To-Day's ycr.th2r THE JOURNAL, iii' iii ii New Ban, N. Cn Air, 8." IMS . Index t Hew Advertisements. ' 3. WiHooricWlfc if 1 f J. K. Latham For tale. J. Q. Dunn ft Co Bocks redaced. Broad Street Fruit Co Peaches. Simmons ft Hollowell Co Mirer nov eltlee and Jewelry. ' " . Buliess Ltcalfc FOR BALE My entire honssaold tad kitchen furniture, Including handsome piano. Caller will be recelred from 9 a. n. to 1 p. m. and 8 to 5 p. m. J. K. Latham 17 Johnson street. FOR SALE Baring decided to again enter my basinet, (clothing) I offer for tale my wood yard basin consisting of mill, mUl building, together with the offloe and tools. For Information apply to J. W. Moore. WE ARE receiving dally, the finest fruits that can be procured, Pears,' Ap ples, Peaches, Grapes, and vegetables bf all kinds. A fresh lot of Soutbport Cab bage Jusi received. Also another lot of fine Cuban 'Sweet Water Melons just from Bogae Bound, Barfield's Frnlt Store Broad St. NO FINER Peaches and O rapes have ever been teen In any market than are now being received dally at Hackborn's from the Newport Frnlt Farm. NOTICE If you want "your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. M, Register. He can do It all, 178 Pollock street, New Bern, N. C. 'Beautify Your Home. 60 cents will buy enough ' WAXIi JAP?SH for one room. Would Jike to make es timates for furnishing and f banging. Unlimited amount of designs to select from. Order sample books from OCILFORD LEWIS, At Dawson's, 108 Middle Bt. Phone 809. PEACHES in any quantity AT THE Broad Street Fmif Store: iihone 88. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. R. A. Nnnn left last . night for a two weeks sojourn In Blowing Rock. Miss Etta Davis of MoreheadClty Is the gnest of Miss Lena Sanford of this city. Mr. E. H. Hardlson and family of Salisbury, N. C. are visiting relative! la this city. Misses Lola and Bertha Pugh left yes terday morning to visit friends at Bur lington, N.C, The Misses Bhuford, who have been tat the dty for tome time returned yester day morning to their home In Hickory, Mr. aad Mrs. M. F. Matter, who have been visiting the family of Mr. W. F. Matter of this dty, returned to their home at Salisbury H. a Prickly heat cured in one application by using of Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. It will alto care Ecsema, Fetter, Pimp les, Ringworm,. Dandruff, Cuts, Bunt, Old Sores, and1 all tkln troubles la a short time, when used at directed. , For tale at F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store, ' , ). . J". There are Na. Files on the Oaks Market, t Oar largely Increasing business neceV altates tncreering oar faculties for de livering, hence our aew wagon on the Mreetl to take roar orders and promptly deliver tlw most refreshing drinks' ever bid In this city. Crown Bottling Works Lse i Taylor, Prop., Corner Queen aad ' Hera streets. Phone 105. , BRADHAM'g LITER and STOMACH PILLS an paraly vegetable aad eaa he ffvea te very eld people and hndmt). MOd la action, their effect b far-faacb-V, lag. Ho . pala or dleoomfort follow their use. Taev : ve beta called l 'Health's tH lHt ,.iri,r ' Wbick It ulu tree. Pus our ' liver hurt yoa ? Better try IW Hlla. . Price SSo. at BAD HAM'S PUARMAOTV: CAPUDEH Ctrt$Co!ds;LtGri ;J " PleaaaatJ tolUk. .Tour nwney : ' EOtD Bt ALL C2,U!I3T3, ' '..juousaixa agut. . The mag boat,Treat, Capiat Styroa, Uondergolng repairs at the Meadow thhfr&A fA'-vvtji' .; y I if f H l . S "-- r , Th pwceadlag of the Board bf Com missioners of Craven ; County, for Aa gutt meeting appear oa , the third page of this tan. The regulai monthly meeting of the Home Mlseioa Society wUl be held In the church, parlors this afternoon at half past four 'clock, ( , , Aa alarm waa turned la from the Five Polatt aUUon last bight