AYegetabfe Prepatafoiifor A similaling theFoodandRegula luig theStomn&s ardBowsls of iTw.: At. ... X Promotes Digpstion.Chwrful nessandRcstfontahis neither, Mum.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. ' (Tiffed 'ar Aperfeet Remedy forConslipa Hon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh xess and Loss or Sleep. - Facsimile Signature of ' NEW YOHK. rrr-.- EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Mrs. Laura S. Webb, Ylce4taUent of Vomw'i Democratic dubs oi Northern Onto. HEBE ABE MANY sickly women be tween the ages of 45 and 65, but there are Tery few invalids over 65 and 60 years ol age. The change' of life coining to f woman near her forty fourth year, either makes her an invalid or gives her a new lease on life. Those who meet this change in ill health sel dom live ten years afterward, while a woman who lays aside the active duties of womanhood in health sel dom fails to live on in happiness, years after she has passed 60. This is truly a critical time. Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognizes the change of life as a dangerous period and she also hat faith in Wine of Cardui. She writes: "As I tud alwavs been troubled mote or lea at the menstrual period, I dreaded WINEofCARDVI Administrators Notice " Having duly qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Mrs. A. 0. Hyman, deceased, all persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment. And any and all persons to whom said estate is indebted are request ed to present their claims to me duly verified on or before April 26th, 1002, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of re covery. This April 26th, 1903. P. K, HYMAN, Administrator. fotic of Summons. NORTH CAROLINA,') In the - C ravin Cot! STY. f Superior Court Before W. M. Watson, Clerk. Alex P. Davis. Laura Jackson and her husband Fred Jackson, VS. Lucy Henderson and Charles Henderson her husband, and Ella B. Lewis, The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven County, to sell the lot or parcel of land situate in the City of New Bern on the West side of Bern Bt, i i riMinir Elm hud nn wiitvivu ui uwu V - Isaac W. Kubanks and Lucinda Stanley - to Lncretie Guion, recorded In the office . . ' f the Keffiiter oi ueeos lor uwm coimtv. In book 81. folios SSI and 888), - and devised by the said Lncretia Chiton deceased, to the plaintiffs and defen- danta snare and snare aiiae, ana lor a division oi the proceeds of said sale be- twoMi the said plaintiffs and defendants. M . 1 At 1 . J. .111 (..h.. mnix Ulv mu uuiouuwiw n.u .u.wmi ' take notice that ther are required to annear before tlie clerk of the Superior jmiit for the County of Craven on. ' '. h. Kid Mnndavnt Jnna. 1009. belnt the 16 th dayof the said month, at the court , bonae of taiu county as new xwrn, a.v, lJr ami answer or demur to the netition in . mid motion on file in said court or the plaintiffs will apply for the relief de- . manaea in saia petiuon. This Srd day of May, 190?. v . W. M. WATSON, " "r Clerk SuperiorJ Court T. A. ereea. Pre . . V. rrca .m.t, omea, ftMUar, CITIZENS BANK, . -o Maw aaasr, m.o. Point Oeneral Banking Btitlieea ' March l.'WirBurplus and Cndivl- . . ded ProfiU, 116,000 00. . . ' ; Proapi and eareful attenUo given to all business entrusted to ne. Accounts .. rveeived on favorable terms. . Mrl plrMtwr. ranllnaad Dlna ' i. A. Siadows, -Hinniil W.lpock . L jti. H. VowiAr, . ''J. W. Wraltufar, B. W.Sieawoo4. -a. . . Mark ' K. H. aroafloirv ., Chu. DnflT, ix. " . ji.oma..jra, -0 dLik: Libel - For Infants and Children; -; TheVKind :JTou Have" Always 'Bought Bears the oienature ' i In Use For Over Thirty Years tmc ecHTAun mmmnVi Hew mi Otff. 3 the change oi life which was ut approaching. Walls vis iting with a Mend l noucea that (he was taking your Vine oi Cardui, and the was to enthuaiastlc about it that I decided to try a bottle. I ex perienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking It foe