filfiiL i. U- ' . . .' . . v t J, KIW 1IM, It Ci 84TDEDAT U0BIII6, SEPTEMBER 27, 1902. - ... -v f.-,-.S'';'.' V- -f :!- - r - '. V TWENTT'FIRST TEAS fZITIIl tlPIISB A JUDGE'S . CURED OF ', PELVIO CATARRH in : y. i - -;V')'' es.J ,000 Given I $4 ft FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS are offered in prices for 19 ft best reasons why the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe is superior to Jtll others. , First Prize, $1,000.00 Setae! Pria, $750.00 In order to write intelligently, it Trill be necessary to par My chase a pair of "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes and write your article Ji on the blank famished by ns at the time of purchase. No lit-, Ji erary ability required. Only plain, uoYaralshed facts are j& wanted. Selerfere TTASlVmrmtT & CRirrON BRAND The Winter is . Mothers and fathers bring your Clothing and Shoes. We will gire yoa a few prices In MSN'S CLOTHING. 1 10 Bbek Worsted!, - AIM S00BoiU tM f - iK 4 00 ' tie 5 8J8 8 B0 " - ItS 4 60 - 8 g 160 " 1S CARSIMKRE 8DIT8. 1 60 " - - - 8 $8 60 Snits, -684 1 00 " - A 00 "... 4 s 6 00 " - - - ' 878 Drop into our store and tot us show you what we have. 8tore, New Ooods, New Bargains. i . (Very Respectfully, . J ; 75 Middle fit. mt to GaikHI "Knocked the Stufflnir putot jiVUji : j, and troks It' Into. Spllntora, nay Wts .keea tbs tet ol f eer tOMriu whaa it run Into by tomethlng; bat "Umi to tela hi OIlMd," or thai b plMN la knowing that in our shop yoa ou hT tt nuul rood M new. Wm do nil klnrti of cairlr wpslrinr.snd black- mnniog in a ktiuoi and superior msa- . W mi Rvtbw TitN M mu old or Mt wbeehv We shrink yemr Ioom tint ' la . a maehlae wttnoot cutting than. : Erarybody In Inrltod to t th work ol thn nachlnn pnttinf new bolts la an oldpawwt. . , J , '. i.' " : .' PboiM IBS, ;SCotton;Or-::i ?J.v .and Ti:3.:: We have iq stock and to arrlre B600 Itolls Cotton Hfrgint, 800 H bandies Cotton Ties.-. ' ' ' . ;.. ', Bend til jour c; iem.l rrioes ar the lowr t. ' " to VVczcnl - c Thirl prize, $500.00 771 Ijixijl J IX Y V. 5 Fall Clothing. Snappier, Law, Mtrtlai tier Our line of Griffon Hruml Cloth ingMen's Suits iu Extra Fine Worsteds and all the real thing. Youths Suits in K'egant Cassi mere, Childa 2 piece, 8 piece and Norfolk Snits in fullest assortment and at prices that require no argu ment to sell them. There may be some clothing as good as ours but not at the price. When yoa bay here you bay right! J. J. BAXTER, 89 Middle Street. Approaching ! boys to this sale and fit them in Men's and Children's clothing : CHILDREN 'd CLOTHING. ew )1 Hlw. Co., Hew Ben, I. C. VVokreiWow Rccdy to do all repair work to your storesfor wMsrase. . ,.v .. i We earry a aloe liae of Qookkad Beat- hf BtorMtUt wiabeaoldiiMlip, gtors pip, BooflBf, Gnttorinf W work el mH shape and ibwi nadt to ordor. v'vl. ent forfttit ra plumblnf, , r(. . Foy & W pnuteyVCId Ciaa. J .rCssUi -Prcat Ctrf A Fdr Ctll'c "' can ar notliln bal mod of tiln FI! 10 It If H'l miul hfir. W dnn't know ererytliln, bnt w do know how to mV food, drewy, lnn(trir--elolhM, our p tro" of y' u.xi lit wil tll yon. t.n'ih dft, fsn-fui tiirinkir. wu-.lf:- -;, .' ait ar. txaint t- it t I t i t jour li t r .' I 4 I 'X li Lute Muubenr ittMaiiu: Ses- " iIobs li lUleich, Law TlelateJ. No Female Teachers " tagaied. Hemes Ret Talk iav Heck relltles. 