ti i :a JOURNAU t it Eern, K. C, Sep, 2, 1908. ' Inlex ti Hew IdTertlsemeBta. FarafoiWns. '- r. - . Dawson-rttody V . -Executortotlt4 ,3 i '" Barfoot Bros-8pecial notice , 8 Coplon-Wlnter is approaching ' McGehee Wulla-fJust try .soma Broad fitreet Fruit Co-Fruits, eto Elm City lumber Co. Bep't Store- Shoes. . ',-' Simmons & Hollowsll Co Books 49e Business Local.' UOOD Becond-hand Safe For Bale cheap Inquire at this office.,' ;I,RE8Hl'unnsHv's Candy received last night by express 10 to 60 cents per pound. It to good as we best. James a Dawson, JOS Middle street Phone SCO Also Defiled OraWl . ' . Bananas, ranges Apples, Lemon ' k CocotnuU sad Pears. . Also Fresh Taffy - today St the Broad Street Trait Goa- WAHTED District Manager for the V' JIiPennsylvanla Casualty Company of , .h'v Scranton, Pa. for the line of personal, ' aocldent, health, all kinds of liability - elevator and plate glass insurance, will vf t ' .cav extra commissions with lowest rates nd liberal policy.' Bequest, Dudley '-.'Mann, Resident Managers, Charlotte, ft t' THE Classes in Business Writing at the V, bernhout sixty students, ladies and gen 1 ' jtlemen from eight years, to forty or fifty , J i Others are coming in dally. The best . ! v that Ponghkeepsie .'offers on writing Is ?' .'duplicated In these classes. School chll- -' " dren are especially welcome. Howls the time to begin their practical training , on the great subject of ' making a living. ' No one feature ia more practical or half " so easily and cheaply acquired as bread I ..earning writing. The time given is ample - , Terms (3.00. Stationery is furnished , ', without extra charge. Two classes 8:00 and 8:00 p. m. Join either. Now is a good time to substitute a plain fast style or writing suitable for banking, book keeping, etc, etc, for those highly cu- , rious and marvelous little helroglyphlcs 'that have flowed from yonrjpen for so long a time. A card to F. W. Thorne, I Patterson House, will bring explana ' Hons in full. ' x ' Mia HOWERTON'B BCHOOL-Mlss tiowenoa win re-open uer scaooi at no 10 Change street, Monday, September B9th. NOTICE Mr. ITenrv E. Grateau bears to i"i inform his customers and the general public that he has removed his Uphol t;X 'tterlog buBiuess to No. 72 Craven street v It ' tr .anA 'anliffltji IliA mntlmiftneA nf their iktnd patronage. 5 t- tA i FLOOR Oil keeps the dust down get the '.-,;; nest at Whltehnrst's. rf ,L- i'TOR BENT Dwelling formally oocn r "pled by J. E. Latham. 17 Johnson street ,' (fi. Marks & Son. 1 SHEARS and Scissors made of best i ?;; grade of steel. Every pair warranted at j WhJtehurst's. - , ( FRE8H Nonslly's Candy received last night by express. Try it, it's as good as the best .lames B. Dawson, 108 Middle street. Phone 809. NOW 18 THE TIME and here the ' 1 ; dace to bnv the flneat mtlnr AnnW v.ij Pun n...... riHnA ..a. .11 wifc a. ' f'-f, Ahe finest fruits of the season. Barfleld's r, Fruit 6toro Broad street Phone SOS. I' . it:-liVKJ5J(T igooabrtt store; oppo- !i t'lte Baptist church, formerly occupied 4 y Eaton the Jeweler, Apply to E. K. 5f90TICB-If yon. want, your house 'k Xnoved, raised or repaired, call on J. M. I i Register. He can do It HI, 178 Pollock ", street, Wew Bern, .'a".,M Guilff irdSLewis. ttuxihow yon Baiipie of the ' qJJiXatest tttbgii'' m' 'ltkTsr A .t. -s a Warn ' iffW wW M honn. Middle Bt . Phone 100. ii'v;!' "''' :: alote4iDtWd(llt$t.tJpSUIri : . I tjfiotinest, UirrJ ,MMrtoges.f l( " .i ; ! irounrein doubt mtnlt bet t ; ! ' Smallwor SCHOOL' I ' f jtllss 'isaallwood will.! .tfropemvMr . 