-s.'.,' . eBBBaa8BaaBBBB9BZisB l k if . r.iinriTira : i i alb. 11 1 f r r AHJelable rrtpuraUortlor Aat smuaimg mctoouanauci'iua- hngobiuiDaasanauuweiscr pi :jfMiAtTfr?i Promotes DigeslionJCheerful nessandRestfonlaiiis neilkety Umxn.Morphine iutrlku9dU wot Nam c otic . BKVffeUarSiMtHPaCXKH Aednt brd t Aperfecl Remedy forConslip.1 Ron , Sour Stoiiwch, ninn-Un-ii Worms .Convulsions leverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Mrs. Fred No. 228 Territorial Street, "I am pleased to give my experience with Vine of Cardul M I am very grateful for to help. After my ftrit baby wai bora I could not eem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me atonic which he considered very superior, but instead of getting better I new weaker every day. My husband came horn one evening with some Vine of Cardut and in sisted that I take it for a week and at what ft would do for me. Asheececned to have o much faith in ftl ctaf tab the 1 medicine and was very grateful to find my strength slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take op my usual duties. I am very enthusiastic in its praise.'' rvlOTHERHOOD is the noblest duty l .and highest privilege women 1 "i can achieve or aspire . With out this privilege women do not get all there is in life too often they go through the world discontented, wrapped up in their own selfish osires and troubles. How different is the happy mother, watching her children grow into manhood and womanhood. A mother lives as many lives as she hat children their joys and sorrows are t.-aw US I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ii i JffffsV JVlsl CKlfatfaV -m i ii.-l- i. .hi WINEofCAHDVI Commissioner's Sale for Division, NOIITH CAROLINA, ) In the Craven Ooanty. ( Superior Court Before W. M. Watson, Clerk. A lex P. Davis, Laura Jackson, ; 1 and her hnsband Fred Jackson, ' VB. Lacy Henderson, and Charles Henderson her husband and Ella E. Lewis. By rlrtoe of an order aad decree In. the alwve entitled special proceeding, twfore the Clerk of the Superior Court if Craven County, N. C. The Bnder tlrncd as Commissioner will offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cssb, at the .court house door In the vlly of Hew 'liem, Craven County, N. C, on Monday lha 6th dy of Oct., 1902, at 11 o'clock, as,, the following described real property, lo-wlt: A part of lot No. 4, on - west side of Muddy of Bern street, 8fli80feet, conveyed by F. CL Roberts, C. M. k, to Allen O. Eubank, and conveyed by Lv clnda Hianly and I. W. Eubank, axeca trlr and executor of said A". 6. Enbank to Lneretla Gulon. This With day of Ang. 1908. RAPHAEL 0"HARA, . Opmmlasloner. The Farmers & Merchants Capital, Sarplaa aii4.l7tfl M,tM. kttca. 30th, What Ws) HaveOoo Do, and ' WblsflitaiMtoOo; This Bank coadoeta ha taslnaat apon "an-to aw" saethods. It la ov pirposa. to deal Juitly aad liberally with all. T - . We carefully aafernard the interests of onr customers, Moreover, w 'fra- qusniiy no n uoown VB taana) as op Dortunlttes often come to nt In eon I! den ttal ways, trad yeit ewhotcrvertppecrate inch consideration. " " ,,u , We aioaat disposed to wsertook. the fa tbatTlm Inurwta of ;tk Bank: 'and aaae of lae peopsraeeajoaoty nooaa to. geiner, ana cannoi ny any Bteana as separated. , ,y- -i-.': This Bank acts U a repository for Willi, and safely keepa ,thera till the proper time of surrender. Will also aot aa the custodian of money or papenvlaft with us In escrow. Ho chares i Effort hem services. I Wa procure Utlera of Credit1 f b tending trayellers.. ,, :r,n waaim vo Deprompv progresarrl and libera),..1 - .