THE JOURNAL. Pab.tahed every day la the year, ercopl Monday, at Middle -U-V&$s CHARLES L. STEVENS. ; SUBSCRIFTIOH E1TES. t One yew? tif 1Uhil.?A.o?iHi One jeer, not In advance... ....".- Monthly, by carrier in ferity...; 0 Advertising Rate furnisher! on fappU cation. -: "4. Entered t the Poet Office, Hew Bora, N. C, as second olaie matter. . Official Pa'pet ef 'New Bern en Craven Canty. New Bern, H. C, Aug." 1, IMS. LOCAL POLITICAL JEALOUSIES. Among a few Toters In Craven oonnty there seems to prevail a spirit of disap pointment, over the adjustment of the matter of this county's next representa tive to the General Assembly. Mot that there Is a word or thonght against the gentleman, Hr.Gnlon, named in the political reconciliation, but there lurks disappointment over the fact that local political animosities can no longer be kept up over this office, and the candi date for it. The agreement tn this matter of the candidate to be named at the Craven county primaries, to represent the pee pie of this county In the next General Assembly, is the first political reconcilia tion between local factions that has taken place in years. The fact that each a reconciliation has taken place 1 hopeful for Craven County's future, In that there may be displayed a broader public spirit among the people, and that the reputation of the County and the welfare and inter ests of the people of the County may rise above the petty desires of any until coterie of Its citizens, who ere thinking only of their own Interests, and tbelr ad vancement. This agreement upon one candidate, by the leaders in Craven County poli tics, and the general and satisfactory ac ceptance of the man named, should and no diubt will, eliminate the local politi cal Jealousies which have followed rep resentatives from Craves County in years past, and kept them harratted over trlvialties which had nothing to do with the office and Its affairs, which they had been elected to fill, and car for. ' These personal trlvialties have had the effect of hindering the real work of the representatives, and the result has keen that the people of Craven have had the If material Interests and needs neglected, and "politics" has had the right of way. instead of the affairs of the people. The time seems to have eome when a reversal of this condition has come, and the people's Interests will have first oon sideratloh and Just care in all matters Important to them. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, tbeaunderalgned, have known V J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him pefectly honorable In ail bostneee and financially able to carry ont any ob ligations made by their firm. Wist ft Tbuax. Wheleaale Drsggtttt, Toledo, O. , VYaXfiiNe, Kimuif & Marvin, Whole- sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting directly upon the Hood and mu coui surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 78c per bottle. Hold by an urugguu. ., Hall's Family Pills are the beet. Gmeral Shemaa's Ihar 'Katort.l General Sherman could say the moat pleasing and tactful things ami yet xit one could be more rarcastleA He ts attending a large reception at Fort 'Leavenworth once when a youth' ap proached him and ' said ftmrttsrly; "What a great bore these -thing must I to yon, general." "What thatr naked General Bhcrman quickly. "I nay repeated the other, "It most be such a bore to you, meeting lot 'at people yon don't know and making them teel you do remember them," "Tea, yes,", reel tba jmaeraL Jtow. for imtaneaf "I Mri (know yrb4 Inm are."?-JallVtreilf 1 ' fJi Dysnopcia Curo This preparation contain all of the digest food. 1 ante and dliresta a: It given Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food yon want The mostseniUUva stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousand of .dyspeptics have been cured eftf ovary thing else fulled. ' II prevents formation of gaa on tho stomi ch, relieving all distress after eating. lAeuufuarjeeessary, riaasan to Mae, It can't Wp'&ilx.iu.fSi '-' , tiot t!ar ra r??i frvmnAonjrt K.OL TWrT:no.,ihi'-" L . ....... - Bid UQHTN.NQ C'JGS. - WsaklaartM VWtU Trrk mmth -.vjstua Cnwh'SI tPesa, 'r . Cocoyoa, the large tlgDtn tag bugs of Brtudl, Cuba and .tropical' Booth America that emit a continuous double light eTedeni strength and Intensity tor one to read the time on a watch