t a -' ft v ; tt f t It lt - H. ! To-Dny'o Vc; II ::r ...-4 r" f.WB.-JppRNAL. N . fey Barn. K C Aig. t,,l08. i . b4ex tt Kev AlTertlieneitt. u!i 1 Wanted.' ilii -Rhitlr. . &&D,tOkDi Lbi Q. N. Iras ft 8on-PMchM, J " Broad Bt, Fruit Store Peaches. ' '' 1 J. &'LaUttin&Po Bagging and ties To the Democratic voters ot Craven " County. V ; j ' Simmons ft HoltOweU Co 8 Over nov eHles and' Jewelry. - ,11 ftuiaess ttcalt j , . ft FINS lot of loft and press pitches fjjK dap at tjie Broad Street Frnlt Store. :,j WAMTBD-SUnogTmpBar and kperatof ' on rinrtonTrpewrlter. AdaresfBi 1 pwn nandwrjtlo;. ''J.'Tthatg jfcl co. . . , NO FIHER Peaches and Grapes- hare ever bean seen In any market than art now being received dally at Haekbartt , from the Newport Frnlt Farm, j ANOTHER big lot of Bogne Sound Co ban Sweet Melons just received. Guaran teed to be ripe ant) s weet, If not, the me lon dont oost the buyer one cent. Bar neld,s Frnlt Btore, Broad BL ! J WW.! . 'Beautify Ywr Ho?. 60 cents will bny enough . WAL.It IMJPER for one room. Would like to soake es timates tor furnishing and ' hanging. Unlimited amount of designs to select from. Order sample books from GUILFORD LEWIS, i At Dawson's, 103 Middle Bt. Phone 209. Mist K. J.Lane U visiting at Core Creek. . I Mr. W. C. Wlllet Is In Chicago on business. Mr. Paul Delemar went to Morehead lut evening. . Mr. O. V. Richardson of Dover, vu In the city yesterday. Messrs. J. B. Dawson and Jan. Arendal spent Sunday In Elnston. Mr. W. 3. BrothersVt Fort Barnwell spent the day In New Bern yesterday. , Mr. Sam Barbonr and sister Miss Mary : Barbour, wentlo Morehead City Sun day. ' Mr. Bryan Gardner ' and Mr. Robert Nelson both of Grlfton, spent Sunday In town. 1 1 ': - Mr. W.B.EMs and fsmlly,? returned yesterday from a trip t ; Beref Springs, N.C. 1 , Miss Thea Patterson pfLlttleton, U Visiting Mr. and W. B. Allen on Broad street. sir. L. A. Cobb, a prominent merchant ofGrtrton, wu In town yesterday on Mrs. Leonard Mann'and' Miss Martha Ireland went to Caswell Sunday,1 to visit relatives. Mrs.Pennle Willis and Mlai Alice Simpson of Wup,JN.O,Wnt t4 More- head City Sunday for a abort trip. Capt. and Mrs. & H.Abbott and oa Lnnsford, of Elnston, wen passengers on the steamer Ocreooke, last evening, boand for Princess Anne, Md. I : Mr. Wllllsm H. Stevenson left pa the 1 Oeratoke mslerentaglor Annapolis, Md He wIlrbegiB studies preparatory to ajauamu-n w uw hitu juaaemy . ( Mlse Johnson, a teacher of the kinder garten department of Bt. Paufi j tohool at Beeafort, who hat been visiting Rv, T. M. N. George's fanny, returned to unlly, returned 1 lnf.V ( , Beaufort yesterday morning, aasucr sun w nrgTcsn. The brokage Arm of Mnrphy ft 04. of Msw York have extended taelr private wire service to this city uder the man agement ol Mr W, J. Beaman wftk Mr. Paal M. Hood fonserly of GoVUporo as operator. Their wire will be oeapleteS today Md they will soon be ready for jj. business at their offlca oa PoUoci street epostu poet offlaa. By thleeyttom the traasacttcms of New Tork Stock and ' Cotton eichaages .aad' the Chicago Board of Trade are reedrded npoft Hselr boards Instantanionsly, giving 1 their eostosaers at quick servtos and vlf tially rae same advaatsges as if preeei upon the fioorl of the exchanges.,; This Am .' hat branch offices In WDmlngtoi, Wtt ton,.Qoldabaf m4 nuny of the prind- palelilat theiMgh ih Booth. ' We nnder .. stand this Anmpaay w be ' throughly renahMnwH,,, y,i ;f... i . 