: Ai 1 I ' I. i i 7 1 I ' - , K27 EIUS, R. C, THURSDAY JUNK 19, 1902 - TWKNT7-FIBST TUB 3Li XX NO, C9 REWARD FOR LYHQIERS. vki : - K s - V THE MARKETS. AM mwt "Dont Kill the Goose ' That Lays the Golden Egg 'BUT Spend your money - With those who work for the jnferasi1 of your city ; . -; ; n Table Linen and Towels. This Week, o ' nuck and Turkish Towels Especially the '..Bert1 Bath .Towelg V v on Earth , , . , , , t J ; Crash at 5c yard;and up. $ : The Best Russian Crash 10c. ; jj A BIG CUT IN KMBROIDEBYS A Genes! Clearing out ; i this week. ' , , , y Offers Special Values . Three Teachers ere wanted to fill va cancies In the White Graded School of New Bern.:; Applicant! will he required to pan a competitive examination he fore the undersigned at New Bern on the eecond Monday pf July next. H. P. HARDING, Superintendent. ' ' THE WOBTH CAKOMNA , State Normal and Industrial School. Literary ' Classical -Scientific Commercial ' Industrial rv Pedagogical riuslcal ' Session opent September 18th. Expenses f 100 to $140; for non-residents ot the- Beat $180. Realty of 88 members. Practice and Observation-School connected with the College. Correspondence Invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers To secure board in the dormitories all free tuition applications should be made before July 15th. ' For catalogue and other information, address . . -PRESIDENT CHARLES D. HclVER, . GREENSBORO, N. C. ' ; Prescriptions atBatls. . Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty ot prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention is given them. Only the best drags are used.-The prices are reasonable. Bead yours there to be filled,' - . , " Eye Strain Cause of Sore Eyes. Inflamed eyes, atyea and headache are symptoms which point conclusively to eye strain,: and to core yourself yon most seek thecaute, correct It and then your trouble will disappear, you can stimulate and help nature la curing the symptoms by various ways, but still the cause Is there and liable at any moment to break oat again; It seems like pouring water on the smoke to pot oat a fire, to pursue any other coarse than the proper adjusted glasses to correct the strain. A normal eye Is one which when la re pose the rays entering It are brought to a focus on the retina, when they are not this way an extra amount of nerve force It demanded to make them focus correct ly, the result, an overflow of blood caus ing congestion, styes, the' leakage of nerve force, the headache! It la not hard to understand how a severe . strain can aooa exhaust 1 enough nerve foroe to cause a general breaking down of the whole nervous item. . By the aid of the latest Instruments we can adjust glasses to any one, child ren especially, letting them go about their studies without being seriously handicapped on account ot eye trouble. - J. O. BAXTER, Ja ; fs . 1115. A 4v y V 17 "S . TUCKER BROS. ; S10 Korth front Street, WILMINGTON, . K. O. The place to buy your Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICKS. Iji Foreign and Domeetio Granite and Marble, r Lettering and Finish the Bert.. Send for htteet designs. All work delivered."' X ? -Branch yard, Goldshoro, N. CL Clffart tt Dayis. ' : Theo, Cabanola, ' Royal Blue, Lew Wallace, Flor de Teller, and other lead ing brands, at .Davis Prescription . Phar macy E. HAVENS, The Old Reliable Shoe Maker on Middle Street haa pleased the people for years with his work, Can exoell all others In the business in this city. The repairing of Ladies shoes a specialty, , -180f MIDDDB STREET. - and Four Euadred Dollar For Arrest Convtcttoa ef Gtllcsples' . ' ' Lynchers. Special to Journal "IUiJioB, Jane W.