SaS5iiSJaaii The Kind Yon Have Always Boagbt, ad which baa beat in use for over so years, nas and has Jf-f-J. t 'Boaal.aperil tot: eteee lto infancy. OiCCAtAZ Allrtiv nn an tn dMWlTA van la thin. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "aJoat-as-srood" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and thUdren Experience against Ezpextmenfe. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a JiannlcM substitnte for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, MorpUiiro nr other Karcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness., It eures Diarrhoja and Win4 Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural glean. Tue Children's Panacea The ftlotuer's-Frlend. GENUINE CASTQFIIA AtW Boars tho The M You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. t Mmraun Xmiawt, t tsWHsasW MISS NONIE BOWEY, No. 38 Perry Street, A couple of winters aro I slipped on a frozen aidewuk and fell flat on my back. On being era mined I found that I had sustained Internal Inju ries which laid me up for more than two months. After that I noticed that I had pains in the back and grain which I never had before. I doctored and doctored for several months but at the paras in creased instead of growing better I decided that Iwa not having the right treatment. Reading to the papers of the wonderful Wine of Cardui I wrote to one of the parties and received a very satisfactory reply and I tmmedfitefy tent, for some. In a very short time I felt generally better and after seven weeks faithful ess I was once more well and strong. I have never had a tick hoursuace and 1 dally blest your splendid medicine, MONIB BOWEY. fNK OF CARDUI is one medi cine that should always be kept on hand in every borne for im mediate use when female weak ness first makes its appearance. Miss Uowev's painful and dangerous accident would not have resulted to seriously had she taken Wine of Cardui promptly. WINE of CARD Commissioner's Sale for Division. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 In the Craven County. ( Superior Court Before W. M. Watson, Clerk. Alei 1. Davis, Laura Jackson, and her husband Fred Jackson, VS. Lacy Henderson, and Charles Henderson her husband and Ella E. Lewis. By virtue of an order and decree In the above entitled special proceeding, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven County, N. 0. The under signed as Commissioner will offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door In the oily of New Bern, Craven County, N. C, on Monday the 6th day of Oct., 1803, at 11 o'clock, m., the following described real property, tft-wlt: A part of lo. No. 46, on west tide of Muddy or Bern street, 86x80 feet, conveyed by P. O. Roberts, C. M. to Allen G. Kuban, and conveyed by LaV chula Hianly and I. W. Eubank, execu trix and executor of said A. G. Eubank to Lucretls Onion. Tbla 2fllh day of Aug. 1003. RAP1IAEL OHABA, Commissioner. Tbe Farmers- & MerchantaS BANK. Capital, Surplus sad fronts $U,a50,o AFRO. 10th, 11. , What We Have Don, Da, Will Continue te Do, aad i This Bank conducts It boslnost upo 4 ii is oar purrrose w uesu jnsuy V. 1- . . . . . . . llberallr with alL ' 4 We carefully safeguard the tnterejla , oi our customers, Boreorer, we -j qneutly do It unknown te themi as 1 nerMnltles of las oosnetens la aonsdaa- 4 tlal wsys, and yoa cannot over-eppeciatei .4statsaidemlewe- 1 W aic sot disposed to overtook the tact that the interests pf ,tb Bask and ; those ef the people are closet bouad4e. gethrr, and can sot by say amatet 1 This BsaB astl at itdbaltorr lorl '.Wills, aad.taMv keepsnthna till thai proper tltn 6f snrrendar. Will also toil X as tbe custodian pf money or papers left with us la mvft,MoeUrt tot tbeea jsemom. ut'lU f ''t . utammm a.u Al rvti, lending travellers, 7 ,'. . tOmMmmBmmt. . f we aim to D