- . . -.1 la Um matter of accommodatloas) this Baak meets every requirement wlthla the Units of prudent basking It yoa have never beea Iden tl Sett wit k us as a patron, we ask yoa to- eoqslder tae aavisaoiuiy or Becoming one, : ; la tae eary future, we propose anting novel, yet sunstanKal Bavlnira Bank ftattare te 'Our. airo.; J paagttMlva l- "If- "M In Use Over Thirty Years THf fte?NYtf COMPAr, RCY VUW Vivraih, Benton Harbor, kiieh. hen, at are their ambitions, triaranht .and defeats. Healthy women do not suf fer miscarriage nor does a woman who it healthy suffer tortares at childbirth. It is the woman who it aik Snffc wtiA ha fAmalik wfutk- aess who taws the ordeal; of becoming a mother. Win, of Cardni builds np the wo-i! manly in a woman. It stops ' u ujinabum luauu ' buhl strains irreiralaritisa -whkh are re sponsible for bamuMst and miscar-v riage. iinuuKf sirwiiMiuinifl; us i healthy and able to nass through preg- Ing. After the ordeal is passed the Wine prepares a woman 1or speedy recovery to health and activity.- Wine ol Cardni, in n-inf orcinir the organs af generation, hsssnada mothen of women who 'had given np hope of ever becoming mothers. Wine of Cardni will core almost any case of barrenness except cases of srgaaio trouble. How canyon refuse to take tueh a remedy that promises inch relief from suffering ? Wine of Cardni simply makes yon a strona woman, and strong?, healthy women do not suffer. They look fop-? ward to motnerbood wttn joy. A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardni. "RYETAB" WHISKEY BEANS Something absolutely new and with which we have experimented tar, rean. One Bean makes one faawAsiificlal Whiskey (flye . ("Bourbon); sta BssWtoitbeftnt. J oat the thing for travelers, and eosrvenlent 1 or pie-; nice, sxcuntnets. etc J , " Contains an the virtar of the best whiskies wish out the deleteriona effect. Made from the pore veg etable matter, and cuar- anteed to contain no pot M sonous or narcotic drugs I psj oi any aesenpuon. ' K a beverage Is not de sired, a Bean may be taken fas the month with- i out water, and the moat exhilarating effect will be experienced. 1 Boxaf l2Beaaitc V The Beans retail at 10c each, and can be proensw ed from any drorrlst. fancy grocer, or flrstolaaa ban For sale on dining can. ' One box sent postpaid on receipt of tw cents. GINSCNG DI8TILLIHG CO., nisiinsta r Jsre eat iim 1 ( V iK iorii-a i; 'a if r Aclmlnistrators Katicei - Having this day qualified aa Alarlnls iraior oi u estate of Mary- Btanly, deceaaed, lauof Cravea eooniy M. C. notice 1 hereby gives to all persons havtngelalma agalaet the estate Of thf deosesedto exhibit tUss duly ealfled to the underalgned administrator r J. B.aad R. O'Hara, Attorneys, o or be fore the sad daa- of September, v I9QB. os tale aoUce arm kb plead la bar ofhelr Ail persons naewea to said estate are rea nested to-, make iminadta sni i oay o oept. isvs. ' Win. XT. LEWIS, ' . ... .. 'A -i. -I - is . - Admtalatratftr. Clean,' pare srhdlesosne, nsntrteed to tw ekemleeily made from distilled ' watt r a-d free from ImporHlesw neotally tn tended and prepared lor humaa e-m sumption. ' . X X r- 1 Ice delivered dally (except Bueidayv . Sundays (retah oaiy) T s m.'to 13 nncsv rot prlose and other) nrormatwa, : ' ' ' Adlrasa.; ft .icv Valta iltelluuanlM. -V ' 'nfwV.etod foraertMreei JtUtk this counts sdss meriyon. lattred-raaTo7,meB I return main '.'lini, ' te rVmth-AfrfcavitT wlH-ba fwtth a gtm on my alseaWuR'' f The) other day In Paris he aald: "I trill neve take the eathuteUectance to Great Britain. I isroold. not swear allegiance to the Brit ish nag to save ay wife and children from starvattess." Speaking of his proposed visit to the Onltad States, he aald, "T am golngto Amertca to teU the'Amerlcrin people of the Inhuman treatment which onr women and chil dren received at the hands of the Eng- itak Tclel ef JaMiea Ormr. The retirement M Justlee Qray of the United BtaSaa'tsaaecmeT