0 ' TrlalferXarder.Cet- -' toa.Mcarly All : . ... &pieke4 RauaaH, Jleptf 98 The PrlmttlTS Baptists are hers la large aumbera, Bal- Igb -AssorfsUoB embraotof sonu 80 ohirebes, Is li session, la the A.oadamy of If oslc. Nearly aQ the eharebesars hi lbs raral district sad a somber of tbose sttemdlag las i AMOdatloa are auk lag UmIi first TiaU to Baldgb, Elder P. O.OokL the editor ;f the ergaa of this ehBroh, Zloa's UadtoarW vbloh'hss a large drcolatloa bare and Iq other States la attending the assocUUob.. , Vi Thselty attorney sys the polio here bar so far failed iogmiike, any arreati for tolattoir of the jkntt-spltttag ordl aaaee, though It la flagrantly violated. A report .on Aahe eoaDty pabllc tehooksays no feaMleteaehenareeav ployed, thoegb 18 bold lat grade eertlfl The new electric lighting contract made with Raleigh requires 100 more street are Hgbta to be la operation by December 1. The material for the ex tension will arrlr nest week The board of agriculture haa eelected lu third soli teat farm. It la In Iredell county. The SUte 8aperintadent of public luitruollon aaya there will be s great edaoatloaal canpalga and eaaTaaa In norm uarouaa next year, u wm ne an "off year" la politics, and' the Republi can! end the Democrats wilt pat many of their beet, speakers la the .field and "lamp the State together la the noble eanae ef education. He Is pronnaed the heartiest aid and cooperation by both parties Tbe necrose who were atterly f rosea oat by tbe white Bepablioana In the Re- publlcaa Oongreaaloaal eonventlpa here yeatefday are earing little. One said, "If I eaa jost hold my office I don't care what they do." Another aald, -It U the beat thing that oonld hare been for our raee." There were IS "delegates" pret est at the convention, representing all the oountlea except Vance. Kr-Sherlff Moore of Franklin who wm declared not to be a delegate, told the contention, or ather caaeaa, that It was the first time baaadbeaa atabbed by kla party; that be would vote for a straight Bepablloaa for Ooagress bat for so oae else. Ia the Baperlor Court here today Man sell Robiasoa was pat on trial for mar- uerlag another negro, Loomle Debnaat, by cutting bis throat. The psmaioa board allow penaloaato Is widows and 83 soldlera la thla( Wake) county. There were already 88 widow sad 101 soldier penatoners. Not a an gle new application for penal on earns from Wilkes county. Uader a special act the leglalature appointed pension board for Madlaoa oooaty, naming Its membera. It Is the ptSf eonnty with a penaloa board thai ., Theauasber of Stadeata aow preseat at ths Btato CalTewlty , 687, .breaks the reeord.. Tbe Baak of Union at Monroe, to which the State treasurer treats a char- tar, le ta third 1 bank! organised inder to aetyoi WOl. M u vy It Is aow asserted thai Uree-foerthl of the eottoa la Ula seettoa aasbesa plekai ' . . jTh State Saperlateadantof pablle la- atractloa wU sand eat great aambers of printed prograauaea for"North Oarollaa Day," November 4, . la the pablle sehooW Themtbject, "The Albemsrls Regtoe," Is well selected. . The Hoa. 6exefDaraad whou re- ceaay aomlaated for the efflof of Gov- eraoc or Hkmigaa bj the Demoerau hu wlthdrawa from the aar- alyssi aaerfly eftsf tbl aoatlaatloi and aaiaraca BeeevJMlpleaa, .Ht physlotaa T'af kjatotktsttsv. . v ' BAKD on anLMBk-v? , ,-.Wk TsKlKW.Bal ruffes lebil. ' "Best it hmi aad bMS win ever Itv.1! WheaafpW tsahv Hhid whf aboat rn4u(sdJQ)jrMoey are glad to give teelhaoay for the beaeflt "of etaaraM w - ..' us Kreiya rarrla. of Free Rnu,IUe aarti "I have ban a eoffee drinker alnot my childhood, and the hat few years R has Injured me serloualy. One eap of eoffee ukea .at breakfaat would eanae sse to become so aervoastbatl could scarcely gojhrough with the day's dslles, and thla Bervouineaa wu oftea deep depreaaloa of aptrlts sad heart palpltatloa.' lam teacher by profeatloa, and when uader the Influence of coffee, hare to strop gle egalnit crnetnesa when In the school room. When taking Ui!e orar with my phy!ulan, Doctor Jolmson, of EJen, Klaa., be a(; jorted that I try Poetum CoSije, eo I prf.;!iei a p. V and wm-'e it earr' tVysreor "rf to iftec tln; f "ml It ntof f!r.)r, am! o.nn-..:.;..T. Ia a i t f a I bi'.1 ; r j r.