Td-Das Wcatlier 5111 THE JOURNAL. New Bern. N. C, Jly 16, t08. Udex to New AdTertbemeats. Q. H. Waters & Son A departure. Simmons and Bollowell Co Special sale. Business Locals. JUST RECEIVED A fresh lot of flee water meloni and cantaloupes. They are fresh and sweet. Please call before the best ones are gone. Barfleld'i Fruit Store, Broad street HACKBURN offers Florida Pineapples, very fine and cheap, delicious Canta loupes, every one guaranted, money re funded If you are not satisfied, water melons, finest In market this season. LEWIS Washington a Well Known and reliable House Hover, will be In the city for SO or SO.daya, .will be glad to i ui tract ' All wor quickly and safely done. Will guarantee work. - DEVILed Crabs at MoSorley'a. FAjHOY BANANAS and Oranges at James B. Dawson's 103 Middle street Phone 809. NOTICE lam now permanently lo cated at the corner of Broad and Middle streets and will do all kinds of shoe work at reasonable prices. N. Arpen. NOTICE If you want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. Register. He can do It all, 178 Pollock street, Hew Bern, R. 0. . OVER 1000 SAMPLES "Wall Paper k In 14 Perl Goods delivered in 48 hours after order is received. Q. LEWIS, At Dawson's. Phone 108. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. K. A. Damon left for the north last night. Prof. II. P. Harding Is visiting In Greenville. Mr. J. D. Herrltage of Trenton spent last night In the city. Mr. David Henry left last night for his home -In New York. Mrs. H. 8. Bradshaw and son are visit leg relatives In Hlllsboro. Mr. Carl Richardson, of Durham Is the guest of relatives here. Miss Ellloor Taylor returned home from Klntton Sunday Morning. Judge Henry R. Bryan went to Jack sonville yesterday where he Is holding court. Miss Amelia Hamilton of Mt. Olive Is In the city visiting Mrs. Edgerton on Pollock street. Mr. Edwin O. Hill returned last night from Black Mountain where he has been for several weeks. Miss Adelaide Glaypoole, who has been visiting In Hlllsboro and Durham has returned home. Mrs. W. F. Koch, left last night for Lehlghton, Pa. to spend the summer with relatives and friends. Mr. Walter Williams formerly of New Bern, but now of Elizabeth City Is in town visiting relatives. Muter Roy Edgerton returned 8un- diy from Qoldsboro where betas been visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. H. A. Austin and children and Miss Annie Brewer, of Danville, Va, are guests of Mrs. W. P. Marshall. O Basis ths TtoUsfcsfesiUtMtiw Ice Cream Soda today at McBor- ley's. Fresh Cored Hams. Bhafers Tlneet 15 eenta lb., Klntfans Reliable IScte lb. Richmond plain eared suns as or conn try Ham Uoto lb. Small Breakfast Strips Hots lb, plenty fresh Egn IScU doc. at J. R. Parker Jr. Fresh Pork Sausage la oil 12ielk Best loose Batter SOc lb. Fox' River Print Batter Hoj good cooking Batter. tse lb. i, B. Parker, Jr.. j CeocoleteajtOB ysc pound at McSor ley . . ...-: . - . - uitvs so piease ever roar; Hannah, A. te . -Owni -fioinev J. fL ,; ' ; Parker fe,,-'.-:,,WL.;,-y. CAPUDEIE Cures Colds, LzGrippe Xand All Uesdexhss. '".Pleasant to take. : O Your money , - EOLD BT ALL r-U::iST3. v. AROtlKa A& lfcOUT. ; v I Greensboro defeated Raleigh yesterday bjesMfSof ? to ' - j A few of Ike earlier varieties of grapes have made their appearance in the- mar- ketli J ''tf ,i ,t A !'; The Meade of jtrs. O, L. Ward, who has been vary Dl at Bean fort, will be please44o know that she to . Improv ing. i , : ..i, J; -rfvv The Sunday ; pilgrimage ' to Morehead was larger thaa nsual. Biz coaches were required to carry all who desired to go There were 70 tickets sold MS $ Sf Tbe telegraph dispatches from differ ent parts of the country tn of the rava ges' of mad dogs, end, the dogs around town should be looked after, and If ecessary, mu tiled. The Button Fire Company will parti cipate In the Firemen's Tournament at Raleigh next week from the S2 to the 25. They will lake along with them the horse hose wagon and "eld Jim." Several complaints have been heard recently, of transfer drivers attempting to eitort money from their passengers. The soheme Is to take a