--Governor Aycock often $400. reward for the arrest and conviction of each of the persons who lynched the. Gillespie youths, the ne groes, at Salisbury, a week ago. ; The solicitor of that district hat spot ted several of the lynchers, and hence the reward causes quite a sensation. . TJnder the law, the trial of the lynch ers must be held In another county.. ;i Honors to New Bernlan. , Special to Jaurnal i Ralsioh, Jane 18-Matt Manly of Hew Bern hu been eommlslened Assist ant .Inspector General of the State Guard, with the rank of Major, to fill a vacancy. , " ' f . - , MARTINIQUE. How would Martinique do for an an archist reservntlonl Albany Journal. An enterprising real estate men could probably get the whole Island of Mar tinique at a low figure now. New York ': It la not likely that there will be any International Jealousy over the owner ship of Martinique for many years to come. Washington Star. , v 1 PINFEATHERS.. Too heavy feeding and lack of exer cise tend to. barrenness. . , v One of the best places for the poul try to ran Is the orchard. ;', k Ground oyster shells are not so serv iceable as pounded shells because the aharp pieces are better. -After chickens are one-third or one- half grown coarse, bulky food may be mixed with grain to advantage. One of the very best poultry houses Is one that Is low behind and high la front, facing the south, with a dry floor and but little glass. Ducks should not be fed at the same place longer man a wee neiore cnang- lng to a new location, as they create filth rapidly and cause a very disagree able odor. C ASTOR I A .: For Infanta and Children. ., Tbi Klcd Yoa Kate Always Eszght , Bears the ' BlgTtatnreof '; ry ri ri n n r 1 v z r n in., 1 1 : - i l i n m. wm i j i i J Ljlj L By Wearing a Pair of the Famous a- t J T U U Wo have iust received a lull llzlo ot styles and sizes In this well known shoe and A Guarantee with every pair.?. --j :..: v. -They come in all the popular leathers, siich as Velour Calf, Patent bail, and - Ideal Calf. ;h':&-'&:. ' '"" ". :. - v ' '" v THE PRICE ) t: 0 V 7, s.;y::;:'::..o.;.o-o.vv- Pbn''Miss7AVGo6dv.Thm . "But Put Your Feet in a Pair." 4tlAft444ataa ' vvtvvvtvt,t,tt,,tttt vTTwvf f Tf fff f f ?f f VTf ff ff f Vff f ff fff f Tff f ff f Vf TTff f fwff Tf tfffff We; Sell : Evcrythlnir ! 1.; ' ; ' : W'SW: y-:- )-;f We Sell the I3e5t fef Eveithlnir ! ' 7 ' - We Sell the Beet of Everything the Cheapest 1 wmwMmmmwt Mseeeeeeeeeeeeee 'Jus r Inter-State Clay Pigeon Shoot Next Week," ' 'i Ribs: Jaiy- Sept.., OotTOH; July .. Aug.... Bep.. Oct.... CLOCKS Sugar SoRy , Y.C....... Us Be 8. ( O. &0 Mo. P. Atchison ..... Va,ac A. 0. O Am Ice Large Loeomotlres. Passlag to The ; Seath. Fate af Fake Maker. :. i -: Case Agalast Lloyd Dawv-;. '. Son, Tarbore,, Bank- Ralxioh. Jane 18, Sportsmen herefs and la the State are taking great Interest hr'the Inter-SUte Clay Pigeon Shoot here next week, A dozen States or more will be represented, There are many prizes. Nothing on so extensive a scale has been held fat North Carolina. . Some of the members of the local oliib are dat ing good work, making from' 80 to 00 per oent. As a rule most matches are won by a score of 67 per cent. s. A charter Is giantedto the Belma Furniture Company, of Selma, with $12, BOO capital, H. N. Egerton and others stockholders. There are now more than ISO furniture factories In this State. The SS applicants for license as dent ists devoted today to clinical work, be fore the State Board of Dental Examin ers. At eaca wmaow in ue oenave Chamber an aspirant for the honors of dentistry was at work on a patient. h A number of locomotives, or great size, are passing here on the way to the Southern Pacific railway. They will use Texas oil They attract much at tention. The oil raises : steam very rap idly. At Wilmington the other day a steamer using oil as fuel got op ISO lbs. of . steam In 8 mutates. ; This steamer had been a coal-burner and as soch em ployed 89 men in the boiler and engine rooms. ' As an oil-burner it requires only 8. !...' ILastweek Some time ago, In April, In fact, a I 20,800 story mi seat out from Rntherfordton I This weec. that Allen Cogsdell, a rich old farmer,! Sat, , - 5000 had Issued invitations to a "suicwei M0n. 8000 dinner," to be; given Jane 10th, I xnes. 4500 and that at the end ot the I wrf. S000 ,1 he , would blow oat his brains I Thurs. with a revolver he carried while In the I (Tri. Confederate army. It is found that this was a fake, and nothing more, lent out by a faker who was last week convicted In the federal court at Charlotte ot being one of the workers In the notorious Amos Owen Cherry Tree Company swindle.- : -' ' Victor II Boyden, referee In bank ruptcy, went to Tarboro today to hear case In bankruptcy against Floyd Dawson, who is fat Jail there charged with swindling and was captured In Mississippi. ' The fn.iowlug quotations wore recslv el.by J. R Lviun A O-i, iw Bern - ,;'' Chlcajo, Jane IP. Open. Sigh, Low. Close 72 ,72 711 '. 