..r 11 f. i SJ av- ' ----- The Kind Yoa Have Always Eongii, ainl Li&- Las beat in use for over 30 yean, has borne the slgnnture Lef All Counterfeits, Initatlona4r" ?iiet4toodu are but Experiments that trifle irltft and ttedaaige the health of Infanta and CUdren-fisperlencd Abates. Experiment. Wh''jf:CAQRI-' Castoria Is "a harmless nhstltnt r Carter Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups It i fleaaaht. It contains neither Opium, Morphine ne mother Narcotie substance. Its acre is its guarantee. fctMatroys Worms and allays Feverlghness. It cures DfcSrti8Ba and 'Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the -Stomach and Bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend. , ' ' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hate Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Year ' VMC MINWI MHIAmiVi TV BHHMMbV MM WlMf MMM tJWlfc " " j 2 -erf t I S3 5 E3 rX is r. A. Grn, Pres. R. HMudowi, Y, FrM H. M. Groves, Oatfctor. CITIZENS' DANK, or Niwamur, xf. c Doing Oeneral Banking Business March 11901, Surplus and Undivi ded Profits, 116,000.00. Prompt and careful attentioa given to all business entrusted to at. Account! received on favorable terms. Board at Director. rerdlnaad Ulnen I. a. Meadows, Samuel W. I pock Chaa. H.rowier, J.W. aratag-er, I . W.SmaUwoOnl. C. B. Meadows, Ohaa.DaSy,Jr. Jamea BMnutad, slayer Rana Thomea A-Wrae Q.B. rr4 W. r.Croukau. u o. N. Ivea. Mark Disci ey. A Good Telephone SERVICE 18 A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED , ........ Conyenlenee, Iiiixnry! rder Your Phone at Once! HARDWARE Refrigerators, Water Coolers, lot ( ream Freezers, Screen Doors, Win dow Screens, Oil and Cook Sores, -. Ranges, Line, Cement, Platter, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Patty, Bash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all tbe usMui articles usually found in an L p-to-date Hard ware Store, 1 " .' i ' - HEADqjDAJtTERS FOB"' And ill Kinds B01LDISGEiTEEJtL Btt GooUaV Lrfwft Mai r Under .Hotel ChstUwka, NEW niSXlNf N. fJL ADMIHISTEAT0E8 BOTICI. HsWlnty inftllAra SVtlsiUtAtAa Vertina MminAni. rlsvannaail lit hlUa Oouaty.N.O, this tele aotlf t all per- mium asTuia siainra aajaios, uiv aaiaia OI tha said deoeaaed le etblblt tbma to tb naderaltrned on or tefora tba ttb day of July, lttOJ, or this notloa will bs plead Id bar of retfovery. All ptraona Indebted mi miu nwn win pmn Bill nBDjaur 'Mm pay awnw ' i ' " , ..Tnos.Ff McOiSTT, -.' ' . 1 . Administrator Inly Cth, 1003. , 'vr it and has been made under bla per ; Sowit sapervWoiirInce It Inflsney. ene-ttrttemive iron In thlsv 'RVETAB" WHISKEY BEAKS Something absolutely new and wiu which we hare experimented for years. One Fean makes one glass ArtiBcial Whiskey (Rye or Bourbon); tlx Beans to the pint. Just the thing lor travelers, and convenient for pic nics, excursions, etc. Contains all the virtue of the best whiskies with out the deleterious effect Made from the pore veg etable matter, and guar anteed to contain no poi sonous or narcotie drags, of any description. -: If a beverage Is not de sired, a Bean may be taken In the month with out water, and the most exhilarating effect will be experienced. Box of 12 Beans See. The Beans retail si 10c each, and can be procur ed from any druggist, fancy grocer, or flrstchss bar. for sale on dining oars. One box sent postpaid on receipt of SO cents. GINSENG DISTILLING CO., Stya aaS Bears) ee SrhlsMaa, , ST. LOUIS, M. The Faraers & Merchants BANK. Capital, Sarplss and rrofllt MM- Aran. m mi, What W HewegDoM, Do, and Will Continue to Do. - This Bank eoadoeU its bnstaass aces "up-to-Dow" BMtaoaa. It Is onr Mrnosevto deal Justlv sad Ilbsrany with abV W carefully safegnard the Intertets of eur etiatoineTs, Moraovar, we tim- QoMtlyontaseaOwato taeiaias