' ' , : ' ftft W f 1 - " 7 - . . rt .... KX7 SI3, I. C, TUESDAY MOBNIKG, JULY 8, 1902. TWENTY FIRST YIAS ! j 6 'OA?' ' .;i "a . : ' . ' -i 'i i For Roaches and Water Bof. , If job are troubled with, ratchet -and water bog, try oar Roach . Putt. - We guarantee It to girt satisfaction end re fund the money If It does not Price 88 Davis' Pharmacy. ,i ...,;.-.'.'T--i ?r Fresh Cored Bams. Shafer Finest 16 cent! Ib., Kinlgana Reliable 15ct lb. Richmond plain cored lame as our cooj try Ham 1 Set lb, 8a all Breakfaet Btrip locti lb, plenty freak Xgjri IScUdoc at J. R. Parker Jr. - Chocolatea 20c per pound at MoSorloy Clgara to please erery body. Prince of India, C'ubaaola, Haney Special, slant Hannah, A. to Z. Down Home. J. K. Parker Jr. '. Democratic Senatorial Coirention, 8th District ' , ; Pnnnantto order of (neXieoatlTe CommHte of the 8th Benatorlal Diatrtct of North Carolina a Convention will be held at Klmtoo, on Tbnraday the tenth day of July 1903, to nominate candidate! for Senator for aald diatrtct and for anch other bnalneaa aa may come before the convention. M. D. W. Stetensoh, Chairman, Ei. Committee. W. M. WBBB,8ec'y MIND aa I H II B . . & SAYS TO YOU. Jnaritecelred New Blbbona. No. 80 Taffeta, only 20c. No. 40 Taffeta, only 15c. No. 16 Taffeta, only 10c Satin Taffeta, No. 80, only 36c, These Ribbons are in all colors. New Readings for Collars at 10c, 12x0 and 16c . New Silk Appliqrw in Black only at 10c, 121c and 16c NEW CORSETS in It. & O. and Warner's Extra Long, Medium and Short waist t i . 1. i ' i i m i l .. t ai i t ,t we uihu imvc tue uumguL uvm maue ui oausie especially rtj for summer wear, and we also hare the Ventilated Corsets. We don't forget the little folks we carry Warner's Per- 3K fection Waist for Children. Misses and Ladies. - Jf? J. C. Green & Co., Electrical Supplies of Every Description, 73 Middle St., NEW BERN, N. C . Wiring and Bell Work. Electrical Fixtures and Chandeliera. Interior Arc Lamps. Ceiling and Desk Fans, Electrical Bells and Annunciators. Repair Work of All Kinds. We are ready to take Contracts for all c'asses of Electrical Work, Supplies, Et Estimates prepared and submitted on application. E. HAVENS, Tbe Old Reliable Bhoe Maker on Middle 8tr jet has pleased the people for yean with his work. . Can exoell all others la the bnsinesa in this city. The repairing of Ladies shoes a specialty, 130 MIDDDE STREET. 1 The nnderslimed will make Ton a Imn or will direct the use of any ... . ' : t m idle money you may nare oa nana Your security absolute." 5 ; HiotiAiL IflAAfT n. SMITH. 130 Middle St. -New Bern, K, O. I navo Just; Eecoived-; a inanart bottles whlcb I an sell- r big oat very cbeap.;i 'V- ' ' ' Call and get my prlees before giving year order tor PR1KTIO or other kinds of STATIONER tV J OWEN O. DUNN, : UV . ts cmmmsi at, ' yfffyvfyTf?fvyyf?yyyfv??e iTescrlptions; tt Dtvi .i. - Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and oarefnt attention la given theat. ; Only the best drags art need. The prloei are reasonalle. Bend yours there tout:;! r- , , - Examiaatioi of Teachers. :" The examination of appUoaati for teachers certificates for this CreTenOoaa ty will be held at the Cout Honte la the city of Kew Sera. Tkarsday, Inly 10th. beaianlnc at 10 a, am. . - Teacher eertlflcatea are valid only la the eonaty la which they are waned and for one year front date exoept flratrade oertlAleatea which are valid for two years. ' , " , ' ' ' . B.af.BannoH,T Bnptof Bcaooto. Fraah Grarje-Katt, Poetnm Cereal, Saratoga Chips and Oat Flakes at J. R. Parker, Jrs. . The Mr; Ananal Ptcaic Will be at the aJobi Spring, Oaslow ooonty, July 80th, 1D0S, erery body ooaae and bring 0r buket a good time ia ex pected. - R.L. COX. Celery Headache Powders. There is not any better reaaedy for headache ' thaa theae powders. They aever fall to relieve Made and sold only at Davie Pieeoriptloa Pharsaacy. Freeh