three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take K off and on now until I have pataed the climax. I do not dread it now, as I am sure that your Tine oi Cardui will be oi great benettt at this time." Wine of Cardui is the remedy to re-inforce a woman against the shock that comes with the change of life. It re-establishes healthy functions after years of suffering. In doing this it has saved thousands of suf ferers just in time. Do not wait until suffering is upon you. Thor ough preparations should be made in advance. Begin the Wine of Cardui treatment today. million suffering women have found relief in VftnefCarduL Manners (S fetals BANK. Capital, Surplus and. Profits $88,850.00 APRIL 30th, 1014 What We Have; Done, Do, Will Continue to Do. and This Bank conducts Its business upon "up-to-now" methods. It Is our purpose to deal lusuy ana liberally with all. we careiuuy taieiruara we interests of our customers. Moreover, we fre- auentlv do it unknown to them: as on portunitlea often come to us in confiden tial ways, and you cannot over-appedate suoh consideration. We ate not disposed to overlook the fact that the Interests of the Bank and those of the people are closely bound to gether, and cannot by any means br aeoarated. This Bank aots as a repository for Wills, and safely keeps them till the proper time of surrender. Will also act as the custodian of money or papers left with us In escrow. - No charge for these tervtoes. ' 'v- ".f.- v - We procure Letters of Credit for In- lendlnr travellers. ' j We aim to be prompt, progressive and liberal. " ' . -' ' ' la tu mallet ot cconrmoaaiions, mis Banc meets every requirement wnmn the llssltijf ttrodent banking. It yon Save never been Identified witn i as a natron, we ask you to consider the advisability of becoming one. la the early rutore, we propose adding novel, yet substantial Savings Bank feature to our already progressive in stitution.' " v Notice ot Sale. Fnrsnant to a Judgment' tendered tat ins iiay term, iwn, of Craven County buperior court, wherein Penelope Pen- aeu was ptaintin, ana ary u. tiiu ana others were defendants, the undersigned commissioner will, at the court house door in tlie city of New Bern, . U, at noon- on the 16th day ot Jnne. 1003, (being Monday) seu to uie nignes Dia. aer tot ensn, to touowing oesonnea land lying and being in uraven county. State ot North Carolina, and bounded at followsi On the north by Neuse river, on the south by the Davis' land, on the east by tne Joun uooning auia.' ana on tlie west brthe Wright Moore mnd, con taining two nunarea ana uitv izrwi acres more or less) it being the same land con veyed by deed from Wiley Hill and wife to Penelope PennelL and recorded In tne oraoe oi uie Kociater oi veeos oi Craven County, book 80, pages 66, 67 ana on, . ' - " 8. M. BniNflON, May 16, 1002, . : Commissioner. Air of TMtfc .at . m . mmm ' GiB FACTO 1.1 i - L-.JJ A German Inventor ia now. (pinning yarn from peat. , . . ' Ola as and chlnaware made in tne United States are becoming popular In Rio Janeiro. . ' London bridge,; when widened, will be lighted from the center ana not from the aides. v The New Tot board of health baa established department for Pasteur treatment free. .' " v 1 Japan hat given a Frankfurt man an order for five aaachlne tor - printing and perforating postage stamps -; Tbtr- most expenslva .and roomiest railway station in the world is that of the Peninsular railway at tiomDay, t' On the date at which the census waa taken there waa 188,704,096 worth 9 poultry on foot lh the TJnlted States. , By the burning ot a British petro leum ship on the Bitter lakes the Sues canal waa recently blocked for Jhree days. - 7'-.