- - . ;'. :-'r--ti !a.f.Vi-- -'."iX-i-"'i. .". i , , ,. Uju -.. r.-' , " ' ' VOL. XX NO. 124 IIW BUM, M.'C.,: SATURDAY MOBHIKS, AUGUST 23, ,1902. TWKNTY-riUM' KAK 1 5" 5, fit? iHackM 75 PAIRS Clement and Balls Oxforis $ In Ladies, Misses and Chlldrens ITO CLOSE OUT AW WAY i a x xvy ti a iai It , an ill y The only reason why we make ii7 a v i XT t rkTir ..li f to carry tnem over 'till anotner season. Note Size and Price. fa Ladies 2s to 7s, that sold at $1.50 to close out at 90c. JL Misses 1 Hs to 2s, - - - -90c. fa Childrens 6s to 10s, .... 76c. A Childrens Red Shoes still paratns in Millinery; J. J. BAXTER hag moved his Millinery Stock from Pollock Street to his store on Middle Street and is Olos ing out the same at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Special Inducements to Milliners. IF YOU THE BEST PRICES, The BEST Stables, The BEST Facilities BRING YOUR TOBACCO TO THE Farmers Warehouse rLn. We promise our best efforts in behalf ol the Farmers. J. M. HOWARD, Manager, C. H. RICHMOND, Auctioneer. A Swell Turnout is what you'll have, In to br M the ve hicle li concerned, at any rate, If the carriage li purchased of us. We give the best value obtainable for the money. If yon want a buggy or light wagon of any ityle, we'll give you one perfect In construction and of elegant finish, war ranted ai to worrmanship and material, at a very low price. Can't do better. We put Kubber Tlret on your old or new wheel. - We shrink your looae tin In a machine without outtinsT them. Krerybodr U Invited to tee the work of toe macume putting new bolts In same oia piacea. , , O. H. Waters A ton, Phone IBS, . 4 r T ; TO Broad ft, i BaaK, K. U Cr earn o f Rose ' It a hanaW fttfnle (trepantloa for removing Bonbura, freckles, Tea aad Improving the eoaplexloa. When , applied h U InvUlble and eanaot be wuhed off. The dark line around the eck, eauiedby wearing tight Bttlng oolUrt, b removed by Cream of Rotee. , SO, at BRADBA.kra PBARMAOT. V DOWN LOW. guuu auapc, uu puuiiau htco. the Sacrifice is we don't want i i : l on sale - 60c and 75o Tj WANT FOB UNLOADING Farmers Warehouse. ORANGES, Peaches Fears, Bananas, Ap ples. Fresh lot Choc olate Candy Just Re ceived AT THK Bmai Street Mi Store. VhoaeSS. BRADHAMfi L1VKR and STOMACH PILLS are partly vegetable tad eaa be given to very old people and children Mild la action, their effect li far-reaoh-Ing. Ho pain or dlsoomfort follows their use. They bare base wiled "Health's Housekeepers", which ,1s quite tree. Does yoor Hver hart joe t Better try theee pills, price BSdtat BKADHAVM'B PIU.RMA.OY. : ATTEtJTIOri ! I have arrived from the Northei Market had am , now Opening p the Beet Selected and Auotted Stock of ORT GOODS, CLOTHWO, BHOXS; motioi'itoi! y that hat been offered la ibb city. Hi- memher the plaee y.-w'A '. MIDDLB BTRXXT, MKZT DOOR ,y y JIORTH OF QABK1LL HARIK ; ..!..,...;. War oompakt, v; ' : 5. COPLON. JACOBS' Raleigh RytWhUkty It the beet. ; Kiddle street ' " ,; ' 1 Mi - t"- ' The State Party Without Definite Plan for Convention. Next AfrlcVltaral Report to be Is- tned Septemher IV Five Negroes Narrowly Escape Lynching. Report of Corporation Commission. New Or aamental Cannons. Ralsiok, Aug. 9S. The local Repnb- ltcant have not the slightett Idea of what their convention at Qreemboro aeit Tburtday will do. They admit at much. One of them says only Senator Pritchard and one or two of the other leaden do know. He added that the convention will be composed of dele gates named by the county committees in many cases, as in Wake for instance, and that of coarse theee will simply fol low directions and do as they are told to do. This appears to be a quite accurate view of the status of affairs. Senator SImmops left today for Wash Ington, D. C. to be there several days. Col. A. B. Andrews of the Southern R. R. who It spending this month at Hot Springs, N. O., went to Mew York Tuesday. He will come he.-e tomorrow and goat onoe to Hot Springs. Auditor Dixon has returned from a tour in Mecklenburg, Oatton and Cleve land, looking after taxation of corpora tions, lie stopped a day at Greensboro to attend the Confederate re-unlon at Greensboro, which he says was the lar gest yet held in the State, there being 8500 registered and at least 500 '.not reg istered. He goes to Warrenton .tomor row to make an address at a Confeder ate re-unlon and educationally rally. The commissioner of agriculture to day tent out the Inquiries to which the 1100 correspondent! will give the crop report for September. The report will give the condition of all crops Septem ber 1. The five negroes who wore brought here last night