..-flv TfOL, XX-NO. 108 r XI? IXU, R. C, TDESDAT M0SXIK3,' AUGUST' 5,' 1902, 3- 7, 'j!iV TWENTY-FIRST VKAi; .it - r - in- w juA.;jiA.uujuii.ieus Midsummer vwa vMWWvauvasi avwssa IW assttrajBawajS7 VUI ffUUIW VU yWHM Itanvaas) KJ giving ntajiberal share of their patronage. .N n 't ' - We try hard to keep our stock up to the hum and lulled tothe A mints of our Sumy friends. Our gtore Aid time Is at your disposal j ' f WK GUARANTEE QUALITY ASP PEICES. No Such' Values to be offered agam in the near future. ' -. y i White Good Bale at 1-3 Tain. . O t w f nniviyjuinwi Him luuuwug prtvw; OC - Tt 1A.1- .L iL 70 TeUUVXU w, . 12 Dotted 8wt e.-.r- " V 40. rt - WYn. .... !,. 40c " f. ' lM' 1 ' -Mercerized Open' Work for Waists, that sold for 40e yard, lo clout Plquss Heavy Cord, good values at 40c, this sale Mo. ! f ; " fn Uce Stripe White Uwns to go at 7c and 10c A , fl Colored Lawns, navy and red, 'M out at 7c. .JWAU figured L J&mxraKWn VslrM IKbloae oat ss llfc. 7 rS2 mf W Fancy " ilk and Linen Qause that n anu we inmraingsTO maicnat cost For Balance of this week are : Men's $3.00 ftnd $3.50 Tan Shoes at $1.00 Dadies 2.60 " 3.00 1.00 Ladies Summer Corsets at 10c Many other things will also go at A BIG REDUCTION including Colored Lawns, Dimities, etc. ryCastomera paying aoconnta before August lit can vote their cash register checks tot the trumpet. .. . - J. J. BAXTER IF YOU WANT THE BEST PRICES, The BEST Stables, The BEST -Facilities BRING YO0B TOBACCO : TO THE a mi f 1 iwi s-r ww Ui vi lSkJ lOWfU i; We promise our best efforts in behalf ol the Farmers. , C. H. RICHMOND, Auctioneer. i&eiy ttolt; 1 M j;,. . ' 'j w S irfajsm- - sT sr - jv - - I' ' v. sprlag or whatever we use la repalrlag ?, '' - ; Is earerally eiamlaed. Most be of Ue r - best and sund the test. We enjoy a V5? repatatlon for skill and relUWllty, sad " endeavor to sustain It, All branches of ... carriage and wagon painting are done " by ns la the most thorough manner, and " ; !; at lowest pries AU work .warranted. -Balurfaetlon assnred. -f. --;-v- .,H -yx)( W Broad 6t, , Maw Baa, JT, O'' VFoy: &:Wood Co:, X,..-;1-?-Pn,ctlcl Tinners i,V , 44 ?lwlr.' ';" . .' Tobacco Flues, Btore ripe, and Kooni:rtV-VV1V ; ' We make a speciaHyol Hot Air Heating, and Steol CeiJlug. ' Ton will CM us at you, lou wiu a -r Clearing Sale ! . . j V" 1 4AI. i'e. few pieces that sell for lire, to Close r-9- v. sold for 80c to' close out at Kti XT- ' i i f Farmera Warehouse. t - rf - Best Machine Ilade I nrmcf Vrwti svifVUI .ji' iVyti 1T 11 o n i Wu;.is;iipD, .'i(ir-:,;.7',ojTicii " I .- p,-,; . Com. Soora'ratnnt'aAjioocsSrs, Ul litJ U4 Ww.J Drinli Lfc::;!3 I AT TBI , 'A ! tvj r't r-'t f'-T r ; L..i t, j. . Vhone 83. l.;-:rsl ,.:;; ttr-v: Davis' IV c; "on V v 1 V Sf".nry kd l;i V,'' 's ' ilnJV 'er. lib a f!.ie t- ) tS ntltirw-d an1 r- " - 1 r ' 5 1 ' ' I t ' ' -, ' a ! I '' :. ' . ; ' . : "'! 'I . 111 I p TELEUtiPBC BREVITIES. Fetroletas ass bean dlseoverad near Rosas, Sag at a depth M: 8S0 feet The well's capacity b aUty barrels aTIay, - , v ' John Hardy, a colored man. of 5 Char lotte, H, Posset sa awful death st a street crossing ol the Southern railway urday , rilght. Hardy . attempted to eross taa track la front of an engine' sad was caught and his body almost; ut In two. i.,l'I.kti- w-.- MordM sight borgnlar who at tempted to enter the tesldeace 4 of Mr. Oscar Pearssll u WUmlngton.S. 0. was shot and probaWj fktajpy wounded by a young whIU (sum , aanWl .'Rogrt who Uves on the premises. . The first bate of cotton from this sea son's crop reoelvedat; CMrlMtoa, was tkM 916X11', 'fX,'-lanMid;''lor fltWBbi'elaiia 'aal'jti Qold Is ssld to nave been discovered la Maxloo, X. Y.,wak according toramot yields $40 to the ton. ' ; , . The delay la aamlng 'an apostolic dale gate to MaaQa is due to taa desire of the Vatleaa. to please the authorities at Washlagtoa.by sending aa American prelate, aad be Vatleaa Is now awaiting