r KG V. The Kind Toa Hava Always Bosr1it,idUjbluui bees . in use for over 30 years, baa borae the slgnatnre ef ana nas All Counterfeits, Iiruttie-ae eat Jttrtaa-good" are bo Experiments thRfr trWe wlt aadedftaer the health eft Infants and ChlldrenH-Bxperiaaee stalest Experiment What is CAST ORIA Castoria Is a hannleiu mbftUnte for "Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops aiHl Soothing rSyrops. It is Pleasant. ' It contains neither OpiMm, Morphine bt other Nareothr substance. Its age Is its guarantee Itaestroys Worm' and allays Foverishnes It enres IMafrhoea and Wlntfc Colic It relieves Teetlilirgr Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-Tlio Mother's Friend - GENUINE C ASTCHtt ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 1M CCfTMWCt CMINM. TT WNWkf tlUnt IMHfM Wtwh S as E9 cd T. A. Ornmi, Pres. K. H. Meadow V. Pres H. M. lroTM, Caahlar. riTIZKIfN7 BAJTK, Off NSIW BIBir, KT. CJ. Doing Oeneral Banking Business March 1.M901, Surplus and Undivi ded Profits, $16,000.00. Prompt and careful attention given to all businet-a entrusted to ai. AocounU received nn favorable terms. Board of Directors. ranllniiDd Dlneb J. A. Meadows, Hsinael W. Inock Chan. U. rowter, J. w. UrstnKsr, r. w.amsllwood. B. H. Meadows, Chas. DnBr, Jr. James Rsdmoad, Mayer Hana, Thomas A. brass C. B.roT. tti-O. N . 1TOS. w. r. orooseu. Mark Disoiasy. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified ai administrator of Venus Simmons, deceased, late of Craven County, N. 0., this Is to notify all per amis having claims against the estate of I ho raid deceased to exhibit them to the tindrrnlgncd on or before (be 8th day of July, 1903, or this notice will be plead In liar of recovery. Ail persons Indebted to f nld estate will plase make Immedi ate payment, Tiios. F, McCaAThT, Administrator filly Dlh, 1903. P.W HI III HARDWARE Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors. Win dow Screens, Oil and Cook 8toves, iiangcR, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Varnish. Potty, Bath, Doors, Blinds, Ootlery and all the useful articles usually found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store, : !-r-- ; HEADQUARTERS FOR And afl Kindt ot BDILDIHG MATERIAL 0aaaamw Bent Clootls lowest Prlec. ; Under Hotel Chattawka, A Good lone ' - ... . ; 8ERTICC 18 A BOBIluTSB' .-'.C SKCK88ITT, : ',. A l BOMX - CONVKNIKNCI. A COM- "' ! .BWID m i V.'.. )' : r CS; .' ,- CJoaTcaleace, Order Your Flsone st Onal ' beenmaoannaer ma lAMilHiiumtirimt rinM irslnfniiev AlwnowM to Aeeelve you to thiav . M "RYETAB" t WHISKEY BEANS t Bomethine absolutely new and wiui which we have experimented for years. One Fean makes one glass Artificial Whiskey (Rye or Bourbon); six Beans to the pint Just the thing for travelers, and convenient for pic nics, excursions, etc Contains all the virtus of the best whiskies with out the deleterious effect. Hade from the pure veg etable matter, and guar anteed to contain no poi sonous or narootiedrugt of any description. If a beverage is not de sired, a Bean may be taken in the mouth with out water, and the most exhilerating effect will be experienced. Box of 12 Means soc. The Beans retail at 10c each, and can be procur ed from any druggist, fancy grocer, or firstclass bar. For sale on dining cars. One box sent postpaid on receipt of SO cents. GINSENG DISTILLING CO., DlsttUm af Br aad Boar boa Walakl , ST. LOTJia, HO. The Farmers & Mcrcbls BANK. Capital, Surplus and Profits UjUjf APRIL 3M, 101. What We HavegDone, Do, end Will Ceatinue to Do. This Bank conducts Its business anon "ap-to-now" ssethoda Ills our purpose to deal Justly sad llberaHrwfU aU. We carefully safeguard the Interests of oar customers, Moreover, we fre quently do It aakaown to tltsts; as op' portanltiss often oosoe tons In eon Aden tial ways, aad yon cannot orer-appestau sncn oonsiae ration. Ws ate not disposed to overlook i the fact that the Interests of the Bank i and those of the people are closely bona to- geusT, sna eansot oy any means at senarated. . This Bank sets at a reposltoryi for Wills, sad safely keeps them till; the proper time of surrender. Will alas set at the enttodlan of money or papers left with ns in escrow. Ho chsrgs for tasse services. We proems Ltttsn ofOrtdit fen In tending traveller!. . - . ' We aim to be prompt, progressiva and liberal. i la the nutter of aceenmodationa. tali Bank ssesU every, rsqntreeteat wlthtn the liaslts of prudent banking. - u yon nave never neea Mraunea wne ntsss patren. wtsak ton te eonstdsr the advisability of beoosalng one, ' la the earl future, wenronoss addlsMt S novel, yet substantial Havings Bank feats re to ear alreadv pronwsslvs la- AdmlnlBtrators Notico Hsrlnf dnty anallfled si Administra tor of the estate of BeatyJ. Carowea, deceased, all persons Indebted to said et late-mo reqaaaiM e make imnMdlate Dsvpamt. Andaarrand ail persons -to wnemeeM satsteleJadewtad sm request ed to present their claims to me duly verlaeJ ee or before July- Ind, lOOa r thtt aottes wiU M pleaded is dm of if- V . , , UM CAROWOK.I i, ".. Adnunkftrstor Fiftk Jidldal CoBTentloB, I The ?tk District Judicial Convention meets at the county eoarl bonis la W& mlsgtoa, New Hanover county on July Mia. 1B0I atlo-elock p. m. . B1SRT a FAI30K,! Chalrmaa. TRANS nARtCIt, , , ' ' Eccretary. .. - ' tSpsoial ConrespoBdence.) Tbs residence portion o( the White Huns is closed, and carpenters and Aecorstors ore at work on the interior of the historic old buUdlng. : All the furniture bas teen removed-from the east room, the blue room and the red room and placed in storage. In a few days the greenhouse. located west ot the, White House conservatory," will te torn dews, to make way for the builaV tag Which Is to be need as ah office for the president This building wilt be completed ! ss soon as possible, that work may begin en the conversion of 'the present offices in the White House into room lot the use of the presi dential household. The details of the changes In the Whits Bouse have not been definitely agreed upon, but the plans have been outlined by Architect McKlm, and the main features in the alterations have been made public. The basement por tion of the bouse, which Is how used only as a kitchen and laundry, is to be utltteed. A large reception room Witt be arranged on that floor, and a 'writable' entrance to the room will be 'provided at the east end of the build- tag? This entrance will be covered by S" portico and will be quite pretentious. One of the attractive features of the rsmodeled house will be a marble 'staircase to replace the eld stairway Which now leads to the offices of the president. The new stairway will ex tendfrom the reception room In the basement to the second floor. Mpleawsta Seek tke Seaskore. The Austrian embassador has taken a cottage at Bar Harbor, where be has passed the last three summers and Where be and his wife are leading members of the Washington colony. There-will bee large diplomatic con tingent at Gloucester, cottages having been leased by the Peruvian, Argen tine and Bolivian ministers and by Mr. del Vlso. The oriental diplomats both seek the seashore, the Japanese