, . ; .-..,, --a . v3r 1- SIW BIEN, H. C, TUESDAY MORMMfi, JURE 10, I002.J joi. xx-no. ei. TWENTY-FIRST YEAR TUB MARKETS. - y 'v. FACE -v. 4 tv i Do Ton Believe what HacKburhl SATS ? I ! You had better and "Save hay while the Sun Shines" and buy hi your goods at his Btore SEE. i)N New Black Goods Just Received. ft A 43 inch Granit at 85c. S A 38 inch Melrose, the regular price $1.00 for 85c. These (IS goods are fancy weave, just the thing for shirts. K Black Mohair and Brillianteen for bathing Suits. $ New Ribbons we handle the very best make of Ribbons in f Satin, Velvet and Taffetas. We always have what the pub lio want. See our assortment of 10c, 15c, 20c and 35c. Just think of it ! A No. 80 Taffeta Ribbon at 20c. Yard wide Peau de Soie Silk, $1.50 quality for only $1.35. jk New Ginghams. ffkt Just received one case all stripes, the thing for Ladies Shirt jy Waists and Mens Shirts, at 10c. h Men's Fancy Half Hose, at 15c, 25c, and 50c. Gent's Underwear French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at ijv 50c a garmeot. Gent's Fine Patent Seam Drawers, only 50c AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The Store that Saves "Son Money. It s The American Stock Co., will take pleasure in showing their IMMENSE STOCK. CLOTHING of every description, Shoes, Hats and every article of DBT GOODS usually found in a first-class dry goods store. We have a beau tiful line of Straw Hats which are very cheap, aho felts and derbies. The very latest styles in Low Quarter Shoes at prices that defy competition. Beautiful fancies in Ladies MILLINERY, In fact we have everything for the 4 full line of heavier goods to supply 5 sell them too. The prices is what Come II AMERICAN HOWAUD, 59 s aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajlaa YVVVYVVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYV 4S nnnnr feluJk Canned Salmon is a more economical iood tfran iresh meats. Requires no fuel to cook it, and no ice to keep it. COSTS LESS TO BUY and there is NO WASTE. Every ounce in the pound is sound, wholesome food No hone or gristle that has to he thrown away. " Canned Salmon is AN IDEAL SUMMER FOOD, ready tor immediate use, and. can be served in numerous appetizing ways. Our PRICES ARE THE LOWEST OBTAINABLE iorGOOD grades of Canned Salmon and Everything Else. You'll give us your Order ? Well ELM ; li Plinnn Aft x i iiuiiu 4 - iiiiimmiraiimmm AAAAAAAAAA YYYYYYYYYYYYYV I i summer girls. We carry a the working people, and we 5 sells goods, end wo claim j let us convince yon. STOCK CO., It At Proprietor, - G1 Miitdle Street. I appreciate it: CITY' ,LIMBEE , STORE DEPARTrJEI-JT, Pr.. UUIliJI CUUUI I lt.il The following qaotatloni were recelv Bd by J. B. Latham & Co, New Bern N. O. Chicago, June 9. Whkat: Open. High. Low. Close July . 71 71f 7H 7H Sept 70! 70 69 69 Cobs: Open. High. Low. Close July........ 62 63 621 62) Ribs: Open. High, Low. Close July 1020 1040 1010 1087 Sept 1010 1022 1010 10221 Nrw Yobs, Jane 9. Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close July 8.65 8.74 8.65 8.69 Aug. 8.42 8.61 8.42 8.46 Sep ...8.02 8.10 8.02 8.07 Oct 7.89 7.90 7.89 7.04 Mew York, June 9. Stocks; Upon. High. Low. Close Sugar 127 128 127 128 So Ky 30 SCt 36 36 N. Y. C 164 TJ. 8. 8 38 39 38 881 Pac. Mail Me. P 99 100 99 9SJ Atchison 798 80 79 80 Va. O. V A. C. O Am Ice U. H S. ex-dividend 1 per ccm to day. Liverpool Spots 5. Sales 7,000 bales. Futures, June-July 4.53. Aug-Scpt. 4.45. Sepl-Oct 4.83. TOUT KKCKIfTS. Samu ""iek Last wctk 22,000 This ween. Insight 3::0U0 Sat. lust year. 69,000 9000 7000 8000 16000 5000 19000 Mon. Tuea. Wed. Thura. Prl. 40'J0 64,000 CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of M 1 UVJ Jl mm rt ry m GUM BRANCH. ' Good Prospect For Corn Crop. Mormon Elders Leave. Jane 9 Crops around here are better than for many years at this time of the year, notwithstanding the dry weather, as we haven't had any rain for two weeks. Mr H M Farrow says he has corn In tassle. The horn worms have made their ap pearance bat In very small numbers. The whortleberry crop seems to be very good and most everyone has the black tongue. There is a whortleberry bush near the White place that Is full of berries which are white when ripe. Tobacco Is beginning to bottom, 1. e., the Beed pods are making their appear ance. Mrs Callle Pitlman died not long