'scoool Miadayv CMober 0th. Those de siring blaces apply to, her, ai bet rt denoe, Illj CfaVeji street, on Thursdays and Fridays root four to six o'clock. , ,1 uji fe:,-r,.i r , ; ( ti Fresh fape-uts,' (Portui';:CtaI toga Chips and 'pat Flakes, J.iVL let, Jr ;'( y, M StrfV':: ' t t',.!' 1 1 it i i mIi Wt-y, 'AFTi.virnsr .:CcifLdGnpp$ j 1 . ,Tonf laobrf t'f.;:,.'W.. - what's The matter? It is tor flew Bernuai To ttii ani " Answer. rj? x " ThaJoarualhu received ts follow ing Information and Inquiry which de serves an answer, - ! "Eo JocB5iL The cfttieBS of Pasnll co county are repairing the Fowler road In Craven County to within one mile of the eity of New Bern. They are aaxlons to trad with your otty. - Will Mew Bern elwaye sleep! . - tW." No; New Bern will not always sleep. Some fine day she will awake to find a. groat acoemulatlon of lost opportunl- tiW . F P '): : - The people of Pamlico eonnty are not the only people who desire to trade with New Bern '"'' The people of Jones oounty and Ons low county, especially in the! section embracing Blchlanda, - Quia , Branch, Half Mooa and Catherine Lake have the tame preference and desire, bat are compelled to carry their trade, elsewhere because of the miserable condition of the roads. . ', Four or five hundred dollars spent on the Quaeker Bridge road last summer, would have brought thousands of . dol lars worth of tobacco to this -elty this Fs'l, and the merchants here would have sold thousands of . dollars worth of goods, that merchants In other places have sold and reaped the profits!. -, All of the approaches to New Bern are in a bad condition, except a abort piece of the old Nenae road that ta now under road construction. While the work on this road is an experiment, it is never theless a glimmer of light in the : dark ness, and it is hCped ' that It Will be the means of arousing the people of New Bern to an appreciation of the advan tages of good roads Yos, "W," New Bern is now asleep, very few business Interests have any at traction for her people. ' The enterprise and progress of other towns disturb not the serenity of their quiet and peaceful lives They are content to rest on the glorious effort and deeds of the put. f But the rumble of progress is heard It the distance, and ere long new faces will appear, enterprising spirits will abound and money that knows no timidity will flow forth, then New Bern will resume her place In the proud column of enter prising North Carolina cities. Perhaps It will be a sad awakening for some of our people. Perhaps they will not care. Who can tell f O Bsantks Biffutro of .tlTOXlXA. alMaMTMllnthimliHtt AROUND AND ABOUT. Cotton sold on the local market ye terdayat8t and 8:5-16. Thirty bales bought. The tramp steamer, Hamilton, arrived In this port yesterday loaded with salt and othei goods for Charles 8. Hollls ter. Oysters come In slowly yet; a few boats came In yesterday loaded with oysters but the weather has not been favorable for the oyster market' . The atreets have received a good clean lng and the unsightly grass growing on the edge of the pavements has been re moved making a great Improvement x ' Fishing at Morehmd and Beaafort seems to be better this year than ever be fore. It Is an every day ooourance for parties to go out, and bring back 400 or 800 fine gray trout .!, ' ! 