court has furnished a teat Tot many reminis cences of his earlier days. While he waa a member of the aupreme court of Massachusetts he had an amusing ex perience with a certain Boston lawyer, an exceedingly ptotts man with a taste for evangelisation, who had his letter- heads' prtnted with a verse from Scrip ture In large type following the name and address. On one occasion, having to make an ex parte preliminary argu ment before Judge Gray In. chambers In which it would be necessary to dis close certain parte of his client's case which he desired not to make generally publlo until the trial, he wrote tho Judge a note, a eking that he be allowed an opportunity to speak to him in pri vate. He waa somewhat chagrined When his note came back to him with e scrawl across the bottom, "Request denied, with a suggestion from the court that counsel base future petitions on a more appropriate citation." For a moment he could not make out the meaning of this, aa be was not aware-that he had quoted any law; but, glancing up the page, he discov ered that he had written his note on a letterhead bearing this text: Yeare bought with a price." ar a tk PostMUtroM. Mrs. LisateCaldwln of Canton, Miss., owes her position aa postmistress of that town to Senator Quay of Penn sylvania, who secured ber appoint- rnent from President McKinley over four1 Tears ago and" induced President 'Bossevett to reappoint her a short time since; It is not generally known, bow ever, that Benator Quay's Interest In this particular Mississippi postofflce dates back a great many years. ' It Deems that the senator upon com pleting his school life bought a magic iaatem and started south, giving exhi bitions In the hope that he would build the foundation of a large fortune. Ar riving at Canton, Miss., he waa taken ill, and his "show" waa stranded. The family of Mrs. Baldwin, with true southern hospitality, looked after young Quay, and Senator Quay never forgot thk act of kindness. The fail ure ajf Us magto lantern exhibition re sulted in the first appointment .of Mrs. Baldwta as tiueUileUeeS and la likely to csattsma iter day the position aa long as the PssuiaylTaiila senator has any lnfluaM at the WhrteBense. Mfe-OaisteMlieTitiw -tte-'Bateos tiJUa4Mml wlU t-wuBkm tae'-tempeteiiee eJorjtTHsser. peaeattil 1ios& v Bemtty she a-ssa Iseea. eaaa-tnr tow of Paar. ig -J araa. aMtia hatiost, r ayTf knit, aasfkt 8trondabnrg the other veartng etisaetdr'ria- aof amastilng sakxmr nowr rnr smashing the cause. I used to think that It was the right thing to smash the saloons. X know better now." All the aaloaa meit an not bad. There are some worse span la the ehurchea., ;'; , ..-r.. ..-, itra. Nation attempted to speak at the fair In Stroodsburg, bat she was to annoyed by young men who threw peanuts at ber that aha (aft op U dis gust 7: J?- .r- -r '.-, '. i DISTRESSING STOMACH DISEASE ; Parts an etitly eared by the r terly power of "Sotrra Asiaxioii Nvihi Tomo. Invalids ased suffer 6 longer, beoanse this great remedy eaa ears them all. It Is a curs for tHe wholt ' wotl J of sti weakness s I tidtget.lon.. The thf ' ' t' Ths tsv I ef l t. ' . . ' u at l. Sl ! n- it d.Sf-'(i)us. No nunuar how kx y u hs s . r I, your core Is certain uuiler tne one of this great baal lb ' ' frc. I'li ,...t n,l Til 'IV' 1 V , ft", I w t- alwars sfe. t iiy u, j, ). 