Pork Baaaager la oil lielb. Beat loose Batter 80c lb. Fox River Print Butter 85c; good cooking Batter 85o lb. J, R. Parker, Jr. WHAT i aa cna ft t V 4 Oh So Good!? I What makes oar Soda water taste ao good is Its qnality. Erery thing used in the making Is First .Quality pore. . ''."' i;.;; The water is pare and sparkling. . The loe is pure and clean. The cream is pure and rloh. -The narors pore and delieioos. The fruits are the beat and fresh People who know oar soda g ont of their way, it heeeasary, To get it, Ills so saAlstyinevee re freahlng, ao fuUof what they want in good aoda. -' They ooaae and come again that'e what we're work tog for eosurtantly.becanse we want regular customers who know our Quality. BRADHAaTS . . , ;' FWOTA1K. M ' 1 ' ' 1 "I. ' 9 tae these hot ifternoons and evenings is very refreshing and satisfactory. Y Commencing Monday evening, Juno 80th, RKaULAB TRIPS WILL BE MADE TO NATION AL -EMETERT from 0:80 to 10 o'clock, or later if patronage de mands it, starting from Cor. Pollock and Middle Btreeta, and going via. Broad Street; returning via. New, Middle, Johnson, East Fro t, South Front and Middle to star ti ; ? point Fare for Round T; ? IJc, : WEI charter for oxx hoc in afternoon for 13.00, and erenlng for $4.00. : Party limited to eight persons. . t Wii. t. i::lu Tkoat 11S,' : Prcnrletor, An Automobile . Tea KAmTs. ..v The following qootaUoas wen reoelv edbyJT. l Uiaasa Co, ' Kew Rem " .-"j Chicago, July rfauuti Open. High. Loar. (Hose aiy.... ... n; w m ut Bept 781 '781- 7r 7 Coajsj . Open. High. Low. Close Jaly... 77 84 77 84 Sept 61 t&i Sit C2i Ribs: Tlpsn. High. tow. Close Jnly . 1087) 1087 1075 1077 Sept 1080 1082 1080 1062, Kbw roan, July 7. Oonom Open, High. Low. Close July. 8.74 0,74 8.88 8.70 Aug. 8.47 8.47 8.88 8.SS Bep ..8.08 8.00 8.03 8.08 Oct... ISn 1X1 7.H 7.S1 Deo 7.88 748 735 7 88 Mew York, Jnly 7. Btoohss Open. High. Low. Close i Sugar 118 U8f 197) U8f So Ry 87 87 87 87 N. T 0 155 158 155 155 0.8. 8 88 88 88 8 a AO 48 48 48 48 Mo. P. 110 110 110 110 Atchboa 88 81 88 88 VOC 88 88 A. C. O 61 51 Am Ice 10 11 11 11 Umrfjool Spot 5.8-8S. Bales 18,000 bales. Futures, July-Ana;. 4.50. Aug-Sept. 4.44JIept-Oct 4.88 POBT BSWBIi'TS. Same "ek laat year 49,000 85,000 11000 18000 5000 8000 8000 6000 44.000 Last week 11,500 This weec. Ia sight 41.000 Bat. Man. S00O Toes. Wed. Than. Frl. Report of the Superintendent .of Public Instruction. A campaign for education Is on In ear nest This la to be fought for better schools and better school facilities. To accomplish this, aa educational cam paign will be made la every county where there seems to be aa opportunity to Improve the present conditions. Walter H. Page says truly that there Is enough native intelligence going to waste la North Carolina for lack of training to govern the entire world. There most be a cause for this. If a person's sarroaadlags and associates de torsnlac his character and intelligence, them the IndlvMual's surroundings aboold be etodiod and Improved. II is recognised fact that a child's associates most be derated If that child's training m to remain permanent. This Is the work the Central Campaign .Committee for the Parpose of Iatprortag the Pub lic Schools has uadertakea to accom plish. The following reaolatloa weannenl- aaoaely adopted by this committee la Raleigh, February I8j It was reaffirmed at Greensboro, April 8, also at Charlotte MayS. and at Moraaced City by the Teachers' Assembly, Jane 18, Be H therefore Resolved, That Ills the sense of this eoaferenos that aa ac tive had vigorous ceaipelga shonld be et once Inaagurated m every eonnty for the acecsnpllihmsnt of the following suds, tl.H.r8:.,-f?U-f T ' . U Ths consolldatloa Of smalt dhv trfc waererresrMe.; : TV ereetloa of adeqnaie and com fortable school houses, ' V. ' t 'I. .The strengthealog of the Mhllc school lent by ioeal lasatiou." , The reports