of. ponaniues or tee some te as la eoaiaea Ual waysiaad yoa cannot OTer-appaataU inch eoaatderatloau Wa ais not diapoaed to overlook -He fact that tbe interests of lbs Bank and these of tht people are closely bound to- tetaer.sad eaaaot or aa means aanavalad. . This Bank acu a ' reposttory for wuit, aaa safely keeps tbeavm the proper time of soneader. WB1 alse act as the enttodiaa ef avmejNr papers left wlik as ia esoroW. : K ekarga for these We eroeere Uoirh ofCsedlt for la- Maamg nraveiiera. - y , weaua w m prompt, progresai v aaa U the mauer of aeoomnwdatloe WU nass meets every racrairaDMSI -Wtuua the Umlu ofradent banking If yoa have aever beea Idonllfiad wtfh as a patreit wsask to to eoasUer tbe advlsabiUtyof besomlnf oaa. , la tbe esrtr fbtsra. we broooas addfnr aorel, vat sabetaottal' Mavlnirs Baai faatarsto oar ahead Drorreaalva iav- StttVtSn, . - .' '-..:,-.. Adminlsttatora ITotlca Bavins dolv oualifled as Administra tor of the astau of lieory J, Carowon, deotaaed, all parsons indebted to said es tate are reqseatadte make Immediate payment. Aaa any ana all persona to whom said estate la Indebted are leanest ed to present their claims to me duly vennea on or oerore JOiy sna. ivux or this solloe WlU be pleaded labaroit. Ibis July laa, " a, ucarowos; , Admtoiatrstor. Fins Joaidai OBTcctioa. ; The Bth District JoJIcttil Ooaventlns meets at the county oourl hooae la Wll mlagton, Kew Iianover ooaaty os Inly Stth, 1903 at 8 o'cUxk p. m. , . m.vav e. fat-ox Ct-Mrmaa. FRAKsrArr;?, f 7. Ftrwi a Fiw Colon, Among tbe cape Colony Boera there tsretnctance to accept tbe terms of tbe peace settlement , and return to their old borne. The Cape Colonyltes assist ed the Ckrath African Boers in their war against England, and as the Erlt- bh government proposes rather severe treatment . for these meat who . Were su&Jettft of the crown, there IS s move ment on foot to establish colonies in oftttr binds where they may make a new start iiany of the Cape Colony Bosia are now In Portugal, where they have-been' awaiting developments, and seme or tnem are at present ia to. is eeuaffy. Among the latter is W.' D, Bnyman, ho fought With the Boer as a'Bouuonda& until near the close of tbe war. r. Snynmn says that if proper 'encduragemeut Is received colo nies of Boers will be established in some ey thewestera' states and territo ries of the tJnlted Btates. Be tbuiks this is tbe best country for them and also Affirm that the Cape Colony Boers Would make good citiien of this coun try and that "no one would have occa sion to' be ashamed of them." Wmiaaf a Jolte. An Sthtialng story is going the rounds ia artistic circles la Berlin about the Gemsn entperor. A certain portrait painter bad executed a remarkably iottd Mrtralt of his own Utile son. rep- teseatmg 'the hitter as sitting on, his notners lao, very mnca tne same as tbs clffld in the natnthtc br Babens. Itvery One-admired the portrait Im mensely. Hot so the little boy, however, Whv was teased so much by his school fellows for being painted "with noth ing Onf that he came erring to his fa ther and besought him, with many sobs, to point a shirt on to him. Tbe painter was so tickled at this that be told the story to tbe emperor one day while his msjesty was paying a visit te the studio. Tbe kaiser was extreme ly amused and when giving Instruc tions about a portrait of himself said. 