5 Ed Berry, the painter, has Just flalskw ed painting a sign foi Jack Rodman at his "First Chance Resort" The sign covers the entire front and ' resects much credit upon the artist Mr. Ed Bar- Tf' ...... . Those Interested will please note that ribs, pork and lard are not quote)! today The telerrauhlc service ill tVLathasa Co, b not perfected yet Ml Mother day we hope to be .able o give a eonv pletereport . , . "'- Painters and plumbers'are making es? tensive repairs on the government, hwlld lng. The U. 8. courtroom and (he offices having a complete overhsuUaf.'r A 11m In' Atlanta has the oontraoifdr the work: nt an expense ot about J,0xr I ''' ' Gray trout Is the principal fish Mnaia now but all fish are very plenty. "A Imt: of black ells were seen on tldock II is said that these creatures re la ebaaUV erabla demand for tabla'jUM Bottith1' standing the likeness they bear) ;To, snakes. ' . -.xnsiw' .; - u 4. The AUlelfc team oV PhlladeldhU n defeaUng Baltimore- two pmm double ' header Wednesday, wins i the championship of Ue Amerloaa League. Nashville also win the ehsmplonshlp of the Southern League. Indianapolis o; turee first prlns 1 the American Aiso eiatlon,r-;0.(4 .': ' Mr DX Bargett, the- proprietor of the West End Pharmacy; b "indeed graphophons arttat of the first grade Mx. Bargett hss I Columbia Qrani sad after business lours of the dsy ho puts' his machine In motion ' and neighbor blocks around are, delighted1 ..with the ' l.l-v : m toil to the grand open. - " 'a- i a '"fin'---". I BRADHAM'B LIVER and STUM AC U PILLS are purely veffetabk and ean.be given to Tory old people and children. Mild In action, tbelr effect Is far-reaching... No pain Or discomfort follows their . Tkef have bAa ' !led "Health's 1 HooMkerrxru." wl! h Is quite true. Does ynnr llv-r Vivouf firtur try Uwm p"', i I "n. at iiUADUAU'B I'll A it v. AC . : lfrch t '1, I t of aKKUILTTINQ Of file stockholders and Officer! of .the. v - Atlantic and florth Carolina 1 ---. -' Bsllroad. . I" ' The regular" annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad company, was held in the company's offices In this city, yester day at noon. "i.,.i Oir'stotloni'Jeeepa X. Robinson ' was ales led temporary chairman, aad George Green, J. J. Royall and 0. L. Stevens, secretaries.. "..;.?"': . .v. .. ..v' , ' The report ot the proxy committee was read, and the chtlraun atnounced that a quorum was present Ths tem porary organisation was" made perman ent. President James A. Bryan read his an nual report of the eondltlon of Oi Com--pany, which w received and adopt ed. :.'': -f--:- -v -,V "''j:" . State proxy, J W Grainger announced the following dlrectore. if! 0. M. Busbee, W. H. Smith, Har vey, J. C Parker, J. A. Bryan, t. W Dewey, R-W.ayloW-H. Hooker, . The following nominations by the pri vate stockholders were made, Henry Weil, 0. E. Foy, E.C Duncan, Dempsey Wood, W.X. Kennedy," E. W. Small wook, and upon ballot, Well, Foy, Dun can and Wood were declared elected. The following members of the Finance Commltte were nominated, and the ses? retary Instructed , to cast the vote for them, T. A Green, t. W. Hughes, J. A. Meadows. S , i The following Proxy Committee was named and secretary east tote for num bers named H. R. Bryan Jr, Geo. Dees, W. a Blades, M. Dlsoswsy, J. F. Taylor E. B. Hackburn, N. W. Taylor, 8. C. Sugg, D. Oettlner, W L Kennedy, W. L Arendalt, Dr. Frank Boyette, G. N Ives, E, W. Rosenthal, D. T. Dixon, T. W. Mewborne, M. M. Marks, John Forlow, J M. Howard, C. P. Dey, L. G. Daniels, C, T. Watson, T. G. Hymen, E H Mead ows, K. R,.Jonea, Simeon Wooten, Geo. Bumfell, J H.Jbtter4 J. Baxter Ohas Dewey, A;Elnsterni E. G? Porter. On motion meeting adjourned to meet at New Bern next year. At the meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the A. 4 N. 0. R R. held af ter the regular annual meeting, the pres ent officials Of the. road were re-elected