IOL. XX--NO. 65. KXW BIHS, N. C, SATURDAY M0RXIX8, JUNB 14 1902. TW18TT-FIRST THE ( - 1 Do Ton Believe what l jT n n r (rf vrn n rrA ( You had better and 'Save hay while the San Shines" and buy your goods at his store SEE. ' I ' " ' 0 l?ew Black Goods Just Received. O A43inehGranitat85c. " , A 38 inch Melrose, the regular prioe fjl.00 for 85o. These t k iroods are fancv weave, iost the thins: for shirts. (. Black Mohair and Brillianteen for bathing Suits. , . w (, New Ribbons w handle the Very best make of Eibbons in.: if ( Batin, Velvet and Taffetas.' We always have what the pub-5 jf ( v v ic want Bee our assortment ot iuo, loo, auo ana aoc usi i think of it J A No. 80 Taffeta.Ribbon at 2 Qo. , , Yard wide Peau de Soie Silk, 11.50 quauty for only 11.85. t : ' Hew Ginghams. W (S Just received one case all stripes, the thing for Ladies Shirt W L Waists and Mens Shirts, at 10c w , Men's Fancy Half Hose, at 15c, 35c, and 50c. ' A Gent's Underwear French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at W s , ; euo a garment, uenrs iuw rawum oeam jmwcin, umy uvu aj 55 -The Store that Saves Ton Money. 5- :: ' " . S " The American Stock" Co., will take pleasure in showing their IMMENSE STOCK. 55 j CI.OT1IING .' 55 f eTer7 description, Shoes, Hats and every article of 5 :: DBY GOODS 5 2t usnally found in a first-lass dry goods store. We have a beau- 4 55 tiful line of Straw Hats which are very cheap, also felts and Z derbies. The very latest styles in Low Quarter Shoes at prices t that defy competition. 15eautitui fancies in jaaies 55 IHLLINECY, In fact we have everything for the summer girls . We carry a full line of heavier goods to supply the working people, and we Zt sell them too. : The prices is what sells goods, and wo claim Zt we c11 s&v6 Ja money. Come let us convince you. h AMERICAN STOCK CO., P. HOWARD, Proprietor, 59-01 Middle Street. Ov 3E THE' NEW WOMAN, UlM Alice Cohn, write from 174 Eleventh ' Street, Brooklyn, N. Y U toiiows: , . "HMvlng bad poor health for $ gnai may mouth and now having It f atond make mo fou ratygrmtatulto PeruBM. lttttfando great doal during my moothly period, had won palm, andwaa gonanlly depreaaod, hot can tnrthtollyay that i tow botUoaotPo tuna hot removed all pain and made t new woman ot me. MISS ALICE COHN. " J. : The oomlng of what is knows at the "new woman" In oar country it not greeted by everyone u U she Were great blearing' But there It mother new women whom everybody ia glad to eee. Erory day eome invalid woman is exclaiming, I have been made new woman by Dr. Hartman'e home treat ment." It la only neeeeasry to tend name, adores, symptom, duration of icknew and treatment already reserved to Dr. Hartman, Colombo, O and direc tions for one month's treatment will be promptly forwarded. The medicine can be obtained at the nearest drug store. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Perona, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give yon his valuable ad vice gratis. f ' ' Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. . I The diamond pin advertised as Iost was found by Cspt. Joe Oasklll, of the Arm of Gasklll Hardware. Co. In tend ing him the reward he flatly refused to receive any, bat upon leaving the offloe he ordered 1500 brick, but would and did pay for the same, llany (hanks Cspt. Joe. MOOKK'BVJKItJK YAW). P. 8.