1 Um 'st ... -she Wanted 'a chance. Am tke sMh.ele Waa WMevasl .Case . t Uarta SBwst'AMssy It, waa evident that the handsome IwBow'a pretty flaatstrwnsJant bush tees when she entered the office of eralcnchelor. She walked Straight npto Ida desk and aald in a business like -way that she wanted a few, jnin Utes' private conversation with him. ' "With pleasure," he replied,' getting up, cjoslng the door and offering her a chair. "What la the Baton of your business?" , -Well." she returned, with the busi nesslike air that the girl of - today seems to acquire .with the rest of her education, "to come tight, down to facta, I've noticed yoa hanging round the house a good deal'lately." The old bachelor waa Btartled. MI-why, I- he began. "Oh, I suppose yoa think ifs none of my business," she Interrupted, .''bat that's where you make your mistake. I didn't spenC three years In a boarding school for nothing. I know what I'm about, and I know that If I am going to get married now is the haymaking time, as one might my." "But I never had any thought of" "Getting mer pat In the pretty daughter, putting the finish to his sen tence in the form of an Inquiry. "Well, I should hope not If I couldn't do bet ter than that at my age, I wouldn't be trying to hurry things along. I know who you're after. You're after my mother that Is, you're after her in an easy going, half hearted sort of way, but you seem to forget that by hanging oft tbia way you are hurting my -chances." "Why, I don't see" "That's because you're a bachelor and never have bad a woman to sharp en up your wits. She's Just young enough and handsome enough, as wid ows go, so that she won't give me any kind of a chance as long as she's In the Held. She appropriates everybody to herself, and I Just have to sit in the background and do nothing while vain able time Is slipping away. Now, if you want ber go in and get her and take her away, and If you don't say so and stand aside, so that I can run In somebody with more gumption and get ber taken care of In that way. It isn't fair to me to tlo things up this way, and I don't propose to stand It You can either put on your hnt now and go up to sec hor or declare yourself out of tho running, for I'm going to uinko o chance for niywlf in the mntrlmonlnl market, even if 1 have to kidnap ber and marry her to some one by force to do It." Without a wont the bachelor put on his hat and went out. If he could do a good turn for the widow, the daughter and himself nil nt one time be felt tuut he ougbt not to delay action. And he didn't Chicago Post SECRETS At th Prloe of Soflferlaf . WtMBsn on hsw wr to Mari'lnTAiMlm ewMtl br prajajtiMCx suffera much paxln fui tenor. Itfoorance proiDDts) hr to Buffer nkm In fUlsMaca nd Mmln la tb dark utothi trnti cau -awHhtrhood. Mothwr't yrtwttd take, the Aocior' place at her aUt, ttOfl lha has no cause for en Interview. She Sr owe. doctor, and br modesty Is pavtected. f ttppUuUoa over the reffton ol the st end above the abdomen, throughout P' Dttacv. will eaukble her to unstertfo the period of gfWhfcHkaQ fat cfsfSBTfial mood autd net dt- Ttlother's Fridnd fc T fctwwil, a4 far gltmj um mlr. It la 4orlce aad wUl not UUa womw'l pretty -Ssem. It wmld lnmd ba ibunlul U tn acrlHc oi mo&mty wm nKmtuf to Ow sue CMSfat km ot nnlthr children. All wonua about to tMeoma mothn n4 Mad onlr to a Snifvtori-iuMlioraiAX) sacwa Iba priaa cklld Mrth rwil. .... Sweat saotlierrr aotleiMtlaa , kailthr 'tMMas M tba Mult ot tha UM ol Motba.- 'ouVSmok "Matharbood" aullad frak An abooVI bar. IL T88 BWDrlEU) KEOUUT0R CO, - ' ATtANTA, QA. ' euiRu.ms ran lau i arC, JI.M.r.n.1.1, E.'.nai.aiDrMtta)1 W CHIVUtOtlSSU'e KlaUUSMf U HKB 4 M mmimi taw aaMS .luilin Taaaaaalbaa, m W'Ui.un, s I -"a- ! ff r' "WVa a. ' IT IM Mail. I., f. -U ,a art Sbatr-'irk3rfS: Admlnlstrafoir's lotlee The flnderslgned havtag duly qaallfled as Adsolnlstrator of the estate of J. J. Bart, all persons Indebted to aald estate are requested to aiaka ImmsdlaU settle eat, aad all persona koldlsg elalma agalast aald eatata art taqalred to pro sent the tame for payment oa or before September 19th, 1901 . or this aotka will mo leanest in oar or recovery. , i.TWa September 19lh, 1908. y . '- '.J . - ,- i- R. OaoMWttu' ' yi "ii;'! Administrator, i CF r0lfllE-"i' ture limit r 1 naxM tnratriee r Prwel. a, rtMP'Ulf st rartra. One s.unifsd pave Cm' . ir lecutore ITollce, I, the undersigned having qaallfled as executor or tne last will ana testament of the lata Ellxa J. Cox, deceased, No lice It hereby glvea to all persons hav ing elalms against the estate of the said deceased to present them lo the Undnr- 'paed for settlement, on or before the Jiiia ny of Kfptmter, iiK;3 or this no lle will b iilcud In bar of recovery, All persons lmlolicd to said entHta are Doll- uixl to suie the same promptly, Bopt. 13, lllui. I'EHCY H. VOX, mm M.INO, I I mi. "ABlonde's FrecKles show more plainly than a brunette, tot these discolored spots greatly mar the beauty of either. HAGAN'S flAGMOLIA BALii will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75 cts. fDr.Woo.ter'! iSXNTraKK to all assrs oi BwrpblM, oplan, awdanssB, sllxlref pram,eo alB or whiskey, a large took ol par Uenlars on home or saaatorloa treat maot. Address, B. M. WOOLLEftJO, 10tN.PrrfUnit. U MQ i w I ana'. ViltlsknCora Atlanta, esorgla. F. .JSlameBs, A. D. Ward 5IMT10NS & WARD, ATTOBNEt ami COUNSELORS at LAW. BBW BKKB1E, . C. Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph Of fice) South Front Street, next to Hotel Chattawka, Practice In the counties of (J raven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. lsodge Directory. CIIAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OK HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights In each month In Rountree't Hall, Pollock street, at 7.80 o'clock. J. J. Wolfenden, President; Geo. C. Jones, Bec'r, R. R. Hill, Financial Secretary. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 486, Improved Order Heptasophs, meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Roun tree Half. Dr. E. K. Early, Arehon; John C. Scales, Financier-, Geo. D. Gordner, Secretary. CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE AND Old DominioD Steamship Co DAILYjLINE. 'BIIflHT St PASSKNGKB. For All Folate North. The Steamer NEUSE is scheduled to sail at 6 p. m , Monday Wednesday ana rrway. The Str. Ocracoke . On.Tnesdays, Thursdays and 8tmr days at S p. m. BBT Jrelght reoeived not, later tbaa om boar prevlona to sailing. For further Information applj to H.O, HuMiB,Qen.Frt. A Paaa.At New Bern, N. C, Auf. i, 190. Htndcma Telephone Toll Rates. - The following Toll Bates wlU be ia offer on aad after Hay 1, 190J, lubject to Change or correction. Ji -Fiom'Baw Barn to : Aydere . ,;- h Me LftUeton. 55c Boydtoa : ;- 70o LonJabara; ' ' foe Buffalo Bprlnas,,70e JforeheadOliy 80c Burlington -r rMc NashTllle '45c Beanfort 8Se Newport j 86c OhsseCliy'iliP Toe Oxford . ' -6o Clarkesv file ' . 70s Plymouth '. eOo Chapel IIIII T. ' 660 Raleigh '? 65c Duna - .J4-f'4?k Roanoke ltpds DOe Durham 'l:s. 6ffo Rocky kfonnt 4Se Enfield J "60e BootlaadNeck 4Se Frankimtotl ' 60o Belma A .45e Ooldabere -40e Smhhteld ' 'if 40 Grsenslmro .90a Bprlng Uop 60o DOe Tarboro J - 40c FfimilioB '. ?' . , 40o Wake Forest r,6V 'w Kites) t. - 8k Warrenton (We iipBdersoa i 0e Weldon K' 60c Hi!:h Peiot 5e Wilson c I' 40c Elusion j T-xKOo Winston ' -1 11.06 3-? f p F. C, TOEPLi:'.f AN, "tSi t't- "' ."'' Ge, 8unt 'r. r;:silrll! T::cyH : Tbe undersigned will tnaka you a Imn, or will direct tho one of any W!o money you mnj have on hand, ' Yotir g-'cralty almoluts ; ' f 5,I3AAOIi:f:ITII, v,1) j-'"i - r ?r m, r. c. in A. & N. C. R. R. TIMK TABLI NO. 26 To Tako Effect Thursday, June 6, 1908 at 18:01 A. it., E. b T. Going Kat BoHCOUUb Ooing West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m STAiroirg: Ar. a m 8 40 Goldsboro n 06 4 0 LaG range 10 88 4 88 Kinston U) 18 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 On 8 50 Lv. " Ar. 8 87 7 15 . . Ar. Uorohead City Lv 7 05 No. 6, Passenger Train No, 6, Passenger Train. DAIliY. Lv. a. M. Ar, p. u 8 00 Ooldsboro .... 