THE JOURNAL. Haw Im; . Cn Ai. 88, IMS. i IiOex U Hew A4TerUemctts. 8, Coplon Attention. ' . , . , Q. Jt. Ennett-jyunUIn pen Simmons gsojiowei', yorPW- Bulaeu Ucals. l BECKJVEDjesteritay fresh Chocolate ' llmorids, Nougst, Caramels, Creams Lemon Paste, Jordon Almonds, Black, Walnut Bar, Marshmellows, Old Fash ion Stick Candy See at lames B. Daw ton's 108 Middle Street Phone 209. BLACK (Mountains Apples. At Broad Street Fruit Store. WANTED 6 Yonng men fromCraTen County at once to prepare for Positions in the Government Service. Apply to Inter-State Oorres. Inst, Cedar Rapldi, la. WANTED Board with private family, centrally located, by man and wife with 3 months old baby. Boom farn talked or not with hot and cold bath, willing to pay reasonable price. Address at once "W". care P. O. Box 87, Mew Bern, N. 0. I AM receiving daily some of the Boeat Peaches, Pears, Apples, Grape, Sweet tod Irish Potatoes. Water Melons, and also a fine lot of New; York State Cab bage, hard white heads.Barfleld's Fruit Store Broad Street. Phone 808. UOUBE and Lot For Sale A good house at a reasonale price. B. & Harper. ICE Cream Salt just received at J. F. Taylor's, Market Dock. MISS OLA FEREBEE will reopen her mnnic. class Hondar SeDt 1st 1903. Those wishing Instruction please apply at No 87 Craven street. FOR SALE Having decided to again enter my bosines, (clothing) I offer for sale my wood yard business consisting of mill, mill building, together with the office and tools. For Information apply to J. W. Moore. NOTICE If you want your house moved, raised or repaired, call on J. m. Register. He can do It all, 178 Pollock street, New Bern, N. C. I Madam LaRose i The Q rest Palmist T it back to stay. Past, Present and X Fnture Revealed. All Consults X tlons Private. 162 SOUTH FR0HT ST. beautify Your Home. 60 cents will buy enough WAJLIi JPAPEB for one room. Would;iike to make es timates for furnishing and hanging. Unlimited amount of designs to select from. Order sample books from OUILFORD LEWIS, At Dawson's, 108 Middle St. Phone 309. Fresh lot Force Food just received those having tickets can send them In with 5 cents and get a 15 cents package at J. R. Parker Jr. There are No Flies on the Oaks Market. Brick Brick we are egeata for the KinatoarOurk Brick and Til Co it Will pay yoa to see tu, before buying else where, prices and quality JR. Parker Jr. There is no domestic Ginger Ale equal to oar Belfast Ginger Ale. Crown Boi ling Works Lee J. Taylor, Prop., Phone 106. We are still seUIng meat at Hie per pound, not SOe as reported. Oaks Mar ket, i Don't fall to try our 40 cent Tea, It Is a goer.and pleases them all at 1. R. Par ker Jr. ' ' ' Afrl-Oola is superior to any other Cola. Good tor the nerves exhausted and headaches, 3 das. bottles for 00 cents. Grown Bottling Works Lee J.Taylor Prop. Phone 106. Clrsrs to nlease evert bodr. Prlaoe of India, Cubaaola, Haney Special, Aant Hannah, A. to A. Down Home. i.n. Parker Jr. ',' , , RRADHAMtt LAXATIVE OHiIl and FEVER TONIO Is ear ear tor Malaria ta all h fn. tttt (Metal toale sad tariff A" to lokn&rnfta improve an i hh lood and rea- LM iIIm. ,1... IrmiH PrlM BOO. MA earst ry J lUOUAM'B PHAJU mOY., f i ivVs-i:.'t. 1 'at.' ...... .'.va CAPUDEJE Cures Cotis,LaGnpd FkManti Uptake. f . fou. A. ?tj tarns Mr Bourn all iizzz.::. AKOTJKd Ate ABOtJT. The KJaston division Naval Reserves hare voluntary disbanded, this action iklg place oil Wednesday night, ;, Mr6oVy.l former, merohaat of this elty but lately of Durham Is open ing up a stock of Dry, Goods and Cloth ing m thestore' next to the GaeklU HardwmteCe. !,t.., s ;' Mr. 3, W. Stewart 1s having the roof and exterior woodwork of the Hotel Albert property he recently purchased painted. He will probably have the brick wall painted and penclled'also. , Mr. George Hendersoa la having quite an addition made to Ml residence on the corner of Broad and Metcalf streets. The addition will be a wing of two stories with bay windows, and will make the residence a good deal mote oommodious, and be an improvement in the looks of It. For several days the heat hu been very appreasive the thermometer .bub bling at 01 and 05 until poor humanity In this section, thoroughly saturated felt like giving up and melting away. Last night an electric storm passed over and the air was slightly cooled. The weather bureau promises cooler weather today, so may It be. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. !,Mr.US. Fisher spent, yesterday In Mwja' '. !' Mr. T. A. Dillon of Tuscarora was In the city yesterday. Mr. Wade H. Adams of New York is visiting friends In the city. 'Miss Leah D. Jones left yesterday for Greensboro and Atlanta Ga. Mr. G. T. Holmes and wife of Newark N. J. arc registered with the Chattaw ka. Mrs. O. H. Gulon and sons have re turned from a month's visit aPBeau fort. , Mr. Tonunie Roberts left yesterday afternoon' for a week's vacation at Beau fort Messrs O. R. McOotten sod D. A. Mc Ray of Jacksonville Fla,, are guests of the Chattawka. Mrs. Judge Ohas Moore and (laughter of Ashevllle are In they city on their way to Beaufort, the are registered at the Chattawka. Mr. H. C. Heldman a prominent com mercial man of Cincinnati, Ohio is In the city calling on his numerous friends be is a guest of the Chattawka. Fire at Askln. Monday morning at 8 o'clock, the barn of Mr. G. L. Arthur at Askln, was burned with Its contents, about 8000 pounds of fodder, buggy, harness, and all Mr. Arthur's farming utensils. Other stables nearby were saved from destruction by prompt work. The fire is regarded as being incendiary origin, there being no other way In which the fire could have originated. SATISFACTORY BREAKS. Farmers Well Pleased With the New Bern Tobacco Market. The tobacco market yesterday was lively and the breaks were all that covld be expected. The sale was the best since the opening of the season. About 50,000 pounds were sold and the farmers expressed themselves entirely satisfied with the prices paid. Messrs. W. A. Newbold, J. H. Cox, A. N. Green and I. M. Green, all farmers of Jacksonville said their tobacco here at prices ranging from 8 to 80 cents. They like the New Bern market and think now it will be more popular with the Jacksonville farming community than Klnston whtoh has hitherto got the bulk of the Jacksonville trade. John T. Maids, of Maysvllle, sold his crop here and was another fanner who was satisfied with his transactions with the warehousemen. The market is quiet and steady; the different grades commanding good pri ces. The JdCKUi will keep Its readers posted pa fa tobacco market during the season. As has been stated the mar ket yesterday was 88.00 to 830.00 per hundred pouads. Up For Conrt TiiaL Quite a crowd of colored people were la attendance at a trial at Justice S. R. Street's offloe yesterday being In terested la a trial of ' criminal assault on one of the parties. The evidence failed to substantiate the charge, but other charges were developed, and all hands, some six or mors In number were tent up to ooort for, trial today, where they will have a further opportunity to exhi bit themselves and acquire more notori ety. It Is very aafortsaste that the col ored people delight In being In Court, so much, out loey loot upon it as confer ring s Certain kUitlnctloa, snd even Im prisonment, Inflicts no dlagraoe, and the grnng or pona iot some rnvoious or. fens, Jot otherwise to esteemed very hoBorablt. '"- ' w1 Ida i-M-SU'V lltsrIUwiraafl at , . ' it,. , ., . .