r,AWefi- v: .y TWENTY-FIRST TIAB 'f 1 'M'Sf to. It 5v o ft u n 1 11 car em si Red Shoes $ Sizes 2 to 6 O to S SEE WINDOW' DISPLAY. HACKBURH. AIJL, OTEJ3R. MEN'S, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S WILli BE SOLD To make room for FALL CLOTHING which will arrive in a tew days. J. J. BAXTER IF YOIJ WANT THE BEST PRICES, The BEST Stables, The BEST Facilities BRING YODR TOBACCO TO TOE 1 aii 1 1110 f f We promise our best efforts in behalf ol the Farmers. J. M. HOWARD, Manager, C. H. RICHMOND, Auctioneer. Swell Tnrtiut? ' Is what you'll have, tn se fa as the "ve hicle is eonoeraed, at any late, U the ; Munrlage ts purchased of . We give . the beat value obtainable for the money. . If yoa want a bny or llgh .wagoat of nny style, we'll give you one perfect In eonstrnetioa atad of elegant finish, war ranted as to workmanship and material, at a very low price. Can't do better. .. We put Rubber Tires on your old or j new wheels. We shrink your loose tine la a machine without cutting them. ' Kverybody Is invited to see the work of the tuine petting waw aaHsiiaase , old places. ... -(' ;.; r.., O. ; 1 yVpUfojA Bo; - 78 Broad r, : Maw Baa, N. U Cream or Roses . lea harmless HqsW preparatloa tnt removing Bunburn, Freckles, Tsa and Improving the eomplexton. Whea applied It Is Invisible and eanaotbe wsihed off. The dark line around the B k, caused by Wearing tight fitting cnllsrs, Is removed by Cream of Roses. !-e, at EUADHAU'S rilAF.jIACY. n 1 M V I I I a - - SOc. at - - 75c. AFTEB NOW COST I our immense line oi FOB 0NL0ADISG 4.i iist4j i own Farmers Warehouse. Iirnrfl FOR SALE. Best Machine Made Bricl; at , tioa. noora rsoarr si uaaoocana. V vff I have Just arrived from the Northern Marked with t Pine Selected Btoek of DBT GOODS AND CLOTHING, which 1 wlU open np la the Btore t 75 Middle BtreeV et 0 Gatkltl Bardware Co. '."'.' ' Retpeotfully, COPLON. Celery Eeaiaclie rowficrs. There Is aot any better remedy for headache than these r"" ' They sever f&fl to relieve. Y a i 1 si J OE'y at Dsvis' I'rs ', 7- Lowest Prices, mm: DlssalutlM ( Partaershlp af Prem- Delegate AfHlatoi toAtteataa amerleaa Bar Aueelatlea Meek la. Beataral Oeaeral Oflee Farmer AUIaae. Momej Received fr Me- IULiam, Anr,.15.-Mr, C. M, Babe Caroline Bar AMoetoUoa'aM ennoonced the appointment I the following dele gate to the mmIob of the AauHou Bar AuoclaUoa at Saratoga Bpfiagt, K.T. Angoit 87. Piatt D. Walter, Charlotte; W. D. Proden, Bdenton; X J. Joitlce, Marton. - i t- . Taa first official anaoanceamt of the daU of Oapt. J. B. Batohslor whlok 00 earnd Angatt ftalbi the Phlllpplati wu Noalnd her by the family la a tele gran from tha AdjoUnt GeaeraP office at Wathlngtoa, aUttag that the depart ment had jnit reoalred the report, of Mi death by cable. He wai native Of Ral eigh and wu rery popnUr. ,4 A report being prepared by the aoper- lnteadeat ofpnUlc Inttructloi ahowl that North OaroUaa reeetred 3.900 Iait year from lb Peabody Edocatloaal fond and 1300 from the Btatee fond. The State Normal and Industrials College at Oreeniboro receired $8,000 of. the The firm of Lee aad tatta, one of the most exteailTe eottoa brokerage eon- oerns In this section, will be dissolved by motnal ooasent Sept. 1. Mr. If, who has been la the business since; 1878 will locate la some city farther sooth for cotton brokerage purposes. Oar Mr Litis will devote his whole time to cot ton milling interests. He Is president of the Raleigh Cotton Mills. At tha annual meeting of the Bute Parmer's Alliance at Hlllaboro this week It wu decided to move the general of fice from that towa to Raleigh, and Gen eral agent Parker will locate here in about two weeks. They adopted a reso latloa asking the next General Assembly to appropriate $40,000 to the A, & M. College to be nsed In Improving the fa cilities for Instruction In Agriculture. A BILL IN EQUITY. To Assist Wilmington and Prevent Ms- crimination In Freight Rates Against That Place. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Aug. 15. TJolted Butts District Attorney Bklnaer went to Wil mington today to file a biU la equity In the ease of the Interstate Commerce Commission, against the Cincinnati, Portsmouth aad Virginia railroad com pany and about forty other roads, In cluding the Southern, Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line and their con nections to Chicago, St. Louis, Louis ville and to othor western points. The bill Is returnable September 29th with another of the defendents October 4rd for further orders. Three years ago the Interstate Com mission silting la Wilmington, heard the suit broaght by the Wilmington Tariff Aesoplatloa agalast the same de fendant read for an adjustment of freight rates, so there would not be nay dlserlm Inatloa against Wilmington, as compared with Norfolk, Richmond and other Vlr gtnla cities la freights on shipments suspiqon Leads te. the Real Caase. The qnestloa of coffee disease or Pos- lum health beoomes of the greatest lm portaaee whea wo are thrown on par owa resooroes, t Many ' a . i woman whea suddenly left wUhont means of support eaa maks s eomrortable living if health remains. : ' ::--'::':";sis-'vr A brave Uttla woataa oat la Raraea. Kansas, ssys, "I feel that I owe yoa a letter for the good Poetum Coffee has done me. , for yean I wis a great soffit er with aeryousaeas without ever ana- pectlng the aaase. Two years ago I came dowa with aervous prostrattoa. My work wu light but I aouM ; not do It, I could not srea sew or mL.:,.r$:-. .- Mnsleep was broken aad aarefreshMg I suffered Intensely aad tt seemed only a matter of time tin I must lose my rea 1 My meatal distress was as great as my physical, whea one day a Mead broaght me a trial of Poetum Coffee aad urged me to use It Instead of coffee for s few Ldeys, seylag that Poetum had eared her of liver trouble aad slok eadaehaa. I replied thai I thought I oonldjnot give np coffee Ihad sler ys as T It b t lUadiant howevet the poetnm.Foed Cotee prated to be pleasing to the taste and I used It aad was surprised to see that I Wat rest lag and getting better. " ! My husband bought ' several packages and Insisted oa me using It altogether. Gradually, but not the less surloy, I fully recovered. I never used eoffee afterward and When I was left a widow S year Inlor 1 u able to open a dressmaking shop and support mjnt'.f and little glrlr, ' T" un given by I'osinmCo,, P .it tie Cro k ' h. I 3 Mm' mp X rrT L. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN from western points, the condition being such that, by reason of favorable rates, the Virginia cities 'enjoyed great advan tages over Wilmington in the wholesale trsde with Carolina points. The commission ruled In favor of Wil mington and for adjustment of rates, but has been powerless to enforce these orders. The pending bill In equity luvokei the power of the Federal Court to enforce it. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. King Edward's physicians claim his recovery complete. A wind snd hail storm Thursday morning In Mecklenburg county worked fearful damage to the crops there. It was one of the wort storms that has oc curred for years. Ia order to defeat the "ring" which is said to exist la the Democratic party In New Hanover, County, an Independent party has been established. The new party Is said to be supported by many, leading Democrats. t Gen. J. D. t-'mltfi, the officer who gained notoriety Tor having Issued the order "kill and burn" relative to rebell ious Filipinos, Is falling In health so fast at his home In Portsmouth, Ohio, that It Is feared he will never re Oover. . . ' ; Aa attempt to operate a Washery at Duryea, Pa, where one of the headquar ters of the coal strikers Is located re sulted la a riot. The strikers were, however, subdued, without any fatality. The strikers are Hill ugly and constant watch has to be kept oa them td pre serve order M, J, The dynamite cruiser, Vesuvius, which was aa experiment tried by the Bevy of ficers bis been declared Impracticable in naval warfare, r 5;-,; ':t':!; '' Prominent Booth Carolina politicians exercised their prerogative at G&flney, Thursday and resorted to the manly art without the formality of gloves. Editor De Camp sailed James Tillman, candi date for Governor, a liar, a drunkard and a gambler. The two have bad elaehee before. ,. . ' - ' . ' , " ; -s , Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Fair very weal thy snd promlnsnt people of New York were killed In sn snlomobllo accident ni-ar Parts Thtmdny. The machine wal of 45 home power snl livl s CnpaC I'v of 70 nil'ia