since with paralysis. She was the wife of Jack PIttman near Rlchlands. She was a good woman and we hope she is at rest. The Mormon Elders, Adams and Hack in gave their farewell shout Thursday nleht and have denartel for other climes. Thursday was taxllsllng day at this place, Mr Kobt Thomson is list taker. Before leaving, the Mormons baptised two more converts, an aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. King. ' There has been some little sicktess around here but all are better now. The cot respondent at Merrilt, states very positively who Cain's wife was. Now that has always been my opinion, but didn't have any positive information but as to the Pollocksvllle fellow, we think he will hare to search for his him self and then get some Rev. to make the twain one flesh. There is said to be signs of bear very near us, but there always gets a bear in the woods in whortleberry time. Cabbage are heading slowly, we think would do better If we had the much needed shower. Mrs. Katie Pae, wife o( Mr. Thos. Pae of Wilmington, is lying at the pslnt of death at her father's home at Catharine Lake. There 1b no hope of her recovery It Is said that Mr. O. B.Coz, of Catha rine Lake, caught a water bucket full of nice perch yesterday. If X. Y. Z. of Salter Path, will come up here where education Is appreciated, we would be glad, for he Is (or used to be) a good teacher. Mr Frank Andrews wa9 visiting at E W. Merrill's Friday. Mrs. Frank Andrews has left Wllmlng ton aud come home for the summer and her little children have been spending some time with their grandpa and grand tai. Voipopull. : CO., K t.UJ IJ.l OtU. H Law Suit Very Probable Over Swamp Lands. State Charters. Negro Family Poisoned. ApproprlatlontOnly to Keep Schools Open. Struck by Lightning and Bnrned Negro Postmasters. Raleiqu, June 9. The State grants a charter to the Mutual Cotton OH Com pany of Tarboro, capital $40,000, J. O, Oateajtnd others owners. A charter Is also granted the Mill News of Charlotto, capital 910,000, Q. S, Escott and others owners. All the members of the family of a negro farmer named Haywood were poisoned at their home, six miles south of here. It Is believed tbat arsenic was used. Haywood Is dead and his wife Is nearly so. No person is suspected. Some of the food which was on the table was given to hogs, and killed quickly an old hog and several pigs. The local dentists are making prepara tions for the annual meeting of the State Dental Association here June 16. Some of the counties which applied or part of the $100,000 State appropria tion for keeping the public schools open 4 mouths In the year did not receive it until some of the schools closed. Now they want to know if the can use It for building school bouses. The are told most positively no; that this money is only to be used In paying .eacliers who conduct a 4 months term. An inquiry is made of the ecrelary of the Stale as to what stream in this State was ever known as the Petoga. It is asserted that a son of the redoubtable Captain John Smith, who was saved by Pocahantas lived on the Petoga river and secured a tract of land there. It Is said he married a woman by the name of Vires. People who claim to be Ileal descendants are making the inquiry. It Is now pretty certain that there will be a law suit regarding the title to the "swamp lands" In Columbus county. Last week the State board of education gave the Whiteville Lumber Company an option on such of these lands as it could find upon survey. The New Jersey Lum ber Company it appears claims all lands there, and Meares & Ruark, Its attorneys ask for a copy of the option granted the Whiteville Lumber Company. It is said that there are 8,000 or 10,000 acres of land for which no grants have been Is sued. Lightning struck and burned the train ing stable at the farm of Julian S. Carr, near Hillaboro. The horses were saved. The term of the Federal court here ended today. The docket was the light est In years. On the calendar was only 18 cases and on the warrant docket only 6 The fire department and the citizens of Raleigh are arranging a very attrac tive program for the Firemen's State Convention here In July. One of the attractions will be a drill by experts, who will come from New York, and who will show the use of scaling ladders etc.. The dry will look after all horses' used with