party out to ride and on the return trip demand an ad ditional tee.: The report of the presence of a rattle snake around the Baptist church yard, has had a more Quieting Influence on the orgies of the gay and festive deniaens of Churcl ill, lately,' thaa the average policeman exerted In the put. The Mg lumber plant of Parmelee- Eccleton Co., of Jacksonville wu almost totally destroyed by Are Sunday night. Te mill and machinery were burned but the outside lumber and dry kiln were saved. Damage and Insurance un known. ' With all the put hot weather, the health of the city is very good. The In troduction of artisan water wu a great benefit to the health conditions, but a ore general use of the sewer system end other sanitary observances Is advisa ble. ' Mr. J. A. Jones, the horse dealer, is having his stables on Broad street paint ed. Borne time ego be erected a very neat wooden awning across, the front of the building which added considerably to the comfort of the place during thl warmer part of the day. The exterior of Davis Pharmacy, cor ner Broad and Middle street Is being painted, the color scheme Is green with trimmings which give a cool pleuant look to the building. The Interior hu been lately very much Improved and fur nlshed In very handsome and elegant cherry fittings. A large excursion party of colored people from Raleigh came in yesterday to spend the day here. The Raleigh "Coons" are proverbially noisy and de monstrative, but those yesterday be haved all right, the loudest thing aboat them being their raiment, which was "deafening." For color and style the historical ooat of Joseph, alongside of the coats displayed here yesterday would cut no figure at all. There will be a game of base ball be tween the Raleigh and New Bern colored clubs today and possibly Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. This after noon the game will be called at 4 o'clock The battery for the local team will, be the renowned Profiting team. A great pitcher from New Orleans will be In the' box for the visitors. O. Rassel Morten will umpire the game. Admlulon 10 and lBcts. Failure of Bulls to corner Umpire b . dares Came For flew Btra. This, , - City In League o tay. ' Yesterday afternoon, the New? Bern dob appeared at Athietlo Park, and at time for scheduled game wjlh ' Durham, Umpire Mace called gameveai Durhaqt not appearing, MrrMaoo declared -game forfeited to New Bern, to 0 - i The report that the New 'Bern - club wee out, or going out of tbBlat League, la without authority, .-v ,S Not only Is New Bern not out, " but it is going to stay In and remain until the finish. - Vif ;" -; Greensboro b scheduled to play here Thursday,' Friday and Saturday, end New Bern Is ready to meet that club. There was an anthnslatlc meeting of the Directors of the Athietlo Association last night at which there wesnot a sin gle exception except to go ahead. . Qreensboro shut out Raleigh, yester day, by a score of 8 to 0, Exhibition Game. Yesterday afternoon shortly after five o'clock the twelve New Bern league players equally devlded themselves and secured six amateurs and played a fut game, the Foster's winning from the Thackara's by a score of 4 to 9. A bunch of errors aided (he captain's team to win, and the rant of Thackara's bunch were earned, " A small . crowd witnessed the game, and the rooters sympathies were with the losers. Following Is the score by Innings: RHE Fosters 00010901 0-8 9 6 Tharkerai 00001210 0-4 7 1 Batteries Gettig and Foster, Symons and Danm. Umpires Mace and Dawson. Moonlight SalL There will be a delightful uil given tomorrow, Wednesday night on the steamer Blanche, leaving foot of Craven street, 8.80 p. m. Refreshments will be served, a delight ful trip promised evory one, fare only 95 oents. This sail is given by the ldleecotn mlttee for the benefit of the Athletic As sociation. Let every one be sore and go. Minstrels To-night Allen's New Orleans Minstrels had a full house, or full tent, at their open Ins perform see Wat t evening, and every body In attendance was pleased with the entertainment afforded. It wu dean from anything objectionable, whatever, and