x VOL'. XX-'-HO, 148 : ' - iT; ",' WWBIW."C; WEDHISDAY UOMIHG, S1PTIHBIR 24, 1902. TWENTY-FIRST VKAit A: V i: n jVr '.V 'J. m .... IHac II II i" Wishes to (Say That bii Stock u Complete. It represents the Grandest X Assortment of j'JS Foreign and Domestic Goods $ Ever Shown in the Oity. S A beautif nl line of Wn.iRt.inm in fSwnAh and Ti&iorlnn Flannels in all colors, at 26c, 50c Another line of Waitings late designs, at 10c, 12 lo and 15c. Corduroy Wautings at 60c and 75c. Blberton Costume Velvet for Waists, in pink, light and m dark blun, green, garnet, old rose, gray, white and blaok at tfo $1.00. X Taffeta Silk- in All nnlnro. annA nlna at. fifln mil nriu - 7 only 40c. All the late styles in Up - to - mings to match. We invite all to look. No trouble to WE MEAN AM, WE SAY CRirFON BRAND cMeetme at S. Cpplon's The Father of Lcto Prices. We will give you a few of Our Low Prices which we quote here below : DRY fclOODS. 75c, 3(1 in. Bl k Drill iantlne, 4Sc " " Cashmere, 25c ' Plains for waists, 22c 30 In. Flannel In strips, " no Dlark Hatteen 25c French Satin (or dust skirts, 10c & ltc. Flannelettes in all colors 10c ft 12fro Peroalei He ft 8c Outings ! Nelson Ginghams 5c Bleaching 6c Bheeting We invite everybody to call elsewhere 48c J4c ... ' ISc 00 10c 7jc 7j0 !)Jc 8J! 8c 4c and 75 Middle St. next to Guklll Cream of Roses Is a harmless liquid preparation for removing Bnnbarn, Freckles, Taa and Improving the oomplsiloa. Wksa applied It Is lavtslbu) ud osanotb washed off. The dark lists around Um neck, caused by wearlnf tight fittlag collars, Is removed by Cream of Boss. 25c at BRAD HAM'S PHABMAOT. "Knocked the Stuffing: out 01 it," ' (" iod broks It Info ipllote My Sty rbsra the tats of joat tmttttn when jfct was ma Into by something; bat there ! ktm lit AlUi i M... I. In knowing tost lo our ihop Jroa cm hare It mads good as new. '. rTs do aU kinds of carrlaes repairing' and black. smithing la a i kUUul and sapsriot asas i ,iW Wit Rnlibsf Tire ost yoat eld or ,. mw wheels. , We hrlnk jow loos sires la ,a machine . without, sUlng thsa. vrwrjooai is muNtssMtu work of turn niiw niwu stw poits as oldplaos. , jf , ,.. 14 4r.d 4r KV St. f O -V-:'..'.t::.i.u iV II i " - r , ' t Si! f . II ' a to the Ladies and 76c. in Roman Stripes and all the j a)W VI, JWUV date Dress Goods and Trim- & 5 come and take a 5 iaxe a y show goods Fall Clothing. Snappier. Laner. Better fljai ever Our line of Griffon Branjd Cloth ingHen's Suits in Extra Pine Worsteds and all the real thing. Youths Suits in Elegant Cassi mere, Childs 2 piece, 3 piece and Norfolk gaits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them. There may be some clothing as good ag ours but not at the price. When yon buy here you buy right! J. J. BAXTER, 89 Middle Street. MEM'S SHOES. 3.50 Shoes g.Bg .00 Bhoes 2.0 .50 Bhoes 8.88 8.00 Bhoea i.6 1.50 Bhoes .8 LADIES SHOES. 2.00 Shoe l.H 1.78 Bhoes l.M 1.50 Bhoes .M VHILDBEN'S SHOES. 1.00 Shoes ' .84 .80 Bhoes .M .78 Bhoss S8 examine onr stock before baying Hdw. C., Mew Ben, H. C. Visiting Cards ! I hare made arrangements with Reliable Engravers to furnish Vis iting Cards at the following prices: SCRIPT LETT ERIK O, 60s., 10a Bngavlaf Plata, asms only,! and ! Printing bost qoalltj oardi, 7So, 1.00. ! 6OTHI0 ft ROMAIT LITTXRINO EnfiavlBf piste, Muas oar, and 'print ing best quality cards, 11.80, 1JI0, BHADKOOLD BHOLIBH LITTKB INO Engraving plats, aaaM only, aad printing bosk qaaUty sards, fUQ, U0. PRiHTiaa OABBS ntov old PIUT1-Udis' ul QsaUeaWs best qoaueards, Ma, 80a. ' I eai also furnish SngntTei Wad ding Inritatona , and Jloujniiiig Oardi M Loweat Prloefc,';., owmr o. Dijim,' 12 VBATIR ST. 1 V,.,i Voarb t!ov to de aU twpatr work o ouatovssJ(ir Mtsttawti?i,l) $ f W eatry a aloe Has of Cook aad Bsat tng Stoves tbas wlO bs sold cbwp. Stors pipe. Roofing, Guktsring 'fcnd work at an inapt and slsss mads to otdsr, , Doo'l lorgst as oa Plumbing. . Foy; . &t Weed Po;, Fr.ES'T GIVES CP TBI?. In A Hospital la Indlanapolla, Indiana. The