at 10.40. The fire proved to be of o eoateqaeeo and was quickly pot oak George M. Ives ft Son hare, reopened their place of business after several weeks of frecetton, They commenoe their fall business earlier this year than they nave formerly. The steam launch, Petrel, Captain par kins belong to the government flab hatchery at Beaufort, N. O, hat beta oa the way In tat dty .being cleaned and painted. The boat was) released yester day evening, and left for. Beaufort this morning. ; Mr. Jesse Harrison, who take much pride I the excellence of fats garden brpugkt o the Journal offloe yesterday morning a tomato of "Ponderosa va riety which was one of the largest that hat bean seen In this locality. It weighed Mionees.J ri. V n ,T ff I '-; ' a 7- I Pe of the rnist severe atormt of the season occured at Newport Wednesday afternoen. .The display of lightning was the most 'Sharp that ha happened In many year More rain fell there at that time than for all three previous months Damage Dy lightning la not known but it Is thought ;that lightning must have struck severs! times. . The Encampment Closed. The Odd Fellows annual Encampment olosed with laat eight's seasloa and a very pleasant occaslpn In the history of Odd FelloWsblp patted Into hUtory. About fifty members of the order were here and they were unanimous In praise for the hospitality and favors shown by the New Bern brothers. ' Wednesday afternoon they were given a ride on the river on the steamer Blanche and the rains decended and the water rolled bat for all their discomforts they seemed to enjoy themselves very much. The evening session of Wednesday evening the degree team of the Calumet Encampment gave an exhibition of the first two degrees. The session of yesterday were devoted to the regular business of the order throughout the State. Committees were appointed, pffloers elected and there was some degree work. A very pleasant automobile ride around tbe city was tendered them at five o'clock. Following are theoffloert: Grand Patriarch, L. L. Boon, of Wil mington. Grand High Priest, A. F. Hall, of Winston-Salem. Grand Senior Warden, W. H. Weather ly, of Elizabeth City. Grand Bcrlbe, J T King, ftf Wilming ton. Grand Treasurer, Wesley Williams, of Elizabeth City. Grand Junior Warden, L W Jeannett, of Ashevtlle. Grand Representative, Geo. Green, of New Bern. Grand Marshal, D W Woodhoose, of Popular Branch. Grand Inside Sentinel, 0 E Frlch, of Charlotte. Grand Outside Sentinel, J B Dawson, of New Bern. Aurora Y. New Bern. A splendid game of ball was played at the Athletic Park yesterday afternoon between the Aarora and the New Bern amateurs. The game retailed la a that oat for the visitors bat they never-ths leu did fine work end proved worthy of the ln vindble New Bern's best ability. The batteries were, New Bern, Fulford and Patterson; Aarora, Sparrow aad Bry- i. Following It the too re: 18145781 Aarora, 0800000000 New Bern 01100080 i-4 Another game will be played by the seme team at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Aa exciting game It promised aad lov ers of the sport saonld not miss thb opportunity to tee these boyi play a eclratlftogaete, . 1 Tfce Linteri Parade. At eight o'clock toalgkt will occur the beautiful baton carnival aad parade at the Academy Green. Thb will be very pretty tight aad worth golag a loag dls- taW to ' fr'-ivfi' K Great palat havt been taken to drill the little folk end they have tbowa meca aptitude forlhe work. Oa aocouat of the very small tlie of most of the panldpeau the parade wBl not extend rery far lato the boslaett taction. ' It b tnggeeted that those wlsh la to tee the march go loth Academy retaV'.)" .s,.f-;v v- ,.. We publish aa additional list of special prlsesi V ' - ,-'.