eighteen inches distant and which the Botoocndo Indiana of Brazil "use for iUomlnatlng porpoeee by cenflnlng a fcumber of them In small wicker cages, are soon te be a novelty In the pet line la ? WaalIngton;v Some (flftylght of these bog are tew, on their way from Cuba to this city and on their arrival will be the first evet seen In the cap-. ItaL ' , . . :: This la one of the results of a de mand for something new. that Is con stant en the part of the public and competition among bird and pet animal dealers. The cocoyoa are very targe, though perfectly harmless, and, in many of the South American cities and in Havana the young girls and married ladles wear them in their hair at night, the effect of which iS fmgalarly strik ing and beautiful, especially when the lady wearing them happens to be blessed with more than the usual share of feminine pulchritude. The cocoyoa thus worn Illuminate the Wearer's countenance and hair in a perfect halo of light Whether they wllr be used in this Way by local belles remains to be seen. The cocoyoa are very hardy and wflTUve tor months with little or no attention. ' Local pet dealers are of the opinion that If kept Indoors and in warm places during the winter in the same manner that par rots and canaries are kept the cocoyoa can be domesticated and made to In crease and multiply In thbveountry. This has proved successful in "the case of the little green chameleon lizards of Florida that lay eggs and batch out breeds as long as they are properly at tended to. Washington Post All Were Saved. "For years I suffered such untold ml sery from Bronchitis," writes J H John ston, of Broughton, Ga., "that often I was unable to work. Then, when every thing else failed, I was wholly cored by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tlon. My wife suffered Intensely from Asthma, till It cured her, and all our ex perience goes to show It la the b Croup medicine ia the world." - A trial will convince yoa it's nn rivaled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 60c and $1.08. Trial bottles free at 0. D. Bradham's. O Btoatht ttgiaxax r Roma's mrthdar. On April 21. .J.ii.13 years flffo, Romulus completed Hit- inclosure on the Pala tine lilll wlil-hwas named "Bonm." The lilrtliility of the Eternal City lias been solemnly eoimuemornted from an cient, tiniex. AiiKiiHtus Instituted the secular games three days of rejoicing concluding with tlio rendering by a chorus of Roman lads and molds on the capital of the "Cnrinen Secular" of Horace. At that time the city counted 1.330,000 Inhabitants. . hat year Rome's birthday was ceieWated Sunday, April 27. with an outdoor feat tlral on the ruined Palatine and a gen-'.' era! Illumination In the evening. TOD KNOW WHAT YOU ARB TAKING When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle showing" that Is simply Iroa and quinine te a tasteless form. No onre m pay. Price BOc Don at afcaal. The Cln yemnore school kt' Enfield, England, has tried n novel experiment In allowing Its pupils to keep dogs. A kennel dob has been formed, of which a master la president and the boy dog owners are members. Each bey ts r sponsible for his own dog and for the state of Its kennel Buildings Suitable for this purpose were opened by the Countess of Warwick Mne yuns'aga Of the success of the experiment the head master soys: 'It has been found that the care of dogs is a sound means of moral discipline to the youth of mankind, while thoroughly agreeable to boyish -rncUnatkms. Every one knows how jrtearly the 'Jbaatkakoy likes to keep a dag. nd -under propel supervision the possession of such -a pet tends to make him kind to ail ani mals, while It shw enables him to ea Joy the open air and in the most sensi ble and natural naaa&er to learn great deal of the eeounon laws of ns tore and the ways Of animal Uf a," t ; LMkHeasant, Please. v Photographer 0. 