-rTO " t I ' ' ' . I She Suffered . for. Years and Felt Her CaseWas Hope less Cured by Pe-rfl-na. Sara. Judge htoAlliator writea fromUlT West Wrd at, Minneapolis, atiaa, as tos lowst : - angered to yean withe pain in the amaU of my back and right side. ' It to torXared often with my domestte and eodaldatlei and I never snppoesd that I would be oncedjM tbe doctor's medi cine did not seem to help me any. "3Fortnntely a member of our Order advised me to try Feraita and gave It snob high praise that I decided to try it Although t started in with little faith, I felt Bo much better In a week that I felt CttOOOTaWOCae "I took tt faithfully for seven weeks aavd am happy mdaeifto be able to lay ttiet i am entirely cured. Worda fail to any ass my gratitude. Perfect health ones more is the best thing t oonld wish lot, and thanks to Parana I enjoy that now.-amfNlB B. MoAIXISTKB, What need to be called female dleeaees try the medtoal profeeelon ia now ealled palvia eatanh. It has been found by aTjortenac that catarrhal Unaa of the peivto ergaaa ate the eaueof moat eases of female disease. Or. Bartmen was among the lint of Aaerlea's great phyaioiana to make thla dawovery. Vor forty yeara he has baea Beattng diseases peonUar to womem, and long ago he reached the oonolnslon that a woman entirely free from catarrhal afteottoa of these organs would not be subjeot to female disease. He therefore began using Parana for these oases and found it so admirably adapted to their permanent cure that Peruna has now become the most famous remedy for fesnale disease ever known. Every where the women are, nalng it and prais ing la. Parana is not a palliative sim ply I It onree by removing the cause of , Dr. Hartmaa has probably oured more weanes of female ailments than any other UviiiB Bhyaielsn. He makes these earea suaply by using sod recommend tow Pemna. N HJsa Phoebe Gary Bhemeld, writea from gageilii, Texas, as fallows : "I have Mtowed your derectiona and trsBSmant, and wul alwaya thank yoa to ra hrnitnaaa. Tew madlolaeU the omry mafWBtni tbat gave me relief fw heavy pams to my ohest, on aeoonnt of Wniah I eanld hardly reat at Bight Sev era! of my friends thought I would ge Into consumption. I now think I am Reelsboro Items. September 25. Mr William Delemar of Knoxvllle Tennn la visiting his brother Mr Bam Delemar of thl place. Messrs Henry Allen Gaaklns and W HPhllpotof Arapahoe, spent Sunday here. Mr J B Bennett and daughter Miss Annie, were the guests of Mr 8 A Brln son, Sunday. Mr Charles P Pipkins will move Into his new residence In a few days. Rev William Brlnson and wife went to Newport last week to fill bla regular appointment at that place. .MrMsokReel of Morehead City, Is visiting relatives and friends here. Miss Flossie Lee of New Bern Is vlalt- tag Miss Mauls Pipkin. The Christian Sunday School at this plaoB will hereafter hold Its sessions In the afternoon, Instead of ths forenoon. Brows Eyes. v BRADHAJfS LIYIR and STOMACH PILLS are purely vegetable and eaa be given to very old people sad children. Mild la action, their affect Is far-reaching. No psla or dlaoomfort follows their use. They bare been oaUed -Health's Hoaeckeepers," which ia quite true. Does your liver .hurt you ? Better try these pills. Prloe 90o. at BBADHAM'B PHARMACY. C ASTOR I A - for Infants and Children. , .;, TU HI Yoa Kan A!r E::;tt ,'TI Heal, .the Bmperor of 'Korealla Andrew Carnegie wm the' guest of