U O sJ t yl 1 Published every day la the year, except . Monday, at Klddla street, PhobaHo,". CHARLES Li STEVENS. , - wrron am flonnru: . SUESCRIPIIOB RATES. uaeyear, la advance..;;....,.;... One year, not In advanoe... ...... MM Monthly, by oarrler In tkectty...,. Advertising Rates furnished on sppH CktlOB. " Entered at the Post Office, New Barn, S. C, as seooad class ssatter. OtUfal Paper ( New Sen Craveft Ceasty. Hew ay 8.' 1108. v AN. exception to the role :.: The recent' sale of the Philadelphia : Record for aboat three million dollars, : has provoked considerable discussion ; among .newspapers, at the price paid ton sensational- one In .newspaper- ?. doak 'it . i A newspaper which ean pay a profit . to Its owners of 8 per cent upon Its to- . til value, shews a tremsndous earalag capacity, and la the ease of the Record . proves the exception to the rale that ' newspapers are valuable property, Occasionally, as In the Instance of the - Reoord, the general public sees that a newspaper plant has sold for a great .,- sua, and the deduction is made by many ,. that newspapers are proportionally bet ter paying property, than moat othtr - kinds of business. . Bat where' there is one newspaper! DS-in tt. owners scood nrofit noon the total value of their plant, there are a hundred other papers which earn a bare ettstance for their management. And in this connection, It may be said that a local newspaper can be made vslu able to Its owners, as well as valuable to 1 i. .. t .u . . . t JiMUl"MeeCTionor amemo-tiie tntruetn year. ' The legs chiefly IU community, by the local patronage it 1 bridge. The-committee, composed grew between the-tenth- and seven receives, and like any local industry, si-1 of Thomas S. Hopkins, Job McElroyl teenth year. : -: ' ' though greater than all, with the in- crsaselniU due to the oommunhv. ... r?r. lt T! r B gain through Its building up Into a pay log property 1 Btati of Ohio, Citt aw Toudo, I . LtTCAS Cocmtt. ( " " Fbahk J. Uhrnit makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm off. J. Chktit A Co., doing busiasss In the .' City of Toledo, County and Stats afore- j said, ana that said Una will pay each and every ease of Citakbh that cannot be : eared by the use of ; Hall's Gatassh Cubs.! ' FRANK J. CHEN2T. ' 'i Sworn to before me and subscribed ln my prraence, thU 6ih da of .December, A. V. 1880. rt1?-. "A. W.OLRABOV ( bbal i Notary Public Hairs Catarrh Cure hi taken inter- ' aallv anil ajita iMMtl . .I. VI , - i,ia.Wi wnw am I muooussncfacesof thssystem. bendfer j taatbnnnlala. fn , I ' F. J.0BERZT & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by an Druggists. Hairs family Fills are the best . 1 1 aaaani i ' W l Caaaa llatat. . Miss Bere (much pleased-So be real- r aata I flidnt show my age, eh? BUSS 8bane WalL ha an Id na a L raya aeemed careful to conceal It- i-miaaeipiua tress. v i i ' If mlerobes get into llmbnrga , caacne, may riy east Bve Jong ejnongh-te do any ttaris-OmneH auuBB fionpawu. REUE5-TW SIX ftQCItS -' IMstrsedagJCMneyaai HaihW Wa. raw sit otue jw -tw uahAT Booth AmioaB KnumCDim, n u great surprise oaaoaeaat of lu etoeedlng prnnintnsss ha rallavlii- nla In bladder, kidneys and bach, in mate or I u I lenuua. luueva eatnaltna af ak most Inmedlatery.' ITyo, wat qalok I k relief sad curs this Is the remedy . -. I r OOW I oy v. u. JUBaUaa, Ursggist Tea.". Bald a tltaahar la lawh atila school the other day While endeavor- . ingxo explain , to her c lass how the Same Ward ma haaa Umi au lngs, ."thara l more, than one kind. of grace. , uracs.niay be , girl s nams, avt waaiai twomjr. jmi so IUSI When We SSV a iad or aarthlna alaa la full of grace ws mean that she or it is beastlfnl te form nd taefaaraeter, I0W. tM4a.lSnthal.ahi4 at I wonder evbe-eaw explain' what It Is. i readie," wist ge yoor-rstber way v lion he sits down te break fast, fn the iiiiirnlnirsr' ' .'.: t "eh, K'ah, ms.tterlgb things Wasn't Mwny rut on ths4abla so sloppy that t - J rioU fellow! SppeUte.'"-Cbl. cuso uecora-Qeraia. - ca'irtnrt Wrojir Don't -r with a llogar. 