X. ) To-Days Weather THE JOURNAL; Mew Ben, N. (VInly 1. 1WS. Index tt New Advertisement. Wanted. Owen G. Dunn Non-Smut Rlbbone. . Broad Street Frnlt Co, Peechee. Simmons end Hollowell Co Special ale. Business Locals. JUST RecelTed a lot of fine Feachetat the Broad 8treet Fruit Company. Phone JUST RECEIVED A freeh lot of fine water melone and cantaloupes. They are fresh and sweet Please call before the best ones are gone. Barfle Id's Frnlt Store, Broad street. HACKBURN offers Florida Pineapples, very fine and cheap, delicious Canta loupes, every one guaranted, money re funded If yon are sot satisfied, water melons, finest In market this season. LEWIS Washington a Well Known and reliable House Mover, will be In the city for 20 or 80 days, will be glad to contract All work quickly and safely done. Will guarantee work. DEVILed Crabs at McSorley's. FAflCY BANANAS and Oranges at James B. Dawson's 103 Middle street Phone 209. NOTICE I am now permanently lo cated at the corner of Broad and Middle streets and will do all kinds of shoe work at reasonable prices. N. Arpen. NOTICE If you want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. Register. He can do It all, 178 Pollock street, New Bern, N. 0. OVER 1000 SAMPLES "Wall Paper Goods delivered in 48 hoars after order is received. G. LEWIS, At Dawson's. Phone 108. Eat Ice Cream AND Drink Limeade AT THE Broad Street Fmit Store. UhoneSS. WANTED! Fifteen good honest energetic men to work for old established firm In Eastern" Counties of North Carolina. No capital required. For particulars call on or address. W. S. MoGnKoon,. New Bern, N.C. Ice Cream Soda today at MoBor- ley's. - Closlnr Out Sale. All summer goods, lawns, organdies shirt waists, millinery, ladles and ekfld- reei Oxford ties and sandal, umbrallas fans, summer corsets, etc, marked down positively no goods charged during this sale. BARFOOT BROS, Deviled Crabs, with shells to same, Lobsters, Imported Sardines, Faacy Balmon, Chip Beef, Canned Corned Beef Potted Chickens and etc at J. R, Par ker Jr. Mineral Waters at Davis. Davis Prescription Pharmacy has the agency hen for Wilkinson's Matohless Mineral Water, It Is a fine tonie had endorsed and prescribed -by resident phyelctaae. Besides this Water; there Is also oa sale at Davie Pharmacy, Buffalo Uthla, Oerebeaa, Hangedl Jenos,. Red Raves Bpllta, etc - Ton will mis something good If you fall to read the advertisement of the Orown Bottling Works aad seed taea your orders for anything good to drink It Is eleaa and good. - Caooolatet Wo ft pound at MoBorioy Cigars to please erajy body., Prince of India, Cabanola, Ilanc'y Special, Astat tlaenaa, A. te & Bfiwn Home.' .J. it. ParkerJr CABUBITIE rf'- iMCumCcMhUGrippe y 1 MMnt 10 luce,, xonr manor ... . .SlJi J - ' . .. . CELESTIAL PYROTECEUCS. : Electric Storm ef Yesterday Does 1s 6reat Bam Bat Crates Kscit j w A thandet atom of very unusual vlo Jence visited this etty-yestorday after noon accompanied by. wind. - For aa hour the elements held people prisoners la -their houses or ' Ions and many trembled with fear because of the severi ty of the lightning." - That the electricity did not .came- serious damage Is a woo-j der for rarely hat then been such sharp lightning without -dlsasUou effecu at that of . yeeUnUy The light was awe inspiring In the exlreme. The con Una out rain of electric fin out of a aky el most as dark at night and constant and terrible reports of thunder was enough o iaake the strongest heart fearful. ' Ia tptte of the flereeneas of the storm the damage done to property was very light.' A few limbs wen blown down from trees. The ban fa the rear of South era Express office where the company's hone tad a team belonging to M. I. Jacobt ia also kept, waa a little "tonohed up" by the electrical freak of lightning waa plainly evident here, the peculiar forte struck the stable and and shivered the limbers under the eaves but then Was no other evidence of other damage not even setting on fin aa lightning so often does. John