'But not In your little son's costume, a efcrawe Waaeat. Stories tola of ktme. Humbert, one of tbe pair of French swindlers who bor rowed $10,000,000 on s mythical inher Hance, make her out a most extraordi nary woman. One story tells of bow she outwitted a sheriff's officer Whs esHed upon her with a -seller warrant 1Behaif of a pressing creditor. Mme. Humbert was very gridous to the offi cer and offered him a pearl necklact worth 150,000 francs in satisfaction of the claim. It was B30 p. m., and th meal oar In France expires at 8 d. m. To gain tune Mme Humbert fastened the necklace around her neck that th eflcer might "see bow well It lookf Ipoa a .woman." Then by lbs kaereat cetdent she , snapped dne "et'(bs ibreada, and th beautiful pearls were tent rolling over the floor la every ol faction. While aba assisted tbe officer la teeming the : scattered pearU she watched the clock, as they arose from th saaseh the, clock-struck 0. On saadase ftce the amfiible wnvesstoi fare wbye $ look ot triumph at she said: r WDsuKur, tt nai struea . ins legal W l pssk,1 and I ahall teal Bbuged it you . will tske your depar fore. That night Mme, Humbert left France, and th beautiful becklso Mei tUmmm, aad the CbalvaaaMhla. Thara la ranawad talk In Waahbiirton Of Senator Hanna retiring from tbe $ hahmanahlp of the Republican nation al committee, woen tne senator e fepted tbe cbslrmsnshlp of this eotn- sTunes in xmn, ne o so reiucxanuy tsytng tbe demands on his time were toe great and, as aa aduutonal reason, Bis health was Impaired. .. -,.- ' 4m twiu kia Till.' Tretaaenc-Henry Wad Bogere and Dr. Herbert B. Graeorr. both of Tale. !bave been offered respectively the office f dean of tbe Boston university and bead professorship of geology In tbs afsaaaehosett Institute of Technology tt Boston. Profeasor Wade ass de tuned his honor, and Or. Gregory Is yet mal daring. ; aaaa -1-,' ij DISTKTSnfG STOZACH IIZZXZ2. f PsrWaaenUy eared by the masterly sower of "Botm Aasaioaa N savins Toaio." Invallilt seed snffer ao longer. beoaass this gteal remedy caa euro them all. It I a bur for th arhole world of It raknei an ' ' ";;' ' n. The r l - ' t' " ' : ' -. 1 in- W i r:i-l-(-' . . snot' BHraonarr. . nrtuutesn. uomeufTom h call t'u'u uuturbeu condition' , asvevlilonf.teurstwere'not far liniheDackgroand.V&hejlost no time la beginning ber explanation. 1 ' 'Jobn," fine aam to ner nasbana, , I am so mortiaea I don't know. ,what to do." . ... " ' ( "What is the matter, my dearr SBked UrNorton. . -:,' v , - TJhavev Jnstbeen .salUng.otu, Mrs. PeverilL Ton know her husband, Ma jor PeverUir - ,r s' ' vs "weu. i nave just leamea xoaav,- w tay)iborrorr that 'major' ten' bis title at all. -'Major' is bis first nanie." ' " "Why, certainly. I've always known that. What la there -so mortifying aboutitr "." , v "Nothina-." said Mrs. Norton, with a groan, "only that I've been' calling bin major every tlmo I've met him for the last six monthsr London An m Cry of Silk. One of the most peculiar features about manufactured silk is the rustling sound familiar to every .woman. In the silk trade they call it the "cry" or sometimes the "scroop." Of all textiles silk Is tbe only material whlcb pos- esseslt' As everybody knows, the sound is heard especlallywhen silk is subjected to friction. What is not so generally, known is that the quality Is found in silk yarn before it Is woven. A skein of silk, unless it has been so treated as to kill this property in It, will when opened up emit the noise slightly. When the -skein la squeezed in tbe hand,ihe sound becomes quite audible. The "cry" is considered a very desir able quality in silk. Dyers try to de velop It as much os possible. Smoked Salmon. Salmon lnten'ded for smoklne Ore first scrubbed and dried, after which thev ore hunff un in the smokehouse. Where a slow fire is kept burning. One jreek is required for tbe smoking proc- STORK TIME to womn U a tvrtn of tntich ftnsiety.Mrioua thought and sweet snticipt ion. Pain and dread, love and joy, come wtxt vnsna:inB;iy. With tbe oeasatlon of pain necessary to childbirth there comes calm nerves, sleep, recuperation. MOTHER'S rmrMn a iiiliiv r . dlmlnlihe th pais acoampanytiiK matern ity. Wlthltsaldmotlwra can