1 know whsti 1 ui.li At 'kind " t'.ronghlhS 1 r!nht now j C'nUirh Cure f trs for conch. uiils, all throat olutely safe. Arts lL "Ons i'lnnte it oough medluins I s J. II. Bowles. G revet n. L. 4 - Special CtTresDondenc.1 Commissioner of Pensions Evans un derwent a trying ordeal recently that Added to his gray hairs. . He Is a great auueu i uia gray nun. . us is B great stickler tor punctuality, and the clerks I - i j a. . , ,. rajiumi u) uegw au cesuae wors - . . . the sound of great gong that can haanl all itiw tha hnlMln. An electrician was up on a twenty oot ladder repairing a line connecting ,me commissioners telephone. ; Be lost lila balance and felL ' In plunging lllrivnmM tia Mnvhf- tmtih n wmu 'and MITflMl thftm Slth hint : kmnr.tr these.. was the wire running to the t,uug. lug oig ueu prompuy sounoea (tbe alarm for aulttlna work, although it was then only 820 p. m. All the peru tnaae a bustle to get away with- lout oeiay. . - I The commissioner, tried to nrevent Ithe azodiiB. " Ha mnrmded thu alvnal fw I w w umnutea to stop the stampede be gave IlCtnn IIUI MMM thai ftlmial tVi alnLl r; ' . . 7 . . . . uw qay-a woTK, ana everyDoay got tiuiy minute ing,, , . r : j LA ery swtonaouestlon la disturbing ine congressional goir connngent wno follow the little white bsU on Bnnday. - . 7 . - i gate and houaa respectively a bill wbtehl ---- -- r-i nywuii w n piace.un Deans m an .protect the tost day of the week. It aepUcle containing warm water, which lis a , verr drastto measure, forbidding I will dlanl hm in a hnnM I w ttohaAML rtoflnL' nAwannnarat drnva ana icomnsanamaaingKuniawtul toworkl on bnlldlnir or nllrand mnatmctlon so that Ua railroad track should Ml r?!urJytU bewel. eensllpaied. lUalllTClA.' ' AUK AOB Flfllin IMC ItlltTfmr "T .h.n .n. ,kii- .-il- Ihaii m. wiUil iDlayinte; sDorta. naatimM nr diveiXI dlsturblna- the Deacend anlat nrthel Uar be nractlcad bv an anraon or na.l jsona wiuun ine district or coiumus uu Buuuajr.' rL . to .Whether this language foa'e "7" tabvTa Dnff7' golf Dlartna-ibv'lndlvldn.1. . sarttaIT"l,.For "T DuBf. w inwuffv uui Miuiuasf MMWUB i" playing' bj Individuals on private BU?,ta H i : "Don't .WfMTV." BBldBr Mta1n. .mrArf. era mnmher wha niava imlf nn Rnrwlo v 1 as ne joinea tne confasence: nbe bill win never pass." . .,, j, . Tfcl Mail.i lliliaa The BDerdal commltta of tha ilmmrt. meat of tha Potomap. a. A. H la mak. ing anouer nara effort to secure the euSAJe -a a., .a. . - J'!e iK!!i'ah'ia ' i"- -m wS " awa vmra aim w 1 the mrrmratnaa f tha nnl Ml LpiiiaLSZr"" "W romteen years, grown la pwped that congress can be Induced to! taka this atan. Tha nraaMnt la ilml I ntLt .Za Z. r . I ci :. t . " As f ha slAillfnl4tta. MtMfMkJI ka annliej-JMA wuw vvuuuiwti a atu uaw sja tbiiacij a. .m aena a special message to congress ;assing ao.- appropriation for the first .work toward the bridge. -t I Tha nrcaident ma not do vhla. ha .dislikes to-establish. precedent of a.buTr.ntoS so and to olncto airs tha raoiaon. aMeraHnn. it la f.it th.t . ani.i . aiMvmnM tu wme action betagtakiJCheast-l"J ueui wm DroDaoiv taix to noma innnen.i jdsi senators ana rej the proposed, bridge. alba bul ' Eepraaantatlva Mam- wha anAaaaa.1 ffnllw nllAui . Ik Lit. . ii . I miMLM uuuuu un mMiiiifiw .niinw HiiHMniiiMfl .r ,m - - Jag bul through the bouse, nyB,that,laB4iea uuvusu ium uuuae, pajs 1 r10" measure ,wu the first one of Idnd arnr naaaad. - - . n kind ever rma7 ""7- " TKZZfSl "12" T fnniul riwvb..ll mIA Ua r 1 ' I itTTEi but the effort to pass an omnibus pub-IS1. ,11a building bm waa never tried before. The success ef the exreriment ateved He boUdinn bill was never trlrd hafnr..iB-;"npy .Its wisdom. The hut tiow.w under took to provide for public buildings we were At work for four days la the boos and : appropriated' $19,000,000. this time ws only appropriated $17, OOOlOOO and ant tha Mil thnuuh. la three feonra. When van Mmanhw tha! xotai amount for publlo bulKUngs sag- .mmmimA l S.a kill. 1-AJi ed fG7.00rj.00Q. I think tha eanntr arlD japprecUte the care as well as the skill uau i axaTciaB) in eruar so secure a maaaiira that vAnt4 Mmn.-il a.. m irovai vs. ua nouse.- . , ,- y , ,. Tha Saaata, Dai ' V 5 BeMescntatlva fialnea nf Tanin'iasi .Once studied medldae.