sTlns Edward WadnaadaV. ' L . ' ' I:1 fscreury of the Treasury )haW. W 11 return from tbe Wat to Washlagtoo, ' A heavy, rain has fallen over Booth Texas, breaking a severe drenth lathe cattle epantry. : , The dead body of James W. Story, a detoottvr, who hsd been working ap Ille gal llqn:r oases, wm foand la tbe brnih Flomator, Ala. , .J - Hon Oharlemejrne Tower who Is U. S Ambaasador to Ituasla haa been chosen by Presldont Roosevelt to auooeed Don. Andrew D. White M Minister to Ger many. ; , v. Earthquakes happening frequently be tween the dates of August 97tn and Rnp tember 8d, destroyed a nntnber of vllla-rr'-a In the province of Blnklang, Turkea un, Asia. i r ; : sTLEAPHi5 BREVITIES. - ' T ' SBBSBMaSB ' ''iSh 'V Q ttHf. jam well, but will always have a bottle of Pernna in the house. think Perm is fee best mriklat la ift werM. for i wee to mr aom doctor mat they asraretf' mm may goto, but when I took a H did me mil the good In tts World. I have recommended your wonderful treatment to my friends. Slews bare taken Pervom I look like aewwomttt."Mlu p. C. Sheffield. Mrs. William Kenning, Mt. Clemens, Mich- writes! "I am happy to be able to write you that I am now again well. I was not well for a year, and did not know what ailed me. Last fall I got a bottlo of Pe rnna. It did me good. I wrote to Dr. Hertman for a book 'Ills of Life,' and ho luckily cent me a book about my dis- "My discs en wss catarrh of the head, eyas, stomach and lirer, and ho said if I would follow his advice I would soon be well. I followed the directions closely, and am now entirely well." Mrs. Wil liam Kenning. Congressman Thad. M. Mahon, of Chambsrsburg, Pa., writes: "f take ptemiure la commending your Peruam as -a mubmtaatlml tonic mad m good cmtmrrk remody."T. M. Mabon. If yoa do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, writs at ones to Dr. Hertman, giving a fall statement of your case and he will be pleased to glTe you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Visiting Cards ! I have made arrangements with Reliable Engravers to furnish Vis iting Cards at the following prices: SCRIPT LETTERING, C0c., 100. Engraving Plate, name only, and Printing best quality cards, 76c, $1.00. GOTHIC & ROMAN LETTERING Engraving plate, name only, and print ing best quality cards, 01.80, f 1.60. SHADED OLD ENGLISH LETTER ING Engraving plate, name only and printing best quality cards, $1:80, 2.10. PRINTING CARDS FROM OLD PLATES Ladies' and Gentlemen's best quality cards, 60c, 80c. I can also furnish Engraved Wed ding Invitations and Mourning Cards at Lowest Prices. owen o. DUjrar, l" 72 CBATEIf T. Books ! AO this Blank Book Ledgers, ' Day Books, Journals, ;' "Cash Books, . Receipt Book,' Order Books, Memo; Books. Letter Copying Books,' ' ri H' with special rulings, .Whitehurst's ' 45 Polloek HU Phone 228. - .:".v';-':t- I I lias n Tn IrAH ' : '' I llaYU :K luuuii ; :?--Thd gVjfencjr For the nSreeniboro JBHro J, Insnrsnce CompanleeV 5-' SOUTHERN STOCK MUTUAL. SOUTIIERN LOAN and" TRUBT CO. UNDERWRITERS.' I will give you Protection at Lowest Coat in good Reliable Home Oompanlos. ;.;,. , - Cc'-y r- :r. ! r for THERE are two makes of loaded shells known as THE BEST U. M. C. and Winchester. I Also carry the Cele brated Austin Loaded Shells. Just re ceived thirty thousand shells, both black and smokeless powder, drop and chilled shot Do not accept the so called "just as good." My line of laggings, Hunting Coats, Vests, Caps, etc. Is the finest ever shown in New Bern, also full line of Single and Double Barrel Guns, both hammer and hammerless. I make a specialty of Sporting Goods and if I havn't just what you want, can get it for