0. Harlan, of Katotf, 0aa do so now, though for years M oooMnt, Because ha suffered nntoM sgony from the worst form of Indigos ion. All physician and medicines fatted to help M till he tried Eleeuic Bltlere. which worked 'such -wonders for Mai that he declares they are a godsend te sanerers irorn ' ayipepsit ana itoesaoh troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of thi Stomach, Liver aad Kidneys, they build np and give pew life to the . whole Sys tem. Try them: Only 80c : Guaranteed by O. P. Btadaam.rugisfc ; f 1 1 ff ' v; .Krt' : Towua Did you ever notice anything funnf about his converaaHoat ' - . ' . Bsown-jrnaay? stawld-sawtaot T therfl sbl'.itly totf??! Toww-I bufH the Mnnr nart of it Havl;' -Timi,' r,,H , bow la it that It bores i , ';il;i T- fttadelDhla PreeSi "liSI Ik&taiMlteliJl 0 .; "Going a nil y for the summer T .1, ; "Noi" answered the man srho- com plains. I'ra not feeling strong enough to face the brass bands and merry go rounds at a summer resort i The doc tor says I'll have to stay at boms and tfai at the cfcraa. "Did the old man eeem to hesitate when you asked falm for Iniirar - ', ' "Not a bit of It' He salJ the rnturcr and the florist owed hlra a K t rt mon ey, and it would be a S'Hxl v r y to g-t even with tiicmv-c. : i j; ,:a Dealer. -j Coee the crockery and the waitress will probably be called clumsy and careless.' Her plea oi suoaca allowed. -"What right has she to be duzy? they ask. Women .who are , Sofiering from die eases peculiarly, i ! t Ul., - lenunuw an unw to aoddea dissiiiese aad faiatsesa, and: It ia only by curing the womanly disr eases to which they are subject that dixziness and Other Ills can be entirely relieved. ; ', Dr.i Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription makes weak women strong and ' v sick women welt, It cures inglariAv.x drains. hsali in fim- r '--' , matioo aad,ti)oer(ition, and cures female weakness. .When these condition are Cured, backache, .headache, diariness, etc., are also Cured... , , . , y , I stSeraT for twrtre years, with (baa! troable, writes Mts. Miltoa Grimes, of Adair, Adair Ca, tan, which ttfeaght ea othtr dto ua butrt traabic, arighfs dianac, aad at times would be Bemrly panlyaed. Bad neu ralgia of atonweh.- I can treaty tay your medl ciMa (nine koala tnaU, in of 'Favorite Pre aariptwa,' lour of 'Golden Medical Diacovery,' and two vialaaf Dr. Merotl PeUeU), har eared me, t cu work with comfort aaw, bat before Twonld be tired all the time and bm s dizzy headache. es4 my nawea woaid be all wwtnma an I could Mi alara. Now I can aleep 4a4 do a Di dar'l work, aometfcinf t had aot doaa for apavorim rreecriptlon- nuikei1 weak women etreagieick women well; Accept to substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. : " -1 ' Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. . - ., , . -.Tn-"tw-' Aata. -t "The driver -ants of Africa are so called because they drive before them While oa march all other Hving crea turec'tio atrlmal being able to with stand them. No beast, however for midable, dares to cross their track, nd they will destroy in a single night all the pigs snd fowls on a farm. ' Use Haaoock'e Liquid Hulpfaur, for Hereon, Pimples, Ringworm, Dandruff and all skin diseases. - For. tale at F. S, Duffy's. "Mowe. So loOraffO as 1118 David Rnmsey and Them5 WthlSossr toik out a pat ient for englih s end trmctiluery to- plow tgrevnd without horses. ' frfce- rVlBwIimT Meal. The prlucliml meal eflsll "people of iall "ngeS 'has been undoubtedly dinner, (and the- lover of old time rustonie will iflnd K both intertwting and entertain- ting to notice the various ehanges wJilch have-taken place in the etiquette W the dinner tabla lata Waaua, ' Znln Women always Indicate by therr headdress whether they are married tor unmarried. . Prickly beat eared Is en application y using of Han cock's Liquid Sulphur, It willaho cure tcxema, Fetter, Pimp les, Ringworm, Dandruff,' Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, and all skin trouble In a short time, when used ss directed. For kale at t P. Da By' Drag 8ore, Lams dm UcMMwalllaa-. tth 1a estimated that fully .10.000.(100 the people of the United Stolen lire living Under lews or local ordinance liruich prohibit- liquor selling. This I Snore than one-third of tbe entire pop-kkrtton- of the republic. Tho states hvhacn have enacted - prohibition laws fere Kansas, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Vermont In Ken tucky 00 out of 110 counties have pro hibitory law. Ia California 176 cltJe 4nd towna are under prohibition. The ttates where liquor selling is least re ttrlcted are Oregon, Montana and Ool- fnrada ) A Necessary PrecaotloB. -. t Doat neglect a oold. - It Is worse than npleasaat It Js dangerous. , By using OaeXlaal Ooagk Onrt yoa eaa core It stemaaj Allays mimamaUon, olsars the sfcad, sosthss aad etrsagthesi tna mn ebne msmbrsssi Cares coughs, eroop tiroat and lnng troubles. Ahsolntely safe JsaalsMasdlslily. Chlldrea like H IS Valeaal lalaada. ' lav and. Indred. most of the other lantm of 'thS eeiatm' archipelago sre largely volcanic, twthr rly alt of ttiecar aubmartae apbeavals, due to vol ckaiaaetlon.' 