JOSI 3, 1902. VOL XX K0 $5r.wi TWENTI-FIRST TIAR SIW BIEH. M. C.( TUESDAY M0RHIH6, r , What we say OS: do" and don't 1 A ;V Ladies Lisle Thread Vest, good jt? Ladies Swiss Appliqued Front, extra good value at 50c, only 5c Ladies Pure Silkalien with Lace Front that is worth 75c, 60o - V? Ladies Lisle Thread in Pink, Blue and Black, - I? Organdies, 68 inch, a good value at 60c, for Irish Linen for Shirt Waists, real 4a' .' Jr 1000 yards Colored Lawns, beautiful patterns, and special ; good value at 15c, we will sell for 10o iyi ; This is no old stock, but all New Goods, just received and . A bought for Cash. . K New Embroideries and Laces. See them ! AAA VTV r-5t" The Store tliai Saves JLou Money. .:- :- - - -- " -v ;; -- The American Stock Co., i$i Jf'will take pleasure in showing their IMMENSE STOCK. 3t CliOTIIIIfG 3Jt of every description, Shoes, Hats and every article of 35 DBTGOODS - usually found in a first-class drv (roods store. W have a 1kh. " ' 3 tiful line of Straw Hats which derbies. The very latest styles r . that defy competition. Beautiful MI LIST EiDY, In fact we have everything for 4 full line of heavier goods to supply the working people, and we 3 sell them too. ' The prices is what sells goods, snd we claim , 35 . we can save jou money, Come AMERICAN a P. nOWARD, 59 A A AAAAAAAA Ai AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA r. LiiiiiiiizziiizziiiiiiiimTiTiiTiTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTyyyTyyyTyyyyyTTTyyyyTyyyTvvTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT The very tiling for Summer A GBfcAT LINE OF H We are showing now in Soft Goods From 25c to $1.00 in white and colored Madras Cloth. ABOUT THAT GRAIJULATED M it is still selling "HM M We Sell! Evei-ythino; tir- ?-n nc.ocn iV & LUasJ iiiiiinimininmiTTTi we do "We do you foget it. quality, 25o? 60a 30c fine quality, 86 in. only, 50c I A A A AAA AAA A AAA A A A AAA AAA VV vVVVVVYVVVYv VVVVVTVV V 3E i are very cheap, also fells and in Low Quarter 8hocs at prices it fancies in Ladies 5 the summer eirls. We carrv a let us convince yon. STOCK CO., s 7 Proprietor, - 01 Middle Street. n a UUvJ IRTS : : r t,rimnl I . - s. r me pesi . oi everything I We Sell the Best of Everything Bp&Fit fe. fe 1 Stcro Ocstcj rTTT i i 6 ' THB MAKETS. The fo'JowIag quotations wait reoelv ed by J. . Latham ft Co, New ' Bern ' Clileago, June 8. WlUTs- Jnly..., Coil: RibK May...,. Open. High. Low. CIom 71.. 72J; T1J - T2t Open. High. Low. Close 60 62 60f 62 Open. High. Low. . 875 9824 075 Close Naw Yobx, Jone 8.J Cotton; Open. High. Low. CIom July 8.97 8.98 8.83 8.83 Aog. 8.06 8.66 8.53 8.58 Sep .. 8.18 8.18 8.03 8.03 Oct 7.98 7.98 8.87 8.87 New York, Jane 2. Stocks; Open. High. Low. CIom Sugar 129 129.1281 128i SoRy, 86i 87 86f 87 V.S.L 181 13 u. s. s 40i m m 40 Pac Mall Mo. P 100, 1001 99 89J Atchison, 80 81 80 80 Va. O. C 70 . 701 A.O. O.... 52 Am Ice 19 ' Liverpool Spot 5.5-32. Salea 6,000 balea. Futnrei, June-Jaly 4.00. Ang-8ept. 4.00. Hopt-Oct 4.00. RBOBIFTS. Same veak last year. 46.000 Last week 20,000 Tbii weec. Insight 83000 Sat. 1500 lion. 71000 9000 9000 12000 7000 6000 16000 59,000 Taea. Wed. Thurs. Fri. For Infants nd Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the ; Signature of llodol Dyspepsia Curo O'oocto what ywi Mk't I We have, them H . ........ ,-. .: A ..);:. and sizes, for both men and women a, no I I l'l ttt'ttM t t(MM Ml I III I . & - " OHSLOW DEMOCRATS MteVlGTeiiuoB at VacksoorUle '" - select lelertei to the State ' an! District Conrai-' . ' . ;. :. 1 ..tlOil ':".-- The Democratic ConTentloa - met at JackaonTllle N.