To-Day's Weather THE JOURNAL. NewBen, N.IC Jane 16,108. U1UU. IV I1CW MTCIUKIUHIA Ennett Hammocks. Baby Carriage tor gale. Smith's Negligee BhirU. - . tTaflVkman TVnn't VIII tliA fffiACA. Elm City Lnmber Co. Store Depart mentShoes. ' 8immons & Hollowcll Co Rudaced Business Locals. A BABY Carriage to sell at $2.00. Mrs. Geo. W. Howard, 17 Change St. FRESH lot of Nanally's Fine Candy re ceived last night by express, pbnndi and' half pounds. Also Almond Brittle, Chocolate Almonds and Chocolate Creams In 10 cent and 26 cent packages. All Nanally's goods, James B. Dawson, 103 Middle street, phone 209. WANTED Night work in book keeping and typewriting. Information at this office. OUR "Acme' Hammocks, the enly remedy for that tired feeling. O. N. Ennett. FOR BALE I desire to sell my horse Phaeton ond Harness, anyone desiring to purchase can secure a fine bargain by applying at once to F. S. Daffy. FOR RENT No 130 Pollock street Large Garden and Yard. House in first class order, Apply to Chas. B. Hill 35 Middle tit. S. COPLON who has done business for alx years in New Bern, has leased the store from John Dunn on Middle st, and will return back for business with a full and complete line of merchandise on or about Sept 1st. 1903 NOTICE I am now permanently lo cated at the corner of Broad and Middle streets and will do all kinds of shoe work at reasonable prices. N. Arpen. PROCRASTINATION is the thief of time, don't delay. A reliable New York Upholsterer Is In town, who will cover furniture, re-cane chairs, and make over hair mattresses. Call on Henry S. Crc teau, 40 Broad street. NOTICE It yon want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. Register. He can do it all, 178 Pollock street, New Bern, N. C. Special Bargains in Belgian Hares Address. Post-Office BOX 606, NEW BIRN, N. C. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr L II Cutler and wife are In More head today. Mr J W Stewart is spending the dsy at Morehead City. Mr X H Koonce, of Jacksonville, was in Um city yesterday. Mr W M Webb of Morehead was in New Bern yesterday. Mr. D F Jarvls, wife and son are visit ing In Morehead City today. MrsT A Greea and Miss Clara are passing a few days In Morehead City. Mr J t Wolfendea, wife and . two daughters are visiting In Morehead City. , .. . ' Mrs J H Bell and Miss Abneda White, of Pollocksvtlle, are visitors In the City. Mrs H A Austin and Miss Annie Brewer, of Danville, Va, are guests for few days of Mr W P Marshall. Mr. Austin Is passing today with them. Boat For Sailing Paroles. Oa and after Jane ISA. 1PQ2.. The Fannie Brevard will leave Harper's dock each nliht at 8:80 for Johnson Point and points at may be suggested and return, Fare for the round trip 20 cents. , Parties' desiring to charter said boat for moonlight sails ot other as will ap ply to B. B. Davenport. : - ' The Fannie Brevard has been recently overhauled and , thofoughly equipped ror pleasure. . j j G. W. Habdisom, Car. :"; i ! 'UrnbfeHa Sak TMi Weei , V W put o tale ttls "week one lot of fifty Ladles' and 'Men llaek twill silk umbrellas,", paragon; frames, steel rods with assorted hasdlee regular prlos fl.48 special this week 1.00 sack, -: 'v Chocolates toe per pound at McSorloy CAPULlIPIEl Cares CoUl,LaGtippt , i.