.4 L V .. rulnibhed every day in the year.eicep. Konday, at kiu,'.:e street. : . PhohbNo.8. " CHARLES L. STEVENS.' smtob ijn norumi,. -, - SUBSCRIPTION RITES. -Ou fMT In advance.. r...,-... $ One year, not la dTnoe..,.. Monthly, by carrier la th city.,.. .50 Advertising Rate furnished on appli cation. N ' ' ' Entered it the ?ott Offlo, New Bern, N. C, m second das matter, ': . ; : omcui ,rtn ; f sw Jot mi ".A " ' Cravea Ceaaty. ' Mew Bent, N, C Jaat 28, 1902. . NOTHING COKES BY WAITING. ' The saying that "everything comet to v to him who wslta", doe not mean that s the kitting down fellow U the one who rati all that he wants. . a Waiting, la the above saving does not mean Idleness or dreaming, or wishing for something to Ukeplc.r .: ';.'. : ' It mean eageraeu.la going after and pertlitenee la following . up ; the some- thing of value to tbeperson seeking It - ? The person who waits, Mcawber like for the opportunity to come along and ? fall at hla or her, feet, inn Met the reallxatlon of inch hopes. . ;." The present age la peculiarly a stri ving one, In the language of the timet It 'is a "strenuous ago," and only the per- slititnt naltar nan Jirnont In araln anv- - taing.. ana men, oniy ;oy strong, enart and work. , $ ' ' It la onlyjisoeistry to look about, to turn sthat ' nmdneaa anittma and what glTetlfallure. f . - The person who reaches out after bos.. Ineas, JT advertising and personal effort, "gets the trade .and the proflta. there' . from. y-Hl 2y. ;:ikh -, ; The town or dtyj whiah presents its - commercial possibilities gets the lnva- tor and his mcney and thereby Its, awn commercial, adv ancement. ., and . bonding "P. t , - t - , Note the waiting merchant Who does not advertise anqaeea out tor traae " through personal going forth after It I ' Note the town or city which makes ao effort to gain the attention of the ont : aide business world and the world of progreasi -.-Ki'-Distinct failure will be found n both, . i . . . - . . . .. a . .- ana very lew nuutr ui care ium u fitai drops out of commercial circles, and the second is unknown lathe Investment world. ' ' ' , There Is failure 1 waiting, but In go ing forth to seize, to . attain the object, there Is every chines of success. : Stati ow Ohio, Cm of Tolido, f " IiCCAS COTOTT. t ( Fbahk J, Cherst makes oath that he -;.s senior partner of the jinn of V. J. I Chknit ft Co., doing "bcilneas In .the -: City of Toledo Oounty and State afore said, and that said firm .will pay ONB HUNDRED UQtLABS REWUU) for : each and .every case of Catabh that ft cannot be cored by the nee of Ball's Oatabbh Qukb. ' - FRANK J. CHENEY.-' a . uM . i ii : my presence, hs. 6Ui.daQf December, A.IU880.! . ' , -. . t A. W.GLEA80N, '; ' biai, ' Notary Pnbllo.'- - HalTs Catarrh Cure Is. taken Inter nally, and acta directly oa the blood and . mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. ' ( . J v v f i t. J. CHENEY k CO, Toledo, D. V Bold by all Dragglsta. - . -HalTs Family Pills are the best ' tJartaa f Wive. v Wives are etlU obtained by purchase . i- t Dtuataii ITivn. . la the aittrlct of Eamyscbin, on tne voiga, tat ezamDle. this 1 practically the only ffray In which marrlanea are brought about The price of a pretty girl from a well to do family ranges from 10 (to 20, and to special cases much higher sum Is obtajtied.. In the rlllagee the lowest price is about tS, It Is cus tomary for the fathera of the Intendlug rtde and bridegroom to baggie for a long time over the price to be paid for the lady.; A .young fanner :w bo e fax the cannot afford to pay for a wife for him need not think of getting married. Xondon Chronicle, y .'A j; ;.;''!;: . .. ;u ;'"irv'juro r Isi.i co!it,ni.m all of thj iiml (Iiim ;ta nil kinds ol vcB I'ihI nt relief ami never l; This j i t UlH i r b. ii, a '" you to eat alt 1 Hi,. 't n liMistHl'tlHitive !a , ,k i f lis lift) many , j i hnve bwn i i ,ho failed. It is mi tiie atom softcreatinir, i : , aut to .take Starr ol t to. story is to'. 1 well known Cohiii. L -i f -;.