-- Iw fast, e graduated In that profession ten years ago rrom ine university of Teiwwuwe. kU uJ i. .1 bnt drifted to tbe prwatteeot tawndl than into nnllHna " ' - - - -1 fr-li .t.tt" 1 jinysicians in the bouse, while In the . sVay eaviuusj ill uisy uuiLSg, WallM in tLllsT I . ia... rw n-m .. .L. L gars services nave bees required in I CMaBrai WUB nwilBTwl Bar eTbVnaSPB MM I pees snoaeniy taken in. isdeed, it was targciy at dm suggesoon waxa minis tore dm raters was-astahllaliaA in tba office of the sergeant at anna. There la a Utile cupboard In the room which Is Oiled with bottles of emergency med Jdaes. while each old reliable remadiaa as blue mass pills sad ninioe eaneules are aiwars to ne ahrainad. - Tha shu -drugstore la quite a fee tore at tbe cap. not. . - 7 CawWta Pa Can. Five Of sir aowbora wha knaw tha Dresldcnt Dersonailv When ha waa It. trig on his ran-h in tbe Dakota called aiiDewr e one day last week With fieri lllard of Nebraska. They recti aost friendly greeting rrom tne prc.- dl . TARt SCnOFIEU). i ' Kerej.ll t Great Secret. Bis often asked aowsuch startllr" cores, that puczls the beat phjslclane, ere effected by Dr. ICIrs -New DUcor ery for CoDiamptlon. Here's the secret. It euta out the clilrr-a and r-rm !nf-i eamucua,sna letetbs llre-g!v' t "T- lasnrlch and vitalize the tloo.i. It henle the Inflamed, conch-worn t' rost or and lungs. Hard co!!a snd -,.i0 I ' oiirlis soon Vl(;!d In Iir V ' T ts y i .,m orv, the moot Ii stoats Dr. aslltnger to the beet krow"M" " oigesuve organs, lexample of a medical men In politics I Vl eipeJ all folaoas from , tne sys On more than one oecasioa Di Gallia-1 tern, enrich the blood, Improve appelUe, tit List Sana 1 ai- k ,s Ai-.; ,.- -.. bjb A te V. . II 111 or the eulitanwa thnt rs I a wuev inuuiui suncuuw uur- I ln tt" year should be written In al- I ritiahetioal irriir "a" trmiM hHn tlx! I . . . . . - I Jfo. with jwn.na ..... HiH . t. with wormwood, sprouts of which are sometimes nsea to give toe aeDssea coffee a alight aromatic bitter taste. Adulteration occurs ' larmlv in tha coffee that is sold In the ground form. Beveral coffee berry factories have been discovered ln Rnmrm which war doing a large and, profitable bnalneai by molding an admixture of tanbark, Stove mat. . ekv. . aawdiiar. i-hlimr coffee sediment and eofe meal Into a neat beixv by the aid of some agglu-" made that the deception was not dUv eredfor.Jongdme. tThta produc Bon had a lar n)e among the lower imixeanin ins nninA 'rnirAsn twpt ltB hntte,tv; , ".L. . T" ? r I Dr jsuroDe. , Vnroi trri i jaa Awn oat and rye flour and corn- . sawnu annua or ineee grains la-daetroyed by some iwocess. and after the proper amount of coffee aroma U ddeVberrles are fomed ojtwu v iiibiiuhiu jaeir jnape.nj nbhi aturenro saBaiance. xne test nsnally employed to discover this de- I UVUUIIUU I9UI. I ' t jiiiousness is eonaitton rharaotei Iteail h a 'llinrli. r iha organs. The stomach is debilitated, the I fSftl S a . . 1 wels, dlasJiiesa,- coated tongue and vomiting, first of the undigested or part- V food and then of bile. Cham- nsrlaln's Btomach and Liver Tablets alhur the. dlaturbaacea o tha atnmanh I ana create a healthy appetite. They also ipn ur ua Hvet to a beattbv actios and ke bowels. Try them and to ? ":-' .' Ha4 Of nron th. (Children born bptwwu Sontr-mlipp no:; February are, some authoi-ltlc state, not so. tall as those born In the summer iut iSDrina luontha' aiul tlia growth of children Is much more rapid rrom Marco mi August. The ejtrentl. ties grow raDldlv no to the siateentli year, then there Is a slow growth till the thirtieth year. ' The legs chiefly iComparlng the geeieral results, It ap- srowtlL. - Tha Arat aztenda nn to tha Tv " m "cwu V"' ,u' 3oTeWh t7the atWrtt for . . . ? W? K OT ,m.r' or eigntj;.iip. to nnr foe cceet girtn; tne to nrtr reartr tnftixtii nnoa lAch.r. acterlsed by a decrease in xll dimen sions of tba body. "It Is with a tooildealof nleaanra aid x-oiers aaDlarrheea I ;Ia!T mjt unsSm - w.Bawteue, I of Bartford, Conn. . "A. .lady eaetoaer. I v f-- ua - v -- " ior. mui w became so enthns ssHn.. ovar ju mariu I that I at rnua aiAi' m -.1.4 ... . ItSlanma Wit Ik JWhlla. lulaaal 1..4 Va. UKf a nj. mwrm .b Hi . una n. .li . li. I " " repeat, weU u ever." Bold by J. -.. ' ; , r - I The lulcs of bnnanaa la hHmnunibil as soa of tha beat iMnadlaa la .km.li