minister snd lime. Takahlra going to Cape May and Mr. and Mrs. Wu to At lantic City, of which resort both the minister snd his wife are extremely fond,; participating In all the sports, from bathing to dancing. The minis ter at least seeks a partner at the ho tel bops, Mme. Wn's tiny feet preclud ing such enjoyment , The Major's Die Baas. One of Wasblugton's noted flsuennen Is Major Dick Sylvester, the superin tendent of police for Washington and president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. The major went fishing u few days Sgo and returned wltb a fire pound black bass, which he sent to the presi dent with bis compliments. Two of the major's friends heard of bis catch and asked about It a few days later when they were Ashing st the same place. They met a country boy aud said, "Is there good fishing np beret" "Yep," replied the boy, "it's fair. Major Dick was np lost week fishing." "He caught a five pound bass, I un derstand," observed one of the party, "and gave It to the president." "I dunno no thin' about hit glvln' It 'to the president," the boy said, "but gran'pap, he caught the nth.' Soetal Searatartea Searea. Wives of the cabinet ministers, who already are preparing for next winter's Social season, report that there Is a re markable scarcity of young women tn Waahlngtoav. wber are - competent to serve as social seeretarles, In fact. there are not enough tax go halt way. around, and -tee cabtset ktdles are In despair: because they knew that the Shortage wesus a repetition of the an guish and humiliation consequent upon blunders which followed them to re. lentlesaly all during Jest season, The social secretary la an Important personage In WaiMagton sotletj. Te be sure, she Is not much in ev idence herself, bat her handiwork. Is seen sr. erywbere. The making out of the lib vltatlon lists, the mailing of accept ances or declinations snd the other routine work connect ed avlth the social seeton. lav the small end enlmportant part of toe social secretary's duties. She Is expected to be a walking ency clopedia of Informs tfcm sa fhe ms snd outs of Wsshlagton society' This la- formation she deals out to her env fcloyer as necessity requires, - , Who's at LaWlaat11 - 4 The wife of a new congressmsn Is In- Warlably careful In looking after her herqulsltes ana sometimes makes her- waif ridiculous by overreaching. A cer tain Mrs, M. O, bearing not long sgo that It wee the oastonaef the flab com- mimienit e tusxrmote nan ,t; leprei CiutWesda songrees K thep carts) te vs tnernj tstephoned to the cemmlw toa taatwhe-was tiring a dinner par ty the next day and would be much bllgtdU be would send op three large or sis small lobsters. A pouts reply to the effect that the fish eommuudoa Was not a market, but that she could pars a dosen goldfish for bsr aaua- tluni if that would la any way con tribute to the success of the feast, wae gent m reply to this request ' ' Aa Biawtrle "WfcaeL There Is a hew form of gambling g ng on la the bouse CkwkroomtU ror Mrly the members played green bark Ciktr for drinks,' but since the Instal tloo of tlx pronged electric fans even matching pennies ass become obsolete, teeb proof ef-tfce-fse le aumbered, and the plsyers eacb select a number. (be player holding the number thst 6 lis opposite tbe Upright Support of fin "buys" for tbs entire party. The game Is vmt t popular, but the witches controlling the current are Ibout worn out by tb constant turn- big on snd shutting off of the current i -' CAM. HCHOFIBLP. DISTRESSING STOXaCB DlSBASE 4 Fermaaeotly cared by the masterly power of "South Awsbicas Hsavms Tosio.1 Invalids seed suffer ao loncer, because this great remedy ess curs them all It Ira ours for tbs whole world of Itcnarh v-eakneat and In "ftest! . Tbs Wb ' t '' " t C . T" t TS r ' in - ; I , uial im. ,1 'ft ... tio niuir how long you bave su. id. your cure Is eartnta umlnr t' ne of tii! fwl bHh f.."