newer bv far than minstrels compa nles seen In the opera house. Themnsle wu good. There are some excellent roloes In the oompaay, and ths dancing wu strictly lo-to-date. The cake-walk Ins It a stronr feature and brought forth great applause. The' two bands made a good showing on the streets to day. Th performance will be repeated egla this evening In the big Cent on Raik. between eta and Ilk Streets, and the teat Win no doebt be crowded. Ills partleaUrly worthy of mention that greater courtesy le aocordil patrons by the ushers and attendants Una is usually witnessed 4a lent shows-Ft Worth (Tea.) Mall Telegram, Tuesday, Bept 18. The above company will appear here op Keel f roaVBtreet Bear Broad. To-night. i ejsejnusom i ' , Deviled . Craba, with shells to same, Lobsters, Imported . Sardines, Fancy Salmon, Chip Veef, Canned Coned Beef Potted Chickens end etc, at J. H. Par- her Jr.- u,,-,,- u- ;.1Wtfs.Wtai itDtTls." Davis' Preeoriptlon Pharmacy hu the agency here for WUklsson's Metcbleu Mineral Water., It ts a fine lonlo and endorsed and prescribed by resident physidana.. Besides this Water, there Is alto ea sale at Davis Pharmacy, Buffalo Utble, Oerabane, Hungadl Janoe, Red Raven Splits, etc . - Yd 111 mlse something good if yon fall to read the advertisement of th Crown Bottling Works and send U"1"! your or '.rs for anything good to d i It Is clean sad good. DURHAM FORFEITS. The Mayor's Court Saturday night and Sunday disturbers of the peace were not very numerous at the Mayor's court Monday morning and they were let off euy. Nelhan and Bailie Conway, white, had a famll row Bun day morning and quite a portion of their unhapptness was given in court. As there wu no criminating evidence against the men he wu dismissed; the woman was made to pay cost for cursing and swearing. William Henry Reddlck, a colored dis orderly wu assessed the costs and dismissed. The policemen were am signed be fore his bonor,"Myor Patterson, yester day and he gave them a good lecture, not unkind at all but told them firmly If they had any grievance to report to the Mayor or Marsha); be add that grumb ling to each other would not be tolerated and any sign of dlsutlsfactlon would be cause for reprimand and It the cue was very aggravated it would amouat to a dismissal for the offloer or officers Inter ested. The Mayor also wishes this Statement published; "For the benefit of the public I wish to state that a policeman may always be found on the beat at the corner of Mid dle and Pollock streets ready to answer any call from any part of the dty where their services may be required. The tel ephone In the McSorley store ts main tained at one half expense of the city and Is put there that the police may be sum moned handily whenever there Is need. An offloer Is not required to get orders from the dty hdl or from the Marshal but Is empowered forthwith to render what assistance he can In case of trou ble. F. T. PATrnnsoH, Mayor. Barfoot Bros Cloaing out sale, dl summer goods lawns that were 8 and 10c now So., 15c lawns 10c sad 85c lawns 15c yard. Baby cape half price, all millinery at one third and a halt off. Boys and girls white duck caps 15c . BARFOOT BROS. Warn Weather and Floe tains, ; fiama- - linglHres.- , , July 14. We are bavlngf vary warm weather now, which with occuionally a shower of rain make crops grow:- -r- The corn crop In out section this year Is the finest fo; some time. Cotton: crop medlam, r '- ' '- The people M Olympja have been en' daageyed and damaged by the woods lire Uat week there are several who are sick from the Intense heat of the fire. We believe Mr. M. O. Holton has been the worst off of any, he became 6ver heated In the woods from Inhaling fire and hu been in bed for the put week, but we are glad to know he Is much bet ter at present date. The Baptist brethern held their usual meeting at Olympia 8unday, there were quite a number of people attended from Trnltt's. Mrs. and Mrs Hugh Wynne attended church In Reelsboro Sunday. Mr. W. E. Nixon, of Core Point, visit ed Olympia lutweek. Mr. Willie Warren of Edwards, at tended Children's Dsy Exercises lut Sunday. The