twencblttt with lusuffleiest expectora tion ana marked dyspnoea. A dram eight or ten .times a day during the Orst days Is Usually prescribed, and tier urn ooee can be aimlnlsbed. ' The siriD ts Dreoorrd aa follaara- rvrt i the fruit in allma a nit nlan 1- Jarj spriakl with sugar sod cover the jar, wojcn ts ttien anmioped In straw and placed In cold water, and the (httev Is heated totbe belling point - The J is than removed, Allowed W tool, and ia juice is pourea su nttle bottles. , ii II .. T .!.. ' What Thtn KntVa Waaa iv w. . . viu nun . bagreater power of dlgesUn and wngswew jwwaT w aigcsung anai Min..i. ,JJ,. n.. n. Z. ,. I i"-i' wvw- mvt Maam yi aw I New Life PDU work wonders. Thev I ' . . . .""r"- lOBASad renlaU4na dbreatlva mwana. I S I Buxs aeailny Bash. Ualy 28o at C. D. Iflhulhatai'a Ifeilvar. I don't aaa that ma -an. SWfTvd any of JelUbv'a irnmmt In Pour speech.- Toe almnlr nlrohad Intn avuaoy. .- T.11-. SllTertunsr I didn't mean tn. DMnt yon see how my address tookf People enerally would lather hear a man sbosed than to listen to replies to his arjumeniav iioston Transcript. A CEim.B nst. " la our style of climate, with Its ami des elians-" of temperature, rain, wind ant suneMue oltea lotermlngled In a ilnr! (Jbt, -it a no wonder that onr Cl-. iren, 'filcmla and relatives are so firrjnpn'.'y tnln from na hy B" 'ectcd Coli.1, liu.f tiisC atl.s r.-iiH!n' diirrtlv j n-i I i. .e. A bottle of L-.m ' 't t Ocr iisn frnp k't about yourlir for Immr ..isie m e w!!I prevnt s" eu i i a 1 it! -ur'a 1 !, 1 j I' l I, t J I' 8 li ( f V -D tiT f Air i. F t i ' r , r 'i, ! v.-.e I ; p or f I t or !. h I t- LI::; li v. !.it vz J czU - x&is preparation contains all of tbi dlpeatants and digests nil kinds of food. Itclvca1ntirnnr.Klipf an.1 nan. laimwcujii xu mi"ws you Ml eal all tne rood you want. The tuostsensitire stomachs can t ke It. By Its uso many thmiKAnria rf rtvarunt.ia hm.A cured alter everything elne failed. It - . i-'i..-v.- uu una prevents iormawmoigason tneatom S'li, relleviin ail (iiatrfwa after eatina. Lilutlng unueccssary. 1 lokwnt to take. l a ... - - , J S" . 4 , - ; Sattiav In Liu. 3De Station, at itavanmH t .aM h traveler thronsrh the annth t. mm. rounded in Mil directions. with a lot of aaioonSK-aud: -cheap restaurants, In treat tllumlaated lettpra imnim, of uess saioona was the sign: "Open All Night' 1 ' 3feat4a Ift. waw a-Mtitimmf iu.it. with eaual Drominenca tha leawnA w. Never Close.' 1 , . - . '""Third- In nrder was a Phlnca. dnr ln a llttla tnmhlsdnvn hhv.l Upon the front of this buUdlng was the sign, m greai; scrawling letters, .'Me Wakee Too,, MNew York Tribune. - ' BoldS Bp Congressman. ' "At the end of the campaign," writes I ria.- ' Ml - a. . . .aan a .... fressnvan, -from overwork, nerrou tension, loes ot sleep and consunt speak J tog" ! na about ntforly collapsed.' It seemed that all the organs lis my body were out or order, , bat three bottles of Elnstrla Btttara mad. m. .11 rtkf ' T. tha tlMt .ll.VA.Mrf hAjIIaIma A wa-.VHWw 'V IUB V.VT VUiU over aarogglsve oouater.'' Ovsr.worked rasMlown men and weak, sickly women gain -splendid health and vitality from EhwtrieBlttars. Try them. Only 60c. .1 . - i i m r-. n - uaarauMsu uy vr i. uraonam PaTlJt ' a. vSaaka. tlmm. When a bbr shark la taken An tvhanl ship, the skull Is usually preserved, the flesh belnst removed- from tha hnnoa and It la a favorite pastime with sailors to crawl one after another through the gutenaea jaws. It would be far from safe to do this, however, when the bead has been tint frcahlv mt nit h. cause nnuer such conditions tbe Jaws Will snao (ocether llereelv for mm. time afterward If anything be placed Between tnem. . What is home Without a faahtnn na. Deri Here wa nick an nna of thaaa valuable loumala. and thla la tha Aral Item pf important Information which riuww tin iiMimring rye. , "Hair la worn on -the ton of thu Bo slad U learn Itl Wa alv.r. supposea it was worn on tha anlea nf uia jeei Beware a Court. A eough Is not a disease hut a avmn. torn. .