prompt, prog restive Sad . tTllberali w; fi 'A i 'i, la the matter of accommodations, sails , PMaemmwr mjuneiavm 'Wiiaia " I KA IbI .AT UWUBI - - ' . ' - It roa have never been IdantlBed with V easts patroa.w ask yon to consider , v the advisability of beoomlng oaa ) ,. . Is the early future, we propose sddk) S novel, yet substantial rjtvlnira Ilan feature to oor already progrenulv ia- Borne- tne signature or been made under Iris per-. Signature of m-rrr. DETROIT, MICOIGAN 'Wine of Cardui makes wo men mora womanly by cur ing their weakness ana mak ing them stronger. Wine of Cardui cared Kiss Bowey. Asa medicine tor all women in every trying: period of their lives can yon think of s better ntedsBmsfot sow self, your sister, your daughter or your mother t Caa yoa think of a mow acceptable present to aiv Tour friend than a bottle of this medicine' which will bring her health end happiness? Ton are suffering ? Tour duly it to rid yourself of this pain. If your daughter, mother, sister or friend' is sick and in need of relief, yoar duty is equally great to them. Many women, now well, owe their lives to friends who brought them Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui is adapted to wo men at any age in any walk of life. For the working woman it gives her strength for her tasks and better treatment than a doctor for very small cost. Tour druggist will sell you a. 11.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Secure the medicine today. Take it in the privacy of your home. Belief will come to you as surely at yoa take it. VI A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Oardai. 9 t "RYETAB" t WHISKEY BEAKS X Something absolutely new and with which we have experimented for years. One Bean makes on glass Artificial Whiskey (Rye or Bombonh aiz Beans to the pint Just the thing for travelers, snd ooaventsnt for pio nics, exemrsiont, etc. Contains all the virtu of the best whiskies with out the deleterious effect. Hade from the pur veg etable matter, and guar anteed to contain no poi sonous or narcotic drugs of any description. If a beverage Is not de sired, a Beaa may b taken In the month with out water, and the most exhilarating effect, will be axperleooed. BOX Of 13 Beau 50C The Beans retail at lOe each, and can be preen r ed from any druggist, fancy grocer, or flrttobus baa. For sale on dining can. One bos sent postpaid on receipt of 60 cents. t 2 : 8 Si in B WHSMODISmtlRttW nesMarser ? r aad Wissliiia WMafctaa, ST.WfjJB, X0. 1- ; ' naxMirr, a -homi Ortlw Ymw PtWMsiOiKtJil .11 tr 9 - e ,,e Ctosa. pare wbottwoma, rnarantaed be ohestloally mad from 4 u.tid water a:d free from iatpnrities. Specially In tended aad prmiered for human eon enmptloa. v . .. n'vi Ice delivered dally (except Bundtsjs) smtotam. . Bunditys (retail only) Tata to if soon. For Brinn anil ALUi1nf(irfnatlon. . : ...... -- m ii I i r : ? ' '.. . -:, .-r' .,, Ba Off seV ., It tho truth ever setsout about -the resignation of T.- Hotttogsworth An drews rroatsilillads4phiepc4lee d- mm H-.tean(l tan, aw tomnuat-f-fasaMa. twssr snpllgnnts fan ,the -force who, were-eveo .rn..el'hth. of-enInch; nnder the regulation height had jnuch- to So with. It Very often applicants With good political baektar were sant to the soUoa aurgeas'fof examination who wersqrdtajaais-quartar of an Inch below tliaraqslndtbcigbt. He always "tamed tbem down," bo matter sbo racasuaeadsd-heav For this -reason he was not papular with the sdminls- tratioo men, who were unable to dis sociate polltica.trom police. Kot long age a man was sent to Bur geon Andrews with very Strong back tag who was 4art a-sbad beiow the required, height He waaia pnomlatng fellow and 'very a nutans , to . get on the force, but ' he waa. below etandard height The surgeon .pandered a mo ment. You go straight home," be said to the man, "and stay In bed for three days. Don't set tip and walk about the house, but stay -In bed, as I tell yon. You'll stretch. A, man galas height la-bed that ha. loses by walking about all day. .When yoa get out of bed. come, straight to one; then yoo'll pass all right" The applicant obeyed orders, and he now wean a uniform. tmpalataate Stttaw Brisk. In the reminiscences of J. H. Stod- dart the old aeter recalls Sn experience which came near being his undoing. It was during the run of "A Celebrated Case" in 1878, in which Mr. Stoddart played the role of the sergeant. 