v.u.v.vu 'Ar ftv VOL. Xlii-HO. 125 a : Lei" i". ,;. t - WWlil .!C., FEIDAT M0BIII8, AUGUST 22, 1902. TWlNTY FIItST VKAK iMacKiyfnf ICtat anl Balls Oiifcl , J lif Ladies, Misses f TO GL0SE 01E I WAY -J.' itv-nnns tJiw The only reason why we make m to carry mem over 'till anotner Nole Size and Price. Ladies 2b, to 7s, that sold Misses 11 js to 2s, '. fChildfens 6b to 10s, Childrens Red Shoes Btill areams in M J. J. BAXTER hag moved his Millinery Stock from Pollock Street to his store on Middle Street and is Olos ing out the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Special Inducements to Milliners. ; IF YOU WANT THE BEST PRICES, The BEST Sta bits, The BEST BRING YOUR TOBACCO i annuo rr aCUUUOC Town. We promise our best efforts in behalf of the Farmers. J. H. HOWARD, Manager, C. H. RICHMOND, Farmers Warehouse. Auctioneer. I H. 1. . P. w it what rou'JI iare. iilel ti ooaoerasd, at any ta, if .the varrlai ii pnrchaied -of tia" gt th bwt nJu obtaiMibta tot autoe II you want a bam or light wafoo ol anj atyla, wa'll lv yon dm perfect ta oonatrnction and of aloeant flnith, war- taniea at to woramanaiup and natonal, at a ary low nrle. Cant 4o kettar. w nut Knbber Tina on ftmt ova or mw wheela. We shrink nnr looaa Una Uia maohina.pnttlnt; new bolta to. tanv old plaoea. .. V vr ,.t. f A-. : Cream or Roses ( lu kamiatt llqnld praparatloi ' for'famotlof Soabara, 'raoklaa, Taa : - aad laaproVlnf the eoraplakloa. Whaa ; pp)M It la lavblUe 'and eanaot bt Waabad off. The, dark Una around the " Hack, oaoted by waarlng tight flttlnf ;; eonart, ft retnovod ty Cream of Boat. ISe. MBBADHAM-I I LAHaACT t ' . !;$ !. tfo v, and Chlldrens DOWN LOW. the Sacrifice is we don't want tfj season. CI t at $1.60 to close out at 90o. - - - 90c. - - 750. 2; on sale - 60c and 75o' J Facilities FOR UNL0ADISG imry TO TOE Up Peach and Chealate ICE CREAM AT THK Brai Street Fnit Store. BBADB11T8 LITXB and STOMACH VtULB tn partly veintabhi and oaa fca sivaa to vert old peoola tad Chfldraa. ptldthicdeas'laaireOeet tofkMMOV fog 9 ni 7or dlaaomforv CpOows HaHh: Huea)ri." which it hrf ii ttVlUlro Oo Toer JIt. hurt yoaf etVw try. lheaaVl. Priot Makt BBAPUAITR PHARMACY. ATTENTION !j 1 hate arrhrad from tha Korthara If arkat aad am now Opanlnf dp tba Baat,galti,ajd Aasortad fMaak M DBT GOODS, CLOTHIWO, SBO&4 r" . that hai bean offend fat this city. K- aaambar the pla - V'i I , r y lit)r,,STBjanKXT doc& , HORTH Of OABK1LL BABD-' ( ' "": V r'WABB OOMPAJIT, ; 5 S.COPLOW u, r Cda7 Ealicte Powacn. J ' Tharala not any .batter rmtdy for holi . tha these powders, I They etar fall to re!!ra. 1' "a d anil oi'Jy t1HV!s rr- . - v 1ELEGKAPHIC BREVITIES.1 .t t iii f y f 5 - ' i .... i"T I : v Mlmle war. fare Is. beta( icarrled on along the Eastern Coast froia. Boston to Mew Tort TTiree battleships, nine end , sen and seven torpedo' beats eonsUtnds a Una at defease and the object la to pre vent their boats ' which represent the foreign squadroi trom bombarding the lead forestA Admiral Pfllsbor jts com sailer of the foreign fleet; and is to snake a landing at any point between Boston sal Hew York between. Angoit 80 pad 87. .Admiral Higginson Is In oom maud of the defending fleeC' The blUe Iscondoctednnderlhstruotlens from the l,"tflf The faotlonal flght wbich Jias tilsted tofthej RepahllonA party, of JfMilaware wia sens wed In ' irenUon at Jowr but the Addlci raetloa whroh has many times vainly attempted to get snpremacy was again defeated- and the regular re publican candidates were nominated. Bishop Mnillgan-and Brooks, jiesper- au criminals it the Kentucky penitenti ary attempted to nuke their escape hot the warden hastily formed ii squad of. the guards and frustrated their plantf They displayed epnslderable ngllnest aad when one of them Bishop