THE JOURNAL. 1 Published every day In theyoer.excepl Monday, at Ulddk street. , i"s ' Phobb No.8.,, ' . T CHARLES i-c 5TBVENS, t Bditob Ajto Muhmktob. - SOBSCMPIIOH RATES. - - One vear. In edvaaoe..; ;,".4.....M0 One vear. not In advance. ...,.. Monthly; "by Barrier In the cltjr' JJSO Advertising Rate furolthed on 'appli cation. V. "J v.i.u tain Pnat Offiaa. Hew Bert. N. 0., m teooad das matter, n' .Hr - ,, Official rater ef Mew Ben 'Cnra Oaatv. ami NewBerauN.C. Jut It, 1M& TWENTY "CENIURT TRAVELIMG PROGRESS. " The inauguration a tew aays ago, oj the New Tork Central and Pennsylva nia railroad Companies of fast tralm between New Tork and Chicago an a twenty nont tchtdart between those cities, show what tlie business demands of the tlmea are, and bow the railroad service has grown so m to be able to meet the requirements of the day. It to not beyond the memory of those of middle a -when the cbodole be tween tne aoovaoiue was oo uuum,uu that waa regarded, w pretty fart time. But with the new lime schedule, the time has been reduced nearly one half, and yet there Is no special sensation felt oyer this fast rnnof an average of afty miles per hoar for twenty hoars, Fast travel la no longer a novelty, it has oassed into being a neoeseity, and regular trains must today travel at speed which would have been considered prohibitive less than a quarter of a ceo-J tnry tgo; , The present Sat passenger service be ' tween Hew Tork and Chicago, Is not an experiment, but begins a regular service, which the pobllo wants, and which the railroad managers are able to give. It Is the splendid advancement in rail road progress in the United States, which enables' the Inauguration of a faster and better service along any treat railroad system, as toon as the public needs call for It. And this without any special or extra 'cost to the tiavellngpnMtei aneVwitaont- . any dlstnrbanoe to previous existing railroad eondltlonsven-tbe-llnes of road Inaugurating the newbcfrk&- ; Stati of Onio) OitfY to Tofcswvf , WIlH.VWIUlli , Fbaxk J. CHErsrma"eatt:UallcU of u .s eenlor prtB-ot fUteiiSswr of tJ. CMJtai & Co dolnf: Jmataesa -to tofTBanhood and virtoeand true to the laws City of Toledo Oewtty-anA Bute Vol. said, aad that said Ira Wfu par-ON HUNDRED aOI&ABraSWABD for each and every oaae I Ct-raxwi that 1 cannot be cured by the use of Hall's . Catabrr Cob..: ,V Sworn to before me-an4i was siRjefl tH - my presence, this flflt laof .Ib bil , A. D. 1880. i " . . A. V.-TJLRASOIT, --i sail I ... Notary Jallc i EaVf ' Oatarrk Core Ik taken Inter v Bally, taJ acta dtrtotiy oa the blood and I mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. ? & j , I. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O, , 8oM by n Druggist. Hall's Family Pills are the best CULINARY CAPERS. t ' Steamed aleak paddings are lighter and mora digestible than boiled one.: ; Bub a bit of soda over meat or pool try that seems overripe and Wash cold water. - '. ;-S.'X.ifz::. - A wheel beater, If held at an angle i la the bowl rather than straight up and down, wll froth the eggs In much ttm ooa: ... . . , -vy ' Mix some batter, made mustard and ..alt, spread It on freshly made toast ,nd sprinkle thickly -wlU grand ' cheese. Put In the oran until hot, and yea Jia ve fine cheese toast : '.- - v mue" asa nouns.".' DIsknvslBg'Kldaey aad Bladder Db . ease relieved la els aoura by "Naw Gbbat Botjtb Amnioxn Kidxbt Cdu. It Is a treat surnriM on' account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pale la bladder, kidneys and back, Ja male or ' female. Relieves retention of water al most Immediately. If yon want: quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. - Sold by 0. D. Bradham, Draggtst. ' ' tl . , . j ;, "Icn't tide awfam aakeeVtha com mou l- i"r man on taa-crawdad autiet ear. "i. ut this awfulT 'Why, there are alroiiily 103 people on this car." ' -. "It is awful. agreed the person ad- drH: 1, who was- a stwet-Tatlway mnr fe- It la awful. Therewnght te le it 1 1 1 ; t twenty mora-in here. I'll 't'lkejiiut conductnr-nnml)ererj4 have ' ' :,e.rarp't t'rtaorrow." Dalti- : 'ytoTlcll 1 1 c ' 1 f : i i Witch Hawd-Balva for nd It a certain core," aays ' Willow Grove, Pol. rt necessary to care piles. 3 '1 to DeV.'Itts Witch Cures skin ell "i. Ace; no counter- FLAG DAf OSCLRVAI.CS, By Flag Presentation From John B Chap. man, Jr. W. R. C Ho. 30, of Bev-; " ,r ctley, Bass, to Local G. A. A.' V" V.,- Society JanclTth, ?-.V. Jfltg Day was observed by the O. A. R. Post on Tuesday, June 17th.- A very beautiful Hag given by the John H. Chapman, Jr.. W. B. 0., No. , of Bev erley, HaseWvwae presented by the Rev, W, A, Byrd. ( Bloi thai pteseatauoa speech Miss Annie- Boone read the fol lowing brief history of the origin of the dag, which waa timely Instructive and Interesting.. ... i. ' . 