Bewoen, one of the operators at the Western IJnlon telegraph offloe n eelved a seven shock and waa- made quite sick for a time. t Stole a Sheep. Clever and quick work was done by officers Lupton and Bryan yesterday. Shortly after the storm Marshat Hargel at the City Hall' received a telephone message from Mr. Wallace Whltehurst, living on the east side of the river that a sheep had been stolen from his place. The officers were dispatched to the draw bridge and they had not proceeded on the bridge very far before tbey found the man they weielooklne; for, ereolored man, who confessed to his guilt. He had tied the sheep In a house at the fur ther end of the bridge. He said that he lived in Wilmington but didn't give bis name. AROUND AND ABOUT. The putorofSt. Mary's Free Will Baptist church requefts all the members to be present at the Conference meeting tonight. A man from Oriental showed us yes terday a musk melon 81 Inches long.and about 7 inches In circumference. It was a carious sight The residence building on Craven street, lately occupied by Mr. Geo B. Waters, and which lathe property of Mr. L. H. Cutler, Is being moved to a better position on the lot, and will be entirely remodeled. The A. G. Allen minstrels played here in their tent last night aa advertised. A very large crowd attended, and seemed to heartily enjoy the fan. The dancing and some other features of the show wen very good. Mr. J. M. Howard who was the popu lar and successful manager of the Plea ten Tobacco warehouse last earwlU run the warehouse at the old Fair grounds this season. Mr. Howard has an announcement in today'e paper which Is of Interest to tobacco grow ers. The old shack on Middle street, aaid to be the property of the Griffin school fund which Is occupied by Mr. Wm. Sul tan for a carriage house ia being propped op again. Such old buildings an not only discreditable to the city, bat an dangerous to life and Injurious to health Ia any other city bat this they would be condemned and torn down. Mr. Thoa. F. McCarthy received a alight shock during the thunder storm yesterday. He was standing in hit store admiring the storm when a bolt which followed tha electrio win into the house struck him on the shoulder and patted down hit body boning hint on the knee and foot He was rendered unconscious for short time,' - and though suffering a good deal of pal he la not seriously hart It wis a narrow etcage from death. CASVOnXA. iMHtts -. . !) fJti Yw in Mere) jayjj List of Utters ' Remaining la the Post Office at New B&a, Craven eounly, N. C. July 14. loos. '' ' . , :'. -MI'S usr. ' ' 4 B J I BrownT Willie Burden. OBoebeaCUrdy, LO Catton. Q-iCapt X. X. Goldeet. r ; H Henry B Hart; Geo Holland. ;K Zebble Kornegay. ; ;: 1 ;OIH O'Neal. X ; t ' B-MIllle Sklaaer, St. No. 84, Wm. ' T Elmer I Taloott, Frank Thomson, Askew J Thompson. ; r; . .. i W-A K Weaver, Mas Writt' :-"- j 't-r woMKa't 'urt.'!; '' Etta Borden. , tV. D Mary ? Denote, Mn B F Alton, tie, aire a w jjmom, ms. -i- -.y ' Amanda DIton. B La bertha Ivans. G-PerlieeOlbbe. 7 M iaa iiouoweik s . : ;h : M-Freasoa Vfi'?r(Z?r: P Annie Pervlt, a- n-;.- B W M Starr, KItzle . Simmons, or Blmooa,; Carrie SpTuin, ean Norah BpnilL W Maggie Wilder, . oare John Tay Persons eelllng for the above letters will please say advertised and give, data of HaW?M The regulations now nquln that one (1 ' cent shall be collected on the delivery Of etch advert! ted letter. '." - 8. W, lTjjrcoct,r. II. STILL LI LEAGUE. " ' Althoagh Raleigh newspapers1 Say Only ; K-JIwt Club UatTte..