-nnant to tiifco, j(OttttaWef ' CLD It ALL PEUflBIStiy FATS VS. LEANS, , Siflretted Laeal Talent For .Sack, i Ctm li bt.Piayed. ;HtteTlA - '' . Wee. ' ' ;4i It will be dull this week, no baseball la town, so a gam la proposed between the "over-fed'' and the "underfed." , The Fat Men will Induoe Tommy Welloa Waters' to catch. He would then be close enough to the grand stand, to hear all the complimentary things that would be said of him. If the "cucumber market1 was good no doubt ''Bast" Haokbura would be willing to do the twirling as well as to "do" the umpire In case decisions were not to his liking. Col, H. B. Bryan, Jr., could hold down the first cushioa to rival the great Ashen back, and he might alao be made Captain of the team and his dignity and diplomacy would Inspire enthusiasm and diligent effort for his side. Johnny Watson, Jr., would be an adorable short stop and If "the band played" he would do the "cake walk" and other "stunts" "Between the acts." Little Jimmy Dawson would excel Devltn at lad bane. Seymour Hancock could "hold the bag" at ihlrd. Mr. Mortle Marks on account of his speed as a runner would be the very man to chase long files and foul balls In left aeld. This fills nearly all the places but leaves the following aggregation. Luther Taylor, War Dunn, L. J. Tay lor, J. B. Watson, W. CWIllett, JR Parker, M L Hollowell, J R Parker, Jr., J A Jones and others of talent on the benches from which the other places could be filled and also be on hand to take the places of any overworked or disabled players For the lean and lanky, on account of the reputation gained by skillful pitch ing in the recent game between the Hooli gans and Katzenjamers of course Col Thos. W. Dewey will be asked to pitch. Dr. Primrose should be close at hand to do any short-stop work that would come his way. For 1st base, Hon. E. M. Green was nominated but as the dear public are more Interested In ball both high and low than In 16 to 1, It is thought best to put him in center field where bis talents can be employed in the Consideration of "high balls." ; Percy Cox was also nominated for first base but upon examination he was found to be too fat to train with the lean kind; and In addition the grand stand says it cannot spare him so be will be there "dressed In his best suit of clothes' and ready to explain any fine points on the geme In a style and manner that would put Jerome K. Jerome or Billy Baxter out of the game. Down at 2nd base Cousin Jonesey Wahab will preside over the cushioa and be in the game from beginning to end. The risk at the 3rd. pillow will be covered by N. C. Hughtee who will try to stop anything that oomes his way. This leaves a few places unfilled but there Is no end of talent among the underfed. Among them can be named, C. N. Ennett, H. C. Lumsdea, W.W.Clark, O. H. Gulon, J. E. Latham, J. B. Hol land, D. R. Davis and others. It is suggested the game should have two umpires and T. Burk and E, W. Rosenthal It Is thought would be accept able to both aides. If the gsme comes off shortly it is ex pected that Charley Relsenstein and old man Spalding and other base ball cranks will be down from New York. It should be a great game, and no ad' vance In prices should be made to the public. The players however should pay double fee. OABTORXA.. Bssrstw IM YsHbistMiT. tjssjji patsia AROUND AND ABOUT. The lighted beacon located at Wilkin son's Point Is reported to be down. Mra.W.P. Burma gave a delightful sailing party laat evening oa the schoon er Fannie Braved Capt Hardlson. They went to Johnsons Point A delicious supper was served oa board. The heat of the past few days has had a tendency to depress. The warmest day ot the season was Friday when the hlgheat temperature was 01 degrees. Foreast for this week until Wednesday Is pleasant weather. . About three years ago a watch was stolen from the bareaua attorney W. D Mel vert room which was recovered re cently. The negro offered to pawn It to secure money to pay a fine, the gentle man who took It inspected the watch to be tne one stolen and Mr. Kolver Idea- tided It and Um negro who had beea foand guilty of on charge of laroeay was mad culpable for another charge. Oranges SOe per dotea at MoBorley. JACOBS' Raleiga By Whiskey Is the best. Mlddla WMMMMMM0000 ; ; . . rwk avedrlgMaWnalth. ' ; .. tal