1 Dear friends we have assembled here together tooelebrete what Utknown as flag day. Oar flag which repreaenU the United States of America Is the emblem of Liberty and Independence, and It Is well iknowa S.W.T the: tiame - of;fltar Spangled banner, Stars and 8tripea, Old Glory and Bed, White andtBloe.-The red thatls stltuated la our flag, calla to mtad the bteod ahedOn the battle Held for bur country. The whtte expresses truth, hope purity and peace, and the blue loyalty, sincerity and justice. The first flag that was - raised la -the united States was by Washlagtoa atCambrldge, January & 177Q. - 1 It took Its ret trip around, the world September 80, 1787 and was about three years In girding the globe and waa made under the direction of Gen. Washington between May IB and June 7, 1777. It Is plainly written In loot-Jilatory that our flag Is about one hundred and- twenty years old. Although our country is tM youngest of : the great aatioaa or me world. But yet Ibis flag Is the oldest of all. Never! Ob, Never! shall we foreet our country's flag, we will ever hold it In remembrance, as long as the earth bears IU plants and the sea rolls Its waves. Then hail fairest flat of land and ocean, Setting all the world in motion I It's atara. so bright,! it's -stripes.- s fair, - ..." i Ho other can with It eompare. That sails the sea, that rales the air. Awake! Awake! Salute Old Glory I Our flag hsa felt the tempest-rattla, Blown by all the wtads of battle For you it's beauteous folds were torn. But now by loyal legions bora Rivals the splendors f the mem; .Awetel Awakel Salute Old Glory t O come ye patriots to the rally 1 Come from every hill and valley I The Btars and. Stripes for freedom stand; O come from your country land, Aad Died ire you head and heart and hand. -Awake) Awake) Salute the flag. . Then Rev. W. A. Byrd was Introduced by Post Commander Oapt, Isaac Powell Rev. Byrd said la part: "The composi tion of the cobra of the flag waa signM cant 'Bed, typical of blood which foaxtdV ed the nation; White, emblem of purity, which characterised the Uto aad morals tit tha fatturn. Ulna, nauiln Ira-. am- liberty, true to the principles of sterling of Almighty God." He said: "The flag syatbotlied oaa people, one brotherhood and ens nationality, Americans, la this nationality colors were pure accidents yet .they all blended Into one mighty people, one strong aad Invincible amy. lavsscibl apoa land aad destructive ifpen water. He urged the boys aad -girls to aooept the flag as a token of the oneness of our commonwealth. chuselts and North Carolina were. one. Old Glory wherever aha floated repre sented one strong sympathitie people. Hs urged the boys aad girls to build ap t strong character, a atarttsg wemaa and manhood, settle dews to honest labor, America wu their home, niwhaeed fiie blood of aegroaamiag led with Aaglo Saxon la the BevolnUoa, saved by negro chivalry la the aUUaraod honored aad lauaortaUsod lathe war -for freedom TbU being oar home let as beooo ilghtf factor la tho oaward pregreai and developsaaat of on country. : Rev. Byrd loq neatly closed . wltht aa. appeal to the boy to Imbibe the priadplee of AaaerlcM WHieashipv. respect selves, love their females,, honor.' aad cherish their virtue aad If aeed. be die for their ' homes, and their, country flag. , UrrC -O.rx aloqueally responded as followss Pyadlai ssisik is snredaotwasaaWi Shs a.nlfataaoi' ef Almighty low Ibwin sso at tnei aly of the rOrefs Horn JsssaMaflifi' men, axywnegUaof -CotwairsS.4. a A. R.eeistyu I yrase y oaf aeadVi 4baak you fct the hsast doaen as.Jaa'aahiag me te lai'as ''setae, enhla.aissmii- . ResVtr.A1lsreU4skaaVif:tMs BoeiitysstU) ItJtiuUiinsss mp-l, datyaneapt nrer?wrknd4 tbarfUg and emtmmv'e' htsrnsad votlon,aonagnanlmously betnnred tiy lbs gemwAfty or Job H. Chapmaaj Jr. W. R. Cavp Ho. eo.of Bereriy If ass. ' The WOluCiB Who compose that organi sation are ua oa-springa of that- noble toceatry, - That wrote : Ab wod liberty on the fair fsges-'ot " hlrtory, 'an4 in. scribed la - letter of blood 'freedom- on the monument of .Booker II HI.; Thty wsre wheohrtsened' her CaplUlCky as the cradle of llbertyt whotvatssd the first srtny against the' ' power 'of tireat Britain, and sent the' Brat colored regi ment In the war of the rebellion. Aad that State today her repu trtUonf aa a great and generous pn; !,ty tat presentation of tUls bwi r This glorious and err.' t 14 which the :i..i!a-n!: final r, 1 f" ' t t ' i f . r I y ' 'i ! ' ..' ' " mala pure uttUdJUed aud U!;.;Uiu..J, In the hands of the members of this society and these