- j ... . s r PEPSILA i -Js tha most refnshlng fend tavlg-; orating' drink at Boda Fountains. Cures headache and improves the 'appetite, ' J ';i fys-j 'i m Try' It Vio jyonk. stomach's ,rr Jt f tf,,Ht - f CRAVEN C0UWTT REPUBUCAMS. Meet la COnventtoi.. Haha Factioa Re- fsse t Stay Witt Hancock Faction. : . TU Republican 6ravea ooonty, Con vention met at the Opera Boose, shortly after twelve .o'clock Thursday, Robert Hanoookcaulng the meeting Jo order, w. w. Lawrenoe being temporary secre tary. . "r There were present about 88 whites and 10 colored delegates, with a very few spectators la the gallery. .'That then would be k wrangle was to be seen before the convention had fairly entered upon Its duties. There was the Hancock faction, and the Meyer Haha faction. Briefly stated the contention of the first was, that the Haha crowd had run in colored delegates, against previous agreement, In order to control the con vention, which the, Hancock faction wanted to be a white man's convention. The Hahn people on their side said, the convention, was a post offloe affair of office holders, against all the Interests of the mill of the voters. That the con vention had been called secretly and without due notice. The convention being called to order, the roll of precincts was called, and as each answered, the name of a member of the Credential committee was called. The call had proceeded quietly until the Third Ward, Hew Bern was reached both aides having .represtontatlvea, J. V. Smith not being reoognized by the chair man. At this J. E. O'Hara took the floor, making aa appeal to the chairman, which the latter would not recognize, claiming It was not the time for such ap peal until the roll call had been com pleted. The roll call was attempted, with O'llara demanding recognition for his rights, but the noise was too great to let the convention hear the secretary. Upon this Chairman Hancock told O'Hara if he did not stop talking, he, Hancock, would put him out, and O'Hara still persisting, the chairman. came down on to the convention floor, and grasping O'Hara proceeded to put his threat into execution. By the time the two men had come to gether, there was a rush from all sides to separate the two men, and to preserve order, this nearly leading to a getieral scrimmage, but the crowd was soon dis persed, the chairman got back on the platform, and some quiet prevailed, enough to permit the roll call to pro ceed, although O'Hara frequently had something to say. J. L. Hahn, asked, for the sake of peace that the contesting delegates be given representation before the creden tial committee, which was agreed upon. The credential committee was out about an hour, and during that time there was no business doing In the con vention, the members sitting about and talking. The credential committee's report was read by S. W. Hancock, and upon mo tion adopted by vote of eacn precinct. At this point, Meyer Hahn asked per mission to speak on the report, and In substance said, I am here to do upright work for the Republican party, to give It strength in the county. But what do we see here today f Is this the way to start the while man's party f It Is bad enough when the Democrats rob us, but when Republicans come together, and take each other by the throat It IS worse. What do we see here, but some men's names In several precincts f If the rule of the convention is to be only by bosses It Is better for us to get out. Am glad to see this convention of white men .and only six colored men here. But when this report of the convention goes out, it wDl give Democrats plenty of ammu nition In this good old County of Craven. If this is the way it is going to be, o stack convention and delegates, then I am one to go out and leave. .The chairman hat no more right, except at times, than any one of you members to the convention.' I make the motion and every one who agrees with my views, has the right to retire and let the chair man have the convention. The motion was put by Mr. Hahn and seconded, and his followers filed out, going to Stanly hall. After the Hahn faction had gone out, a count of those remaining showed 28 whites snd two colored. On motion, 8. W. Hancock was made permanent chairman and J. M. Harrison secretary of the convention. Robert