8!30 818 ueai s n OS 8 26. LaOraage.. 7 57 7 47 7 37 7 25 7 17 8 87 Falling Oreek 8 48 Kinston... 003 9 18 9 80 44 9 48. Osswell.... Dover . . . . Core Greek.. Tuacarora... Gierke 700 (Tod 048 680 1000. .Ar. New Bern, Lv... 10 30 .Riverdale 5 47 10 88 Croatan. . 6 48 10 45 Havelock 10 58 Newport 11 04 Wlldwood 11 80. . . . Ar. Horahead City Lv A. SI, . 535 . 5 81 . 5 16 . 606 P. Is. No. 811 DAILY Except Friday and Sunday. Goldsboro , Best's LaG range ..Falling Oreek... Kinston Caswell Dover , ... .Core Greek.. . . Tuscarora Clark's . . Neuse Grossing. . . .Ar. New Bern, Lv. No. 818 2d Glass. td Class Ar.p.sf. LV.P.M. 4J30 4 68 6.03 6 87.!!". 457!!!!! 6 04 6 18 I 640.'.'..".' P. M. 800 .... 8186 8.14 1JS1 .... 138 18 88 18 83 11 68 11140 .....11 81 11120 io5o No.l. 2d Class. Lv. a m 600.... 688.... TOO.... 7 15 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY . ..Goldsboro Beefs Usflnage ...FaUiasj oreek.... No.. Id Class Ar, p m ... 618 .... 468 .... 4M .... 846 .. . 888 ... 888 .... 810 .... 110 ....18 48 8 80, 840.. 48.. Caswell .Dover. 1007.... 10 88.... 10 68.... . .core Omsk. . . . .. Toaoarera. , . . ti.UHl. a ,,, .18 40 11 88 Ar. New Bern, Lv 18 10 No. 9,t I I No. 10 Mi'dFtand sriTtoM: I Mat Ft. aad Fass.Tn. Psae. To. p. at a. at. 180 Lv. New Bern Ar......l0 47 8 18 BlverdalsV 10 10 8 80 oroaUa?. 1000 80S., Hateloek ...840 8 84...., Newport, Lv 8 47 WlldweotU 8 47 8 68.. ..Atlaatie..., 8 88 408 ..Ar.Moreheadolty.LT 880 488 ...Ar, It mtyOspce,LT 700 r. M. - A.M. Mc. Wedjueday aad Friday . ,rXuesdayt Tharaday aa4 Bswardhy. : V:-: -;. atai'BUiU a A. NEW LAND, f. A. , Master Transportatioa. ' f. A. flreess, rsee. st'ST. staSkSMrsi i. tm l.&m,IMlA t '-- xi.4i y' "aatiaa - i th .sr aw jw-sssvaw,w,a.-' DDiaff Qaawral Paakiaf Ptuittiai 1 M-W - .! i.&tA. ,.t i March 8,4901, Btrrplaassad' lladitW -'5 v' jded Froflta, llffJOOiOO. . " PrtmiiH and eareM attest Uoa alvesi to all bnslneaa entrusted to' as.' - Aoeeuatt received ba lavetvibie teissa. ' (j J. a.Maailowa. '. I O 0aaa.i.,.,.r.Jr7 r' 8. sr. iaaiawa. L haa-l,..a.Jr7 Haaanl W.IaoASI, (;r,. 4aaiaa - - eeesU." f J. W. sjrainaw, --.-t luosaaaa..! . w.snai.aea.'.s o.a.ruv. t "'"i.irf w.ruiesask. , . , Mark Ditataaf. . 7 4-. ,1- t 4 Mi .ldHsftreet, Lawyan ferlck ' , r- v. Wol n '-"'(- - a fl,av. 4 lie Tcumt Season oh Nb wnn the; MONTH JF JUNE; and the South em announces the sale'of low :hati: SDDimer Fxcnrsion Tickets From All Soulheru Points To the delightful Kesorts located on and reached ia itsjlines."; ItTHESElTICKETS BFAR FINAL LIMIT OCT. 31, 1902. Tliat section of North Carolina known as STIIE LAND OP THE SKYjV amttho ' SAPPHIHE COUNTiTT5; Is particularly attrai tivo to IhosoJ in search of mountain resorts, where the air is ever cool and invigorating, and where accommodations rem be had either at the comfortable and well kept hoard ing houses or the more expensive and up-to-date hotels. ADDITIONAL SLKEPINOCAkS Placed in Servire from Various Points to Principal Hesorts, thus affording GKEATLY IMPROVED FACILITIES For reaching those points.1 Particular attention is directed to the Elegant Dining-Car Service on prinj cipal through trains. "Southern llailway has just issued its handsome Resort Folder, descriptive of the many delightful resorts along the line of its mad. The folder also gives the names of proprietors of hotels and boarding houses and number of guests they can accommodate. Copy mi he had upon application to any Southern Railway Ticket Agent. 