-e two bus kd.ea aud a par rot. Mrs. A. puld a special call at the home of airs. B. the other day and was justiered luto the Uvliig room by .the iaald of all work to await the appear ance of Mrs. B. " - Mrs. B. had come Into posseeslon of s parrot only a short time before and had been keeping the bird In the living room. Polly bas a very good command of English and appears to know when to use It. Mm A. eat down with her back to the bird .without noticing It, and as Poll; made no sound ahe re mained In ignorance of its presence.- Observing a beautiful . vase on the mantel, Mrs. A. arose from her seat and, crossing the floor, took down the dainty piece of bric-a-brac tp, examine It Bhe gased on it rapturously, com pletely absorbed by its elegant decora ttons, when suddenly from Just behind her came the shrill and stern com- -Drop ttl Drop itr r Mrs. A. obeyed and turned, with a scream, to face the Jmpertumble gase fit Polly, who aat la her cage with her green bead slyly perked to, $ne side. Ou the floor lay the beautiful vase smash ed to bits, At this most embarrassing moment Mrs. a entered the room. Be fore Mrs. A. could eiplain the altuatloa Polly shook out her reetnere ana re marked: ' ". . r riouTe ttt .Ton-rt jU, ,Xotrtevtr-r Ohio State JournaL ' ,0. T ; Peered cows often deUe Indian tem ples, but wort yet Is ft body that's pol luted by constipation. . Don't permit it Cleanae your svatem wlth Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery; Thep give lively livers, active bowels; good digestion, fine appetite. Only 25c at C, D. Bradbam's drug store. .'A " . ,m- ' - ', Nearly all the nolds remove spots of ink from paper, but it te luiortnnt jte use 'such hb lenHt attack Its'tlmue: Spirits of salts. diluted in. five thiiea or sis times the qua otity of water may be applied with success upon the spot and after a minute or two .washed, off With clear water. A solution; of oxalic acid, citric add or tartaric acid is at tended with the least risk and may be applied upon the pnoer or plates with out fear of damage. These adds, taking out wrltlnglnk and not touching (be printing, can bo used for .restoring cooks where the margin have been Written upon without - attacking the text u - s 1100-br. E Dctchons't AnH-Mnrdlc may be worth to you more than $100 If you have a child who soils bedding from Incontinence of water during- sleep. Cures old and young alike. . It .arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by 0. D. Bradham, Druggist. '" '. - ': '.," Be JIlaaieerM. " ' "Bow long," aaked the youth, "ought a young man to be aeaualuted wllh a airL alias VlvnrjeL.Jiefore be mar ven ture to call her by her first pamT.: 1 "How long bare you known me r ane asked In torn. ,v ,'':,!.'jJS'"',-- "About sla montba." v''.,'i" "Well, if he's the right young man, thara a long enough rjme. 7;; , "Then. 8mW --.!r. h-1-1 "But you're not the right Jpung jnanJ Mr. BpocflamcMTriCUlcago Tribune. , -The BestPreserlptlOB forXaiarla. ' Chills and Fever Is a bottle of GaovaM Tiara utsa Chtu Toko It,. 4s simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure M pay. Price BOo.,7 ?Tvt ; "-f"'. ..y . : aew smla'lraa h Ofctatma. ; The preparation used to produce, wjjat; we call "vaccination" la known among medical men as vaccine virus, to pro duce which it Is .jah t, Wi, through a surgical ojperationjc tneubr Ject being a young cow or eteu a calf. After acanrying tne Deny orne ant mat, the parts bavlng previooaly bn shaved, the wound is Inoculated -with virus from an animal .already ia use. A sore is thus formed without lasting injury to tne beast, and after a.week or ten days a thin vacdne matter begins to flow from the abrasion. This 'pus matter hi the vaccine virus of com merce. 1 -i.?v- ;,;,' s'. Ooose rjtillls which have been scrap ed with a knife until they preaent rough exterior are rubbed In thlatdrna. The virus from one abrasion 1 stjAJ dent to coat 10.000 guIHa, which, after being so prepared ant technically called "points.", Ibeso poJntiWen jeadx.fpr shipment look- veryqcb Jlkeadluaay. amna nnllla. the vlrna coatlnC not betne visible to the naked eye. r j A - "I suffered fem dyspepsia, sad tadV' gestloator flfteea years,? -says' W (Ti Bturdevant of Merry Oaks, N. O. "After I.had tried many doctors aa4 medicines to no avail one of my friends persuaded me to try EodoL It gave Immediate je llef. I can sat almost anything I want now knd my digestion ll good . I cheer fully recommend Kodol." Don't .try to cure stomach trouble by ;. dieting.. . That only further weakens the aygtem:. Tou need wholesome, strengthening .food. Kodol enables yoa .tojjMm!m!lal ,wl'' ! you eat by digesting it without thr stomach's aid. P. B. Duffy. y '-,'' Spiders " si r I am quite 1 t slon, ne I n i- 1 . U tat frn i n , 1 natut-f a ,fii,. Scoriilo, JJOlliO is before th the acorplou . 