THE JOURNAL. PQb.UhedTerydylntiJM,xoep Middle street, f )V r, :, , PaowNo.. - CHARLES L. STEVENS. ' ' BDrTOB AXD nWUIMIi ; . r SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ons year, la advance.'..... H.M One yew, not In advance......... S.N Monthly, by canter In the city .SO Advertising Rates furnished m ppU eatlon. Entered at the Post Office, New Bern, N. 0., as second clan matter. Offlclal Paper f New Bern and Crave Coaaty. New Bera, N. . Jaly 18. IMS. FAILURE IN DETECTING LYNCHERS. The large reward offered for the de tection of the lynchers of thetwo colored boys, who were killed by a mob in Jane, near Salisbury, N. C. hai renlted In nothing. An arrest was made last Saturday of a man supposed to be one offthe lynchers, but he proved an alibi. And this is all that has been found ut, although It was Intimated that many of those engaged In the lynching were known and could be proven guilty- That the Governor's action In offering the reward for the apprehension of the lynchers, Is not questioned as being right one, but that any result In the way of detection and conviction of a single lyncher, was possible, bas been doubted. A lynching Is a matter usually engaged In by men who are not going to chance being caught for their act, and a lynch ing la a matter which meets the ap proval of the entire neighborhood In which it If committed, and those not actually taking; part, feel the same sym pathy for the movement, aa If they actually had hold of the rope or used the gun. This being true, the matter of reward for the detection and arrest of one or all lynchers. Is never likely to prove a success, for there are too many in terested in preventing the real perpre tralors from being made known. Acts Immediately. Colds are sometimes more troublesome In summer than in winter, It's so hard to keep from adding to them while cool ing off after exercise. One Minute Cough Cure cores at once. Absolutely safe. Acts Immediately. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, throat and lung troubles. F 8 Duffy. Th. Bleotria Kl la Very Oil. Certain species of electric flabes have been known from very early times. Oc casionally we find people ascribing mysterious powers to them both of good and evil. It is certain that the AbysBlnlans knew an electric eel and used It "aa a remedy for nervous dis eases," and the Hindoos and other na tions of the eaBt In times past were also conscious of Its powers. Hum boldt describes an old method of cap turing this eel practiced by the East Indians, which consisted In driving horses Into waters inhabited by the eel and allowing the eel to exhaust themselves by attacking thi horses with their electric organs, when they were "easily harpooned by the Indi ana," but subsequent traveler m the same parts where Humboldt says the Matotn was practiced have desleeV ta report, and ft Is bow not generally; b Ueved. However, the electric 'eel 'bas been known to those people tot centu ries. WaataA Watch. Tkaaa. The ccar of all the BosaUs has never felt safe or at home among bis subjects, lo shew the feeling of insecurity iwhtth .was entertained by the Emperor Nlch. olaa I., Bismarck nsed to tell the fol lowing story, which Is one of Poach Ingot's collected "Conversations With Prince Bismarck:'' - The court physician had prescribed massage for some ailment of the oxar, Who, however, was enable to find ft single person In his household to whom be cared to Intrust the task. At his wits' end, be st last applied to Freder ick WUIlsm IT. tor a tew ana eemsils stoned officers of the PnusUa guard. These were sent, and after the comple tion of the rubbing core returned to Berlin heavily laden with presents. "So long as I can look my Bosstans In the face," said Nicholas,- "all Is well; bat I Will not risk letting them work away at my back." ... . . Thia-rnvpamt'oa fwjna. t'l ef tM digester ts and tfiuesU sUl kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never faUa to cure.- It allows yo to eat all the food you want, Tbe toont sensitive stomachs can take It. lty Its use many euredaftcreveryUilnjj ele failed.' It pTevente formation of (nsot) th stom ach, relieving all dlstrs after eating. Iletlng unnecessary, pleasant to take. I ess' t:"y '... fKpuwd mrtybv . 0. rwwrrr no hi- tit It. sutUa eunlli a tlua yw to sim, - KitV DDITTI CO., HAT8 AND SERMONS. V 'Aa BBsrUak Mlalatrr'a Amptml to the !