-' ' . " vV' ; . Thirty directors of tb.a chief British railways Iuto seats In "the' bouse of lords and forty-nine in the house of commons.. Pablo Neumann, a naturalist, has discovered the remains ot a mylodon or huge grinder teeth foesil sloth near Tierra del Fuego. By a majority of sixty-one the French chamber adopted a motion extending the period for which deputies are elect ed from four to six years. ,, r . Paris, according to the latest census returns, has a population of 2,650,000 persons, of whom over 1,200,000 are ei ther foreigners or provincials. A number of Viennese ladies have started a dress reform league, with the object of suppressing the corset and introducing e new kind of divided skirt There is a man in Bavant, England, who, having been completely bald from the day of bis birth, has now started a fine crop of hair at the mature age of ninety-two. The Union veterans of 'German birth are to raise a fund for a monument to General Frledrich Wilhelm von Steu ben of the American Revolution to be erected in Washington. A motor omnibus may now be seen plying in London streets. The vehicle is run as an experiment by tbe Koaa Car company between Hammersmith roadway and Oxford circus. Experiments with petroleum for fuel are being made by the Norwegian navy. Of the rellued oil imported annually into Norway $903,000 worth comes from America and $90,000 from Russia, A gold plate which Charles 'Bona parte pawned In order to pay the trav eling expeiises of his son. Napoleon, to the military school nt Brlenne has been placed in the town museum ut AJaccio. Subsequent to a recently promulgated law a youth of France of any belgbt above five feet, if be weighs 100 pounds, Is liable to conscription. Pre viously the minimum neigut was t reet 2 inches. Smallpox in the United States, as of ficially reported from Dec. 28, 1901, to March 21, 1002, reaches a total of 24,. 194 cases, with 708 deaths. The total for the same period In 1001 was 11,400 cases, with 149 deaths. Germany's oldest army veteran has Just celebrated his one hundredth birth day at his home near OsnabrucK. tte Is a master builder nnmed Wellmayer and Joined the Thirteenth (Westpha Uan) infantry regiment In 1822. All the tenants of the Paris news paper kiosks nnve Deen personalty warned by the police commissioners of the respective districts against expos ing for sale any Journal or publication' which may be personally offensive to King Edward. To secure prompt dispatch of busi ness the Japanese war office has dona away with the chain Used by tha Jun ior officials of the accountants' ae partment as well as those provided in the waiting rooms. The result Is stat ed to be most successful. The Turkish navy consists Of eight een cruisers of from 2,000 to 8,000 tons, twelve coast defense ships,' six gun boats and twenty-six torpedo boats, but every one of them is useless except a few small gunboats staoonea.at wr- ferent ports along tbe coast Ainonir the trcasures-preserved at tbe residence of the Earl of Clarendon ia tbe original silt key ot Hyde park, sent br Queen Anna 10 ioru vaancenur Clarendon to give him at all times ad mission to the parka of 'ixmoon-ra relic of singular historical interest The capacity Of Ireland tor tending out emigrants has been one ot tne marvels of tbe world. During 1901 tha Island sent out 80,870 emigrants, or 9 In everv 1.000 of populaUea, ol whotn 80.5 per cent were between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five. Even this largo total is some 7,000 smaller than that of 1900. The national convention of tha Eight Hour Day Supreme Grand League ot America will be held In Minneapolis Sept 22-20. Tbe purpose of tbs con vention Is to bring together representa tives from every stata In the Unloav and from all commercial ana industrial Interests. The call for .tha convention Includes employers and employees. It is reported that tha ameer of At-.' ghanlttan having appointed a council to assist him in tha administration of the country. Hlbt Hallma. Umar Khan'a mother, because she was Hot . A w I M AlMnlM I CUUBUllvu, rvijucvivu UW W Willi V. This the ameer refused to do, with tha result that the plotting and counter plotting bare Increased more wan aver. Jlerra del Fuego la full ot minerals, among