8. II. HAUDWICK, General Passenger Agent, W. A. TURK, Pass. Traflic Mgr. Washington, I). C. AilHiifh UouMt Ijlne. Wll.MINdTON & NKW liKUNK l. K. TIMK TAlll.K NO. 5, In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898,;iaily Kicopt Sunday. Going South hoiiedui.k: Going North No. 51, PasMsngor Trains "No. 50, Lv. a m, htationh; Ar. p m, ou ww Hurno 5 40 38 Pollockovillo 04 51 MayBville 4 49 luua. JackHonville 4H 12 08 WilmingUin, ) Union Depot 188 U 10 ...Ar. Wilmington; Lv. ... 2 86 P M P No. 3, Pabsknoek Freight, No. 4. Leave Wilmington Mondav. Wnilnna- day and Friday. Lcu New Uerno Tues day, Thursday and Baturdny. Lv. A II Ar, P M 7 80 Lv. Wilmington, Ar 1 45 8 40 Scott'Bllill 12 55 80 Woodside 12 lb 10 05 Hollyridgo 11 40 10 61 Dixon 10G1 11 80 Vorona 10 20 18 06 Jacksonville. 9 45 18 80 Northeast. 8 65 81 65 Whiteoak 8 30 1 80 Maysville 8 05 8 16 Pollocksville 7 20 8 56 Debrubl's 6 88 8 40 Ar. New Berne, Lv 6 00 'Daily Except H.nday. J. It. KENLY, General Manarer ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having this day qualified as adminis trator of the estate of W. H. Cullv. de ceased, late of Craven county, N. C., nonce is nercuy given lo all persons having olalms sgalnst tho estato of said deceased to exhibit them duty verified to the undersigned administrator, or J. E. & It. O'Hara, Attorneys, on or before the 89th dsy of September. 1003. or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate arc requested to make Immediate psyment This 29th day of September 1002. Gkohob W. Ciii.i.t, Administrator. Directory of the Hails at the New Bern Post Oftice. -'Mall for all Dolnts North. South and WbttvlaA. A N. C. R. K. snd A. C Uneotoaeat 8-80 a. m. ; JKU for aff points East via A. & N. G R. It. close at 5:20 p. m. Mall for all points North and West Via A. . U. K. H. close at 6KW p. m. , Mail for OrletiUl. Manteo. Elizabeth City and Norfolk via Htr. Nonse close It 0:80 p, m. Mall for Oriental. Manteo. El tea bet h City aad Norfolk via Str. Ocracoke close at 8c80 p. ra. Btak Routss. Mall (or Olymple, Qrantsboro, Bay boro. Stonewall, Vandermere and Orlen tal close at 5:80 a. m. ' "Mall Tot Bellalr, Lima, Oeddy. Chip and Dobba close at 9:80 a. at. Mali for AtklD, Irani, Zorah, Watp ana vaBceooro close at ittJ p. m. t' M all for Whltfordjolose at 10 p. m. " Barnooa W. Hahoock, P. M. , , Attomey at Law t It Br Front Si, Opp. Hotel Chatiawka' ; ff KW BERN,. Ms Cu). i , CrvenCctyAHorey. ! j . ; Clronta, Craven, Jooea, Onslow,) Cart, sret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, ,,an4 the Buprsme and Federal Courts, i ( tAXATTYB TASTELESS ?. : lilLL TOUIC. (inmhlnlNf Ui iKnsttlT fa , 8f tisatasaairak. I4ti(tsal mm m frts -, 'iHraiilM1, Out 9Xi4 mm, HARQWAtV Stoves, Heaters, : Co jk Sto Ranges tlmo,'S Cement, , Plat Paints, Oila, Vtsrnigh, fnttj, Ei Doors, Blindly Outlery and, all t useful articles niraally found Id Up-to-date Hardware 8tore,; . r ADQUABTEBS FOB Ann all Kinds of- ' HOILDM IATERIAL Becil Oootto ; Isowest Price".' Under Hotel Chattawka, ''- ACTION FOR DIVORCE. . NORTU CAROLINA, Graven County. In The Superior Court, Novembe Term, 1902. John Thomas VS. Mary Thomas The defendant above named will tak notice that an action entitled sa abort haB been coauneaoed In the Saperio Court of Craven County for aa abaoluti divorce, the eause being tbandonmen and the defendant wlU farther" taki notice that she it required to appear ai iuo next term ot oupenor uourt or tn said county to be held on the Snd Mon! day in November. 