to office for the ensuing yesr. A Runaway Mateo. A Runaway Match, by Hark E. Bwan, author Of "Brown's in Town," and se veral 6 ther successful comedies will ap pear here at the Maioolo Opera House next Wednesday night. The piece Is one of the brightest and most novel farces produced In years. The dialogue Is clean cut, devoid of vulgarity and full of humor of the right sort The action of the piece is interspersed with the latest bright And catchy music, songs and high class vaudeville, a competent company of well know comedians and handsome girls with beautiful costumes, make a perfect entertainment .. Special Notice. Our buyers sre now in the Northern markets selecting the latest styles In Fall and Winter goods, ' BABFOOT BROJ. - NOTICE. A meeting o( the Stockholders of the Cotton aadt Grain Eaohaage will be bold at the Mosns of the .Exchange this morning at 11 O'clock. All member art equested to attend By order of the President J. - a . Jmns Ridmohd, i- 11 Secretary. Wbltt Graded School TkoMxtsMsloa of the wbitw graded school will begin Wednesday, Oct, 1st, 1908. - 1 , ,r. Children tbat d(d not attend the school test year 'trill not be received until Thursday, Poland, ' "x ' Children hat will become six years old before Jan, OstltOS, wlU be admit ted to th school Oct Snd, ,1009.: No children wfJJ be admitted after that lime unless they are prepared to eater some .elASStlresrfOrsned.V. ; v. f v . .Mo.newolseeeswUI be organized In the First Orade1 the, Spring as hereto fore. . ' t ;, ;V, ... I . it 'JLjfT M IM Board, j, ' 1 .fc i . f , - H. P. HARDIG( ' . .tA vil-"wH tip, M JJ J".. flow. ;Tb3a v3 Xtoniy. ttyllmi&cx Tax'. Al Once And ' Dog Law Should any person ail to aasneas provided by the City Charter, they okall be guilty, mlsdemeaner and fined five lollarsnwr imprisoned ten days. The dog . declared a nuisance and ; it J.T0L80N,' - K.Mt L irat Ta IhllMlwV. f . are agents for the KlDstnVClatl Itrick Sod Tile Co., It will pa jnsi to are as before buying elsr wherprlcee andlqasllty (.J. B. Parker mtttttwttfvfvm xr,'RnP3i-coLA:i X Is t' er 4t refrrslih t and Invlg- J OIti" drink at ficlit KnlltlUilns. Curis luaJache nd IniproTes tlie I aiptlt. . .., , . , Try It '-for your' fmaoh's '. . ': i i ' i ' A CONVENIENT DRUG STORB. C. D. Bradham's Store Contains a Urge f.Slock of AU Goods That a Drug- . '-' ; gist Sells. , - jl . A person does not necessarily heva to associate a drag store with allsthe 01s that desk !, heir to, just . because the druggist has a cure for every trouble from the crown of the head to the toe of the foot, It , does hot suggest that the dealer wants every. . body to be sick so that he can sell his medicine. , : -4 i At any rau that Is not the way with O. D. Bradham whose store is the deposl torjf of all that snakes a sick man well or a plain beg pardon, a beautiful woman more, beautiful. " ' . Mr. Bradham has a Urge stock of pure and efficient drags and is the manufac turer of Several medicines and tonics. -JHe sells also oils and paints, brushes of all kinds and artists materials. . Among the delightful beverages which have satisfied, many a parched throat this fast rammer, pepsi-cola, a drink of Mr. Bradham's own. manufacture Is a prime favorite. It has sparkle and ust enough acidity to make it pleasant With an eye to the best that the con fectioner has he gets monthly a supply of Huylers candy. To say any more on this Una would be superfluous for every body knows thatt Huylers "Is the best that la.; ps 'f - Thentheline if I tobacco, pipes and smokers articles to be found In this Store are second to none