and nutritions., We-oa deaveav , , to serve only the purest syrups, J I made from ripe fruits, cane augar and water. " Chocolate) la made , , ;trom Hnylrr'a Coot. We take ! , treat pride In out CHOOOHTsi ' ' X DRINKS. If you want something X T ,deUokms and rich try our Cbooo- I late or Chooolate Cream Soda. Alt Hie new inanrain annas rw ptn too. TRY C1N-CUO. ' TBI ADQAM'S PHARMACY. UC'J till. : Testerlaj' Game a Drafted Out v " Atfalr. Both Teams Play Daatb Ball. Twe Heart aad Qartr Ustlesl Ball Plailar, lahlaa to Darham Today. TRSTEBDAT'S BISDLTS. New Bern 4, Charlotte 9. Raleigh 9, Durham I. Wilmington 8, Greensboro 1 WBIBE THEY PLAT TOMOBBOW. New Bern at Durham. Charlotte at Wilmington. Greensboro at Raleigh. STANDING OF THIS CLUBS. WOH LOST PIBOSNT. Charlotte 80 5 857 Raleigh SI 15 683 New Bern 17 19 472 Durham 17 19 472 Greensboro IS 20 444 Wilmington A 29 171 One hundred and thirty-five minutes were consumed In playing the laat game between Charlotte and New Bern yes terday. It was a listless game, with errors coming in to assist the run getting and disgust those hoping to see a good game. The special feature of the game was the lack of discipline on the grounds, the players wandering about on all sides with an utter disregard to the fact that benches are provided for the players and the rules demand the benches shall be occupied. '- There were a few attempts to relieve the monotony by "stunts" and "gags" by the players, and Asbenbeck was pre sented with a coquet of flowers The lack of snap ot the players had Its effect on the spectators, until there waa a stolid Indifference all around, wind s home run In the ninth not pro voking a single emotion among the spectators. The game opened dark for New Bern. Weaver was hit, Graham madn bit, Os- teen was hit, Brandt walked, but even all this only produced one ran for Char lotte. In the second, Wind's muff of Leh man's fly and Weaver's safe hit, made it look bad for New Bern, but Getttg struck out Graham and Armstrong. In the third Osteon knocked the first ball pitched over center field fence. Bronthers reached Drat on Randolph's error, stole second and scored on Hemple man's two-bagger In the third, Flllman hit and scored on sacrifice hltaand Armstrong's er ror. In the fourth Randolph's Ud throw to first gave Graham three bases, scoring on Armstrong's fly hit which dropped between Templln and Flllman. In the fifth, Lehman hit, went lo third on Laughlln's attempt to retire him at second, the ball striking the runner, sooring on Weaver's hit to right. In the seventh, Brandt and Hemple man hit safely both snoring on Lehman's hit. In the aame Inning, New Bern scored again, Wind being safe at first and going to third on Bronthers wide throw. In the eighth, Graham hit safe, was hit by Laughlln's throw to catch him at seoond aad scored oa Osteon's out at first la the ninth Hemplemaa tot Charlotte and Wind for New Bern made home rua hits over center and right Held fences, respectively. The following la tha tabulated score and summary: aw bur. ij, a. h. r.o a. a. FOlman, sj I 2 2 4 0 DevMaSb ..,.. 01040 Raa4olpk,3b .... 0 1 0 1 8 Langhlln lb .... 0 17 11 Foster, rf ......8 0 1 2 0 0 Daom, e ...4 0 2 7 1 o TsmpUi.lf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Wladof 4 8 9 2 0 1 Getttg, p.. 4 0 0 1 1 0 Total 88 4 9 27 19 8 CIABLOTTB. A.B. B. a. P.0 A. B. Weaver, e.i s i 9 8 0 0 Graham,! t..... 99100 Amstrong,lb.........4 0 1 10 19 Osteen,M- ,.......,.8 11970 Broothera, 8b.. ....... .8 11119 Brandt, i.f 4 11111 Hemplemaa, 9t.....t.. 9 9 9 4 0 Lehmaa,.....:'w.....l 1 9 SOI Persons, p 4 0 0 1 1 0 ;' ! i- a- Total 4! 9 19 97 IB 9 .I tooaa by nraladl Cbarlott 1 0 9 1 1 9 2 1 19 Maw Bsra.r....;.! 