'krakatoa,' Java's mot ajroii mouaUUhave a saniecent dhfc May of its powers Ja 1888, ,000 pan, IsWIMng round nod near Jt lostng tjVeff teres, rjw:.. iikiifjmtMA At att;'--7'i "Wh sass essirthst spvlglitly step, fault less akin; rich; rosy aoarpiettoa, ssanisg fab. HhelooUgood, feel good. HerCt her aacret 8se-wer-Dr. King's Kew LlfsPUls. Eult-all organs active, dlgestftn titMIaiN,s stanot ft trrwem yaj-lf.x-iy at O.ft-Widlaua'B. ; .;..-. i-i r fThe nsientlflc ebTaBc4oeUtwhS have ! heeaenundlrtg trwaset call forisawi)gaiaet MOKiultoes should abandon New Jersey as a field of war- tfere and .transfer Tfcctfojoratlons to Ireksa -i Telemrjhie dlsnatchea from -rort teerth say that m eertaln ports f TVOrT ssy tnarin eertaln ports ih Bur BUM tbe tnsecf peats mi mw:u iwirma du are ao vi rsjien that outdoor labor ha almost fetiseo! n4 that ninny horses sod cat rtjav lust tiieli Uvea In pond and u hma, ievwtrtre ;y.j(ewiht refuge frma tUetr- . ..ior.--Nw . Tork Tlltune. , .V :t- W ..'TIere re tf Atonic, r t a : r liver seeds n- 1 th M gripe i's Li.'.u i'..u!y l.'ear n t'.o synlcm and act aatl v '-.-I. exi al all ; n fr- at t"tilc to the llror. v f i.ti, r,:u nigh land Te.,l:i!ton, I'. n; "I liavecar- rkal De Will's Lllllo Karly Klwirswlth me for scveml yesrsand wou',1 art ! w ont t! n." (' . '1 1 ensy lo t ' nivnn jujar m -COLLEGE AND SCHOOL la future no student under sixteen' Will be admitted to the medical course at Aberdeen njitverstty. r-v-' -" - Among the trade unions and organ!. nations tar Oermany there la an asso tlatlon of women "teacueTB evlth 16,000 members 1 1 , Dr. J. 'HTLatane of Baltimore has been elected to the ehair of history at Washington and Lee.tuovewity.' Pe It , a son of the latofilahop Latans, f Women teachers to Pi aastarr scfaoolr get, besides free dwmiJgtmTy-tl78 S yeat to begm wtth Ttiia lwTarsed to 300 after thirty-one years of service. - -; the ncstntscrlptton for Halaria. Chills and Fever i a bottle xof Qbovh's TAarxLa Chill Tobio. It I pimply iron snd quinine ia a tasteless form. Ho core no pay. Price 80c - -ttats Come" -PKaiaAala. . Bats arc untU-ea of Asln. and their raids westward feliriurtaeorapurattrely modern tluius. Vrow the fuct that the rat is not weutianed by any vof the early Europeans it bY surmised that it was unknown west of the Ganges In ancient times. Aaeleat OtlSTdtaa. The Greek island of Zante bns oil fields which were known to Herodotus, ! Take a bath in Hancock's Liquid But phur. They are superior to Iboae Of the moot celebrated Sulphur Ppringt, having the addltwntdAdvwnug of being mad kny desired strength. ;Tney wJll enre Prickly heat,Bema,' sad all -skin rti. Fntsaleby r.K Pnffy. The Baifwa -tMrlloaf-or Vha ea. ; Tbe ferina of sea' life in the upper portion of the ocean waters tuny do-' scend to it depth of 100 feet or so from the- surface, but there then-succeeds a barren-sotie. -Which continues to within ?00 to 800 feet from the bot tom, where the deep see animals begin to appear. AmatnHaa Turttoa. Western AnBtralla' coast line in many parts abounds With turtles. . BRAIN-POOD NONSENSE Another ridiculous food has been branded by the moot 'competent authori ties. They have dispelled the silly notion that oae kind of food is needed for brain another for muaclea, and still another for bones, A correct diet will not only nour lah a particular part of the bod yy but it will sustain every other part Yet how ever good your food may be, its nutri ment i destroyed by Indigestion or dys pepsia. Ton mast prepare for their ap pearance or prevent their coming by taking regular dejee of -Green's August -Flower, the favorite caedldna of the healthy millions. A few doses al l di gestion, stimulate -the liver fo bt-alih action, purifies tbe blood, snd snake yon (eel bodyaat aad rigorous. Too can get this reliable remedy at r. H. uuffy - uet Qreen'i Special Almanac -Why DlamaaSe' Are tVttzea. The diniiioiid wns reptitml ns a pre server nyuliiHt epidemics and polgons. It calms auger and foments conjugal love. The