- To-Day's Weather THE JOURNAL. New Ben, K. C, Jae 6, 1908. W 1 " Index U New AdYerUsements. Reward.' ; -). CeptoB. -, a Simmons & Holtowell Co Special. . Business Locals REWARD for bunch ot keys lost la P. O. Tuesday, return to Port Muter. 8. OOPIiOD who hat done business for sis years In Mew Bern, has leased the store from John Dana oa Kiddle st, and will return back for business with a full and complete line of merchandise on or about Sept 1st. 1902 NOTICE Ism now permanently lo cated at the corner of Broad and Middle street and will do all kinds of shoe work at reasonable prices. N. Arpen. GRAPEand Claret Lemonade, 10 centp, t lnia R nimnn'l 103 MIlMln fit. Phone SOB. PROCRASTINATION Is the thief of time, don't delay. A reliable New York Upholsterer Is In town, who will coTer furniture, reVsane chairs, and make oyer hair mattresses. Call on Henry 8. Cre teas, 40 Broad street. THE largest line of Canned Meats can be found at the Oaks Market THE BULLY BOY has a few more La dles Rubber Heels left. He'll fit on for 80c per pair. I will pay highest cash price for second hand shoes. Middle St., next to Bcotts stables. Edwards NOTICE If you want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. . Register. He can do it all, 178 Pollock street, New Bern, N. O. LEWIS WASHINGTON the old rella Me house mover will be In the city ten days, or until about May 15, after fehich his address will be Kington. N. C. All moving safely and promptly attended to. ICE CREAM All I rLATUK Packed in cans, delivered to any part of the city at 35c Per Quart. IN OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR you caa be served with Ice- Cream and all kinds of drinks Cocoa Cola, Ice Cream Sodas, Bherberts, 'Lemon' and Orange Phosphate, etc At McSorley's. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the best. Middle street. the Congressional Convention Third ' '"At a meeting of the Democratic Exec utive Committee of the. Third Congr . sloaal District of North Carolina held at Ooldsboro on Msy 80, 1803, the Congres sional Convention of the Third Congres sional District was called to meet at Ooldsboro. N. C. on Wednesday July second (2nd) at 1 o'clock p. m. for the vunnnv ui huuuhmihie LMmocxmiio candidate for Congress la sstd District. M By order of committee, 1 i '. W. L. Hill, Chairman. T, O, Wamasa, Secretary. ' Announcement. , I desire to state that I will continue to do business it 10S Middle street and ask the pabUo lot a Share of their1 patronage promlslBg to do aU la my power to please.' u . Jamcs B. Dawson. We are sUll selling meat at llo per Doaad. not aOa aa Lmnartad. Oaka Mar. ket. J r ft . DM yo ever have a ease of "Spring Fever' t $ When h wa the hardest work In the world to do ear thing at all f That was becaaM.yew system's machinery was out of ordet and required cveraaul tnar. IiRADHAMU LAXATTVX CHILL TONI0 I the beet Kind of a system cleanses and general tonic It enriches Uie blood and stlaalatos the lifer, to greater activity,' remorlog saBowness, I ' . I !(, malarial poisons and building i ; i ' e l.ealih getferelly. jJast the thing "poorly" thlldren.- At Bradhtm'S '.TO. $ ji if-, if. ,t i. sr ATI s Cc1Js',taGrippe '7 Hzzdzkhs$: o lake. " x"0ur money l..o tf fa!la. ' ' ' AROUND AND ABOUT. A number of ease of .typhoid fever are reported la tit city. . - - ' Schooner Mystery, Geo Slow and R. D. Bateman an undergoing .repair at the ship yard. , '' , y -. . Nlooll and Hymen have moved into their new office corner1 of South Front and Hancock at. 1 - The Head Rattler admlnlsUred a de feat to th Heavy., Sluggers yesterdsy afternoon to the tuneot 8-1. . ':. . l jv The picnic of the First Baptist Baa- day School take place today at More head City. - It Is expected that a large number will go. .