made a motion self he was going to shoot, one of the gnards shot and mortally1 wounded him The other two were shackled and put Into solitary confinement Winston suffered a bad fire Wednes day,. The damage la estimated at too, 000. Joe Cole, the negro, who shot and killed road maater Btevers on the Sea board Air Line train protests his inno cence of the deed. The men are kept under strict watch. A pontoon containlngfa detachment of Russian Infantry crosaing the river Amar in Russia aank and 30 soldiers, Ave ;offlcers snd 70 Chinese camp fol lowers were drowned. By the explosion of two pulp digesters in a paper mill at Wilmington, Del. nine men were killed, six ere missing snd three were badljjnjured. A Correction. ed. joukhal: X wish to correct a statement made by Mr. Green in Friday's issue In regard to myself. He ssld I waa not the choice of thlaj township and that I knew It. This had no right to eay, for I did not know! It. or I never for a moment would have thought of offering myself as a candidate for any office. l would never ask support or any other township, knowing 1 could not get it in my own. The vote of 1000, as we all know, was not a correct expression of the senti ment toward say candidate but was the result of that unfortunate dtvialon which got Into our ranks st that time. But In the opening of this esmpalgn a number of those who were against me then were kind enough to volunteer their support in case I should be a candl date. This led me to believe that I could get the support of my people. D. P. Wmittord. Tt the Voters -of Craven County. Why Freeman 8. Ernnl Is a candidate for sheriff. It Is because he was endorsed by the executive oosamttte of No. 1 snd No. townships. F. 8. Ernul Is the oholoa of the majority of the Democratic voters of the north sldeofNeuse river, Any oftos aaked for by Nos. 1 anl townships wss promised two years ago by the Democratic mass meeting held In the Court House In New Bern. When we pat Mr. Ernul ont we be lieved he would be endorsed by the ooenty, bat this we find not So ws kave only this to say to the voters of Craven County we believe we are entitl ed s place on the nst of Craven officers. If we are not entitled to It, show our Indebtedness aad we wilt try to pay It la ooeclaslo we expect recognition as Deasoeraia of Craven County. "North Bide of the Hirer." SUNIER cuwiintT. : freper Peea WlUrrevent It. When the oowels ' go Wrong la adults or children, quit all food but Grape-Nuts aad a little cream or milk, ' The expsr- Waoe of oae women will be read with Interest by away mothers who pass ant- lone days over little eaas aad become alarmed because the food dose not agree with baby aad ke dally wastes away. . ' Mrs W. B. Meaaent of Little Falls Mine, writes, ti a-aaf to tell youths good erepeirott rood , hWdotm far my baby key. WkenbswSelQ; troths old ke wss tskea with summer eotaplalnt aad I eould not And any prepared food that agreed wllh him. ' I was giving hist doctor's medicine all toe time but he eoatlaasd to lose In wetght until ke on ly weighed is lbs havtngelgaed ttlbs., before ke wee taken sick. Finally; the doctor told me that - aalesa I oouM get sons real nourishing food for him be eould not live many days and he adrlsed use to get Grape-Nuts Food which I did, aad la Ire days he galaed 4 ounces snd la Bra weeks ke weighed 'it SOltis. . If any mother r r ' g U.la letterwsnts to write to me r ''tUy I will gladly answer snd t'-'I) r the full particulars r !;&i;!;' ; 1..." ; ...... -.a and the gwi? Or--. : ' i y ' The Last Mortars From Fort Macon Arrived. Peabody Scholarships. State Guard Inspection. First Brick Lay lag Methodist Orphanage Negro Murderer. State Weather Report For July. Raleigh, Ane. 81. Today the exami nation papers of the