01 090 1 0 1-4 ,,i. uataunr-. Two haee hits, UempUanaa home raaa, Hemplemaa, OsUea, Wind; aadrlfloa hlta, Armstroag, Oaleea, Per sous, , Devlla, Baadolpk; bases stole a, Weaver, Broa therm, Brandt, Hemplaataa FUsaa, Foawrf strtck 'out by Gettlg 9, by PersoM 4; bases offjBeitH 1, off PH so4s 9; hit by pllchad.hall, Oeteea, Weavett double playa,iHempIsaaa aad Oseea .Oslawa, Hemplemaa aad Arm strong, Brandt and ' Armstroag left oa bases, New Bern 7, Charlotte 11) time of game l:19j Umpire Mr. Bbermaa. Smith, reeently eslchlng for Raleigh ha kft that eWV; ; Hir T.'fr 1 reeVlined b!s po sition v " t i " ' ' ! s P'"'-- mtttee of tea will manage the Raleigh team. with BaraeEaln, Captain. i poa't quit beoaaai the'other team la - Poop Crawley Is able to be put and got about oa crutches. His friends are glad to tea his Unproved condition - " pemplemahp kiitlnf and fielding, a nd Osteeal fielding, were tha features oa the Charlotte aide. - ; Detlln, Flllman ana Daum ted In the playing for New Bern. , , ( Manager Ellis and eleven members of the New Bern team leave this morning for Durham, where New Bern plays Monday, Tuesday aad Wednesday. New Books at the New BernClrcn- , ' latlnc library. The Biased TrallNone But the Brave, The Leopard's Spots, The Opponents, The Weatootea, The Making of a States man, The Crisis, The Minority, Philip Longstretts, WaUannah, The Dark O' The Moon, The AllenThe Battleground, Circumstance, The Misdemeanors of Nancy, Tarry Thou Till I Come, The Lady Paramount, Old 'Virginia and her Neighbors, The Yalley of Decision, The Kentoas, Jack and Jill, Eight Cousins, Rose In Bloom, Little Women, The Dayaof Bruce, Home Influence, The Mother's Recompense, The Vale ot Ce dars. Peccavil Greensboro Record. Mr. Chas. L. Btevens, of the New Bern Journal, In an unguarded moment, con sented to umpire a game of ball In that town Monday and now his friends are engaged In certifying to bis fair rulings. A newspaper man who will be caught In such a scrape Is entitled to the sympathy of the entire country. He should be sternly reprimanded by the next press convention, not for bis rulings, but for being caught trying to do such a thing as umpire a ball game. LESS WORRY. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet wet, expose themselves In dozens of ways, and you can't prevent it. All you can do Is to keep them as tree from exposure aa possible and al ways have In the bouse a Cough Remedy that can be depended upon. An way's 'Jroup Syrup will fill every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents will be refunded by any dealer selling It. Fold by Davis' Henry's, and Bradham'a Pharmacy THE MARKETS. The fo.iowlag quotations were reoeiv ml by J. B Latham A Uo, New Bern N. U. Chicago, June 14. Wbbat: Open. High. Low. Close July 72 72 71 71 Sept 71 71 70 70 Cobn: Open. High. Low. Close July 63t 63 63J 631 Ribs: Open. High. Low. Close July 1043 1042, 10271 1040 Sept 1080 1030 1020 1027 J Naw Yobx, June 14. OoTToki Open. High. Low. Close July 8.79 8.81 8.73 8.7S Aug 8 51 8.51 8.43 8 43 Sep 8.18 8.18 8.18 8.13 Oct ...8.02 8.05 7.99 7.99 New York, June 14. Stocks; Open. High. Low. Close Sugar 119 129 1889 U Bo By 87 87t 87J N. Y. C 15 . 50 U. a S 89t ?i a ft 0 47t 47t Mo. P. 104t 105 1941 104 Atchison 811 Bl 811 81 J Va. a 0 701 70 A. 0. O Am Ice liWSMl Spots 5.1-18. Bales 8,000 balaa. : Futures, June-July 4JS4. Aug-Sept. 4.47. Sepl-Oct 4.85. roT naveurta. ' Heme -reek Laat week last year. 90.800 64.000 Thla weec. laalght 88000 7W0 Bet, ' - 8000 8000 Moa. . 8000 Taea 8000 Wed. 14000 Thura. tOOO Frl. 700Q 60,000 Advices to J. M. Latham Co., jester Purely weather taarket without rein by Monday should be higher. V- j t n. j, johnsoa Co, '- Be Set " Oet -I 'C aMCareCI 1 V, fV. ' X a Cure tk uuewlik J.Q.C.! j Its Ica's. tlstt.t er' R..M only by nAROETB fllirr'ACY, r.i:'-i ft. t f ; V TWO DKY WATS !;y i There was a man who advertised Btat once a single time. ' In spot obscured placed he his ad. . And paid for K a dime. : . And just because It didn't bring .