ftetalt eftae trtlley Aeelieat at PlttsleM Beeeaies Xaairest BpsClal to JoirnsL IaDUXAroiiis, Ind.,8ept 88. As a re sult of the braises sustained In tbe trol ley aoddost at Plttsfleld, President Roosevelt wu forced to abandon bis Western trip. One braise has developed Into a slight abscess oa the left leg. President Roosevelt was taken to the St. Vincent's Hospital, where he wu opera ted on late this afternoon. Ten days rest is considered aeeessary for his re covery. It Is not yet known whether he will remain here or go to Washington. Fresh lot Force Food Inst reoelved those having tickets can send them In with ft AMlfta Mil mt a 1S AMlta mjtferftirA E " t o- at J. RTParker Jr. Fresh barrel Corned Beef, Pig Feet and Pickled Beef Tripe nst opened at J. R. Parker, Jr's. Prescriptions at Davis. Davis' Prescription IPbarmaoy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt and careful attention is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Bend yours there to be filled. Pig Feet, Fresh Tripe and Boneless Pig Hocks at the Oaks Market, Celery Headache Powders. There is not say better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. Cigars to please every body. Prince of India, Cobanola, Haney Special, Aunt Hannah, A. to Z. Down Horns. .1. H Parker Jr. Fine Canned Beef and Beef (Tongues at tbe Oaks Market. FORMAN. Death of Two Old Residents. Good Mar ket for Cotton. Sept. 88. The weather has been fine but very cool for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Banders of Bean fort spent last Wednesday In this place. One by one the old land marks pass away. On Wednesday last, Mr. Lock hart Qlbbs of Worth river qnletly passed away. Mr. Qlbbs had been in poor health for some time bat did not seem any worse than usual, his son who was with him in his room helped hlmte comfort himself and tamed away and when he tamed back theoldmsn had passed away, age 88. Mr Henry Dudley of this place passed away oa rJatnrday aboat noon, at ths 4ge of 81 years. Mr. Dudley was afflicted with paralysis, aad had been sick for a SMmtke, eM a bore his safferings with christian fortitude to the end. Un cle Henry (as we had all learned to call him) was a devoted kasbaad aad fathsr. Ha leaves a companion aad several call drea to moara their loss: Boris! ser- vtoe wu conducted by Revs. J. & Rus sell aad J, R. Jeanetto. Mr. G. M. Dudley is very siok. Quite a number of North river people were ove Sunday to attend tbe burial of Mr. Henry Dudley We have quite a good cotton market bare, the stsple Is going brisk at three per pound in the seed. SOUS BREAD. AsUMrycd the toner. If you get right dewp. to the bottom of your stomach trouble II Is wrong food. aad tie way lo oorrect It Is not by drugs bat by usiag the right food. physMaa la Berroa, Wis. writes aa Instructive hater est this rout. He says, "lama praotloUg physicUa, 48 years old, and about feet la height. Wheal bagajk jutng areneate ,less Bprlag I weighed 144 , waa'&bisad poor, had a aoatUg oa my tongue aad frequently Mosted wMorgatand amsU pieces of anfflgestad bread at, potatoes which were very soar, in short I had acid dye- I swejmltedk brother pbnlclaa who advised sne te eat aboat four teaspooa fuls of Grape-nuts at theeommeaoeaM of each Basal aad driak Postam Cereal Coffee.; I had beta la tbe habit of drink lag ooffee for breakfast and tea for dln- aet aad sapper. I followed the adytee cf ay brother physloikn us ie diet aad ex -a- m as. m . J,-. . . , l , Eva, atses, tbU Uses I have : eetea Graptvflnts with sweet milk . or ereaaa sob morning for breakfast aad I bow weigh lofflbs aad em ao store troubled with sour Stotsach,' lam very fond of Poetum Food Ooffee and attribute my re liefe aweh to that as Ideas' Grsne- Ofua wheal am called out lathe agbt to set a pstlent , and oa my retara hosne I feel tired aad hnngsry, I eat tbe sual qaanttty of Grspe-Kuis before go ing, to b4 and then sleep sounil! all alht." i;ree e!tii by Postum Co. Pat UeCrsek, l:;,U. eiLUGH Amount of Taxable Incomes