lettars froaTUM United States. William J. Bryan positively asserts that be will aot be a candidate for the presidency again, sad In a speech the other day declared himself too Demo cratic to covet aa ambition that oalya few la one generation could share. King Edward Is firmly resolved to be crpwnedejut ourdsjr, area If be Is compelled to be carried sp the wave of Westmiaenr Abbya a litter. The King is sanoyedwtth superstitious fears and every little mishap Is construed to be an Ol omen, and the doctors declare that no neraauent Improvement of health will take place astll the coronation Is over and his mind Becomes at rest A new epttoa bog ass made Its appear la Mississippi sad Is said to be doing snaca damage. The planters are greatly alarmed for the safety of the eot toa crop If the bogs are aot destroyed. The chaplains of the army' arc very much displeased with the simple uni form prescribed by the rules of the De partment, aad demand that their uni forms be decorated with gold lace and other vain fripperies, . Samuel Taylor who was once a promi nent aad prosperous merchaat of Balls bury, . (X, suicided by shooting himself Satardsy at Charlotte. James Baker, a switchman, attempted saldde la the meaner la the same city sad oa the day. Baker win dw. The collieries st Shenandoah, Pa started work Monday under military pro taction. While on his wsv to deliver a leotare at the Urbane Chantaqua in Ohio, Qapt Richmond P.Bobsoa agala distinguish ed himself by" gallantly ssalstlng some ladles who were viotlma"oTu eleotrlc railway wreck. Bobsoai also betag la taa wreck. The seddeat was caused by a derailment No eeriojajurke re- sal tea. Miss Nell Campbell crVWoage, was artested Saturday oa the charge of starv lagaalafaat. It bj alleged (hat she coa- daoted A baby farm aad that no lass than eight tarsals committed to her care have been starred to death, v ASTORIA 'or aiaaU aad CUMre UChJ Yd Cin aC Et . Beare the rrescriptUu tttana', Carls' Prescrlptloa .Phsracy makes aapeotahy of prescrtptloaa. Prompt aad careful atteatloa la glrea. them. Only swbaatlnrfsye ased. The priop ajs asoaV,.J md years there to oe auea. . - v ., -,i ,s Dont faQ to try oar. 40 asat Tea, U Is a goer aad pleases them all at J. R. Par ker Jr. : , - BRADBAM'B UVJtU and STOMACH PI(.L8 are pa rely vegetable and can be given to very old people and children. SI lid la actios, tUelr tffoct b far-reach- ing." Nd 'psta ''or d;oomfort follows their' 'ate, ,, .Tfcpy here been called "Health's. Ilouskeepers," which b quite true. Does your liver hurt you t Better try tLu ,e p:"s. Price 25c at BHADHAM'B PHAUACT. - - ' Onr l""T- ' l-. tacr ' - r-r IWeriug, li ' o r r s rofl's to 1 e j- ro ! "vr ti n ' t i " s j l.i f.:s c ( . I oJT-' r,l l r ). I acccs s for de- a on t' e 1 proirji'y . ' s erer X V.'orks ' n ami r t I i i t Minn r:.::ira; Will bc Tackled ry the jCorporatloB ConunissloB. ' ' New Metlre Power Per the A. X, College. ' Parmcrs' XasUtate Arranged; For. State Elee- ' tlea Beard Meets. Char . ter Graated The Ent-i ' " sire Hardware Co 1 1 '" ' .:eWillUiaa ":;teav;i . , Bauioii, Aug. 4-Ths State election board met today, to select the. oouaty. boards.', All Its members save chslrman Donghton arrived yesterday. Il was stated thai he was sick and Would not be able to attend. . . The corporation commlulon Is wrest ling with the taiatloa problem. Its an nas report b now In preparation. Chair McNeill Will go Into the question fully. ; The taxes now do not meet the State's needs. The failure to do so last year aad this year b so great that the total Is f4B8,000. There is a quite prevalent' opinion that a revision of the system of tszatlon In thb State Is Mr. Charles 0. Letts, who was struck by a street car In New York and b suf fering from concussion ot the brsln, has been brought here. He stood the trip quite well and sat up in bed a little while today. ' It b decided to put in 150 horse-power