(;, at Ble Chare. , -. - A. popular preacher whose church Is at a fashionable seaside resort recently made a somewhat remarkable request to the women of his congregation from the pulpl says the London Express. He boldly asked them to make a prac tice of taking off their hats at sermon time. "My church," he explained, "la not built like a theater. Now, if the la dles, in all kindness and good manners, remove their bats during the perform, ance of a play at a theater, where the seats art gradually raised one above the other, T am sure my hearers can have no reasonable objection to doing the same here. "It is primarily a question of good manners. It Is very annoying to be compelled to dodge between a lady's big or little: hat to see the preacher. Besides, yon know that many people's eyes seem to assist their ears that is to say, they think they can hear better if they can see. People want to see the minister when he is preaching, and to have to dodge about interferes with the proper understanding' of the sermon, while for the preacher to see a dodging congregation has a distinct effect on his delivery of a sermon. "I also want the women to bare their bats off in order that they may be quite at ease. Moreover, it Is said that nearly every woman looks best with her bat off. To be sure, people like to look their best, which is quite proper. Bat it all comes back to the matter of the greatest good to the greatest num ber. "I have been told that ladles can put on their bats with much celerity and satisfaction without a looking glass, as they instinctively know when they are on right For my part I shall rejoice to view a hatless congregation, and I am sura it will not hurt the flower gar den to be out of view for half an hour in the cause of Christianity." Saved From an Awful Fate. "Everybody said I had consumption," writes Mrs. A. V. Shields, of Chambers burg, Pa. "I was so low after six months of severe sickness, caused by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, used it, and was com pletely c ured." For desperate Throat and Lung Diseases It is the safest cure in the world.and Is Infallible for Coughs, Golds and Bronchial Affections. Guar anteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at C. D. Bradham's. DaMla'a lied Haired Club. The Red Haired club of Dublin, Which flourished yean ago, was a so ciety which barred out all whose hir sute covering was not of the most pro Aoonced auburn. In order that no one could gain admission by false pretenses it was required at the Initiation of each member that the applicant wash his hair and whiskers in hot sods and water. This effectually took out any "dya" that might have been used. RELIEF Tit SIX HOURS. DistressiaglKidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Orbat Bouth Amirican Kidney Curb." It Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in bladder, .kidneys and back, In male or female;' Relieves retention of water al most Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this la the remedy. Bold by a I). Bradasm, Druggist. All im. Krankletgtt Nawl I don't like my new neighborhood at all. Every man on the street's a cad. Sbarpe You don't aayT . Kraakleigh Tea, and there's one man in particular who Isn't fit to live there at all. Bnarpo Strange; that's what all tho other neighbors say. Philadelphia Press. A Good Conjft Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy when druggist use It In their own families In preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past five years with com plete satisfaction to myself and custom ers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van EUea.H.Y. "I save always used It In my own family for both ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe, sad Dad It very efficacious." For sale by F. 8. Duffy & Co. Rat to Tutlaa aa That. 8be--Mra. Bore ton called today, and I thought aba would never go. i' He But you are so amiable 1 sup pose yon never gave' her the slightest hint that you wanted her to go. 8neIndeed lad not If I bad, she'd be here new .--Brooklyn Life. Poisonim; the System. It la through the bowels "Oat the body Is cleanse of 1partMai.i Constipation keep these poisons to the system, cans teg keadsckv dulnsss and Msfecboll w tratf tna aaslghkry artpHoas and fl sally serious illness nates- a remedy Is applied. -DeWllfs fMU Early Risers yretaatlsris trouble, by stimulating th iivrauJ proBKHe assy, healthy action biik krU. .These Hub pQls do aot act loUntl W Iry Krtogthealng the Wweiv-enaol the to- perform their wwcfc irergrip or distress. F. 8. Puffy. . , ' , ' PUtflT AND PEW. y 1 Tkt are iwy-ene missionary social th ta Asia, thlrty-eeves la Africa and eighfcxm M Australia., s . ; The- Right Rev. Lefgbton- Coleman, Ilk IV bishop of Delaware, has bees elected praaktoa of th Transatlantic octery of America and baa accepted i tb office.''