1 1 a t .ireeH), j t t. captured if Bo r see their prey t ! 1 Feb, J ! oiuovenieut Vilmt- ever to aeiro 1 , ,cr they Indieiiio t....-ir y 1 l! movements. t can ren lily be yn ! the mi'Ti fun may be i by tlie vlhriii'i'iis t 1 . 1 If Q tunlni; Xurk LorBsiurl 1 n t" table OU wlilth I iuep mj rr plon, he at onee becomc r 1 1 Btrllcog out vi -lontiy . ! ; dn tmiehtna; him :h 1 i 1 tnnlnir T ,-k 1 r" -! " " 1 t 1 ,1, as ' 1 , t j r h.: Jlu : tf t rive lan- X t ;m ,d or i-ator, t lUiijTcS. - Jerry BSmpson la a champion phig pong player. He beat Governor Toole and several Montana stock millionaires at Helena lately. - Captain Orren A. Hamblett of Wash ington bas purchased the historic Sam uel Wilson house at Mason, N. B., the borne of the original "Uncle Sam." . Admiral Sir. Henry Eeppel, now In hla ninety-second year, has a great de sire to die at sea. With that end In view he Is constantly going on long voyages. . '-' ; . y ,. .r. r' Colonel Mott Hooton, who baa been made a brigadier general, la a native of Pennsylvania.' His great-grandfather was a captain to the Revolution ary wttaji'i&;sCirt - Senator Clark "of Montana U an en thusiastic automobillBt Ha rides about Washington on a ten thousand dollar f French flier" .which, be bought .last year to Parla " ' ; ' t, r , ; James R. Qarflekl, the new member of the dvll service commission, bas been assigned the desk at which Presi dent Roosevelt worked while president of the board of dvll, service commie. alosera, :i?JK.' i Edward Ih JUnms of Elmira, N. T .who baa been, appointed consul general at Stockholm, Sweden, was graduated from pt University of .Rochester to 1879 And began bis newspaper career, on the Rochester Democrat end Chron- Berr Kaufmann, whose election aa second burgomaster f Berlin the kai ser declined to sanction on account, It 1 supposed, of his former political opinions, . bas suddenly become mad. Some people in Berlin are ascribing bis, madness to disappointment, to, cpnse quence of the kaiser's action. . ITndcr., the will of Colonel Btanton Djincan, a wealthy Eentucklan who died recently In California, twenty-one Kpntuoklans and forty-seven residents of, other state are named as legatees. Etch if to receive 11,000. . Among the beneflclarleacf the will Is Ab Ah Bam, a jlVauisvlIle Chinaman, who had lH)g been, friend of the testator. .Ton may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to And an active energetic man with a torpid liver and you may know - that ..his food; or feels dull and languid after eating often has headache and sometimes dltztness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Lifer Tablets will restore his liver to Its normal functions, renew his vitality, Im prove hie digestion and make him feel like uew man, Price 85 dots. Samples (res at F. B. Duffy Co's drug Itore. ,i According to Moslem tradition, the foundations of the city of Damascus were laid soon after the creation of the earth. 1 oucannot sweat at oijabuse any. body to the, Japanese language. The worst you can say. of anybody A that he ;ia af"fltow,': and If you .want to express your very, very, pointed Indig nation yoa about, bereithereri - , ReaajtoTicii 'Xfeed DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles and found It a certala cure," says 8, R. . Meredith, Willow Orove, Del. operations uaaecessary - to cure pues. Thealways.yleld tcv DeWIUs: Witch Haael aalvc Cures . skin, diseases, all kinds of wounds. - Accept no oounter Mtr. ft Duffy. , r "-riimmm Mssrtalltr. - . Qbf , miner is killed for every l,06O, sV)0.tj)nsof.coalrslaed. - .t. , . ' r ' :r- '.: , . si, Unm Waste, i. "v ? :;i i -V?. ?!Ac wealthy Warsaw landowner sleeps each night in a room" draped with blackideoorated with -skeletons and havtog in the mlddleof the oor i catafalque, on Which is a metal eoffln.