-, , .. I 1 Vttr?S, Lj 0, IV 1.-K-. . 1 U (Trn-ivViV,1lihln "tnlif .itllTBlrtitorv of andvporceUln4VendVwho5had-n exceedipgiyTjare'and'ffaluableT Jed on iwhlclfheieet an almost fabulous price. One hot summer a slight volcanic snocK, such ss .thelBrltlshi occasionally; expe rlenceaoggedihlSihouserabout his ears and splh.hlS'PorcelsJvsero anr oJnarytmlnd'thetacddentwould have been calamitous but Aha china seller rose superior -fortune..-. Heidoubled the price ot the TurtlcloA immediately and? advertised dt as "the only Jar iln the world-which bad been cracked by aa earthquake.'' Nothing very slow about that; whether he got his money, hr not added, but certainly he deserved It The Cosaaek'a Whip. People who are unacquainted with Russia and who read of street disturb ances being suppressed by the Cos sacks with their .whips have little Idea Of .what formidable weapons these are. Made of hard leather and taperingtto fine point, they are triangular tin shape, '.and the. Cossack who aknows how to bring the edge downmponlhlB victim can. Inflict a .wound that lafnot infrequently fatal. A favorite stroke la one by which the eye and a portion of the cheek are cut Preach Beards. M. Maxlme du- Camp says In "Sou venirs Lltteralres" that after the revo lution of July, in 1830, the politics of Frenchmen were known by their beards. Supporters of Louis Philippe wore "mutton chop" whiskers, Bona partltts had mustaches and imperials. Republicans did not shave at all, ana Legitimists wore their beards like a collar, with shaved Hps and chin, Bmbarraaalasr. A Missouri editor is responsible for the assertion that at a recent church entertainment In his town the master of ceremonies made the announcement that "Miss Bates will sing, 'O That I Had an Angel's Wings That I Might Rise and Fly,' accompanied by the min ister." Chicago Chronicle. Beautiful Thoughts Th tweet, pure breath of tha babe Is M vextive of IniiocuHV ttntl health. Some cliil oren are as liftl.t innl delicate as the modest flower, siiiiii? are stutnix auiil brig-lit, sotue are frail and sickly. A mot Iter's ) L'.iriuriK for children Is Insep arable from a love of the beautiful, and It behooves every woman to briiiK the sweet est Influence to buar on the subject of her maternity. To make tmsy that period when life Is born again, j Mother's Friend Is popularly used. It Is a liniment, aslly admlnlstfred anil for external use only No risk, no experiment, merely a pain reliever and harmless. to try thU remedy, It beta undeniably a friend to her during nature1 term ot sua- Pregnant women are earnestly entreated penafs imre snu mniivtpnwuii. throue-hoat sreetation. will soften thebrertsU. m. outers m riena, jr usea vingenuy thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples. All tUsnea musclci and tendotu straining with the Durdea wlU soften, relay, become ejoeAJaSMLeapTleeUhd elastic from lU contln- Md awncatian. All I pondreadUy to the expending co tot con talir Lrwtbenbryolf Mother's Friend It ad mmlgtered (iKterctally all during piirrtancy. AUrvJbbtedtiieMtstta Ml this remedy for fl per bpttl. A really valrublsi treatise on motherhood will be sent free, If you write us. THE BRADflELD REGULATOR CO., Atlemtm, Osv, eVbree In Us itMomtnal