1 .'lELCAT-UJ :3 ; : i riaatuulj U-UUtc. lour, ttioiiej There were .88 tlckeU to Morehead sold at this station Bnnday. ' "IJLiifuKlon will ' be run from New Bern to Wilmington Monc'av August 11th by St Cyprians church. A asperate car till pa provided for white people. - 7: i ? QderQ C Elng of Durham, will preach at the Free WIU, Baptist Church this evening at S o'clook., All are cordially Noah Bell a colored man plead guilty before the Mayor yeslerdsj to the charge of parrying - deadly - weapon';: He wu boand over to eourt under 50 tohd. - ,. ' A large number of eowhldes were shipped north en the 'Oeneokr : Tttte Is quite an Industry' here.; and the pro duct generally commands a good-price, The teat yesterday was terrific The thermometer registering 85 degrees. : A thunderstorm oocured in the afternoon which tooled tlw aUnoephere very per ceptibly. ;- Mr. Ellis Williams had . little axnar. Unee yesterday while ridlnga wheel on' Pollock Btreet. He ran ovor ft large boll dog irlejL!l!a to verey on ht tog. No serious conaeqneo oWSri feared hbwer.: " ," ' i' Baxter are In very moon demand the cards are not only ft splendid advertise ment ftWthls - mttjrprislng dry goods card. . y-v ; t&HMt&t 1u tha iSeiftdenM : Tab' ptona Gottpany will please add to, their usis, .rarmers looaoco vrarenouse up towayHo, Slj Foy nd Wood; No. 81t F. 0. Roberts, residence, No, 889; J. M. Howard, residence INo. 888; 0. B. Hill, feed store,1 No. 890. "' Re v. H. 8. Bradshaw leaves today for a month's vacation which he will pass la Hlllsboro. The prayermeetlng services WThUtloay venlngs" and the Sunday schools, will be continued ... as nsuaL Preaching services unless otherwise ar u0w a,va w as a w uiswHsiHisimi An excursion passed here yesterday from Raleigh going to Morehead City. It wu mostly composed of whit people, but the crowd wu not very large. A number of .old soldiers were aboard and appeared to be enjoying the trip. There weie soma from the Soldiers Home. It was confidently asserted, Saturday evening, by those supposed to know that the tramps l had been scared and driven Trom the city. It transpires that they are still with us, and It is up to the police force, how long they are golqg to allow them to remain. Mr. Owen G. Dunn has Issued a neat business card, on one side of which it the number and arrangement of the new Are alarm system and on the other, an attractive advertisement of hit business Mr. Dunn wiU distribute his card In a few days. Offloer A. L. Bryan shot a dog yester day morning on Middle street that had every apperance of being mad. The ani mal was first noticed In front of Mr- Phillips harness shop and at It van down tha street ,ll created tome excitement but did no damage as It wu soon dis patched. Mr. Paul Delemar bat been made man ager of the Pamlico Lumber Co which hat selected a site for a mill on Nelson's Bay and will toon begin work on the building which will be ready for opera tion by early winter. The company has a large tract of .timber to work oa and tha plant will be very large. Dr L, W. Perkins of Newport wu In town yesterday to procure medicines tor the treating of a cam of email pox at Heveloek. Dr. Perkins said that the case mentioned had been Isolated and was in a fair way of recovery, bat feared the spread of the disease u ao precautions had been taken until a day or to ago. A bundle of peaches wu found la this office yesterday which is bsleived to have beta grown on the