' , s r - r : . ... i .... . . . -15.-V In, r T. XX-K0.-73 . f - -.-it - KZtf BIILN, N. C, SUNDAY KO-SIXa, JUXS 23, 1902. -4 TWENTY-FIRST YIAR .1... i. i j . t .. w v ; "Things come ..ysomdna'' No hail storm this year, but a storm of $ ! WE WILL LET, IT GO TOTJB .WAY NEXT WEEK When Feast In Foot wear wUI be on at oilf rtore, ld,au U the etwee for ' I the ladles that Wish to get ft Bargain. s ; , 1, - " -, . - ) Bcninning T.londay: nornihg we will seU 78 Fairs Zieglers Oxfords, lines 1 to that sold to 100 j and $2.35 to close out at 75c.- V . ii , V, u it ( - 50 Pairs Ladies Button and jlace Shoe that sold lor 19.50 and 8, M I Bizesl to8,eloeoutat75o., , s.' M 25 Pair Children' and Miises' Bandato, aiie 8 tor 1, that wld for V 0,11.7510 close ot at 75d These BandaH re alright nd to good W 'shape. ! Black and tan. . " , j ' .' V- -These shoes WILL NOT BB BUNT OU OH APPROVAL, g Err Hj!!;;iii!eil!fj TTia nn.lAVafvnai1 will mfilrtl Iffm The undersigned will make yon a Loan or will direct the use. of any idle money yon may have on hand, i Your security absolute'. , Sighed ISAAC H. SMITH, 130 Middle St, ; New Bern, N, 0. Bean a H Km Vw Hsw Ahwya BdqM rfryiISllSSISSSlS m Fresh Lot Unecda Biscuit, Unccda Hillc Buscult, ; Zu Zu Snaps, Salted Wafers, Kennedy's Oystcrettes, and Complete Assortment of Mixed Calces. rd and WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY, on " every thing yoiit buy. REMEMBER we sell for cash and t can afford - to shave the price. : :: : we will sell you a One Found Package oi Loverin's r.c-tcd Coffee tor 11c, " ,20 Lbs. GHAIIULATED GUGAH FOH 01.00 ..... We 5ell I Everything I ; k We Sell the Best of Everything ! : ,7 " We Scll- ths Dcct of Everything, the Chcr.pct 1 mmvvmHmmmHHmttvMMMvtMvfttvHMt4(t 1 1 1 1 j , 4 4 j t i. . : . - -4. t ' - V f tucker; BROS. 810 North Front Street, WILMINGTON," N. ft The place to bay your Cemetery Work at BOTTOM PRICKS. I Foreign and Domestio Granite and Marble. " Lettering and Finish the Best Send for latest designs; All work delirered. , Branch yard,' Qoldsboro, N. C. E.' HAVENS, L' l1 " ' 1 The Old Reliable 8hoe Maker on Middle Street has pleased the people for years with his work. Can ezeell au ethers in the business in this eity. The repairing ot Ladies shoes a specialty, ISOi MIDDOE STREET. Ozm at DaTls'. Theo, Cubanols, Royal Blue, Lew Welleca. Flor de Teller; and other lead ing brands, it Darts Prescription Phar msey. - oi io it m U U U U Democratic Sectorial Conyentlon, 6th District. - , Pursuant to order ot the Executive Commute of the 8th Senatorial District of North Carolina a Contention will be held at Klnston, on. Thursday the tenth day of July 1902, to nominate candidates for Senators for said district and for such other business as may oome before the convention. , M. D. W. Btbtkisok, Chairman, . ' '- Sx, Committee.' . W.H. WBB,Secy ; (, ' f - i A, : If yon want a box of good beer for your family, phone or send your order to the Brown Bottling works. Phone 105 Lee J. Taylor, proprietor. U. . - . . ...r-'Vr, i .,, Remnant Sale. - " This week we will devote to the sell ing of remnant,' all kinds ot remnant that have accumulated during the last three month. If you want some bar gains on woolen silk and cotton dress good remnants. Come this week, ' j ' , BARPOOT BROS. Teachers Wanted If Three Teachers are 'wanted to fill va- eancles In the White' Graded School of New Bern. Applicants will be required to pass , a competitive lamination be fore the undersigned at New, Bern on the second Monday of July next ; . . R. P. HARDING, '-v Superintendent. Fresh Cured Hams. Shafers Finest 10 cents lb., Elnlgan Reliable loots lb. Richmond plain cared same as our coun try Ham lot lb. Small Breakfast Strip lOct lb, plenty fresh Egn loots dos. at J.R.Prker Jr. , J. C. Green & Co., .' Electrical Supplies of Eyery Description, Middle St., HEW. BBRR, H. C. Wiring and Bell Work. Electrical Fixtures and Chandeliers. Interior Arc Lamps, Ceiling and Desk Fan, - Ilectrieal Bell