from the dlfferesa Coemty Superiutendeats show that about oue fourth of the echool dlstrtct contain less Shan sixty-are eaUdm of school age. In other words, about twelve dh trlcts for every county (when a general average Is made) are illegal. The schools run about three months In the year, aad the State Superintendent 1s called apoe for funds to Increase them to four months' school rt rur juureau , v M aav . aa. m k '. We have added to our- stock T of watches thai frltt stand ratlroad Inspeo. tlou, such aa The Y an guard, Crescent, Street, P. I Bartlttt, aad Deabor Baav dea, and sell them very cheap. ' We are also equipped to do repairing la a auaaer to pleas the most exacting AaElgla.or Waltham, or any leading make aboold not vary over a minute a week, If yours varies more It ia out of order, we will repair It or give you a new one of same make. ' - . f. O. BAXTER. If you want a boa of good beer for yrnir family, phone or send yonr orilor to Iht Crowa Kit .'.!rf works, rhonel'15 Lee . Taylor, proprietor. T; V c st ": if;.l-v: Charter Granted Tbe Carolina Col- ony Company " Lereaxe Morris, White, Arrested for Murder. Cettoa Oil Co., of - - Lattlmere , Chartered. Many Applications for ' Peabody Scholarships, Ralkiqh, July 7. Today Lorenzo Morris, white, aged 25, was committed to 1all here, for the murder of aged Mrs. Catherine Morris, at her home near Wake Forest two weeks ago. It was In evidence against Morris that he said he would knock her In the head and get her money, after having disguised himself. He Is not of sound mind, and Is said by the deputy sheriff who brought him here O be a dangerous man. It will be re membered that Mrs. White was knocked In the head with an axe, In hsr yard. The need for rain here, is growing greater hourly. There is little or no dew Last alght the percentage of moisture In the air was only 40. A charter was granted today to the Yerner Cotton Oil Company, of Lattl- ore, Cleveland county, capital $12,503, J. P. Dllllnger and others owners. The Secretary of State says he Is much grati fied ai the building of ihese oil mills by local capital and that It Is a good. algn. A charter was also granted to the Carolina Colony Co. of Concord, with 8500,000 capital. Its object Is to bring colonists to this State. The stockholders are Edward W. Shedd and J. II. Shedd, of Providence, R. I ; F. W. Blebert of Waterbujy, Conn, W. T. Pratt of New York Cfty, and M II. Caldwell of Con cord, N. C. Many applications for Peabody scholarships are being made to tbe State uperlntendent wbo will direct the county superintendent to rxamine appli cants. ' The baseball team lately owned by the Wilmington Base ball Assoc atlon ar rived here this evening, and played this afternoon. It was strengthened by local talent It la understood that Goldsboro will take over the team. Rer. Or. H C DoBosc a widely known missionary to China, lectured here yes terday. He aays tbe war of 1900 has opened the Chinese to new thoughts, Western thoughts, religion and bust nesa. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbt Kind Yon Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of Derllod Crabs, with- shells to same, Lobsters, Imported 8ardinea, Fancy Salmon, Chip Beef, Canned Corned Beef Potted Chickens and etc. at J. R. Par ker Jr. . List of Letters Remaining In tbe Post Office at New Be. J, Craven county, N. C. July 7, 190S: MEN'S LIST. O-Jack Collln Willie Collins. D J D Dawson, J C Dickson, Samuel Denson. F H Fennyaon Foster, Johnny P FennelL Q Capt A W Golden co schooner Mystery, Capt H E Golden, schooner 8 E Porter. , fl Albert Harris. L Rev P W Lawrence. M-AOMnlbery. ' 8 Samuel Spencer, Clarence W. Bar ter. :.. ; , Y Van Wyck Sloan aad Van Driver. W-Haywood Williams. WOMIX'S UBT. A B Arden. B Annie Brooks. H-Mattle Harris. J-Maggle Jones. v M-Leulea Mayon, 74 Craven street. W Amaada White. Persons calling for the above letters will - please say advertised and give date of Ilat :. -v The regulations bow require that one (1 f eeat shall be collected on tbe delivery Of each advertised letter.. S; ,,v- Vr;'.