farm of Mr, Freeman Xrnul, tha alia and delicious flavor rntomnUng some that were known to have name from the same source. The JonrnnL however, Is obliged for .the treat. Strangers Visiting New Bern remark tha extravagant lute ot expletives by the juvenile part of oar people, eapeetei ly tha colored boys. Tha VUeaets of language need by the boya of both races la eometllng awful, and not only thowa a lack of good manners, but Indicates something materially wrong la their training. Are tha rellgoas and moral la floeaeM asleep T Mrs: dtritchari' wife of the Val ted Bteiea Senator from thla State died at the Ohnatt Barker hospital at BUt more 8aiurday morning. Cancer wu the eauM of her death. Soma time ago she had an oparatlah which brought only temporary relief and ft few days ago tha wu removed to the hospital where It wu found that a atooad operation would b heoeasary. Mrs, rrllchard rallied from It well, bat Friday sight a relapse oocurrM from which tha could not re over and the passed, quietly away early Batarday morning. Tha funeral took place at Marshall yesterday. , , ,,-: - I M II ' Teacher institute." , '. There wlH be a teaohars' Institute la the Interest of the Instructors of Ortven County to 1 be held here during the week oommenctng August 8ft. Compe tent teachers have been engnfred to con duct the exercltos and a proQUlils time hi Mm red. Tbs Inititule for tbe tthlie teachers Will bs held at tl Ac. '1. my building and for the colored tiwtiors t the grailod school oa Wct ttiuut , rwo-flofl-'foa fill e procured for the eat:iinrs St rRB' 'a r'. ('-II Four Cases of the Dread Disease Reported ' , By. Dr, Street. . ' Health o:2cer, Dr. N. H. Street, re ported officially oa Sunday that there were four cases of smallpox in New Bern They are negroes and live far from the centra of the city. The cases were all quickly quarantined and there seed be no cause for alarm. . , ' People generally should assist the physicians la checking the spread of this dangerous and Infectious disease by being vaccinated. " There should be ao fear regarding the precaution thus urged at it It a practical preventive ' against smallpox. ?f , , "- There b one, ease also reported at Havehxk which was communicated from Merrlmoa where l it said there have been a few cases. 'STATB PAIR. ResolafUm aj to Character of Enlertaln- meau tebe Permitted oa Pair - r . Craaadt. ' ., ' "Tha following reerlutlon wu adopted by tl Advlsbry Bofcrd -of the Agrlotl tral BQolatyto, tle character . of an. tortatnmenta to be permitted at tha next Bute FairliW Mh ;0s. -r- Retolred, That no gambling devices, illegal gsmetcfchMe (Immoral ex hibitions iaiU BoVAeclba;the groonds of the NerUrqpojlnat Bute Fair, and the following ere'expreasly excluded, eaokH Plate Boardsptndlea, Plokonts, Fish .Ponds,, fJatdi Games, Cloth - Pin Garnet, Blot Machines, Book-Making, ete Hoochee-ooochte or Oriental danc ing, ol other degrading axhIb!tlona,wlth or without booths or tente, will not be allowed. All worthy and Intorettlng shows or amaaemeott arc lnvlted,and will receive a cordial welcome. RALEIGH VS. NEW BERN. GamerUyedTesterday Between Colored Teams of Raleigh and lie Bern: Easily Won by Borne Boys. The colored base ball team from Bel elgh came on the excursion train yester day and crossed bate with tbe New Bern boya. Tbe Raleigh boys were well charged with ginger or some such stlmn lent, and many explosions ot hot air took place. The unterrifled New Bern