dear little boys and girls sh&U grow up under Its fluttering folds, and learn to study, to love, to honor, keep and cherish it, as long as each of them shall survlveC:-j!3.,?5iK The gift of this flag to this society has brought about a anion; between the two sections of this glorious country of ours that has never been before It has formed link between John H. Chapman, W. R Camp No.80 of Beverly Mass and Powell R, S. G. A. R. Society of Newern,, N C that' can never be broken, - And the allkea threads :ot Its' fabric shall be Intermingled . with ; the goldea sentiments pf a grateful people. - ;. - This Is the flag that Decatur unfurled to the Barbery States 'that Scott carried to the-hall of the Montesums!' That the black regiment . planted on the block bouse at El Cavey.;: r-'r. Ta flag of Washington and Lincoln of Vkksburg andAppomattoa of Manila Bay and Santiago Harbor, ask you Al mighty: God lnthe presence of this crowd of witnesses. Grant that may floaUa the skys of heaven forever, . ,This.ended the first celebration of the birth of the flag aad Bev. Byrd't speech wlU ever bev remembered by those who heard Usk :'t :" Cart, Isaac Powbll, tloo r. E. Detchons's Anrl-Diuretlc may be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding from Incontinence of water during sleep. Cure old and young alike. It arrant the trouble at once. it. Sold by C. D. Bradham, Druggist. . Oaa-raUaM, . "If funny our -minister never gets manied,'"'. remarked the young bus band wee had just refused bis wife a bonnet in his endeaver to change toe subject! "I think he'd make a good husbaBd." "WeHi" replied the wife warmly, "be dldVt seem to make a very good ono wbea bo married us. A Beeret. Old Bachelor Uncle-Well, Charl what de you want now J Charlie Oh, I want to be ricn. "BIcUl Why tor "Because I want to be petted. Ma say you are an old fool, but must be netted (because you are rich. But it's a great secret, and I mustn't tell it!" ThrUlla Memeato. "Jobrmie," . called the . mother, " want von to bo to the store for me,' "Watt a second, maw," replied xm Touthj who was absorbed In a five eent. volume. "Pepperbole Pete has thirty mbJ nj uni to kill an' It'll only take um' 'about two mmutee,"-niQ State sTournal. Querist-Doing any slumming these lay. Psianlck Oh, yea; occasionally t read A modern society novel. Chicago prrlbune. Pilthy Temples In India. Sacred cows often deflle Indian tem ple, but worse yet Is a body that's pol luted by oonstlpatlou. Don't permit It Cleanse your system with Dr.'Klnfs New life Pin and avoid untold misery, Then give lively liven, active-bowel, good digestion, flns appetite, OulySSe at C D. Bradham' drug store. - AMriMUU U. .- Two AoMrleaa wamea teekUng to the City vf Mexico aSorded easaideraWt amuaeaMot to 4h patrons of toe Resnv clmlenteitoeatar tbo other-day by be eomlog crtdolaoo vktlm tort -comic rose of two of the performers. One of the WUstsr arte wa staging -on th amgaftresj toU appearanceaabruptjy tntaiwpe by-a aasmser of the Mtoi&.tapakB-tsWmg likeie aoaT'; ralnaer-appaTeatlw teoK eaBttBi'anBtso.sat, atnwwiaBflslissi Himsad 1 1 oat tttnl fctwai tawnsiBi asm ttaattiag lotw iaBuwJtdl) ejki4hertBatec Is -obiireaaijtlsTwrsTcrVttvw start. ed sVsanttofBMtsiko; niarMT-(.4h r tsritbe swdisa kalevlse?'-)4 uiuiirseaaassmaaaetr-oieajaaricaat. ttetttng a real traartodr graebUa tlietcAlltiaarisra'm h.bsals, 1 ttarmdi smiaaasg loowa 4b jUalee-to that eaaaet aaoU-illaeeTerwiBthetr error vVtBPitalttwtov -of: taw eattre-aadi- U iaksliia-thmthad eat-up . goau lawamti tof.mppiaawrU wUah the-1 t)iajsai yaupj teokagrgrtomt pacCJ VOTIXA. taaami TbTUH WhjtWsrii Btvjtf ' ' 1 . :' aiaak Bttiu-" '- - U la recorded that the "black dearh," which devastated many countries the middle of th fourteenth' century. was preceded by "stinking mist," aod earthquake were frequent just before the outbreak, and voleanoe aasomed unwonted activity.' Tn air 'over the sea waa Infected well a that over the land. It wa a putrid typhus, styled "black death" because the bod let turned black, with rapid putrefao tldo..Iu l&tMQ at least half tba -population of England died, or 2.500,000 out of O.0O0.000. Between 134T and 1300 one-fourth of all the population of the world wa carried eft by this pestilence. Not lesa tbsn 23,000,000 perished in Europe alone: The deaths la Venice were 100,000, in Ftoreare 60,- 000, la-rtrl 00,000, In London 100,000, Id Avignon a "number wholly beyond calculation.' This form of pestilence . not. occurred a second time. may be that tr econo: time-1 ome v iOi lb beichtng'of nanteou km t y ih voleanoe of tn' trople.--New lrk Pres. C'.:!ct!7 Ccrcl "At one time) I sn v;rt'a of t!.s arl.'