-T-':. W.IUoocic,P.M.. notice aal Warntnr to the Descend- ants of Col Benjamin Stead-' ' ; " j mas of tbe Revolution- ;.: It will be found vital to tbe beatln- tereat Of Ann Rebecca Boott and Elisa beth Speltlngt descendants of Col Ben jamin Steadman, or their ..legal heirs, to forward to tbe undersigned by U. 8. mall as early as possible, affidavit sworn to before a court officer having a seal, stating tbe degrees of their descent from the said Steadman and the present address of all known d ascendent.' All of whom are hereby warned against signing or empowering any one else to sign any Instrument of writing, convey Ing any Interest to any lands owned by the estate of said Benjamin Steadoian until after bearing from the undersigned by letters. : NAMItON 8ENOJ, - No. 1514 Clipyenn Itoed, Colorado P;n!;.., O'n' !. .-..:(, - ' . M V s I!.-1 -, II JLUI...Ja.iv - FOR EVERY ULJlilibc J Price $1.00 I CUTICUfiA SOAP, to clause the kta ef crost and acala and soften the thick ened cuticle, CUTICURA OHfTMUTT, 4o instantly allay Itching, Inflsmms tioa, and trritation, and sooths and heal, and CDTICTTSA SXS0LYI1IT PILLS, to Copland cleans the blood. A SINGLE 49ET of these great skin curatiree ia - often sufficient to cut the most tortur ing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleed ing, crusted, scaly, and pimply skin, scalp, and blood humours, with loss of hair, when all else fail. Millions of People Usn Cuticuka Soar, assisted br Ctmccna Ointment, (or presenrmg, purlfyinB, and baanttrylngthe skin, foroleanalng the scalp of orasta, scales, and dandruff, and the stop ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, Hchlngs, and ehaflnga, and for aU the purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nurs. 07. Mlluont of Womon quo Cuticu RA Soap In the form of baths for annoying Irritations, Inflammations, and excoriations, or too free or offensive perspiration, In the form of washes for uloeratiTS weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women. Ccrrotraa RasOLTOrr Prix (Chocolate Coated) are a new, tasteless, odorless, eco nomical snbsUtnte for the celebrated liquid Ctmouaa Rbsoltknt, ss well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. I n screw cap vials, oootainlng 0 doses, price 2Cc Sol tamthMt S werlc, Soap, tie., Onum St.,riixs.si. SrilkSIXpoti sr-SVCIurinfaoimSq, Loaidoa. Tnnch Osnott S Ho. d. la PkIx, PvU. Pot' ( tarn iu a UaaK. Cuai, a. Profit. Bcrtu. l.li. School of Music Ulsje Grlffln and Hendren are to open a School of Music, to be conducted upon the Conservatory Plan. Pupils desiring to enter Classes In thla school of Music, will please make application at once at No. 153 Mid dle street, New Bern, as tho number of pupils will be limited. The school will open Monday, September 15th, 1902, and In addition to lessons on the Piano, Hpecial Instruc tion will be given In Theory, Bight Playing, Bight Reading, Ear Training, History of Music and Harmony. Closing Out Sale. All summer goods, lawns, organdies shirt waists, millinery, ladles and chlld rens Oxford ties and sandals, umbrellas fans, summer corsets, etc, marked down positively no goods charged during this sale. BARFOOT BROS. Mineral Waters at Davis. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy has ths agency here for Wilkinson's Matchless Mineral Water.