team, however, took the bat at about Ave o'clock, and the ardor of the Ral eight began to cool. At the ninth inning the score stood New Bern 8, Raleigh 1, with a very -fair- ly played game. The batteries for New Bern, were Oram and ' Hendricks, while Raleigh used Big Jim and Charlie. Mor ton umpired. . The features of tbe game were the fielding ot Snead, who also did some good tapping, Allen fielded well and Stanly held down first base strong- Another game will be played at the Athletic PaVk this afternoon, commenc ing at three o'clook. APPOINTED TO CADETSHIP. Matthias B. Manly, of This City, IsAp. . pelated Cadet to Annapolis Under a recent law delegating to each United Slates Senator the power to ap point a cadet at Annapolis, Senator Sim mons has honored Craven County and and New Bern, by naming Mr. Matthias Manly', ton of Mm.' Rata Manly, to that position. The young man b well known and popular here and he b to be eongrat slated that he hu acquired to fine a position.'. - .:. . ,. : ( Tha law requires that five attendants alto be named and Senator Simmons hu appointed four of these. , They are: Joaepl B Cheshire, of Wake Ell M Hlaaon, of Mecklenburg; Wm. T. Malutoa, of Beaufort; and a soa of Rev. J. L. Meyerberg, of Wayaa, TUB tURIETS. The following qootatloas were reoelv ed.byJ. K. Latham ft Co, New Bars M.0. 'j.nmmiKll :,' .;i . '. cadeagayftuf. A, Warniti- - Open. High.' Low. Close Sept 88 8M -Wi 88, Dee,.... ... TO lT0 88 fM ;iovl. Oonm Open. High. LoW. Oloee , sept.. ,,.tn'-wtm .Deo; ..'daii ,t:-.i.T 48, fUbat- ' ' Open.' High. Low. Cioee : rWpt....V..'.ao 1080 10871 1040 C Oct......... KMOUnXf! 101B . 1080 is-ltii .; : ftsi yM fttf. v it Oonos)- i Open, High. Low; Oloee AB;;;i8J8 '8J8" 1.18' 118 i.i.it,.,1M 1JU 7.T8 -TT8 .. CA, .4 . . ; 7.78 . 7.78 7.87 , "AM ;-Dmit.:tVn, 1M 7J7 7J7 1 Jaa,.....;..'7.7 7.78 1M " ; 7A8 Srocxaj Open. r',,a. Low. Close Bo By ....I.;.,. I I 88 s m " 801 V. & B....W.. m 0 . .m 40 a 0.......... 831 64 68 64 Mo. P....:r,.,. 118 118 117 117 T,0 C... ...... ,68 68- 88J 88 A. c. o ;.;; ,,.- . Amice. 10 ' llf 10 11 Advices to J. E- l it a ft Co., yes terday. . ITew Totk, Ang. 8. Pur" n at ir -,s (' - - ' r nt decline 1 1 con.! .- 1 ' ... . .t ' last your. :PT TO T3AIN. i ; Two Ralla Removed During- Bight Watchfulness of I..01neer Averted - fireat Disaster,' The passenger train on the Washing ton and Plymouth road wu wrecked about eight miles from Plymouth Satur day morning. ' Two rails had been tarn pared with daring , the night, and bat for the watchfulness of the engineer.the passengers and , train crew; would have probably been dashed into eternity. , Y V The engine was completely derailed and, thrown tome distance from the track, being considerably damaged The engineer stnek to his pott and by. almost ft miracle escaped injury, as did all on Hurricane Branch, the detective will endeavor to locate the miscreants who committed the aotf with hit bloodhounds. No clue to the perpetrators, however, hu yet been lilscovered, ', OAfSVOXtX mmta eTha Kind Yoa Ktm Alwm BoaiM , ATLANTIC WTN OUT. A Spirited Contest For The Baxter Sjpeak:- .. mg irunipei, The speaking trumpet contest which hu been conducted by J. J. Baxter for several weeks put wu concluded Satur day night and the result was a victory tor the Atlantlct. 