-,' r'. tor of t! a tu. cred from a WTre -" : -. e. ( l l .it : a - , Dbsst3 tsLit yea eat.r This ttrerjaratlon contains all of tbi digestants and digest all kinds ol rooa. . it gives insian i rcuei ana never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The tnostscnsittve stomachs can take It. By its use many thousand, of dyspeptics, bave .been cured after everything else fulled. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. meting unnecessary, jrioasant to uuto It can't help . ; ,v - PrereilonlTby B.O. DaWirrAOa.Ohlrag- si. oMue eoBuina mj.hihs uw ws.aas). ; GERMAN GLEANINGS. A German Inventor 18 now spinning yarn froin prat ,- Actions oitulnit newspaper in Ger- maug' can hereafter be brought only in the town In which they are ouWleoed. The relebstag hna Just pnaaad a taw. to tbat effect - - -.;"- ..." Ten year age ten of every seventeen physician In Berlin did -not mm more tbno $7S0 a year, n nd only. 250 earned more tbnn 2.00a Today th situation is even worse. - Polleh (lub and societies In Berlin nave been ordered by the police under penattieB to use the German language only at any meeting which they may bold tn the capital - A Goo4 Coofb Hedidne, It apeak well ; for ( bamberlala's Cough Remedy when druggists use It In their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Uhambermln'aCougb Remedy for the put five year with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom ers,' say Druggist J. Goldsmith, Vsn Etten, N. . "I have always used It la my own family for both ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe, and And it very efficacious." For sale by F. 8. Duffy 4 Co. laterestlasr for fc HaabaaS. A titled lady warned her new garden er that her husband had an Irritating habit of disparaging everything be saw in the greenhouse and of. ordering in eckleas- manner .new- plants to be bXKUChte. But on no account humor nun," sne d. 4 "Whatever he say, throw cold water on him, or be wlU ruin us with his extravagance," At tbi point the new gardener turn ed on her a white and startle race. "Ma'am." he said, "H few order bm to pitch -every plant in the place on the rubbish neap, I sba'n't over havo the Dluck to douse him in cold water. Won't It do aa well if I get a drain of warm water out of the boiler and let It trickle gently down his neck 7" Lon don Ttt-Btts. Saved From an Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had aonsumptlon,' write Mrs. A. X. Shield, of Chambers- burg, Pa. "I wu so low after six months of severe sickness, canted by Hay Fever aad Asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I leaned of th marveloa merit of Dr. King' New Discovery for CootumplloB, used It, aad was com pletely o nred." For desperate Throat and Lung Diseases It i the safest cure la the worldad It Infallible for Coughs, Cold and Bronchial .Affections. Guar anteed bottle 80o tad 11.00. Trial bot tles free at C. D. Bradham'. riWMatlas; Ana to a Oat. ,,8omo fifty year ago a very blgh Eng- ilab official died Ib a fortress at a place that la one of tbe ceotara of Brahmani .orthodoxy, mbA at the moment wbea that news of bis .death reached the taapoy guard at tbe mala gate a black satirosbed out of lt The guard pre. the cat as a salute to that flying spirit of tbe powerful Bog- .Ilahman, and lbs coincidence took so I nna a hold of the locality -that up to a few year ego Detther exhortation- or orders' could- prevent Hindoo: sentry at ghat gat from ireseatlii arms to any cat tbat passed out at night Bom- Callt ff. S. Duffy Oo'a drag store sad get free sample of Qhaaberiain t Stomach and Liver Tablets,. They are aa eegaot phytic - They ateo Improve lbs appetite, strengUMB- the- dlgestlea aad regulate lb Hver and boWala. They art easy to takt aad pltsstat la effect. . .( . . Twt Otlaisaea of Basraala.-: - I can stlU bear th strains of "Par rant Poor la 8yrit," which the babdt played to honor as she embarked la the imperial yacht Aigle on leaving the ball at Cairo, and the salutes by which her departure wa proclaimed. Th ball took place In November, 180& did not so tbe empress sgala till a few uontha after. It so ebanced that one hot, dull' afternoon In London, la tbt mid-September of 1870, I wss waiting far some friend at th Charing Cross railway station, when I saw a on horse fly. drives by coachman whose shabby oiled hat and dirty white Ber lin glove proclaimed him a belonging to torn second rat livery stable, stop at the station. It sole occupant waa lady attired In very dusty black, look ing weary and travel worn, and alone. The lady was the Km press Eu genie. "The Story of tbe Ebedlve, - Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of Wonderful d- vsate Id medicine It glvra by drupglit 0. W. Huberts of r.l!j.sbeth, W. Vs. A old iptn there hml long tuffrred lib. Wbkt g Me rr Dd doctors proiiimoci'd lucnrt- r. Tbf-y ( 'ii cd Lit rt i t"l !, n I I o r i sn 1 wl. I 1 ' I t, j- . PLAYS AND PLAYERS Charlotte Walker-has signed a three years.