apparatus. The races will take placo on a lint and macadmalzed street, 99 feet wide. It Is said there are now only 8 negro postmasters In North Carolina, where 8 years ago there were scores. They are being rapidly dropped, and no more of them are appointed. AURORA. Statement of Condition of Crops. June 7. This Is a very busy week In this section, the potato crop, although planted some two weeks later than nsnal and notwithstanding the drought, has matured some four to sli days In ad vance of last year. Some small ship ments were made In May, but regular shipments commenced Monday June 2nd when soma 800 barrels were shipped Tuesday 1000 barrels, Wednesday 1800 barrels which number will be Increased today. The drought has ont the potato orop, perhaps one-fourth short, but It haawtnabled the farmers to pnt their oropt lit number on condition at little oast, in fact the Crops in this section will be made at much less cost than nsnal and the prospects for the farmers, on South Greet ere better than ever before. Our people are much Interested la rail roads, we want quicker transportation, wlh less handling of freight, wt art muoh interested In the efforts to build a railroad from New Bern through Pamli co county, and If built, hart no doubt but that It wilt be found advisable to ez- tend it from Bayboro to Aurora, dis tance of only ten or twelvt miles. With quick transportation tht trucking busi ness would be largely Inortased in this section, v . v . ;' less worn.' Children win play and get over-heated get their feet wet, txpoet themaelrtt In doaans of ways, and yon can't prevent It All yon can do la to keep them as fret from eiposurt at possible and al- . - . - i , - . . rt . n a ways nave in toe nouse a uoogn xtemeay that can be depended upon, Aaway's Croup Syrup will fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to curt Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 23 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It. Sold by Pavls' Henry's, . and Bradham's Pharmacy j HUMOURS V ouS3!? J Pimples, Blackheads, Red, Rough, Oily Skin Prevented by Millions o Faoru vss Ctrnctnu Soap, assisted by CuticuraOimtmrht, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for idealising the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, ltohlngs, and chaflngs, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Hlllions of Women use Con. Cuba Soap In the form of baths for annoy ing irritations, infUunma tions, and excori ations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weak nesses, and for many sanative purposes. CompleteTreatment for Humoare, $1. Consisting of CcnctTRA SOAP(48e.),to eleanse the ekln of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; Cuticdra Oihtment (fiOc)., to Instantly allay Itching, lnflanfmatlon, and Irritation, and soothe and heal ; and Crm Cuua Resolvent Pills (SSc.), to cool and cleanse the blood. A Simolb Set Is often ufnclent to cure the severest case. y CtmcuBA BnoLvnrr Pills (Chocolate Coated) are a new, tasteless, odourless, eco. Domical substitute for the celebrated liquid Cotioura RnoLvnrr, 60 doses, price, 29c. - Soil throuMt ta. wM. Brtttak rMp.li SMS, Cb.ricrboiu. by., Londoa. Fioaeh. Deti i Hn d. la P4xPvte. PoTTaaDao am Caaa. Coir-, Sols 0LYMPIA. Rain Helps the Crops. A Pretty Wed- ding, June 9. -We are much pleased at the rain we had Sunday night, it did the farmers much good as you can tell by the great big smile on their faces. A good many of our farmers are dig ging Irish potatoes. They report a medi um crop this year. This Is on account of dry weather. Some of our farmers are very busy hilling corn this week. There is a great rush today putting out sweet potatoes, and cotton Is looking fine. The Baptist brethren held service here yesterday at 4 o'clock p. m., some of the attendants well drenched in the rsln storm before they reached their homes. Mr. Caton of Trulta, Is driving a new buggy. We suspect some one will be captured. Mrs. O D Holton, daughter and nephew are visiting relatives In Edwards this week. Mr O M Lewis of Qrantsboro was In Olympla Sunday. Mrs J B Dunn and her daughter Em ma attended church at Reels boro Sunday afternoon. . A number of our people visited Arapa hoe the first Sunday in June. Prof. R 0 Holton returned from U. of N. C , June Ind, ha reports t pleasant year In the University