various applicants for Peabody scholarships were received by State Superintendent Joyner. There are 13 applicants. The three ranking highest Will get scholarships. Two 10-Inch mortars arrived here to day from Fort Macon, near Beaufort, to be placed on the grounds of the Soldiers' Home. These were the last csnnon re maining at that fort. Inspector-general Bain has completed the annual inspection of the State Guard With the exception of one regiment. The inspections are more rigid thtn ever be fore. Next Monday morning the first brick will be laid la the new building at the Methodist Orphanage here. This IS the 130,000 main building. In making the excavation for the foundation granite was struck. Congressman Charles R. Thomas is here. There Is no doubt of his reelection It doee not appear that the opposition will make any opposition save In the 5th 9th and 10th districts. In the east the Republicans cut no ilgurp st all, The desl by which the Neuse river electric power company, which has its plsnt on that stream, 6 miles from here, may combine with the Raleigh street railway and lighting company la not yet consummated. It has been on some time. The power plant has coBt some $90,000, it la said. The original purpose of Its owners was to utilize It for the cars and for lighting, It Is of course the cheapest and best power. Its lines are now complete to this city. Bob Foster, s negro murderer under sentence to be hsnged at Loulsburg, has aow been In Jail here an entire year, for safe keeping, pending appeal to Superior Court. He escaped from the jail at Loulsburg, but was recaptured the next day and at once brought here. This city's superintendent of health ssys the healthfulness of Raleigh la ex ceptionally good and the death rate very low. Col. ThomaB S. Kenan haB returned from a trip of a month's duration, to Virginia and the north. It Is by law made the duty of the cor poration commission to aend to the Oov ernor its suggestions and recommenda tions In regard to taxation. In time for the Governor to send It In his opening message to the legislature. Virtually It Is the duty of the commission to prepare tne revenue Din. The weather bulletin for this State for July was Issued today. It says the aver age rainfall was 8.74 Inches, which shows that the rainfall was the smallest since 1878. The nearest approach was In July 188. when it wss 3.72 inches. The tern perature wu far above normal, and maxima of 100 to 107 degrees occurred several times from the 4th to the 10th, and 10th to 20th, doing damage to crops. The mean temperature for the State was 78.6 degrees, or 1 degree above nor mal. The highest mean was 84, at Washington, the lowest 80 st Llnvllle The highest sbsoluto temperature waa 107 at Chapel Hill; lowest 44 st Lln vllle. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey la best. Middle street the VANCEB0R0. Satisfactory Prices Paid For Tobacco. Personals. Aug. 21. Quite a number of our peo ple are In New Bern attending court this week. Mr. J. B. Asklns who has been home on a furlough for a few weeks, returned to Norfolk Mondsy where the company is in Detracts. ' The farmers are very hopeful over the prices they are getting for tobacco, Mr. Ed Little sold tOOIbs of ssnd lugs last week for 150.00, the tobacco was raised on the farm of B. F. Dlnklns, This wss s good price. ' We are having a Rood many tobacco drummers aow, each one soliciting trade for his house. ' . Mr. Paul Brooks, of Grlftoa, wu a visitor la Vaaeeboro Sunday. ' Mr. J. W. Dally of Washington, was here Moadsy. v v - - . ' Mrs. 0. B. Hill and son, of New Bern, It visiting at Mrs. Thoe.Blngletary's this week.',' - - . v " ,. , ,' 'i Mr. L. H. Cox, of CoxvlUs, was here one day this week. i '. Dr. L. 0. Covington left Wednesday