which is no small proportion 0 gold. That there la to be a boom in . mining down In that part ot the world there Is Do doubt When tbe discover ies shall bo made" which will accom plish .this result Bo one can predict but there are In movement operations which' at any Urns may result in suck discoveries at will attract attention, DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE. Permanently cared by . the masterly power of "Bouth Amkrica Nesvius TohiQ." Invalids need suffer ao longer, beoause this gieat remedy can cart them alL, It ti a cure for tha whole world of stomach weakness and Indigestion. Tha core begins with the first dose. The re l'if It brings Is marvelous and snrprt.lne; J Tmakes no failure; never diiapnnlnls. No matter how long you have su.irml, four core Is certain under tne nof ti (rent heallh-eWliiir foron. I'll --ant and ' How Llaoola Felt. 1 . In 1S32, ears a writer in the Kansaa City Journal, Colonel Alexander")! To peka, who was an-lntlmata friend of President Lincoln, vunea nun at wasn- lngton and found aim in a greatly da- sressed state of mind.;-" ' cracsea .np to oe, is a, air, wucumr Inquired' Colonel Alexander, ' "No," said Lincoln, bis eyes twinkling momentarily. "I feel sometimes uka tha Irishman who, after being riddon tn a rail, said, 'Begorry, It it wasn't tor the honor ay the thing, Pd rather avalkr tH-rfl. f In Long Island sound, not far from the north shore of tha island ia clearly defined tha channel ot an ancient river. At shown by tha United States coast survey: it is a gorge, Having a aeptu or about sixty feet below the general floor of the sound on either aide at It The gorge or channel waa cot Into the bed rock of gneiss, the erosion of which is exceedingly slow,, r v .Markley Tou're a nice friend to have. Why didn't yon lend Borroughs 1 the $3 be wanted? Kaft-Why should IT Markley To save me. Ton must have realized that be knew If he didn't get it from you he would from me. Tou've practically robbed me of that "fiver." Philadelphia Press. To Relieve the Hsmotony. Ton ought to hare a change of scene,' said the physician. "But, my dear sir,'' protested the pa tient T am a traveling man by profes aloa" "Well, that's the point Stay home awhile and see something besides ho tel rooms and stations." Washington Star. - A man needs exercise as well as a 1 schoolboy, but take it moderately. Some of the gnarled and knotted frames of early- age are the rheumatic bodies of overworked acrobats. BchooUnas-. ter. HERE'S A BABY rra mothkb is well. Tha batr In henlthy bormute durlae fflstatloB IU matlur wed the purely veeuabl. ILnUMat Mother's Friend. MoCWt Friend It ft toothing, MftraW rtHx- I om oiL muKM maksir. Invlgorfttor and Iwihw- r. It puU now power Into your bmch and blpt. A coming mower ruo n in mm mm ouifiu. with her own orattv fuiarwrm. no dodntr and I waltowlnc of Matty dnifft -no lntido trtttmtnt I at IL I I Tlw altts of the mother daring fettttloa ma I taitluMM th diBookttton and whole future of the I child that it why mot hen should watch- their I condition and free themtelvea from pel a. Her I health, that ot tha child and their Hvm, depend I on heeptne free (rota torture worry ana nolan-1 choly. Be of food cheer, ttrona ol heart and I peactfal mind. Mother'a FrtentTcaa and will I make yoa to. Bearinx do we palna, tnoralnf I aUrknaaa. anrenaat of hreait. enc aUreliaTed and dlminUhed by thlt wonderful I remedy bached by (wo ecore yean of ewxete. I , anu inaon Of dnicsiat wi mu ' Uviior ttr lK)elMetherlu-rM. THC BHADFICLD RCQULATOR CO. Atlanta, Oa. i'ri- Flt-thet'i the thmrJ-We give (a, Our suits fit and, our fit suitsevery time. Same with prices. It's a way we have that never fails. - Make yon the smartest most stylish, perfect-fitting suit ia handsome and durable material, Variety of patterns to select from. Ev ery garment warranted as to workmaa- anip aaa raorio. ;;,, - rJ,A:4 v- F. M. Chadwlek, v Directory of the Mails at IM Hew aa. v a -akaJ.A sera rust uuicc, -f V Msll fortall polnW North "Souli aid West via A. e N. 0 IL ; R. aad A.C Line aloee at MO at vL . .