and .Annunciators. Repair Work of All Kinds. We are ready to take Contract tor all classes ot Electrical Work, Supplies, Ete. Estimates prepared and submitted on application. is ra J L j i $lttt FASHION EINTS. Handsome Reception Gown. The Hew Long-Shoulder Effect, . ' The waist ot this handsome reception gown of bull veiling is made with the fashionable drooping or long-shoulder effect and has a tucked ' yoke, framed with a scolloped berthe handsomely em broidered with ' CorticelU - silk. ; The sleeves, are tucked, springing out Into large puffs strapped with embroidered bands.. The skirt Is tucked in clusters and show (trap garniture in addition to nsrrow velvet ribbon,- which also ap pears on the round yoke. . Each week seem to reveal some new feature In the eotton dress fabrics, one of which is grtss cloth In White, with a stripe of close weavo. Then 4bere are new floe lawn with open work stripes, lawns with narrow lace insertion woven stripe fashion Into the material. Most beautiful are the embroidered batistes which come in handsome all-over de sign as well as in "robes, either 1 white or beige color. . Canned Asparagus, Canned Peas, Fancy Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn, and etc at J. R, Parker Jr. Prescriptions at Davis'. . Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty ot prescriptions. ; Prompt and careful attention is riven them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices w reasonable. Send fours there tone niieo. ", . - - - f A " v ' 1 Kip I " i y v ' ' lrLLlaala y : , Grand : Lodce of Masons .' to Build ' Temple. ' ' Ballread Representatives' Meeting, v Heavy Wind and Bala. Tines . and Trees Blown Down. : ' More Educational Raw ' . . ' ""lies. Arranging for " " State Fair, RaUiioh, June 28. Today represent tlves of the minor lines of railway In the Btate met here, at the Park hotel, to con elder the matter of adopting the new system ot paying for the use of cars on the per diem Instead of the mUigeJbaae. The Grand Lodge ot Masons Is now at work In earnest and in the right way, to have a temple. In 1807 the Grand Lodge decided to have a temple and appointed a committee to erect It, but gave the committee no power. The Grand Lodge aas not umitea nseu 10 tne amount oi stock It will take In the temple, There will be 950,000 of 1st mortgage 8 per cent bonds and a like amount ot 2nd mortgage bonds. Of course the 1st mort gage bonds can be sold anywhere, In New York, for instance. Charlotte of fer to take them, and also offers to take 110,000 of the Snd mortgage bonds. As yet neither Greensboro nor Raleigh has made any proposition. There was more rain last night, ac companied- by an electric and wind storm. Some telegraph . and telephone wire were blown down, and damage was done to a few trees. Stale superintendent of public Instruc tion Joyner returned today from Wil son, where he spoke yesterday at a very large educational meeting. He says that among those - present were 100 school committeemen. Gov. Aycock returned this morning from Harmony, Iredell county, where he spoke on education. . He will not make any speeches during July, but will remain here. In August he will make a short tour In the mountain' sec- tloo. V Arrangement for the next State Fair, In October, are thus early very ac tive. There will be new features. Many Improvements of buildings are being made. This Is lb. greatest fair south of Hagerstown, Md , and has become noted far and near. Several cannon and monars, to be placed In the ground of the capital and soldier' home will coon arrive here; aim a number of large ahella. Wake Endorses Clark. Special to Journal. RauiaHf June 18. The Democratic convention today nnanlmonriy endorsed Walter Clark for Chief Justice, Bedding Held Jor Corporation Commissioner and divided the vote . between Brown and Connor for Associate Justice. THB MARXBTS. .The fodowlng quotations were reoelv ed by J. I Latham Oo, New Bern N.O. . . Chicago, June S8. WaUAii Open. High. Low. Close July 731 78r 71 78 flept ,72 72, 72 , 72 Oours Open. High, Low. Close July........ 89, ' 9I 9J 601 BIbsr r " , . Open. High. Low. Clow Joly....i... 1087, 1007, 1062, 10621 8ert;...... 