boltera at the Agricultural and Mechani cal college. These will beat the building and furnish power for the dynamos In the textile building. There will not be enough dynamos st the opening Septem ber 1 to operate all the machinery, but It b hoped to Install enough dynamos a lit tle later to do this. As has been stated the textile machinery was not operated at all last term, for lack of power. The slate roof Is now being put On Watauga haU, the new dormitory, which Is for 180 students. Private Secretary Pearssll hss re- tamed from a brief vbtt to hb kinsman Dr. Murphy, the superintendent of the Western hospital for the Insane, at Morganton, aad says that the exterior work on the Immense new building Is about completed. A charter was granted today to the Empire Hardware Co., of Wllllamston, capital 135,000. Commissioner of Agriculture Patter son today arranged for a series of 7 farm srs Institutes In the Piedmont section, beginning Aug. 14. Later he will ar range for another series. These will be conducted by-Mmself B. W. KUgore, W P. Massey and pr. Talt Butler. All Were Sired. "Por years I suffered such untold mi sery froavBronchltb," writes J H John ston, of Broaghtoa, Oa, "that often 1 was unable to work. Then, when every thing else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Ooasomp tlon. My wife suffered Intensely from Asthma, till It cured her, and all our ex perience goes to show It b the teal Croup medicine la the world.- A trial wffl eoavtaee yoa It's, unrivaled for Throat aad Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 90s snd 11.09, Trial bottles free atCD.Bradham's. There are No Flies on thrOaks Market, Cigars to please everybody.' Prince of India, Oabeaola, Haaey Special, Aaat Haaaah, A. to Z. Down Home., J. u. Parker Jr. : J . Freeh Grape-Nuts, Post urn. Cereal, Saratoga Chips And Oat Flakes at J. R. AM-KoUb stttl gaining popalarlty wlthaU who try It U lo good .for aervoasaesa aad headache. Bottled' by the Crows Bottling Works and sold for oOcU per bra, tdos bottles. Lee J Taylor Prop ,. Corner Qneea aad Bora streets, Paoae 10V ,Z;Lf -w!i x 'i , Ore ate Phosphate, Belfast Q lager Ale Cream Chocolata, Lesson Soar, fbraa parUa, Strawberry, Afrt-Kob, are oaly a few of the many delicious and ' refresh leg drinks bottled by the ' Crown Bot tllng Worka Lee J, Taylor, Prop.; Cor Queen aad Bern streets, Phone 100. ', For Roaches and Water Bura. 7 If yoa are troubled with roaches and water bogs, try our Roach Pas la. We guarantee It to give satisfaction and re fund the money If It does not Prloe 83c Davis Pbarmsey. t , 1 : r JACOCy Ralctgh RyolWhlskey b .the best. Kiddle street Horbrsu and Vienna Cabinet Beer sold by on, Is tlis Uncut beer In the world. Ilo'iirsa l'cnr Is bottled st ll.e brewery, Vlnnns Ciiliinot Is bottled by t'io Crown Bottling Woiln. - Lee J Tsylor, l i Corner Quern and Irn streets. Miontv Pure weet are the Skin, 5calp and nair 01 imams Kunnea .V.uiaadBoaatlfledhy ,- IONS bss) Oonauas Soap, as- elsted by Ou'riuunA Onmmrr, for preserving, nurliying, and beautuy ing the skin, for cleansing the scalp, and the stopping of AUlfiig hate, for softening, wUtening, aad soothing red, rough, and som hands, for baby rashes, itcMngs, and ohiftnfs, and foe all purposes ol the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women ue CtmouBA Soap in baths tor annoying Irritations and Inflammations, for too free or offensiva peopiratkm, in wssbee for nlceranvo wesrnseses, ana tot many san atire, antlseptio purposes whioh readily 1 10' Complete Treatment, 81. Cunorra Soar (Me.), to elwuue the skin of enutt and seale. ana soften the thickened cuticle, ctmoou OnmaxT (OOcv to ln ManUr allay itching and Inflammation, and soothe aad heal, and Odticoba BasoLTani 1'ills (sue.), to cool and cleanse the blood. OtmemtA. RnaoLTiii Pius (Ohoeolate 0(tod) ur. a maw, uatelw, odartoM, mowmu. led nilwUtuUfor the l.bratod lianld Cuticuu