1903. belnc the' lOtt day thereof, at the Court house In aal county In the city' of New Bern. N. Cl and answer to demur to the complaint ot tne plaintiff, in tnis action or' tn plaintiff Will apply to the court for th relief demanded In the complaint. -W. M. WATSON S Clerk of the Superior Court. This the 23rd day of September 1908. Commissioner's Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, Superior . Craven County. f Court. JOSEPH L. HAHN, vs. WILLIAM HARRIS. By virtue of a judgment rendered a the January term, 1901, of the ouperio: Court of Craven county, N. O., ir th' ahove entitled action, wherein the) uri ili'rsined was duly appointed commit sinn.T, to make sale of the land here innficr described, I shall expose for sal and sell to the highest bidder! for cash at the court house door of said Crave rimnty, on Monday the 6th day ot 0 toher, A. I)., 1903, at the hour ot 1 o'( -lock, M., the following described rea estate, to wit: A certain lot or parcel o land .situate in the citv of New liarn. fa said state and county, on the east- sld of Hc.u s Alley and known and distin iniisheil ia the plan of the estate off Jl Joshua Scott, deceased, made by Henri A. lirown, surveyor, as lot Ho. li!2, eon; taming 55 feet 1) inches front on Scott' I Alley by 102 feet 8 inches deep, bounds' on the north by lot No. 128, on the eas by l"t N". 116, on the south by lot No 121 on the west by Scott's Alley, mor lull v (Inscribed m tne deed from Georgl S. Fisher and wife to said William Hail ris, rocorded in the office of register ol nwiis lor saiu county, In book Ho, Hh I' M" to, to which reference is made. This 2,1 day of September, A. D., I90Z J. E. O'HARA, V Commissioner. Notice of Siimmons NORTH CAROLINA. ) In the ' CravknCoumtt ) Superior Court! Florence F. Galon vs. Alfred Qulon. The defendant above named wilt tak notice, that an action as above entitles has been commenced In the Buperlol Court of Craven county to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendan Alfred Guton, and the said defendan will further take notice that he fare! nulred to appear at the November tens of tho Superior Court of said county m uo iiem on tne imn monaay arte, in 1st Monday of rJeotember 1901. be na th 10th day of November 1908, at the dour! nouse in new Bern fi. u. and answer o demur to the complaint In laid actio now on file, or the plaintiff will appli to the court for the relief demanded U said complaint. This 23d day of Sept. 1903. W. ft. WATSON, ' Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTRATORS KOTICK. Having qualified as administrator 0 Thomas C. Battle, Jr.. deceased ht9 e Craven county, H.O., I hereby notify a' persons having claims against the sstal of the said deceased to present then f payment on or before, the 8th day e September, 1908. ot this notice will b plesd In bar of their recovery, All per sons indebted to aaktaatatei wftt pleat make Immediate payment. '- j This 8th day of Sept, 1903' -i ! TllOQ. F. McOAETHt, , ,. ; Administrator, Sale for Partition ! NORTH CAROLINA, Superior Craven Oounty,- f . Court. Pursuant to an order obtained on t 8th day of September, 1908 kefore t Clerk of the ftapertor Court of- Cm County, N. Cw fa the Special Pr Ing to tell kud for division,- ant Edward P. Jones, Msry X. Bykes, Maria Wilson, Fannie Oats and J. Btewart against ttasan Jones, 1 w i fer for tala and sell to the highest I der for cash, at the eonrt house do. New Bern, H,- Ou on Monday ti n day ot October, iOOa, at the We o'clock, M the following dcsiTit,. estate, to-wit:' Lying and bin. In the City ot New Born i,t , ' county, on the east tide of I , beginning ak the northwe t t Caroline Bill's lot, and vn -i northwardly along tlie . . said alley one hundred and feet mora ot less, to the s. ot tne lot formerly ocmplc I h D, Hill)' deceaw ,!, t1 "" i along tatd sottthura I (78) feel -thence son- ,. with mid alley one 1 (108) feet, more or 1 . , line ot said Carol"-. . westwardly seven1 - hr line to point , she avnd inherits I I , Jones, .Mary & t son aad Fannin i he(rs-at-law of t ker Jones, deoee . Thiflthday :1' autniioa. .... J

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