71 Jli , 71 t 70 V 71 Open. High. Low Close 08 ' . , 68, 06, , 65, July j.. Sept., Com:- - ' Jj1y..,... . . ' Rnslt of Worrr. "What makes her look so miserable?' "She's experimenting with health foodsr "' SECRETLY AMD QUIETLY. Coffee Slowly and .Steadily Poisons Some Persons.'.. There is no doubt 'that coffee secretly and quietly causes aa Immense amount of misery to the human race, but la the majority of eases the per sob does bo suspect the cause of the trouble. A Virginia lady had an interesting ex pertinent with, coffee poison. She says, "For about fire years I was troubled with Indigestion, weak stomach and pal pitation of the heart so bad that at times I would fall and have to be carried into the house, Finally I began to have spasms and suffered untold -misery. , I tried all kinds of patent medicines and different doctors: only to get temporary relief. I Anally gave tap all hope ot getting well My stomach was la such condition that everything bat stale bread wonld throw me Into spasms. I nearly starved myself but never suspected thst coffee was the cause of all the trouble nor did I have any Idea what the cause was. One day Father, told me he had been reading how PostumFood Coffee helped so many people who wars sick from cof fee drinking and be urged me to leave off coffee and try Poatum. - I said, Oh Father, I cannot try It and do not believe It would do me any good,' but he per suaded me to try a picksge. .y ' - - The first making tastrd so Hal that it made me half sick, but . I tltlormlnvd to give it a fair trial vi I road tho directions carefully and found that It raurt be boll. ed at least fifteen minutes. Wull 1 boiled It 5 minutes then adiled some good cream and I loll yon It was delirious. I like It better than tho ordluary . coffee and of course stuck to It. . Well I have been Mtg It since tbe 13 of July now, qullo two mouth,. 1 have gained sbont 25 pounds ' I gnlned si pounds in 13 weeks, and can eat an tiling I want and all that I want. - My stoivai h norcr hurts mr, I have gained iircit;ih ontil now I cn do my ow work and go toi !.nr. i cvory Buudsy. Yt ' ; 'o p-", 'V;: i .; lolling so well, r', .t.kiirl c-f i... ' s are yon taking III I . 1 ! v9 quit all kinds of mc 'ii !. i Z i) and am only usli Open. . 1U47 .. 1030 High. Low. Close 10474 1012k 1047 J , 1033, 1037, 1033, M e w . New Vonx, Jane 18. Open. High. Low. Close I , 8.53 .8.23 . 7.97 : .7.87 8JS8 8J 8.01 7.89 8.45 8.16 7.91 7.80 New York, Jane 18. Open. High. Low. Close I .. 126) 186, 136, 188 J I 87J ,. 87, .47 . 107 .811 .701 87 S8f 88f '"" Na Bob Pancake Flour. Carolina Rice Flakes. Oatflakes both loose and in packages, v Preserved Ginger 25c per pot. Hiens'a Apple Butter and Sweet Mixed Pickles. , t- r Royal Scarlet Salmon, the finest packed, only 25o can; . other brands 15c and 20c can. Imported Ginger Aln, on ice, 10c or 3 for 25c. Portsmouth Corned Mullets. Big Hams to cut Fox River Print Butter. Fancy Syrup and molasses. Pure Apple Vinegar and Spices of all kinds. Wholesale ft Detail Grocer, 1081 82J 70f 108 811 70 'Phone 01. 71 Bread St' . 171 171 101 c ttyiew'VitwViswVttwVitwv iytnwV f&tii Uverpool Bpots 4.15-16. Sales 15,000 bales. Futures, J use-July 89. Hept-Oct 4.80. 4.47. Aug-Sept. PORT KEOKIFTS. Same week lut year. 64.000 8000 8000 -8000 14000 5000 7000 50,000 1 Look! Listen! We cordially Invite the public to at tend a basket; party, Ice cream supper I ndetc.tobe given Wednesday night I July 5nd. 1901 at the school house in I Msysvllle for the beneOt of the Method-1 1st church ot that place. Ladles will I kindly bring baskets, come all who can J and exhibit your liberality in this good! cause, Very sincerely yours, Mrs. M.R. Sablston, Mrs. C. H. Foy I Mrs. Nanie Redd, Mrs. P.J, Watson, I Mrs. J. M. Foseue. Messrs. K. R. Hay, M. U. Sablston, J. I K. McCntchln. J. M. Foscue, E. L. Mat locks. Cwriowa Stylm at letter Baals Any one In the habit of perusing old letters Is struck with the tone of great humUlty . and deference which per-1 vades the correspondence of oar ancee-1 tors. A w specimens of the style of be