-contract as James K. Hackotf a leading woman, Horace Lewis will star next season in A Poor Relation, taking Sol-Smith Russell's rJase la that piece. : r: " -i. It is said that Aana field is nego tiating for Jean Rlcbepln's pray, "Du Barry," and may prodnee it lo .Paris, . John Drew will iirobably oot bave-a new play next season, as-The- Second In Command r was a success Jastf sea eon. r-sz - - :& -.--t - ? , : ' Mtv-' nnd " Mrs. jCharle Tf. 7Blcott have signed contracts to appear with one of Mr. Belnsco's companies, next season. ' - - - Roland Bv Mollneux during his eori- flBoment-in Sing Sing and the Tombs has written two melodrama and two playlets.,;- ; Idabel Fenton, while bicycle riding on the Jersey roods near ner home, ran Into a cow n nd Is now laid up with a broken ankle, . Louise Gunning has been engaged to ploy the prima donna role in "Mr. Pick wick," the piece In which JDe Wolf Hopper will star next season. Leads Tbem AIL 1 One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicines I ever tried for ooughs,. colds, croup and throat and lung trou bleB," say D. Scott Currln of Logantoa, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure Is the only absolutely safe cough, remedy which acts Immediately. Mothers everywhere tes tify I the good It Ims done their little one. Croup Is so Midden In It attacks that the doctor ofn n arrives too late. It yields at once tn One Minute Cough Cure. Plcanitul In take. Children like , Suie cure for (trip, bronchitis, coughs. , fl. Duffy. Cruaty Bread. When loaves are buked In too hot an oven una tne outside crust gets too brown, do not attempt to cut it off, but a soon as the bread is cold rub It over with a coarse tin grater and re move all the dnrk brown- crust ,OBdoa Smokers. Every day 200,000 cigars are smoked In London. Spring Fever. Spring fever Is another name for bil iousness. It is more serious than most people think. A torpid liver and Inactive bowels mean a poisoned system. If neglected, serious Illness may follow such symptoms. DeWItt's Little Early Riser remove all danger by stimulating the liver, opening the bowels and cleans ing the system of Impurities. Safe pills. Never gripe. "I have taken DeWltl'a Little Early Risers for torpid liver every spring for years," writes R If Everly, Houadsville, W. vs. "They do me more good than anything I have ever tried: F. 8. Duffy. lattan fw Indian cress, a 'most excellent salad plant Imparts a pungent and appetis ing flavor to salads. Leaf, stem, flower snd seed may alt be eaten, the latter usually being salted and pickled first The BMitoww, The moonllower Isn't really any pret tier than the morning glory, only it is bigger. TOD litOW" WHAT YOU ARE TAXING When yea Uke Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed oa every bottle showing ..that it Is simply Iron and quinine la a tasteless form. Ho cure no pay. Price B6o Important la Wireless Tetcsrraakyi The coherer of Branly, upon which wireless telegraphy depends. Is a tube of metallic, filings whose resistance to an -electric current 1 varied by the transmitted waves.. A new and more tensltive and durable coherer of the same Inventor consist of a tripod of proa or -other metal with rusted feet resting upon a polished steel piste. V, A Real .Went . " I tailored from dyipepeis and Indi gestion for fifteen years," says - W . T Btardevaut of Merry Oaks, N. C, TAf ler I load tried many doctors sad, medicines to no avail one of my friends persnde m to try Kodol, .It gave Immediate re lief, t oaa eat almost-, anything -I want sow and my digestion is good. I cheer, fully recommend KodoL Don't try to cur stomach trouble by dieting That only further weal e is the system. -To aesd wholesome, ttrengtbralng . food. Kodol eaable yoo lo- Btslmilats . what yon oat by' digesting It without the ttomMh't aid. F. B. Duffy, ' o1 1 ., . 