uncleuts called It "the stone Of reconciliation." It symbolizes con stancy, strength mid Innocence. Pwrtore la Bweaea. Doctors in Sweden paver sand bills to their patients. They cheerfully ac cept whatever sums the patients choose to give them. MaiTUio, Fla, October 10th, 1901 The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more, Md. Gentlemen: I have had Eczema over thirty years, nave tried many rem ed let prescribed by various physicians, but to nothing has the disease yielded so read ily at to Liquid Soxr-noa. I think It used properly It Is undoubtedly a speci fic for Ictema. I have prescribed it for others wlU most satisfactory remits. I consider ft the best ' remedy for cuta neous affeeflens I have ever known, and regard it ss the greatest medical discov ery of lb age. Beepectfullyiyours, W. A, HEARD, HiD. . For sale at V, S. Duffy's. - . . swalth Mt1 ttU -SLaeaar. , . ' I cant make out what Smith does WttMfinoney.". ;itor --ryi ;'v 'No; I can'tLTeterdy1 wss short, and he's short agsra today.": -? iDtd he want to fcorrow rrem your Koi I wanted to borrow from torn" Chicago Journal l: v' v -i SCattentURecoraiVr Twice In hospital, f. A 0uIledge,Ver. Ben;!!, paid a vast sum todoot r 10 cure severe ease of piles," canalng W UuMorsCWhsa ntt failed, Bwcklen't Arnica Balve sooo cured blav . Babdoes Ibf smnisUon, conquers Aches, . kills UXau" Best salve In the world. tSc. at q TC Brsdhsm's drag store. I VA hnnaB 'hoar hnrller-m-aM mmt iong fogetbtTt I '4 never have married you-.' -v,. .--'..' . lf ('4 known It you'd never bare 14 tbe ehance."-nHlmor Herald, i - ?'-''" ! . J -? ' . ("Automobiling Is not likely to endure si n sport": - ' '"No: people ere already so shy tbst Ifs mere a matter of rack than skill When f nybody la run down." Life.- r-.--;:'l ' Hill I . . !" , ; " St Is with joy ItelKfosrwhst Kodol did fur me. I was -troubled with my stomach for several months. Cpon be ing advised to nse Kodol, I did so, "lad wnrdt caanot tell tbe good It bat done me. . A neighbor bad 'thr-dyspepsla so that he had tried mot everything. I told htm to ate Kodol. ' Word of grattloile have come to me from bin berne I recommended It. Geo. W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. HniUli and strength of mind and bo!y, depnd On tbe ttomarli, ami nor snal activity of the ilI(;oHllve nrj-nnt. Ko dol, the ("rr-it rcoonfl! rn!.?ve tni,Ic.( curet t'l ll si.-.l l-owel I: ' ' i. In " n- ,o:,ln and FAp:::t:i .-. Oowa Fo tuimi Vast. '' ! Gown'of white batiirte trrrnmed arit bands-of red linen or taffeta, embrbld eredjwlth white. The blouse and tbe Bounce are plaited and puffed at the . WHITE TMMHBD WITH WU. top, where they are trimmed with the embroidered bands. The girdle is of red taffeta or panne. Wiener Mode Album. Summer ESrenlBa' wowaua. Flowered silks of all kinds are in fashion for evening gowns, and queer old dull blues with pink bouquets or boskets of flowers nro very effective, Tbe Jacket waist Is used with these gowns a great deal, with the wide bertha collar of heavy lace. Occasion ally a Jacket Is seen with the skirt of tulle or lace, but as a rule skirt and Jacket should match. These silks are generally to be found at quite reasonable prices, unless some one of the newest designs is desired; then it is a very expensive thing, for these designs come only in the very newest and handsomest qualities of wide silk. Even tbe simplest flowered muslins are possible for Bummer even ing gowns made on the lines of a silk or lace one, close fitted around the hips, always with a wide Spanish flounce and wth ruffles On tho edge of the flounce or on the skirt that is worn underneath. Ruffles of lace or embroid ery trim the waist which should be very simple In design! Harper's Baxar. The Latest In Uarsa. Many of tbe newest unbleached lin ens resemble hopsncking, and these and the twills, mercerised piques and drillings of fine quality are nsed with Silk vest and trimmings. Tho lino woven hollands appear among stylish tailor costumes, tbe heavy Irish lin ens are decorated with bands of real guipure lace insertions. Large collars and overall embroidery are banded with insertions, and usunlly under the jacket of these beautiful suits one gets a glimpse of a tucked blouse of pink, yel low or wblto India mull. An Attractlr Bloaae. Blouse of gray and white striped taf feta, made up crosswise. It fastens slightly on ono aide with three old sll- STBtra bcx cBoeewisa. ver buttons. . Tbe collar and the cuffs" are of embroidered be title, bordered With a band of gray taffeta matching the dark stripe. Tbe plastron la of tbe ftaterial., ,-r-', " . - i j "'"" Twite With iBMVttwaa, . 