-'r?; ' The'New Ben Athistlc ' Association, the - New Ben base baU. team and the New Ben people are , entertained over the Raleigh reports, which say that the North Carolina bate bait league now coniitts of only two clubs, Raleigh and Greentbomtmff!; The fact that New Ben to not playing ball today, does not put the club out of the league. President Basbee't schedule called for Durham hen Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, but that club hav ing dropped oat, leaves New Ben With out anything to do until Greensboro comet tomorrow, at per schedule. The Balelgh newspaper may think New Ben ia out, the. tame as they nave been publishing accounts of Devlin and other players having Joined the Newark N.J. dub, when these players are still memberi of the New Ben team and an here, : New Ben to In the league, and will be until the end. The two dab league is Raleigh fiction. Card of Thanks. I wish through the Joubkal to thank the many friends who Save been to kind to me during my accident and I desire them all to know that I deeply appreci ate all their acta of sympathy. New. Bern to the beat place it hat: been my lot to play In and I Sincerely hope for the highest success for you Ul. Tours tnly, . A. D. Cbawlbt. A Dance. There will bt a dance given compli mentary to the visiting young ladies, The danoe will take place in Lowthrop hall Friday evening and will be a fine social event A large number from Morehead and other towns Is expected. New Bern string band will furnish the music PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Qulddlet Is visiting friends In Pamlico. Mr, W. T. Caho of Bayboro, was In town yesterday. Mr. C. D Bradham has gone to Greene boro to the convention. Mrs. Stewart Callaway and 'Son an visiting friends In Oriental. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Griffin of Oriental, Were visitors In town yesterday. Mrs. W. R. Gulon is visiting her mother, Mrs. Amy Dall, at Snow Hill, N. C. Mr. G. N. Ennett nturned yesterday from a visit to Huntersvllle, and Char lotte, N. C. Messn. A. D- Ward. Henry R, Bryan, Jr., and B. A. Nunn, left hen yeeterday for Greensboro, to attend the conven tion. Mr. A. D. Crawley who so ably filled the left field for the New Ben ball team will leave today for Enoxvllle, Tenn. Mln Walker, of Winston, N. C, who hat been visiting Mlu Mettle Rountree of this city, returned to her home yes terday. Miss Alice Spioer who haa been visit ing Mils Leila Btyron fer several weeks returned to her home In Goldsboro yee terday. Editor O. L. Btevens left yesterday af- ternooa at 6.80 on his way to attend the State Democratic convention at Greens boro today. Messrs. L. B. . Mldyette and H. L. Glbba of Oriental, passed through this city yeeterday en route to the conven tion at Greensboro today. Rev. A. E. Rouse, of Mt Olive passed through New Ben yesterday en route to Jocee Bay when he will conduct re vival meeting! for a few days. Rev. B, L Corbett left yesterday on the steamer Ocraooka, for Oriental when he will accept- the position as pastor of the Free Will Baptist church there. BartbotBros , Closing oat tale, all summer goods lawns that were 8 and lOe, now Be, 15c lawns 10c and 85c lawnt 15c yard. Baby capi half price, all millinery at one third and a half off. Boys and girls white dock caps 18c- . ' ' ... - BARFOOT BROS. b ' c Fresh Grape-Nut. Postum Cereal, Saratoga Chlpe and Oat Flakee at J. B. Parker, JrVf t JACOBS Raleigh Rye Whiskey la the f vu 1 .. . - v ' '-,.. - Crown Bottling works has nometljtng elegant la chocolate soda, orange phos phate aad ginger ale. - Bead their ad. Phone 100. Lee J, Taylor, proprietor, ' Order a bos 6fS dot bottles ofoor Vienna. Cabinet Lager Beer for net in roar family. Hofbraa Export Beer to the finest Beer In the world,- told by Crown Bottling Works, ten J. Taylor Prop. '. raone toa. - & Be - Be - , a oot Oct I C Co-t. Caret r z s f i.ac. ( i- tjt -- iil. llili v ter A t, ... . A-4s Sold o..'y by nAr"""l"3 l.'