ginning and ending letters may prove interesting as in striking contrast to tholaoonle "yours obedlestly.'H'taltn- fully orMHnuyn eft the'preentaay. ItWoul63eertalaly. behUfflculttoma.tcl thefolloiigiBubQftp rrymHue rfuaeisifsimTTivu l nomas r tuuuner.zaamn w 1719idsuwitha&yotigM that,harev I am 'rahill,alwysn-1 dMvar to deaenw aniVvermnudxyaJae I ylfrdp.elyfkWlUsgalacece eeteem.suyonvroosvsunijhiinraipw i dlestmMrvanthmra1oiyw i jrreqaentlyjDneameets wltaipemcoee I sbecriptonsy, aas. ta Joe tcasas of Ijthe I Jiarhv DfTEahtlyZanoT'xol,ssvnoVtn I lCM.VhrentenedawriJsNmeeqnerKeo-1 1 toVhe i maglitrater ofXAberdBen)lUilaf theyreleasedcertairftgenileiDli pr;eonelilnthelrclty nnd'lnsrlbel "purs aa ye wUl,Beltbef present pesos or jreir. . t j-t r-t - .y TuNt Received a Fresh Iot Deviled Ciabs and Shells to Go With Them. Also Fancy Salmon and Lobsters. Don't fail to see us when in need of anything in the Fancy Grocery Line, we guarantee quality and prices with any gro cery house in the city. If you want Good Flour Try Our Fancy Patent there Is nothing better ground from wheat. We have some Good Tea at 40c, 50c, 60c and 80o lb. Thanking you for past favors and trusting to continue to serve you, 1 am Yours to Please, 3". JL&m mtm'm 5 Wholesale and Retail Oncer, PHONE 69. Cor. Broad Hancock St. Plenty of It and AH the Best "Here's a stock that is flll- - ed wijh the most reliable staples. From Flour aim Sueflr to the finer things we carry plenty for your selec- need without fear of paying too much, and with no donbt of tho value for yonr cash. ' FOK NEXT 2 WEEKS we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb. J.J.TolsonJr. Broad St Grocer -:. . A tUttttMAtmtmm, A young eoupleSfercmarrled fat Fen elon Falls, and a number of their friends and relatives assembled at the railway station to see them off on their honeymoon. Old slippers and rice were showered on tbe bwpy pair as they boardea tbe train, wuen mey goi com fortably seated in the car, the groom noticed a boot in tbe aisle, ana, tbinx- ini It was one that had been thrown Into the car by some of his Jovial friends, threw tbe boot out of tbe win dow as tho train was moving. It hap pened that the boot belonged to a well known Toronto commercial traveler who had removed bis boots to ease his weary feet. On the arrival of the train at Lindsay tho bridegroom was com pelled to purchase a new pair of boots for the drummer. Toronto G lobar .;';o:vY' nt.l -Dauriayers Is well ' as ' everybody else, need some good liver medicine occasionally. BRADHAM'S ANTIBILIOU8 LIVER PILLS "cleanse the liver, cool the blood sad esse, the head," without griping or danger of salivation aote this these pills are purely vegetable and serve their DurDoeeeeWell as if ' they contained some injurious mineral drag, Box of 86 for 150-13 doses. Mfg. and sold at Bradham's Pharmacy. i , i n A rotated Saattoa. A yotina married lady Is often crltl- clued by her friends because ot the freedom with whloh she arwpts little attentions from friends Of the other sex. At a recent gnthwlng which she at. tnmlMl Khe drew from Iier pocket-B-i luce bnnilkprolili.f, ln,wlilch a knot lm U'cn ti. I in order to call to her nili FitiiHi tt-hinl d J'y. aW- .ssat 1J A4thofhhJ)Hve. with vour best girl wneuyouTake her to ride should be taken IrfmaeW and nnmfnrbililn hni"-v or T)Utonv chosen from our hlghumdo and up-to-date stuck ot fine carriages. , We make- a superb disiilay ot handsome and woll m:ile vflncles that we are sellin; prires tlmt will not hinder yon I Wheel Baraahs ' Z. I sve on hand several samples pf, " High-grade Bicycles that will be sold at , 8pot ractory Cost &,y h.t.-; - These wheels are new and are tin Greatest Bicycle Bargains ever offertd Intlie eity,x-. -ifi i -v ; '. A few seoond hand bicycles. In good running order for fAOO. ' - .iv'j--.,. , WM. t. hill; : : SPORTinC GOODS, ' 31-83 Middle Street. IIS. - . rn'il tho I 1 i itr yoiiii ..a bnyili bin ig at from :. lti Is a known fact thus our s areletier than any. Why not i tent lor the lowest possible price. ListYcufCityTaxcs Tho lister T7111 bo r.J tho court houso July 1st, 1C03. J. T. IVII3, City Tax L!:t r,4 : 'V.vj.- N-' i 1. '-f t' C ' ' v M t M 1 ' V 1 1 I 1! C f ri no 1 r ! I N. O B4Ttlw c.