region will re- Fitted and Suited. m 'Flt-that't tht thine. Wetlveit Our suits At and our fit suits every time. Bams with prices. It's a way we have that never fails. Make von the smartest, most stylish, perfect-fitting tuit in handsome and durable material. Variety of patterns to select from. .Ev ery garment warranted at to workman- snip ana sumo. . jF. M. Chiwlwlck, JTotice oi Summons, ltnRTR flAROl.TNA. ) In the 1 -. Craven County. J Bu period Court Butaa Bow vs : ' Timothy Bow.i ; NOTICE The defendant above named will take aotloe, that aa action at above entitled has been commenced In the Sa. perlor Court of Craven county, to ob tain a divorces vinculo matrimonii from the defendant Timothy . Bow, and the said dsfsndaat will further take- notice thst he It reoulred . to appear at the An gust term of ths Superior Court of said county to ns neia on toe 1010 nay or au trust. 1008. at the Court house in Ntw Bern, N. 0. snd answer or demur to the complaint In tald action, or the plaintiff will apply to ths court for .the relief de manded la laid complaint. , . Thlt 8rd day of July, IOCS. f Clerk Buptrlor Court.' !!::cj!';lCaBj!!Kl!ciiEy!li : The' undersigned will make you a Loan or will direct the tme of any Idle money yon may have on hand? 'Yonr security kleolulo. F,i,7v I3AA0 II. SMITH, 130I':."'o?'t., New Jm, 1 0. Run your your reflected face lit yourtruthf ul mirror. Is it such as Nature gave you in color and smoothness vjr have freckles, sunburn, tan, sallowness, etc. clouded its former flesh-tinted transparency? If so, apply .lagan's flagnoliaBalm and redeem Nature's gift. Delightfully refresh ing, and entirely free from all injurious elements. It gives a complexion that makes a lady look years younger. It is a LIQUID, easily applied and sold by druggists at 7SeV ENN-VRatL ?SLLS i A ' - Vi4flr55U iii:i .- i . KMilJ.SU llil-r. UefuM aiiJ Imlta- r :. I 4... la - ' .i: lr.i Oil. pir.r. Ho oi- Ml bf , I'll jLa.. pa. L (111.-1 BludUuM hi. F. M.Simmous, A. 1). Ward SIMilONS & WARD, ATTORNEY as1 COUNSELORS at LAW. aw BKstaa, a. c. Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of fice) South Front Street, next to Hotel Chattawka, Practice In the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co "and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. lsodge Irlrectory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights In each month In Rountree's Hall, Pollock Btreet, at 7.80 o'clock. J. J.Wolfenden, President; Geo. C. Jones, Soc'y; R. R. Hill, Financial Secretary. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 486, Improved Order Heptasophs, meets 2nd and 4tB Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Roun tree Hall. Dr. E. F. Early, Archonj John C. Scales, Financier; Geo. D. Gordner, Bocretary. CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE -AND- DAILY FREIGHT & PASSKN6SR. For All Polnta- North. Commencing Monday, February 17th the steamers ot this line are sched uled to tail from New Bern aa fol lows: The Steamer NETJSE for Oriental, Roanoke Island, FJizabeth City aad the North on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m. The Str. Ocracoke . On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Ba)ur days at 8 p. m. 1ST Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt M. K. Knrd, Gen. Mgr., H.0. HuD9iirsGen.Frt.4 Paw. Agt Norfolk, Va. New Bern, N. O, Teh. 14, 1903. ,n4 SO- YKARS' . CXPERIENCI - A . TMow MA WIS. nvstiissisi t , ( r a . a A W.fllMl.U. COWMo4MT ekO AnTonf sendtng a aketrrt smd (IvMorlntkm saf ulokty ascfrtnlii our onlnirm fro whether aq ' hiTertllorl in prohahly nmontehle. OotttrrnanrMb. itoma(rl(Tllytv.Mtlrvrirtlai, Handbook on PatesUst ant fnww Oliji aaenry fnr srnirlng uatetite ? fewutt etotese. wll huut ohanro. In Lle . i. IT"- -iaw.: - i U. v J. A han'teoineve r1tnelrt r fjufiioii tn ft" K'niimim r mia. $1 anles-a rr . four m titbe, tl, SMMUuf aWlntlee-a, 1, ? ex-' - iM ' iliauoaoui-a. as) W SUV. --'ia.n.GL CoU Headache Pewdc s ; . ! . Contain so Antlpyrl: Morphine or ofLer'lnJurtoui flmgt. They do no depress but stimulate the stomach and increase III teoretlcns. Guaranteed Cure for IIlacbe and hour Ptomach, Trice 10o. Made and sold Ijv T. "m't l'har msry, citner I'o!)"- s 1 ,' ; i P'.s. Old UominioQ Steamship To eye over A. & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLS NO. 26 To Take Effect Thursday, June 6, 1902 at 12:01 A. M., K. b T. Uoing East Boheduli: Ooing West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar, a m 3 40 Uoldsboro 11 OS 4 09 LaGrange 10 82 4 32 Kinaton 1012 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 5 60 Lv. " Ar 8 7 IS Ar. Morehead oity Lv 7 06 No. 6, Passenger Train Lv. a. H, 8 00 8 18 820 8 87 8 48 9 02 9 18 9 30 No. , Passenger Train. IDAIliY. ... Golds boro... Best's . . . LaGrange. . . .Falling Oreek. ....Klnston.... Gaawell Dover .... Ar. P.M. 880 808 7 67 7 47 7 37 725 7 17 .Core Creek 7 00 9 44..., . .Tuscarora 6 60 9 48 Ciarks 6 42 10 00 Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 80 10 30 Riverdale 5 47 10 83 Croatan 6 48 10 45 Havelock 5 35 10 58 Newport 5 21 1104 Wildwood SIS 11 30. . . . Ar Morehead Oity Lv. . . . 5 06 A. U. r. m. No. 211 DAILY Ko.212 2d Class. Except Friday 2d Class Lv.i'.M. and Sunday. Ar.p.M. 4 30 Goldsboro S 00 4 53 Best's 2 86 5 03 LaGrange 214 railing Ureek 1 51 5 27 Kinston 1 28 Caswell 12 88 4 57 Dover 12 23 0 04 Core Creek 1168 0 1 Tuscarora 11 40 Clark's 11 81 . .Nense Crossing 11 20 8 40. P. u. . Ar. New Bern, Lv. 10 00 A. U. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. 2. 2d Class. HCNDAY Id Class Lv. a m Ar, p m 600 Uoldsboro 6 88 6 81 Best's 4 68 7 00 LaGrange 4 28 7 IS Falling Oreek 8 45 8 80 Kinston . 88 8 40 osswell 2 28 942 Dover '.. 819 10 07 core oreek 1 10 10 32 Tuscarora 12 48 10 62 dark's 12 40 11 25 Ar. New Bern,Lv IS It- No. 9,t I I No. 10 Mx'd Ft. and mtloin: Mxt Ft. aad PasaTa. Pats, Tn. r. X. a. tf. 1 80 Lv. New Bern Ar 1047 212 IUverdeie; 1010 2 20 Croatan 1000 80S Havelock 140 8 84 Newport. Lv 906 8 47 Wildwood 8 47 8 62 AUantlo 8 18 4 08 . . Ar. Morehead Oity, Lv IM 428 ...Ar. M. OUy Depot, Lv 760 r. a. a.m. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday. (Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday, B.L. DILL, a a. newland, o. p. a. Master Transportation. ATLANTIC A N. 0. RAILROAD CO., Transportation Departatens. REGULAR 8UIDAY TRAIH3 or Morehead City for the Beaton Is tablished. In effect, Sunday, j May 11th, 100S. , ' Ths following low ratss of tars- on these trains will apply, good for one day, !-. T3 A Ul . 1 'I i TBI ;IWUIItti"lfc'..';'v,l'Vj , Goldsboro, j $1,28 , New Bern, t , Kiuston, .80 Blverdale, Caswell, ,80 Oroatan, 1 Dover, . .18 'HavetocM, flora Oreek, ., .10 - Newport) Tuscarora, w M .WUdwoed, ,, Olark'a (Conductor will collect) Mr .46 JU jm .66 ' IVFor tcbednla see regnlar A. A K. a time table, trains 8 and A '. ( -v : , -. y:-oiv B. I DILL,' '1 7 y -i Qaneral Snpermtsadtni, IMT.l?elletler,s ... ATTOSNST AT LAW ;H , , Slddls Street, Lawyers rlek 111 lr'-lln la V l..r.