4" HaGtiurini.8 : CONTINUE his Embroid-1 j ery Salo a few days. f v . we also nave some - ;: SPECIAL BARGAINS to of-$ a fnr THIS. WEEK in White M Lawn aim u. yauuiub. o A (A a A ft A AS A . 30 inch Organdies 10c. 32 Inch Wash Organdies 15c. 40 inch Lawn 10c. : v 40 inch Lawn 20c, v New Colored Lawns just received, Only 10c. New Chateline Bags. New Belts. 8 ? 1 THE NORTH CAKOMlf A State Normal and Industrial College. Literary Classical Scientific Commercial Industrial Pedagogical flusical Session opens September 18th. Expenses $100 to 1140; for non-residents of the Seate $160. Faculty ot 88 member. Practice and Observation School connected with the College. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers To secure board in the dormitories all free tuition applications should be made before July 15th. For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. (IcIVER, GREENSBORO, K. C. TUCKER BROS. 810 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, - . N. C. The place to buy your Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICES. Ir Foreign and Domestic Granite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best. Send for latest designs. All work delivered. Branch yard, Goldsboro, N. G. : LESS wflttT..?-. :. Children will play and get over-heated get their feet we expose themselves , ia dozens of ways, and you can't prevent It All you can do Is to keep them at free from exposure as possible and al ways have la the noose a Cough Remedy that can be depended Upon. Anwar's Croup Syrup Will All every requirement. It Is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds and Croup or the price 25 cents win be refunded by any dealer selling tt. Sold by Davis - Henry's, and Bradhem't Pharmacy " ,-' agin at ' Davis'. Theo, Cnbanola, Royal Bine, Lew Wallace, Flor de Teller, and other lead ing brands, at. Davis-Prescription Phar maey. v .- v Teachers Wanted J Three Teachers are wanted to fill va cancies in the White Graded School of New Bern. Applicants will be required to pass a competitive examination be fore the undersigned at New Bern on the 'second Monday of July next. ' H. P. HARDING, Superintendent. ! Money! I- Money!!! The undersigned will make yon a Loan or will direct the use of any idle money yon may have on hand. Yonr security absolute. Signed, I8AAO H. SMITH, 130 Middle St- New Bern, N, 0. E. HAVENS, The Old Reliable Shoe Maker on Middle Street has pleased the people for years with his work. Can excell all others in the business in this city. The repairing of Ladies shoes a specialty, 180) MIDDDE STREET. Sale Desirable Prop By virtue of the power In the mort gage given by 8. L. Roberts to David W Morse March 18th, 1898 and recorded In book B B, page 228," records of Carteret county, which, said mortgage was trans ferred June ; 22nd, 1897 to Alonzo Thomas." I wUl tell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door on Monday, July 7th, 1902. One fourth of a lot of ground number sixty-one (61) in old Town in Beaufort, North Carolina with improvements. This lot Is in the corner of Ann and Craven streets; on the south side of Ann, and west side of Craven. It has a large two story build ing on It containing ten' rooms with cook and dining room attached. It it a very desirable residence splendidly lo cated In a good neighborhood.. . ALONZO, THOMAS. June 8d, 1902, NOTICE. On August 1st 1902, 1 will sell at the Court House door,. In New Bern, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash, at 12 o'clook m- the following described notes and mortgage: Two notes under seal dated January 21st 1897, due respec tively on January 1st 1898 and January 1st 1899. Face value $200,00 each, signed by J. F. Bawls, payable to Eddie W. Rawls, with power of salo and foreclos ure. See book 18 page 660 and book 22 page 637 In the register of deeds office of Pamlico county, N. C. Wm. Sultan, Agt. June 21 1902. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention 4s given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be filled. cAgriculturd and Mechanical College. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION: A combination of theory and practice, of book study and manual work In Engineering, Agriculture, Chemistry, Electricity, flechanic Arts and Cotton Manufacturing. Full Courses (4 years), Short Courses (2year), jj J Special Courses (8 mos.). Tuition and room, $10 a term; board $8 a month. J r 80 teachers, 869 students, new building for 600. Write for book let "A Day P at the A. & M. College." President GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C. WAilAlliAiAtiHAitilAilUlitiiAAiiiiUlllilllillil - M V M V m ; " M .- : WD Pi Fresh Lot Uneeda Biscuit, Uneeda. Milk Buscuit Zu Zu Snaps, Salted Wafers, Kennedy's Oysterettes, and Complete Assortment of Mixed Cakes. ODB GROCERY SICK IS COHPLETE and WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY on every thing you buy. REMEMBE sell for cash and can afford to shave the price. 1 w we will sell you a One Found Package ol Levering's Boasted Coffee lor 11c. v ' t-' c'-:'-'r.