-C'-.V'. Mall for all polaU East via A. t N.$ R, R, eloss at 8:20 p. vu & - . r Mall for all points North and West vis A. 4 N. 0. R. B. elose at 6.-00 a. . Man for Oriental. Manteo.' XUsabeU City aad Norfolk via Sir. Nente close atfcSO p,pi..-t;?,;'-',l.i.-v r -, j; Mall for Oriental. Manteo. Elliabetk City and Norfolk via Str.Ocracoke close at 8:80 p.m. :::: H- .';;?. Star Rotrrns. & Mall for Olvmpta. Granlsboro, Bay- born. Btooewsll, Vaadersaere aad Orlca lal close at 6:80 am, ; Man for Bellalr. Lima. Oeddr. Chip and Dobbs elose at 9:80 a, m. . , 1 , Mad for Aikln. Krnul. Zorah. Wain and VaoccboTO close at 1 rOO p. m, Man for Whltford close at 1:00 p. m. , . ' Bxtmotjh W. Hascock, P. M, "V; a a . While In Beaufort be sure and slifp a C ' Honaa. Flrst-Class Board. A home .iT.llng prople. Fishing and bunting nnexcoUod. Tcrtui l.tl a TT" 1. asBBBBBBaaaaBka y or 15.00 por w k, A Cloiii! e's ; rfecliles 7 i show more plainly than a braQetlon, but these dfacoloml spots greatij- mar the beauty of either. - 3 MAGK0L1A urn will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75 cts. mm CHiCHcarrairs FNOl.iflH Pennyroyal pills fy!BArC. Ala., reliable i.4ts ask Urafflet tat ejniajiij-1 r.lt S r.NUfUlSH le RKV tint liatltt maiaJiic (Mice. eaaia4 with blae ribbtt. TatLr stlhcv. UeTeee lreM rial tt .1(1 Mtln n4 I sail ta li usi a. Itu of tuur 11 miMtr-t. o arad 4a. Im lajkUM tor rtif wlura, Tettaeelalt kd ' MoHer fr 1,4I,N m iwiar. by rev kira Maall. lO-OtMl I ntiaauDiaJa. Satdhw a DrutViisae. Uhiwaiawler ObsiIm1 INa aaitea Haari, ruisUtw ri. F. M. Slmmoai, A. D. Ward 5IMJ10NS & WARD. ATTOBNEl aat COUNSELORS at LAW. IIW BKBBJB, M. C. Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 6 (above Telegraph Of fice) Month Front Street, next to Hotel Chattawka, Practice in the counties of Uraven. Duplin. Jones, Onslow. Carteret. Pamli co and Wake, In the Bunreme and Fed eral Oourta, and wherever services are desired. liodge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nlghta In each month In Roantree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7.80 o'clock. J. J. Wolfenden, President; Geo. O. Jones. Boc'y; R. & Hill, Financial Secretary. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 488. ImDroved I Order Heptasophs, meets Ind and 4th a'BBratiay nignts, at 8 o'clock at Koun tree Hall. Dr. E. F, Early, Archon; John a Scales, Financier, Geo. D. Gordner, cecreury. I CAEOUKA DISPATCH LINE AND 111 DAILY LINE rRIIQHT fc PASStHOIB. For Ail Felnte JTorth. Oommenclnr Monday, February 17th the steamers of this line are sched uled to sail from Mew Bern as fol lows: --..:. ..-... ' - The Steamer NETJSB for Oriental, Roanoke Island, Elisabeth City aad tbe liortn on Mondays, rVM nesdays ana riaaya at e p. m. : r The Str. Ocracoke Ob Tuesdays,-Thursdays'and Saiur days at 1p.m. ;;,.---, - Freight received not later than ana hear brevioai to. sailing. For farther information apply to QW. HENDERSON, Agt. m. K. Kitairen.1 Mp.J" H.O. HcMiM.Gen.Frt.4 Paaa.At T. V pKorfolaiTfc?!;.,! New Bam, N. O, Feb, 14, 1909. Admlnlstrater'sffollce Having qualified a administrator of Isaac Taylor, deceased, - lata at Craven eonntv. North Caroline, this Is to noti fy all parsons having alalBisgalna the estate ot said deceased to exhibit them to the nndersigned or bis attorney, D. L. vWard, on or before the 29th day of April, 1008, or this notice Will be pUad in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said.estata wflt plesse make Immediate paymenti ' ' ':, ..; This 89U day ot April, 1902. ' . i- , : CLAUDE TAYLOR, ; D. (. WaIV' t:: .Administrator-. Attorney. : ":. '-, ; KVtr.ty ft Law, . 74 Bo. Fnit ft , Orn. Hotel Chal s ka, : -' : v r i, n. 0. 'CrafMl Conn'! "rWJ. MesMisa Utks ik ("- '.'t, ("i;A'"t, J--1" 1, 0".1 )i,s.t t fini..''0. - i'"mr, U A.