'J'; ; ftalaa Rata. --' Mr.' Btedinsn, a- merchant of Essex, England, became bankrupt tbe-other day, and .when the court asked for an explanation be surprised it by saying that rats wore tbe caoso of bis ruin. All his money, be said, bad been In vested lo urge storehouses containing provisions, snd during tbe last couplt tf years rats bad got In and destroyed .IBS EOOU. .. , ... , .,., i ., When ssked If he had tried to exter minster them, be replied that be bad used enough poison to kill million of rats, but that It bad not produced any. appreoapie euecx, , i "''- ; Happy Time In Old Town. "Wsfelt very happy." writes R. N, Bevlll, Old Tows, Va, "oh Bucklea'i Arnica Pulve wholly enred ftnr daurhler of a bad cae of ictld bead." ' It dellKht all who use It for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Brulaet, Bollt. Ulcen, Eruption. In- MllMe for Piles. Only &c kt C D Brtdham'a dmr slnr. j , mi hi. . - The Bm Mirl(, ' "I'm to tlrr-d this niornlngytald the flrdtmoUi. , "ID lato List ntglitr' anked tho sec Otii. "V, h," ri'pMi-d dm frst. "I was st cm is ; bur tn 11." Tlilln(li!pliin liword. f f T7 FEMININE, CHAT -i ", - -' , . .. Dr. Adele 8. .Hutchinson of Minne apolis has been" appointed on the Jilln nesota state Wtrtot medical exant. lners. ' v -: Miss Anna C. Mott, Lucretla Mott's niece, who lately died in Toledo, left $2,600 to the Toledo Woman Suf frage sssoctaUoorgs?ii: .5 . ' Mile. Lqcle Faure, daughter of the late Felix J?ape,. presjpt of France, Is about "topubliBU a book on thot)x ford movemeni'lh the Ctiurch' of Eng land. -'H: '--i t'-:?'t: "r . "' ' Mrs. J. a,Haggln.of tw Xork has given toihc.Ashland. seBjftary atVer salUe.;KyaOAQOpvtor buUdbig to replace the dOTmitory J)urned 4 short time ago. '"C.rS"' "Lady Henry. Someraet, president bf the World's Woman's Christian Tem perance union, will1 be a guest of tho national convention at' Portland, Me., in October. -" . ' " Mrs. Mary Haottord Ford, who baa made the translation for the edition do luxe of Paul de kock's works, .which will cost $200,000 a single set, ,was born In Wllllamsport, Pa., forty-six years ago. Miss Helen Gould has reopened her annual sewing school for poor girls of Irvington in Lyndhurst, her country seat More than 12S girls have Joined the class, and Miss Gould has hired six experienced teachers from New York. Miss. Florence A. Fensham of Con stantinople,. Turkey, has had conferred upon her the title of bachelor of divin ity by the Chicago Theological semina ry. It Is tbe first time In the history of tbe Congregational church that the title has been conferred on a woman. Mrs. Harry Robinson of Minneapolis, daughter of tbe multimillionaire street car magnate, Thomas Lowry, has star tled fashionable circles of Minneapolis by giving up her position in society to become a professional nurse. Mrs. Rob inson Is tho wife of Harry Robinson of Chicago, proprietor of The Railway Age. HOW IT IS DONE. The first object In life with the Amer ican people Is to "get rich;" the second, bow to regain good health. Tbe first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving, the second, (good health) by us ing Green's August Flower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc., such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomsch, Habitual Costiveness, Ditiiness of tbe Head, Nervous Prostra tion, Low Spirits, etc., you need not suf fer another day. two ooses of tbe well- known August Flower will relieve you at once, uo to r. o. Dunv and set a sam pie bottle free. Regular slxe, 75cts. Get Green's Special Almanac. What la Slat Recently a neighboring pastor was preaching to the children In our church. After nsklng many questions and Im pressing on tbe minds of tbe children that they must be saved from sin be asked the question. "What Is slnr' A bright little boy, six years old, quick as thought replied, "Chewing, smoking, cursing and tearing your pants." nomlletlc Review. Whr aa ESaat Wind Affects tome, ,The discomfort acutely felt'Dy some persons during east winds probably arises il-om tbe poison tbat ought to have been- got rid of by the skin, but owing to the closing of tbe pores ha been thrown back Into the system. Popular Science Monthly. You may as well expect to run s steam engine without water as to find an active energetic man with a torpid II vsr and you may know that bit food; or feeli dull and languid after eating of tea haa headache -and sometimes dizziness. few doses of Chtmberlsin'i Btomtch tnd Liver Ttblett will restore his liver to Itt normal fanctlont, renew his vitality, Im prove his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price SO cents. Samples- free at F. 8, Duffy ft Cos drug store. - The Sahlaz. . The largest statue in the world ti not BartboWl'tttatue of Liberty, in New York harbor, but tbe aphlnx at Gltseh, in Egypt Tbe aphlnx ia 172 feet long by 300 feet bigb. w BaaUaa- Ttaa. -v rOld fins are preferable to pew whoa baking-cakes. ,2Tiey are alto mort sat- hTfactor..,.v' - ' Mr. W. 8, Wbedon, Cuhler of th First Httlonsl Bank of. Wlntersel, low la a recent letter give tomt experience a carpenter In hit employ, that will be of vain to othtr mechanic; - He tars: "I had aoarpsntr working forln, who wu obliged to ttop work for several days on aoootnt of being troubled with diarrhoea. I sttntioned