-:. We Sell Evervthinff! ; ';: -We;Sel! the Best of Bvci 1 ySin : the; Bestof Evei'thiii Slcro Pi:cno 3. ' rniimnmi::: 1G England's King Rap- idly Sinking L Coronation Ceremonies Abandoned. Almost Panic In 'England. Cabinet Summoned. Special to Journal. Lohdoh, Jane 24. King Edward, the Seventh is dying, the operation was per formed at noon, the King sinking rapid ly afterwards. The attack of the King Is perlplytis, which Is an Inflammation of the tissues of the abdomen. The operation, while ' extremely diffi cult, was successfully performed. All ceremonies attending the corona tion hare been abandoned The news regarding the operation and King Edward's condition has created al most a panic In England. The Cabinet has been hastily sum moned for consultation. CASTOR I A lor Infanta and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Smallest Ctanreli. The village church at TJpleatham, North Yorkshire, is claimed to be the smallest in England. It measures 17 feet 0 inches by 13 feet The church dates back 800 years. Some of the tombstones In the graveyard are dated 1560. Why tik may Chances - With some new and untried medicine for such serious troubles as diarrhoea, cramps, dysentery, when you should know thst for over half a century Pain killer hat cured millions of cases 1 Look out for Imitations, there is only one genuine, "Perry Davis." THE MARKETS. The foilowloj quotations were receiv ed by J. R Lstham A Co. New Bern N. O. Chicago, Jane 24. Open. nigh. Low. Close 74 74 74 74f 7i 72 72 72i Open. High. Low. Close 871 871 071 07 July.... Sept... . Cobb: - Jnly Ribs. July.... Sept Open. High. Low. Close . 1083 10871 10721 1086 . 1078 10771 106(5 10771 Nnw Vou, June 24. OottOk; Open. High. Low. Clow July 8.68 6.87 8.5 8.87 Aug 8.82 8.88 8.82 8.88 Sep 600 8.03 7.98 8.08 Oct 7.00 78 7.89 7.1 Stocks; Sugar..... Bo By .... N.T.O... c. a s.... ao.... Mo. p.... Atchison . Vs. O.C.. JLG. O... Am Ice. '. , , New York, Jane 24. Open. High. Low. Close ..'..MB I8 125 128f ...,8l 861 80 1551 1541 .,. 871 87 i B71 .... 4t 481 ....1081 108 ....811 81. 851 1541 871 481 iti 106f 107 801 - 801 881 881 114 BpotsllB-16. Bales 10,000 hales.'.'- V rutures, Jnne-July 4.49. Aog-Sept. 4.40. fept,.! Last week -t-k.Ur'i;:' lt year." M.000 This weea. , la sight 8000, - BaU ' 15000 : . lion. ; 5600 ' Taes. 8500, Wed. Tburs. . Fri. : - 60,000 - . -. " '. ... ' - mono 19000 . . .13000 v i: 8000 8000 89.000 Adrlces to J. E. Latbsm'ik Co.,yeler. V . ;. , , : Kew York, June 21. W'bPut Snd corn st4y, proTltlons more (' ;.o!!lon to s- '.1 but not to force t i. r .. v:. i '..-,. State Africollural Report on Con dltion of Crops. Numerous Applleatiens For Ad mlssioa to the A. M. College. National Association of Instruction of Blind to Meet at Ral eigh In Jaly. Rilbigr, June 24. The North Caro lina Liquor Dealers' Association met here this evening. Frank O'Donnell of Ashevllle, who' arrived this -morning, Is presiding. The sessions are secret. The members of the Association will only support those political candidates who favor the licensing of the liquor traffic. President Winston of the Agricultu ral and Mechanical college says applica tions are coming so rapidly as to show that, despite the Increase In dormitory room, there will be as much crowding as there was last session. Tet more dormitories are urgently needed cer tainly for 500 cadets. The weather is unseasonably cool but it is said that it is not Injuring crops.the latter being well advanced and uncom monly vigorous. The State Agricultural department to day received special reports from its agent sent to Maryland and New Jersey tracking districts to ascertain the status of the truck crops. As to Maryland truck he says cabbages are bringing fl.50 to $4 per 100, and that the crop is 40 per cent below an average. The crop of beans is small. They bring 65 to 70 cents per bushel. Dry weather cat them off. He says as to Irish pota toes that the season will not begin until 9 weeks late. There are on sale in the markets potatoes which they call "Nor folk potatoes," but which he finds really come from North Carolina. These are selling at $3 to $3.50 per barrel. As to the New Jersey truck he says the Irish potatoes are few. The season will not open until July 1. The tomato acreage is increased 10 per cent and the season will open earlier than usual. The sweet potato acreage is fall. The American Association of Instruc tors of the Blind meets here July 9, 10 snd 11. It represents all the schools In this country, as well as those in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. There are 44 of these schools in this country. About 100 delegates are ei pected. These will be entertained at the very large institution here. On the 10th the State officials and citizens will give them a reception. All the leaders In this department of public charity will he here, including Wait, of New York; An. agnos of Boston, Allen of Philadelphia, Morrison of Baltimore, Dymond of Canada, etc. - I rv n - i pew 1 Mrrivals. I Trained Too Hard. "So Fitzjeflbett failed to appear n the ringside 7" "Yes. lie was unlit to figbt Bott lungs were entirely wrecked by his ef forts in telling reporters the easy wnj be was going to lick the other fellow." -New York