., :v if V :"'- ':., ; DT, TbeodOT 1) Cuyter Vt Brooklyn, who Is in his eighty-Brut year, ha de clined to writ an autobiography, bat will describe the more Interesting epi sode of his Ufa in forthcoming book of reminiscence. f , ', , ', Quito a number of churches now have safe in them, not necessarily to keep money to, for chrch funds are usually kept elsewhere, but for th preserva tion of books and records, together With the silver plats that M Often Of great Value.. ' 'XT' '-"v;?" fi Undorses lydia E. Finkham's ..VepetaWe CompOTJBd- After Following Its f Keeori For Years, a t " "Drab Mas. Praam Health is the greatest boon bestowed m homao- ItV ajld ttlAWnfrtM. .nhln. .V... v..,Uk .u., vU restore lost health is a blessing. I consider Lydln E. Plnkhum's Veg e table Compound aa a blessing to State and Nation. It eures her moth, era and daughter and make them well and strong.- 4 '5. f -ti , , PEINCBSa VTEOQUA. Praetioing Physician and Lecturer. " For fifteen years I have noted the effect of your Vegetable Compound in curing special diseases of Women. "I know of nothing superior for ovarian trouble, barrenness, and it has ore rented hundreds of danirerona operations where physicians claimed it was tne only enanoe to get well. Ulceration and inflammation of the womb has been cured in two or three weeks through its use, and aa I find it purely an herbal remedy, I unhesitat ingly give it my highest endorsement. Fraternally yours, Da. P. ViBoqca, Lansing, Mloh." looo Iftlxx tat tlmonlaj It not faairfna If yon are fH do not hesitate to get a bottle of I.ydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write to Mrs. Pink bam at Lynn, Mass. for special advice; It is entirely tree. The Crooked Jordan. Jordan Is one of the crookedest riv ers known. In covering a distance of sixty miles, for that is the length of n straight lino drawn on the map be tween the sen of Galilee and the Dead sea. It runs 212 miles because of the multiplication of its windings. CABTOHIA. Bean th Ilw Kind Yw Hw Mtifl Bought Blgasta of HatrbruBliea. Ilnlrbrushcs need n weekly cleans ing, for which purpose use n quart of tepid water containing a tnhluspoonful of cloudy ammonia. Dip the bristles not the back several times, rinse and stand on edgo to dry. TOO KHOW WHAT YOH ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula -Is plainly printed on every bottle showing that It Is simply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price Goo. A Four Fowled: I'l.h. A unique spt-vluieu of oivmi life linn been captured nt Honolulu fur the United States nslilng vessel Alhnti-osH, now cruising In tluit vicinity. It Is a small fish which has four feet They are webbed like the feet of a frog and are apparently the link between foot and fin. The specimen is said to be one of a few such nab found in the world. Don't Fail to Try This Whenever an honest trial Is given to Electrio Bitters for any trouble It is rec ommended for a permanent care will surely be effected. It never falls to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys snd bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for run-down systems. Electric Bitters positively cures Kidney snd Liver Troubles, 8tomach Disorders, Nervousness, Bleeplessness, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed by O. D. Brad- ham. Only 50 cent. Raleigh's Coart Drcsa. Raleigh, when In court dress, wore sn immense ruff, a "penscod bellied doub let," quilted and stuffed, slashed hi the body and sleeves, breeches of the same, silk stockings and shoes with gold buckles. Call at T. & Duffy ft Co's drug store snd get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are aa elegant phytic Tbey also Improve th appetite, strengthen trie digestion and regulate th liver and bowels. They are easy to take aad pleasant la affect, . Rew Trpe or stomshla. A company has been formed In Co penhagen for tbo construction of . a trial steamship of a new type In which th screw Is placed under the bottom Instead of aft The hull Is materially changed