-.W&0 says li don't pay to ad vertise f v.1'-;- App)iatlons For Scholarships Bcinj ft . ' J, i. 5 For JUaifao- Corytratloa formed m ptroot Kheamaeiae.- Offer r " ,$?00 For Apprehension s - v t Person Who Bet , i' AV.lhe Flr.f v jV , Bauioq, Jane 18. The Bute Baper lntendent of Public Instruction has al ready received applications from five persons for the three N. O. toholarthlps snnounced as vacant la Feabody Nor mal College, Kashvtlle, Tenn. They are from iAptoa Btrowd, Hollls, Rutherford oonnty; Miss Mabel Absher; Obed, Ashe county; Miss Emma wlllstord, King's Mountain; Miss lna R. Smyth, Green ville; U M. Hall, FolsSn, K. C. . These and all others applying 'will have to stand Ute competitive examination be fore their respective County Buperln tendents July 17 and 18th. . . Mr. J, Hal Babbitt for many years a prominent business man and druggist hers will go to Baltimore to live, he hav ing organised a $300,000 stock company there to manufacture and sell his fa mous rheumatism "Bhenmaolde" on an enormous scale, nr. jssddiu is presi dent of tha Babbitt and Wynne Drug Co., and the Norwood Cigar Co. here. Both concerns will continue here with Mr, Babbitt ss a large stock-holder. The People's Trinsportalloa and Power Co. of High Point has been chartered for the purpose of operating an electric street railway system fa that growing young city- - An unusually good reoora wssmsae yesterday by the Raleigh Ore department In fighting the Are which broke out In Kelly's livery sublet. Not In recent years, has there been a Are here which threatened such wholesale destruction bat by prompt and heroic work Raleigh's volunteer firemen extinguished it before $100. damage was done the buildings. The nine horses which perished were stifled to death by the dense smoke. The people of Raleigh are enthusiastic CASTOR I A - Tot Tnfa"ts and ffiPflrt,lt ' Tbi Kind Yea Haft illwais eosgbt Bears the Signature of s .s JWdUbJ Canned Salmon is a more economical food than tresh meats. t' ! C:t-i rr; 7 t'..-r.,lm ,ns ' , . f Requires no fuel to . cook it, and no ice to keep it: COSTS LESS TO BUY and there is NO WASTE. .. :-yA-: sound, - wholesome : v.- , -.t- H. - !.,,. . N6 bone or bristle"" food'- "m :..r, y. ' - Every ounce in the pound is 'that has to he thrown away. - Canned Salmon is AN IDEAL SUII1IER FOOD, ready lor immediate usev and : can be served in numerous appetizing ways." '; V. '-'v-- j Cr'i:t:J'X:z Our ?EICES ARE THE LOWEST OBTAINABLE tor GOOD grades of Canned Salmon and Everything Else. - i give us your Order ? It. H Si; VV: fcJ JL 3j U UJL CUlCb UtJ .... . i f . . over the record the laddie saade and f ivV.-,Q..1HBf iAaUQejj the eneot wiu be that the f l,w and all else for the royal entertainment of the tiiii'ij'"-' .atj-i SUte firemen July 23, JS and S4 Will eome easy. , Commissioner Toung has issued a circa Ur offering $W0 reward for the arrest and delivery to the sheriff ot Pit oonnty of any persons guilty of starting the Inoeo diary firs Jane 8th which i destroyed s large part of the town ot Aydeit. J x : ' " -"" ' -i a wm l K Soft Grabs at Oaks Market ' r WILDWOOO.' t Crop. Excellent Condition of Tobacco , , . Large Tlcld of Honey. , , Jane 8,-.Mr. O. W. Ward, of- Swans- boro, the Salter Path school teacher, and Oapt. Jss. O. Plgott ot Borne, were in our place last Tuesday and Wednesday. They were on their way to the Teachers Assembly. Mr David Oatosbv and daughter Flos- tie, of