bring healtb, babl.a, sweat dlapoaitionrnt bablu and Mwd baMeilntoth. world. Taks away th. pain of ohlldblrth and you have bllaa and acatacy. Mornina a'okneaa, aora braaata and aaoru elating palna eanaed by tha gradaally ax pandlna organ, are relieved by thu ra. aurkable toothing balm, Amang the manifold aid to ehlfdblrti Swsa,' FHmmtl haa grown In popular ity and gained apraatlgaamongrisB women aa wall aa poor it la found and waleoawd la the maaaioa a wall aa tha cabin. Children, atrong Intellectually and physic ally la a duty every pregnant woman owea awi.ir. ouar leh. Ill-tamnarad and alck Iv forma m.h laughlnc hamaaltv that remains aJtaaaiBg aver alterte yon and ita country. Write u for our trmm book "Motherhood," THE BKADPIELD REGULATOR C0 Atlmmf. am. . Fitted and Suited. !FI-that's the thine. ; We give It Oar salts fit and our fit suits every time. Some with prices. It's a way we have that never fails,' Hake you the smartest, most stylish, perfect-fitting suit la handsome and durable material. Variety of natterns to select from. Ev ery garment warranted a to workman- snip ana none. t ; -' R -.JL Cnadwlek, Notice i - Summons. KORTH CAROLINA. la ibe Craven Ooaaty. ( Superior Court i - Busan Bow r, i -' ' '" -tns ' SaTOl -vi ', i ' '- ! ' I-.: Timothy BoeJ V, . , NOTICE The defendant abort aamsd will take notice, thst sa action aa above entitled ha been oomateneed In th Bo perlor Court of Craven county, to ob tain a divorce a vinculo matrimonii frost the defendant Timothy Bow, and the said defendant will further tak notice that h I reqalred to appear at the Au gust term of th Superior Court of said county to be held on th 18th day of Au gust, 1909, at the Court house la New Bern, N. C. and answer or demur te the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to th court for th relief de manned in saia complaint. , f . ., : This 8rd day of July, 1001. i. - J., .. W. M. WatsoS, ,i .i , : v Clark Superior Coarti The undersinr-d will i; ;.ke you a Loan or will direct t'e pm of any i,"o iiiMicy yii ) 7 1 ive on Iiimd Your b'' "rit j ii1 i.I i "Nl Run your eye over your reflected face In your truthful mirror. Is it I such as Nature gave you in color and smoothness 3 v. -jr have freckles, sunburn, tan, sallowness, etc, clouded its former flesh-tinted transparency? If so, apply " lagan's MagnoliaBalm and redeem Nature's gift. Delightfully refresh ing, and entirely free from all injurious elements. It gives a complexion that makes a lady look years' younger. f. It Is a LIQUID, easily applied and sold by druggists at 74. . PninYBOYflL pills a, ciih:iii.si i.ir. i:Nui.itiM t.' UKII .ii-i i.M ii.-i.Iiio bom. amtad .llh U.r rllil. T4L1- nlhcr. HnM. K..ttiwtlw.. mm4 fMlla tla Hn, .f l-r.i nr H-n-t 4 I. MuiiL lMr.ll.r Tmtlai.Hlata U If ( 11,-r Tr lill---in UtUr. b, rft lan, Hall. IM.aK 1tim.iul.. tMd b, DmcflM.. l-hli-b-.(rr t'ltalNl F. nVSlnatons, A. D. Ward , 5IMT10NS & WARD, ATTORNEi aa1 CODMSELOBS at LAW. saw Banna, a. c Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of fice) South Front Street, next to Hotel Chastawka, Practice In the counties of Uraven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow. Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, In the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. Lodge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights In. each month In itonntree's Hall, Pollock street, at J.atl o'clock. J. J.Wolfenden. President: Goo, a Jones, Beo'y; R.R. Hill, Financial oeoretary. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 486, Improved Order Heptasonhs. meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Roun- tree nan. ut. is. jr. Kariy, Arcnon; John C Bcalea, Financier, Geo. D. Gordner, secretary. CAB0LIN1 DISPATCH, L LINE Old DomiaiioD Steamship Co FRIIGHT t PASSINGIR. Fer All Feints North. - Commencing Monday. February 17th the steamers of this line are sched uled to sail from New Bern as fol lows? 