afternoon for New Bern accompanied by Mr. T. L. Bmlth.' v , We were glad to see Mr John Ormond of Washington, la town Wednesday. ' ' Mr. A. M. Williams la having a new addition bullion-his store. . .We are having some very warm weather but wa have nice showers.. Kias Ollvs Clove is visiting friends In Klnatoo this week. There will be servloes, la tlis M. E. h Bnntlry af.trnoon and also Pun- ' VZQRAH. , A Pleasant Picnic and Successful Enter prise, n Aug. 21-NotwIthstandlng the inclem ency of the weather on the morning ' of the 18th, our picnic wss a complete suc cess. There was a large representation from the counties of Beaufort, Pitt, Onslow, Jones sad Pamlico. In the forenoon we had addresses by Superintendent Brinson and Miss Leah Jones. In a short but eloquent sddress Mr. Brinson' compared the conditions of the Southern States with those of the North and East, showing clearly why the country districts should have more and better schools. He then introduced Miss Jones, who took us Into the schoolroom with the little ones and pictured them sitting hour after B6ur on straight back seats, with feet dangling above the' floor, sur rounded by 'bare unsealed walls trying to learn the lessons assigned them. A picture with which we are all too sadly familiar. Bhe then told how our houses might be improved and beautified so that school life would become a pleasure to the child Instead of being abhorred as Is now sometlmee the case. The result was an organization for bet terment of schools wss perfected with Mrs. Grace Whltford president, snd Mrs Rosa Whltford secretary. After a bounteous repast we had a very interesting game of ball between the Reelsboro teem and what remained of the Zorah nine together with a few players of visiting clubs. The result was a shutout for the visitors, the homo club scoring nine runs. The Reelsboro boys played good ball bnt made a number of errors which al lowed the score to be augmented con siderably. The game was umpired by Mr. Geo. B. Waters, Zorah's candidate for register of deeds. Sheriff Blddle was also present and was cordially greeted by the many frlenda which he has st this place. While some plsyed ball others were hopping the light fantlstlc, and not being satisfied with the sports of the day they met at night and continued their amuse ment for some hours longer. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of For Roaches and Water Bugs. If you are troubled with roaches and water bugs, try our Roach Paste. We guarantee It to glre satisfaction and re fund the money If It doea not. Price 2.1c Davis' Pharmacy. Ice Cream Soda ley's. today at Mc.8or TIV0LI HOFBRAtT. Our Special Brand of Export Beer. For rare purity and excellence of prep aratlon, this beer Is the peer of sny, do mestic or Imported. Brewed from the finest grades of Bavarian Hops snd Ca nadian Barley Malt, as a beverage, It Is highly esteemed by connoisseurs for Its exquisite hop flavor, and as the best of tonics Its use is recommended by phy slcians to all sufferers from nervous and weakening ailments. The remarkable hop strength of this beer is of great medicinal value to its sedative effects upon nervous snd excitable tempera ments. The contents of one bottle will frequently produce the most refreshing sleep, even in severe cases of Insomnia. Being thoroughly fermented, and when bottled, scientifically "pasteurized," this beer is particularly adapted tor ship ment to tropical countries, where, under the meet severe ellmatlo conditions, it will keep almost Indefinitely, retaining to the last Its clear and sparkling ap pearance. Pale amber In color. Bold only In bottles. tVKvery bottle sealed with the Grown Cork Stepper. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION. Laboratory of State Assayer ft Chemist Richmond, Virginia. The following results were obtained in my examination of the Tlvoll Hofbrsu Beer, manufactured by the Robert Port- nsr Brewing Co, of Alexsndrls, Vs. -Bpeclflc gravity, 1.0158. In 100 parts: AloohoL .8t (In volume, 4.46 Malt ex tract, ISOt Ash, 031 (original wort,18.S). Also tested fof reputed adulterations of beer, such as sallcyTlb acid, plerio acid, borax, blcarbonste of soda,' alum, chalk; sto.,akD aon wan tovno, ; J I And that It Is pure and, 'in 'all rel spefits, of excellent quality. It Is unexi oeptlonabW as 'a beverage, audi c sanction Its use for medicinal purposes; ... v- t, -mtr wf TITTm M n ' ' i ( k; ('State Chemist. Ii'-.tMi'r : " vi i hi I Fresh, Qrspe-Bute, Poetum Cereal Saratoga Chips and . Oat Flakes at J. R, Parker, JrV r . .1 1 si .iH . - i iiinin i i ii ht'jtt ,' Hofbrsu Export Beer is the finest ex port In th world for sale st Sll flrsi e' - :.?: us. I--j.Tv-'-..r V,'l ' Je 1 A fid M For Fox River Prinfrand Fancy Elgin Butter only 30c lb. New Bbl. PultonMarket Corned Beef. Small Pig Hams and Breakfast Strips, English Cured Shoulders and California Hams. Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Grape Nuts. Mason's Fruit Jars and Jar Rubbers. Potted and Canned Meats. Heinz's Pickles. Fancy Fresh Elgin Butter 30c lb. J. L. McMEL, 'Phone 91. A few nf nur w. FOB CASH and Only for a Limited Time. Chipped Beef, Js, at 10 cents per can, Veal Loaf, at 10 cents per can. Ham Loaf, at 10c per can. A Good Grated Pineapple, at He per can. California Lemon Cling Peaches, at lc per can. Fox River Print Butter, at 30c lb. Splendid Asst. Fancy Cakes, at 15c 11). A Good Roasted Coffee at 11c lb., or 5 lbs for 50c. A Good Rio-Green Coffee at 9c lb. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Farmers LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST and Bring your Tobacco 10 "'Planters Warehouse JTEW BEB1V, IV. ., which is always the place TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. Best accommodations guaranteed. E. J. HESTER, Proprietor. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Brewing Company s BEER which is said to be the Purest and Best of Beers by the United States Health Bulletin, which Is the highest American authority. ' It is net a cheap beer that will burn ones stomach aad produce a strain on the system. A full srock of the above beer In bulk and export can, be had at 18 Middle St. J. F. Taylor, ; Agi. for tne Prospect Brewing Ca Foy & Wofrd Co:, i.jnt r.cr'.f'i l "Ainri'l ..in ui 'USUKt PtUtabaVt,'" ii Rooflngi ' ,ri tnMVa nrT I W inaao it tMdWotlm" SSt Heating,, and-. BtoelviCeillng Tott will find iu ai i T '. ; Salmon 1 Fir Can. Wholeoale eft IKetall! Oroeer, 71 Broad HL manv PiizzRlers f J - z Phone IZ7 The Davis Inkstands ARE HOW THB BEST ON THB MARKET. riunaa ,siimlls (,is. . Stand Elimi nate!! all Evapo ration and waste, i ' TMMW AUV STftMt Call and Examine. owen o. Dinor, 73 CRAVEN ST. Casli for Tans and Wrappers, Twenty-five eenta , per hundred paid for taga from the following branda of tobacco: Schnapps, Speokled Beanty, R, 3. B., Strawberry, Man's Pride, Ap ple Jack, Early Bird, Cutter, Golden Crown, Banet Oft, Natural Leaf, Bad ttephMK Mahogany Twlrt, a'J.ey- flpwgeo. . .v "kiKhta of it cent solece win be nsdd km tkf t Irglnla Cheroot Wrspr, I Irsss) Ihesn aioag and get caalrat J . f HAJtqjTT8 PBABsUOttt Any (ruarnity bought 188 Broad BL 1 JjiJ'i ing 'C Jl- ttlltUt HV ' 1 ! vWe tuvo In itoclc and to arrive 1600 Bona (Mtort'BafroW.-' lift luSorCott3n'Tleli a ." Eund "ua your orders, Frloet art tho lowest. ' ' ' This ia the V Latest fcjs Davis tY Jrt iP m etavery I ' J !:!! reason- I I sble L aawawaWaWaensa Cotto Bang j7

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