Hancock, being given permis sion to reply to Meyer Hahn, spoke In part as follows: We met in the court house three weeks' ago, every precinct except ewey repre rated, and unanimously agreed' to the convention being held August 3 1st, and' it being best to be one of whUaJtepubll cans. Meyer Hahn wee present when this agreement was mads. Explanations were teat to the precincts, if j agreeable, to eleet only while men. Where- is the oaly opposition to that f We fled the col lector of customs, fearful of his seat, with his colored henehmraSam and Thompson, and attorney J. X,'3'Hara, with many colored friends here to raise ap opposition. Where to there any other opposltloa f These men, they are respoa IMLC. I thMfrF sall I OUHU, I iMlewre. at D-lt er, f . ' , fcsMS stesaia. - Y t.s.Khi.inw ffiiutftltltMni ' ( V liMsrirtricvi wimimlbTiMi susiisfjii.i a-skisl I. A. - , . , a 'mmw vnsn faOetlOet'I V ' C Cairjfefeni,! iPj-.T 'OJ J J cevaW j I f A lease with, V4 Sold only by HARQET'B PHARMACY, . Bnd Bt, - , ' sihle for the trouble here today, in bring ing in bogus colored delegates, arfdg 1 1 charge Meyer Hahn and hlsd henchmen with it all ' . , "i 1 , After this speech,' the convention pro ceeded to elect delegates to the several conventions, as follows: Delegates State Contention, Robert Hancock, John Bid- die. Alternates, a B. Hill, G.W.Pope, J. M, Harrison, J. L. Hahn. , The Alter nates were given equal voting power as delegates at the Convention. Congressional Convention, delegates, S. W. Hancock, C. B. Hill. Senatorial Convention, delegates, G. L Hsrdlaon, Jesse P. Griffin. The convention made the following report on result of Hahn'g followers leaving: Vanceboro and Trults went out, Ft. Barnwell, Cove, Dover, Taylor's Thnrman, Second, Third and Fourth Wards, all whites remained. Bern, white remained, negroes went out. Tlsdale, white remained. Pleasant Hill and Jas per whites remained. A PAYING CROP. A Jones County Farmer Tries a Small Tobacco Crop and Finds Big Honey in it. Mr. S. S. Waters, a prominent farmer of the Black Swamp section of Jones county, was In the Uty yesterday, with a fine lot of tobacco, which he raised this year as an experimental crop. There were 1300 pounds of the lot, which sold at the Planters warehouse for $175.00, an average of $13.50 the hundred, which was considered to be a very good prico. Mr. Waters was -well pleased with the sale and said that he Intended to market the remainder of his crop here. Mr. Waters only planted Btx acres this year In tobacco, and believes from present prospects, that the crop will easily sell for $100.00 per acre. He will plant twenty-five acres in tho samo crop next year. The growing of tobacco in Jones county, was largely experimental this ryear, but has been very satisfactory, and will be greatly Increased next year, and tho ruling of good prices on the New Bern market has contributed no little to the success. For fine spring chickens, call at the Oaks Market. If you buy Beer tor your family use or picnic, it will be to your advantage to call up phone 105, and enquire for that fine Vienna Cabinet Beer. Crown Bottling Works, Lee J. Taylor l'ron., I'hone 105. Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention is given them. Only tho best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be filled. NEW B2r LINE OF THE FAMOUS ULTRA Just Aiihrea H Full Line Styles & Sizes, i ion i mm nun ; ray 67 Pollock Street : ' YESTERDAY'S MARKETS. 1 ': Cotton, ' Grain; Provisions and stocks. .Range In prices. AecclpB and" 4 Shipment. f The following are the market quota- lloas; received hy J. E. Latham & Co. New Bern, N. C. i Chicago, Aug. 31. 71 671 Close 57 43 1013 972J 18971 1472 Wans.!-. Sept. 70 71 70t Dee 67i 7f 671 Ooaji: Open. High. Low. Sept 88 57 581 Dec . 41 43 41J Rlbs:- Sept 995 1030 995 Oct 950 987 950 Pork- : Oct 1645 1707 1645 Jan 1453 1473 1459 Lard Sept 1063 10971 1062 Oct 988 1000 988 10971 9ir Nnw Vobk, Aug. 2j. Oottoh; Open. High. Low. CIoso Aug'. 8.57 8.57 8.46 8.46 Sep 8.06 8.11 8.03 8.03 Oct 7.98 7,96 7.89 7.89 Dec 7.87 7.89 l 7.81 Jbh... 7.90 7.90 7.84 7.84 New York, Aug. 21 Stocks; Open. High. Low. Close So Ky 41 41 40 40 U.S. -8 411 41 41 41 C. & 0 54 541 53J 531 Mo. P 117J 117! 1161 116 VCC 68J 68J 67J 08 A. C. O Am Ice 13 18 12 12 Liverpool Spots 4.. Sales 6,000 bales. Futures, Aug-Sept. 4.39. Uept-Oct 4.30 Oct-Nov 4 24. POUT KSCBIPTN. Same week last year. 33,800 Last woes. 9,338 This wees. Sat. 8000 Mon. 3968 Tues. 6751 Wed. 4867 Thura, 4939 Frl. 'W00 2600 4400 1500 2100 3400 17,800 Chocolates 30c per pound at McSorloy FALL i Finest $;cd:i I .i h e i InV ' '.'III.. 4 time- WWmme hetfe If OUR FALL SHOES T 'An &h the, Up-to-date Shapes. A Three '1ttontlis 'i3ruaraiitee ' mo (. Dtmn.&Cov A ' Men' Boy's Wear, STollocls: Street. Clearance Sale to make room for our Fall Purchases. During the month of August we WILL SELL BELOW COST any goods in our store. Stock comprises Men's and Boys Clothing, Men's and Boys Furnishings, Men's and Boys Hats and Caps, Men's and Boys Shirts, Tn fact everything to he found in Clothing and Men's and Hoys Furnishings. Smith's 99 Middle Street. WE HAVE TEEH! Wire Screens, Door and Window Screen?, Lawn Mowers, IceJC'reani Freezers, Ice 8havers. A full line of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, 'Enamels in Gold, Silver and Alluminum. A now lot Hall Bearing Castors, improved. Our goods as represented. TRICKS TUKJLOWEST. Give us yonr orders. VHoyh Gaskilt Hardware Co. 14 7. Misoli St NEW BKRN, N. C Star Safety Razor. Makes shaving a lux ury, Shaves Clea n, Kev er Pulls, Favos Time ami money. EVERY RAZOR WARRANTED. If you will notice onr window you will see the prettiest and must II I complete line of Pocket II I Cutlery, Razors ami 13 Shears ever shown in the city. Every one guaranUeil, and if not good we will give you a new one in excliange. WM. T. HILL, SPORTING GOODS, Phntie 11S. 31-93 Middle Street. "Oh, So Goodl" What makes our Soda Water . taste so good Is Its quality. Every ; . , thinir used In the making is First J ' Quality jrare. , f The water is pure and sparkling. I W 1- - i 1 - ..A ..1 X A A uv lov IB pun, aiiu vmii. The cream is pure and rich. w ThA Hftvnrv nnrA find delicioua. The taiits ars the Ustand treah X . PdinnlA hn know onr soda ffo X out of their way, if necessary, to T get it It Is so satisfying, so re- Z Z freshing, so full of what Uiey want fat good soda. They come and T T '; corns again that's what we're X want regular customers Who know out Quality. BRADHAH'tJ 'yiJr., ... -FOUNTAIN. . Wmmmmm two. AT DAVIS fit ARVAOY. with' every pair. 50 Boy' THERE WRITE RIOIIT. Never clogs or blots, Easily adjusted, t as i 1; claaneii, Lasts a Lifetime. G. N. nnelt. WOTICJE I I will sell at pulilic sale at my shop io Dover; on Saturday, Aug. 30, 1902, one " nuKffy. t'18 property of Louis Miller, for repairs on same. L. II. OUTLAW, Dover, Craven County, N. C. Watch Repairing is our business, and we give I careful, painstaking attention to S it We give special attentioa to T repairing tine watches, the kind that need extra careful adjustment T We try to have our work give X satisfaction such as will win the confidence of all who leave their watch repairing with us. We wan't you to feel that when you leave your watch with lit for repair, the work will be done to the best of our ability and in a competent manner. J. O. Baxter, Jr. t FRESH VACCINE VIRUS JlJHT RlClIVITJ, '; , Mlnewl Waters t DvU. - Davis' PrescHptlnn Pharmacy has Us sgsney bars for Wilkinson's Mstcblsss Mineral Water. It Is a flat loala. sad endorsed prescribed by reddest phytlclsns. Betides tbls Water, there Is also osj ttls ft Davis Pharmacy, Buffalo Uthla, Oarabana, Uasgadl Jan os, Ked . lUvmBpliM,u. 'i ' v ,' 4i'.0r?iV,i 'JPf it. ; "A i pas. ,u

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