1 ! U 1 1 A0 " TOLMX-IO. 85. " RIW BIBN, H. C, SATUKDAYUOSSIIO, MAT 10, 1902, 1 ,-, TWENTT-flRST IIAE II. s 1 A 1 1 1 . 1 , 1 . - I SIX. EST THE 8 1 4 to 1 OFFERS I 1-1 2C 1 ff ILI.TVI7I 11 b 1 n: iv ati II at-. vim. n n Ii - ji ; ix . - 11 0 yCU.LrlTVI' I All Goods Gaaranteedl x TTtTTTTf?Tt?TfTT?TTTTTTTTTTTTTf?T?TT?TTT?TTTf O- it i The American Stock Co., $ HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR S Enormous. Spring Stock ond invites the inspection of the public. 2 At Prices that Knock Oat Competition t Mens Furnishing Goods of every description. Cheftp too. j 5J Bhoes, up-to-date styles and of the best maices. Dry uooda of 5 all kinds. We carry a choice line of MILLINERY that is pret ty enough to suit Any lady. Ladies Dress Goods of rery qual- ity from ginghams to the most select weaves, at right prices. Give us a caU and we'll do the rest. AMERICAN STOCK CO., X p HOWARD, Proprietor, X 59-61 middle Street. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa r FOR 36 INCH WIDE . ;t, DUNDEE PERCALE 10c YARD. ARBUOKLE'S t . ROASTED COFFEE l ib! Package llci We DO WHATi VE ADVERTISE ! nK AOirrv n,A f Sis 5 Plionj 0: Y0U .n.(;! " w o i BALANCE "V MIC tHDl DuparfeGntr EIb City J' - ; n?;r - 5 Stcro Ccrn Frc:;i r:::I 0b. A) MINISTER'S BUSY WIFE. ' - -. - Pe-ru-na a Prompt and Permanent i f .Cure for Nervousness.' 7 --jfy ' -4 Sit Anna B. Fletaartr. Oalwbnrf, 111,, Mrs. Ann B. Fleharty, noent mper Intondent of the W. C. T. TJ, hMlqur ter, at Oilasburg, TJlwta for tan yean one -of the leading women there. He husband, when living; waa first Preat dent of the Nebraaka Wealeran Unl Verelty, at Iinooln, Keb. " ,,' ' In a letter written" front 401 Sixty Seventh atreet, W, Chicago, UL, lira, Fleharty aays the following In regard toPeronai "Having lived a very active life aa wife and working partnerjof a bray minister, my health failed me a few year ago. I lost my husband about the aame time, and gradually I seemed, to lose health and spirit. My daughter la a confirmed invalid, and we both felt great need ot an lnvlgorator. '"' w' "One ot mjr attfghbon Mdvtoed ma te try PeraaM. A bottle was Immediate ly secured aotf fiva change took place In my iaughtel'a, a well aa la my own health. Our appetite im proved very greatly, the digestion seemed much helped, and restful sleep toon Improved us, so that we teemed like new women. "I would not be without Peruna for ten times its coat." MRS. ANNA B. FLEHABTY. Peruna never fails to prevent nervous prostration if taken in time. "Summer Catarrh," a book written by Dr. Hartman on the subject of the ner vous disturbances peculiar to summer, sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Col am bos, 0 Clears at Davis'. Theo, Cnbannla, Royal Blue, Lew Wallace, Flor de Teller, and other lead ing brands, at Darts Prescription Phar macy. Celery Headache Powders. There Is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. Thoy never fall to relieve. Hade and fold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. OF THIS WEEK. J UNBLEACHED Trion Mills Sea Island , Jbe r J al Ue to a customer. . MM ANY STYLE, Size or STRAY For 50ci Ul CrVCIj lllIII 1 mm.- Poll Tax Returns tor Wake County ' Gratifinr. Great Coanell atf Bed Men. State Charters. Personal. Aannal CeBTeatloa Kings Daagh- . . tersofSUte. Balelgh -Feels 8m! Over -Rail Clan. , "V : RalmoH, May S. The sheriff of Vital county hat made his tax. settlements ib foil. He said today: "I flpd- that 1S6 white democrats failed to pay poll tax, and that 425 white republicans and popa lists failed to pay It. A great many who paid had to make the greatest sacrifices In order to do so., .This was dne t the crop fallare whloh pot ao many country people la a desperate . plight, Pol) tax owers paid abont as closely as umal. The number, of tosolrents la Baletga WU sharply reduced. All this Is very gratifying. Of the negroes 1504 failed ta pay poll tax. In the rural districts a great many of the negroes are absolutely penniless The erop fallare hit them bard." ' The annual Great Council of Red Men ended today. This afternoon there was a barbecjie at the State fair grounds and at its conclusion the Red Men saw the ball game between Raleigh and Dur ham.. The Raleigh people are delighted with their new ball team. Enthusiasm yes terday was unbounded. Judge Clark has been sent by er-Qor. Russell copies of the letters or notes written by the former to him. Among today's arrirals were C. B. Adams, Monroe; John C. Lamhv Wll llamstoB; Rev Dr. J. D. Bufham, Hen derson. Gorernor Ajcock and his staff era specially Invited to attend the Cantaft nlal of Salem Female Academy and B It understood will be present. ;j CoL T. H. Bain, Inspector general ot the State Guard was today ordered to begin the annual Inspections. A charter was granted today to the Battleboro Oil Company, of Nash coun ty, capital f 100,000, M. a Bras well and many others ;stockholders. A charter waa also granted to the West End Land The Best Prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Qnova't Tastklsss Chili, Tohio. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c Shape in; ' s v HATS '. . .; ..":".. .; . ... ... i . " ' ."x.-. - ' . ' - irT .preparing , appetizing and wholesome food is lightened by this famous baking powder. I. little i i ; 1 r 1 i ) 4 Absolutely pure. It adds hcdlthlul qualities to the food. Bating The "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook"-most practical and valuable of cook books fra to vry patron. Send full tddrtM b postal card, IIOYAL tAMIN NWDU CO, and Improvement Oo., of Elisabeth City, capital 150,000 wlU leave to Increase to $100,000. Secretary of Bute Grimes and Bute Aadltor Dixon left today for Washing ton, N. 0, where Dr. Dixon will make the memorial day address tomorrow. The programme for the annual con vention of the N. O. branch of the Kings Daughters and Sons waa Issued today. The convention will be held here May 13-15. The officers are Mrs. W. H.B. Bargwyn secretary; Mrs. J. H. Brldgera, treasurer, Mrs. F. A. Olds, recording secretary. Mrs. Lesrd will make the address of welcome, to which Mrs. T. J. Jarvis of Green rille will respond. Other speakers will be Mrs. D. T. Cooper, Mrs L. O. Davis and Bar. Eugene Daniels. lint Spring Lamb first of the season at Oaks Market, Today. A Worthy Institution. Rev. A.JUE. Weeks, president of the Mew Bern Collegia te Industrial . Insti tute, has issued a circular soliciting fi nancial aid for that Institution. It sets forth the benefits derived by the colored people in this school and the dire need of such an- institution. It seeks to ale Tats the race by teaching them the bast way to do the practical things of every day Ufa. It Is situated perhaps In the Boat advantageous place In the entire south for a large attendance of aegroea. la the County of Craven are mora than SVN0 colored people, . and In the oontlg aou territory II may bt estimated there an 50,000 aegroea. The school, therefore, has a great work to perform for the col ored people la this vicinity alone. The Board M attempting to raise $10,- 000 la order to meet the conditions of a gift of money. They present the case la a strong light and It Is to be hoped that the charitably disposed will consid er this appeal favorably, by liberal finan cial help. . , TB2J.P.'SDBCISIOr!. . He Statl Op the Coffee Case. Jadge W.W.kBowesi of Creeds, t a. anaoaaoes himself as a "reformed coffee toper" sad gives authority to stake the folfctwlng public statement ' : "For years the coffee habit had, been growing oa BM aattl my conditio was getting serious. I have considerable writing to do and had become so nervous that I had to depend almost entirely up on my wife to do the writing. BomMlasee when It was Imperative that I sign mv aame my hand trembled so 1 , could scaroe do It. .r"l:W::. i I had severs headaches, stomach trouble, heart trouble, also some rheuma tism. A friend, Rev. , oat snt me a package Of Postern Coffee with request that I giro p eorrce and make a fair trial of Posium. .' ;, . I took the advise . and. the headaches osaaed, also Lbs stomach trouble, I aow have ao heart trouble at all except when I ase coffee for a time. My old nervous cess Is a tiling of the past. Ky w'.'e tUo su.Tored for years with hrrttro!!l'eand extreme neroaaneaa. ;" a l a f r,si 1 r "of by leaving off ooffoe It ' j !'.? :im. We now tbmk It a imthl. r d,!i.k tl'n either coffee or '.- , I lift'a !' 'osii of a nm!tr of cw 1 1 i I t f ' V(n'v'l it f"1'."? ! 1 f ! ' i r " ss.s-ln ? Ligbt Biscuit gDeliciot&e Dainty Pastfies Fine Pisddlngs Powder There are cheap baking powders, made from alum, but they are ex ceedingly harmful to health. Their astringent and cauterizing qualities add a dangerous clement to food. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. Beautiful Suniaer Dress Goods. We are now showing the best 1 11ns of wash goods, colored Lawns, Dimities lln ens, Batistes and etc we have ever offer ed, we are showing some beautiful pat terns Q 8c, 10c, lite sad lOo yard this week, the tale of white goods and glng hams still going on. BARFOOT BROS. At Davis'. Go to Davie' for moth balls, flypaper, Insect powder,chlorlde of lime in cans for disinfecting, etc. JACOBS' Balelgh Rye Whiskey is '.the best. Middle street. A Sale of Oxford Ties. Also ladles, misses and children i Ban dais, the Oxfords come In Patent leath er, Kid and YloL New styles and equal to the average fx.OO shoes, all sixes spec ial at 11,50 per pair others higher and some lower, also ISO pairs misses and children Kid Sandals sixes 8 to 9 this week 75c the pair. BARFOOT BROS. TUB stAKXBTS. The following quotations were reoetv eaby J. K. Latham A Oo, .New Bera M. O. IfawTosBcMayS. Oenoit Open, High. Ltw. Close July....; 1.10 MS t.10 ' tJO Aug. ,9M tM J '8.9i Sep. 1... 8.45 8. 8.40 8.40 0t. , 8J1 8JS 8JB0 . Chicago, May 9. Wxoxati Open. High. Low. Close July..... ... 74 741 lit 11 Cones . Open. High. Lev. Olos May.; 60t. , t0 . 60 .".W . ... t sUbat Ooen. Elxh. Low. Close May 87 'tTS, 4 088 11) '-.'': ' HewTork, Maya, , Open, High. Low. Close ..... 1S8MSH IS ltSt BBy S8 884 171 W C & I,......,wlH-l W W V. S. a. j 41 "itf 41 41) Mo. p... loo,' iou ioo r loot Atahtaea M " ts a o.; s - m -A;aXo:;.....Jrtrii 84 :.' 84 v " v . . jbllliail . y, ! : Boots IMS. Bales 10JM0 bales. " ? it Fatures, : Kay-)aa: 8.18. Aaa8ap4, 487.BepVOe.i.4a." J !Jl-n ' - :. :?.! T ,i t :.!; ... (!.. 'it' -k-- "- r "' . ,vV ' .a . i m Bam week . Last weak last year, . 75,000 ' (8,000 .This Sat. llOOt t.. ston. awv .1 smo Tsea, 1J04O .J 'H " 1 S." TTsd. 1KC , "J0 Th nr.. V, ft Frt 73 r.c 3 9l,C 3 in fM tt,c:o sifiti li.rj Jt JJULTJLULAAJUlUJULAAfAAAl I3FTF8.3Et3E3i: ; , ! Gar loal I Snow Drift, ' and AdiiXal Q (O. II 1 JUSTIURECEIVED. jortsmonth Corned Mullets. Fresh Straw berriee from Whitehurst's farm every-morning. Fresh Fox River Print and Elgin Butter received every week and served from one of the finest refrigerators in the city. Complete stock of staple and Fancy Groceries at RIGHT PRICES. i J. L MEL 'Phone Ol. 71 llroad St. . WE GAN COLLAR YOU TWICE FOR 25 CENTS. WE CAN CUFF YOU FOR 25 CENTS. We will do a good job at the price, and you will be well pleased. We know-of no one who can do the job better, or more satisfact orily to you. We believe we are selling the Best Collars and CnSs on the Market Linen on both sides, and they won't come back to you wich saw edges the first or second time they are laundried. We take particular pride in having Collars and Cuffs that are just right, and it would please us to have rou give us a trial on ate style but what is E. W ARMSTRONG, 67 Middle Street. msvfaem tXtLllvl4rVLLX!LyVLt lewVlei'VLeSeivA' Fox itwer a I a 4 I j t Yrint Gutter i 35c per Pound. If you want your breakfast table complete buy your But-', ter Coffee, Tea, Flour, &c. from us. We also have a large Htock of all kinds of Canned XJootiS that we do not caro to carry over for next season, that we are are selling at a bargain. Don't buy anything in our lino until you get onr prices. Yours to Please, J- S. FiiBSEB, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Orocer, . v PB0NI 69. Cor. Broad A Raneoek Stt. The World's Appetite must be satisflod by pro viding; the Best Groceries. But the world thinks of some thing besides just good things to eat. It thinks of the neces sity of getting them at a rea-' spnable price. ' We watch for quality always, but we see, loo that the price in right. J.J.Tolson, Jr. xBhSt4Gt0xr. "1 E. r.-. The Old Sellable Shoe Maker on Mlddkt Street has pleased tht people for yean with hit work. Can eseoll all others tn the busmen m this city. . The repairiisjf of Ladles thee specialty, ' " ' 180 KIDDDB STRUCT. :' U LAXATrVa TASTELESS ? iilLlei' lOa.IC. ... .rulMtia M is aisM ' ' Wholeaale eft; Retail Collars and Duffs, no here. Cola rleadsKbe Powders "'"ContauihO Antlpyrine, I of ether Injurious drngs. T. depress but stimulate Ha t moreaso Its aecretlons. C for Headache and Sour f 100. Made and sold by r msey, eornar Poll V ' " blMB CA1A. loosens up the tens la nose, clears out ti.a oatarrhal headar.l. - ' gestlon In the fm - ' la oal 10 oents t : from Its Use Is Kfg.byBraa:.:

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