to be Lowered. Ceraeratioa Cemmissloa Flaished Iavestlgatlea of Aeeldeat ea S. A. h. Delegates Appointed te National Farmers Congress. Report ef Sept. Pablle Ia straetloa. Pea sloa Appllea--tlons. Raleigh, September 28. The corpor- stion commission has completed its In vestigation Into the wreck on the Sea board Air-Line here in which an engi neer wu killed. Tbe law requires the commission to investigate such matters, but there, strange to say, the law ap pears to stop and the commission has no power to act. It doss not appear that any report can be made. The city authorities here are making no effort to enforce tbe ordinance against spitting on sidewalks and It is a farce. It does not appear that any attempt has ever been made to enforce It and It is contemptuously violated. Governor Aycock todsy appointed the following delegates to tbe National Farmers' CongresB at Macon, Oa., next month, these being members of the State Farmers' Association named by T. B. Parker, secretary of the latter, J. W. B. Battle, J. W. Atwater, Ransom Hln ton, A. T. Uzzell, W. R. Chesson and E. F. Lamb. Tbe State auditor has nearly finished the work of passing upon the pension applications. Borne counties sent up very few new applications. New Han over, for example sent up 14 for soldiers and 8 for widows. All these passed. Tbe report of the State Superintendent of public Instruction shows that there were built In the State during 1902 only 08 new school houses for whites and 45 for negroes, while this year there have been built 219 for whiles sad 56 for ne groes, and 8 for Croatan Indians a total of 898. It Is found thst the school houses built this year are better than those heretofore erected. A new lodge of Masons Is authorized at Fairfield, Hyde county. The number of rural free school 11 brarles which hsve been added by the State Is now 882. The State tax commission will very probably recommend a lowering of tbe amount of Income excepted fo Uaxatlon to $800 and recommend something like a tax of 8 per cent on all excess over $600. CASTOR I A Por Infanta and Children. Till Rind You Han Alwan Bought Bears the Signature of Choice Venison steaks and Roasts at I the Osks Market today. The markets will bejfonnd on the sec ond psgejof this issue. Craif-Prltcliard Discussion. On account of theOralg-Pritchard pol itical debate to be held at Einston, Monday September 22 the A. ds N. O. railway will sell tickets at one first class fare for round trip. Stations osst of New Bern will sell tickets by train No. 4 and return by train No. 8. Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal, RsLiian September 18. Supreme Court handed down opinions today. Parker vs Cobb, from Edgecombe no error. Bullock vs Bullock from Edgecombe error. Duffy vs Meadows, from Craven, no error. Smith vs G arris from Pitt affirmed. Lavaiette vs Booth from Carteret er ror Harrington vs Rswls from Pitt, er ror. . Swift vs Dixon, from Greene, error. k Wood vs Railroad, from Craven, af firmed. Taylor vs Railroad from Hertford, new trial. ' Jester fe Packet Co from Hertford, appeal dismissed. Garrett vs Hamlll from Halifax, mew trial.:. .v ' '' -'" Ayers vs Makely.from Hyde appeal die bead' I , , i '" Dawsoa vs Baxter, from Pasqaotaak, ao error, ..,- ;.?. ... i v Royal ts Street Ry Co, from Orevth psrourlam affirmed. ; Best vs. Mortgage 0o.( -fiom preene, ao error,'.; k, ;, 'ui '.'f'jv Mfg. Co. vs. Gray, ' f rom Craven per earlam, niBrassAvV V ' Cos te. Bank, from Pitt, per euriam efflrmed.Y;'! j-v'v.' ' ' , Koonos v. us.' Co., from Onslow, plaintiffs appeal dismissed, under, rule v. ,: v-v"-:'. Worth vs. Wilmington, from New Hanover, plaintiffs sppeal dismissed un der rule 17. Wood vs. Howe, from Onslow, plain tiff's sppeal dismissed under rule 17. . White vs- Loky, from Craven, no er ror. I We are prepared to lurnish In any quan tity and 6n short notice The Best and manulactured iiv East ern North Carolina. It will be to your in terest to write or phone (at our expense) at