New Jersey formerly of this Utate and oonnty, ara visiting their, relatives and aged father, Capt. h T Oglesby. This is a good week here as many vis! tors stop in passing to the Teachers As sembly. ; very dry and crops look somewhat bad In places, but the tobacco crop Is good. Mr, W. T. Pelletier has SO acres, D Watson and brothers have about the same, Thos McCabe and sons 10 acres, Lee Fulcher 1 acres, Thos Bell 4 acres, and many others near here, Messrs. Pel letier and Watson have the best we have en. ? - Mr Carl Watson has 14 bee hives In working order, he took S gums last Tues day night and though of small size, he reallied 8 gallons sqnsezed honey, about 178 pounds of fine comb, besides the wax We call that gbo4 bee taking. Ht Will Murdock it still teaching on Bogoe Banks, western end, his school will close soon. Mr. Thos. f olson and family have the measles with them now, Miss Bessie, his youngest daughter, and our nice little friend, had a severe case of them last week. Mr. J. Stewart, the shad factory man, Is making some fine scrap now at his place of business near Wildwood, he tells ns, he readily gets $1.15 per hand, lbs. for scrap now. Mrs. Jenny Hlnes and her aged moth er hare had rather a hard time for some month's past, because of the serious sickness of the' mother, we are glad to say both are now convalescent. Mrs. Jenny was not seriously Indisposed her self, but her mother was expected to die for several weeks She is 80 years of sga. . Little Misses May McCabe, Carrie Pel letier, Gene Collins and Bessie Tolson; were welcome visitors to see the Writer last week, as they were pets pf his In school last year. . Messrs. Ervln Oglesby, W. T. Pelle tier, Thos. MoCabo and sons, D. WaUon and Bros, ff. B. Bell Sr., add son, L. F. Fulcher, Elijah Oglesby and son, Jesse Bell, T. 8. Bell and others are the prin cipal farmers In and around Wildwood this year, nearly all of these farmer have mors or less tobacco and the most of It look welL '-" : These Items are written in the busy absenos Of the Wildwood Hemlzer, with best wishes for hi future Welfare. t- ': ' W, PORT RECEIPTS. Same week Last week last year. 23,000 50.000 This wee. Insight 83090 71003 Sat. 0000 Hon. 4000 7000 Tues. 4000 8000 Wed. 4000 16000 Thurs. 2500 5000 FrL ?500 19000 80,800 64,000 GONE FIVB TEARS. .... ! Whea Coffee Left the Troubles S, , ,d, V peared. Msap- lt Is hard to makfwple understand that coffee really business for (hem if they stick to It long enough. It is almost a certainty that soma little symptom of disease, stomach trouble, or kidney or heart trouble, ceased by coffee drinking wiu , alUmately develop Into some Hied organie disease aniens tka cause ef the disturbance is removed. , Illustration may aot be amiss. : A lady la Kearney, Neb, says, "I used eoffes t great many years. Gradually my health broke down. I had dyspepsia and was extremely nervous, I passed niany sleepless nights out, like many others, did aot know What was the cause of my in vslldlsnt.'1 "';"'r K, i, n?. Finally the trouble centered Into a tat ty tumor just over the stomach and In theiregioa of the heart, ceasing acuta pala In the stottisch and s spasmodio action ot the heart., A surgical operation was deemed necessary, bat after all the preparations were mad a good,, old, honest doctor suggested that I take treat ment a little longer and leave off coffee and take Postnm and