.M' ""ACY, Ir -in. i. ' . Thef rariSateWy to thfPaJmwifr. Jrt'f.lrmtrjr Celebration of i4: - Historic Event 1 W Ociijv' 3-cm soon. f::T The four gateways to Roanoke Islanl, when it It proposed to Celebrate la ap propriate form the historic events con nected with Sir Walter Rslelg Vt efforts at colonization more than four hundred years ago are, Elizabeth City;' Edenton , Washington and New Bern. From tome one of these in onr State each visitor must embark for the Island. And, for tunately these towns afford ample facil ities, so that there need be no monopoly at any one ef them though It Is aald that already then is manifest a disposi tion to want to 'monopolize the "way," bat happily then is no opportunity for such a plan, as each of these fine towns has advantages to offer, once the celebra tion to under way. The enterprise of Elizabeth City will no doubt see to it that commodious steamers make dally trips to and from the Island, and the hospitality of that goodly town will be equal to any de mands made upon it. Col. Croecy, that dear old father in newspaperdom will vouch for his city. Certainly no less will be expected of historic old Edenton; the town itself. with its traditions, buildings and people all associated with the early history of the Old North State, will find that hun dreds of visitors will make that delight ful town a gateway to the celebration. They will provide jaunty, spick and span steamers to transport the throngs who will journey their way. Both towns will show to the world the beauties of the Albemarle Sound. Those visitors who make Washington, Beaufort Co., their gateway, will ex plore Pamlico river and Pamlico sound. Buch steamers as the wideawake Wash. Ingtoaians will provide, will be sure to please the public This promises to be one of the busiest of the "ways", as her railway facilities are good and her su perb passenger steamers will have many landings to make down the riyer. New Bern, that beautiful town at the confluence of the Neuae and Trent rivers will also be one of the popular '.'ways" for visitors to the Island. She already has a line of comfortable steamers which make regular landings at "Skyoo" the port of entry to our historic Island. But these will be added to and the old steam ers painted and scrubbed and made as bright as a dollar for the great event. These New Bern boats will explore the whole length of Pamlico sound In finding the meooa of Its visitors; in fact, each of these interesting eastern towns has advantages peculiar to Itself, and the enterprise of each may be depended upon for making the most of Its special fee- tares, regardless of Its neighbors. Among the advantages which the FOR THE it H e Offer ROANOKE ISLAND. mm v -'iVv V".' - : - hlornig ' Thatwill be .of Special Interest po; thethrltty 1 ho Rneniat Valna in LONO l!I)Tlt : ' - " v f,;v?-jC-.f??f TOO, . . nin" These are ahort pieces ?-. by the piece only and are S AT GREATLY ;. ; ;; Bpeciai pnees in liigii-uraue viuihih in snmuaiie. j , j Tbce small sizes are left on oar hands, and prices are ', ; ; r way down to close..,; j; ..' .i'-: A'k' 4' ; ; t ' 1:. ' . " ' ' : -: r.-... ' 4, '. 7 sound region will reap from the celebra tion, will be In 'creating a' tUmulus' to the banding of the great Inland h water way from Wilmington to New Tork.i by the U. S. Government I This would ! af ford an Inland, or land protected water way for moving either the nary of com merce between the points Indicated, and would be Of incalcuable valae. to our country In time of war with any foreign power; or when storms rage In the open It might also bring about the finishing of tome of the projected Knee of railroad in that region, at well at , itlmnlate the opening of' other steamboat lines. It would bring a the attention of the World; the great advantage of toil for profitable bracking; of the. water for profitable fishing and of the forest for profitable . lumbering. The cheapness and ease with which H'e may be sus tained In that region will be sure to at tract the attention of the home seeker, and the possibilities above enumerated will attract the Investor, the farmer, the fisherman, the lumbermen and the ow ner of fruita, vegetables and fish. These are, briefly, some of the advantage! to be gained by the residents of the sound nglon from the proposed celebration. Then is some confusion among our people in regard to the "exposition" feature It will not be an exposition in the ordinary sense, at all. In the build lng called a museum will be shown his toric