from Henderson In order that the one who shot train porter Mitchell might Identify the one who thot him, wonld have been lynched at the Johnson street station of the Sea board Air Line here If a leader of a mob could have been found. There were plenty of men, white and black, there present, who were ready to lynch the negroes, certainly the two Coles, father and ton, had a leader been found. K. S. Finch of Charlotte Is trying to get an option on the State swamp lands n Craven county, at 60 cents an acre. A cash offer of 83 cents an acre for these lands was refused today. The report of the corporation commis sion on State, private and savings banks up to July 18, It made public today. The total resources are $18,791,224; loans and discounts $13,810,408; deposits subject to check $11,078,887, capital stock $3, 800,408; surplus $074,728; undivided profits $575,6t. The addition to the Pilot cotton mill here, which will double its capacity, is nearly completed. The revolutionary cannon presented by the town of Kdenton to the State museum have arrived here. The cannon from old Fort Caswell are expected next week, and will be at nnoe placed In the Capitol square. It Is said that the Porte It becoming ore polite and pliable to TJnole Sam's demands, and has signified Its willing' si to restore certain papers, and re build certain missions that were de stroyed daring the American massa cres. HIT A SOLDIER. The Experience of One of Oar Men. The soldier boys who fought during the Rebellion went honje at rule In pretty bad shape, canted by exposure and Improper food aad the ate of quantl lies of coffee whleh left 1U mark lathe wreak of many a stomach. MerrD Batch' fosoa of Reading, Maat4 tetlt his etperi "I am an old soldier., who .served ell through the war of the Rebetlloa and my coffee drinking eosasaeaeed warn I en listed. I drank It three Mates and and at the clot of the war returaed home al most a wreck. . For years I had dytpvpela of the wont kind and coeld aet drUk anything but wanttweter or warm milk, sot eat enough to hardly keep a maa alive. After tailoring this way for years, aad half II v Ing, I was Ibid hy a friend of your Pot turn coffee, .'MWA l,n ' At first I ref need. to. avea try It for t thought It meant more suffering for me, bat at last I eonseated aad It did taste mighty good, for I was a dear lover of coffee. ",.' .. . AfWj.-'i' I waited for the distress la my stomach that elwas had eome with oommoa oof- fee, bat maaf etaesntv I drank It at first very earef ally aad then tot reckless aad wanted it every saeal aad. for over five yean now have beta, eUinklag aothlag else. 1 have no dyspepsia now, ao trou ble about ealiag anything. My weight, wheel I began using Postnm Cereal Food- Coffee, was 188 pounds. I am sow 11 years old aad. weigh xjBO pounds arid am solid eta rook aad able to do a dv VOrtwttaen of lh hays. Now I do Bat tU'm that Postnm Ucreal is a n .11 ctne but la ny own esse it It both vic tuals and drink, I think that wiiea Pos tnm Coffee Is properly made It Is far ahead of colloe. ' ' ' A PRETTY POSTMISTRESS NARROWLY Was Given Up to Die-Eight Doctors FailedPe-ru-na Saved Her Life. THOUSANDS of women suffer from systumlo catarrh. Thla is sure to produce such symptoms at cold feet aMianoXtdok headache, palpitation of the heart Smd heavy feelings In the stomach. '"Then begins a series of experiments wius medicine. They take medicine for suck headache. They take medicine for nervous prostration, for palpitation of tne Heart, for dyspepsia. None of these medicines do any good because they do not reach the cause of the complaint. Jrcruna at once mitigates all these symptoms by removing the cause. Syatemlo catarrh Is the trouble. 8vs- temio catarrh pervades the whole sys tem, deranges every organ, weakens every function. No permanent cure can be expected until the systemic catarrh is removed. This Is exactly what Peruna will do. Miss Alma Cox, Assistant Postmis tress of Oram, 8. C, writes : "f Aave been a great sufferer from chronic disease and dyspepsia for Ave yean. How I suffered no tongue can tell. I tried eight or ten of the best phy sicians without receiving much benefit, also tried lots of patent medicines. But still I suffered with sick headache, cold feet and hands, palpitation of the heart, ants such a heavy feeling in my stomach ano chest. At tunes I would be so nerv ous I oould not bear anyone around me. I had beenlven up to die. "One star Mead teat ate one of Dr. Hertsamn ' ttamphtetM, and I decided to write to him. He advised Peruna and Manalln, and- after taking the medicine two weeks I felt greatly relieved. My