In form, being flatter and th ship's draft thereby considerably less ened. It hi claimed that a saving In the consumption of coal of about B0 pet cent will be effected. Tb Inventor believe that WttB th a fee amount of fuel th speed wiH -b greatly hv creased.,. v ' ' If a Man lie, to Tw, ; f And say1 some'other" salveolntmetti lotion, oil or alleged heater Is as good is Baoklea's .ra(e Salve; Ml him thirty years of marvelooicure of PIles.Boras, Bolls," Coras, Felons, Ulcers, CuJa, Bcslds, Bruises and Bain Iroptlonf roveirt theWarclrVsVeeK ri. at C. D, BradhaaVi drag stor. f : v J: nai k ; ' . ' '' fi-j- teaaow Jalee. ';''. I " Lemon -TuieeWui' wWtrwffroMin eranberry or atrnwbrJ )alr will col or it pink, and the grated rind of Aa orange, strained through acloth, ;wlll tolor t yellow. (rP llJ . A .... - -r- - . ' flOO-Dr. E. txichonsH 'Anrl Diuretic nay be worth to yoq more than $100 If you have child who soils bedding from Incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and yonag al'ke: It arrets the trouble at once.- fl. Bold by CD. Bra-lbim.-rrr.-VsU" : ,A WISH., A I mm tha Iwm wh i'i.r. niaira up oerore tne crowd: ; B"i collar's vary. Very tail:' , li Hta tie la verr iend. ,"' ' He aeaa bli parents slttlns there '. ..';'.'.' . As proud as they can be, . -" i?',:,':-. ;' And there's another, too: hts breast ' - : Is flUad with esstasy. - - ' t see him raise huvfooi right hand - And ways It In th air: -', ; " t hear the bfr. unconimon words Holt from Ms Hps up there; He draws hhmu up proudly, and Bis face with plawura glows. I wish that I Knew bait as much As this boy thinks hs knows. Chicago Record-Herald. , Saves a Woman's Life. To have given up would have meant death for Mrs. Lois Crsee. of Dorches ter, Mass. For years ele had endured untoia misery from a severe lung trou ble and obstinate cough. t "Often,"- the writes, "I could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. All doctors and remedies failed till 1 used Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption and was completely cured.'' Sufferers from Coughs, Jolds, Throat and Lung Trou ble need this grand remedy, for it never disappoints. Cure Is guaranteed by C D Bradham. PrlcoOOo and $1.00. Trial bottles free HursoMhoes. Prior to 10(10 the horses of England wero never shod. William the Conquer or being the person who is given the credit of introducing horseshoeing Into the British isles. The best Prescription for Malaria. Chills snd Fever Is a bottle of Onova's Tasteless Uiii.i, Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. A Good Example. We notice that many of our ex changes arc giving us credit uow. We trust their cxamplo will be emulated by the grocer and butcher at home. Lebanon (Tex.) Gazette. Knack ol Concealing; Their KiMlL "Many women," said the philosopher, "can make their own clothes, but it Is the exalted few who can make them so that the others will not suspect it" Indianapolis News. When a man is looking for a wife, he Wants an angel, but when be goes to housekeeping he sometimes says ugly things because he didn't get a cook. Mother Always Keeps it Handy. "My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to Indigestion," says L. W Spalding, Verona, Mo. "Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy six, eats anything she wants, remarklpg that sbo fears no bad effects as she has ber bottle of Kodol bandy." Don't waste time doctoring symptoms. Oo after the cause. If your stomach is sound your health will bo good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food. It Is nature's own tonic, F. 8. Duffy. Crystal!;:. ni::nz . i:s.',l principally (is n won.! i';;iiiiT. i. ml tlu' entire pro diic'tl.ui r-. iiKit.rinl for this pur pose l:i ;:; i ivdltrd to I'cmncctlcut. Crystalline i.i:ul:: Is iifcO nlso us an abrasive In t In- Btonci-uttlng trade, and a Kinull niiiDiint of i"''tz H crushed and sb.ed and us, d In the manufacture of sandpaper. The production of crys talline quartz In 11X11 was 14.050 short tons, valued nt Jll.&OO, as compared with 14,401 tons, valued nt f 10,703 in 1900. These values are for the crude quartz. After It has been prepared for market its value Is from three to four times as great Vacation Days. Vacation time is here ond the children are fairly living nut of doors There could lw no healthier plsce for thorn. You need only to guard sgalnet the ac cidents incidental to moat open air s,M)rts. No remedy equals DoWltl's Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of srrlout coo sequences. For cuts, scalds and wouodi "I used De Witt's Witch Hazel Balve for sores, cuts and bruises," says L. B. John son, Swift, Tex. 