1 have reason to remember this character,' writes the actor. "In the prologue I had a scene with Mrs. Booth, who played the wife ot Jean Rcnnud, the hero. In the course of which she was supposed to give me, as the sergeant a cup of wine, which I "O LORD I" I SAID. had to. sivqUow. It so happened that the project)' man. had been using kero sene on the stage during tho day and had left the bottle containing that liquid upon the dresser, where Mrs. Booth was In the bablt of finding the dstnk for tbe sergeant. During tbe Easiness she poured a full cup from '4Ws-bortto, handed It to me, and I swal towed the contents at a gulp. 'O Lord! I said as I received the potion. 'What hare I done?' asked Mrs. Booth under her breath. I could only gasp out "Kerosene T and make a hasty exit For almost a week every one who Game within range of my breath sniffed and Inquired if I detected the odor ot coal oil" OMcrajskz. sd&rojker. According ta iSeareaensstUre Kjlo,- thls episode happened: la Pickaway coeoty, O.: There Is In the county a certain cross roads where a patient teacher strug gles dailywltattaa asiesntmatjf the yoeng less. 4a asorosngahe was glv lngtbesscbsolw lesson In geography. Vbat is a cataract T" she asked. There waa absolute silence in re sponse, and she explained the meaning. of the word ' 'What Is a caper Tale waa better. Onii aflla itsUdran knew it was a point ot ssattijstlliiii oat Into the water. v "What Is a strait r ; Over In the corner a band went up. "I A now, teacher," said a small boy. Well what Is itr It beau threeetVaa kind," waa the trlemphant anasisr.WftebtogtrsBast, li i: f ItaitaH DfcsMSsKSasr OongressmaalU w peaty ot BesrXsrk Is woe of the ss. hneSM that city. It IswsVtfals 1 that a story la told which is worth re peating. B) .was) tratttn thenMr part of 4Sew totk stato along the lln at theNswitek QMtsal rtUtaad wbari asKrUceoMm yinee growing in greai mrotusieaiu i& 'I IWhat ilod of riaef srs, those, eon' duetor r asked sir. R up pert "1 notice a sweat many of thnrstesg'.tsrll roan here." 'aaose," said tbe conductor, "srs dsorge jnttobsr, al rtandevllU ; aar fanner who gives Imitations of Msas- fseld, Irving, Herns sad other cele brated actors, includes an imitation of fist Kendall, tbe mooologlst, in his repertory. He gate th Imitation re cently IntMowiTrKk while KsiSUH wss a JThe aodtenc. 'After tb perform ance Fletcher asked Kendall: . -. I "Blow did yoa like my iriJUUoaoj yeotactr . . ; t 5 "Well." said KendaQ, "on of as to rettoa."-sw. lark World. ; - : x r ' 11 : 'V Pjimsssntl- -'. ''If tb ma 'Tly power of "600-10' Aaaaicia Kssvrsi Tobuo." Invalids seed suffer so longer, because this great remedy caa cur them aJLr. It Is acnr for tho r'-'t we'd r won ff9 nes and I i Jon 1... four f 1 11-- ,, 1 BY THE UTTLE ONES. leawas Sariaa-a T tke Blaise mum ot HmuaJtr. Uamma-WiUle. I didn't give yoa permission tp play la the street today. Willie I. know vou didn't, mamma, bat I saved part of the permission you gave me yesterday. nemthv acred aiT was watching the -kettle cover rise and fall while the kettle at the same time emitted tiny puffs of steam. Finally she called oat: "Oh, mamma, come here quick! One of the kettles has ( got the asth ma r Mamma Tommy, I do wish you .would try to act like a gentleman. Tommy (aged five) I do try, mamma. Mamma But you don't succeed very well. Tommy Well I can't help It, mamma. I suppose I take after you. Little Harry, aged four, had just fallen from a chair on which he had been standing. "I told you to keep off thnt chair or you would fall," said his mother reprovingly. Well, It was an accident," replied Harry. "I didn't mean to mind you." Conversation Maker. 