&N. C.R. R. TIMS TABL1 VO. 26 To Take Effect Thursday, June B, 1008 at 18:01 A. M K. b T. Going Eaet BOHKDULB: doing West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m - stations: Ar. a m 8 40 Goldsboro 11 06 4 09 LaQraage 10 81 4 82... 6 40... 6 60... 716... .. . ..Kinston 1018 ..Ar. New Bern, Lv, OOn ..Lv. " Ar. 8 87 Ar. Morehead oity Lv 7 06 No. 5. No. 8. Passenger STanoas: Passenger Train. Train. PAItiT. Lv. a. a. Ar. r. m. 8 00 Ooldsboro 8 80 8 18 Best's 8 08 8 26 LaQraage 7 67 8 87 Falling Creek 7 47 8 48. 9 02. .Klnetoa. .OasweU. 787 7 25 7 17 700 660 642 80 918. Dover Gore Creek Tuaearora Clarke , .Ar. New Bam, Lv.. 9 30. 9 44. 48. 1000. 10 80. 10 88. Kiverdale , 6 47 .Croatau 5 48 10 45 Havelock . . 686 . 6 21 . 616 . 606 r. a. 10 68 Newport.. 1104 .Wild wood 1130 a. K. .Ar, Morehead Oity Lv No. 211 DAILY Ko. II 2d Class. Except Friday 2d Class Lv.p.a. and Sunday. Ar.r.M. 4 80 Ooldsboro 8 00 4 63 Beat's 2 88 6 03 LeGraoge 214 Falling Creek 1 (1 5 27 Klnaton.... 128 Caswell 12 88 4 67 Dover 12 28 04 Core Creek 11 68 16 Tuaearora 11 40 ..Clark's ..11 81 Neuse Crossing 1120 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 10 00 P. M. A. H. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. 2. 2d CUas. SUNDAY 2d Okas Lv. a m - Ar. p aa 00 Ooldsboro...... ... 688 88 Bears 4 OS 7 00 LaQraage. .48 7 15 laUiac oreak... ...... 846 80... ........ Kiaatoa 8 88 8 40 oaaweU t8 42...... Dover.. S10 107 .ooteoreek 110 10 82. Taeeerore. ..1848 10 58.. ........ .Mark's .1240 U 25,.....Ar. New Bera.Lv .1 10 No. It I I No. 10 Kx'dFt.aad 1 BcanoM: I MxttXaad PaaaTa. Pass. Ta, 180 Lv. N.wBera AT......1047 19,.,..... Rrverdal...,......10 10 0., ..oroataa 1000 806 ..Havalock. ......... 00 184..,-. , Newport, Lv ., 47,. ..WUdweedw........ 47 868 ..Atlantic...... SM 408 ,.Af.MorebaadOlty,a....atO 428 ..Ar. M. City Depot,Lv..... 760 P. . : ..: :,.---:,-: .4. St. Moaday. Wedaeaday aad Irlday. . .. fTaesday, ThBraday aad Batarday, . . ". .j.;- ajk'Jll'. dill, : ' B.A. NEWLAND, . . . ' O. P.A. ' Master Traaa porta tioo. - . .- ATLANTIC! A N. O. RAILROAD CO., .:;v;. ' TraMportatloa Departmeot, T n,. EtGDLAR 80HDIT TEAIIS I jpr Morehead City, for the Beason -Ks- r tabllshed.. .In affect, Sunday, w.'s(,llaf ltb, IMS. .. The following low ratet ol tare' on these trains wlU apply, food lor owe day, VI!' Round trip :,.',-.! ?rw r Oohlsboro,, $1.28 " New Bera, ,, ; 0 riiusion, . .. cv iiTruaM - .w CaawelL "',0 Crbataa.. ".60 Dover, ri."? S "Havelock, :-;' 48 CoreCreek, r.t Newport, -J8 Tuaearora, ,U -Wlldwood," ' .25 CUrk's (Conductor wlU couaot) , jn 'TVFor schrxlule see regnaar A. at N. 0. time table, trains 5 and a. ,; ; ..,.'',..?'. .... 8. L. DILL, ' ".'.'' General BuparlnUadent r.r . ati: Kid: r "... s. - - - 1 AT ---- ' 1 LIT?. - - " yen Erkk , 1 Vnaaeaed Scheanle. - lUAltJS tUllNU SOUTH. ' 'V'--'- ' . . o 3 o j o 3 eiTI ' -1 1 7 A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Lv. Weldonll 60 988 Ar. R. Mt. . 1 00 10 88 Lv. Tarboro 12 22 7 22 Lv. R Mt. 1 00 10 02 7 5". 5 45 18 62 Lv. Wilson 1 69 11 10 8 81 6 28 2 20 Lv.8elma.. 8 55 12 W Lv.Fay'ville 4 41 1 &8 Ar.Florence 7 50 8 35 P.M. A.M. Ar. Golds 9 80 Lv. Golds 7 81 8 15 Lv, Hag'lla 8 37 4 25 ArWilm'ton 10 10 8 00 P.M. A.M. P.M TRAINS GOING NORTH, fl w a 0 'S o u oi 0 6 '3 see sr.S S50 ko an A.M P.M. Lv.Florence 10 05 8 20 Lv.Fay'ville 12 40 . . . . 10 28 Lv.Belma.. 2 10 11 40 Ar. Wilson. 2 57 12 80 A.M. P.M.A.M. LvWilm'ton 700 980 Lv. Mag'lia 8 80 11 05 Lv. Golds 7 35 9 87 12 20 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M Lv. Wilson 2 85 8 20 12 80 10 35 1 18 Ar. R. Mt.. 8 80 9 00 12 10 11 23 1 53 Ar. Tarboro 9 34 Lv. Tarboro 2 81 Ly. R. Mt. . 8 60 12 48 Ar. Weldon 4 53 1 87 P.M.I 1A.M. Yadkin Division Main Line Train leaves Wilmington 9 10 a m, ar rives Fayetteville 12 20 p m, leaves Fay- etteville 12 42 p m, arrives Sanford 1 5 1 p m. Returning leave Sanford 8 10 p m arrive r ayetieviue 4 00 p m, leave i ay- ettevllle 4 40 p m, arrives Wilmington 7 80 pm. Bennettsville Branch Train leaves Bennettsville 8 10 a m, Maxton 9 05 a m, Red Springs 9 82 a m, Hope Mills 10 55 a m, arrive Fayetteville 1110. Return ing leaves Fayetteville 5 00 pm, Hope MUls 5 25 p m, Red Springs 5 53 p m, Maxton 6 16 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 25 pm. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs witb tne tied oprlngs and Bowmore railroad. at Sanford with the Seabovd Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 15 p m, Halifax 8 29 p m, arrives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m, Greenville 6 47 pm, Kinston 6 45 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 30 a m Greenville 8 80 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 05 a.m. Weldon 1120 a m, daily ex cept Bunda,?. Trains on Wasbington Branch loaye Washington 8 00 a m and 1 45 p m, ar rive farmele 8 00 a m, and 3 10 p m, re turning leave Parmete 915 a in & 5 22 p m arrive Wasbington 10 35 a m and 0 15 p m, dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N G. daily except Bunaay 4 no p m, Sunday, 4 ao p m, ar rives Plymouth 6 85 p m, 630 p m, Re turning, leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 W a m, and Sunday u 00 a m, arrives Tarooro 00 a m, 11 warn Train on Midland; N 0 Branch leave Goldf boro daily, except Sunday, 5 00 a. m, arriving Bmitbfield 6 10 a m. Return- tag leavea Smith field 7 00 a m; arrives at Goldsboro 8 26 am. Trains on Nashvillo Branch leaves Rocky Mount at9 80 a m, 4:00 p m, arrive Nashville 10 20 a m, 4 28 pm, Spring Hope 11 OU a m, 4 40 p m.Keturning leave Spring aope 11 20 a m, 5 15 p m, Na ville 11 46 a va, 5 45 p m, arrive at Rooky nouns n 10 p m, 0 w p m, oauy except Sunday, Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 8 80 a m and 4 15 p m. Returning leaves Clinton at 7 00 am and 1000 pm. Train No 78 makes close connection at Weldon fot all points North daily all rail via Richmond. H M EMERSON, Gen'l Pass Agent J B KKNLY, UenT Manager, T M EMERSON, Traffic Manager. Atlantic Coast Line. WlLMIUQTOS & NlW BKEHK R. K. Tlatl TABLK NO. 6, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1896 'DaUy Except Sunday, Kiiwrjt Hnndav. Going South I BCTJEDTJLB: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains No.OO, Lv. a m, stations: 00 New Berne. 9 86... PoUocks ville 61 ..Maysviile. 1002.. Jacksonville. 11 aa i Wilmington, Unloo Depot Ar. p m, .... 540 504 449 4 18 188 115 ...Ar. Wilmington) In. . 26 r m No. 8, PAsaBMEa Fbbioht, r ti No. 4, ' Leave WUmlnrtoa Moaday, Wedaee- day and Friday. Leare New. Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday Lv. AM Ar, m 20....,Lv. Wilmlnrton, Ar 1 46 40, . . ...... .Scott's Hill .1 68 SO.. Woodaide... ...... ,1 16 1000... .BoUyrldge 1140 1061. ;M. Dixon,.,.,,. ...1061 11 20...... ....Verona. ...... ...1020 1208. .......Jacksonville. 9 45 180.. ...'.. ..NortbeaaVw 866 I 69.. ........ Whitoak. ...v:. 80 lw......,...laysvllleJL, ... bvo 815..,......PoUooksviIC, .... 7 20 2 65 DabroWs. -J?..;...; 88 40.,..'..Ar.NewBrnerLW..,t. 800 Daily ci uvadayt ..ar.: .mJ"v. .' -r. W a.Sii.X, , - 'i: . ueaerai ssanarw deaa, pure wholesome, aaaranteed to be chemically made from distilled water ad rroe from Imrmnue. eneciauy an- Wmdmi and prepared for bomaa I h delivered dally (except Bundaya) g a m to e p m. - , hindays(reUll only) I a mv ia nooo. ror prices and otter;, niormauoo, Address, ' ' j . J1DMIS1STEATEIX. (OTICC. T 'Having this day 'qualified as adminis tratrix offheesute of William P. Lewis , deceased, all parsons indebted to said es tale are, requested to make Immediate ;.' payment. And all persons holding claims -against said estate are notified to pre , sent the same for payment on or before the 87th day of May 1908 or this notice ' will be pleaded In bar of recovery; - SUSAN M. LEWIS, - K Administratrix, ' '., May 27th, 1902. The North Carolina Hot Springs, MOClTTAfN PABK HOTKT ''r Hot Sprinca, O. ' New ownership. New Management house entirely made over, , thoroughly -modern and in