-. . - Htm eustomers by score, ' "All advertising is a fake," He said, or rather, swore. He seemed to think one hammer tap Would drive a nail dear In; That from a bit of tiny thread A weaver tents could spin. If he this reasoning bright applied To eating, doubtless he Would claim one little bite would feed Ten men a century. Some day, though, he will learn that to Make advertising pay, He'U have to add ads, to his ad., . And advertise each day. E. Townsend, In 'National Advertiser. A Worthy Project. Editob Journal Allow me space In your ably edited paper a word concern ing the Industrial Educational school work now being made a live by Rev. A. L. C Weeks backed by the good people of the city and elsewhere. The work Is already assured of success The canvass of the city for funds though meager, yet the good white people have so liberally responded un til a commencement to build will begin this month. The building must be completed by September, every donor ill then lie ap preciated and remembered. More good will come to the colored race and the buslnesi interest of New Bern from this single effort of Rev. A. L. C. Weeks, than from the combine ef forts of all the race's self constituted friends since the last Civil War between the States. Strange as It Is, yet It is true, though they have been waited upon, yet the truth to say not one cent has been sub scribed or given Rer. Weeks to help the good work along by the local while Re publicans, This school will soon reach a prrpor tlon spending fifty thousand dollars each year la New Bern. Who will get this money ? The bus! ness interest. Now who help in the childhood days of the school will be remembered when the school gets grown. This school Is to model after Booker T. Washington's great normal and in dustrial school at Tuskegee, Alabama. His school Is said to be the greatest In dustrial Bcliool on earth, and the pro moters of the work here propose to make this industrial work the greatest in the world. Anon Hlgned, Isaac LI. Smith. X I iiReduced. All of our stock of Fine Stripe and Silk Spot Gingham that were 25c are nowJjT J Reduced to 19c. The Fine 20c qualities are liic. These prices are exceptional value and are cut to clean up our stock ot Gingham t j Cut in j Millinery Prices. Prices, are Cut abont in Half in all KEADY-TO-WEAR HATS. - ' Unusual Values In Flowers, Ornaments and Shapes. " Don't wait too long to make your selections. Just what yon want may be gone at the Cut Prices. Fans are all the vogue just now. Our line is the ' "most complete ever shown in this city. t From the ser vloeable Palm Leaf to the Finest White Silk. , Our Special 85p Whits Bilk Fans with Ivory Stloks re special values). All the Newest Books $1.08. t ; 'iTlie Virginian", just ouL , ; ' ! i-j 67 .. Pollock Strccr. "v. lfjWfEMORTOP - Jacob Eater, Born In Germany, Deo em ner so, ioi, Died la uermany. May 80, 1902, In the 81st year of Mingo.' I Mr. Kafer came to thla country, and In 1887 he Settled In Edenton, N. C, where1 he successfully carried on his baking business and accumulated a very considerable amount of money, through the failure of a bank a considerable part of it was lost. He moved to New Bern, N. 0., In 1881 and began bis baking busl ness which he carried on very success fully. About two years ago his health failed and for some time waa confined. Think ing that a trip to his old home in Ger many might be of benefit to him he left New Bern and went to Germany, he however found no relief and returned to New Bern. A few months ago he aga In went to Germany where he died. Mr. Kafer was one of the most in dustrious and prudent of men. He scarcely ever left his place of business and was rarely seen in the streets. lie gained the respect of our entire com munity. He leaves a wife and five child ren who have, to a large extent the sym pathy of our people. O. Ladles Oxford Ties. Another shipment of those $1.50 and $2.00 Oxford Ilea Just received we have them In Patent Leather and Vlcl Kid, in all the new shapes, also two cases Misses and Children sandals all sizes 75c and 91.00. BARFOOT BROS, Our "ECLAT" HAMMOCKS are Superior to All Others. 