an hour, but at the lime ! I' j t ' ' t v. " 1 ' ' at t' I) r iss Rose Cullcn Blanche Myers WHO PRAISE PERUNA. of 62 miles an hour. It Is supposed a tire burst which caused the vehicle td aild when the chauffeur lost control snd the machine collided with a tree. Mr. and Mrs. Fair were sent high in the air and landed In the wreck of the automo bile fearfully mutilated. They were dead when found. The chauffeur was not teriomly Injured but the experience caused him to go Insane. The Fairs are relatives of W. K. Vanderbllt. Men Worthy of Office. Pamlico County, Aug. IS. If you will allow me space In your pa per I would like to make a suggestion to the voters of Pamlloo. Let's have an open convention, so every voter van come and participate In the nomination of the men we are expected to vote for, there we can express our wishes every one of us. Then we can well afford to lay down likes and dislikes, and goto work for the aomlneee of the conven tion. This does away with swaps and dickering for the offloes, and the forcing of unpopular men upon the people. As a humble voter I frankly say I his will aot do, as I am reliably informed, his causing very much dlseatlsfaotlofi throughout the county. We want men' straight, honest men, and from the peo ple, not by ring or pall. I have In my mind' eye, two men only. I will sug gest these two, for sheriff H. H, Barrow of Reelsboro, for treasurer' Larsnce W. Brooks of Alliance both of these gentle men are of the highest type of manhood and Integrity.'" Honest,' true and, fir tried Demoorats. Onyjpf all ' pull or swaps, they hay? been" Democrats for principle, aot for spoil. . They are not seeking the plaoe mentioned, 'bat this I the kind, of men we want and need to fill our offloes. Give It to these two men If give strength to ihe ticket, and Democratic victory, and two. good and efficient officers, whom the county will be proud of. Consider. Democrat. ,, ;; , . There ajrfirjtTp Plies on the Oaks Zlarket, " Frsih lot Force Food, Just received those hsvlng tickets ca send then la with I cents and get a 18 cent package at J. R. Parker Jr - ". .. ' . hi" :. .,. T 1 Fresh Grape-Nuts, Poetum .Cereal Saratoga Chip and Oat Flake at J. R Parker, Jr. ITofbrau ExpSrt Beer Is the finest ex port In the world for sale at all first class saloons. Lee J. Taylor Wholesale agent Phone 105. Don't full to try our 40 cent Tea, It li a ( r e ! 1 ' nt' rm a'latJ. R, Tr- THREE; BEAOJIFUL WOMEN Worn Out 'And Nervous Regained: Their tfealth And Beauty By Taking Peruna. Miss Florence kUan, a beantlful Chi cago girl, Writes the following to Dr. S. B. Hartman concerning his catarrhal tonlo, Peruna i " , , TS Walton Place, Cfifcego, lit. 'Me a tonto form worwout aytUm, Peruna lands at the beat la my esti mation. Ha effects are truly wonder ful In rejuvenating toe entire system. I keep It on band all the time, and never have that 'tired feeling.' as few doses always make me feel tike a different woman. "Florence Attan. Thousands of women suffer from sys temic catarrh. This is sure to produce such symptoms as cold feet ehd hands, sick headache, palpitation of the heart and heavy feelings In the stomach. Then begins a series of experiments. They take medicine tor slok headache. They take medicine for nerVous prostra tion, for palpitation of the heart, for dyspepsia. None of these medicines do any good because they do not reach the cause of the complaint. Peruna at oooe mitigates all these symptoms by removing the cause. Systemic catarrh is the trouble. Sys temio catarrh pervades the whole sys tem, deranges every organ, weakens every function. No permanent cure can be expected nntll the systemic catarrh Is removed. This Is exactly what Peruna will do. MIm Cullen Waa Exhausted From Orer Study. Miss Rose Cullen, President of the Young Woman's Club, Butte, Montana, writes: 821 Galena street, Butte, Mont. Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. : Oentlemen "Peruna has many friends in Butte. I cannot say too much in praise of It. While finishing school I became very nervous and exhausted from over- study. I was weak and sick, and oould neither eat? sleep nor enjoy life. A couple bottles of Peruna put new life in me. I find by having it in the house and taking a dose off and on it keeps me in One health. A large number of my friends place Peruna at the head of all medicines." Rose Cullen. Peruna is especially adapted to pro tecting against and curing nervous dis eases of run-down women, as the testi monial of Miss Cullen indicates. Miss Blanche Myers, 8120 Penn street, Kansas City, Mo., has the following to ssy of Peruna: "During each of the past four seasons I have caught a severe cold, when sud denly chilled after an evening party, and catarrh for several weeks would be the result. One bottle of Peruna cured me, and I shall not dread colds any more as I did." Blanche Myers. An excellent little treatise on " Health and Beauty," written especially for wo men, by Dr. Hartman, will be sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio. DOVER. Scrappy Youth Before the Mayor. Messrs Gulon and Green Popular. Aug. 15. Mr. Freeman Ernul of As- klns, was In town Tuesday evening on business. The Mayor had things lively around his office yesterday. Borne boys, about three In number, and who are not In the habit of attending the Sabbath School, snd at the same time Being of a pugna cious temperment were called upon to replenish the town treasury. Mr. R. A. Richardson lost a valuabls mule Monday from the effects of blood poison. The tobacco crop and saving fodder are keeping oar farmers la a rush. Those of them who planted tobacco are well pleased with the prices they are get ting. No belter new oould have been re ceived In this section than that O. H. Gulon would let n vote for him. He Is greet favorite among our people, to Is Mr, E, M. Green, they both will poll very nearly a solid vole. Dr. J. W, Dugnld wu in town last week. He was telegraphed for by Mr A S Dixon for consultation with Dr. Pol lock a to the condition of Mr Dixon's wife who was very sick but It now con valescent. Mr TO Etherldge (pent Suaday aud Monday at hi home near Princeton. Mr Beth West wu la New Bern Frldey morning, ,.,.,. :, -,. CASTOR I A ! : For Infant ani Children. if m ry Yoa RaTO!;: Ec:jlit '..Bears, tha;; Blgnataraof Ther I ho domestic Ginger Ala equal to oar Belfast Ginger Ale.-. Crowd Bot Hog Work Lea li 1 Taylor, Prop, Paoae efyfTTTfyfTVTTTfTtTfTyfTf 3 t O'.VCN a DUNN, Agent. IS Cra M. . ' ? 1 1 1 ! S !!.!'" 1 1 1 1 AA For Fox River Print and Fancy Elgin Butter only 30c lb. New Bbl. Fulton Market Coined Beef. Small Pip; Hams and Breakfast Strips, English Cured Shoulders and California Hams. Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Grape Nuts. Mason's Fruit Jars and Jar Rubbers. Potted and Canned Meats. Heinz's Pickles. Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter 30c lb. 'Phone 91. .aWlVWWW A few of our FOR CASH and Only for a Limited Time. Chipped Beef, Js, at 10 cents per can, Veal IiOaf, at 10 cents per can. Ham Loaf, at 10c per can. A Good Orated Pineapple, at Me per can. California Lemon CliiiK Peaches, at lHc per can. Fox River Print Butter, at 30c lb. Splendid Asst. Fancy Cakes, at 15c 11). A Good Routed Coffee at 11c lb., or 5 lbs for 50c. A Good Rio Green Coffee at lie lb. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Farmers LOOK TO ftftCf sdtA A sa t k. unny yuur i uuclllu t0 Planters Warehouse NEW HERtf, jr. C, which is always theplaee TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. Best accommodations guaranteed. E. J. HESTER, Proprietor. mnvvmmHvvvUvUUvvvvMMvvvvvfvvMvvHvt We put up the drinks thatare palatable and delicious. Our bottled SodaB, Phosphates and Afri-Kola are aa good 3 JJ, .as yon get at any soda fountain. You can keep them at your ;S dozen. I CROWN BOTTLING WORKS, j J JjJSJ& el. i-AXJUVJLeirrcpr., til FH0NS 10&. -, Cotton. 1 r and Ties. We haWin atoek and' to arrive 3,800 Roll Dottoni. Baggtn(j, 8,800 bundles Cotton ties. " vV, ' Send rjg yon? 6rders.' Prioe are . i J. E. Isatbiam A Co. l --. ;.st you ests Banging 1 Per Can. ;Wlioleale & Retail Grocer, 71 Ilrtfad HU many Puzzelers YOUR INTEREST 7 aav msu, m sW smf sa. Z home for 26 and 30 oenta per .3 tj Car. H Bara St. X Foyy4&rWood Co:, . , Practical Tlnnan and Ptnmbara. .;!;:r.v.V.1 TolMoooFlaea Store Plpa, and ) Rooflng. " " . W make (peoialt.ot Hot Air ,"v, Beatlns;, and' Steel' CeiUngh . V'f v iTW wul find Mat trVW' Caslh Front Ct vi-'1 V, . .

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