- I "A ppralnea AU DrUrCvred.; v "At cue time I suffered from a sever sprain of the ankle," say Geo. E. Cary editor- t the -Quid,. Washington, Va. L?After using several welL recommended medldnes without aucceas, J tried Cham berlain's Pal a Balm, and am pleased, to "y iM WM.WW awepoia ll tue aud.a.complete ciue ipeedlly fob toWed." Bold by Fl. Duffy A Co.. -.j,., "Whj si Bew cvir W; JSlrj Bogee (le.Corerley was the nam Of A imembar. of Jha tmagtoary xluboC twelve under. whose direction Addi son's .Spectator, waa profeaaedlj pub- Uahed." Ho waa an nlil aehnnL Ii1iiIT good, bear tJ and simple ngllsh geq- - ueman. xne dance named after him. la a!t English contra dance corresponding1 somewhat to the Virginia reel. j., 1 1,.,,,-' , 1 rM'y.g' tS -i,A Blmlaiai.''i.js''i4 -.. H have known, bettet;,.tfya.Jady, begaa )fdd1ame.. -.. : float If i wretche.momlng.r.reT plied, the farmer's wife, "but I've got no time to discuss tbe. weather . With you, pad as it Is." And she shut the door and toft hlm-Phlladelphla Bulb tin.,.-- - I ,UapP7 lime In 014Towb. " V ,1" We felt very happy,"-, writes R. N, Covlll, Old Town, Vs., "when Rocklan's Arnica Balre wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald bead." It delights 11 who use It for Cuts, Corns, Barns, "ralsei, Bolls, Ulcers, . Eruptions.-. In- illlble for Pile. Only 20o at Ct D. radba.m'a drus; slom. : - J TK Tw, OrshiM. , ' .. if- ' Two little plrls legnrd over tbe fence ' nt Incloaes the pln.VRrouud of the Llt 1,0 Wanderers' home, says The Chris tian Itefc'lHter. . "Ou, iny T snld one..' "Don't they have a good time? If I should be an orphan, 1 am coming here." "Oh." said the other, 'the one at Rot ' iry Ih ever so niurh better. I would t -re If I were an c hnn." "I w" '-I't," replied 1 gtrl No. 1, "' i s) In t' s one I'd be i -r X" I II,tUjna." : T' ( i C. n of Does a . Woaslroua. , Work For a - Lady Who Was Almost, ' - ' Crazed With Pain "i'- and Suf ferine;. f 1 - i It b well anowa that terrible rhtuma Usm, sciatica, and neuralgia cans mora helplessness, acuta suffering and agony, than any of the other disease that afflict humanity.1'; The great medical virtues of Paine' Celery Compound make it Ue only trustworthy specific for the cure of all forms of rheumatism and -neuralgia ?,housaada of strong testimonial letters rom the most prominent people of the (and, prove that Palne's : ilery , !om pound ha banished these terribly . fatal troubles when all other treatment . has failed. Mr. Margaret Bethel, of Brat nerd, Mlnaw after thirty year - of - agoa- Slng torture had desire to end bar life U. was the wU of Heaven) she almort prayed for . the time to lay It down. Hesren-dlrected, she made use of Palne's Celery Compound, and Is enjoying true life once more. .She yr .. ? , i "For thirty years I have been a great Sfferer from peuralgla in the head, and o with rheumatism fa the whoe body I .began taking Palne's Celery Compound and sooa found I was much better. : Be fore taking the Compuuud, my Ufa was such a burden that I almost , prayed . to lay It down. -1 was bedfast every two Week with horrible pain In the brad, back end neck, antn I was almost erssed lam, able to do harder, work and more of It. today than: for wenty-flve years. ' I am really enjoying life again; thank to Paine' Celery Compound. I am- astir, fled that my life: haa been prolonged many year by It uss.",. .-. .; -, - ' .v Wa la CUauw . ;.:'.v' In China probably more wood hi used for coffin than for any other purpose. The coffins are made of lumber from fqur to nineteen Inches thick. It Is not high estimate to, say that from 8,000,. 000.000 to 10,000,000.000 feet of lumber are. annually thua utilised. . BfasstW . yfltlaisirwHiWalwaTtBlWW Hgsatsi "rfcasJS WaswV; -'S -Mr. Richmond. What lovely antique furniture! ' .ij-.- ., Mrs. Bronx borough Yea, and, do yon know, we got It almost as cheap as If It bad been new! Judge. nt ciik, "I never,", said the Illiterate1 shoe elerk, "forget a man's face that I have fitted, shoes on.t Los Angeles Herald. 