'It Is Ihe best remedy oa the market'' Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. F. 8. Duffy. LttfUt Preaaare. Perhaps the most Interesting single achievement of the yeur 1001 was the experimental proof thnt light exerts a tnecbnnlcnl prenrure. The fact had been foretold by Clerk-Maxwell from pure theory. It was verified by experi ment both In Europe ond America. The pressure on n square meter Is fosr tentns of a milligram for absolutely black bodies and double that for per fect reflectors. A'.Spralnefl Ankle Quickly Cnre. ' "At oa tlm I suffered from a sever sprain qf tU ankle," says Geo. B. Gary editor i)f the Guide, Washington, Va. "After wing several well recommended medicine without locoes, 1 tried Cham berlain's Palu Balm, sod am pleased Id say that relief came a soon as I began It as sod a oomplete, car speedily fol lowed Bold by T.B. Duffy ACo. t' , ' '.rrasrd murk:. -4 , , j 4)tirlng the liwqs'Hlon of it new pre engine nt lotilmrg, on tbe Kiev. Poltavn line. In liussln, an rldcfly priest mounted thv footplate and Inad vertently aot the engln in' morion.' Messages Were telegraphed along the line to keep It clear, and eventually, tbe engine cam to a atop for want of wa. ter, Th priest went mad with fright V Mr. W. 8. Waedon, Cashier 1 bf1 th first National Bank of Wintered, Iowa In recent letter gives soma eiperlesc carpenter la bis rmploy, that will be of Tain toother mechanic.' fleyn "I bad a carpenter working form who was obliged to Slop work for tnveral dayloa account of bring troubled with dls.-rlioea. I mentioned lohltn that 1 had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's folio, Cholera snd fir rboea Remedy bad cured me. lie bonghl a bodle of It from the drnpi;tlicre and Informed me that one doae cured lilm, and l .in st his work." For a!e I y F. 8, I y A to. l Pan Michel, tbe r-eefi broker to Bo rftlma, 7 owned by Dr.. McCoy of KfrkwooO, IHd, la betageotetadto the slow pacing classee. i'ii;' v Fred Brlghanv a well, known driver at Buffalo, died recently of heart fail ure. He brought out Letah S., 2:09. and Tempest (pacer), 217. U- Afto-aav abaeoae ef tan years- from the turf th Elyria mar Mambrlno Swift, 2964, lav Initskming again. She ebtamed her record as a two-year-old.. B, B. fimathers say he Is willing t& lncrea tle arnoBn ol the srager on the match between Bwalma and Lord Derby to $60,000 a aide. Mr. Lawson will not see th rise, Daniel O'DeU's fast Lamp OlrL 2:09, now being trained as a pacer at the Empire City (N. T.). track, is showing very fast in her work; Jerome McKln ney has her In hU stable, Earl King, an Unbroken two-year-old colt by StarobouL 2:07, from Gypsy Earl, 2:19. by Earl, 2:25, was recent ly sold for $1,000 nt E. H. Harrlman's Arden farms, Orange county, N. X. A report comes from Granite State park, Dover, N. II., that Thomas W. Lawson's M. and M. stake candidate, Junltorio, one of his recent purchases. Is quite sick, and it is possible she may not com to the wire this season. BRAIN-FOOD NONSENSE Another ridiculous food has been branded by the most competent author), ties. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food Is needed for brain another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nour Ish a particular part of the body, but It will sustain every other part. Yet how. ever good your food may be, its nutri ment Is destroyed by indigestion or dys pepsia. You must prepare for their ap pearance or prevent their coming by taking regular dotes of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of,the healthy millions. A few doses aid di gestion, stimulates the liver to health action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at F. 8. Duffy- Get Green's Special Almanac. rrnnes With Meat. Pruiics are excellent with meat If prepared In this way: Tut ordinary prunes In hot water and leave them In about five minutes, Just enough to swell. Drain, sprinkle with a little bit of sugar and serve dry. Need More Help. Often the over-taxed' organs of diges tion cry out for help by Dyspepsia's pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, llvei complaints, bowel disorders. Sach troubles call for prompt use of Dr. King's New Life I'llls. Tbey