-, Oeasumptloa and ' bronehlUs, diseases, have for their first Indication a pertlsUnt eoush. and If nnmerl traaiad u . u ik. tea red. UaaabeihUn a ,Ooogh Iteseedy wnioiLoause eottghug. flelal It will not eost yon i bbm oy r. bv unny ec vo. . tana4toa'a Postal Bavvtaa. i eon!Bit tt -- ma r. nr jninw h - - . u uiwa awr. bona, more than 200 yard from a let ter bo or 00 fr , Woffle . do Z-JJZ??" Zv-J,.Zr. . """" f1". boxes). Which ana chared! man hum from 10 in tha mnrnlna Mil K In tlu venlnc and there ara twelve dell I less day in the city. 7 . -.r ' ii 'ThencrTtaeHntlnaawHalaHa '. I The kcttPitseilMlonte OUIls and rarer Is bottle of Qaova'a TasTBUBW CbiU. TOBIO. It h alainlv iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cere-no nay. Price 80s. laaltailaa- tba M. -la at a CaaaaAa. Certain trlbea tu. tha A mm mm h-. been fascinated by tbe music of Jbe WaterfalL - Musical Ihatrrimania mrmrm found In use among them eooalatlna- of complicated mccnan am bv.whiih Water was Doured from nna hnwl Inta another. In Imitation of tbe cascade. ana men returned by the receiving bowl Into tbe vessel which bad poured wwi iw iue vessel wnicn a it , th.. . m.,. . - v .uuvaia ua mct.ll-1 nln constant murmur of a cascade ii, so mat oy a repetUioa of this mech- s. m. a. - ..I W up so no a roe SOOl-1 ence desired of tha blarar waa ahla.tn perrorm.it Wanu Otfiers to Know, Ihavslnted DeWltt'a Llttia Earlr nisers lor oonstlpatloB aad torn d llvar and they are all right lam slad Id In. oorse uem ror 1 tnlak wbea we Dad a good thing we ought lo let others know It," writes Alfred Helnia. Qalncv. I1L They never gripe or distress. Bore, safe pi na. r.e. uurry. Whaa Tew Cant Slaaav This Is a sure cure for Insomnia! Poah sway your pillow and He flat upon your back with your muscles re Inxcd. Slowly draw In the deepest breath po8ilila. bold It. for four an ends, then slowly eipel It until your ciu-wt snd abdomen havs' collapsed. Itepcat tills until jou f ill n -.It-op. t:: . tTin J wlu -.v.I i, y by th ti - . 'y rower cf Totrtil AiirnirAM i'KiiTiNS Tonic, I '"if 1 t " r no 1 ' ;-" t r " ,-1 i i - - f r' :,.- , , i I :. Tempratnre of Forr.ls. For many years tbe Swiss sovern- oient has been making observations tlironcrh ita forestrv -iitsttnna, mi h. temperature of the air, of tbe trees and j the soli In the forests Thpjae nharra. tlona show that the temperature In tbe forests la always below the tempera ture outside. - The temperature also varies according to the trees comma tog the forests. '''f-''- -d-:'-.----. -' " A beech forest la ahiin nuiw than a forest of larch. As to ths tmnka f the trees, they jire always cooler than tne aurrouBOing atr.. . uegardlng the temperature of the soil, it Is found that In the forest the temperature Is invari ably below that of the air. Outside the forest the soli Is always warmer than ine air In summer and colder in win. ter. , Tl? ? IUU m what, you ARB TAKInG When yoa take Grove's Tuteles. .Chffl Tonic, because the formnl. I. nlainiw Tonic, because the formula it plainly priniea on every botue sbowinv that It I Is simply Iron and quinine in tasteless rorm. no eureao dbt. Price 58o. A rill.laa BTanla." The Fillnlnoa hnVa eocangnta that they even go to church Bunday mornlnsr with their MWIa nnAam their arms, so as to lose no time ln get- ong to tne pit. ' . ' , " 1 "The hardest wood In tha iwU la nna ebony, but cocus, which Is much awed for maklns- flutes and other almlla. In. awumenia Miss Florence Newman, who haa hmn a great sufferer from muscular rheuma tism, says Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only remedy that affords her relief. Silas Newman Is a much resneetad ml. dent of the village of Gray, N. T., aal maaea in is statement for the benefit of others similarly afflicted. This Hutment it for sale by F. & Duffy ft Co. Tk. Haalaa. Cim4. A German Chrlstluii mltwlorjirv n-hn has worked for uiany yeara iinionir the afobammedans asya: "Honesty compels every candid student to ai-kiun-ii. that the old view formerly entertained in unnsaan circles concerning Moham medanism, according to which the tvacb lugeof the great Arabian prophet are nouung dui aevirs aoctnnes and dog. mas, Is altogether Incorrect. In reality, Mohammedantam la nothlnn hnt a m tlonalwtlc type of Christianity in the lorra or a most uurorrunate state re ligion. ' Tbe times are past when scold ing about the Moslem creed as tbe pro duction of the devil will satisfy, and tbe strugglo against Islam on these premises la a failure. Prnrtk-allr all of the mission literature that In tbe six teenth, seventeenth and eighteenth cen turies was written aanlnat Maluiin. medanlsm Is useless." 