every way deslreable, new and modern bath bonse, new Casino for rainy day amusements. Do yoo suffer with rheumatism, gout sciatica, nerv ousness, sleeplessness or indigestion? t or these and such troubles our Hot r Mineral Waters and baths are. unsur- passed in tbe world. In the Great Smoky Mountains, grand scenery, ' delightful climate, 100 acres of beautiful park, mag : i! t 1 a 1 - 1 1 1 . uiiiveui, guu 1111KB, iiorse-nacK nuing, mountain climbing, bowling, tennis, cro-', queting, and ping pong. No more de- ngntiui summer resort in tne world. -Illustrated booklet Write, HOWELL COBB, Proprietor, Executor's Notice. Havlna this day Qualified as sxeeutors of the estate of L. 0. Dawson, deceased. ah persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. And all persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present tha same for payment on or before the 21st day of May 1908 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. - E. A. JOHNSON, J. A. SMITH, Executor's. Maple Cypress, N. C. Msy 21, 1902. Summer Law Schcsl UNIVERSITY OF VIRCI1BJIA. In Virginia mountain, ad Summer. July l tosmtem. u-rl.lam. Uy the Law Facultr- Helpful to rwlmien; to candidate, for the tar; aodtopractuttmenwiioliaT. lacktxl yitematte InitracUon, For catalogue, addreaa H- V. MINOB, SMretary OhariMlMTlU. Va. . s 5 127 Middle Ht. Columbian Insect!cide,f.Peterman Rnach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Cloradtne The disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. We keep on hand a complete stock o riediclnes, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth Brushes, dec. Pbvsicians'.Prescriptions a special E. HAVENS, The Old Reliable Shoe Maker on Middle 8trset has pleased the people for years with his work. Can excell all others in the business in this city. Tlie repairing of Ladies shoes a specialty, 130, MIDDDE STREET. SIVET1 ! Having secured the services of ex perienced parties, I am prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Streets and Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting in all Its branches. Blue and black 'prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topographical surveying and plotting. Drawings and woanng pians czecuieu promptly. Dew. erage and drainage planned, laid out and construction superintended. J. J. Wolfenden, flfew Pern, JT. C. It will be to the in terest of those want, rng buggies and Road Carts to call at once J It rVkh tPfrtftA I ' . . ,. . hand ones left on hana and they must be sotct. J. W. STEWART. Oomxnissioners Sale. ' Under a lodgment obtained at the February term, 1902 of the Craven oouv ty superior eourt, wherein John 8. tiaf rettwae' pbamtia and Henriettaf Hmea and others were defendants, the ander signed coramiss loners, wlU, at aha eoart house door la the city of New Bern,; at noon, on the 18th day-of June (being Monday), seU to the highest bidder- tor cash, the following described, city lots: Two certain lota ot lead wrtU all fan' Srovementa thereon; -situated-- m Pavle wn and known aa lots Noa. 8S andt 84 respectively, hi the plan of the said Pavtetown arid boarded as follows; ' On tbeaorth by Isaao Webb's lot, on tbe west by Oliver Wetheringtoa's lot, on the east byPavie avemie, on the. south by 01ivesL.jroavieUa's lot) each ot sai l lots fronting on Pavle avenue (8 feet au 1 running back 100 feet, -being the-senm property ov two rots' emrreyed by' dw.i dated Oetober 26 1888, fronv X. M. E. M. Pavle to the said Wrlgh Hm. -and recorded in book No, 87, pa"s J aad 94, bt the office of the n-ni r r, deeds ot lJravea eouaty. Jtxc-,i,... however, the 85 feet front and back lot No. 84, and the house thereon 1 ated, which will be sold subjn4 to t Ills estate ol Henrietta II ine. r f.... J, K. CHAKA, v b. w. wiLLurion. May 1ft 1909.'- Commis ,.u . o- r , LAXATTVg TASTT! 'If Hi Pharmacy wm W. t. DroakStt, DIsoiitsy.U. al ways safe. Bold by 0, D. Drii; .-'ut. -ZD Ic::e. - Ol l)MlyuA 1 u. oa. i. ir...; :.L. rt.,p and t