'I don't know what the trouble is," said the hostess In a tone of great an noyance. "My guests seem very dis tant and unsocial. I wish I could think of some way to start them talking to one another." "That's very easily done," answered Miss Cayenne. "Is there a musician present?" Yes." 'Get him to play or slog something." Washington Star. Goat WaateS. Wlfey (who Is doing her own cook ing now) I can't seem to make little enough of anything. I wish some poor hungry creature had what we have loft every day. Hubby (who hasn't much appetite lately) Yes, we ought to keep a goat They say n gont can eat anything. Philadelphia Bulletin. Loss and Gain. Mrs. Blinks Oh, John, I've lost my diamond ring somewhere. Blinks Yes, I know you did. Mrs. Blinks Why, how did you know. It? Blinks 1 found It In my trousers pocket at tbe same time I discovered thnt I had lost $3. Chicago News. True Conraac. Phyllis Yes, he wns paying atten-'i! uon to ner quite a long time. Blanche Perhaps lie hadn't tbe cour age to propose Phyllis Oil, 1 don't know. Perhaps he had tb.1 i-ouruirc not to projose. Brooklyn Life. A vegetable llauld for irovarnlns' or anallajng the flow of women's menses ilea occur about once in every lunar . BRADFIELDS TeSaitle Regulator la tlM'Caseatlal quality of powarfal herbs. KSaaUva. nllabla and hannUu la natara. ainpltottr end solace. It la a oonsentratad stanc beat adapted for mrmm' dallcate orgeniem, aod pat In took form that It is not only palatable, but aaa om proparir esaimuataa ana taaan into she system. Btoppacaa, anpprMeloa, painful obaWno tloo, irrarnlarlty, ot Uw nenaet aad aiokly lawearacorraoteS and eared by the reiralar suaa es-ania tapaiior '"tMSjeiiaellea, er perlodle flows, neosta) of eella Haloa-' or tna sienbraae and a recoaau uaMoa aefesary fiakaeat, wbick It aoaamnaaiad wHhmfk'd eaaCMtioa aad loaat blood. Soah okannt are .very apt to prodnoa satoaio aatarrh. Lenaorrhaar WBltet IS the malt ot these Irritating diaobarsM. asarearwi tavaa nonoias ana rasiarea rf act health the natlent whs aaSarad . 1 dabtUUtlao loases. ear of draf(lsta. illaetrMed book, " PsHsot Haatth tar TMBBRADFIELD USOULATOaCO, ATLANTA. OS. FiHfid and Stiff ! Kit-thai'i tho -tblng. We gtos'li Our suits fit and out fit Suits every time, bams with prices. It's a way we hare tliat never falls. Hake yon tli smartest, most Stylish, perfect-fitting snit In handsome and durable material. Variety of patterns to select from, Er- fmrment warranted s to workman- kuip and fabric. ' .)' TV aTVS. 1 'OAflTOUtA'. 1 -1 ( v. - Sfie "Wins Although not possessing a beautiful face, many, a lady has received her full share of admiration by judiciously enhancing other charms which , Nature has bestowed upon her such as a perfect Neck, incomparable Arms or beautiful Hands. Hagan's Magnolia Balm 1 will do this because it removes all blemishes or " fdiscolorations and gives a pearly-tinted, velvety ' smoothness to the skin. It overcomes rough or ' reddened hands and arms and is a constant de f, light to the user. Price 75c. At all druggists., MA0N0LIA BALM Is a Liquid and can be easily applied, gives a natural tint that cannot be detected, leaves no sticky feeling after using and Is as harmless ss water. CHi iH.raYFR'S englium ERfttftfOYAl FILLS .r)tfiii ut 1 truly ucnaiiitt. r. tt.xt rwlti ) l.isriles. ask Urugglsl Cj 11O ;t - Kirs kn;l,ish ilK'l at. I ..talll.? boxes, eealad U Us r.1.1. 