'w For a young girl a voile gown trim med with insertions of .ecru lace Js both suitable and pretty. The skirt Is In a new style, with a deep, full gath ered flounce. Above title n ta encircled with Urn rows of tbe ecru Inaefttoa.' Toe waist baa a yoke of tbe liieertJonv snd In the blouse are InkLtwo groups of. plaits whlcb'dlp low in the front and In tbe beck go lis high so the Sbouldef blades. The sleeve sre tuck-, ed and lace trimmed. The white bice bat Is 'ornamented wHb pale .yellow roeeev-i,"? --' ;':,".'. ''(vi - . '.- ,-r'. v.f.. ; i ll 'i ii ii ' .-kfi ' -' ... Frewa Saimana, '.,". -f '; : Salmon f roscu In Oregon snd shipped to Germany cae be bought there for 88 cents a - pound, while German salmon cost 81 .211 n pound. ' ' - - i i s-jsjssmjjjju 1 '.. ; . -r His Sltnt Threatened, X Wbll picnicking last month my IV-year-old boy wis poisoned by tome weed or plant,'' tayt W II Dibble, of Bloat City, Ia. "H rubbed the polos elf hi hsndt Into hit eyee and for a while we were afraid he would lot tight. Finally a neighbor recommended DoWlti't Wlu k llarol Salve. The flrtt apillcalloo helped Mm anil In t few dayt he vat at well st ever." For ikln dle, run. burn, P' r.' 'q, woumla, Inject hllea, I r' lu't ' r m-I P-lve la sure cure. J " v -i' f. hfiB ure (if i -1, f- "JJ "r - A," '!. Practising PliysictoV&(? Sistei' of Oronyatekhar, Head of the Order of Forresters - Pf thrjJdorld, Endorel.frtlTa E RnkhaitfsWegtaWefCoh pouiKfWU Following Us Record For Years. .";".. " f.1 From time to time we have been puhlishing V'ttia ewiape'rf' this eotlntaTonj stateaifeBte and elairns of-the superiority of Liydla B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound as a remedy for all tAe ilia peculiar to wo- men, but tt eldow happens that the proprietor of a valuable medicine 'is able to produce, such unquestionable expert testimony as we are permitted to publish in this article. v 0 It Is annesotsnry tor as to devote much space by. way of introduction of Dr., as both, she and her family are of international fame. Her brewer Oroa tfafciar,--Was second in rank of the"lo)d Tcsajdars oMhe World wheaoha tV Fhioh wao ohief. Now at tW head of tho Independent Order of Forresters of the world, having headquarters at Toronto, Can. Princess Vlr oquft, the subteot of our portrait, has boon a practlsin;? physician and lecturer in tho United ,8totea foe tho past twenty-nvo years ; her standing in her profession and eloquence as a speaker ia well known, especially thoughou8 the WeaV She writea-a letter to Mrs. Pinkham of interest to all women. ' PRINCESS VIKOQITA, M. U. "Dbab Mbs, Pinkham: Health is tho groatost boon bestowed on humanity and therefore anything that can roNtoro lost health is a bles sing. I consider Lydia B, Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound as a blessing to State and Nation. It cures her mothers and daughters and makes them well and strong. "For fifteen years I have noted the otfect of your Vegetable Com pound in curing special diseases oi women. "I know of nothing superior for ovarian trouble, barrenness, and it has Sre Tented hundreds of dangerous operations where physicians cjainrecl i was tho only chance to get well. Ulceration and inflammation of the womb has been cured in two or three weeks through its use, and as I find it purely an herbal remedy, I unhesitatingly give it my highest endorsement Fraternally yours, Dr. V. YuioyuA, Lansing. Mich." After a thorough consideration of such a testimonial as this we are per fectly euro that the women of America will consider that we are amply justi fied in nuldngonr strong claims for the auperiority of Lydia K. Plnkham's Teg table Compound. Every one, of course, knows that Dr. Vlroqua would not allow such a statement to be made over her slfrnaturc unless it was absolutely true, and that her faith in the remedy must 1m- (rc.