and good health. He visited Arapahoe Sunday. Miss Little Hardison of Arapahoe visited Miss Lorlna Holton last week, Miss Holton has gone to Arapahoe to attend the Children's Day exercises at that place Saturday night, the Hth of Juae. Mr. Rogers and Hiss Holton were mar rled June 4th, It was a very pretty mar riage and the church was decorated very nicely. Prof, Holton will take charge of the Arapahoe school In tht near future; we would like to hart him with us this year but when duty calls ha must go. - RELIEF a SIX HOURS. DIstreaslngtKIdney and Bladder Dls eate relieved in six hours by "New Gbbat Booth AxiuiCAJt KroxxT Ctjbb." It is a graat surprise on; account o! Its exceeding promptness b relieving pais in bladder, kidneys aud back, in malt or female. Relieves retention of wattT al most Immediately. If yon want quick relief and cure this la tht remedy. Bold oy a D.Bradham, Druggist , aHessaWssisaaMsMaVMBMssasaiskAt ' i i Teachers"; Warned I Three Teachers art wanted to III va cancies In tht Whltt Graded School of New Bern. -Applicant! will bt required to past a competltlvt txamlnatloa be fore tht undersigned at New Bern on tht second Monday of July nail.' ' ,, ... a. p, HARDING, ' V'?;:'tf ".C.T-' Bnptrlnttndent, ' Wt art still selling meal at lilo par pound, not BOe at .reported. Oaks Kar ket. ..... Lime For Sanitary purpose. Persons wishing lime for sanitary pur poses can receive tht same hf, calling at thtCI'y hall. .. To Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter and Fancy Elgin Butter Just Received. Portsmouth Corned Mullets. Fancy Cream Cheese, California llams, llreakfast Strips and English Cured Shoulders. New Barrel Fulton Market Corned Beef. Complete Stock of Canned Meats. Fresh Vegetables, &c. Yours to Please, 11 L. MeMNIEL P 'Plume 91. 71 Bread St. g tsw,Vlswf!aiVtiff!svngf!aTitwV Fox 'River trtnt "Butter 35c per Pound, If jou want yourjbi'eakfast table complete buyyourBut- ter Coffee, Tea, Flour, Ac. from us. We also have a large stock of all kinds of Canned .Goods that we do not care to cany over for next season, that we are are selling at a bargain. Don't buy anything in our line until you get our prices. Yours to Please, J J- IB- aBZETElR, Tr. WholesaIe and Retail Orocer, & PHONE fins. Itrofwl Jb TYanawwsIr Sate. V . mvm.rn v-m was am HBAWVA PVl9sj s sltynVtX'Atana The Best Staples. You will always lind us selling the best staple things y of life the things which are necessary for satisfc tion in housekeeping Su gar, Flour, Salt, Potatoes, Eggs, Butter, etc. Surely the best lino of staples and a J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer, Carload of Stock' 's Best Patent,JDiadem & Rose Bud Flour. Tobacco Twine. All kinds of Gro ceries, Rope and Netting, Lots of Empty Flour Barrels for sale. Pine and Coal Tar. B, B. DAVENPORT, 84 Middle Bt. Ball Players As well as everybody else, need some good liver medicine occasionally. BRADHAM'S ANT1BILIOUS LIVER PILLS "clause the liver, cool the blood and east tht head," without griping or danger of salivation note this these pills art purely vegetable and serve their purpose as well as If they contained soma injurious mineral drug. Box of 88 for 85018 doses. Mfg. and sold at Bradham's Pharmacy. Old Man inttePlace AuavalmoYW,aOoaiiu dla Bt one'door foelow my ' old atodwhau I will be .. ' glad to ieo' all my old friend and ctutomtn. . , ( t have a complete itook .. of everything in the Jew .". elry line, , Bpeoial atten 1 ' Hon glTen to Bopftlrlng, EATON,"--' The Leading (Jeweler. g Hami Girt. Wholesale ft RetailJ Groeer, IswVl (gffJsTaygyC complete list of fancy things. Phonet37 Up-to Date Horse Shoet, NASI JACKSON. ; I am stlirshoelng horses, and doing all kinds of .Blacksmith work, have been working at the business here in Naw . Bern 40 yearsi am on tht Wharf, Back of Chas. B. HiU'a. $50.00 Reward!. I hereby offer a reward of I50.C0 for the capture and delivery to md at New Bern, N. G, one Asa Meekins, a wbitt man, an escaped TJ. 8. prl oner, about 45 yean old, a-little over alz feet high, dark hair and moustache, head a little bald, has dissipated appearance. ' tf J. W. BIDDLE, ' '", Sheriff Craven Oa, K. 0. i May 28th, 1908. J ;" - , - The lister -will to r , msxR the court housaiunt; July let, 1C03, 3aT.r. ivr-, OltyTtiSlaf-i-

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