-,', JJ,R Dark I boi perfaaaeryt DF Jar- tb, 1 silver pursej B W Simpson, 601 JSMUler.lplcturei O M Kaaett, 1 box stetloaary; A X filbbard, 1 silrer talav bki J W Stewart, 85ej LB Cntler H. W. Co, 1 pocket katftt 1 1 Smith, half do, haadkerchkfa; E W Armstrong, 1 neck tie; T A Greta, 8.1; A, i Baxter one para- tol, J. M. Howard 80. Jaroee Redmoad, it r t : 1 c The Small px Coadltloa Dae to Seme- ' y body Cren Iterngeace, -J : .' It has been the cause of mack aevere comment that two persons who on their OWB admission had beea. In a hnnu where snuU pes exbted should be al lowed to go about our streets unmolested It It a well known fact that about two or- three weeks axo a nesrro woaa came to this city from Adam Creek, a neighborhood la Carteret county where small peg existed. ; 8be had.beea ia the locality of the disease and escaped to aroia vaomnatioa. Dr. Charles Daffy recelred word from Dr. Clark of that place., that the woman: would probably oe new sera and Ur. Duffy gave doe aotiot to the dty ftuthorltlet thatuoh a person had been la the dtror watat that time. A teerch we mad bat It wu of course laeffeotaaL the woman had disappeared bat It b stated oa good authority that all foar cases of small pox were aadoubtedly exposed by thb wona,r Comment on eases like this is of coarse sever and It should be. Dr. Dnffy warning was given la time and aeaauoroagk search been made this trouble may hart been avoided. There b another cause1 for comnlalnt I tni matter, i Lett Monday a doctor was ia town who wa attending the case of small pox In Hateloek. ' Be wa un der the Influence of liquor and though he may have take iccntlon against inrootloa . he tboold aot have been al lowed to travel oat Whit "town and af ter be had arrived here his own talk was sufficient to pat Mm under quarantine. The person at Havelock was reported yesterday to be In a dying condition; wat oeing the case.the doctor's presence ia thb city on Monday Was extremely haxardous. The doctor wa warned in the town of Newport not to mingle with the people aad on his continuing to dis regard their wishes wa placed In the guard house there Wednesday. The report oa the case here Is such that there need be no fear of a spread of the disease oa their account Whatever develops later will be due to other causes. THE MARKETS. The fojowlng quotation! were rooeir edbyJ. B Latham ftUo, New Bern N. O. Chicago, Aug. 7. Warn- Open. High. Low. Close Sept 08 OSS 67 68 Dec 67 68 67f 67f Com: Open. Hlch. Low. Close Sept 64t 68i 53t 68) Bibs. Open. Hlch. Low. Close Sept 104S 10471 1083 1035 Oct Naw Voax, tug. 7. Ootto; Open. High. Low. Oloaa Aug. 8.80 8.87 8.C9 8.89 Sep 7.85 7.89 7.88 7.89 Oat 7.74 7.76 7.70 7.77 Dec 7.65 7.68 7.68 7.68 Jan 7.64 7.89 7.61 7.69 Mew Tork, Aug. 7. Stocks;- Open. High. Low. Close So By 40 40 89 89f O. B. S 40t 40i 881 8l 0. 4 0 55 58 65 Mo. p. mi m lie lie TOO 69 69 68! 68 A. O. O Am Ice. 1U 111 11 us Spot 4 1. Salts 800 bale. Futures. Aug-Sspt. 4.88. Bent-Oct 4.28 Oot-Nor 4.16. roxcr aaoBirra. Ijeat week last year. 88.900 68,000 000 800 800 ' 800 , 800 8800 6.400 1868 Thb wee. Ia tight 1481 - 8000 Moa. 1800 Taea. 8489 Wed. 1418 Thara. 1000 Frl. W are still salllav ml arltia na pound, not 80o s reported. Oaks Mr ket';; ?J"V m (vC ! BRADBAM'8 LAXATIVE CHILL end FEVER TONIC b a nre ear for Malaria la all It form. It b a gMeral Vle aad oea be giro to children o improve aa enrich the blood aadrera. tat Ike dlgertlv tract. Price 60c, Ho oare-ao, pay. , BRADBAM'S. PUAR- ' Extra FWCoraed Tont-oe at Oak's Market.;' - ,'-rn',--.V ChooulatwftOo per pound el MoBorloy " 1 '' " a '"'V'i ' Freeh Ortte-Nrti. PoatamrjaMal Baraioga Chips aad Oa Flake at I. B. raraer, tru ) PESI-COLA , , b the most ret rash ing and lnlg- ; orating drink at Soda Fountaina. Cures beadaeli and Improves t' ! ! appetite,.. : , J ; Try it ' for .yon etomab't sake." . '. .' The Kew Railroad. ., . For many year the. project -of a rail road from thb elty to points In Pamlico ha been discussed from every . stand point,-- -. 