tohlnt thtt had been similarly troubled aad Ibat Cbamberlala's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy bad cured me. He bought s botlls of It from the druggist hero aad Informed me tbst one dote cured blm, end It sgatn at hit work,";' For tale by r. d. tinny a mo. . . , :., Cnristlan Endeavor Convention.: : Th eighth aasoai Chrlttlaa Eadesvor Coaveatloa fori North Carolina will held In Ashevllle, June 87, 88 end 29 This will be s practical oonvlUtloB,' knd lb wsyt of working Christian Eadesvor lo country sod town will be fully dis cussed, The'-QuleHow" and Family Religion till be. among the . prominent topics before tbe convention, - ' Rev, Egbert W. Smith of Greensboro wilt be one of lbpeekari others wil, be announced later. " . - i . , Itev. L. M. Ones, paxtor of the Chrli tlan church In Ashevllle, Is cbalrmsn o the entertainment eommlttMi. Lot all Interpatot In ChrlMlsB Ea desvor work attend the conventtoa. . - - -. . MamibBavs, Tv Cbmn. Preas Dopt., aod Tran Msngr Htste Union. ' ' alli-ry, II. C, Ap:!l U 1301, mm m ff jaaa awa. aiw in many respects, use oiner xucers or MM mi Mm H vi B . sores, and this resemblance often proves fatal. T" Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal . the Sore with washes and salves, because the germsof Cancer that are multi plying in the blood and the new Cancer cells'wMcir arefcdnstantly develop ing; keeo troth irritation and dischanre. and at last sharo shootintr oaina . -Mttottuco the approach of the eating flkkenini ,rieeiona8o begins its OeStntmvwrrK. : " - No nicer or gore can exist with- 0tvTiapredispo8ing internal cause rjuat has poisonea tne blood, and, the t.aotanui baatakauaavan bot opea ditchanring ulcer, or the fester- th jrtaoa haalad. ja tireiy and no iJrfhl 1trrTnIir.SwtesTa.of the dlseaM hare been seen Jng core on the Up, cheek or otiier klaM , w p. BiownrHoUaiida, s. o. part of the body will continue to spitau ana eat aeeper into ine nesa nruess me oiooa ts punueu ana tne Cancer germs or morbid matter limkiated from, the circulation. 8. 9. 8. cleanses the Mood at all decaying effete matter. Tf. has great antidotal and purifying properties that tooo destroy the germs and poisons ana restore tne Diooa to its natural V If von have an ulcer er chronic sore cal advice will cost you nothing. Books on Caneer and other diseases of the blood will be sent free. THft 8WIFT SPEWFIO CO., Atlanta, 6a. r : rr -l m Costs Only 25 cents Of aaU 85 c-wto to C. la.. Jnlf 48. 1878. Dr. O.J. MornTTMT TvsummmTil my rperienot) wtth vonreioollent nadloiBa, TEKTHINA. Oar Utile tirl, Jait Uilrtaen monthi old, tuu had much aablatBethia4t. Kverr KirMdy oraa tzhauittad la th abaiM ot pnacripUona trvm family phyiicltuu. Her bowela cc!TUnued to bm ofl pan Mood and boraiasf fa toy eoaUBiMd for days at tima. Bar life waa alnoat deapairod or. Bar mother detennlnod to try TKKTHINA, and In Jay or two tbara waa tv great change new Uto had returned tho bowel ware retTolar, and than kg to TEKTHINA, the little babe la now doing well. lours, etc, u. vm HARDWARE Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors, Win dow Screens, Oil and Cook Stoves, Ranges, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Faints, Oils, Varnish, Potty, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR And all Kindt of BUILDING MATERIAL Beat Gooda Loweat Price. Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW BEIKJf, N. . A. &N.C. RAILROAD COMPANY. PAftKRNOKK PRrARTUKNT. To all Agents A. & N. C. K. R. Season 19. Tbe following rates of Passenger Fare in effect June 1st, 1902. to Mnrehetd City snil return. g So BPS - 2 41 o O 8 32 g5S (2s . a I Bat STATIONS. 0 b. E.W.SmallwQod, ) H w a uS? $1 00 tl Ml tl 3ft 1) 75 1 40 1 10 3 50 1 80 1 00 8 215 1 20 00 8 00 1 10 80 3 00 1 00 80 i 75 90 7ft 2 70 W, 70 3 en 80 G- 2 00 75 00 1 75 70 M 1 70 OS - 50 1 00 B0 40 00 85 35 40 25. 15 Horebead Cltj and force until other. Goldslioro Best's La Orange Failing Oreek Rlnstoa Caswell Dover Cor Greek Tutearora. - New Bern Bfvardala Croat ai Haveloek Newport WUdwood return to rem sis wise ordered. In Bummer excursion tickets (season 1003) from A. A N. O. stations round trip for Seven Springs, N. C. To tgentt A.. A Is. v. K, It. Ueraaiter tickets will be sold from your station to LaQrange to partle vlsUIng the abovo Springs Uh following rates of far for tho roaad trip. Ooldsboro. .70 New Bern tlSo Bests ' . .80 Klverdale 9 75 Falllng Creek .85 Oroaua -8 00 JMnsloa . .UO tiavtioc r , Wi Caswell - 1 .80 -Newport 8 Dover Jt . 