are gentle, thorough and guaranteed to cure. 26o at O. D. Bradham's drng store. Streets of New York. If the streets of New York city were placed end to end. they would reach from Long Island sound to San Fran cisco bay. Strikes. A little more than 28 per cent of all the Btrlkea are for higher wages, 11 per cent for higher wages and fewer hours and 11 per cent for fewer hours alone You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active energetic man with a torpid liver and you may know that bis food; or feels dull and languid after eating often bas headache and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its normal function a, renew his vitality, Im- fi rove his digestion and make him feel Ike a new man. Price 45 cents. Samples free at F. 8. Duffy Co's drug store. The Tourist Season OPENb WITH THE MONTH OF JUNE; and the Southern announce the sale of LOW BITE From All Soathera Points To th delightful Kesorts located on and reached via Its lines. THESE TICKETS BEAR FINAL LIJUT.OCT. $1, 1902. That section of North Carolina . known as I , "THE LAND OF THE SKY"' '' aad tha , '--. sAppnnac couHTfiir"! , , m . i. . . . . ' Is particularly attractive to those' In search ol mountain resorts, where the air Is ever cool and Invigorating, and where aeeomaaodaMons eaa be had either at tha aomfortsbta and well kept board ing house or th mora, axpeaslv. and up-tP)dat hotels, ... . A'obitlONAtjBTPprQOAb Placed u Bervios from, various rotnta i In PHnelnal Besorts. thus afford ina- I GHlATLY IMPROVED. TACttrTlBB ' tlina ivnlntt ' ' I Particular attention blllirected'o'1 Lb ,SOgans linilig-va. h.iw yiHj- . , ;'. eliial through tralneT" ' ) 7 '-'. ...,.(-!,.,!. ,4t J ; ') . D.ll tiaa 4,iat laMiaif ilia handaom Reanit Folder, descriptive! of the many aellehtfnl resorts, aloaffi the line Of Its rewu . I at auauvr am names ol oroprletora ol Doteia ana boardlns; houansaml nuniW ol RiieatS er tau accommooaie. vopy can pa id upon appileation to any Doatbern illway Tioket AkooC, . ,y j ' n. hakdwigk, . r; (Jmieral I'Mwnger A (rent, -vt W. A. TtJHK, 1 l-.Traillofgr, , V,'i'di '-li, I). C. i Tfatlway n i'-i p TheTinlment bottle and flannel strip are iaimliar object to nearly leverywhouaehold. They are the weapons that hove been nsed for generations to fight old Rheumatism, and are about as effective to the battle with this giant disease 03 the blunderbuss of our forefathers wouldbe to' modern warfare. ' Aa- Khentnatiam in yxditJcmof the blood. -It Is filled in tne joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing ele applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They were ideposited there by the blood andean be reached only through the blood. Rubbing- with' liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system iac,f' Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured tmfal the blood bas been (purified, and no-remedy does this so thoroughly ana promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream exhilarating: tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who write about their case, and we will send free our special 1xxk on Rheumatism and its treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. t (Agricultural and INDUSTRIAL A combination nf theory and practice, of book study and manual work in . Engineering, Agriculture, Chemistry, Electricity, mechanic Arts- and Cotton Manufacturing. Full r Special Courses (II mos.). Tuition and r 30 teachers, :1C!) students, new building at the A & M. College." t President thi: fojitii C iltOI.I.W State Normal nd Industrial College. Literary Classical Scientific Commercial Industrial Pedagogical riusical MARBLEoGRANfTE, Monuments, 7 P R. M OIF FLIT'S Trm J,1(TEETI1INC P0WDERS5iO Rar.J. W. Barrrfof ArraafM M.tSodirt OonlirtT.wTltM : ) -Saeloaad And flfttcnuforwblchplMMiiiaUmi tTOfackaawaf-TRKTBINA,' Wwoo4arb w bar raUd cblldran wttboat 1l ThoUir dir. lady In Mu aanMiiftaiapaafeaiaiidUoaoMala aaoat OpeortODa time; oor babe waalo aaeriou. condition, bla bowela bad baea In bad ooadltioa tot darl. and notbinc thai wa irara did any food; Ibe aeoond doae of "TKKTHINA" kk. anfadrelM and ha baa had no farther iraabU. Other namben ( tbe lamllf ban need It and ararj doae bai tana a parfaolaaaeaM. NOTICE. On August Ut 1002, 1 will sell at the Court House door, la New Bern, N. C. tp the highest bidder for cash, at 12 o'clock m;, the following described Botes snd mortgage: Two