1 It wu argued that a railroad should b ballt la, order to place Pamlloo la th column of progres. It wu .tdalmod that the railroad would be really; f er vlos In expediting tbe Tantportatlqn of th products of that county, . i l'' v It wa claimed that a railroad would enhance the - value of all property 1 that county end also In tab dty, and many other good things wa said lor a road. - ' ; -' ' ! " ,1 ' Oa tbe other hand, the building of the railroad, was charged to be a burden, from which this city and Pamlloo, would never recover. It wu claimed to be detrimental to the stock raising business of that county. It was argued to bo Un necessary, as the water transportation fsctlitles was sufficient to more the pro dace and fish of that section, bat after all the many year of arguing and bickering, it transpire that th P sail loo nd New Bern railroad b to become a reality. At the recent election In Pamlloo It was decided that the people of that county wanted a road, and tbe meeting between their business men, and oar business men, determined the fact that a railroad should be built, and yesterday actual work was in progress building the road. In a few more months the trains will be rushing to and fro, bind ing the business and social relations of this city and Pamlico county even closer than heretofore, and bring greater pros perity to all. Use Hancock's Liquid Bulphur, for Eczema, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff, and all skin diseases. For sale at F. 8. Duffy's. Assist The School. Nothing can be started that will be of more good to any race than a movement that will train all of Its people Indus trially. The New Bern Collegiate In dustrial Institute has been started With this purpose In view, and It Is the wish of all those w"ho foster the work, that every citizen In New Bern give some thing to the cause. The first building b half completed, and we are very much In need of means to finish It, so that we may be able to open school In September We will be very glad to have a talk with any person who feels himself interested enough to aid this enterprise in any way. Gifts of money may be sent to Bon. T A. Green, President Citizens Bank.; A. L. E. Wbiks. Frerh Baked Cakes and Crackers, at follows 5 o'clock teas, Butter-thins Set tines Graham Wafers social teas, Za Za Bnsps, Lemon ft Orange Wafers, Bmy ran Figs etc J. R. Parker Jr. Pynr-BUam Relieve Bight Away nd raUu a fpeedj end of ooogha ud oolda. ilver ii iiWoveltiies ! showing, ! 1 i Line of IjSterlingSii II. 1 .-. t ' mar , i A 6 1 ' U 1 ints Fop ' Election Boards. ' Th following name hare beta select edby the etet Democratic Eieootlv Committee to be member of the County election board which eonaist of two Democrats and oa Repablicaai i . Beaufort County: Arthar Mayo Wash Ingtoa, W. T. Wtastead, WlnsteadvlUe (D Hugh Paul (R)l ' w j Carteret Cot T D- Webb, Morebead dty, D PlereV Beaufort (D), Tho D Hewett;BMtfbttKV' 1 " j Craven Cos J J Baxter, Mark DUos- way, Mow' Bora (D); Joeeph L. Hshn, Mw Ben (R). t ' i . i Greene Cos H B Beet, T L Rouse (D) JssWSBeaman Snow BUI (R). JonetCoW W Woeten, J C Parker (D); J W Bryan Trenton (R). I (Lenoir County: B B Shaw, Klnston, W A Jonee, Pink Bill (Dy, John Fields Jr. Falling Creek (R). Onslow County: G B Simmons, JH Pittmau (D); Dr. JL Nicholson (K). Pamlico Connty-George RBrlnson, Balrd's Creek, Paul J Danleb Merrltt (D) WD Alfred Marlbel(R). Pitt Oounty:-T O Harding, J T Bmlth (D); R W Ward,Pactolus (R, Orange Phosphate, Belfast Ginger Ale Cream Chocolate, Lemon. Soar, Bnrsa parlla, Strawberry, Afri-Kola, are only a few of the many delicious and refresh ing drink bottled by the Crown Bot tling Work. Lee J. Taylor, Prop., Cor Queen and Bern streets, Phone 106. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey It the bett. Middle itreet. . . Afrl-Kolab still gaining popularity with all who try It. It I good for nervousness and -headache. Bottled by tbe Crown, Bottling W6rks and sold for 80c ts per box, Sdos bottles. Lee J Taylor Prop., Corner Queen and Bern streets, Phone 105. Hofbrau and Vienna Cabinet Beer sold by ns, b tbe finest beer In the world. Hofbrau Beer is bottled at tbe brewery, Vienna Cabinet Is bottled by the Crown Bottling Works. LeeJ Taylor, Prop, Corner Queen and Bern streets. Phone 105. North Carolina, Virginia Country Hams, Sugar cured Hams, Shoulders ft Breakfast Strips Just received stJ.R. Parker?r. FRESH VACCINE VIRUS Just Rboeived, BEADH AMS PHARMACY. u n w we are P : Sample. a , i1b. lit, -i. : r-im e j,,!- e ..'. t4i. f iM -iW ' 'A- ' , . , ilco -1 'it - i t'i.'.; ;f.i t; rutin ry ajeweirv tY- J M' Our Fancy 25c Half Hose J i this weekt6'l6c or 2 pairs U Remember we '.those Shirts at 43c. 'V; r. -i o o o J. G. Thnn & Co., , Men's A Itoy'it Wear, Mid-Summer Clearance Sale OF LAWNS AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. i Our entire line ot Figured Lawn and Fancy Stripe and Lawns, white and colors, AT COST. We have some Very Exclusive Patterns left to select trom. mitlVs 61 Pollock St WE HAVE THEM! '.vVire'Screens, Door and Window Screens, Lwn Mowers, Ice'l reaui Freezers, Ice Sliavers. A full line of Hardware, Paints, ()iln, Varnish, Knaruels in Oold, Silver and Alluminum. A new lot Ball Bearing Castors, improved. Our goods as represented, PRICKS TI1K LOWKST. Give us yonr orders. PHONK 147. 78 MiDDLS m Bicycle Bargains I HAVE JCrJT RKCB1VKD 1 DOZEN Franklin Bicycles made and GUARANTEED by American Birycle Mff. Co., whioh I offer, coin plete, While tliey last $11.00 Each. I am offeriug these wheels at tower prices than ever beard of before, and U you are interested you should call early. I hare several sample Bicycles of dif ferent make which I offer at 8pot Cash Cost WM. T. HILL, SPORTING GOODS, 31-93 Middle Street XtOLSoGoodl Z What makes oof Soda Water taste so food is its onalitr. Every ithirurased in the making Is First z .tjnaitty pnrw ' ' ; ; f t th water' Is pure and sparkling. T t. r i us m is pure aw ewan, . ... The cream la oar and rich. X Th flavor pnr and dalieiooa, 2 , .., Th trait th bestsnd fraab 1 '. )' Paopl wbd fcno ra ods go ' I 1 out oi their way, If necessary, to. ' ; ; get It It U so satisfying, so re , ', m ireaainc, so mil oi woat vwj wans m "In good soda. ' They Mm and. T x come again that's what we're X woraingioroonsianuy,Decsnse w ' want regular onstomers who know rmr Quality.- liHAPH a M'rJ Z 4 m as a m . . r .... m ic . W 1(' m m . a - LKJ AT DAVIS riIA;::,IACY, v ' . n 0CKS reduced tor 25c. have a few more ot Gaskill Hardware Co. NEW IIKKM. N. I EVEKY PKKIODIOAL of established merit is to be fnunil here on, or scum after, the day of publication. . X. Km ne It I WOULD UK PLKASKD TO MAKE YOU PHICKS on the following before " joujpurchnse Belting, f Saws, Pipe, Iron, Nai Oils, Fittings, and Valves Or anything ntxded about a mill. EFCattlrtg and Threading Pipe done at abort notice. J. FUL,FORI, lacklasrj aad Hill Saaalles , , 70 Craven 8t Journal's old and hnn HI 1 E.;; J.AVENS, Th Old Belrabl fho Maker on Middle StrMhMfkasad th peopl lor years with hi wostu, Can ex cell all othars In tli basin In this elty. Th repairing of Ladle shoes apolaity, 130) MIDODC3TRUT. Advertisers! Iians?i f ndn. niut be In iIiIh oHlee ' by nconi to InMum change n l!:s fallaivlns day's s 8 t t ;

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