head did nottpain me any scarcely, and my stomach was rolievod of its heavy Dr. S.iB. tlartmaa, President Columbus, fX, gives advice to women TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. The Southern railway is to be double tracked from Washington, D. C , to At lanta, Ga. Sensational movements In the corn market caused a little scurrying among the bears on change. The Shah of Persia, lio is now a vis itor In England gave a luncheon to the Persian Embassy which cost 115,000. A full dinner given on the same scale would probably have cost $150,000. Seventeen deaths from sm&ll pox have occurred In the village of Stone Gap, Wise county, Virginia. The people are terror stricken and are leaving the com nunlty In largo numbers. Jane Woolsey, a moonshiner of Ken- tucky on trial before the U. S. Court Is to fat she cannot get through the court room door. Permission has been granted to hold court In the open air for her benefit. WOMEN BALL TOSSERS. The Chicago Stars to Cross Bats With Hew Bern Team Next Thursday. What Is Said of Them. A gentleman who spent several weeks In Atlantic City and saw the Start play there said: "At usual a game of tbit kind is a farce, and the team pitted against them do not try to play ball, but the game I taw waa one of the fastest that ever took place on the diamond in that city. AU of the women play fast ball and the pitching of Mist Maud Not ion it wonderful. With every motion of a professional she standi in the pitch er'i box facing the batsmen sod with lightning speed she delivers a ball over which the has perfect control. Boe stands In a graceful position and fields well the ground that shs hat to cover. She signals the catcher the kind of curve she is going to throw, and aot like most women, does .not change her mind at the last moment and deliver the ball regardless of hsr signs. The In fielders are very strong, espe cially the short stop and third bate man. ' . v The lint baseman bee a hard time of It, for whea a maa Is on the base the pitcher does not hesitate to throw with out a signal . to try and oatoh the run ner.' I, ' ?- ..;vy.,!). V -i-'W,, , i'i, J la the outfield tha women play excel. lent hall and It taker very heavy hitter to get the hall beyond them, for they are fioet footed aad eaa throw from oenter field to the home pltte as well as mia, All of the playen keep their eyee oa the ball, and tha second baaemaa hat caught many men sliding to the bate oa a throw hy the catcher, - ' 4 rrnea weir turn comes to oat tney stand up to the plate like profeesieaala, and handle the stick cleverly. . Tney are heavy batters, end unless the pitcher has unusual curves and tremendone speed he will very likely be batted all over the field. '' The women on the team are from Chi ciro, and come from well connected fsm liMis and havc;tholr family records with thorn. ESCAPES DEATH. m I H ' .ALMA, i '' l i ill tf ir feeling. I am so thankful that I can say after using several bottles of tho Peruna and Manalln I am restored to perfect health. "Before utlng your remedies I could not eat anything. I lived on barley water and Panopeptln for two years. Now I can eat with pleasure Every body la so surprised at my Improvement. Everyone says I am looking like a rose. I would advise all suffering women to take your remedies. I know if it wero not for Peruna and Manalln I would have been in my grave to-day. I cannot thank you enough for the kind advice you have given mo." MISS ALMA L. COX. Senator M. C. Butler, ex-Govcrnor of South Carolina, writes from Wash ington, D. C, the following : " " can recommend Peruna for dys pepsia and stomach trouble. I have been using your medicine for a short period, and I feel very much relieved. It Is Indeed a wonderful medicine, and besides a great tonic" M. C. Butler. Peruna restores health in a normal way. Peruna puts right all tho mucous mem branes of the body, and in this way re stores the functions of every organ. of The Hartm&n Sanitarium, of free during the summer months. COVE. Aug. 21-0apt. 8 EEwell of Chip, was the guest of T B Ipock, Sunday. Messrs Cecil Taylor and Keaneth Daughterly visited New. Bern Monday MrFG Bines of Mt. Olive, spent Tuesday night here the guest of his brother, C E Hines. Mr John Harris spent tiumlay night and Monday In New Bern. Mr John Avery went to Ashcvllle Tuesday and will return Friday. Prayer meeting will be conducted here next Sunday evening by Rev. John De Bruhl. Mr Andrew Daugherty loft Sunday for the Lone Star Slate, where he will reside In the future, our best wishes for his success go with him to his new and far away home in the long horn country. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TIV0U HOFBBAIT. Our Special Brand of Export Beer. For rare purity and excellence of prep aratlon, this beer Is the peer of any, do mestic or Imported. Brewed from the finest grades of Bavarian Hope and Ca nadian Barley Malt, as a beverage. It It highly esteemed by connoisseurs for Its exquisite hop flavor, aad as the best of tonics Its use it recommended by phy sicians to all sufferers from nervous and weakening 'ailments. The remarkable hop strength of this beer is of great medicinal value in tie sedative effects apon nervous and excitable tempera ments. , The eon tents of one bottle will frequeatty produce the most refreshing sleep, even la severe cases oi insomnia. Being thoroughly fermented, tod whea bottled, scientifically "pasteurised," this beer is particularly adapted for ship ment to tropical Countries, -whore, under the meet sever' ell ma tic conditions, it wilt keep almost indefinitely, retaining to the last its clear -and sparkling ap pearance. Pale amber In color. Bold only In bottles. tVBvery bottle sealed with the urown Cora btepper. CEBTOTCATB OF INSPECTION. Laboratory of State Assayer a Chemist, The following results were obtained la my extminstioa or tne tivou uororea Beer, manufactured hy the Robert Port ner Brewing Coof Alexandria, vs.' ' Bpeolfle gravity, 1.0158. ' In 100 parts! Alcohol, Ml (la volume, 4.40 Malt a tract, 5.80-. Ash, 0J1 (original wort,18.6 Also tested for reputed adulterations of beer, snob ss stilcyuo sold, piorio torn, borax, bicarbonate of soda, alum, chalk, ate. . akd aona waaa vouafl. , land that it lei pure and, In all re spects, of excellent quality. . It Is insx oeptlonable as a beverage, and I eaa taoctioa its use for mediolnal purposes. V WM- H. TAYLOR, M. , Btate Chemist. A G ood Pint For Fox ltiver I'riut and Fancy Elgin Butter only 30c lb. New Bhl. FultonJMarket CorneA Beef. Small Tig Hams and Brcakfust Strips, English Cured mlders and California Hams. Codfish, Irish Potatoes and Onions, Orape Nuta. Mason's Fruit Jars and Jar Rubbera. I . ,,.J 1 T r i Sh Heinz's Pickles. Fancy Freeh Klgiu Butter J. L. 'Phone 91. IMAM l1a0UHIUy A few nf nur manv Piizzelers f . . FOR CASH and Only for a Limited Time. Chipped Lecf, Js, at 10 cents per can, Veal Loaf, at 10 cents per can. Ham Loaf, at 10c per can. A Good Grated Pineapple, at 14c per can. California Lemon Cling Peaches, at lHc per can. Fox River Print Butter, at 80c 11). Splendid Asst. Fancy Cakes, at 15c 11. A Good Boasted Coffee at 11c lb., or f lbs for 5Uc. A Good Rio Green Coffee at 9c lb. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Farmers LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST Bring your Tobacco and t0 tk Planters Warehouse JTEW BEBlf, N. C, which is always the plaee TO GET THE MOST MONEY FOR IT. Best accommodations guaranteed. E. J. HESTER, Proprietor. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Brewing Company s BEER which is said to be the Purest and Best of Beers by the United States Health Bulletin, which is the highest American authority. It is not a cheap beet that will burn ones stomach and produce a strain on the system. A full srock ef the above beer In bulk and export can be had at 14 Middle Ht J.F.Taylor,,, Agtfor the Proapeot, Brewing, "1 Foy & Wopd Co:, Kin." 'I 1 ? Mt'il-Mftt '1 .. lA t . , PMrtkAiiiukiw ; .;"! ; ' and Pf amber.- 4 " V TobaoeolFlieB,' Store J Hp ln4 ",ni to--! iv!i v.' ,. We make a ipedaltyjof Hoi Mt Heating;,- and' Steel Oailhufi v xo i vYou wrUitad Draney ,Cltoud i Saion I Per (k i J5. 30c lb. Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, 71 Hrsia.l Nt j Phone W The Davis Inkstands ARE ROW THE BEST ON THB MARKET. mavHMinut Call and Examine. OWEN O. DTHJr, 72 CEATEN 8T. Cash for Tap an! Wrappers. Twnt-flT6 cents ner hundred paid lor tags from the following brands of tobacco: Schnapps, Speckled Beauty, n. J. H.. Btrawberrv. Man's Pride, Ap ple Jack, Early Bird, Cutter, Gotten CrowHanea&T, Natural Uai, Red Ilephanh. Jttoogaay tww, iw-w-wUwcjth :v-vV ' 'CI ' tighth of a eent apiece will he paid tor Okf Tlrgiala Cherooh.'Wrapi, bring sham along and gel oath 4 j, HAKOKTT8 PHABMAOT, Airy qaaktUy bought IMErsAdBt. Cottdn Bagging Tapd Tics. ' Vft nave In stoclt ' and '. to arrive SVIOO Rofli Cotton, Bagging, f500 baadlea Cotton Ttfli I : Send ns your Ordert.' Prloee are thelewest. . J. ILXntham A Co. snu6t. . This is fsuiviT"15 the jr rVoisHtainl Latest ASi. Sbx Eliml" Davis fS ntM Stand ft OJ'r is sold H ' rM El' atavery H reason- I I nd able l w,t' Y

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