1 That the voting wu eagerly ' partici pated in b evident from the figures and especially those of lut week which were more for both companies than all the preceding weeks. The Atlantlci received lut week, 8,484 votes, making a total of 4,217 votes. The votes cut for the But- tont wu 8,881 making a total of 8, 850. The trumpet it a handsome silver plated Instrument richly engraved and It Is well worth the efforts thai have been put forth fcr It. It was Mr. Bax tor's gift to the successful vote getters and his generosity Is highly appreciated by tbe Atlantlo Company. Use Hancock's Liquid Sulphur,, for Ecttma, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and all skin dteeases. For sale at F. 8, Duffy!. ; : . v.-; Chocolates 8O0 per pound at McSorloy Barfoof Bros Closing out sale, all summer goods lawns that were 8 and 10a now 6c, 16a. lawns 10c. and 25c. lawns 16c. yard Baby caps half price, all millinery at one third and a half off. Boyt and girls white duck papt 16c BARFOOT BROS, We are still selling meat at 18o per pound, not 20c as reported. Oaks Mar ket. 1 ATTI commas 1 iaibisnmManfaWmm'1'l 1 4' ver and Jews. !,.WIlt i. j ..ly.;,..., v. t-ir- l x., , 1 i iiSSThwt ,,'-- V- ' "J-i ''st'.t.'&,fls.V) : ; : . LAii&A or j ewci r y ana Sterling Silvef,.'bjovcl- ft ; ft ; ; ' y ,',; j ae';i rii,-Yi -w-tf5f Ci'r:, .u'-m.-J. .-.3,i. f'.iL.ik iHttiat-.u'L ui-aijA.ti lri. ?'' m s.t-.y-.4 i.'r,,;.:.KI 1p.,t ..." I..! .f. -r.i tc era IU Ulfl a , (- .. VOICE. CFJEE ppPLfi. Wrst Towoshlp For Gnioal ' Editob Jotmaai.:-We tawla Sattfr- day'i Issue of the Journal a communica tion trom Cltlien presenting the name of, Mr. H Onjon. for te Ltgialt, Jairt?tt'''bS't)::':v '.-.' . No. 1 tosraahlD most heartilvi aa-rete with Cttteea, u weall know iaxaotly hew Mr. Galon wu defeated two yean, ago, and we alto'kabw, that IfrJ Guloa' would hart gone to the Legislature then had he given tbt word, but Instead of this whet did Im' doj i.Hv' uld, boyt tharmoM ba Jiarmony and let; as one and all put ouk ahouidert to the whei and elect the ticket aa declared nomia j ted by tha prfmarlea.- ' "We all know what effective work Mr. Gulpn ' did fn the campaign. Under these plrcumsUnoes It seems to at that Mr. Gulon b the only aian for the place this time, K we adhere tn true Democ racy. 1 Of. course we know H would be s great personal aaorifiet for Mr Gulon to go to tha Legblature and we feel, a little delicacy In ukltig a man of hit ability to accept inch an fflce, u It b so far selow what he deserves. , , It would look more Uke lie krueO. H, Galea U wo were presenting him fx SapremeConrt iJadge, or-GovainorWf our dear : old State, but tomtf of these good things art sorely in 'store1 tor him S.ki ti.'SWj?'lr-.'.V ..' ! If At this b the . second, time, since the war, Craven county hu had an oppor tunity to und a Democrat to the Leg!4 lature, both pride and neoesslty demand that we und a man of Mr. Onion's type, He would fill the position with credit to himself had -with honor to dear old Craven tt did Gatton Btably and others before tbt war. Let us bare harmony by nominating and electing Mr. Gulon. The old reliable 1st, Township Is for Gulon tint, lut and always, and we are going to vote for htm anyway. .Townrarp No. 1 Prickly heat cured In one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will also cure Ecxema, Fetter, Pimp les, Ringworm, Dandruff, Cute, Burns, Old Sores, and all akin troubles In a short time, when used u directed.' For sale at F. a Duffy's Drug Store. Extra Fine Market. Corned Tongue at Oak's Ice ley's. Cream Soda today at McSor Closing Out Sale. All summer goods, lawns, organdies shirt wabts, millinery, ladles and child ren Oxford ties and ssndsls, umbrellas fans, summer corsets, etc, marked down positively no goods charged during this sale. BARFOOT BROS. Itodol Dyspepsia Cure Digeoto wttafc vexi ewat - are; I t.ii-,.