'U-." : r' : - RBUEF HI SU HOURS. K . r iDbjlreasinglKldney nd. Bladder DIs ease, relieved, la , si hours by " "Nsw Gbsat Booth Amihicab Kidbbi Cdbs." It Is s great turprlse 6a; account of It exceeding promptness in relieving pain In, bladder, kidney, and back, In male or fenjals. Believe reteolioa ot w.ater al-, most Immediately.. -If .yoa .want . quick taller aad cure this U. the remedy,. Bold by 0. D. Bradham, Druggist ' i - A Ctmsmlaa flaswtatlttMS. v;1Che Cingalese believe that tne moon and aua are working at cross purposes; that part of. the llme tb sub i drag ging the moon across the aky and that afterword "tbe moon, takes hey, turn at pulling the auh about, as fhe plessea, "' Saw prom as IwM'Rile. "Everybody said I had consumption," write Mr. A.M. Shield, of Chambws burg, pa, "I wu so aw after moath ol sevemaJckneacQised by Hay I'evet and, Asthma, that few. thought i could get well, but I learned of th marvelooa merit of Dr. King' New Dlsoovery for Consumption, .used It, .and. w( ou Bletely.Ut red.! ; fof( desperata.Throat and,Lung PUease U U the safest cure la th,fpridjiud.l,tofsUIble for Qougbs, Cold sod Bronchial Affections. - Guar anteed bottles 50e and 11.00. Trial bot tles free t O. D. Bradham'.- t . 1 )'--r ':-KMiam.inm. .-it. - ''-V-- ' Salad plant comprise a group, which pi be arranged under, tb. .bead,. of acetarious plants.. Some, nave (png.becn known as common yegetabl'es aut cook ed fad served a such,vWhll others hav been regarded simply si weed by meet Dative Americans. - - ' ' c Ca)l at ?. B. Duffy d; Co', drug store and get a free sample of Chsmberlala' Stomach and Liver Tablet. They are aq elegant physic-They, also Improve the appetite, strengthen, the. digestion and regulat the liver and bowels. , They, are easy to. Jake and pleasant in effect. . ,V-;V;,- " J , ii ' J .; -:.,a Sy';.Vt'tFelS, BkU.;J:A'jt!.- 'r " A .Watch that makes fire beats a sec ond makes 432.000 s .day or nearly 158,-, 000,000 Jia a year. - ' ;' . stBie a:aTioM. Tbe first stamped envelopes were Is sued In 1853 of tbe two denominations of 8 and 6 cents, and it was not until two years later that th ten cer . oj. ope was added. 1 T 1 ''''"'' A CERTLB C:5T. ' ' In our style ot climate, . wllta its sud den changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunnlilne often Intormlngled In a single day, It Is no wonder t! -t our children, frlen ls and TeVitlvs c-re BO frequent!)' 1 t.V t-0 from us by v -? -1 C! '-i5, 1, I i , ,.' !jJ?iS r ;iu!'Jtitf (f " y fro"i t! ' 1 ,"5. A IsiiU'n of i t, s l'm-i'in t yap kej't !,out yn't I !) furl i ii' a i:l p, 1 "t ' 1 r'g r 1 cf t U.,.1 TC. ,C3.' .-,.. I' ' Tarka wet anl d.-v Eaiiikri do nd on the weai.,.-r bpn 4 .e American. . - . . It would appear that confinement In Jail Is about the only thing that twill break Dp the habit of .automobile scorching - to New York. Rochester Karald. Chicago's pre-eminence as the windi est dty having been, officially deter mined by the meteorological bureau, the gibe Is no longer humorous. Pitts burg Dispatch. ' . The plans .now making for future public improvements to this dtp are sufficient indication that posterity jwill have, financial troubles, of Its pwn Phlladelpbla Ledger. , - 'w-.lt 1 Spring Fever,- ' - " Spring fever is another name for btl louanes. : It Is more serious .than most people think. A torpid liver and Inactive bowels mean a poisoned system, , If neglected,, serious Illness may follow such symptom... DeWilt's Little Early Risers remove all dangerby stimulating the liver, opening tbe bowel and cleans ing tbe system of impurities, p fciafe pills. Never gripe. ' "I have taken DeWUf's Little Early Risers for torpid liver every spring for years,'' writes R M Everly, Moundsvllle, W Va "They do me more rood than anything I have ever tried." F. B. Duffy. '.as ' '-..:-' s i";tiiio BThf Ricmiulhi. ecjiH nre. 1 1 is, said, Jhntrlird In front-fnur to seven days, nc rordiiut lu ihu warmili of the weather. ::.: Kerwnir Plsbrrl. t.A comparison ins lieen drawn In Nor way. na to tlH'irnllt ut (lie flslierlea In ;hse mid in the rivers which show (hat .the former nre three times as re munerative as I he hitter. ii-y ;i: :- ; . ' f " s-. : . Alaska BQsaeatwea. -,, Alaska, It. Is said, can fnrBlsh . home Iteads of 820 acre each to 200,000 fam ilies. : 2 Virulent Cancer Cured. , Bta'rtllng, proof of a wonderful ad vance In medictse la given by druggist O. W. Roberts ot,Ellsbeth, W. Va. .AB old mu . there bail Jong suffered with what good doctors pronounced Incura ble cancer. Tbey believed- bis, case hopeless till he used Electric Bitters and applied Buckten's