objects, replicas of Incidents and events in the history of the colonies planted there, and pageants of the tame character will be shown in the open air. Then will also be In the museum, cos. tumes, arms, wares, etc of the time; on the shores of Roanoke Island there will be a camp of Indians In tepees, engaged In the ordinary occupations of Indians making baskets, blankets, bows and ar rows end the like, just as wen found four hundred years ago by Amanas and Barlowe. These will be studied and pre pared to form that part of the celebra tion which will appeal to the eye; while a great literary feast will be spread dally before the visitor, consisting of lectures, ontlons, sketches, etc These features show at a glance the character of the celebration and will, by their novelty, prove of great Interest to all visitors. We are still selling meat 1st ltfc per pound, not. 20c aa reported. Oaks Mar ket. School ot Music Mrs. Emma H. Powell and Miss Eliza belli Burma will open a school of music at their studio on New street near the Presbyterian churchy on Monday Sep tember 8, 1903. In addition to lessons on piano and violin special Instructions will be given in theory, sight playing, sight reading, history of music and harmony. Pupils desiring to enter may make application at 100 Broad street. Mtsa Burma Is a recent graduate of music at Converse College, Spartan bar;, 8.0. WEEK Com- Home Npeclal 8c: n. . l'rom 4 to li tarda and are'? aTnt jregnl prloea.,"',''" .:-; " ; - ' REDUCED WUCE8. 1 f 1 1 "! V - ) J oMHiif Plii rn rr ar o ife. sir UUL-JUllb IKS We have Knocked the Profits oft of the following: Y d A ff T7" n a(... t o rr 3.00 Hawes 2.50 Knox 2.00 Straw Hats 1.50 A few Grawiord Low Quarters left, T your choice now tor $3.00. Hanan Patent Vici Oxtords, $4.50 4 Hanan Vici Oxiords, $4.00. J Just a tew Choice Trousers left in $5 and $6 dualities. The $6 ones now $5, the $5 ones now $4. All $15 Lined Suits now $12.50 All $12 " ' 10.00 All $10 ' 4 41 8.00 All $8 and $8.50 Suits now 0.50 j The Above Prices are Strictly Cash. Tou IiONe Money ii you tail to take 4 advantage oi these j. G. "Dunn & Co.,X "rH"Aavm'ea IIaw'u IValUM iimvit Bt mm m nwwy rv n w. aj at 9 57 sPollocQr Street. O (oood Gentlemen. You do not. mind conlessing that you like Nice things. Good Shirts, Nice Handkerchiefs Comfortable Hose, Sensible Underwear, Correct Collnr and Cnfii, We have all these we believe are Lower Drop in any day. 99 Middle Street h Wire Screens, Door find Window Screens, Lawn Mowers, ream Freezers, Ice Shavers. , A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnisli, Enamels in flokl, Silver and Allnmintun. ; A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, Improved. r, Our goods as represented, PRICES THE LOWEST. ;-; Give ts yonr orders;' " f HOUR 1411?.:- 78 MiDDie Ht NEW HKrTH, M. 0 -Wk K- rJf,f,.M A 7-r-V. y ' JS.L ,1 AT DAVIS' PHARMACY, J ' J ;E.f1IAUEu3;t The Old Reliable Shoe Maker on Middle 8tret haa pleased the people toe year with hit work. Caa exoell all othera In the biulnwi In thli city. . The repairing of Lailiet ulinoi a upwlnlly, . . . ' 1301 insDrs ETKHZT. ' ' : . 0 i n " 2,50, ' 2.O0, prices. Pretty Ties, nnn ii i I ii.. i i it ill, i Stylish Hats & Suits, things and our prices than elsewhere. Our time is yours. mith's Qaskill Hardware Co. For Railroad Hen. We kave added to onr tioek of watches taat will ataad railroad inapec tlon, each at The Vanguard, Oreeoent, Street, P. XZ a rtlrtv and Deaber Ram den, and sen them rerj eaear v' . We are alao eq tipped to do -repairing la's maaaer to pleaaa tbe inoet aiaetlog An Ilgln, or , Wattham, or aof leading make tbonld not vary .over a mlnaie a week, If yourt tar Ire more It Is oat ot . order, we will repair Mo giro , yoo s new one o' tame make. . fC; .n'i..?.:rfAO. BAXTER, . For Roaches aad Water tntu , ', If yon are troubled with roaehea and water bnga, try oar". Roach Paate. We guarantee It to give tatlafaetlon and r fund tbe money It It doet Dot. Price tBo, . Davis rhannary, .' ..- ,: