aecunea on larger receipu veeeem. All windows will be in Shspe Great Prophet, W. L. LlddelL of Char- than expected and (large .selling orders of porta to farther carry ont the effort, lotto, and address 'of weloome made by fr0m America. This boose will be buUt at Wllloughly J. W. Hinsdale, Jr., ot Balelgb; are- Liverpool e xchange.wttl be closed on Bolt, at the entrance to Ohetpeake Bay, sponseby w.j.Maaeii; an aaunw vayiT. In the seventh Ward. "The Prlmltlvo Bed Man, by Claude H There are In course ot erection, by Bernard of Raleigh; another on "Red actual count, twenty six houses, all of a maoism in North Carolina,'' by Hill E. high grade that will rent from twenty King; the degree work was exemplified dollars to fifty dollars per month. Dwell- by T, P. Bale and O. B. Green of Dur- iinn for oeonle of moderate means are I ham spoke InbehaU or an orpnanage. Imoet Impossible to get. - j TEBKmETS- WW f'-' 'Nw Town; May 8. ffl 5 lOoTTOs;- OpenHJgh. Low. Close g f. M - Sep 8.47 8S8 8.4? 8.48 Jg j .... - igs;- 001 Ml 887 891 8 81 BgSnow Drift, C H 5? juiy.::"::".:"! 52 ? 3 juT..BE3i:ivia. . : Oowk Open. High. Low. Close . 5c Ma, 891 60 0 80, 3 jortsmonth Corned Mullets. , g ; Freeh Strawberriee from Whitehurst's farm every morning. 5. New Tork. Mn 8. S Fresh Fox River Print and Elgin Butter received everj. & Open. High. Low. Close I 5 W6elt M1 served from one of the finest refrigerators in the city, gj 1891 188J I IS Complete stock of Btaple and Fancy Groceries at RIG ill; ei So By 87 881 87 87f j PRICES. 'Kl 0. 8. L 18 48 18ft 18 j f .. T?ac.'.:::::.7? S ! w 1 J, Ij, McDAHIEL P- A. C. O U Hi m M 4 ' 5 'Phone 91. TIBrowlBt. , R. MOORE ft CO. Uwpool Bpott 5.5-83. Sales 8,000 bales. Futures, May-June 8.08. .Aug-Stpt. Impromptu talks by members of the or-14.88. HepU)ct'4.48. The Helns pickling and preserving I der lollowed. eoanpany have about oompleted tkeiri At the State fair grounds at 10 o'clock I tqu KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING I factory ana are reaay lor wor. tomorrow a carotene win db gin I wi,.,, Ton take Grove's Taetelest Chilli are advertising for three hundred wo m and irlrlt to operate the plant. The company hu contracts for hundreds of acres of fruits and vegetables to be sup plied by the truckers of this vicinity. The benefit of such conoernt to a city an be readily teen. The Best Prescription for HalarU. Chills and Fever la a bottle of Gnovn's Celery Headache Powders. There is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fall to relieve. Hade and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. Red Men. It is learned that at Oxford on St John's Day, June 84, the Grand Lodge of Masons will formally take up tne mat ter of building a temple. It appears to h th onlnlon that the location will thenldeflnltely egreed on. There is no differences of opinion as to the need of a temple. The special Unas of court for ltutner- I - . . . . ... Tutklkm Chiix Touio. It Is simply ro county w. o Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No uovernor; teen iot . w., . Tonic, because the formula Is plainly I printed on every bottle showing that It I Is simply Iron and quinine in a tatteleu I form. No cure no pay. Price Bee Clear? at Davis'. Theo, Cubannla, Royal Bine, Lew I Wallace, Flor de Teller, and other lead-1 Ins brandt, at Davit Prescription Phar-1 macy. cure no pay. Price 50c 1 1 Kbow OM mn BMdy fat a otaUMto trie. . IH aaat It rmj-BUMim. civil eates. The stockholderslot the Raleigh Hosi er Tarn Mill at a meettne: decided to I e k4 ..i,.MMMMMMiiawawwm awwwwww """vTTTvTtttTTTTttTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT U FOR BALANCE OF THIS ' WEEK. SO INCH WIDE L'd ":''" T 'U DUNDEE PERCALE 10c YARD. - A-n-RnrnrT.mft ROASTED I id. racicage lie. COFFEE Trionfails 5c; Yard. Not Over 20 yds,' : to customer, MM8MM IM. Will. HI M Mo z. ANY. BTYLEf Size or Hit STRAY Shape In HATS ('.7 -.r ! fvV V.J Fcf.Jpc. MMMMMMIMiillMMIMIIMM MmMMMMl MMMM M nn i'iiiat iict AhucDTioc COVE. May 7. Trade in town! has boomed I I fully endorse the action of the director! I considerably for the past few weeks. I favoring entering a combination and! Farm work It progressing nicely and! selling the plant to Henry B. Fries of I crops are looking well though small I I Salem. lowing to the late spring. It Is learned here that two well known Mr A D Hawkins will open a grocery I I ottlcens of the Bute are very sick, one I establishment here in a few days snd so-1 lbetngJas.D. MoNeUl, of FayettevUle;liiclU the patronage ot his friends. I the other Louis A. Carr, ot uurnam, tne i Mr. T H White hu accepted a poti- I president of the Inter-State telephone I tlon with the A. 4 N. 0. railroad at New I loompany. I Bern, and contemplates moving his faml- Tae.base ball season bore opened voryiiy there In the near future. lauspldoaaly. There was a parade to the I Miss Lola and Janle I pock pent I I granads, In which the pennant won In I Monday at Dover. WE GAN COLLAR YOU TWICE FOR 25 CERTS. WE CAN CUFF YOU FOB 25 CENTS. We will do a good job at the price, and you will be well pleased. Wo know of no one who can do the job letter, or more satisfact orily to you. We believe we are selling the Best Collars and Cuffs on the Market Linen on both sidee, and they won't come back to you wich saw edges the first or second time they are lanndried. We take particular pride in having Collars and Cuffs that are just right, and it would please ns to have you give us a trial on Collars and Cuffs. No late style but what is here. E. W. ARMSTRONG, G7 Middle Street. , tt!yvtyvlx!Av uiaoVvov Fox foer Trtnt "Butter lltOl wu displayed. tossed the first balL . Mayor Powell! DOBBS Unuuot Menu. A urge weoaing. .ferienals. May 8 The tobeooo farmers are having I a bad time getting oat their tobncoo, on I account of suck dry wnther. Mr. Claud Lancaster spent Sunday in IPlttoovntyV,, " Mrs.W.H. Griffin of Dover, is viaii- ImgrelattmlMr. ' Mr. Dan Brewer who has been under I treatment of Dr. Jones, of New Born, for Ish poison la the hand, eametp Saturday, looking 0. k. Miss Bmsaa WtlooX of BeUalr, M vant- I lag Mlsa Bonnie Wlllta.' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Lettungnoose or I Taneoboro, spent Sunday here. 4 Uxxlo, Lancaster went to Now I Bern yesterday to spend a wstk or two. The picnic Satnrdwy ot Cowpen Land- ling wu a most enjoyable oocasloa, and I though It wu advertised only a lew I days, there was a largo crowd present. Misses Minnie Gmktns and OoUle roy land Messrs. W. X. aad T. D. Guklns of I New Bern were here Betarday and Bun- ldy, greeting their relatives and fr lends I They, nave aeoresot Mia, 0. D Lane aad Miss Jessie Taylor I visited New Bern lut Friday. Mr Otis Xubanks made Trenton a villi I Monday. Mr Lane and family .have moved In I Mr LF Taylor's resldenoe recently va cated by Mr George Avery. Misses Pattle and Xaste Nelson, of I New Bern spent Sunday at Mr. B. D.l Avery's. the beautiful weather caused several I of our young people to be Interested inl a long stroll towards Dover Sunday even I inc. The musloal entertainment at Mr B Dl Avery's Moaday Bight wu grsaUy sa-l loyedbyaUattoadaata, ,The FreeWUl BaptisU. held their qaarterly moetlng hen mot Saturday I and Sunday. ' Bder Ounnlngham con- dncting' the kervtcea both, days, The I weather wai fine and the members were! aO, prsseat., j ' STEADY ;W0Z. vcalUFtrOaal Sastatalng j . i-j - . - 1.1 fclliael bekesbop during hts vacatlra ' and be-1 eante of hU lrregnltr meaU began to lose I Beah rapidly'. HO tells of his recovery ny I being put on the right kind or iooa, 35c pet Pound If you want your breakfast tablo complete buy your But ter Coffee, Tea, Flour, &c. from us. We also have a large Btock of all kinds of Canned Good that we do not care to carry over for next season, that we are are selling at a bargain. Don't buy anything in our line until you get our prices. Yours to Please, J. S3. FuI3irBI3, Jr.,, Wholesale and Retail Oncer, PBOHI 69. Cor. ISroad K jjuieoeK uv ; I 7ViaTiaFVJavana m m Worifs ' T u , Appetite must be satisfied by pro viding the Best Groceries, i But the world thinks of some thing besides just good things ; to cat' It thinks of the neces city of getting them at a rea sonable price. " We watch for qnalitj always, hut we see, too 7o DO WHAT VE' APVERTISE ! WW -" . , is! . a w e acii i every in uivr:ik;.n : AtWe Sell the Best Mof EvcrythlngJHK !---; ?v',' t'':-,- I I i.h !l" i. "I had to work kardBasmedlatoly after friends here who I eating aad atuelly ate jast before going in alwaTa lad to welcome them. . - ltobedoraleekadlogo wUhont wod rot , Miss Amanda Bpralll attended the pie I tod long a tlate, alaohad to oat whenever tfiA prioe is right, nie at Cowpea Landing and spent Baal I could get a ehaoee. All theaw things , , day with friends la this town, - I togetberwita long aoarsoi worn eaatea TneKev. Mr. Newton Ued hi ep-1 dyspepsia, looncluded to, change; Dotntmenl at KllawortH church Sunday, I food. and preached an Interesting large congregation. Mr Newton sound doctrine and Is rapidly 1 J; ITblson, Jr. We Belt the Best of Everythlns the Clieap22t I UllMMIMMIIM'llM'M8lltlMttttlt88lt.ll8MMt MWSMIM?lWtWrmvTVmvvHTOt I hU way Into the hearts I He wu accompanied Sunday Itlesoa, Graham. Our young J. P., H. O. Lanoatter wu lemlled noon Sunday to unite la matn- seraatoa Vather Jokingly .remarked, one, any St. IrtOCtt. V fOOflS 13 pitachee thatlf 1 wutoolasy todlgeetmy wool . ; ' T, . winning mignt try urep, w- , " , , IIIliUiitUfWCmNCNNSUi , ..... I ... . of our people. I ready digested. Itooktnojokoin eemeai i - - ; -.-.;-,;-;t. -- r bv als 1U-1 and bona using Grapo-ute wUk a uttw I ; . . V .. . ... u m a , r - TklsIUvedoa entirely with litUe frolt tor tome Umo, .Gradually began to gala weight and finally lost th X f1 1 mony, Mr. Ad OIll, of Juptr, end. Mitt I dUtrtst It D. stomach , altogethei. 11 The Old Sellable Shoo Maker on Middle ditooverea I oowa worn swaauy ..wiui street mm pienaea mo penpm o with his work.. Can txoell au otnors tn the bustneai m thU elty," The repairing of Ladlef Shoes Ipeclalty, ' 'V J ' ' lnorMTODDB BTOIOT. ' LAXATTVa TASTELESS Bolva Anderion.of Oeday. . ins cere mony wu performed at the, home ot 9- 0. Lancaster In the pretence of many fslrmli of the young conple, all of whom !: h Uieia a proiperout Journey through 1 Phcr.3 Stcro There will be a -ir f ' n-, V ;;.(!.! g'ttnd plcnlo at Jonl bmv Vtnceboro, on s, T'.'els tht; . - i ' - l, 1 r ii!) t t ont tha 'all gone' teeUng u. before. How lean cm elnvMt anything end feel fine. i. v. .'t.'iii 'if ! I have aga entered sohoel but. keep on eating Grape-Nute kecauao I feel ttrong end roy mind Is so clear, -and I Ure t ytoepply mylf steJ!!y to t ; ' fcs l--a a great I' ' : 1 1 i -e It 1.KS bsen t r , 'I ;:. j if .rt . 1 1 " " ' - Xy I'ltvi:i Co, tg::ic. loosens op the tenacious la aoso, olears out the t catarrhal beadachot due gestion in the front of hi ll only 10 cents and the t from lu use is Worth Mfg.htBradham'sri Cola Hoadacl.e l i ... ' Contain no A or Other Injurlom f depreee but st' (oreue Its awr: (ot Headache ' lOo. Made 1 many, comer 1

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