Arnica Salvo, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bitters are used to expel billons, kidney and microbe poison; at the same time this salve exerts its matchless heal. Ing power, blood diseases, skin erup tions, ulcers and sores vanish.,. Bitters Wc, Salve J5c, at O. D Bradbam's. ; Slate MtaUa. . Slate is got out. of tb ground by mean of blasting, holes being bored Into It with steam drilla. With derr ricks and hoisting chains the . rough slabs are lifted to the edge of the quar ry, and then they are rolled upon tracks to tbe shanty of the "sputter." A Good f ouch m edlctae. It speaks . well., tor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy hea druggists use it in their own fatutlUs in, preference to any other, "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past five years. with com pletoailsfciion to myself, aad costom ers," ssys Druggist J. Goldsmith, Vsn Etteu, N.T. "Ibsve always ussd It la my own family for hot h ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe, and And It very efficacious." For sale by F. 8. Duffy A Co. " Mv' Coarasr. '. ' Ton must hare courage, my boy.. ; N matter what band of drcumstance : ray themselves against you. If your purpose is right you will ucceed.. Life Is a' beautiful thing. The chance to light to a great blessing. No matter hoyf bard tbe situation may seem, keep en .doing right bravely face tbe future,, set Tour standard high, work and wait, be, patient and thankful, and you-will win. i lou may never be rich as tbe world goes-not- rich to money or rich to power but you may be rich to tbe knowledge of the truth that yon have made the best of your chance to be a man. -Don't set your standard by the men Who have achieved great .wealth. That Is nothing compared to the riches thajt belong to hint who has struggled to enlarge and ennoble the circle of life, in which he la cat-flchoolmater. 'h ? L64 Tnem likif?: H On: Minute Cough' Cur beats 1 othfr medicines I ever tried for coughs, co War orou p and throat and , Jung trou bles' says D. Boott Currln of Logaetorf, Pa.) One Minute Cough Cur I the only absolutely safe cough remedy which act Immediately... Mothers everywhere tes tify to the good It ha done their little one. . iCroup Is so sudden in Its attacks that the. doctor of tea arrive too late. It yield at once to One Minute" Cough Cur. .Pleasant to take:: Children- like It, Bore cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. F. 8, Duffy. ' . .. .. ,r - '; :;-""r ;. . !"...', r,i,The Uir sr the Tivvr' t ' Once, refeirina to rThe Lady or the Tlgerr fTrttuk R. Stockton said: -i-?!, cannot answer tbe question, for I have no enrthly idea myself.,, I .really hare never been able to decide whether tbe lady Or tbe tiger came ont of that door, Yet 1 must defend myself. Peo ple for year have upbraided me for leaving it a mystery.; Some Used to write mo that I had no right to Impose upon tbe'good nature of the public to that manner, noworer, when I started In to write tbo story I really Intended to finish It, but It would never let itself be flnlnhed. I could not decide, and to this day I have, I assure you, no more Idea than any one else." Mr. W. 8. Whedon, Cashier of Ih First National Hank of Wlntersflt, lows In a rcr, ,t letter gives some experience a carpenter to his employ, that will he of v ilun to other mechanics. lie say: "1 had a carpenter working for me who whs ohV-rd to slop work for several (1 yd on aeennnt of being t ouliUd with iVa.-il,,.,. ,1. I mentloii (1 to lilm that! Ill 1 r'- " n'y tfonl il and fl-t .'s c. 'y 1 f , Cliiite'a and Dlnr- ' ,! n.e I'o ! ! '1 i!,p ! ! r i ,j . , , i - 4 ,-"frTiii . . , (. . . ... - - . i ;.': "A Pettr Bloaia. - r!ou!ie .j0f ,!