Clark's, N. C, beiore placing your order. Kinston-Clark's Brick & Tile Co. Represented in New Bern by J, B. PARKER, JR. 1 I G. N. Ennett. f I t They Have Arrived. A full line of "Air Tight; Heat era" from 11.50 up to the best made. Also full line of Cook, Box and Coal Stoves, Coal Hods, Shovels, Pokers, Stove Pipe, Elbows, etc. P. M. VRANEY, 07 H. Front Ht. Str. Blanche. On and alter Tues day, Sep. 16, 1902,. Str, Blanche will sail for Vandemere, Stonewall and Bayboro, Tuesday and Friday at 7 a. m., returning Wednesday and Saturday. ' Goods received for above points daily. J. B. Arendell, Agt. Cotton Bagging and Ties. We have in stock and to arrive S500 Rolls Cotton Bagging, 8,500 bundles Cotton Ties. Send us your orders. Prices are the West. 1 : . ; el- E. IiAthiuu eft Co. MURPHY & CO., Cothmission .Brokers. v CollatScb(Graliiyfc Dlwci wire' to New 1 York and ti.i .,; '('.I HUH-4 ' i-' Instautaiwons reports received of every, more on wohange, :r h; ' -y Todth BnukeJ tt Darls' j ' Davis PJiarmacy has Just reoelvsd a large assortment of Tooth Brushes made by Chas Loonea of ' Paris. Xsch brush ha "Davis' rharmacy" (tamped ion the handle and is guaranteed to give satlsv fsotlon, or money refunded. ; ' 1st Ornamental SCHOOL SOPPLffiS to It i c V Fresh Celery First of the season at J. L. McDaniel's New Barrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackerel. Spiced Pigs Feet. Fresh lot Fox Biver Print Butter, Fancy Elgin Butter. Rock Candy Drip Syrup. Na Bob Pancake Floor, Buckwheat. Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food Postum Ceral. Fresh lot Ginger Snaps 5c lb. Codfish, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of everything usually kept by a first-class grocery establishment. J. L MEL 'Phone 91. Guaranteed Elm City Lumber Cor. H. Front ' nctt tmioN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE nr lirnifilsJF Richmond. ur mtuivint viroinia., MEDICINE DEWTISfiTyHAKMABT lecture Halls r TbMrr. Lavoratoric for Pr.f, MwpmUr Prmctlc. On. hundr p.f. CtalofM PrM. Books ! Att kinds Blank Books Ledgers'' Day Books, Journals, Cash Books, Receipt Books, Order Books, Memo. Books. Letter Copying Books, Books with special rulings. Whitehursfs 45 Polloek Ht. Phone 228. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent fCZ L0 Idle 01 till Prospect Brewing . rVbmpaAfs . whlchUsaldto beMiaPnrast and Beat of Beers by the. United, Btatea Health Bulletin, whloh la the highest Amerioaa authority. , It 1 act a ebeap. beet; that Will bum ones stomaob.and produce a stram-on. the system,! , J. ' j -' A full srook at the above bast m bulk M4aia1aasMMM JiiJijxu and export eaa be had at 18 Kiddle Bfc , I F. Taylor, Agt. fo the rroppecl Ereitlng Co. 1 Wholesale eft Befall Gtroeer, 71 Broad fit. Clothing, W. S. PECK & COS CIOTK. Famous from Ocean to Ocean. (Juaranteed to be as Represent ed or Money Itefunded. All RarmentH bear th(; Union Laliel which is positive proof of their sanitary condition and that they are TAILOlt-MADK. PERFECT FITTING, NEWEST STYLES, HONESTLY HADE. ASK FOB IT ! I FOR SALE BY Co. Store Dep't, eft Fden Hi. cA Fair Critic can say nothing but good of his Fall salt If It's made here. We don't know everything, bnt we do know how to make good, dressy, long-wearing clothes, as our pttrons of years' stand ing will tell you. Cloth llrst, careful shrinking, accurate cutting, skillful ar tisans tell the tale. Let ns take your measure for a Autumn Bult F. M. Chadwlek, rick FOR SALE. Best Machin e Made Brick at Lowest Prices. Insnranee, orrfoi" ' Cos. Bodta faoirr It Baaoooa Bts. To The Publlp. We, the aaderslgaad giVe aosioe that the Undertaking business eoatdueted by J.GK lattoa aad Boa will UeonUansd under the- aasasv aame, la the beet and latest styles. - Thanking .the pablle for past favors aad aoUotUsg m nurtloa of their patroaage, weresaala t , yt'1 , A Kladly foura,-.,.! n i . . ui i'm ftlUTTONJlBOlI. Jo. O. Button. - -H, rraaklU Battoa. Offloe Ko, M Soott'i AHleyvv : ; , V; I ITU at I at i TV WrT k nr