10621 1062, 1060 1060 "-' ; . NawToaxJun28. OoTTOXj Open. High. Low. Close July..r.....i.&68 8.68 8.M V B.68 Aug.......... 8.10 tM 8.19 : 6M Sep........ .. 1M 7.M -7.88 : , 7.28 1 OOtcS.t4vf 7.76.181 7.76 -7.70 , ' - , t " ; New York, Juae28. Stooxs; ' , Open. High. Low. Close 8ugar ........... 116 , ','. 126 So Ry .......... 86 86 16 86, D. & B... ...... i. 87 " 88 -; 17k 88 a A 0 47 ' ' 47 Mo. P..........110, 110 110, 110) Atchison ....... 82 82) 83 - 82) Amice. ... i.'.m .12, -10 10) fOBT KSKmiPTS. Ram -ek Last week last year. , 10,000 13,000 Thl we.. ' . ; :l " Inlght8S,00O .J 43,000 Bat, 2500 ' ' ' -12000 Hon.' . . ' . . - 7000 Tuoa. lHOCt Wed. ' - . . 81 Thura. " ' " " COCO Frl. ' 80C0 - 40.f- 3 t J. . n A (., TELEGRAPHIC BREVETIEs - The sum of $45,000 has brpn appropri ated by Congress to pay 1 be. late. Presi dent MoElnlay's doctors: ... - k , Kate Tuortle.'a nrofcakional m. iu trial at Brnitable, Mj. fur poisoning three Dereons. confeararf thit aha hail caused the death of 111 persons by giving poison In medicine and food. She was declared Insane and sentenced to the Insane asylum for life. , . The Bell Telephone Co. has been re fused a franchise in the town of Hender son. . The carpenter of Norfolk have struck and all building enterprise of the' city have been "held up" on that account. A remarkable cold wave prevailed throughout the country the flrat of the Week. Snow fell In several localities. The Penn., Democratic State Convec tion nominated ex-Qov. Robert. Paulson for governor. He baa been elected gover nor twice. Gov. A. T. Bliss was renominated on the Republican ticket at the State Con vention In Michigan. The Governor of Maryland has Issued an order making July 6, a holiday this year. ' President Roosevelt and . family have gone to Oyster Bay, N. T., for the sum mer vacation. Industrial North Carolina. J, Q. Gautt& Sons. expect to erect a cotton mill at Burlington. The Proximity Manufacturing Co. will own and operate a 60,000 spindle and.2,000 loom mill at Greensboro. De nims will be the principal article manu factured. The plant Is to cost 81,260, 000. The Monbo Cotton Mill has Increased Its capital from 850,000 to $60,000 and will make additions to Its equipment. Brick and Tile works have been es tablished at Teachup, capital $10,000. The Aberdeen and Rockflsh railway I being rapidly constructed to Fayetteville John Blue Is the principal owner. The James River Railway Co ha been organized at Norfolk, Va. Congressman H. L. Maynard I president The Washington A Portsmouth Ry, ha not been purchased be the Pennsyl vania Ry. Co. For Infants and Children. Tub Kind Yod Han Always Ec:ght . Bears ta. Bignataraef Craven County Delegates to Conjrres ; . ' slonai Conyentlon.' EF Adams, WO Brewer, J B Harvey 8 J Lane, W K Brown, F 8 Ernul, F. P. Rows, Noah T Fulcher, S W Latham, Alfred Gasklns, J B Robbon, T B Ipoek G V Richardson, J W Lane, Joseph Kin ey, W O White, Claude Taylor, John B Morton, John D Pit tman James A Bryan H O Wood, G B Latham, G T Richard son, J H Stevenson, A A Ipoek, John B French. John B MoGowan, Nathan TIs- dale, W H BoottB ANunn, W D Mclver Dr. Frank Duffy, W H Hervey, X M Green, J J Wolfenden, 3 L Hartsneld, L G Daniels, Thomas GHyman, J M How ard, H B Holland, I A Meadows, John C Whltty, O H Gulon, F T Patterson, J W BIddle, W M Watson, Wm. Dunn, John Dunn, J A Jones, B B Harper, P H Pel letter, Geo. N Ives, George Blover, O Slover. 