some Crepe-Nats Breakfast rood. . ' I began On Postutn end had it mad properly by long boiling nd.foundlt dsltclons and drank two oops the first morning. After two weeks I discovered a marked chsng for the better. ' In five months my supposed tumor ha disap peared, my bead&cbos were gone and di gestion wholly restored. My heart only gave me trouble a few times. That was fire years ago. I hare been a steady user of roatttm ever since and am a now crenlure today. Am In strong and v'or ous ln .iUh end kuow exsclty how to ao (' t for It. , i e of f fas fii.loivlu .iiiotailoas wore reeaiv ol hf J. K Ltlatm Ca, Na - Ben . 'tl m Cbfoago, June 18. WntTs- Open. High. Low. Close J Joly . '72 ?' 70 , Open Sept... OoBHt July... Ribs: July.. Bept.i Cotton; July. Aug Sep Oct "7S .12 72 71 70f 7k High. Low. Close ' S 0i 68 Open. High. Low. Close .1050 1055 1047 1047 . 1030.1033, 1080 1082 Naw Vom, June 18. Open. High. Low. Close ..8.78 831 8.73 8.81 . . 8.508.54 8.42 8.84 .,8.15 8 20 8.15 8.20 .. 8.01 8.08 7.09 8.05 Stocks; Sugar.... So By ... N. Y.C U. 8. 8 881 0. & O New fork, Jane 18. Open. High. Low. Close ..127ft 129 127 129 87, i 86) 86 40i 88 Mo. P..... Atchison . . Vs. C. O... A. C O.... Am Ice. . ., 103 81 18 104, 8U 103 81 87, 155, 47 1044 81, 70, 18 Liverpool Spots 5.1-16. Sales 10,000 bales. Futures, June-July 4.54. Aug-Sept. 4.47. Sept-Oct 4.37. Advices to J. E. Latham ft Go., yester day: Manchester cloths, holders nnwllllng to accept lower price. Tarns Irregular and depressed. July controlled by Philadelphia In terests. Dry weather continues and holds market. Bailey St Montgomery. In sight (3,000 agaiaat 85,000 last year Market very dull but nervous. R Moore A Co. Teachers Wanted I Three Teachers are wanted to fill va cancies In the White Graded School of New Bern. Applicants will be required to pass a competitive" examination be fore the undersigned at New Bern on the second Monday ot Joly next. H. P. HARDING, Superintendent. Ti c ! fct a I. la f o j'lo on tlio snlij' ot oiii'i r to rui, r! of emus'-, 1 hs l! . k ny (.nf Delegates to Judicial Convention. ; D P Whltford, Jasper Carawon, W I Brown, W C Brewer, Nathaa.Tisdaw, Z M Carawon, Hugh Lancaster, Silas Ful- oher. Joslah Tingle, F 8 XrnnL F F Bows, W A Barrlngton, Alfred G ask Ins S W Latham, Brio Qesklns, W X Tyn- daltThomas I pock, Baas Roblnsoa, W C White, B B Woolen, Ii 8 Harper,- J W Lane, W B Pearoe, Albert Wadsworth, W B Laae, J T House, P X Pearsall, P H Pelletier, A B Dawson, HO Wood, BrySn Ives, John Plttmaa, T K Hsy wood, Allen Tolson, J H HunUr, John Morton, Graham T Richardson, Walter Bray. J A Meadows, L J Moore, B A Nana, . H H Dowdy,. M L Jacobs, T G Hyman, I M Green, B B Nixon, 0 B Foy, ' ' Baxter, I W Blddla, ; Jassss A Bryan. W X Watson, Mark Steven soa, G B Waters, B W BmaUwood, FT Pat terson, Dr N H Btreet, W P Burros, X R Jones, O Marks, Xark DUosway, X W Small wood, H R Bryan, Jr, Id Gerock, 0 T Watson. S R Street, A D Ward, X H Meadows, 8 B Bell, 0 B Haaoook, Dr. J W Duguld, H O Whitehurst, Dr Lslns- ter Daffy, Sam Brlnson. T A Green, Dr Rhern,T F MoCarthy, O L Stevens, D B Jones, D L Robert, Thos Daniels, J Kedmond, Enoch Wadsworth, X T Gaa kill, John M Hargett, Jamas MoOoy, Sam Howard, H L HalL O N Xaaett, WIU Lovenear, G ANIeoll, Joseph GaskDl, John Suter, Jr., GuiUord Lewis, H Parker.'