World. FEED THEM. One. Way to Hake Lawyers. You can dig up the lawyers and pat them on their feet if you feed them right but they are like other people they don't thrive on poorly selected food. A lawyer from Seneca Falls, New Yorksaysi "When I went Into a law office I was in fine health having had much out-door exercise, bat at the end of the second month's study and work I wu disheartened to find myself In poor health and falling every day. After reading a short time 1 would be come so nervous that I would be com pelled to stop nor oould I remember, to any extent, what I read. I The study of law, which at first wu a great pleasure, became a burden, and a first-class physloiea told me that I never would be able to serve a full term In a law office, and advised' me to give It np if I wanted to enjoy life. When upon the point of doing so I wm talking one day with one of the Arm who advised me to make a change in food and recom mended very . highly your Grape-Nuts, saying X Could get a package at any grocery and make the test. . I ' r Tbeadvios Impressed me so strongly that I at one. purchased and began us ing Grape-Nut, I fouad that after us ing this food I was not troubled with the lingering pain la my - stomach that bad been, with m. for some time; Instead I was perfectly comfortable and I had not ate a the ftiod for more than four or five days when 1 begaa to notio a change My head became clear again, and I be gan to enjoy my studies as well as I did oa the start and oould acoomfliah mors In one week from that time thaa I bad In a whole month prior to that time. My blood which had naturally become bad, presently improved, my digestion also was better. The blotches oa my face begin to disappear and Jl folt better in every way. I owe much to Grape-Nuts. Would rather you did not one my name, bnt if it will do you any good m It." Name fur- . !icd by Postum Co., Battle Creok. Mi. ' Lok for frco r i book In ech p k cf Grape-tiute. Na Bob Pancake Flour. Carolina Rice Flakes. Oatflakes both loose and in packages. Preserved Ginger 25c per pot. Hienz's Apple Butter and Sweet Mixed Pickles. Royal Scarlet Salmon, the finest piicked, only 25c can; other brands 15c and 20c can. Imported Ginger Ale, on ice, 10c or 3 for 25c. Portsmouth Corned Mullets. Big Hams to cut. Fox River Print Butter, ancy S yrup and molasses. Pure Apple Vinegar and Spices of all kinds. Wholesale ft Retail Grocer, I j. l mm 1 3 'Phone 91. 71 Bread HU g nwViw'lsniwV!siwViiV invViswvV ivVwVUet. fust Received a Fresh Iot iDeviled Crabs' andimells to Go With Them. Also Fancy Salmon and Lobsters. Don't fail to see us when in need of anything in the Fancy Grocery Line, we guarantee quality and prices with any gro cery bouse in the city. If you want Good lour Try Our Fancy Patent there is nothing better ground from wheat. We have some Good Tea at 40c, 50c, 60c and 80c lb. Thanking you for past favors and trusting to continue to serve you, I am J. 33. PAEKEE, Jr. S Wholesale and Retail Grocer, rniinK bo. uor. uroaa s u ancocK su. t Plenty of It and All the Best Here's a stock that is fill ed with the most reliable staples. From Flour and Sugar to the finer things wo carry plenty for your selec tion. You'll get what you need without fear of paying too much, and with no doubt of the value for yonr cash. FOR NEXT 2 WEEKS we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb. J.J.Tolson.Jr. Broad St Grocer. Phone 137 Ball Players As well as everybody else, need some good liver medicine occasionally. BRADHAM'S ANTIBILIOUS LIVEK PILLS "cleanse the liver, cool the blood and ease the head,"-wlthout griping or danger of salivation note this these plus are purely vegetable and serve their purpose as well as if they contained tome Injurious mineral drug. Box of 88 for tSo 19 doses. Mft. snd sold at Bradham's Pharmacy. Wheel Bargains. : ' I hays on hand serera! samble ot High-grade Bicycle that wffl be sold at Spot Factory Cosh '' . These wheels are new 404 are toe Greatest BIcyol Bargains ever offered in the elty. frt.w--,- A few second hand bicycles In good running order for to.OO. ,v y. - , f WIL R HILL, : . , SPOHOTO G00&V ' ' ,: 01-99 Middle Street. ssrvSjatrr-.' '' A 4th ofjulffirhe with your best girl when yon lake her to ride should be taken In new and comfortable buggy ot phcton, chosen from our high grade and up-to-date stock of fine carriages. W. make a superb display of handsome and well made vehicles that we are selling at prices that will not hinder yon from bnytng. It is a' known fact that our buggies are better than any," , Why not get the best for the lowest possible price. G. H. TTatem Bon, ITm 188, 78 Broad StV Jttw Bus, W, O ' i r thorn IIS. . Celery Headache fvnicn. ' ,; There is not env better remedy for hes dsnlie" than those powders. They nevft fall to relieve. Made and told oiuy at DstIs' Prescription Pharmacy. , . .,- ' The lister will' be at the court house "until July 1st, 1902, -; ; - J. F. IVE3, : H,f.u City Tax Lister. , Lime For Sanitary Purposes : Ferson wishing lime for sanitary pur poses oaa recclre the same by! c ' -s-the City hall.

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