-.t or she would not allow her portrait to be published in connection with her recommendation. If you are 111 do not hesitate to get a bottle of I. yd In E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compovmd at once, and write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. for special advice ; it Is entirely free. $5000! evyaw WOTICE ! The Democratic Primarle will be held at the various election precinct of Craven County, on Wednesday, the 8rd day of September, 1902, In accordance with the following plan: Plan for holding a Democratic Primary for Craven oonnty. 1. There (hall be provided at each vo ting precinct one box for each office for which candidates present themselves. t. The chairman of committee for each voting precinct shall appoint clerk who shall keep a poll book, and i register each Democratic voter of said precinct The masse of each voter shall be checked . when his vote I cast. Said clerk shall receivers compensation $3,00 for his day' Service, to be paid by the eaadidates. - t. JCaoh osadlilaie shall hate the prie liege of selecting some Democrat at each voting precinct to represent hi Interest there. , . , ... , ... . Booh representative shall have tbe privilege of wltaesslog the eonduct pf the primary, noting Irregularities, and reporting tarns' to his conrmlttee for edV yostment, ' ' " t 4. The poll shall open at 7 a.m. and eloeeetf s sm-when the'elerk. in the prsssnesj of ., the lapreaentaHves of the earlons eaadidates shall can rut , the Vote aad make his returns together with the poll ' book to- the ehalrmaa ' of the Conaty atzeeutlv Ceaainltteotai bs-eav: vassrd by the Exeentire Comities t ft steeuog called for this purpoM. ;., The clerk before entering npop. the Ibchergevf kl doty, under the reto lattoaa tfeall be iwora to fakhfally and koaettly ooaduot tbe primary aad make soneat ratura of tame. . , , ,(. t I vVrdneeday, ttepUmber IJ waa Died at the day for the primsrlea, ' sad the fcieeottve Oommliiee shall meat ( tbe (Joart Hoot oa Haturdey the nth day of epiember at U o'clock (or the purpose fcuvlng Ibe Vote and declaring the result. '' '' t.. . 1 'hre behig nm 4 arUter badness, 0 motion the eostmUisw adjoaaea. a.jki., ' ' vt..,: - Dnnnft, BnB..)j ( s.. Cnnnu, mvv-tfrpv '' lUGitER-'DROS; ...m. ' ' --!1. ' a 'J wi 'i '; .. . B10 North front Street, a V : V, ' The place to bny jour1 Cemetery Work st 150TT0M rRICES.' U Ton igu and Donu-stio Granite and IT.iiljlo. lettering nnd rinir.h the V t ' fc..ul for luU';t 3nflt,-n,. AH : . a" v SJ a V ' ABD. W ksaTj d0po1ltf1 with th National City Hank of Lynn, ftAOOO, will b nsahd to suit Devtwsai who flan And that the above testtmoutal Mttiar gmnuBBt OsT wav papoatiea doioto ouiaimnv uio writer gfacia. ww s. k. I'm k nam nexiicin) o., l,txibb. asaaav ANNUAL EXCURSI0N-G0LDSB0R0 TO ASHEVILLE, AUG UST 19m. The Soillhem Hallway will operate it's Annual Excursion to Ashcvllle Aug ust 19tb. Leaving Uoldsboro at 8 30 a. m; Belmt 0 14 a. m; Rilelgh 10.10 a. ni; Durham 11.00 a. m; Greensboro 1.03 p. m; High Folct 1.41 p. m; Lexington 2.16 p. m, arriving at Athevtlle at 7 p. m. Round trip rate only 14.00. Ptiiengeri return on tny regular train up to aa'd Including train No. !M which leavet Ainevllle at 0.55 a. m. August 22. Two dtt anil three nlghlt In the "Land of the Bky.v For -further Information eall on any agent of the Boulbern Hall way of wrltS, K B. Pipkin, Manager, Qoldtboro. N. C. 8. H. HARDW1CK, (i. I'. A., Washington, D. V. R. L. YEHNON, T-P. A , Charlotte, N. C. 3 Bradham's iinttk -I wWoufuVef ' Hils, Hl nirefr -vegetable and act by ttlmnlttaigjiliallfer, caotiog tncreated now or mm ana producing natural movr menu of lbs bowels. Tbey do not pro daca griping or sk stostaeh. Bate enre lot Costllpatlon, Flatulency, Heartburn Sic. Price so cU. Manufactured by a Bradbtm, wholettle and retsfl drur- i.t .... ? CnsU Oulj 9 corti or stso u smtss e. 11 l W, kaa kaaitM D,, UolMl'a TtBtHlSt tlWSila rantaiii Iww wa Ma tm bMMI la paWM aad kada aa a prarMrr awdWna, aa aat awda lad iaa Maatlf awl,, ll trmm rM Wfatf aaal aarardar. i.wnwww.aimwaawwiiinrraa artwa f ainacwiaaMoiaaraaf aha tjM ana at iimiiail m (aiaal; aMtrr, tw Uwir mtr aoMf . a, i I . .a- -. t -..u . -r: a ... -rifi.-, '.,n,-r;:i-, ' i-fiQiaiiiui& and . . A etmblnatkncl theory ssd practtba, ol hook tludy and manual work In tneVrtf tlctiiiatw, ChemUtry, Electricity; fUcbanlc Art tnd Cottom Manutacturiaf. r,u Z c pec ll Cou rtr (B anos.; Jurtkia and 8'J teachers, 809 student, sew building Z St lhaaCCellJ,''..' -.'v-.u t ,-.: . .