1. 1 ' ntsllser. BcfWa ssW ate istuusi assa imiuv i-. lf-l r '!.''. nr send 4e, ! f I rile inrt. InatlssinsiLala L fV ' M ' B' Hr rl'1 '. JT ' isrw, I.IH.I r. ..iin,.r.inl.. Held bf Itru.a u ihl.k..t. .I kullil. Kemtsee) UUp. rv4UM .rv. I'll 11. fA. F. V.Simmons. A. D. Ward SIMTIONS A WARD, ATTOBNEi aal COUNSELORS at LAW. a aw aaaaa, m. e. Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 60 (above Telegraph Of fice) Booth Front Street, neit to Hotel Chattawka, Practice in the counties of Graven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. leodge Directory. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdav nlehts In each month In Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7.80 o'clock. J. J.Wolfenden, President; Oeo. u. Jones, Bec'y; it. a. Mill, irinanolal Secretary. NEW BHRN CONCLAVE 486, Improved Order Heptasopba, meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Ronn tree Hall. Dr. E. F. Early, Archon; John C. Scales, Financier; Oeo. D. Gordner, oecretary. CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE AND Old DofliiiiioD Steamship Co DAILY VRKI6HT & PASSING KR, For All Polnto North. The Steamer NEUBE Is scheduled to sail at 0 p. m., Monday Wednesday and Friday. The Str. Ocracoke On .Tnesdars, Thursdays and Sainr days at 8 p. m. ty Freight received not later than one hour previous to sailing. For further Information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. M. K. Kur, Gen. Mgr., H.O. Hrjri,Ga.Frt&Pa.Act Norfolk, Va. f a, a.f-J J . . i a . a. H 'K.1 l I p V1 h NewIBera, K. 0, Ang. 180B. :r-lIf.o O jf ll ' M; I- a 4 ' ' 2. Y IS'"-' I ' M J. t T "--till . r i :i 'tii i n "J i - - , T - The undore'gnod.wili I ' nLf)"n,orw;U(lir',ft that sofarjy Kilo l. nry you may have ( hard. Yf;rt '7i,.c.laU if) ' . .... i t i i i tt c rrrnr ' f by a Neck? A. & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLB NO. 26 To Take Effect Thursday, June 6, 1902 at 12:01 A. M., K. b T. Going Eat t Schedule: Qoing West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: At. a m 3 40 Goldsboro 11 OS 4 00 LaQrange 10 89 4 32 Kinston 10 1J 5 40 at. New Bern, Lv 9 ft 50 Lv. " Ar H 7 15. . . . Ar. Morehead oity Lv 7 0B No. 5, Passenger Train No. , Passenger Train. statiobb: DAILY. Lv. a. a., a. 8 00 Goldsboro 8J80 oio nesi's B,ua 8 26 LaGrange 7 57 8 87 Falling Oreek 7 47 8 48 Kinston 7 87 9 02 Caswell 7 28 9 18 Dover 7 17 9 80 Core Creek 7 00 9 44 Tueoaroro 650 9 48 Claras 8 4 1000 Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 80 10 30 Riverdale 5 47 10 83 Croatan 548 10 45 Uavelock 5 35 10 58 Newport 5 21 11 04 Wildwood 5 10 1130....Ar Morehead Oity Lv ...6 04 a. a. p, m. No. 211 DAILY 2d Class. Except Friday Lv.p.if. and Sunday. 430 Goldsboro.... 4 53 Best's 5 03 LaQrange . . . . Falling Oreek. . 5 27 Kinston 1 Caswell 12 88 4 57 Dover 12 28 6 04 Core Creek 1158 8 10 Tuscarora 1140 : Clark's 11 31 I Neuse Crossing 11120 6.40 Ar. New Bern, Lv lOjoO P. M. A 'a. No. 1. 2d Class Lv, am 800.... 6 88. . . . 7 00.... 715.... DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY . . Goldsboro Beat's ....LaQrange ..Falling araek.... No. I. d thus Ar, nra .... 588 .... 458 .... 428 .... 845 8 80.. . . 888 3 40 oaawell... ..128 9 42.. 10 07.. 10 82.. 10 52.. U25.. ..Dover.... core oreek. . Tnaoarora.. ..dark' ... ... 210 ... 1 10 ...1948 ...1140 ...18 10 Ar. New Bern, Lv.. No,.t No. 10 atz'd Ft, and PssaTn. RATiosi: afxtFt. sad Pais. Tn. p. a. - 1 80 Lv 8 12 J 10 a. a New Bern Ar. 1047 Riverdale: Id 10 . oroatan 1000 8 OS Havelook 40 184 Newport. Lv ft 04 S47 ..Wildwood..... 4f? 8 58 Atlantic ftftfi 408 ..Ar.MorehsadClty.LT..... Si 488 ...Ar. M.dty Depot. Lt 715 P. . A Monday. Wednesday aad rriday. fToesday, Tharsday aad Bstardafi a L. DILL, B. A. NEWLAND, O. P. A. Master TrsruporsMica. f . A. Owes, rws, a. atsaSsaa, V. Fusel . a OisassCssslsT. . J citixesu wm a wr s; JtajsVClJs Dolnf QeneralBankUir Beataeas Xch 1. 