in the city. OABVOniA. Basrstss yJe M Yw Mw Alwifl Botlght "Tobacco Talk. More tobacco was sold here yesterday than any other day this season, to except opening day. A large crowd of farmers were In town, coming In on the several trains, and many carts and wagons loaded with the golden product were ieet passing on the street. The quality of the weed was perhapa the best that has been offered here so far, and the usual, good prices prevailed, gladdening " the hearts of the sellers. .', . , Special Notice. Our buyers are new in the northern markets selecting the latest styles In fall and winter goods, BARFOOT BR08. Fresh barrel Corned Beef, Pig Feet and Pickled Beef Tripe Just opened at J. R. Parker, Jr'a. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. Q. A. Barfoot went to New York last night. ' Mr. Stephen Isler of Goidsboro, came here last night Mr. L. L. Hendren loft yesterday for New Tork City. Mr. G. H. Jenkins, liveryman, of Mays ville, Is in the city. Mr. J. H. Bell of PollocksvUle spent the day here yesterday. - Mr. T. D. Hewitt of Newport, N. ti. was in town yesterday. Mr. F. P. Outlaw of Lenoir county was In the olty yesterday. Captain W. J. Pope of Lenoir county spent yesterday in tie otty. ' Mr, O, H. Gulon left jesXerday morn ing for Raleigh on a business trip. Mr. W. R. Gulon returned home last night and will be in the city for a few days. ;. i . . " Mr. W.B.Ix)dg o Wajhlngton, N. 0., wu a caller at the Journal office ye Mr. Walter Fulford and Mrs. Fulfotd wont up to Goidsboro yesterday to spend the dsy. , . . . Mr L T OlllotHa firpmlnent.morchsnt of Mayaville wu In town last night oa ;ti.MSH ftT ' 'I- Mrs. S. C. Jerkins has. returned from several week's visit to friends at Greens. boro.N.0. ,, : it) 'tt-f. '' -'' J;Prof. H1. P" HarSlug has returned from Qrreavflle where bs hu been' spending the summer. . r ' '' ' - " ' . Mr. L. L. Smith; and wife of ishevllle aroTislUnr the family ht Ut. 'Frank Smith of this Otty. 'Rev. R. f. Bam pas went to Morehead. Olty Ust night to attend, the M. B Bon- day School convention. K , j. J1 - mayor a; f stiereon ana mr. inemas Guklll returned yesterday from a butt ness trip td Newport Rew, Va." S: . Mrs. JJt BolUster and eh!W returned last Blght'f rota Black Moentalb, where they.wbae been spending the - sum' msr,;.' yty.i mmt'i U - Mrs.7Jp. Prettyman snl" daughter I -5,,. 1 sr- rtvad home last -night from a summer s trip lopolnts tn MarylaaAand Vlr giJ Mr. F. R. Fuy of Klnstouspent last alghr ta town, and will leave -this morn, lng for Mayaville, to Visit bis fathrJD.l. O. D. Vof-l 2.' .B ". Mr. Daniel Lane went downto More head City test eight to attend "the M. B. Bunday School convention wtt'nb sits at that place, ; . - , ; , . '. : n. Ps' re O. 04 in C 't. tared. i f" 5 September SS. Mr J"N (Jbarlton and wife of New Bern spent Sunday here. Messrs Jas A Bryan and W F Carlisle prominent R. R. officials were here Tues day oa professional business. 7! . t " ! '-.Capt E 8 Coward of Kinsion spent Tuesday here.n " - J' Mr 0 1 Ipock was the guest of hts father here Tuesday, , , , f , t. . Mr E I Hlnes of New . Bern spent Sat urday and Sunday at Mr LF Tsylora v Mr John Ipock is wearing a broad emitothis weak and says 'his boy will be large enough to plow in Short - The population of Cove li growing rapidly. O v i .. .. , A stranger is stopping with Mr Letch- worth and wife a ton pound boy.: . Mrs C D Lane and children left last week for Chapel Hill where they will spend several weeks with relatives and friends. A Wise Woman. ' Manager Green says he has secured one night from the