'This Steamer NETJSE tor Oriental, Roanoke Island, Elizabeth City and tne Hortn on uonoays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at p. m. The Str. Ocracoke On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Bur days at S p. m. Prekbi. reoeiTed not later than one boar prerloni to sailing. For farther fnioraiation apply to GEO. HENDEBSON, Agt. M, k. Xnr, pen, Mgr., . H.O. HDMiJrs,Gen.Prt4 Pass. Agt . Knrfolk,Va,... i . New Bern, K. 14, IMS. ; -" t. v . '.rv.t.i.ac tXrEBIENCS" Tmao Mwta -i . - - nraiaaa - . t Covrkuvs AO . -.,wNM.w.4iM a tAMea aaa a.MN4.4ifla anlfbly ani.rt.Hin onr oiilninn freew Invaiitiim If rohi.hir piUeiiUbla. 'i 4 tuitm.(rtHH' r-ntl4n.tll. Ilwdbonkc . aa.it fr mttwr lor mmmtmK lawnw. . ' 1-aio.n. Uk.m ttiriMia Miutn A Co. leaali r.-aH4i "ti- wtth.Hitati,-, lauia . . . t'tnuv r,i.iia,L. (MM. n ' -i-WiI(-air. , ..nHi-jh .. US r ilW--il.-a. aliL - , a i lie-' e rowt' C i,wla no Antlpy' or oil.et tnjnrli.ns (Imps. ,! - v.)iut s:: nulhte tl.' -J ! 4 . ' 1. t.. Ill''' ' .1 l-r V Morphine " ley do ao p' )mrh and u. -ntr-d cure ."h- h. iIi- il : r iU5 . A. & N. C. R. R. Tim TABU 10. 26 To Take Effect Thursday, June 6, 1802 at 18:01 A. M., E. b T. Going Bait BoHEDTTLSc Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar. a m 840 Goldsboro 11 OS 4 09 LaGrang 10 89 4 89 Einston 1019 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, OOn 5 60 Lv. " Ar 8 87 715....Ar. Morehead city Lv 705 No. 5, Passenger Train No. , Passenger Train. STATIOHK Ii IDAILiY. Lv. a. u. Ar, r. Mi 8 00 Goldsboro 8 80 8 18 Best's 8 08 8 96 LaGraage 7 57 8 87 Falling Oreak 7 47 8 48 Klnston 7 87 9 02 Caswell 7 25 9 18 Dover 7 17 9 80 Core Creek 7 00 944..., 948... 1000..., 10 80... 10 83... 10 46... 10 58... 11 04... 11 80. . . A. It. Tuscarora Olarka . . Ar. New Bern, Lv. . . Riverdale Croatan Havelook Newport Wlldwood Ar. Morehead City Lv . 660 . 4 . 680 . 6 47 . 5 48 . 535 . 5 21 . 6 15 . 606 r. at. No. 211 DAILY 2d Class.. Except Friday Lv.r.H. and Sunday. 4 80 Goldsboro 4 63 Best's 5 03 LaO range .Falling Creek.... 6 27 Klnston Caswell 4 67 Dover 8 04 Core Creek 6 10 Tuscarora Clark's Neuse Crossing 8 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv.., P. at Ho. 219 Id Class Ar.r.x. .... 800 .... 286 .... 914 .... 161 .... 1 ....19 88 ....12 23 ....11 68 ....11 40 ....II 81 ....11 20 ....10 00 A. U, No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. . 2d Class. MONDAY Id Class Lv, a m Ar. p m 6 00 Goldsboro 6 83 6 83 Bast's 4 68 700 LaGrange 4 98 715 Falling creek...,. .... 8 46 8 80., Klnston. . 8 88 . 998 .. 910 .. 1 10 ..1948 ..1940 ..1910 8 40 ouwell. 0 42.. 1007.. 10 82.. 10 69.. 11 2S Dover . ...Oore Greek .... Teaearora Clark's ..Ar. New Bern, Lv. . No.9.t No. 19 Mx'd Ft. and Pass-Tn. p. at. STinom: MxtFt.aad Pass, To. X. w, 180. 919. 9 90. .Lv. New Bern Ar. Riverdale; oroatan .Baveiock..... ...10 47 ...1010 ...JO 00 80S.. 84.. ... 040 Newport, Lv ... to ... 8 47 ... 888 ... 890 .. 760 847 Wlldwood B0...., AUaatlo.. 4 08 ..Ar. Morehead cKy.Lv. 98 ...Ar. M. dty Depot, Lv. ft'aV. - a. , Monday. Wednesday sad Friday. Tuesday, Thursday sad Satarday. i -rw .. - - B. I DILL, B.A.NIWLAND, , G.P.A. . - Master Transportation. ATLANTIC A H. 0. RAILHOAD CO., i,': Transportation Departaaaai . RtGULAR mm TEHI3 or Morehead Ci'tyi for the' Seasoa ; Xs " tablUhed, Irteffect, Bnnday, .': ' May lift, i90l.''v ---': The lollowing low tstes of tare on these trains will apply, rood for one day, via! Round trip r Goldsboro. '.'TI.S5 Hew Ben,.: t M Ktuston,, i 0 Blvevdwla, . , M Caswell, :'Jttt: Oroatan. t AO Dover, .18 Havetock, .45 OorCreJ(,r. .T Nwpors,t-. ) Tuscarota, JM - Wlldwood, J Clark's (Conductor HIU collect) I M , IWFor scbetlttts sM-ritrnaur- A. k Jf . 