notes under seal dated January 21st 1887, doe respec tively on January 1st 1898 and January 1st 1890. Face value 1200,00 .cb, signed by J. F. Rawls, payable to Kddle W Rawls. Willi power of salo and foreclos ure. See book 18 page 500 and hook 38 page 037 In tho rrglstor of deeds office of rasiiico county, in. j. A, .War, BuiiTAN, IpnaUilBO! lt&U WAJCU, Attorney isttkr, ?4.fio. Front St, Opp. Hotel ChatUwka, J ' HEW BBRlf, H. 0. Craven Oountj'Attemey. ; Olrcult, Craven, Jones, Onile.w.J'Oart- sret, l"anlloo, ureene, tenotr, ;an; tne FedemlOoa i Z tr Trinity College, 0iVf?Sff'a4ate and nnfleirada aU eousses n study. Hew library fa cilities, . laboratory equipments And gymnasium.' ' Number , of - students doubled Isi i years.' ( Large smmbw of sohobtrsblps awarded amroalryv- Loans madefto wortbw stfldsnts.r.Eflfiet very iWdetatsi K'-tv For civtaloifueacul rest, .i . u ?f p. w, HiwsoM, .: laxahvb tasteless S!illto;:ic. ,nll"lna: ! la.aliva property i , . , ., han.-x-tMl aa trnM t- .t. '1. ... Vui awia) mi t 1 I At '. - with acrid, Irritatino; matter that settles ol ncn, strong blood to the affected parts, which dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. ' S. 8. S. contains nopotash or other mineral, but fa fl rwfert vprtnhl. r,, r'. r. . 1 , u IiA GItANOE, W. English, Classical, Fcientific and Commercial for hoys and young men. f-'eventy-one Boarding I'upils from evente'Il Counties and two Slates the jast year. A Military School that is not a machine: whoie kfrkcikkoy inbtkad ok mimbk.ks is SOUGHT; where rnrninn, maM.Y, iionbbt boys are wanted. A four years Preparatory (.'on rse, giving full and thomugli preparation for College or For Life. Athletics encouraged. (Jbarges reasonable. Term begins fept. 8rd. Write for illustrated catalogue. J. E. 1E UN AM, Snpl rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTyTTTTTTvTT Mechanical College, EDUCATION: Courses (4 years), Hhort Courses (2 year), room, 10 a term; hoard $8 a month. for 500. Write for booklet "A lny GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C. Session opens Feplendier lHth. Kxpenses 0( to U. fur non-residents of the feate Hi0. Faculty of : :i memhers Practice and Observation School eonneeted with the Cid'ege Correspondence invited from those desirinj,' coinpetent tea li ers and stenographers To secure board in tho dormitoriesall free tuition applications should he made before .Inly 1Mb. For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLES 0. HclVER, (lUKKNSItOlto, N ('. TUCKER BROS 310 North Front Street, Wll.MINUTON " - - N. ('. The place to buy jmir ( 'nit't-i y Work at BOTTOM I 'I !h K . Ir Foreign and Domestic, (inmite and Marble. Lettering and Finish the Best Send for latest designs. All work delivered. Branch yard, (Joldslioro, N. ('. Buck Sramoa. Ark.. Hepi. is, IWL Notice and Warning to the Descend ants of CoL Benjamin Stead man ef the Revolution ary Wars. It will be fonnd vital to ll.e het In terest of Ann Rebecca Scott and Klln both Spellings descendants of Col. Ben jamin Hteadman, or their legal helm, to forward to the undersigned by U. s mall as early aa possible, atlhlavlia sworn to before a court officer having a seal, stating the degrees of their descent from the said Bteadman and Ihe present address of all known deseendents. All of whom are hereby warned agalnal signing or empowering any one el.e lo sign any Inaliument of wrltlog. couvey Ing any iniercat in any lands owned liy thecal ale of mid Ilenjaraln Bteadman anlll after hearing from tbe noderalgnrd by letters NaMItON flBNOJ, No. 1514 Cheyenne Road, Colorado Springs Colors lo Directory of tbe Malls at tbe New Bern Post Oftlce. Mall for all points North, rV.uth snd West via A. at N. 0. It. It. and A. u Line eloee at MO a. m. Mall for all points East via A. 4 N. C R. R. close at ft:80 p. m. . Mafl for all' uoInU North and West via A, 4 st.QL k. H. eloae at 6.-00 p. m. Mall for Oriental, Manleo. Xllzabelh City ana Norfolk via Blrv Neote eloee atS'sOp, a, :. 'T -, Mall for Oriental, Mutao. Kltsabeth Olty and Norfolk via Btr.Ooraooke dose (t M P. BV ' ,'.-V, , 8tab Rot-rsa. P" ' Mall for Olympla, Orantsboro, Bay, bora Btonewall, Vaodermere aad Ortea tal dose at 8:80 a. m, ' ,v U.n n n.11.1. Mina HaAit Dhln snd Dobbt close at IfcSO a, m. : Man for Atkla, Irani, Zoi ah, Wasp ' and Vanoeboro eloee at 1:00 p. sn, . , i . Mall for Whltfordjcloae at 1:00 p. n. : - - flevbionn W. IIaxcoCK. P. M.