-. The maximum temperature since Bun- day were 88 degress; the mlniumemOS degrees. Forecast for today and Jomor- row pleaseat, 7 to 9 stormy, . . This old hydrant at the corner of Mid dle and Broad street Jim been takes up and a large drinking fountain for the use of men and . horses hss been put la: its place. Commencing today the morning east bound passenger train oa the A. ft N. O. R. R. win run through to Morehead City returning In the afternoon. See schedule on third psge, this issue. . Another4Umplre Gone Wrong. A communication was handed the mule editor yesterday by a promising specimen of Young America, who re joiced In being a "tiger", with a request that it be published. After a considerable wrestle with Jhe "copy", It was figured out that a game of ball had been played at some place the secret of which location the communica tion did not reveal. One of the opposing teams were "Tigers" while the other was styled "D. T. Jr." which initial th mule editor decided stood for another breed of tigers. Everything seems to bsve moved along lovely until the ninth Inning, at which time the score stood: "Tigers" 6 "D. Tigers, Jr." 9. Jhe "Tigers" were greatly displeased at the score and much growling resulted. Another Inning was agreed upon, and played, which didn't materially change the result. And now both side charge the umpire with rob bery, and that much abused person Is re quested by the "Tigers" to spend a few days In retirement. OABTOni BMistas . j,lW11lMHmtm of ATLANTIC ft N. O. RAILROAD CO., Passenger Department. New Bern, N. C, June 4. On account of games between the New Bern Base Ball Team and the Raleigh Base Ball Team the following rates will be in effect on Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 5th, 6th and 7th, includ ing one admission into the grounds: From Gpldsboro to NewBern and return .15; from Einston to New Bern and return $1.85; from Morehead City to New Bern and return $1.45. There games will be very interesting to spectators as the teams are oemposed ot strictly professional players. 8. L. DILL, G. P. A. Chocolates 20o per pound at McSorloy, NOTICE I Steamer Blanch will leave New Bern for Vandemere, 8tonewall and Rayboro Monday, 9th of June 8:80 a. m. Will re ceive freight for the same. A, C. Thompson, Agent. Found The diamond pin advertised as lost was found by Capt. Joe GaskllLot the firm ot Gssklll Hardware Co. Ia toad Ins; him the reward he flatly refused to receive any, but upon leaving the office he ordered 1500 brick, bat would and did pay for the same. Manythaakt Capt. Joe. MOORE'S BRICK YARD. P. 8. Who says it don't pay to ad vertiser ' Celery Headache Powders. There 1 not aay better remedy for headache than thee powder. They never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis" Prescription Pharmacy. Corset Specials. We have Just received another ship ment of Corsets la regular sad sammer weight la short medium and long waist all to new shapes at 15, 48, 50, 75 and $1.00 each. BARFOOT BROS. . , LESS W0KKT. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expos themselves la downs of ways, end yoa oaa't prevent It. 1 All you caa do is to keep the a free from exposure s possible and al ways have la th boose a Cough Remedy that caa be depended apoa. Aaway Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to car Cough, Cold and Croup or the price M eaat will be refunded by aay daaler -celling, it. Bold by Davis Henry's, Jend Bradham Pharmacy y'-; . .s 4 RMUX X ye Mb tee i SODA DRINKS i ' when served right are health ful and nutritious. We endmiTor to serve only the purest symps," x made from ripe frulta, nana suer Z and water. Cliooobte is mailt from Huyler' Cocr. We bke groat pride in our CUOCOL4.TH DRINKS. If you want som tMng delicious and rich try our Choco late or Chocolate Cmn Soda. All the new fountain drinks are here too, TRY C1-S-CL.O. . CHARLOTTE WCJS ALL TILS. Hew Bcr Coald Hot Check the Hornets. i r They SUUWla. Special to Journal. - -' ' Charlotte, June 4,-New Beraloet the third game today to the Hornets la a oae-slded eoatostA;: ssM : ,Oir.4 Inability- to eoaaect with Braadtl shoots and curves wu responsible for the Truckers defeat. ,? iAK:- Charlotte had ao trouble la hitting whea hit meaat nmlSiisift '.j-a There were ae special tfeatqresX Th New Ben team left tonight for home. - Tae score by tanlngs follow: . ";rJ;!l9 t 5 6 7 8 9-R H E NewBern 01000000-1 I I CharlotU 11 0 01018 x 8 11 S Batlerte Bass and Foster, Brandt and Lehman. Umpire, Shsrmsn. '' rom, im Wilmington 10, Raleigh 15. Durham 7, Greensboro 1. Charlotte plays Durham, Wilmington at Greensboro and Raleigh at New Rem today! -- Be oa head and awell the attendance sttoday' gam. We are due a vlc- Game Jcalled at 4 o'clock sharp today at AthleUC Parki