Exercises were a grand success and very nice In every part. Contribu tion wu liberal. Next thing In view Is a picnic. Fresh Grape-Nuts, Post am Cored, Saratoga Chips and' Oat Flakes at J. R. Parker, Jrs. - , ' JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is, the best. Middle street Crown Bottling works has eomethtng elegant la chocolate soda, orange phos phate end ginger ale. T Reed their ad. Phone 100. Lee i. Taylor, proprietor. Balsew tnm tke Stasihssa Wee swmrrar-BsuetuisjIslaiswtwoMshs. Order a box of I dos bottles, of onr Vienna Cabinet Lager Beer for on In your family. Hofbraa Export Beer Is the finest Beer In the world, sold by Crown BoullagrWorka, Lea J. Taylor Propv-- Phone 105. .. ... : i aoslBT.Oat Sale - All summer roods: lawna. orrandles i . I . ii 1 1 . t . . . -in. un wiuu, sauunery, saaies aaa cniiu- rees Oxford ties and sandals, umbrallu fane, eetmaser corsets, eta, marked down podtlvdy no goods charged daring this sde. BARFOOT BROS, H. tie Be ' r -sv-, a Oat Ost l C CaesH Cemi I i-" -rt -J M I ( C.rsf : i ' I one will 4 I t .i.a.c.1 fl I w .0. J I lei 4"." $!. ' st er . t,KWrs r . v " -torn. Bold only .y HAIlCrT'S I IU!;'.'ACY, ) OLTKPIA. i The Trlcklinf Waters." It is very loteresttng to note with what steadiness the public work Is con ducted It is possible to sccompllsh any undertaking, by keeping eternally at it. This steadlneu and determination to ac complish an object has been well Illus trated by the preparations to build a fountain at the junction of Craven and Middle streets. Some weeks ago it wu remarked that a few hundred bricks had been gotten to gelber at the place meatloned, sfor the intention of building s drinking fountain Since then other materials hare been slowly accumulating, yesterday a board, the day before a barrel, the day before a hoe, and the day before something else needed, all along since the bricks were first delivered. Work had progresf ed sufficiently ' yesterday to warrant the bricking of ground for a foundation, and a flowing fountain is expected, against "the roblos nest agaiar'1 Extra Fine Corned Tongue at Oak's Market.: Don't fail to try our 40 cant Tea, It Is a goer and pleases them all at J. R Par ker Jr. Finest line of hsms on the market, five different kinds. All the choicest veget ables st the Oaks Market tr A1 DARKY AfcO A'MULfiJ'i th Strr t tka-'Lvxtaa Oat c ' In the Horse World X. H. Hale, the greatest peach, grower In the world,.: tells of hJs struggles nod eoceesees to the bnslnese.' He given, the following Incident in telling of the laying ont of li v . . ' ' - ; - Trees are cultivated more easily If in proper alignment, aOsrfter the field was plotted jf. set the surveyor running lines for the rows of trees. He had not been working long when one of the old plan tation darkles came, hat In hand, and said: "Cap'n, I dnn reckon It cost a right smart o money to do It dat way. Lulu and I can do It a heap sight quicker end, I reckon, about as jveH as dat ar" rnnn wtL de machlue." 05 in quiry I found Lulu was his old pay niuleb J had my doubts, but at htfl ear nest pleading consented that he should make a trial way down on "a corner block,' wber it would not show much. Old Henry cut three long straight poles from the woods, then some tufta of cotton were tied around the tops Of the poles to make them white and more easily seen at a distance. The poles were Just the' length of the distance wanted between the rows, bo a stand ard of measure was always at hand. Placing one pole perfectly upright tin the" corner of a block where the first row was to stand, Lulu was headed for the farthest end of the field, keeping the poles always In sight mldwaj) be tween her long upright ears, SO that Henry had a "sight" that made his aim true. I overlooked operations until the third row waa finished and then rushed to stop, the surveyor and turn the whole Job over to Lulut The work was. absolutely perfect, and now, with more than 250,000 trees In what I am often told Is the best arranged orchard In America, I give due credit to the darky and the mule for the orderly way In which the trees are planted. Tke