- i '-. " ; :, .lrcr.J ':sf Crai T. Tr?SWRaJcff K. c. CRAVEN'S REPRESENTATIVE. Withdrawal of Wm. B.Lane In Favor of Owen H. Guion. Their Public Cards. To the Democrats of Craven county. Having, been reliably informed that Mr. Owen H. Ouion has publicly de clared that under no circumstances would- he offer himself for the Legisla ture's the candidate of any particular Interest, but that he would accept (he nomination if it was -tendered him by theholepsrty snd rttn as the unbiased candidate of the Democratic party of Craven county, and that he would act in harmony with the county executive committee, I have, after mature consid eration and consultation with those of my many friends who have been most active In urging me to offer myself for tie suffrages of the good people of Craven .county as their representative in the next Ueneral Assembly .concluded that a cessation of factional differences wtthythelr attendant heart burnings, mis trusts and unkindly feelings, succeeded by harmonious and friendly action in all matters political would be of vastly more Importance to every material in terest of Craven county and lior people than tbe wishes and ambitions of any one man, and believing therefore, that tbe declaration of Mr ( stated above are those ol an honorable man, and that they will not only be faithfully observed but that they offer what seems to lie an opportunity fo heal the differences which for years have worked great de triment to the Interests of our people, 1 hereby withdraw as a candidate In favor of Mr. Gulon and tender him not only my own, but bespeak for him the loyal support of my good friends whose as surances of my successful candidacy I had not the slightest reason to doubt To my friends and especially to those whose advice I have not had the opnoi tunlty to obtain in arriving at the con clusion stated above, I return my sincere thanks and beg to assure them of my lasting appreciation of tbelr kindness and consideration in proposing to honor me with thulr suffrages for a teat in the next Oeneial Assembly. Wm. 11. Lank August 12, 1U02. To the Democratic voters of Craven County. Messrs. J. .1. Wolfenden snd William B. Lane having withdrawn as candidate for members of the lloiue of Representa tive! from Craven county, and having been requested by many Democrats to become a candidate for the position 1 d tire to announce thai should I become the choice of the Democratic Parly at I lie primaries soon to lie held, I will ac cept the position ai the candidate of the party, and when eleclod such representa tive I shall endeavor lo represent my county faithfully. Impartially and for the best interest of the entire people. 1 have read the card of withdrawal of Mr. Lane and highly appreciate tils patriotism, and cordially endorse his sentiments and also am grateful for IiIh kind words in lelereuce to myself. 1 hope my course In the House of ltt-pre-sentatlvet will Justify the tame. Owkn It. UlllnN, Aug. 12th. 190?. 127 Middle fit. Columbian Insecticide, Peterma Roach Kood, Hooper's Fatal Food a jure Death to Moths, Hugs, etc. Also Bromo Cbradine The disinfectant that ditinterU an deodnrisea. We keep on hand a complete ttock'o riedicines. Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth Brushes, &c. Phytioiani' Prescription! a. special BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE vl A V aaoa a 4 Traow Manas , TlM" Cowvmomac AnraftfttMittne-asMlali and dssflrtptloa ma, qntatlf NWartaln our opinion froa what bar an InrariltiMt M nronaMf palontahla. c-omni UoaMialTSMieutla). Handbook o P Patanta iaaaa ibrunah Mann 1 la. IM. OMnat aaani , fur aacurliur ua ar-fc4Mca, wHkaaa ahanra, la ttw Strait Jtocrica:,. A hSntaniaMr Sraatraaad waatlf. anltumf anf aoWMtaa mwaal. van, I l.iar nuMkL ai Soldi, all Ma -...J, tat 9 H. Waahlacm. B).15.' " " ' . , 1 4tiaisi,lrvisiii.,aJ tht pwtla,5twuUiai it Instbti f J5Sf j. ssorrm. m- t, t. uhjw. mcx A ma a aattia Oa Mm tat ttailaa m a rarr awaaf aTMwnaaoi aainanii lafaraaajaaaarl aad laaaallatuMna B if , Ikantwaafaaaaawanw', Henry s Pharmacy, fcs,ssW PtHmM WBVW W W Moths MVfstfl. ?Tmyti'ftfvytvty?tTfvv?fTmTo i i, . s -Mm Meckanic&i Lollene. Cc - iHe (4 yean), Short Courses (lyear J room, 10 a btroi; board , month. for 600, - Writs) fo Booklet "A Day H : Ml Ms l - .ll,;t4AAAAA-A.l.tAe

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