-- It Is a fine tonic and endorsed and prescribed by resident physicians. Beside this Water, there la also on sale at Davis' Pharmacy, Buffalo Lithla, Carabana, Hungadl Janos, Red Raven Splits, etc. Don't fail to try oar 40 oent Tea, It la a goer and pleases them all at J. R. Par kwr . Ioe Cream Soda today at McSor ley'a. EitraFlne Corned Tongue at Oak's Market. We are still selllag meatrjat lSto per pound, not SOc as reported. Oaks Mar ket. - Crowa . Bottling work gives special attention to family trade.' If you want good ginger ale or soda' water. Phone them your order - Phone 105. Lee J Tay lor, proprietor, , JACOBS' Raleigh Ry Whiskey Is the beet.;- Middle street. . . . ' fftte Clinng of adsu must noon to lnnn re change In the following day's lavsne-; MV fx-'; h. n r 0, Oot Oet I CasrU. Carsd. Car U! eswl t i.a.c tjuMic . X i I u 1 . SI t lmf list er timl ffMi4. ' I Slwv r 'itnTIIS, a.lu4li,LA. , BoM only by UAROETB PHARMACY, EroadBt. ' .-.: - Ml i I I LION BRAND Roasted Coffee One ponnd Packages, Only 10 qt Galvanized Water Buckets, Only 16c each. Fancy Full Cream Cheese, Fox River Print and Elgin utter received fresh from the dairy every week. Pickled Rump Pork, Fulton Market Corned Beef, Small Sugar Cured Hams, Pure leaf Lard and Cottolene. Tea drinkers can be satisfied from mv stock, which con sists of the very best grades. Queen Olives from 10c - Complete stock Canned ables. We are still selling Tomatoes for 10c can. Full line nice Toilet Soap. Fresh Cakes and Crackers. The best of everything in groceries at lowest possible prices. 'Phone 91. Plenty of It and All the Best Here's a stock that is fill ed with Ihe most reliable stables. From Flour and Sugar to Ihe fluer things we carry plenty for your selec tion. You'll get what you need without fear of paying too mucKand with no doubt of the value for your cash. FOR NEXT 2 WEEKS we will sell a Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb. J.J.TolsonJr. Rmad St Grocer. vvttvvvVvvvvv I CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, 2t rr, .'.1 nrrr it a pt -Tirr'trD AT V X All kinds Soda and Mineral Waters and : : Z LAGER VEER. V: All bottle3 have crown stoppers with the name of what 5 each bottle oontains labeled on the crown. The use of crown 2 stopper bottles insures clean bottles. No fly specks in and around the mouth of the bottles, which lias to come in contact 2 3lt with the goods when poured out of tho bottle. All extracts 2 are the best that can be bought which means highest quality 2 of goods bottled with them. j We are now bottling the Celebrated Vienna Cabinet Lager 55: Beer, and are Wholesale Agents for Rob't Portner Brewing J Co's Fine Beers, and Hofbrau 3T Deer in tne woria. Proprietor PHONE 105. .A AAA A AAA AAA 'TVTTVTTVVVV AllMtle Head'can harbor jl greafache. Cola Powder are a'prompt and; oer taln cure for every form of headache, billons, nerrons or sick headache. They stimulate the stomach aad Improve ;dl portion and are abeolately free from in jurious drags. PrioelOcat BaUOHAM'S PHiBaUCT. i eeevaiiwv :.-7kaiiii5' When 'yon get time 1 bring that carriage aronnd so us and wo will soon tell yon bow tittle It costs yoa pair ana pa is in oraer again. - w e do nil kind, and Mm nekton a vehicle I so demand the wo east' make tt good aa new.. 'And tt won't eosS eny Uilnd, like the price of a new one either. We shrink your loose tire tn ma. chine wlthont catting them. Everybody Is In v I ted to see the work of the machine putting new bolt la nam old pteeaevv. G . IX. TTnten & Con. '.iTT'f: aTione-ISC-. ' I ? f ; ' iroadBt, Raw Eawi.'rT.O ' wan, s .-. c uCSk. tWntu lial ItisMi "l-r$ tOc. lb- to 5Cc per bottle. Meats. Salmon. Fruits, and Veget Wholesale A Iletail Groeer, , TlQBrttMt HU Phone 137 it MP- Export Beer the finest export 5t CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, 3 Cor. queen ft Bern Sts. 3k HAMMOCK WEATHE J NOW and we have the Hammocks. N. Ennctt. !! i I WOULD BE PLEASED TO MAKE YOU PRICES on the following before Jyou'purcbiiBe 1 j jV .. t. H .y OilsvlFittings, I?; . Or anything needed about mill. tyCutting and Threading Pipe dote gt short notion,' :'" ' t,",lachlary sad Mill Sapaltes. '". 70 Craven 8i. Joornal' okl tend Bcltinn PBOM !. J , -4 ' ' - '. v , i -V e '. ' -