0, tim table, trains ( and , , -r L " ' f iri -vi . l. dill, 4:' i .' .' Qeneral Bo- -v P. IT. Vtlltilzr, ' . ; ATTCTMI AT LAW i ' KU!s Ptraet, Lswysra BrUk r -.. -. ' t.e UNIVERSITY Of piorth Caroliru. Arttals-mlc Dfparl nent . MrsfleliitV ; PliarpiaMsy. One hundred and eighty scholarships. Piee tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons. Loans for Die needy, 563 Students. 54 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works, Cen tral Heating System. Kali term begins Peptember 8, 1902. Address, F. P. VESABLE, President, CnAi'BL Hiu, N. C. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY Mum of North Carolica . NINE INSTRUCTORS. Well Equipped Laboratories, .Thorough Work. Fall term begins September 8th 1902. Address, F. It. VENABLE, Prest., Chapel Hill, N. C. (Having secured the services of ex perienced parties, I am prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches. Streets and Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting In all its branches, Blue and black prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topographical surveying and plotting. Drawings and wok ring plans executed promptly. Sew erage and drainage planned, laid out and construction superintended. J. J. Wolfenden, New Bern, N. C. 127 Middle St. Columbian Insecticide, Peterman Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sure Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Cloradine The disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. We keep on hand a complete stock o nedlclnes, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth Brushes, &c Physicians'kPrescriptions a special The North Carolina Hot Springs, MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL, (Hot Bprlnaa, H. O. New ownership, New Management, honse entirely made over, thoroughly modern and in every way desireable, new and modern bath house, new Casino (or rainy day amusements. Do you suffer with rheumatism, gout, sciatica, nerv ousness, sleeplessness or indigestion'.' For these and such troubles our Hot Mineral Waters and baths are unsur passed in the world. In the Great Smoky Mountains, grand scenery, delightful climate, 100 acres of beautiful park, mag niflcent golf links, horse back riding, mountain climbing, bowling, tennis, cro queting, and ping pong. No more de lightful summer resort in the world. Illustrated booklet Write, HOWKLL COBB, Proprietor, Atlantic Coast Idne. WlLanHOTOS & Nsw Bbbks II. K. TIM I TABLI HO. 6, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, lSOBDally Except Sunday. Going South SCO SOULS: Going North No. 51, Passenger Trains No. 60, Lv. a m, stations: Ar, p m, BOO New Berne 5 40 9 86 Pollocksville t. 6 04 051 Majsviile 4 49 1009 Jacksonville 4 19 . ur i it 10 ...Ar. WUmlugtom Lv, ... 996 r st r Ra 8, PAasoaaa ft Fkzioht, No. 1 Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday, Leave New Bene Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv, A at Ar. r m T 80 Lv. Wilmlagtoa, Ar 1 46 840 SootrsHUl I9 60 080 Woodside. 19 16 1006 .HoUyrldao 11 40 1001 Dixoa ...10 61 1190 Verona ....10 90 19 06 Jacksonville. 9 46 1980 Northeast 8 66 91 M.,,...,.,, White.. 8 80 llO...,......staysvtll 806 915....,....PoUooksnriue.... .... 7 90 IBS Debmhl's 8 80 1 44,, '....Ar. Mr Berne, Lv, 800 Dafly atoeepOatadayVlf , v. -RbAva-aVIl, XKXtliY. CSeah, pore wholesome, jraaranteed to seehemMlywdefraaa-oWlUd wattr asd In from isipurltla. Specially ia-. landed aad prepand fof aamaa eoa anJau'-- .ar - . ra.. . . at at . a a m. lee aeuvefea aauy Lewep Boawajai rluouaysseuu oaiy) i a mo is neuav, ; For srioss aad etbsrorsaauoa, ..ji s i, y Addieia,, ; f '. ITew Berne Ice Co .l & a' a 0tmm IVEM Henrys Pharmacy, JA