(i hlte silk tucked an""! and trimmed with ecru lace lnsertio4 The flchu and sleeve caps are "of sky :1 ' -yS ) 'I IMa 1 j 11 iiunii 0;)!B3fqitOtIOJI. hlmiMnnejtltoimad with tbe insertion and flnlahe4drUA applique -bowknota maae jr ijae- f evt ana uaeroon. .Tne blouse fastenajjutlalhly on one aide. . - Wslta la BtUI Posalar. There 1 absolutely no waning to the .popularity pf white. Never before was so,, much., White worn. Cloth, alpaca, homespuns, white .china crape and otb- r materials are much hx demand, while Jneyltably. for .summer - wear , white muslins will be all tbe rage, dividing popular favor with. white pique, which jwlll , be .exceedingly, emart made up with, tiny gilt buttons and touches of gilt trimming.. , , Among the favorite combinations are black and white and green and white, bow ot wmcn are striking. Particular ly to foulards these combinations are noticeable. The prettiest among the new silks are the. white ground fou lards with, black spots and the white foulards, with green foliage designs running through them. Tbe latter are Often trimmed with a touch of black guipure edging a flounce of net or one of white or ecru guipure. The effect hi Strikingly original. ,. Freaesi M Anwrleaa Womei, The American woman Is first of all neat,, Sue like things snug and trim, and all this fancy and theatrical busi ness does not appeal to her. Her crit ical faculties are free, and when she sees a thing sbe asks: "Why is It made so fanciful? Why not more simple?" This Is the reason why French hats Jose much of their grotesqueness when identified with tbo better class on this side. In fact, good taste Is pretty much tbe same the world over, and tbe really stylish American women are similar In their tastes. The difference is to figure, the. association, and the conditions of Ufa and necessities are really account able for the difference to dress. The American woman to. the same position as tbe French woman would probably dress similarly, and the French woman under similar conditions to America would bring herself undoubtedly to our standpoint Chicago Tribune. r The keep of -on dog eosts a much' aa tbe keep of sixty bens, and sixty bens will lay. 000 dozen eggs. 7 ' ?fFJratDAKDRDPF.i v : Beeona-f IICMHO 8elP. rr third -PALLIMO HAIR.' ' Tito next (tige is BALDNESS. Too ntta uvit rMcb, H.hotevsr.f or CokoDandriiCare till.tbaoluttly am your, hair, thousands Atify. Bold at -very ing etort. Be lure you Jet tht genuine--laiUtlons r . af faetunl .'fc;; ' Coke Shampoo and ; -.Toilet Soap ' I flelasHCal grtleli for the , hiy gndtoBWiiion. II has. AO fival a.JiAiptifr.? BatiBfy- lng(.t4auj r. guirijiH ti . :v h 1. B. BBBUEB CO.. " CHICAGO. FOB BALK BY 1 & AM 1 fiefri). erati re, Water Cooler Ice Cream Freezers, Screen DcoreVVln dow Son ens, Oil and Cook Stoves, Ranges, Lime,' Cement, Plaster, Psinls, Oil', Varnish, Putty, &b, Poor, illiod, Untlery and all the useful articlos .usually found In an Up-to-date Uard wars Store, : y.y HEAIHUAHTER8 FOR f .And all Kinds of -sI'S KBUILnMTEIIiLf vi, ;;-;E?fct Qw2 -V-5tV" : -; '' 1 4o iyf :-.t Prices. V Under He- I C,; -"'wka1"'' n L a w U V as -s ,, ... A Prominent Chicago Woman Writ- ' -.ing to I.Irs. Pinkham Says: ': -: - ; - 1 v j - - r , "! Honor to Whom Honor isjDue,' and Yon ileserve Both - 1 -; tho .Thanks andiHoaorof jkb Mothers of America V . nom lou iLave bo JJiesseaiy Jjenentea." ij s After years of atruggla to ato'pubUir sonfLdenee, with a flra,and stead-t fast belief that aoroe day others will roecnUe.to ua.thSitruUi, good faith and honesty of purpose that we knowawe posaeas, what a genuine satisfaction it ia .to have succeeded and to feel the aplifttog influenoe of tbe.sserited confidence of the vast army of our fellow beings. ' ", - - . ' This is tbe standing f Mrs. Pinkbant among the. women of America to day, .and Mrs. Brown's letter which weJsw the great privilege to herewith .publish with har portrait, iaoaly another risible evidence- of this truth, and . that of all the medicine for women' ills to the world Lydla . Plnkhaiq'a ..Vegetable Compound stands today pre-eminently, at the head. . MRS. MAY BROWN, Chairman Program Committee, Westside, Literary Union, Chicago, I1L "DeabMhs. Pinkham: 'Honor to whom honor is due.' and you deserve both the thanks and honor of the mothers' of America whom you have so blessedly helped and benefited. I have used Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound when I would feel run-down or have any of the aches and pains which but few women escape, and I have found that it relieved me at once and gave me new strength. Sev eral ladies, members of our Literary Union, speak in highest praise of your Vegetable Compound, as they have been cured from serious female troubles. One lady, who thought she must submit to an operation