Emcctvut, m wtil u for 1 otbr blood pniiflem dhnmrMM. Ia ttnm-tmg Ttata, ooahUo. nifMdoaM,prteitte. SdS Sim1 Oh nrii. BrSkk Dnoti ClmmlKiM. S... Lomdm Timch Dqoli Rd. rvTTB. iflpra . e uo . r., h. .U.S. A. "AnkMliiSkli.hea. Cotton Bagging and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive 8,500 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 8,500 bundles Cotton Ties. Send us, roar orders. Prices are the lowest. J. E. Isatthani eft Co. To the Democratic Voters of Cra ven County: I hereby announoe that I am Candidate for the Office of Sheriff of Craven County, subject of course to the Democratic Primaries to be held Sept 8rd. J. W. Btddle. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County: l respectfully announce that 1 am a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven eoanty, sub Ject to the eotloa of the Democracy of my eoaaty desire to express my sin earC' thanks tor the generous support given my candidacy heretofore. ' ir7tVTrrl, " . WMSWatsoh. ,-i .t-....i. .. .. - EC.D.&O.D.Une, TheNorta rth Carolina. Car Berrio iT has notified ma that lU w soclatloa for storage -charges ige -ehargae at New Bera has bees, tasrjeadedk 'There will therefore U. ;ao'.chargea' 'iAde lor storsg pa rreihrarrlvbg by thb line, f.r ( - 4- N0I0-II 'yotl'nrant' yoitr house moved, raised or, repaired, call on J. M. Register. ' lie can do It all, 178 Pellock street, NowlJorn, K OyV. -' " ' R. fe 'Te a ("4 ' o ! C. U--'X Cared. ! 3 and 9 hull: Spanish h Ji It Mackerel This Year's Catch, Juat Itecelved. Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Butter only 30c lb. New Bbi. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Small Pig Hams and Breakfast Strips, English Cured Shoulders and California flams. i Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onionr, : Grape Not. ' ;' - Mason's Fruit jars and Jar Robbers. : ' Potted and Canned' Meats. ' Hoinz'p Pickles. , '.' , Fancy Fresh Elgin 'Batter -80c lb. ' r j. i mm. p 'Phone Ol. 71 Bread HU j few of our many Puzzelers I FOB CASH and Only for a Limited Time. Chipped Beef, s, at 10 cents per can, Veal Loaf, at 10 cents per can. Ham Loaf, at 10c per can. A Good Grated Pineapple, at 14c per can. California Lemon Cling Peaches, at 18c per can. Fox River Print Butter, at 30c lb. Splendid Asst. Fancy Cakes, at 15c 11). A Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb, or 6 lbs for 50c. A Good Rio Green Coffee at 9c lb. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Br oad. St Grocer. Phone 137 Farmers LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ind Bring your Tobacco to the Planters Warehouse JTEW BEBN, IT. C, which is always the plaeo TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOB IT. Opening Sale August 1st. Best accommodations guaranteed. E. J. HESTEE, Proprietor. I CLEANLINESS, I QUALITY, II I PERFECTION j li t lit ifllt Our drmks can only be the s tracts and othee Ingredienta of to make hem perfection, i t I s ; ' in.iAm ,ij.V.Mniitiinni Rntaniifln Prlnninlea and 0,. . ou v. vw mm.n .m. f . x , with the Very Latret Improred Maclilnery. , ' ' "'TrM'of 6ni ' good! wffl make you a permanent trasto- J WCgi tfnfm:i ,y t M J TI H: il CROWN BOntinfiiWORKS, XdM' '' . 1 O, ur tttttt ttttttt. ... f.tt.atat.fV, Typfi i-.t . ,-, . i . (,r;( vx Pare r. Wholesale) eft Retail Grocer, Cnn Bl Ink Best When the Best of Kx- the Highest Quality i are. nam hn : IS a aarmtwe uhwju - r -tr t for removing Boajwt, rreoajes, ra aadlmprovtag the oomplexlov,t7hea spplled It k tntklbie and eaaaotbe washed olt' The dark Hue srooad the aeok,( eaussd ky wearing, tight ,titng . oollars) b removed by Cressa of Kosls. intu at mtADHAirB PQ1.RU AOT.. " Celery EKhdhrfNwSef - ' 'TLils aot any better remedy for hf ''-he than - these powders.: ; They never fall U relieve. Hade and sold Only - at DsTls'.rrescriptlon ITisrmscy.

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