you at short notice. WM. T. HILL, PhOD IIS. 91-93 Middle Street. NEW BERN, N. C. Now is B time to buy u new Cook Stove. I have on hand a full line of Cook Stoves of the most improved styles. The New South " and "New Enterprise" in all sizes. Ev eryone guaranteed as represented. P. Me VRANEY, 67 H. Front St. L S. G. N. E&nett. t Best Machin e Made Brick at Lowest Prices. loll 4 !yman, InsuranM, OFFI3B: Cor. Sooth Fboht d; Hahcock Bra. New Bern Is Very Lucky to have an agent for the sale of the Prospect Ptewing ' Company's Z v- mm whioh Is said to be th Purest eM Bast of Beers by the Ualtsd Btaaes Health BnUetln, whioh IS th highest Amerloa4 authority. It hraota cheap bee tbat will barn ones stomach - asm sodece 1 a strain on the syswm. I i , i : A fuBsvwek ef ths above beef in balk and export can be had at 18 Middle Be. Agt, f o the Prospect ' Brewins; Cot MURPHY! & Brokers pn"n C'-'l'f r"nn f, r--' ;-e Direct wire to New' York snd UcflgO. "' Instantaneous reports received of every nivp on es! - V.. !'. f'T", " no SUPPLIE Brick FOR SALE. j avaaam asssassaa.' rTB m la 1 1 1'- i J i TT-J 1 ft mmn sailer mm, nm Sweet & Sweet Mxt. PickFs j lust received at L L. McDaniets. New Barrel Corned Beef. No. 1 Shore Mackerel. Sj)iced Pigs Feet. Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter, Fancy Elgin Butter. ! ; Rock Candy Drip Syrup. , ' I Na Bob Pancake Flour, Buckwheat. ' . ' ' a J Grape Nuts, Force, Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food, Pofltum !; Ceral. ' - 5 1 Fresh lot Ginger Snaps 5c lb. ( Codtish, Irish and Sweet Potatoes, and a complete stock of a ; everything usually kept by a first-class grocery establishment; a. 'Phone Ol. Mma, $3.00 it 3. EITB S COHQH SHOES FOB ill New Styles, New Lasts, 'J New Patterns. The Fall Line of this well known Shoe can be seen at our store, and we can ofler them to you in every variety ot leather. f REMEMBER, and ask for the Guarantee that goes with every pair. NIIOK DEPARTMENT, Elm City Lumber Co. Dep't Store, Phone 40. Cor. H. Front e& Eden Ut$C ' Some of our Fresh Pickled Pip are fine. Also our Coffees Jreen and 16c to 40c per pound. Our 15c where. Just try a lb and we arg snre it will be a repeater. - - We are carrying a general line of Fancy Groceries, and we respectfully solicit your business. -'A-w Truly, "A-h', Mnfiohoo J& Willie 'r- uivuvmvv Broad St. Grocers. - tAAAAAAA A4AAAAAA4444444'AA444AAAAA4d4 ;ef I ''''' 'Ca r loaa ifiour urouna rrora new wneat just receivea. von want a barrel of Good Flour give me a WaL . i We are receiviag fresh goods by every train and boat, an I can give yon entire satisfaction both in q unity and' prices, a mention a few articles as follows: Pettyjohn's Breakfast Fu QnakeTOst Fresh Rice and Grits, PoUto Chips, ZJ.r i: ' jWheatBflsFuJl CHmtV . jibuqmi uannect orooc Aroua, and TJomestio. Sardines, Deviled Crabs with shells, a. . 1 linfeof everything to be four in a first clasl' grocery t .t.vw-ar.rjWlitdBeua,!! Oiocer, , -k' -t- m hiH'jiJ ' ... .iM.awi"-' - ' tMtlMIUIMtUlMIIXUlrtttllUI 5 a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ftt,.. ; Tooth Brushes at Davis'. Davis Pharmacy hu just received a large assortment of Tooth Iimnhoa made 1 r ('has Loonen of Tarla. Far.h brush ' ,T,Tla' riarmv y" stamped on Ilia 1 Is r J ; to ve i "s- TT . Til - . 4 , - . s : a els XXetall . ' Oroeer. s "St TIBiHMMl St. Feet, Tripe and Beef, the$ " v 1 Roasted, prices range from Coffee cannot be beaten BirvV , u. iiimus , Phone t 37 . WWWbWTbVmV.V"" . If Oheeipolrted, nd , tv, sjannea ssacseiw, i a f m 1 !). hi. -V'srcrt'Ki...... Davis' Prescrfpt aipeclally of p and careful ette Only the beat !! oS are msj. 'iMf" 1.