-O; Monday May 2nd, Mr. J. Q. Scott, chairman, Meaara Lionel GDeaandF. C. Henderaon, aeoretailea. Delegates to the different convention were selected and the following endorse ments made. C. B Thomas for oongren E. M. Koonoe for senate eight district, Walter Clark for Chief Jattlce and Bodolph Daffy for Bolicltor fifth dUtrlot , The delegates, were Instructed ai to tote for asaoclated initio e. prangea 80e per dosen at McSorley. MERUIT. Poor Prospect For Potatoes. Light on TheCalns's Wife Question. June 2. The Ber. Mr. BrltUl filled bit -regular appointment at Trent Church Sunday hla text was Ephealans 2: 19-20. The weather la fine for the people' to clean their crops. Potatoes will be a little late on account of dry weather and also a abort crop, not many ready to ship. Mr. R. F. McCotter la talking of going to Slppahaw aoon for a trip. Mr. J. H. Biggs and wife are visiting friends and relatives here. The Meaie correspondent wants to know who Cain's .wife was and where aha came from. There were more people on earth at that time than Cain. Thoufh none but the noted ones are named. Adam had many sons and dangh ters only a few of them were mentioned Abel was mentioned because of his good ness, and Cain becanae of hla wicked ness Tet there were many more on the earth at that time. Mow Cain took one of hla brothera'a daughters to wife and they loved Satan more than God, and Cain was shut oat from the presence of the Lord and with his wife and many of hla brethren dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden, and Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bare Enoch and he alio begat many aons and daugh ters. I will says to the Pollocks ville corres pondent be wanted to know concerning hla wife If he will give aome starting points perhaps I could aearch her oat for nlm unless he has many. It looks like he would know his wife and none other. He - iays,"Now abovo all things else would like to know who our wives will be or Is, so It looks like he would know hla own. Frank. in all colors r "y'kWZWs:: til llVll I ill . , - ? .Kv--.rv';- the;Cheapest ! 1 PHflfiH Three Kemes to Be Executed July 8th. Rani Delivery Output. Bala Badly Needed. . Health Report New Step Taken By the Ag rlcalUral Department. Beqnlsltion Made for F. S. Dawson, Al leged Embei sler. RiLKlQH, June S. Governor Aycock today iasaed a warrant for the execution of three negroes at Salisbury on Tuesday July 8. The men to be hanged are Dick Flamming and Dick Blanton, for rape, and Archie Connelly for murder. The closing exercises of the institution for the White blind were held today. State Auditor B. F Dixon, delivered the annual address, his subject being Ideals." It is found that North Carolina has only i of one per cent of the electric rail way mileage of the United States. rhere are Instructions from well In formed people that a great effort is to be made to tax the purchaser of the rail ways next year, and to assess such fran chise at a high valuation. W, H. Shaw, of Wilmington, waa to day appointed a clerk of the U S. circuit and district courts. He has heretofore been a deputy elerk, but becomea clerk under the act of January 15, 1903. The rural free delivery mall carriers on the Ave routea oat of Raleigh handled during slay 81,000 pieces of mall. There are now 116 of these carrlera In the State. All of them save one gets (600 a year; that one gets $460. Bain Is again much needed In this sec tion. The small grain particularly needs It. Cotton is doing very well. Tobacco looks well. Yesterday at Fuquay Springs some Samstra and Juban tobacco was seen, growing very well Indeed. The Hay Bulletin of the 8tate Board of Health Is out. It reports small pox la 22 counties, Mecklenburg leading with 66 cases, Rockingham being next, with 38. Today the agricultural department took a new step at the argent request of truckers in the eastern counties, by send Ing out two agents, to ascertain facts regarding truck, crops porta and south of this State. One agent goes to Savan nah and then comes up to North- Caro lina, while the other . begins at Norfolk. and goes to New Jersey. They will quietly look at the trucking oentrea and see the else, conditions, etc. of the crops and report at onoe. This State depends on marketing its truck between Charles ton and Norfolk. All aorta of frauds are pereptratad upon North Carolina truekera. They are told that the crop elsewhere are great, are being marketed, that there ia a glut, etc. They want to know themselves the real condition of affairs. This week the ahlpmenta of Irish potatoes began. The crop Is In good condition. - Gov. Ayoock has made requisition on the Governor of Mississippi for F. B. Dawson, who Is charged with theft, forgery and embankment at Wilson. He was