1901. Borplua and BadrvU JM Profll-,1,OI.0 1 j FrsMpt tAdcsrefal sUssslUa slsse to aQ baslneas entrusted to as. AMoanM renslisil ns fainaaliU Istsaa I.., BVaarS at BsrssSass. ' ', ' rsrttrASewasst 1. A. Maadowa, Okas. Daey, Jr? Barnaul w. Iposfc f iaaM SwIawaS, Ob.t.fwrJ rl a-.r-rHaea, T, i. W. Afralnrar, ' tuomaa A.ttreia. i Mark Dsaareetv r- ' i - 1 ATTCENXT At tAt -i lalle Rtrset, Lswysri Bri . rill rra. ih ia the dm1 ' of Oit- a t No. 212 Id Class Ar.p.a. ... 800 ... 28S U51 5W The Tourist Season lOPiNh WITH THE 3 M )NTH OF JUNE; and tbe South em Railway announces the sale of LOW RATE Sommef Eicn Mete From All Sootheru Points To;the delightful Kesorts located on and reached ia its lines. THESE TICKETS BEAR PINAL" LIM1T:0CT. 81, 1902. That section of North Carolina known as THE LAND OF THE SKY'; and the " SAPPHIRE COUNTRY Is particularly attractive to those in search of mountain resorts, where the air is eves cool and invigorating, and where accommodations ran be had either at the comfortable and well kept board ing nouses or tne more expensive) and up-to-date hotels. ADDITIONAL SLEEPING CARS Placed in Service from Various Points to Principal Resorts, thus affording GREATLY IMPROVED FACILITIES For reaching those points.' Particular attention is directed to the Elegant Dining-Car Service on prin. cipal through trains. Southern Railway has just issued its handsome Resort bolder, descriptive of the many delightful resorts along the line of its road. The folder also gives the names of proprietors of hotels and boarding houses and number of guests they can accommodate. Copy can be had upon application to any Sontuern Railway Ticket Agent S. II. HARDWICK, General Passenger Agent, . W. A. TURK, Pass.TrallicMgr, Washington, D. C. Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmingtos & New Bekne R. K. TIM B TABLB HO. 5, InKUect Wednesday, Aug. 7, lBWDaUy Except Sunday. Going South 80TJKDDLB: Going North No. 51, Passenger Trains No. 60, Lv. a m, stations: Ar, p m, 9 00 New Berne 6 40 9 88 PollocksvUle 6 04 9 51 Maysville 4 49 10 02 Jacksonville 4 18 12 08. 1215 . r a I Wilmington, I Union Depot ( .Ar. Wilmington; Lv. 188 9H P M No. 8, PAS8KNOKB A FBEIORT, No. 1 Leave Wilmington Monday, Wednes day and Friday. Leave New Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. AM Ar, P M 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 40 8 40 Scott's Hill 18 56 8 80 Woodside 18 15 10 05 Hollyridge 11 40 10 51 Dixon 10 61 11 20 Verona 10 20 18 05. Jacksonville. 9 45 12 80 Northeast. 8 66 8165 Whlteoak 8 80 1 80 Maysville 8 05 815 Pollocksville 7 80 8 66 Debruhl's 6 88 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv 6 00 Daily Except Sanday. J. R. KENLYK General Manairer 127 Middle HL Columbian Insectfcide, Peterma Roach Food, Hooper's Fatal Food a Bare Death to Moths, Begs, etc Also Btomo Qoradine The disinfectant that disinfects an deodorises. Ws keep on band a compute jitock o rUdiclnes, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tooth Brashes, Ac. avsiesjea' Prescriptions s speckl 80 YEARS' 4 ' ' .'..' ' k TtWM! Manas OcaisMe ' wavawva.atai' tMwtrlv tat wnywwmt a.n.n rio omi inn, na. mnmtAtm iavtrttasuiy asrnuhk (tanDM in ..r appiMB pawpaaf sa rtwu I, uroaan Mauin a ijnmm salaUoa of anvaManUSg Mrad,' earaissa pari fnar awnUa,t ftMOA aaaiilMlasf D. Is. WASO, Attstvej at Lsrwi 1 74 Bo, front Bt.'Opp. Hotel Chattawka 1 mw BKBN, K. 0. . Otrsti al Crawatv jroness tWiilsa Cart- erst, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, sad tbe PprenaaSTalCTjarsV, r-v yjaiAtiTB Tasteless !iillto::!c. ;...... . ' Mmr.tselnff (h UnttTt pl ipillf f iinmftk, lastfisstiailstj mm sa j, , sasjas, . Henrys Pharmaey, k. A nr" "!!'', r-. tv K. c. ttitutlon, ' ' '