management of "A Wise Woman." The date will be an nounced later on. It will be a month or so at least. A little energy of this kind, if pursued, will bring to our town a higher standard of companies. Dancing: Class. I will start my Dancing Class Mondsy night, Oct. 6 at Lowthrop Hall. M. D. W. Stbvikbon, 3k Prescriptions at Davis'. Davis' Prescription Pharmacy makes a specialty of prescriptions. Prompt snd careful attention Is given them. Only the best drugs are used. The prices are reasonable. Send yours there to be filled. Fresh lot Force Food just received those having tickets can send them In with 5 cents and get a 15 cents package at J. R, Parker Jr. Fine Mountain Apples at McSorley's. Choice Venison steaks and Roasts at the Oaks Maiket today. The markets will bejfound on the sec ond pageof this Issue. Fine Canned Beef and Beef Tongues at the Oaks Market. Executor's Notice. 1, the undersigned having qualified as executor of thelast will and testament of the late Eliza J. (ox, deceased. No tice la hereby given to Ml persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to the under signed for settlement, on or before the 26th day of September, 1903 or this no tice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are noti fied to settle the ssme promptly. Sept. 16, 1902. j PERCY H. COX, Executor. 0 0 In best m . .. : i - t .iSv.i.A.'M I SPECIAL ' The Black JJoneUa? -M XvMaateraofMenn: ., x;i-',i JM Antooratov V. Tne uoiuic; ated, Dinnmn The. Road o Foutenac, t':"A(l.,: .'itt h 'A Man. Womao, ' f A-' -t ', '-nfM.il .4iv. .-.' v -aa. HavaorHyi lewln;tocb.Tlifl !;f t: price for, what we hftye in stools X, l V W k - . a a ani , J ?!f f t -t - : j niXL&: oi. it i ; ; ' ; binding and best 4 , , , j - , .j. ....... ! ! "'. ! !' -'" ; ' ' r " ; . .: ' -. .--.; : " The SmaUirood Hardware Store Furnishes Sa; iargVjud tjjajV stock of ..-i stovea and OUa,. . j. 'Tho karwara pust"preses but a limited llst.of articles that .interest the average householder that it It difficult to eke a, write up. that does: not! repeat what has already been said. ' J . The storo of Wi Bmallwood on Booth Front street offers a line of hard ware that has an attraction aside from the price In the excellent quality of the -: ''' '."". : , Thefsell the Garland cook and heat ing stoves. , These stoves have a world wide- reputation and are every bit as good as their reputation. .. In addition to 'their regular stock of hardware they sell doors and sashes and have a fine line of oils and paints. Sportsmen will do well to examine their stock of guns and ammunition. Celery Headache Powders. There Is not-any better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fall to relieve. Made and sold only at Davis' Prescription Pharmacy. For Sale or Rent. . A farm situated between the A. & N. C.R. R. and Brice's 4 Creek, about 2 miles south of New Bern. A good farm for truck, cotton and tobacco. A new six room dwelling, a large barn with nine stables, and a largo wagon shelter. Five tenant houses in good order. A cotton house with seven rooms. A sixty-fire foot well of good water, and a fine pasture of about 400 acres.and some fruit trees on the place. Ton can get it on easy terms and have possession any time. For particulars apply to MBS. J. H. VINSON, Newflern, N. C. At Davis'. Fresh Diphtheria Antitoxin and Vac cine Virus at Davis' Prescription Phar macy. Farm For Rent. Hope Farm, about 4 miles from New Bern. '200 acres cleared. Good Land for Tobacco and Track. Good farm buildings. Iuquire, J. R. CROMWELL, New Bern, N. 0. 4uUi .Vuf'lVil - t.' Ae J .. 