agent for a maa there and It Is said by these means got $15,000 of his money. Be recently did this and fled the State, but was located by a detec tive. F. B. Arendall and W. W. Green, who were penitentiary officials two years sgo when federal ooavicta were kept ia this penitentiary were charged -with aU lowing one, a "trusty" to" escape. - They are acquitted; the district attorney say ing the government 'recognizes the vse of trusty prisoners. ' . Ia the federal ooart this week Charles Randall and two men from Harnett county, all white; will be tried for send Ing obscene books' through the mall The post office they used Is kept by a relative of theirs and It Is' said their dirty 'Work largely' Increased fti rev- ".'I"'.; :-" ' .,..;.;.'(... V - .).- '.' .' . !.;' ; , . . . THREE DJLI&. Then rostam'Slfet Elffl. r It makes rather solid .friends of people when they discover a Uqald food that will save life ia extreme eases of need. ' Speaking of Poetaea-Food Coffee, a lady, la Toledo, 0.1 eaysFor ever Are years new I have used Foetam Coffee en tlrely la place of the ordinary coffee or tea,,. -1 ;Mf... a ii.iir;v X aaed to have stomach treacle and every time I "drank actp"ot ordinary Coffee suffered the greatest distress. My troubles left when I left off coffee end began using Postum. I , t The moat severe test I know . of was when my husband waa dowa with gas tric 1 7 hold fever. His stomach would retain nothing) we tried milk and vari ous other drinks. Everything we put into his stomach would come up In leas than three mlnatee.- After the third day of this kind of work I conolmled to give him some Tostum Coffee. lie drank It and rellnhed It and retained It, and for four wc ks he lived on Poslum and noth pe"to spi'k of. fou can dnpond r ii It t' t rntum gulm-t aiune good i, f r I ' ; 1 1 t nve (!' il If t 1 1 I ' t ' I fr t' mini' mc"t ftf- SKIN TORTURES AndValt Forms of Itching Scaly Hnmonrs Instantly Relieved and Speedily CURED BY CUTICURA. Complete) Treatment consists 'of Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened ; cuticle, Cuticuba Oint ment, to' instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and healaad- Cuticuba Re solvent Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood. ? A Snout Sir is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, I burning, bleed ing, scaly, crusted, f and pimply hu mours, when all else fails. -MILLIONS USB CUTICURA SOAP, uatsted by CurictniA Onmror for beautify ing the skin, tar dousing the scalp, and stop ping of falling hair, for softening and whiten ing the banda, for baby ttcalDg and raahea, In baths for annoylnglrrltattont and chaflnga, or too free or offensive perspiration, for many amative, anttseptie purpose which suggest themselves to women, and for alt the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. OrmotraA BaoLvnrr Pills (Chocolate Coated) are a new, tsitelsss. odorless, eco nomical substitute for the celebimted liquid ConouKA BssoLvnT, as wall as for all other blood purifiers and humour cons. In screw cap vials, containing 60 doses, prioe 30c. Sold thieafhoil 0m weria, Soap, m, Oitit. I0tt Piua, lie. BritUh Dciftti V-av Clurliihan aq.. Londo. maok Doti Bai f It PUfc Parte. Portia Daeo an Csav. Cos, Salt ftfpaTBMoa, f.UGlSTRATES UEET For The Election of County Com missioners. Three of Present Beard Reelected. Rate or Taxes Levied for Next Two Tears. Report of County Commission ers Accepted. The Justices of the Peace of Craven county met in joint session with the county commissioners Monday, June 2nd, Chairman K. R. Jones presiding, with Mr. K. M. Green, clerk. The following report was submitted by Chairman Jones, which barring the suggestion of tax rate was accepted, an. other rate offered by Mr. Lane being adopted. Mew Bern, June 8. To the Magletrates of Cravea Co. Gentlemen: Your Commissioners beg to submit for your consideration, the following report of the affairs of Cravea county for the past two years. coaaaaT bxpsxus. . The expenses of the county for genf era! purposes ' were for year ending Nor. 80th, 1900, as follows: Support of poor $1,810 87 Department of Jostles 4,729 48 Bridges and Ferries 1.744 81 County official machinery 8,088 78 I Making s total of $10,806 81 For the year ending Nov. 80th, 1801, they were, Support of poor Department of Justice Bridges and ferries County official machinery Making a total of 4.008 04 00818 1,78818 8,741 07 $13,089 48 A redaoUon in favor of . 