-. i i 'i ... r,. ,'.nj t'f.'i ..." 1 5 JK)-rt AX - f v in l "It 90k .ft ) ... ' t. -!-v-i ';.. .-1 I i a y . k ri a - rr m m 1 , fH'r fcfi af-- wV:-g-trJftff 'riArtim"" rr tarn t LAKUC DUUUC 2UU1ILF CO l i ft. ram Given with EVERY 50 UROHASE this week. G. Dunn & Co. Men'w eft Hoy's Wear, o-y.vi 9 ,, : tt: T OF LAWNS AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Our entire line oi Figured Lawn and Fancy Stripe and Lawns, white and colors, AT We have some Very left to select irom. Smith's 61 Pollock St. WE HAVE H WireJScreons, Door and Wiudow Screenp, Lawn Mowrs, Ice( 'renin Freezers, Ice Sliavere. A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, ; Enamels in Gold, Silver and Alluminum. A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, improved. Our goods as represented. PRICES THE LOWEST. Give us yonr orders. PHONE 147. 7it M E JUrJT RECEIVED 1 DOZEN Franklin Bicycles made and GUARANTEED by American Bicycle Mfg. Co., which I nilur, com plete, while they last $11.00 Each. I am offering these wheels at lower prices than ever heard fit before, and If you am interested you should call early. I have several sample Bicycle of dif ferent make which I offer at tipot Cash Cost. WM. T. HILL, SPORTING GOODS, IIS?' 3.1-81 Middle Street. ''OhrSoGpodl"! n 1 . i . a . . .M, vwoH'amiDiws water laata so good is Its quality. Every thing ntad la tha making la First .QttaUty pUN. t-r-,.!'M; ; ' The" water Is Jrare and sparking. ' Tht lot Is pure aad clean. ( 1 "The cream la paw and rlcrW - ' ' Tha flavors pure and delicious, j' .Tbt Irqltt are the best and fresh People who know our soda go out of thai way, If naeaaaary, to feet It. j II la sw aatlafying, ad ra. fpsshlnn ao full ewbatthey want fat good soda. Tbsy-oome and toma again that's what we're working for oomtaxtly.becanae wa. i want fegnssr eastomars wno anew ouruuanty. ' nnAuaaan i-,. -i v' FOUNTAIN. 1 IlAv - - . v" i I " -3 at r.vvri' i "CY, . ! : Q MELON CENT CASH umuier atoce Sale COST. Exclusive Patterns Gaskill Hardware Co idols tVrt NKW HKItN. N. i a AA AAAAAa. A A AAA IK VOL' P Need any Envelopes l it will PAY YOU TO 8 Mi ME 1 have just received a large lot which will be HOLD CIIEAI'. OWEN q. DUNN, 73 Craven HI. VVVVV VTVVVTV VVV VV VVTTTT V I WOULD HE PLEASED TO MAKE YOU PHICES on the following before yon'purchase Belting, ; Saws, Pijie, Iron Nails Oils: Fittings, and Valves Or anything ntxded about a mill. . CTCnttlng and Threading Pipe 4oue at thort nrJtloe. J. C FULFOBI), atklatry aai Mill Ipaallea , . 70 Ctavoa BL Journal's old and Pbobb 11A aas ' warn mm mm Tbe Old Baliabla Bhoa Makar on Middla 8tMt hat pteassd tha people for yaara with his work. Can tcell all others la tht Btuineas In thla etty. - The repairing of Ladles snoaaapelaKys V. . laOt stlDOOEfSTIt EET. MMMM PEP5I-C0IiA. I t ! '.(TbeNpsUtrrlnk) .i5 Tha' snort delightfully refresh. Insf drink at Soda Fountains, bel dlgettlont caret headacha and that ," feeling." Try It lor your "stomache sake." , TIUD.-AM'B FOUNTAIN. - .. - M9 14- 9 i mVB-4 t r ! f f ' r - t - A. w - -' L I fia-.-J t .-:V---lWj . . . f A IS li.iJ A A Aii Ai, ?Ob ' ' - 1 '

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