1- ' mm . i at this i it. PRICE. , , fir- 1 1 f-'.I Th FoWsK1 iff .;it, ADe ,vory Deat ,t authora at i : . - . . jttMM Wl filfja "I r i ! iu . nB ! jta . - 1(7 s7 1?. ,)f:.',HMlt' i 1 lyi) t'fAo.Bia I X f . , . ,- a uhv.i,af,;(. f ii in all the NEW STYLES. Prices Right too. JTowisthe time ,him up for school. member we Guarantee every Suit. s - Men's & Iloy'N Ws3ar, " WE PIA.Y HO FAVORITES. AH departments look Some slores are famous for one line of goods, othera for another; but good all rounders' have few and far be tween ! Paradoxical though it be, we aim to make a spec ialty of every department, certainly none is exalted at the expense of another. Our Silks and Dress Goods, for example, excelent as they admittedly are, are not relatively a whit more so than Notions or Art Embroideries. Each is as perfect as we know how to make it. In brief, like a cul.e in architect ure, from whatever view point bur store may be beheld, its size and attractiveness reiuaiiiB undiminished. To Close Out our Present line of Corsets with a view to changing, we are offering Warner's Corsets, ne.rly all sizes and several styles, at 60c, 75c, form pri,:e ;1d . . In onr window, Saxon Corsets, 20c, 30c and 40c. 30 inch Percales, while they last, 5c yard. I'ut these goods on sale Saturday, could hardly wait on the trade. Come quick if you want them. PATTERSON & HILL, The Bee Hive, 61 Pollock St., Opposite Episcopal Church. WE ARE FITTED UP To FILL ORDERS for Stoves A full stock of Wood Heaters, Wilson Heaters, and both are per fect with front feed door. You will tlnd on our floor the kind you waut. We are prompt in putting them np. Look onr stock over before placing your order. We carry n good stock of Sash, Doors, Minds, Lime, Cement, Plas ter, anything you may want in lluilders Material. Special Black Jack Stove Blacking. Ball Bearing Castors. PU0NK 147. JUST ARRIVED I ' Latest Styles ia v Queen Quality Shoes j Also call etpeoial attention to jOnjx" Brand Black Hosier, and Plo: Dress Goods Departmstit. , D. F. JARVIS, .iti,"(i..fpUochSt. i'ZOKS6G6odir What' rmVes" 6r 6ooa Waior I tnato ao food ia Its gualltv., Irary f tningni thin nied In the making la firat i Tha vaUtr is pur and spnrkllaf . , Tha lea la fiuro and clean. --'.,. . Th otram U t1M arwi rkih.'- '(') "i -Tha flarron 'inr and dclicloaa.. X t3 :m traits ara wf poaiana iren . . - . . . . . . Penrle who kaow '.oa soda aro J-rnit of thl way, i' eatuanrj to T tr tt. It ta Sfi k llfylnr so ro Z fresh tnff. 10 fciUol wlit i..v wtant In good srxla. H)J noma and enm atiln that s wnal we ra r Working (nrfgoniilantlr.beeanM WO .rr.5r7raTwa MM X out Quality. HHAItAM'iJ T ruuniAia, on l jX ' ' ill Al to fit Re T w t -w -r m' mw vsr mm' mmr 1 alike to us Gaskill Hardware Co. 78 liionka Ht NK.W H1CUN, N c m GLASS j lust Received. A new Iiho of Cut (ilnss and Starling Siiver. Fine Kngraving frtvof charge on all goods sold. EATON, The Leading Jeweler. ITM TIMK NOW : to have that stove repaired. ; cold weather ia oomlng. Let me ; fix your atove before the rnsh X begun. L. II. OANNON, i ' it Middla 8t FEESII VACCINE JtraT Rbciivbd llEAL-IlAJi'sMlAnMALV. X ,tpnl,iMi! .Ptoa4. Street,. 114, feet ; front, El 4 fft 6 - inuhea deep, A V good welling, atore aid oat build- I iaga. v A aviitabla place for tobao oo abed.. -;," One on Oeorca Bt. about 80 feet fnt, W or SO foot deep. Torood a ii.it .1..4 u - -l ,.eiVr buildinn tltat would rent lor 110 VIRUS Lots for Sate ! or 1 19 per mo., each, could be built upon it lth plenty of out-door r -n. Apply to J. K ND. Lemon, ( I!-

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