Gettlg will pitch. Rooters sad Rooterlnes should la no Way become discouraged by our heavy loss In Charlotte this week.aa the season I quit early and we have a good thing the balance ot the week. Sit on the Turtles hard today boys. Get fa the game boys and make our percentage 500 by taking three straights from the "Red Birds." It we do. New Bern wlU be tied with Raleigh for third plaoe. A u The larger the crowd the bigger the victory. Whoop 'em ap. Come out today and see our new play ers. Templin will probsbly plsy 'third Wilmington will have five crack-a- Jacks to Join them ia Greensboro today when something will be doing, accord ing to the h. e. of the Star's prediction. Suooess to yoa Wilmington. Should Charlotte win two more straight game she will have broke the world's record which was msde by Dallas In 18W winning twenty-two straights. Durham will ao doubt check the win nlng streak of Charlotte this week. Let us pull for the "Balls." HANDING O- THK CLUB. WO LOST FIB C1KT CharlotU 88 8 885 Durham v 18 11 598 Raleigh 15 IS 658 New Bern 13 15 444 Greensboro 11 18 407 Wilmington 8 93 115 BSB BALl.TO DAT. The Raleigh "Red Birds" come today, to play the balance of this week. The local team will arrive from Charlotte, on the morning train. Arrangements have been made wlththe Atlantic ft North Carolina Railroad to give special rates from all point oa th nee Ooldsboro to Morehead City Indus slve to NewBera for all league games the balance of th season. Beginning today all game will be called at 4 o'elockjsharp. This will en able all parties to come from Beaufort and Intermediate point to witness the game and return tame afternoon, as the train will be held If necessary until af ter the game. . The Association finding that othtr towns do aot charge ladies general ad mittance, but only make a charge for grand stand, havs decided that begin ning today there will be ao charge to isaies lor general aaamianoe, dui iney Will be charged twenty cents to grand stand. This ia ao advance la th price that ladle ha vrbesa paying to witness the game, bdl as allot the grand stand receipt go to the local elnb this change win bs advantageon. . .: Ladles now holding grand stand tick et will give two ticket to grand stand Instead of oa as formerly, but will aot kave to pay admittance of tea oeat. iTh attendano ha beta a dlssp point meat to the local, asaaagemeat, bat they hope every lovet of the game will sow come oat, giving their flaaadal support sad "reottng" the boy oa to victory, We have a good team, and with to proper local support w caa win oat, f , Pleasant Hornlnr Party. Mr. Ralph Gray gave a morning card party to a few friend yesterday at her hosts oa Pollock street la boaor of Mr, 14. 3. b. Bill, of Baltimore, who I visitor here, - :iv;V Six-hand eeobr was played aad Mr, W. P. Burma woa th first prise, Mrs. O. H. Gutoa, the secondhand Mr. Jack Holllster the eoasolattoa , prise. Light refreshments were served. y T Moonshine Alley Erenu ? ' Menhla Alley wu the soeae of a dlsturbaace Moaday eight It hss beea oftlme hitherto and probably will be away time heaeefortb, - Pete Fleesmlnf, a dusky female -who has a polio record equal to aay, aad surpassing most,raa amuck with dead'y weapon, deer to every colored person' heart "the raaxer." There was a mix ture of color la th fracas but there was aedleoouat oa th lovely tlm they war having. The bunch, live la all, were takea Into the Mayor's court, Wed aesdsy morning. The Flamming woman was bound over to the 8nperlor court oa the charge of assault with doadly weapon, the others were assessed fines and eosts for d'r'-''y conduct. ;'. OAfl' V'1 tttn tU . " 't SNAKE DISTURELD TL'B PEACE. Aa Exciting Adventure at Two Business There wu great excitement at Bishops war house yesterday. It wss 4 p. m. and "E. K," wu sitting la his chair tak ing a nap, aad dreaming of some charm Ingspot Where he might take himself to spend the summer aad be free from bullae care and the wile of the, sum- A bachelor that ha reached hi yean ot discretion Is apt to be quit matter of fact end poutbly a little onr at this hour of a hot day. vsyrs;-. v;; Jess Clsypoole bis private secretary wualso doing a little eaortng oahis owa account, but hi dream were, la a sweeter key and they spoke