100 Dr. EDctcbons's Intt blnretle may be worth to you more than 100 If rou have a child who aotia huin im a incontinence . of . water during sleep. Cures old end joung alike. It arre-u the trouVe at oaec $1. Fold by 0.0. Bradbam, Druggist. toM Uka It. "Miss Elyone." said tha.hoatna. rr. mlt me to present Mr. Hogg, author of uvese clever lines on. 'An Arctic Court ship' which appeared in Tbe Gulf Stream afacaslna Is at month." ' "I am clad to meet von. Mr. Hon. aid tbe young woman. . "Pardon the aoeaaon. but la that Toneraal nam)" ' "Certainly.! ha renlled. hrlatllna nn "Did you think It waa my pen namer umcago xnouna. Stand Uke a Stoie Wall i Between your chlidres and the tor. tares ot Itching and burning enema. soaianeaa or outer skin diseases. IHOW WhV. bvualna- Baeklaii'a Aratnai I Halve, earth i grestest healer. Qnlokest earn for Ulcers, , river Bores. Salt Bhenm, Cuts, Burn, or Bruises. Infalli. for Piles,- ISo at O. D. Bradksai's I drug store. m21 mm.... .. .. . v F"' nw . DUB rou UUiCC. . V.... t .. - . aaau loram poinis fiOns.aOUlB and West via A. N. 0. R It. and A. O Line close at t40 a. w. "MaD for all points East via a, A K. 0 a. iceioee at SM p. as... -; : . '. .. , Man for all noloU North sad Waal vu A. ft . Q K. H close atfcOO n. m. Mall for Oriental. Maateo. Xllxaheth City and Norfolk via 8tr. Neuts eloss at 6M p, a.: Jr s : - ::, k Mall for Oriental. 'Mantaau Kllaahath City and Norfolk via 8lr. Ocracoke closa at :W p. as., - , ' Bran Rourna. .-M ? Mall for Oiympla, Orautsboro, - Bay r I0'. Wonewall, Vaedermen and Oriea ai ai oiose at o.ov a. m, Hall for Bellalr. Uina OeiMr. nhln . ' ' " r aaa vooos oiose at few a. m. - -. . , : v Mall for Aakln. Irani. Zorah. Waan aaa vanoeboro close at 1.-00 p. m. - issaii iot rtniirora Close M.1KW p. m. BBTM0CB W. HaHOOCK, P. M. Eye Strain Cause of Sore Eye. Inflamed eyes. It res. and headache ara symptoms which point oonolotlvelv to eye strain, and to.cure yoarsslf yoe most seek the reuse, correct It sod then year trouble will disappear, you caa stimulate and help nature In coring the symptoms by various wsys, but ttltl the eanse ts there snd liable st sny moment to break out as aln: It seems like nnurlna water on thr smoke to pnt out a Are, lo pursue sny other course than the proper sdjasted glasses lo correct the strain. , A normal e;s is one Which when la re pose the rays entering It are brought to s focos on Ike retlns. when ther are ant thla way sn extra amount of nerve fores It demiinncd lo make them focntenrrrct. t' i result, an overflow of hlnnd i-.n -ulon, t'ye, ihe ikce nf ", t! 1 ' ' he; It ti r I -..I nd how a ' ffi-re s i n r 1 m-rve flll'O 111 if 11. i s t . f !' ! t ! tha Bavoav Cold.a CUiaa. The "Savant Golden ntlML" nna of the most poanlnf legends of the tetter pan oi thenars: ages, wet said to be ' smarea on an island west ot the Af rican coast. Tha lalanit la Mniwunta SB abonndlna' in sold. With mavnlflxcmt wbsbb. ane,4ampietv ninv Ugh towers or .wnica snone at a great distance." The legend also relates that at the nme ot ine conquest of Spain and Por- tUEBl bv tha Moora. when tha Inh.htt. ant fled In every directkm to escape Slavery, seven Disnops, followed by s great number of people, took to ships j and THlt hflMI- nt nn tha lilirh mamm After tossbig-about for nome timetbey nuiuea on- an unxnown uuma, tne a mous spot arhich la after yesrs became ine seat ot we "Haven Uolden Cities. TChlsi JslandV" Heylra sava. 'was ei- actty to mldOMarL" After all had I LV" ..TVvT w. T. . v bel S?ZjS I iTf S landed Mfely the Wise old blshoDt tha ahlna to nravsnt tholi. fnl. lowers from deaertlne' and tmnAaA th. taoes wnicn nars Deewne so famous ln song ana story. Tois mysterlons Is land Was often aonfrht hv tha aarlv navlntrjra. -Thaaar vlm-wmt In asaroh of it and never returned were popular. It believed to have been detained by ns inaBDnanra.. - tm matmmJt ' -The Brida of Gordon, BannaM. wmmoer, in tn,graat newspaper he had built no waa rjrmrarhfaiL and hs had parti cnlar aversion to anything wat- savorea er aurespeet on- the part f tb- employees- wher speakmg of Its One Of his editorial writers ventured to eomnUment him nna momlnn nn ih. general character of that day's laane. "There wan a lot of good stuff in the paper thla morning, Mr. Bennett," be saio. "Stuff!" exclaimed tha editor. "Rtnfri What do yon mean?" T mean the tba matter nn tha edf. torial Dace." renlled tha other, noma. wnai nuen aosca. 