1901 of . $1,87943 . The expenses for five months ending Ipril 80th, 100J, were. . Support of poor -s Department of Justice Bridges and ferries , County official machinery ' Making a total of 'Vf 1,87188 8,44080 118 f 8 U88t8 $764 08 Which shows sa increase of 818.48 per month of preoedlng year, ; While the expenses of the ., ; ; - county for theyearead- v., - ,. :,U l$ Her. tOth, . 18Q1,' : d were-. 4t .:, f 1o0S8l The aet receipts of tUconsr''- i tv front all sources, were 1 n aim ikvia ma inn aa . v showa from settlement of Sheriff Hahn .'$,814 8,489 77 .Leaving a deficit of. . In like manner while the es - ' ' penses of the County for ' . ' ( the year ending Nov. 80th " ; ' U01 " . 13,039 46 The iscctiits of the County , . from sll aouroea for eur , t ,. ; . lent eter.s, were SS ; .; . , C'owihcro ot rovitia vmn, ' i! ire Extra Sbindarrl 3 11. t ,j r. TV, Pure Gold Corn, 10c can, or 3 r"' " v"uo iul v-"" anu lomatoes luc per can, Jom and lomatoes. 10c I)pr run. KnrHAfi Pii in . o u. n Beans, 10c per can. Fancy Evaporated Apples, 10c lb. Nice Fruit Jelly, 5c lb. Nice Fresh Ginger Snaps, 5c lb. Nice Toilet Soap, 2 cakes for 6c. Ham and Veal Son n 1 Op. ran Pnttx? nv,:i,v, m . , , x- JjlDbv 8 Totted Ham and Ton dreds of other articles which epace, ut- uargain rrices. J. L MkWL Jm w SHI IBSVHS'HaiBllBlIIBs "l,) B 3 'Phone 91. 71 Urcsd HU 81 Ji Vsv i rox Wwer Irrint Gutter 35c per Pound, If you want you r.lneak fast tabic complete buy your But ter Coffee, Tea, Flour, &e. from ua. We also have a large stock of all kinds of Canned Goods that we do not care to carry over for next season, that we are are selling at a bargain. Don't buy anything in our Yours Wholesale and punvr eo. f w iiiuHn uu. vr. jurunu ax JUHncocK ma, The Best Staples. You will always find us selling the best staple things of life the things which are necessary for satisfac tion in housekeeping Su gar, Flour, Salt, Potatoes, Eggs, Butter, etc. Surely the best line of staples and a complete list of fancy things. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer, Phone 137 Carload of Stock 's Best Patent, Diadem & Rose Bud Flour. Tobacco Twine. All kinds of Gro ceries, Rope and Netting, Lots of Empty Flour Barrels for sale. Pine and Coal Tar. B, II. DAVENPORT, 84 Middle St. " Why tet your horse Go Unshod? 1 I will shoe all round for 75c Properly shod horses have no corns, Put sand shoes on yonr driving horse, you will never use any others. I put these on 12 hours to the day, In the Old Ice House, 45 Middle Street. Trj me. a. ii. oitEEir. Old 'M an Ti iii NewPface , aoaveaniveawtvo jua die StTone doorbelotr my frionda and oustomeri. . ! ave a complete stock , of everything lu the Jew-, elry line.; Speoial atten. .1 t .fi" tlon given to Bcpalrmi. ; ' v S 1K 1 :.av----- ' a. ; eato;s Tkz Leziifij Jezveter, i X .r """"i ti ijtui, iieuui uuiy i; cans for 25c; String Beana, 7o vi,iv,ncu iwj vnui (rilft fin Pan ft tVti OKs on.l we cannot mention for lack of 1 line until you get our prices. to Please, aOalS, XT. - Retail Qrocer, i m- -war Trr V fZWV. Horse Shoet, NAM JACKSON. I am still shoeing horses, and-doing all kinds of Blacksmith work, have been working at the business, here in New Bern 40 years; am on the Wharf. Baek ot Chas. a Hill's. I ,.,-5-.U-fc.r-., There's Consolation ' in 'Rnictorina ir ' . : ' -. '- thai yon can get yonr earrtsM re paired rn a thomaghly elllelent and dur able manner at Waters' Carriage Facto rr. Their aklll In renewing all broken paru, painting and varnishing la - too woit known to. need tpcokl- mention, ithWn their prices are remarkably moderate f. r the palnstaklnrl oare dlplsTl In I their work. . 1'he man who b;..l to o i. a Waters brifrirjr has mUeed m r s "1 1. fortune, lleiuembet we are, put . rubber tlrea on old or new whe . . a sice and kind, c tSZ3 I. 5- I Up-to- j&S Date U J8a Sjr r. G. II. TsTctcra & I f, 78 Broad' fit, "KswEsarStT.O