was cured without using anything in the world but Lydla E. Plnkliam'g Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash. You have hosts of friends in Chicago, and if you came to: visit our city we would delight to do you honor. Gratefully yours, Mns. May Brown, 67 Grant Place, Chicago, IlL" How Mrs. Pinkham 'Helped Mrs. McKinny." " Dbab Mas. Pinkham : I feel it my duty to write and let you know the good you and your Vegetable Compound are doing. I had been sick ever since my first baby was born, and at the birth of my second, my doctor, as well as myself thought I should never live through it After that menstrua tion never came regular and when H came I suffered terribly. I also had womb and ovarian trouble. - A friend of my husband's advised him to get Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for me. At first I had no faith to it, but now nothing could induce me to be without it. Menstruation has become regular and I feel like a new woman. Your medicine ts a God send to suffering women. I hope this letter will lead others to try Lydla B. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. Yours truly, Mas. Mildred MgKknv, 88 Pearl St., San Francisco, Cal. (March 16, 1901). If there Is anything in your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. Address Is Lynn, Moss. Her advice Is free. REWARD. W hj ipoitl vKh tbeNfttioaal City Bank of I.mi. -SfflOO. wititiB win ie pata to mi j pmnom vno ea man iuai u adc vt tei umi i tiro iKtt gttnaintt, or ww pabllihoU before) obtaining th wriior'a hik:. -ton. TyyVVVVVVVVVVTVVv!vVVVVVVTViTTVTVvVVVVTVVVTVVVVVVVVV P' xAgriculturd and INDUSTRIAL f A rombtnstion of theory and practice, ot book study and manual work in 3 Engineering, Agriculture, ChemUtry, Rlectricily, Hechanic Arts 5 80d Cotton Manufacturing. Full Bpecial Courses (8 moa.). Tuition and 80 teachers, 860 students, new building at the A. A M. College." i , President GEO. t THE 50BTII IMHJ1VA State Normal Industrial College. v, -.-. -' - i ,- , i' - , , ... Literary Classical , Scientific Corqmerclal IndugtrlaJ j Pedagogical lustcal Session opens September 18th for non-residents of rractice anu unservation ecliool connected with tbe College. Correspondence Invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers. To secure board in the dormitories a 11 free tuition applications should be made before July 15th. For catalogue and Costs CbJt 25 cents Or ssstt tl asati te-O, imniuiaa, Aifc, July JS,Is7a. Da.0. J. komrpr-Mr railMrUno. wits roai.rallml medlolm. TKKTHIN 4MinuaMl to nut os pan ;r - . ,i - MSyiWu s.A v: J rr. .( I uiir SManKlii-Ml to I17TKKTHINS, ut dr or two Uurawu swal iIukhm 111. kai ntwiS 1 Uu Sow), r nulu, udlkuli lo TKI.TUINiL. Uu HtlU t, mom ad.. wMi. . Vi,'-" " : 1 i . vftW- Maivau, mtioi ss Vnttom Ttohni (Ahv) m. ;-.V,f 'S'?.i;-,'J.,?,'.'.A- 4-v 4.. .-Yi..';--v--.-'f ',;';v.'j v: i- t'i'.'.-v- " wooa ana DuraiM ianr MalMsMl teres) of, tfiose want ing buggies and Roaa Carts to call at once. I hzvea fft second hand ones left oh hana itcf tfip tijst sotcf J. V. STEWART. n "" r" s . f If Xtr w w s a-J k -ia.fc . iBTA MsMlClBO CO. I .VI' ... fflecfanical College, i EDUCATION : Courses (i years), hhort Courses ( year), j room, (10 a term; board $8 a month. for 500. Write for booklet "A Day 2 T. WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C Expenses $100 to $140; Faculty of C8 members. the Beate $180. other Information address PRESIDENT CHARLE D. flclVER, QHEENSBORO, N. C. . ICbtn CtoltTVirfjjr!ii; "S j I JMarrlHiaJywittty,iidl f I ! the Bewd Tioubksef , ' ,. J Aids WgtrtJoa. fcgulslts ' ? th Bowels, ScrsMthsnt ? X at Vmitas. - . ""BSS.!" i i MOPS' KTT. M. D. BT. LCHlia, MO. f - V '- Dm Slri jMfasktf A. On Httl ilri. IwtlUrtM BBjrstaums. mi Bowtm f c lor un u . im Uf SI u mlmM fcwM . -.""7 UNIVERSITY r m OfrthCayolina Academic Department ; - Sled lei ne, J fiil c I'liariuiicj. On hundred and eight sehobtrships. Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons. Loans for the needy, . . ' 563 Students. S4 Instructors. Few Dormitories, Water Works, Ceu- - tral Ileatinf; By.item. ' Fall term begins September C, 101)?. Address, F. P. .VEXATtl!, Try ', v ' " c '. : j,:. c 5? '?! Si. St r' 4- V mi-- S."- 1C I' t-ii ''t v. .: : J ywco.4