'Then say SO." telolned hla- chief. with a frosty gleam in bis eye. "If you value vonr loh. vonnn- man. navar all anything that goes- into the New Tork i era hi -sronr again as long as you Hver LikeaDrowBlor Man. "Five years sgo a disease tbe doctor cauea ayapepsis took such hold of me that I could scarcely ro." writes Geo Marab, well-known attorney of Nocona. Tex. "I took quantities of pepaln and medicines but nothing helped me. Aa drowning man crabs at a straw I. a-rah- oed at Kodol. I felt an Improvement obos and after a few bottles, sm souad ad well" Kodol Is the only preparation wnich exactly reorodnoes the natural dlgesuve juices and consequently Is the only one which digests sny good food and cures sny form of stomach trouble. F. 8. Duffy. Cola Headache Powders Contain bo Antlpyilne, Morphine or other Injurious drugs. They do no dr prest but atlmulate the atomaeh and increase Its secretions. Guaranteed cure for Headache and Boar 8tomscb. Price lOo. Made and Sold bv Bradham'a Phar. maty, corner Pollock and Middle Bts. 'Ir la tha Oallrrv. Tears iil-o our theaters did not hnvr the Inrse nudlrnrcs thev now lin vi and It wuna coiniuon atirht tn km. u nouse or "einDty bvuebes." "I was employed at tbe gallery box ooce of one of tbe theaters," says a reminiscent rnuaaeinhinn. -and mm Stormy evening sold but one ticket, losi io a dot a uon t tnirtean .Mir. nr age, who rushed np to the window and asked If I thought be oould get good eat I replied that I thought be could. a ren sorry ror ins nttia fallow and wondered now he would feel sitting ln the- gallery all by himself. After tbe erst act waa ever I waa aroused by a (D os tbe tlndow and, upon opening It SSW mV solitary' ticket nnrehaanr atandlng there with a very sad expree ntos os bis face. "Mlarnr' ha aald. I'm tha ml. aa. p there, and Ifs so lonesome that I am amua a stay, won t you give m aasther ticket and I'll bring our gang round totaorrow night to help yon str "I took tbe tod to the aunaacr and explained the situation. That hov wit. the balance of the nerfiaiano rrom a ninan covered aaat In tha rannl row. rnnaaeipnia nmea.' Try the new asaaedv for noatlvanaaa Chamberlain's BtosaMh and Liver Tab Jeta. Kvsry bog gaaranteed. Price, 15 neaiA ror saw by r. B. Daffy. AUantle Cfeiwt Une. WlUf lhrOTOw ft NlW BlEJTI R. K. .. " . v - -i - la Mast Wednesday, Aug. 1, 18yDally ?- ''-T Xxeeot Bundav. f.. Qolag South ottABOUis I CMnf North -no. ot, rasseoier Trains "Ma-Sfl . w LeVeeftM, r ' efTATtOeftt v " AT. B New Berne;. , 040 I 81 .Pnllaakavflla .... mm fBl .....Mavarilla. .. i la 10 tn... . j.. -Jacksonville 411 -j - - f stisss -w w II H ...Ar. Wilmington Le, tV Na 8. Pamebobb A Pnmant. . Nn. A Leave Wilminartna Mnmla., ur.. day and Friday. Less Mew ilerne Toes- day, Thursday and Baturday. - .: ., Ar. Lv, WUmlB)rtrn,"Ar...... I 48 6 40 BnoU's liiU U (80. .....2 Woodaiila IS la 1009 .. .......Dollyrldire !ll 40 IU01 IJlinn . tnai ...-V V. 110 .... Verona. ., 10 SO 1W. .......Janksonviile,... S i urn. .nmrthnaat, . 8f5 si Bit. WriiUio. ...... 8 80 I so .... 8 0S a m ...I. ; .. . I -e.,.. .la , rne, Lv., y-1 it. 1 - ' ,70 1 M , 6 C5 a 41) . . . . Ar. (! i aaa 1 lliili Kr-...' v. s I I na sbw f bl a W Mrs!" Francis Podmore President W. d T;'U., Saranac Lakv., : New York, Owes Her Health to Lydia table Compound. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham : was born I felt a peculiar weakness, such as I never had Pvtv.nm,i before, with severe pains in the i tnea tne doctors medicines and found it money worse than wasted. A friend who had been cured through the use of T.vrilsi v. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advised me to try it. I did so, also your Sanative Wash, and I must say I never experienced such relief before. Within six weeks I was like another woman T felt young and strong and happy "This is several years asro. Compound is my only medicine. doses brings instant relief." Mrs. $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER 18 NOT GEKTJINE. VVhftn Vmmnn AM tlVMlltlful nrUl J..l . .i ... .. iU nuuUreu T? wTTi1 "'..on, muwiiuua, uiaituHxiueiii or ulceration oi tne womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros- u wiiil i "Yv Dui" Bjiiiywuia ns uitiuieus, xauiiiiess, lassiDuae, excitability, jrrltabillty, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all- -..v. nfuiv-tu-uo-icib-tuuiw they should remember there is one tl T . uimpuuBu i oiiiw removes sucn irouDies. tfefuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best l!MlfaimfiffIMiTr ft TP A R.liOFFrrra. lll'irSHWlffl L .frrrruiaiA i . '. aa.M nw.r.WJUaSIUll Baaal CostiOidy25oartsatIlrnsists, e e. f?fJei) tmf little prmn SttuSuZ M tr-Mrt. ' VmZm2XT!2!2 mmf9Xonim ttu,frm aJXH0 Wood's "Trade Mark Brand' German Millet is the true iiirrii !u si! nort. and nro dnees from one-fom 1 li to one-half morn forage per acre than the ordinary Millet The difference in udils from different grades of Millet la snore marked than any crop we have ever grown and It is a great deal the cheapest crop results considered to purchase the beat onalitT of seed thnt you can obtain; this you can always be assured of doing when you order Wood's Trade nark Brand" of Southern-grown Oernuo Millet. Writs tor prices and PaserlpUve Circular wkiah also gives roll Inforautloa aboat all Cw Paaa, Saktaaa Verves T '. Sartaaaas. Backwaaat, Lata ST. W. WOOD 5c SONS, Seedsmen - Rldnnood. VC A Mother's Horror! ), Croup. can be prevented If used In Urns anocaied almostglnstantly by using- CROUP SYRUP, I AT BBfADHiat'8. a8c i27 mdiir et Columbian llnaectleide. Petaman Roach Pood. Booner'a Fatal Pond and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, eto. Also Bromo .Goudine- The disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises, ' ,: ?i " - We keep on band compute stock 0 Toilet Articles, ' j Perfumery,' 'r : Tooth brushes, Ac " rbyilciana' Prescrlptiona a specialt F I mm ....... , ' t'lioe "..' ..r on Kiddle J t' 0 (wi.ln fur yoara '..ii f ! '1 all 'otlmra In TheOM r. l Cifl Ima I Ir I InS Wuk E. Pinkham's Vege Read Her Letter. For several vears after mvlast rK.'M ovaries and frequent headaches. once more. but Lvdia E. Pinkham's VecrPtM If I ever feel bad or tired a few Francis Podmore. iuu uicgiuur, ouuuretiHeu or pauiiui leeiiugs, uiues ano Hopelessness, tried and true remedy. Lydia E. TUCKER BROS. 810 North Front Street, WII MIN0TON, - - N. c. The place to buy jour ( 'emetwy Work at BOTTOM PKk;K-'. Ir Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best. Send for latest designs. All work delivered. Branch yard, Ooldslmi-n. N. (,'. Cri$ Ckolsra-lufailiii, narmoca,uyMntery, and the Bowel Troubks of Children nf Mit Mam awMauf 1 Aid Digestion, ReauUtei tne bowelt. Strengthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. j. Momrrr. m. o, ST. LOUIS. MO. cwwwieiM, Aug. 4, ire. " NOTICE ! A certlflcate of a ock of i!m Allaollc fc North Carol n 1 Itallway, N 10, In henamoof Divl.l Mtllur. nf riarlprot County having, ln-en IobI. notice Ih here- by given that application wilt tin marin for a new certificate. All concerned will take notice. Mrs. S. W. Dunn formerly the wife of Dsvld Miller. El Small wool, HARDWARE Refri erit' rs, Watpr ( oolere. Ice ( ream Freezers, Screen D ors.Win d .w Screens, Oil and 00k fftoves, Bsngea, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Pilots, Oil, Varnish, Putty. ISaah, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the usefal articles usually fou ml in nil Up-to-date Hardware Slorx. HKADyl ARTEBU FOR And all Kinds of BmDIMBATfflJAL Bent GooaJs IsweMt PpIc?m. . Csder Motel Cbattawka, WJEW REllN, HJ. 4 I a Hore Feroo(-baiid BUOOIEfl. CAR- RT LOQ'aad ROAD 0ART8 left, I will 1 ell at 1 hree Dollars aad ep. A Good Telephone 1 " -" 8EItVICX IB A B08INE88 - KECr.MllITT, A ".. nokut CONVKNIENCB. A COM BINED . . . , . - TJr - - Few T. TT7 017IT1T77AT1 nflsnythtnt e'jtf f-T all 1 i.rnut and l,i . 1 ' ' ! Ill t 1 I t tuioiir."jrBi" . ( frro t V. I). I