8 W SmaUwood, Edward Gerock W F Rountree, J J Baxter. H L HaB, L A Smith, Jos K Willis, fl O Whllehurst, W B Planner, J A Patterson," B K Bry an, W R Berrlngton, AD Ward," OT Watson, Thomas Daniels, 8 M Brinson, 3 H Lane, JohnO Thomas, Jr, S B Street, J J Tolson, Dr. Leiniter Duffy.O Marks, M M Marks. E W Rosenthal, B B Hackburn, F O RoberUH O L Steven, Tbo F McCarthy, Lee J Taylor, John M Hargett, Joseph E Qasklll, Brlce An derson, Stephen Q Roberta, B R Ball, W E Charlotte, A J Gasklns, WB Lane, M W Carmon, Dr R S Primrose, W W Preaoott, T W Dewey, S L Dill, Sr., E W Wadiworth, O H Perry, A E Wads- worth.' . - ' .; ... -.: ' We, Wm. B. Lane,. Chairman and Ed ward Gerock, Secretary ot the Demo cratic Convention of Craven county which was held at the Court House In Now Bern, N. O , May 21th, 1003, do bcrcliy certify that the above named Democrats are the d !-"'&tc to the Denv onmUc Ci.i'frr ifijn til Convention of the 5 1 Om-'fv 'lonal I ' ;.U.t, atColdaboro, Ji.y S.l, 1" 1, at one (1) o'clock p.m. !.- ' ; I i .'.! 1 l-y Chaili s It ; - .. pnrii - t t tc r 'ulu'.lon of 1 Crm? ' i f 1 1 y v'.'-'e of t' LION BRAND ; Roasted Coffee .One ponnd I Packages, Only 10 qt Galvanized Water Buckets, Only 16c each. Fancy Full Cream Cheese. Fox River Print and Rlmn Butter received fresh from the ncKiea wump rork, Fulton Market Corned Beef, Small Sugar Cured Hams, Pure leaf Lard and Cottolcne. : Tea drinkers can be satisfied from mv stock, whioh con-' sista of the very best grades. ' Queen Olives from 10c to 5Co per bottle. ' Complete stock Canned Meats, Salmon. Fruits, and Veget ables. We are Still Sellinff Tomatoes for 10n nan. Full line nice Toilet Soar. The best of everything in groceries at lowest possible prices. I J l wm. 2 VI HI slIHVaVHIllKIB 'Phone 91. 71 BrcaA St. f Plenty of It and All the Best Here's a stock that is fill ' ed with the most reliable stables. From Flour and Sugar to the finer things we ' carry plenty for your selec i tion. You'll get what you need without fear of pjing : too mnch,and with no doubt of the value for your cash. FOR NEXT 2 WEEKS we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb. J.J.TolsonJr. Broad St Grocer, CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, Z 'Botttes BELFAST GINGER ALE, 1 All kinds Soda and Mineral Waters and LAGER "BEER. 2 All bottles have crown stoppers with the name of what it each bottle oontains labeled on the crown. The use of crown 2T stonner bottles insures clean around the mouth of the bottles, which has to come m contact f with the goods when poured out of the bottle. All extracts are the best that can be bought which means highest quality of goods bottled with them. We are now bottling the Celebrated Vienna Cabinet Lager Beer, and are Wholesale Agents for Rob't Portner Brewing Co's Fine Beers, and Hofbrau Export Beer the finest export beer in the world. 1.EE J. TAYIiOB, Proprietor CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, PHONE 105. Cor. Queen Bern Sti. A Little Head can f harbor a great ache. - Cola Powders are a prompt and cer tain ears for every form of headache, bilious, nervous or sick headache! They stimulate the stomach and Improve di gestion and! are absolutely free from In jurious drugs. Price 10c. at r - - Bbaoram's Phabmacy. A4tbof)dfYJoe: i with your best girl wheft you take her to ride should be taken In a new and comfortable boggy or phnton, chosen from our nigu. grade and np-to-date st k of fine can-buns. W. make a iiiwirb (ll'.plv rf liHiidsome anntwell n ..in yi'lmus iuat we are selling at h- ti nt -wilt not hinder you from vii H It known fnct that onr srih,, '-rf an my. Why not . - i 1 1 . r i 0 liw(v,t io.';r; il Je price, '. . '. ' i i'; f.' ri,.. : ;, Sf I I 10 c. Ib. dairy every week. ' Fresh Cakes and Cracker. Wholesale ft Betall Phone t37 bottles. Nolly specks in and I WOULD BE PLEASED TO MAKE YOU PRICES on the following before you purchase Belting, Saws, Pipe , Iron, Nails; Oils, Fittings, and Valves Or anything needed about a milL ' tyCntting and Threading pips K done at short notice. , C Machinery and Mill Supplies. " 70 Craven St Journal's old stand. Ph'oii 816."'.- ' '' The lister will be at the court house until July 1st, 1002, . J. F. IVE3, : City Tar Lifter. . Lime For Sanitary Purpe PerBoiis wli-blng lime forsanl? poses can receive the same b;-"-t! o City hall. 2 j . '' " ' ' '''''