1 09''-Wlldwood IUI Core Creek,' 1 00 M. City 8 Tutearora v 75 ' . Ttckeu oa sale 1st. Use eon tract tickets snd limit the good to retura lo Oct. 81tt. "All ticket mutt bt signed. i , . . Z - " . - -; COUPON STATIONS. t Through rate of far. to point aamed , fSJSSS hIti .i1 on Wettara North Carolina R. R. In f- P"rlfle th nllr ytem, blood aad Ihv' bt inna tiiont t " 7 frota - .,' H i:Ntwi Kta v City Bora " ;U " Olckorv i' 118 50 19 DO 11)0 Ho MorrantOB v -, 14 85 18 85 1805.11 85 18 86 19 85 Old Fort -15 65 14 85 Blk Kounttla 16 20 16 80 Athevilta . 10 85 15 85 Hot Spring U8 85 .17 85 Conntly" : ,:'18M lltW Wllketboro 18 85 185 Lenoir ' 14 70 18 70 Kikla : : II 50 11 60 18 80 180 14 45. 18 HS ID 88; 15 85 11 60-10 90 10 85 10 86 18011170 1010, 8 60 Blowing Hock 20 $0 10 80 '17 80 Wayneavllle - 17 05 ' 18 85 15 50 Henderonviliel7 65 18 55 1516 17 80 14 85 14 66 10 05 14 85 9 85 Brevard- - 105 18 05 18 85 Saluda -Btatcsvllle 17 85 19 15 18 85 1125 14 65 885 8. L. DILL. 0. P. A. MFK OK T. 1KVITT TAi.MAOK ,y Ills Son, I V. 1-KANK I'VwiTT TI MAI. r-'l t --ci; ediUtrs of ('hrif.linn lier 1. t n'v hook endorsed .f 'jjil-, -".-I-!!ii!v, i mtrinoii .r.;Mt f--r -i.'mi.n ... .. . and sloughing stage, and a hideous, -: - . ' ! , iwwewiwaarr -oiamau .utlntojm opaa sore. I tan to take conoiaon. Ana wnen pure oioou is carried to. tnevcer or sore the healing process begins, the discharge ceases . and the place heals over and new skiniorms. S. S. S. is a strictly vege table blood purifier containing no mercury or minerals of any description. of any kind, write us about it, medi Gvu Cloleri-hfiDtan, DtawbttaJ)yisatry, and the Bowel Troubles ol : H 0.: ChUdreaoiliKlp. AJd Dijtttlon, RcguUtei the Bowels, rttrtngtheni at Ihista, m$" J. MOFFKTT, M. D, St. LOUIS. MO. Dear Sir: Jnitic to voa demand! that I should trtve von aoivjtu, jwiuw MTOprietor Toa:M(Aia,) Hewa. SICK MADE WELL WEAK MADE STRONG Marvelous Elixir of life. Dis covered by Famous Uoclor Scienlist That Cures Every Known Ailment Wonderful Cures are Ellected Tbat Seems Like Miracles Per formedThe Secret or Long Life of Olden Times Revived. Tha llriuarij la Prea to All Wnn Htnd Nam, and Ramedy. After rears of patient study, and del ving Into the dusty record of the past, as well ss following modern experiments In the realms of medical science. Dr. James W. Kidd, 2801 Italics Build ing, Fort Wayne, Indiana, makes the startling announcement that lie hsa DR. JAMES WILLIAM KIDP. surely discovered the cllilr of life. 1 hat he la shle with the aid of n)Hlcrlnua compound, known - ly to him, elf pro duced ta a n suit of the )car ho hat speut In searching for llila precious life giving honn, to cure any tnd every dis ease that It known to the human body. There Is no douU of the doctor's earnest nest In making his claim tad tba re markable cures that be Is daily effecting seems lo hear blm oulveiy strongly lilt theory which be advance It one of reason and based on soond eiperlonce In a n edlcal practice of many jars It oosia nothing t try bis remarks la Kllilr of Life," aa ba rails It. for he tseada It Iroe, lo anyone who Is s sufferer ln totQclenl quantities to convince of I la ability to cure, so there is tlMolutcly no I rw to rusv ooma oi ine cures chcu are very remarkable, and but for rellsnle wltnotte wonld hardly bt credited. Tba lame htve thrown away crutches tnd walked shout after two 6r three trials of tb resiedy. The slok, given up by horn doctors, bare been restored to tbelr faml- lies tnd friends la perfect health. Rheu- I "ausm, amiraigia, aiumacu, wan, iivor, 451 kidney; bloo and skla dlsttt and Diaouer troouiee oisappear tl try magio. OOl Headscbet, backaches, nervousness, iievtrs, oootoropiion, oougns,ooias, atio- 1 mt, tatarrh, oronchtua and ail ineotions I of the throat, lungs or any vital organs I art easily vcrcome la s space of lima MDtt it simply marvelous. Partial naralvala. looonolnr aUaltu dropsy, font scrofuU and pile are sos, restores normal ntrv power, cir eolation and stale of perfect health it produced at once. - To tbe doctor all svs toms trt alike and Kjoally affaeted bf 1 - f, " (trttt-Kllilr of Lift. aoad for lb AO' J - ? r: o,j ttm. fltaie what ' of and the tart remedy for it will b teal a. j"M w,h,iu in, vaivu ire by rstara ataiu .. . . - Competitive Elimination .tor, Ap- -' poiatment of NaTal Cadet tt - .-i . United States Naval - Academy Annapo '.' ' v lI-i.Karyland. ' , - " . . . - Notice It hereby glvea tbtl to tittnl attloa will bt held at Ntw Bern, north Carolina, oa Jan fHlh," 1803, for th . purpop of Selecting tcadottnd tlter natt for tppotnltnent to the United Bialet Nival Academy kt Anotpolls, Marylsnd. 'Only bont fide -rrsldentt of the Third Congressional Plstrlnt of -Nurth Carolina are entitled to conn-el. J .. Ciii,m llTm)M, ?'.(.', r V ( -!' : ;:. 0. . r. b, ;

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