-!,, .' .f..; iL ab -u n ' l lino. V.t 4 L VWD ' UNIVERSITY Of ZNjorth Carolina. Ai'ttth'itiic Drparlmeut Ittw, ItfU'Ine, liriBacy. One hundred and cightj scholarships. Free tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons. Loons for the needy, 563 Students. 54 Instructors. New Dormitories, Water Works, Cen tral Heating System. Fall term begins September R, 190?. Address, F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY Ufiiversity of Norll Carolina.. NINE INSTRUCTORS. Well Equipped Laboratories, .Thorough Work. Fall term liegins September 8th 1902. Address, F. U. V KN A BL EPrest., Chapel Hill, N. C. uHavlng secured the services of ex perienced parties, I am prepared on short notice to execute Farm, City, Land and Rail Road surveying. Ditches, Streets and Roads laid out and leveled. Draughting in all Its branches. Blue and black prints made. Old maps re paired and mounted. Topographical surveying and plotting. Drawings and wokring plans executed promptly. Sew erage and drainage planned, laid out and construction superintended. J. J. Wolfenden, Hew Bern, X. C. s 127 Middle St. Columbian Insecticide, Peterman Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food and Sqre Death to Moths, Bugs, etc. Also Bromo Cloradine The disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. We keep on hand a complete stock o riedlcines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth Brushes, Ac. Physicians'.Prescriptions a' special The North Carolina Hot Springs, MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL, IIot Spring h, N. V. New ownership, New Management, house entirely made over, thoroughly modern and in every way desireable, new and modern bath house, new Casino for rainy day amusements. Do you suffer with rheumatism, gout, sciatica, nerv ousness, sleeplessness or indigestion? For these and such troubles our Hot Mineral Waters and baths are unsur- ssed in the world. In the Great Smoky ountains, grand scenery, delightful climate, 100 acres of beautiful park, mag niflcent golf links, horseback riding, mountain climbing, bowling, tennis, cro queting, and ping pong. No more de lightful summer resort in the world. Illustrated booklet Write, HOWELL COBB, Proprietor, Atlantic Coast Xilne. Wilmihgtoh & New Bebnk H. K. TIMK TABLE HO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898Daily Eicept Sunday. Going South BonaouLl: Going North No. 61, Passenger Trains "No. 60, Lv. a m, stations: 9 00 New Berne . Ar. p m, .... 640 604 4 49 4 18 182 988.. 61.. 10 02.. IS 08. 1816 . r at Nas, .. Pollocks vUle . ....Maysville. . .Jacksonville.. Wilinington, Union Depot .Ar. Wilmington; Lv, .. . IK r m No. 4. PABsnran A FsmaBT, ' Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day end Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, -Thursday and Saturday. Lv. A at Ar. r m Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 46 Scott's Hill 18 66 780... 840... 80... 1006... 1061... Woodside 12 16 Hollyrldge .. 11 40 10 61 10 20 9 45 866 880 8 06 780 686 600 mxon. Verona Jacksonville. . . . Northeast... . 11 80. 18 06. 18 80. 8165 Whiteoak. . 180 Maysville ... 816 PoUookrrine.... 888 .Dehrekl't..... 8 40 Ar. Hew aVtras, Lv. Dally Kanse. tea a day. ' X IW XCNLT, - yr.fc-.a. ueaerai stanarer J M f, TOM H0M1 USE e . e. . e ,. Oeea, pare -erfeabsoaae, guaranteed to be shesaloaUy made from distilled i waU r aad free fro as UnpariUea-" Specially la. htmded and prspered- for. aamaa con sumption. "- ' , . Ice delivered iaUyaxoept Sundays) a emtotpaw' t?.'.f tmaoays (retail oniyj i a mjn i . For prcesad otherjnf ormauoa, ' ' "iililitss, 'sUl-' . ITe'v7 Berne' Ic 3d,; IVE ileoiy Pharmacy , v.. xt toa ssts ' '