- ; " By virtu ot the authority vested la me by the County Conrsnlloa which convened at th Court Hons la, New Bern on May 91, 1902, 1 hereby appoint th above named persons delegates to the JufHalal Convention called for the Third Judicial District, at KInstnn, July loth Inst. D. L, Wab. . W herd y s of the above tl sm to be ! tytoti J Ihlid J;" I Mew Na Bob Pancake Flour. . Carolina Rice Flakes. Oatflakes both looseand in packages. Preserved Ginger 25cjper pot. Hienz's Apple Butter and Sweet Mixed Pickles. Royal Scarlet Salmon, tho finest packed, only 25o cani other brands 15o and 20c can. ImportedGingerAln, on ice, 10c or 3 for 25c. Portsmouth Corned Mullets. Big Hams to cut. Fox River Print Butter. Fancy Syrup and molasses. Pure Apple Vinegar and .Spices of all kinds. Wholesale A Betollg Groeer, 'Phone 91. 71 Bread HU (wVwswVlyVlXi lasflsnV Jumi Beceived a Fresh Iiot 4 at at at 3 nd:Shells to Go With Them. Also Fancy Salmon and Lobsters. Don't fail to see us when in need of auything in the Fancy Grocery Line, we guarantee quality and prices with any gro eery honse in the city. If you.want Good Flour Try Our Fancy Patent there is nothing better ground from wheat. We have some Good Tea at 40c, 50c, 60c and 80o lb. Thanking you for past favors and trusting to continue to serve you, I am Yours to Please, J. JR. .KEZEIS, Jr." prove the srpolntment s an! d lsre the ' n Craven Couu- ilon tot the ! ( , x, F..:'l, a Co. Con, PH0NB 69. Wholesale and Retail Orocer, Cor. Broad & Hancock Him. tdflSo'iamoWona 1 The Best Staples. 3 You will always find us Y selling the best staple things I of life the things which are necessary for sntiefc- tion in housekeeping Su gar, Flour, Salt, Potatoes, ga Butter, etc. Surely (he best line of Btaples and a complete list of fancy things. - J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone t37 l Old Man in New Place 1 have moved to 95Mid dleSt, one door below my old stand, where I will be glad to tee all my old 2 friends andcustomers. ' Ihave a complete stock of everything in the Jew elry line. Special atten tion given to Bepairing. EATON, The Leading Je weler, Carbti:ofJ::, s tlr StoctVsBest Patent, Diadem & Rose Bud Floor. Tobacco Twine. All kinds ot Gro ceries, Rope and Netting, , JLqts of Empty Floor Barrelf for'saia. Pine and Coal Tar. V v. ' 7 X tr ' w THTirn sxi1SAvrt , .1UJX V iit-LM JTUJCii A ' M Middle St. 1 i V BzU Flayers . As well u everybody else, aeed soms food liver medicine occasionally. EHADUAM'8 AKT1BILIOU8 LIVER FILLS "cleanse the liver, cool th blood and ease the head," Without griping or tlsnror of salivation note this thes p!.: sr pnro'y Ttcotal.le and serve their pii-! ii e as wi ill as If they contained -i I; j'irloiis ti JnonJ dni. Dot of 8(5 f t ; -i 0 - 9. and sold at i -ii;, Date Ji -a, i jar jo ' lOaa sa joja ' 7.. ham. jAicnmm; r I am stiirhoelng horses, and doing ' all kinds oI;Blacksmlth work, have been . v T u. m. MT HUI1UOW UVIV 111, MW ' Bern 41) yearst am on the Wharf; Back . $50.00 Reward! I hereby offer a reward of I50.CO for the capture and delivery to" me '; at New Bem, N. WiK$;.- Asa Meekins, a white man, an esoapediTT. 8. prU oner, abont 4S year old,'' littlo over lit feet high, dark hair and moustache, head little bald, has a dissipated appearanoe. U J.,W. trDDLE, SheriffJCraven Ca,'N. C May 28th, 1902. '. ' - Tho lister vrill tho court hen: j July lct,.lCCr. I..: r

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