of the ro mances common to youth, and the charming nonsense that Is said "before the clock strikes ten." Thes dream might Lav gone oa 'till the Neuse left, but at this moment a slight noise was heard la the doorway, aad a each ot the dreamer popped open an eye, two aw ful shrieks of distress were heard throughout the first ward. Claypoole took a commanding position on top of the safe, and Bishop jumped through a window carrying the sash with him, and rushed breathlessly to Whltty's store trying to borrow A cannon or anything els thst would shoot- Finally he se cured a shot gun and handing It through the window the brave Claypool who had stood his ground through such trying moments shot the Intruder's bead off. It proved to be a water moceuln that measured over four feet In length, and for the balance of the afternoon the two heroes were busy exhibiting his snske- ship and telling just bow it all hap pened. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Rev. R B. John, of Wilmington Is In tbe olty. Rev. Father Denen returned to Wil mington today. . Rev. D. H. Petree, of LaGrange wu here yesterday. Mr. J. H. Bell ot Pollocksrille, was in town yesterday on business. Mr. M. D. HIggs of Raleigh tbe Capu- dlne man, wu In town yesterday. Mr. D. F. Jarvls and family went to Seven Springs yesterday morning where they will spend a few weeks. Mr. L. L, Nelson of St Louis, repres enting, the Moffatt Teelhlna Tooth Powder Company, wu In the city last night. Msjor Graham Daves and sister Mrs. Mary Nash left on the boat lut evening for Norfolk from there they will go to New York City to pass the summer. Get On Tne Band Wagon. Only two more dsys la which to aval yourselves of the opportunity of the re duced rates. Tbe dispensation reducing admlulon fee to the Woodmen of the World the grandest fraterneal Insur ance order In tbe United State to $8.1 OOJ closes with to morrow the 61nst After that regular rates $11.00 will prevail. Don's be s snsll, but get on the band Wagon at once, and thereby gain protec tor yourself and your f amlly after ydb final exit. The cost Is nominal, and' no one should be left out. Any "chopper" In town will tske your application. Respectfully, W. N. Ptjoh, Clerk Slmwood Camp W. O, W. lekiwma Halaa. How much happier this world woulo be If we could always, be weill Bui days ot suffering will come, end tbex affection asserts Itself to tbe fullest ex tent In deviaing ways to diminish pel and Increase comfort There are a number of facilities fw tbe sickroom, the helpfal and comfort increasing posslbllltle of which are fai out of proportion to their, cost II would be well to have them la every household. Their possesion meant greater comfort, reetfolnea and clean- ttaeee should sickness come. A straight glass tub convenient foi giving medlcln may be bought for 0 eenta. ; Thi la also useful is taking preparation into which iron enter. Bent glass tube, known a gruel tube, through which liquid food may be ad ministered, cost 10 eenta each. ' Cup for feeding are of glaa or por celain, plain or decorated and in sev eral ehapee. The cup of daintily dee orated china have handle at the aide, a spout in front, and the top is partial ly protected so that the food cannot ran out when the cup Ja tlltad. An ether style of ieedlng cu of china hai aa elongated spoot These feeding cups cost from 20 cents to 1X60, ' A milk glaa en which are Indicated tbe measurement from on to eight ounce la 10 cents. . What S known a the ideal drinking Cup la of glass mad with a shoulder, ae that th patient can drink with en tire aatlafactlon' without lifting tlx head. Thi I a eenta. .' , -,-r'v . .OABTOHlAi tM He I - Be me ' Out ( m Cot - f Ctngbt. Cured. Cure tliat rate with II. 0. 0. the safe, sure snd rlnls OlTtl 1 J toSdajj. I'ri, f! ' ). F !J only J by ra 1 ' ' V,- , GRAND OPENING . Of the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead - City, Tburedny, jane 5, 1901 1 On account of the opening of the above famous sea coast hotel and resort on the above date, the following low rates of passenger fare over the A. &N. C. R.R will govern when ticket-are purchased for the round trip. Tickets to be on sale June 5th, good to return until June 9th, from the following station: Ooldsboro $l.t0 NewBern .75 Kinston 1.10 Riverdale , .70 Caswell 1.00 Croatan .65 Dover.. .03 Hevelock .60 Core Creek ' .85 Newport .85 Tuscarora .80 Wildwood .25 There will be a very large crowd in attendance. S. L. DILL, General Passenger Agent. Oranges 80c per dozen at McSorloy. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention is given them. Only tbe best drugs are used. The jrlces are reasonable Send yours there to be filled. Ball Players As well as everybody else, need some good liver medicine occasionally, BHADUAH 8 ANTIBILIOUS LIVER PILLS "deans ) the liver, cool the blood and ease the head," without griping or danger of salivation noto this these pills are purely vegetable and serve their purpose as well as if they contained some Injurious mineral drug. Box of for 25c 12 doses. Mfg. and sold at Bradham's Pharmacy, Advertisers, Notice ! All advertisers desiring changes MUST have their copy iii this office BY NOON to insure change in the following day's issue. Oxford Ties and Sandals. Two lots we specially want to men tion, first misses and children Vlcl Kid Sandals from 8 to 2 special 75, and 00c, per pair and Ladles Vict Kid and l'at enlleather Oxfords at $1.50 and $3.00 the pair. BARFOOT B ROS. The lister will be at the court house until July 1st, 1002, J. F. IVES, City Tax Lister. THIS ListYcurCityTaxes On cMonday we will place on .sale 106 pieces of Inserting and Edge jn Swiss, Nansookrand Cambric at about : Lcss?than Regulai I I ' This is a Special lot and are I I priced very low, ;- 67 Pollock Street, ' i - - - s, - r ". s 1 1 1 $50.00 Reward! I hereby offer a reward of $50.C0 for the capture and delivery' to me at New Bern, N. C, one Asa Meektns, a white man, an escaped U. 8. pris oner, about 45 years old, a little over six feet high, dark hair and moustache, head a little bald, has a dissipated appearance. J. W. BIDDLE, Sneriff Craven Co., N. C. May 28th, 1902. Wheel Bargains, I have on hand several samples of High-grade Bicycles tlmt will be sold at Spot Factory Cost These wheels are new and are the Greatest Bicycle Bargains ever offered in the city. A few second hand bicycles in good running order for $5.00. s WM. T. HILL, SPORTMGSGOODS, rnT JI-93 Middle Street. At Davis'. Go to Davis' for moth balls, fly paper, Insect powder,chlorlde of lime In cans for disinfecting, etc. Our 'ECLAT ' tt HAMMOCKS are the Acme of Perfection, G. N. Ennett. WEEK 1 - i O O iilll this week buys your choice ot our line of $7.50, $8.00 and $9.00 Suits. Every Suit Guaranteed. You lose money by not taking ad vantage oi this offer. J, G. 'Dunn & Co., Men's eft j 57 IFolloclr Street- g SUMMER SUGGESTIONS At Smith's Bathing Suits, Negligee Shirts, Gauze Uunderwear, Straw Clothes, Wash Neckwear. These are only a few hints, we have everything else lor sum mer comfort. And for A Nobby Line of two - From 50c 31 Pollock St. SMITH'S 5 j300 B iL THIS In Men's, Wonnn's and Children's Oxfords. Men's White Canvas Oxfords, $1.25. Women's J.O0 Oxfords for $1.B0. Chile! ten's $1.50 Oxfords for $1.00. J. I BAXTER, Phone 160. 89 middle Street. SOLE AGENCY K)H AT DAVIS' PHABMACY, Feather Dusters AT Reduced Prices. Sticky Fly I'aper, Lemon Juice Extractor?, Ice Picks, Ioe Tea and Soda Glasses, Milk Shaken, AT WHITEHURST'S 4 5 Pollock St. mm '' , .Wire Eoreena Dooy and Window Sereeni, Lawn Mowera, Ice Cream Freeten, Ice 8hveii;.;yVi:: p a iuu line ui Hardware, aiau, Sllvor and AUnmlnnm. ; 1 A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, Improved. ' v"--1.'.' ' ;v Our good las represcntedr rRICKS THE LOWEST. " ' Oiv m yonr orders, ,; J;:V-;::';';:Qac!cllI Hardware Co. o o o Boy's Wear, Hats, Light Suits oi Your Boy piece Suit's to $2.00. 99 nuuu Hi. WEEK Foy &. Wood Co., Practical Tinners nil Plumbers. Tolmrco 1 lues. Mow l'ipe, nml Roofing We mate ft spt'diully of 1 1 t Air Heating, Steel Ceiling ami Iron Fence work. You will iiiid us at Draney'N Old Ntniul, Houth Front Ht. OCO. A. MICOLI. TIIOS. (I. IIVUAN. hll 4 Hyman, Fire Insurance. I ollcit trade andask (lie rationale of those desiring lire Insurance. Only First claai Companies represent ed. Temporary Office over Hyman Supply Co., Craven Street viib, varnun, . juiamei in uoia, rnoNi 17. ' B RADIUM'S rxiAHMACY. ..-., ,

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