6. N. Ennett. I HAVE OPENED A Stationery Office Supply Store at 72 Craven St. and will-continue to sell goods at my usual LOW PRICES. I make a specialty of ENGRAVED AND PRINTED STATIONERY and can furnish tins class of goods very cheap. I have on hand several thousand Shipping Tags and Envelopes which I will sell at very low prices for the next few kays. OWEN O. DUNN, 7 Craven St. Madras and Zephyr Silk mm O are all the voerue this summer, fects (fi lm in y Uivw SjV Also a large line of Caps, straw white duck and flannel, of patterns to select from. I J. G. 'Dunn & Co., Men's e& Boy'N Wear, X 57 ZFolloclr Street- Half of a man's mer lies in the We have the Swellest Line of Negligee Shirts you ever saw or ever will see- - Cheviots, Madras, Percale NKW AND EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS Just 50c to AND TO HKMIND .YOU we Gent's Shoes, High and Low Cut. These we bought especially for summer wear. Patent Calf, Vici, Velour, and Box Calf As good as others charge $5.00 for Ours 3.00 to 3.5. At Smith's 99 Middle Street VOTING We have on exhibition a BEAUTIFUL SILVKR SI'KAKI Nt! TRUMPET which will lie given to one of our fire companies. Kvcry customer to onr store will be given a check to the amount of their cash purchase. These checks can be voted to either New Hern or Atlantic Co. by writing the name of either company on hack of the check and depositing Eame in a ballot bo arranged fur the purpose Every 50c worth of checks counting as one vote. At the close of the content the box will be opened, the decks counted and the company receiving the greatest number of voles will be given the trumpet. COMK TO THE FRONT and HKLI YOUR OOMl'ANV WIN. J. J. BAXTER, Phone 160. Horse Shoer, HAM. .IACKKON. I am still shoeing linrses, and doing all kinds of Blacksmith work, have been working at the business here in New Bern 4U years; am on the Wharf, Back of Chas. B. U ill's. SOIjE AOENCY FOK istwbm. AT DAVIS' PHARMACY, AtDaTis'. Go to Davis' for moth balls, fly paper, Insect powder.chlorlde of lime In cans for disinfecting, etc WE HAVE THEM! V. WireEcreens, Door and Window 8cren, litrm Mowert, Ic ( ream FnezerSaloaShaTers. ; '-.'A' - -" ''. ,,. 'A full line of nardwarev Painis, Oils, Varnish, ltnamels in Gold, Sllvotf and Allumlnum. , . , ' ' :i rv 'j . A tew lot Ball bearing CorB,1inpiTrf.,;,-;;;;V "'"::V;C:v': j't;Onronrlaa renrMentn,!. 'PRICES THIS LOWEST f" r' . " fllA n. .mlm -'.!';;:' '" C)iv ns yonr orders. rHOMI 78 If 8 we are showintr all the new pf- fc!9 SO ufiantf vi Boys' and Men's sizes, in cloth, 25c, 50c and 75c. A large line A . . comfort in sum shirt he wears. Received, at $1.50. have just in a beautiful line of CONTEST. 89 middle Street. Foy & Wood Co., Practical Tinners and Plumbers. Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipe, ainl Hoofing. We male a specially of Hot Air Heating, and Steel Ceiling. You will find us at lrany'N Old NiiiihI, Nou Oi Front Nl. ato "a. nicoi.i. TIIOH. O. IIVMAN. loll 4 flyman, Fire Insurance. Solicit trade and ask the patronage of those desiring "re insurance. Only First-class Cnniinles represent ed. Temporary Office over Hyman Hupply Co., t raven Street. V. "i-' '. 'l' ' "V-'. '';-.':: Qa:!:fll Hardware Co. idpu "--t i" t r m n - i v .MMMOwH''Mtt,tt :