TraaaltloH of tha Crnsr. The gypsy has always been known as a horse trader. Possibly he la about to change his business from horses to au tomobiles. At uoy rate a band of gyp sies is this season traveling across the country In a gayly decorated automo- blle,car. It is divided Into three com partmentsbedroom, dining room and kitchen. The body of the vehicle ts painted n deep green, and the running gear is red. The decorations are In gold. The chief of this twentieth cen tury gyimy luiud is enthusiastic over the automobile. lie is nblo to uinko fifty Mill n dny without any trouble. As yet lie Is still denllng in horses, but his sucet'RRor may prefer to abandon horsoH altogether and to go through the country with a number of automobiles which be will bo ready to barter in horse trade fashion. Worcester Spy. Cur Belfut Olnger Ale is perfection. Put up only in Crown Stopper bottle by Crown Bottling Works, Lee J. Taylor Prop, rhone 105, We are still selling meat at Hie per pound, not 20c u reported. Oaks Mar ket. Itoflol toyspepsla Cum DlcjMts wnat you mmu wis i k i . ; ...;..vv--. FOR THE WKO mencmg Mornig We Offer Some Special US That will be of Special Interest to the -thrifty j housewife. Special Value Whit Lawn 6c. ,, M Special Value la, LONG ULOTII: ' kcBOfltc- V ' 700,8c. . 900, 9. , : 2000, 12c ; ' - Those aro shor,t pleoei from 4i6 .12 yards and. are,. bj the piece only and are about J regular prices, ' 5m' ':.:' .'. i. . it nTIlaTr'v, fttrnTTfiwri towrptfcj ' '"'"' '.' ! ."fm u,uaMt . AMtfw vc,l , , ,i -.,.L ; 0 l . e X Z 780 Waist noW 60c'. '"f &f I U Special prince la CLIgh-Cfrmle WaUtil It small elzef.'-; ti t T ' ... . . e V X X -Those email sizes are left on our hands, ana pnoes are -. 1 X X wftJ down to close. n::n?.. :v. n'Ml ''If'.V- f J 0 - A n rc i y g A,rt -, , WSAJ x t X We have Knocked the Profits oft of the following: T $4.00 Knox Straws, $3.00. 3.00 Hawes 2,50, 2.60 Knox 2.00, 2.00 Straw Hats . 1.50 :A few Crawford Low Quarters left, T your cnoice now ior $ Hanan Patent Vici Oxfords, $4.50 4 J Hanan Vici Oxfords, $4.00; J Just a few Choice Trousers left in 2 e $5 and $6 Qualities. The $6 ones now ' $5, the $5 ones now $4. t All $15 Lined Suits now $12.50 J All $12 " 10.00 All $10 41 8.00 All $8 and $8.50 Suits now 0.50 4 advantage oi lueay pnuwa. J. G. 'Dunn & Co. flcn' Jk Koy'w Wear, O S7 olloclc Street, o The Above Prices are Strictly Cash. You IjOho Money it you tail lo take t X o 8 Gentlemen. You do not mind confessing that you like Nice things. Good Shirts, Nice Handkerchiefs Comfortable Hose, Sensible Underwear, Pretty Ties, SffSi" Stylish Hats & Suits, We have all these things and our prices we believe are Lower than elsewhere. Drop in any day. Our time is yours. mith's 99 Middle Street. Sole agknoy poh NEtribftft. AT DAVIS' PHABMACY, ;i.'.HAVENS, The Old Reliable 8hoe Maker bn Middle For Railroad Men. We have added to onr slock of watches thai will stand railroad Inspec tion, snch as The Vsngusid, Cresrrnl, Street, P. L. I!riliit, and Denbrr ilm- den, snd tell tbcm vary cheap. I We are also equipped lo do repairing in a manner 10 please tne most eist'ilmi An Elgin, or Walthnm, or any trading make sboald not vsry over a mlmiic a weekjfyouis varl. s more It is oat of order, we will rrpslr It or give you s new onr ( mi- mske. J.O. BAXTBIt. For Roaches and Water Bafs. Str set lias pleased Die peopU lor jteers w,tff try onr Roich pMlf We With his work. Can sioeUaU others In gowgn,e,n to(rvesatwfaetlqn and r tbe bnsiness in this city. The repairing fqnd the money If It does i m. Prlie 88c olWIes sioea a specialty,, f.j, ; Davis' Phaimacy. V k 180ft MiDDDB STREET. ' I t . . 67 rc:.::.; C i . - . .nro:.nsiro-irnnii ' Wire Ecreena, Poor hnd WIdJo Soreen, Lawn Mowers, Icr'ream freezers; Io 8kavor8. " , i. - ,;V.,i' : ; ' : ; v . .- v-k , a jiui nne oi iiarawnrr, rwnta, ujia, v aroisn, . jutameu in uo.a, Silver and AUnrolnank. .- ' ". T -! ;:.: r,; A new lot Ball Jtariog CnstAra, improved. v : , f Our good! as represented. ; TRICKS TUB tOWKST.- I' I V-- ' :,"rioMj ? m Qaskill Hardware 19. ,';N;;;-.'v.')v;i 7J Middls Bi (yVXW BIRJI, H. O ";